2019-05-02 13:07:38 +02:00
< ? php
2019-05-11 05:32:07 +02:00
* Invoice Ninja ( https :// invoiceninja . com )
* @ link https :// github . com / invoiceninja / invoiceninja source repository
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2019. Invoice Ninja LLC ( https :// invoiceninja . com )
* @ license https :// opensource . org / licenses / AAL
2019-05-02 13:07:38 +02:00
namespace App\Factory ;
use App\DataMapper\ClientSettings ;
use App\DataMapper\CompanySettings ;
use App\Models\Quote ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log ;
class QuoteFactory
public static function create ( int $company_id , int $user_id ) : Quote
$quote = new Quote ();
$quote -> status_id = Quote :: STATUS_DRAFT ;
$quote -> quote_number = '' ;
$quote -> discount = 0 ;
$quote -> is_amount_discount = true ;
$quote -> po_number = '' ;
$quote -> footer = '' ;
$quote -> terms = '' ;
$quote -> public_notes = '' ;
$quote -> private_notes = '' ;
$quote -> quote_date = null ;
$quote -> valid_until = null ;
$quote -> partial_due_date = null ;
$quote -> is_deleted = false ;
$quote -> line_items = json_encode ([]);
$quote -> settings = ClientSettings :: buildClientSettings ( new CompanySettings ( CompanySettings :: defaults ()), new ClientSettings ( ClientSettings :: defaults ())); //todo need to embed the settings here
$quote -> backup = json_encode ([]);
$quote -> tax_name1 = '' ;
$quote -> tax_rate1 = 0 ;
$quote -> tax_name2 = '' ;
$quote -> tax_rate2 = 0 ;
$quote -> custom_value1 = 0 ;
$quote -> custom_value2 = 0 ;
$quote -> custom_value3 = 0 ;
$quote -> custom_value4 = 0 ;
$quote -> amount = 0 ;
$quote -> balance = 0 ;
$quote -> partial = 0 ;
$quote -> user_id = $user_id ;
$quote -> company_id = $company_id ;
return $quote ;