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synced 2024-11-08 12:12:48 +01:00
Merge pull request #10216 from turbo124/v5-develop
Updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ Sobald Sie die Beträge erhalten haben, kommen Sie bitte wieder zurück zu diese
'currency_gold_troy_ounce' => 'Goldene Feinunze',
'currency_nicaraguan_córdoba' => 'Nicaraguanischer Córdoba',
'currency_malagasy_ariary' => 'Madagassischer Ariary',
"currency_tongan_paanga" => "Tongaischer Pa'anga",
"currency_tongan_pa_anga" => "Tongan Pa'anga",
'review_app_help' => 'Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen die App gefällt. Wenn Sie :link in Betracht ziehen würden, wären wir Ihnen sehr dankbar!',
'writing_a_review' => 'Schreiben einer Rezension',
@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ Sobald Sie die Beträge erhalten haben, kommen Sie bitte wieder zurück zu diese
'time_hrs' => 'Stunden',
'clear' => 'Löschen',
'warn_payment_gateway' => 'Hinweis: Die Annahme von Online-Zahlungen erfordert ein Zahlungs-Gateway. Zum hinzufügen :link.',
'task_rate' => 'Kosten für Tätigkeit',
'task_rate' => 'Stundensatz',
'task_rate_help' => 'Legen Sie den Standardtarif für fakturierte Aufgaben fest.',
'past_due' => 'Überfällig',
'document' => 'Dokument',
@ -2803,7 +2803,7 @@ Sobald Sie die Beträge erhalten haben, kommen Sie bitte wieder zurück zu diese
'gateway_fee_description' => 'Gateway-Gebühren Zuschlag',
'gateway_fee_discount_description' => 'Gateway-Gebühren Nachlass',
'show_payments' => 'Zeige Zahlungen',
'show_aging' => 'Zeige Alterung',
'show_aging' => 'Zeige Zeiterfassung',
'reference' => 'Referenz',
'amount_paid' => 'Bezahlter Betrag',
'send_notifications_for' => 'Benachrichtigungen senden für',
@ -4807,7 +4807,7 @@ https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan_to_schedule' => 'Upgrade auf einen kostenpflichtigen Plan zur Erstellung von Zeitplänen',
'next_run' => 'Nächster Durchlauf',
'all_clients' => 'Alle Kunden',
'show_aging_table' => 'Alterungstabelle anzeigen',
'show_aging_table' => 'Zeiterfassungstabelle anzeigen',
'show_payments_table' => 'Tabelle der Zahlungen anzeigen',
'only_clients_with_invoices' => 'Nur Kunden mir Rechnungen',
'email_statement' => 'E-Mail-Erklärung',
@ -5342,6 +5342,73 @@ Leistungsempfängers',
'no_unread_notifications' => 'Sie sind auf dem neuesten Stand! Keine neuen Benachrichtigungen.',
'how_to_import_data' => 'So importieren Sie Daten',
'download_example_file' => 'Beispieldatei herunterladen',
'expense_mailbox' => 'Eingehende E-Mail Adresse',
'expense_mailbox_help' => 'Die eingehende E-Mail-Adresse, die Spesenbelege annimmt. z.B. expense@invoiceninja.com',
'expense_mailbox_active' => 'Expense Mailbox',
'expense_mailbox_active_help' => 'Enables processing of documents such as receipts for expense reporting',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users' => 'Firmenabsender zulassen',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users_help' => 'Allows users within the company to send expense documents.',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors' => 'Allow Vendor Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors_help' => 'Allows company vendors to send expense documents',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients' => 'Allow Client Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients_help' => 'Allows clients to send expense documents',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist' => 'Inbound sender allow list',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist_help' => 'Comma separated list of emails that should be allowed to send emails for processing',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist' => 'Inbound sender banned list',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist_help' => 'Comma separate list of emails that are disallowed to send emails for processing',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown' => 'Allow All Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown_help' => 'Allow anyone to send an expense email for processing',
'quick_actions' => 'Quick Actions',
