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2016-11-18 14:31:43 +01:00
// maximize-select2-height v1.0.2
// (c) Panorama Education 2015
// MIT License
// https://github.com/panorama-ed/maximize-select2-height
// This jQuery/Select2 plugin expands a Select2 dropdown to take up as much
// height as possible given its position on the page and the current viewport
// size. The plugin correctly handles:
// - Dynamic window resizing.
// - The effects of scroll bars on the viewport.
// - Select2 rendering dropdowns both upwards and downwards.
// NOTE: The original <select> element that is $().select2()'d *must* have a
// unique ID for this code to work. (Ex: <select id="my-unique-id"></select>)
(function ($) {
"use strict";
// We can find these elements now, since the properties we check on them are
// all via methods that are recalculated each time.
var $window = $(window);
var $document = $(document);
// @param {Object} options The options object passed in when this plugin is
// initialized
// @param {Boolean} dropdownDownwards True iff the dropdown is rendered
// downwards (Select2 sometimes renders the options upwards to better fit on
// a page)
// @return {Object} The options passed in, combined with defaults. Keys are:
// - cushion: The number of pixels between the edge of the dropdown and the
// edge of the viewable window. [Default: 10, except when a
// horizontal scroll bar would interfere, in which case it's 30.]
// NOTE: If a value is passed in, no adjustments for possible
// scroll bars are made.
var settings = function (options, dropdownDownwards) {
return $.extend({
cushion: (
dropdownDownwards && $document.width() > $window.width()
) ? 30 : 10
}, options);
// @param {String} id The DOM element ID for the original <select> node
// @param {jQuery object} $select2Results The DOM element with class
// "select2-results"
// @param {jQuery object} $grandparent The grandparent object of the
// $select2Results object
// @param {Object} options The options object passed in when this plugin is
// initialized
// @param {Boolean} dropdownDownwards True iff the dropdown is rendered
// downwards (Select2 sometimes renders the options upwards to better fit on
// a page)
// @return {Number} the maximum height of the Select2 results box to display
var computeMaxHeight = function (
id, $select2Results, $grandparent, options, dropdownDownwards
) {
var height;
var resultsBoxMiscellaniaHeight;
var widgetBoxOffset;
if (dropdownDownwards) {
// When the dropdown appears downwards, the formula is:
// visible window size
// + out-of-window pixels we've scrolled past
// - size of content (including offscreen content) above results box
// ------------------------------------------
// total height available to us
// innerHeight is more accurate across browsers than $(window).height().
height = window.innerHeight +
$window.scrollTop() -
} else {
// When the dropdown appears upwards, the formula is:
// vertical position of the widget (clickable) dropdown box
// - out-of-window pixels we've scrolled past
// - height of the search box and other content above the actual results
// but in the results box
// ------------------------------------------
// total height available to us
// Compute the global vertical offset of the widget box (the one with the
// downward arrow that the user clicks on to expose options).
widgetBoxOffset = $("#select2-" + id + "-container").
// Compute the height, if any, of search box and other content in the
// results box but not part of the results.
resultsBoxMiscellaniaHeight = $grandparent.height() -
height = widgetBoxOffset -
$window.scrollTop() -
// Leave a little cushion to prevent the dropdown from
// rendering off the edge of the viewport.
return height - settings(options, dropdownDownwards).cushion;
// Call on a jQuery Select2 element to maximize the height of the dropdown
// every time it is opened.
// @param {Object} options The options object passed in when this plugin is
// initialized
$.fn.maximizeSelect2Height = function (options) {
return this.each(function (_, el) {
// Each time the Select2 is opened, resize it to take up as much vertical
// space as possible given its position and the current viewport size.
$(el).on("select2:open", function () {
// We have to put this code block inside a timeout because we determine
// whether the dropdown is rendered upwards or downwards via a hack that
// looks at the CSS classes, and these aren't set until Select2 has a
// chance to render the box, which occurs after this event fires.
// The alternative solution that avoids using a timeout would be to
// directly modify the document's stylesheets (instead of the styles for
// individual elements), but that is both ugly/dangerous and actually
// impossible for us because we need to modify the styles of a parent
// node of a given DOM node when the parent has no unique ID, which CSS
// doesn't have the ability to do.
setTimeout(function () {
var $select2Results = $("#select2-" + el.id + "-results");
var $parent = $select2Results.parent();
var $grandparent = $parent.parent();
var dropdownDownwards = $grandparent
var maxHeight = computeMaxHeight(
// Set the max height of the relevant DOM elements. We use max-height
// instead of height directly to correctly handle cases in which there
// are only a few elements (we don't want a giant empty dropdown box).
$parent.css("max-height", maxHeight);
$select2Results.css("max-height", maxHeight);
// Select2 corrects the positioning of the results box on scroll, so
// we trigger that event here to let it auto-correct. This is done for
// the case where the dropdown appears upwards; we adjust its max
// height but we also want to move it up further, lest it cover up the
// initial dropdown box.