'end_all_sessions_help' => 'Logs out all users and requires all active users to reauthenticate.',
'updated_records' => 'Updated Records',
'vat_not_registered' => 'Seller not VAT registered',
'small_company_info' => 'No disclosure of sales tax in accordance with § 19 UStG',
'peppol_onboarding' => 'Looks like it\'s your first time using PEPPOL.',
'get_started' => 'Get Started',
'configure_peppol' => 'Configure PEPPOL',
'step' => 'Step',
'peppol_whitelabel_warning' => 'White-label license required in order to use einvoicing over the PEPPOL network.',
'peppol_plan_warning' => 'Enterprise plan required in order to use einvoicing over the PEPPOL network.',
'peppol_credits_info' => 'Ecredits are required to send and receive einvoices. These are charged on a per document basis.',
'buy_credits' => 'Buy E Credits',
'peppol_successfully_configured' => 'PEPPOL successsfully configured.',
'peppol_not_paid_message' => 'Enterprise plan required for PEPPOL. Please upgrade your plan.',
'peppol_country_not_supported' => 'PEPPOL network not yet available for this country.',
'peppol_disconnect' => 'Disconnect from the PEPPOL network',
'peppol_disconnect_short' => 'Disconnect from PEPPOL.',
'peppol_disconnect_long' => 'Your VAT number will be withdrawn from the PEPPOL network after disconnecting. You will be unable to send or receive edocuments.',
'log_duration_words' => 'Time log duration in words',
'log_duration' => 'Time log duration',
'merged_vendors' => 'Successfully merged vendors',
'hidden_taxes_warning' => 'Somes taxes are hidden due to current tax settings. :link',
'tax3' => 'Third Tax',
'negative_payment_warning' => 'Are you sure you want to create a negative payment? This cannot be used as a credit or payment.',
'currency_Bermudian_Dollar' => 'Bermudian Dollar',
'currency_Central_African_CFA_Franc' => 'Central African CFA Franc',
'currency_Congolese_Franc' => 'Congolese Franc',
'currency_Djiboutian_Franc' => 'Djiboutian Franc',
'currency_Eritrean_Nakfa' => 'Eritrean Nakfa',
'currency_Falkland_Islands_Pound' => 'Falkland Islands Pound',
'currency_Guinean_Franc' => 'Guinean Franc',
'currency_Iraqi_Dinar' => 'Iraqi Dinar',
'currency_Lesotho_Loti' => 'Lesotho Loti',
'currency_Mongolian_Tugrik' => 'Mongolian Tugrik',
'currency_Seychellois_Rupee' => 'Seychellois Rupee',
'currency_Solomon_Islands_Dollar' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar',
'currency_Somali_Shilling' => 'Somali Shilling',
'currency_South_Sudanese_Pound' => 'South Sudanese Pound',
'currency_Sudanese_Pound' => 'Sudanese Pound',
'currency_Tajikistani_Somoni' => 'Tajikistani Somoni',
'currency_Turkmenistani_Manat' => 'Turkmenistani Manat',
'currency_Uzbekistani_Som' => 'Uzbekistani Som',
'payment_status_changed' => 'Please note that the status of your payment has been updated. We recommend refreshing the page to view the most current version.',
'credit_status_changed' => 'Please note that the status of your credit has been updated. We recommend refreshing the page to view the most current version.',
'credit_updated' => 'Credit Updated',
'payment_updated' => 'Payment Updated',
'search_placeholder' => 'Find invoices, clients, and more',
'invalid_vat_number' => "The VAT number is not valid for the selected country. Format should be Country Code followed by number only ie, DE123456789",
'acts_as_sender' => 'Acts as Sender',
'acts_as_receiver' => 'Acts as Receiver',
return $lang;
@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@ Una vez que tenga los montos, vuelva a esta página de métodos de pago y haga c
'currency_gold_troy_ounce' => 'Onza troy de oro',
'currency_nicaraguan_córdoba' => 'Córdoba nicaragüense',
'currency_malagasy_ariary' => 'Ariary malgache',
"currency_tongan_paanga" => "Tongan Pa'anga",
"currency_tongan_pa_anga" => "Pa'anga Tongano",
'review_app_help' => 'Esperamos que estés disfrutando con la app. <br/>Si consideras :link ¡te lo agraderemos enormemente!',
'writing_a_review' => 'escribir una reseña',
@ -5333,8 +5333,75 @@ De lo contrario, este campo deberá dejarse en blanco.',
'lang_Vietnamese' => 'Vietnamita',
'invoice_status_changed' => 'Por favor, ten en cuenta que el estado de tu factura ha sido actualizado. Te recomendamos actualizar la página para ver la versión más actual.',
'no_unread_notifications' => '¡Estás al día! No hay nuevas notificaciones',
'how_to_import_data' => 'How to import data',
'download_example_file' => 'Download example file',
'how_to_import_data' => 'Cómo importar datos',
'download_example_file' => 'Descargar archivo de ejemplo',
'expense_mailbox' => 'Dirección de correo electrónico entrante',
'expense_mailbox_help' => 'La dirección de correo electrónico entrante que acepta documentos de gastos, Ej. expense@invoiceninja.com',
'expense_mailbox_active' => 'Buzón de gastos',
'expense_mailbox_active_help' => 'Permite el procesamiento de documentos como recibos para informes de gastos.',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users' => 'Permitir remitentes de la empresa',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users_help' => 'Permite a los usuarios dentro de la empresa enviar documentos de gastos.',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors' => 'Permitir remitentes de proveedores',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors_help' => 'Permite a los proveedores de la empresa enviar documentos de gastos',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients' => 'Permitir remitentes de clientes',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients_help' => 'Permite a los clientes enviar documentos de gastos.',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist' => 'Lista de remitentes entrantes permitidos',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist_help' => 'Lista separada por comas de correos electrónicos a los que se les debe permitir enviar correos electrónicos para su procesamiento',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist' => 'Lista de remitentes entrantes prohibidos',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist_help' => 'Lista separada por comas de correos electrónicos a los que no se les permite enviar correos electrónicos para su procesamiento',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown' => 'Permitir todos los remitentes',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown_help' => 'Permitir que cualquier persona envíe un correo electrónico de gastos para su procesamiento',
'quick_actions' => 'Acciones rápidas',
'end_all_sessions_help' => 'Cierra la sesión de todos los usuarios y requiere que todos los usuarios activos se vuelvan a autenticar.',
'updated_records' => 'Registros actualizados',
'vat_not_registered' => 'Vendedor no registrado para el IVA',
'small_company_info' => 'No divulgación del impuesto sobre ventas de acuerdo con el § 19 UStG',
'peppol_onboarding' => 'Parece que es tu primera vez usando PEPPOL.',
'get_started' => 'Comenzar',
'configure_peppol' => 'Configurar PEPPOL',
'step' => 'Paso',
'peppol_whitelabel_warning' => 'Se requiere licencia de marca blanca para poder usar la facturación electrónica a través de la red PEPPOL.',
'peppol_plan_warning' => 'Se requiere plan empresarial para poder usar la facturación electrónica a través de la red PEPPOL.',
'peppol_credits_info' => 'Se requieren Ecredits para enviar y recibir facturas electrónicas. Se cobran por documento.',
'buy_credits' => 'Comprar E Credits',
'peppol_successfully_configured' => 'PEPPOL configurado con éxito',
'peppol_not_paid_message' => 'Se requiere un plan empresarial para PEPPOL. Por favor, actualiza tu plan.',
'peppol_country_not_supported' => 'La red PEPPOL aún no está disponible para este país.',
'peppol_disconnect' => 'Desconectar de la red PEPPOL',
'peppol_disconnect_short' => 'Desconectar de PEPPOL.',
'peppol_disconnect_long' => 'Tu número de IVA será retirado de la red PEPPOL después de desconectar. No podrás enviar ni recibir documentos electrónicos.',
'log_duration_words' => 'Duración del registro de tiempo en palabras',
'log_duration' => 'Duración del registro de tiempo',
'merged_vendors' => 'Vendedores fusionados con éxito',
'hidden_taxes_warning' => 'Algunos impuestos están ocultos debido a la configuración fiscal actual. :link',
'tax3' => 'Tercer impuesto',
'negative_payment_warning' => '¿Estás seguro de que deseas crear un pago negativo? Esto no se puede utilizar como crédito o pago.',
'currency_Bermudian_Dollar' => 'Dólar bermudeño ',
'currency_Central_African_CFA_Franc' => 'Franco CFA Central Africano',
'currency_Congolese_Franc' => 'Franco Congoleño',
'currency_Djiboutian_Franc' => 'Franco Djibutiano',
'currency_Eritrean_Nakfa' => 'Nakfa Eritreo',
'currency_Falkland_Islands_Pound' => 'Libra de las Islas Falkland',
'currency_Guinean_Franc' => 'Franco Guineano',
'currency_Iraqi_Dinar' => 'Dinar Iraquí',
'currency_Lesotho_Loti' => 'Loti Lesoteño',
'currency_Mongolian_Tugrik' => 'Tugrik Mongol',
'currency_Seychellois_Rupee' => 'Rupia de Seychelles',
'currency_Solomon_Islands_Dollar' => 'Dólar de las Islas Salomón',
'currency_Somali_Shilling' => 'Chelín Somali',
'currency_South_Sudanese_Pound' => 'Libra del Sudán del Sur ',
'currency_Sudanese_Pound' => 'Libra Sudanesa',
'currency_Tajikistani_Somoni' => 'Somoni Tayiko',
'currency_Turkmenistani_Manat' => 'Manat Turcomano',
'currency_Uzbekistani_Som' => 'Som Uzbeko',
'payment_status_changed' => 'Ten en cuenta que el estado de tu pago ha sido actualizado. Te recomendamos actualizar la página para ver la versión más actual.',
'credit_status_changed' => 'Ten en cuenta que el estado de tu crédito ha sido actualizado. Te recomendamos actualizar la página para ver la versión más actual.',
'credit_updated' => 'Crédito actualizado',
'payment_updated' => 'Pago actualizado',
'search_placeholder' => 'Encuentra facturas, clientes y más',
'invalid_vat_number' => "El número de IVA no es válido para el país seleccionado. El formato debe ser el código del país seguido solo del número, es decir, DE123456789",
'acts_as_sender' => 'Actúa como Remitente',
'acts_as_receiver' => 'Actúa como Receptor',
return $lang;
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ $lang = array(
'header_font_id' => 'Police de l\'en-tête',
'body_font_id' => 'Police du corps',
'color_font_help' => 'Note: la couleur principale et les polices sont aussi utilisées dans le portail client et dans les modèles de courriels personnalisés.',
'live_preview' => 'Prévisualitsation',
'live_preview' => 'Prévisualisation',
'invalid_mail_config' => 'impossible d\'envoyer le courriel, veuillez vérifier vos paramètres courriel.',
'invoice_message_button' => 'Pour voir la facture de :amount, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.',
'quote_message_button' => 'Pour voir la soumission de :amount, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.',
@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'fee_help' => 'Les frais de la passerelle sont les coûts facturés pour l\'accès aux réseaux financiers qui traitent le traitement des paiements en ligne.',
'format_export' => 'Format d\'exportation',
'custom1' => 'Première personnalisation',
'custom2' => 'Dexième personnalisation',
'custom2' => 'Deuxième personnalisation',
'contact_first_name' => 'Prénom du contact',
'contact_last_name' => 'Nom du contact',
'contact_custom1' => 'Première personnalisation du contact',
@ -2195,7 +2195,7 @@ $lang = array(
'mailgun_private_key' => 'Mailgun Private Key',
'brevo_domain' => 'Brevo Domain',
'brevo_private_key' => 'מפתח פרטי Brevo',
'send_test_email' => 'Send Test Email',
'send_test_email' => 'שלח אימייל ניסיון',
'select_label' => 'Select Label',
'label' => 'Label',
'service' => 'Service',
@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ $lang = array(
'currency_gold_troy_ounce' => 'זהב טרוי אונקה',
'currency_nicaraguan_córdoba' => 'קורדובה ניקרגואה',
'currency_malagasy_ariary' => 'ארית מלגזית',
"currency_tongan_paanga" => "Tongan Pa'anga",
"currency_tongan_pa_anga" => "Tongan Pa'anga",
'review_app_help' => 'We hope you\'re enjoying using the app.<br/>If you\'d consider :link we\'d greatly appreciate it!',
'writing_a_review' => 'writing a review',
@ -2490,8 +2490,8 @@ $lang = array(
'local_storage_required' => 'Error: local storage is not available.',
'your_password_reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'subdomain_taken' => 'The subdomain is already in use',
'expense_mailbox_taken' => 'The inbound mailbox is already in use',
'expense_mailbox_invalid' => 'The inbound mailbox does not match the required schema',
'expense_mailbox_taken' => 'תיבת הדואר הנכנס כבר בשימוש',
'expense_mailbox_invalid' => 'תיבת הדואר הנכנס לא תואמת את ההגדרות הדרושות',
'client_login' => 'כניסת לקוחות',
'converted_amount' => 'המר סכום',
'default' => 'ברירת מחדל',
@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@ $lang = array(
'module_quote' => 'הצעות מחיר',
'module_task' => 'משימות ופרויקטים',
'module_expense' => 'הוצאות וספקים',
'module_ticket' => 'כרטיסיות',
'module_ticket' => 'פניות',
'reminders' => 'תזכורות',
'send_client_reminders' => 'שלח תזכורות בדוא"ל',
'can_view_tasks' => 'משימות מוצגות בפורטל',
@ -2695,7 +2695,7 @@ $lang = array(
'no_assets' => 'אין תמונה, גרור תמונות להעלאה ',
'add_image' => 'הוספת תמונה',
'select_image' => 'בחירת תמונה',
'upgrade_to_upload_images' => 'Upgrade to the Enterprise Plan to upload files & images',
'upgrade_to_upload_images' => 'שדרג לתכנית ארגונית כדי להעלות קבצים ותמונות',
'delete_image' => 'מחיקת תמונה',
'delete_image_help' => 'אזהרה: מחיקת התמונה תסיר אותה מכל ההצעות.',
'amount_variable_help' => 'Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.',
@ -2913,19 +2913,19 @@ $lang = array(
'mime_types' => 'סוגי פנטומימה',
'mime_types_placeholder' => '.pdf , .docx, .jpg',
'mime_types_help' => 'רשימה מופרדת בפסיק של סוגי פנטומימאי מותרים, השאר ריק עבור כולם',
'ticket_number_start_help' => 'Ticket number must be greater than the current ticket number',
'new_ticket_template_id' => 'New ticket',
'new_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a new ticket is created',
'update_ticket_template_id' => 'Updated ticket',
'update_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is updated',
'close_ticket_template_id' => 'Closed ticket',
'close_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is closed',
'ticket_number_start_help' => 'מספר הפנייה חייב להיות גבוה יותר ממספר הפנייה הנוכחי',
'new_ticket_template_id' => 'פנייה חדשה',
'new_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'בחירת תבנית תבצע שליחת תגובה אוטומטית ללקוח/איש קשר ביצירת פנייה חדשה',
'update_ticket_template_id' => 'פנייה מעודכנת',
'update_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'בחירת תבנית תבצע שליחת תגובה אוטומטית ללקוח/איש קשר בעדכון פנייה',
'close_ticket_template_id' => 'פנייה סגורה',
'close_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'בחירת תבנית תבצע שליחת תגובה אוטומטית ללקוח/איש קשר בסגירת פנייה',
'default_priority' => 'עדיפות ברירת מחדל',
'alert_new_comment_id' => 'תגובה חדשה',
'update_ticket_notification_list' => 'התראות נוספות על הערות חדשות',
'comma_separated_values' => 'admin@example.com, supervisor@example.com',
'default_agent' => 'סוכן ברירת מחדל',
'default_agent_help' => 'If selected will automatically be assigned to all inbound tickets',
'default_agent_help' => 'יוקצה לכל הפניות הנכנסות אם נבחר',
'show_agent_details' => 'הצג פרטי סוכן בתגובות',
'avatar' => 'גִלגוּל',
'remove_avatar' => 'הסר את הדמות',
@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ $lang = array(
'restore_ticket_template' => 'שחזר תבנית',
'archived_ticket_template' => 'תבנית הועברה לארכיון בהצלחה',
'restored_ticket_template' => 'התבנית שוחזרה בהצלחה',
'enter_ticket_message' => 'נא להזין הודעה כדי לעדכן את הכרטיס',
'enter_ticket_message' => 'נא להזין הודעה כדי לעדכן את הפנייה',
'show_hide_all' => 'הצג / הסתר הכל',
'subject_required' => 'נושא חובה',
'mobile_refresh_warning' => 'אם אתה משתמש באפליקציה לנייד, ייתכן שיהיה עליך לבצע רענון מלא.',
@ -3254,8 +3254,8 @@ $lang = array(
'expense_number_counter' => 'מונה מספר הוצאות',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'דפוס מספר ספק',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'מונה מספרי ספקים',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'דפוס מספר כרטיס',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'מונה מספרי כרטיסים',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'דפוס מספר פנייה',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'מונה מספרי פניות',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'דפוס מספר תשלום',
'payment_number_counter' => 'מונה מספרי תשלום',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'דפוס מספר חשבונית',
@ -5243,20 +5243,20 @@ $lang = array(
'advanced_cards' => 'Advanced Cards',
'activity_140' => 'Statement sent to :client',
'invoice_net_amount' => 'Invoice Net Amount',
'round_to_minutes' => 'Round To Minutes',
'1_second' => '1 Second',
'1_minute' => '1 Minute',
'5_minutes' => '5 Minutes',
'15_minutes' => '15 Minutes',
'30_minutes' => '30 Minutes',
'1_hour' => '1 Hour',
'1_day' => '1 Day',
'round_tasks' => 'Task Rounding Direction',
'round_tasks_help' => 'Round task times up or down.',
'direction' => 'Direction',
'round_up' => 'Round Up',
'round_down' => 'Round Down',
'task_round_to_nearest' => 'Round To Nearest',
'round_to_minutes' => 'עגל לדקות',
'1_second' => 'שניה',
'1_minute' => 'דקה',
'5_minutes' => '5 דקות',
'15_minutes' => '15 דקות',
'30_minutes' => '30 דקות',
'1_hour' => 'שעה',
'1_day' => 'יום',
'round_tasks' => 'כיוון עיגול משימה',
'round_tasks_help' => 'עגל זמני משימה מעלה או מטה',
'direction' => 'כיוון',
'round_up' => 'עגל כלפי מעלה',
'round_down' => 'עגל כלפי מטה',
'task_round_to_nearest' => 'עגל לקרוב ביותר',
'task_round_to_nearest_help' => 'The interval to round the task to.',
'bulk_updated' => 'Successfully updated data',
'bulk_update' => 'Bulk Update',
@ -5265,8 +5265,8 @@ $lang = array(
'money' => 'Money',
'web_app' => 'Web App',
'desktop_app' => 'Desktop App',
'disconnected' => 'Disconnected',
'reconnect' => 'Reconnect',
'disconnected' => 'מנותק',
'reconnect' => 'חיבור מחדש',
'e_invoice_settings' => 'E-Invoice Settings',
'btcpay_refund_subject' => 'Refund of your invoice via BTCPay',
'btcpay_refund_body' => 'A refund intended for you has been issued. To claim it via BTCPay, please click on this link:',
@ -5293,25 +5293,25 @@ $lang = array(
'task_assigned_notification_help' => 'Send an email when a task is assigned',
'invoices_locked_end_of_month' => 'Invoices are locked at the end of the month',
'referral_url' => 'Referral URL',
'add_comment' => 'Add Comment',
'added_comment' => 'Successfully saved comment',
'tickets' => 'Tickets',
'assigned_group' => 'Successfully assigned group',
'merge_to_pdf' => 'Merge to PDF',
'add_comment' => 'הוסף תגובה',
'added_comment' => 'התגובה נשמרה בהצלחה',
'tickets' => 'פניות',
'assigned_group' => 'קבוצה הוקצתה בהצלחה',
'merge_to_pdf' => 'מזג ל-PDF',
'latest_requires_php_version' => 'Note: the latest version requires PHP :version',
'auto_expand_product_table_notes' => 'Automatically expand products table notes',
'auto_expand_product_table_notes_help' => 'Automatically expands the notes section within the products table to display more lines.',
'institution_number' => 'Institution Number',
'institution_number' => 'מספר ארגון',
'transit_number' => 'Transit Number',
'personal' => 'Personal',
'address_information' => 'Address Information',
'enter_the_information_for_the_bank_account' => 'Enter the Information for the Bank Account',
'account_holder_information' => 'Account Holder Information',
'enter_information_for_the_account_holder' => 'Enter Information for the Account Holder',
'customer_type' => 'Customer Type',
'process_date' => 'Process Date',
'forever_free' => 'Forever Free',
'comments_only' => 'Comments Only',
'personal' => 'אישי',
'address_information' => 'מידע כתובת',
'enter_the_information_for_the_bank_account' => 'הכנס את המידע על חשבון הבנק',
'account_holder_information' => 'מידע בעל החשבון',
'enter_information_for_the_account_holder' => 'הכנס את המידע על בעל החשבון',
'customer_type' => 'סוג לקוח',
'process_date' => 'תאריך ביצוע',
'forever_free' => 'חינם לתמיד',
'comments_only' => 'תגובות בלבד',
'payment_balance_on_file' => 'Payment Balance On File',
'ubl_email_attachment_help' => 'For more e-invoice settings please navigate :here',
'stop_task_to_add_task_entry' => 'You need to stop the task before adding a new item.',
@ -5320,17 +5320,89 @@ $lang = array(
'one_page_checkout_help' => 'Enable the new single page payment flow',
'applies_to' => 'Applies To',
'accept_purchase_order' => 'Accept Purchase Order',
'round_to_seconds' => 'Round To Seconds',
'round_to_seconds' => 'עגל לשניות',
'activity_142' => 'Quote :number reminder 1 sent',
'activity_143' => 'Auto Bill succeeded for invoice :invoice',
'activity_144' => 'Auto Bill failed for invoice :invoice. :notes',
'activity_145' => 'EInvoice :invoice for :client was e-delivered. :notes',
'payment_failed' => 'Payment Failed',
'payment_failed' => 'התשלום נכשל',
'ssl_host_override' => 'SSL Host Override',
'upload_logo_short' => 'Upload Logo',
'country_Melilla' => 'Melilla',
'country_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta',
'country_Canary Islands' => 'Canary Islands',
'lang_Vietnamese' => 'Vietnamese',
'invoice_status_changed' => 'Please note that the status of your invoice has been updated. We recommend refreshing the page to view the most current version.',
'no_unread_notifications' => 'You’re all caught up! No new notifications.',
'how_to_import_data' => 'How to import data',
'download_example_file' => 'Download example file',
'expense_mailbox' => 'Inbound e-mail address',
'expense_mailbox_help' => 'The inbound email address which accepts expense documents. ie. expense@invoiceninja.com',
'expense_mailbox_active' => 'Expense Mailbox',
'expense_mailbox_active_help' => 'Enables processing of documents such as receipts for expense reporting',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users' => 'Allow Company Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_company_users_help' => 'Allows users within the company to send expense documents.',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors' => 'Allow Vendor Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_vendors_help' => 'Allows company vendors to send expense documents',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients' => 'Allow Client Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_clients_help' => 'Allows clients to send expense documents',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist' => 'Inbound sender allow list',
'inbound_mailbox_whitelist_help' => 'Comma separated list of emails that should be allowed to send emails for processing',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist' => 'Inbound sender banned list',
'inbound_mailbox_blacklist_help' => 'Comma separate list of emails that are disallowed to send emails for processing',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown' => 'Allow All Senders',
'inbound_mailbox_allow_unknown_help' => 'Allow anyone to send an expense email for processing',
'quick_actions' => 'Quick Actions',
'end_all_sessions_help' => 'Logs out all users and requires all active users to reauthenticate.',
'updated_records' => 'Updated Records',
'vat_not_registered' => 'Seller not VAT registered',
'small_company_info' => 'No disclosure of sales tax in accordance with § 19 UStG',
'peppol_onboarding' => 'Looks like it\'s your first time using PEPPOL.',
'get_started' => 'Get Started',
'configure_peppol' => 'Configure PEPPOL',
'step' => 'Step',
'peppol_whitelabel_warning' => 'White-label license required in order to use einvoicing over the PEPPOL network.',
'peppol_plan_warning' => 'דרושה תכנית ארגונית כדי להשתמש בחשבונית אלקטרונית על רשת פפול',
'peppol_credits_info' => 'Ecredits are required to send and receive einvoices. These are charged on a per document basis.',
'buy_credits' => 'Buy E Credits',
'peppol_successfully_configured' => 'PEPPOL successsfully configured.',
'peppol_not_paid_message' => 'דרושה תכנית ארגונית ל-פפול. בבקשה שדרג את תכניתך.',
'peppol_country_not_supported' => 'PEPPOL network not yet available for this country.',
'peppol_disconnect' => 'Disconnect from the PEPPOL network',
'peppol_disconnect_short' => 'Disconnect from PEPPOL.',
'peppol_disconnect_long' => 'Your VAT number will be withdrawn from the PEPPOL network after disconnecting. You will be unable to send or receive edocuments.',
'log_duration_words' => 'Time log duration in words',
'log_duration' => 'Time log duration',
'merged_vendors' => 'Successfully merged vendors',
'hidden_taxes_warning' => 'Somes taxes are hidden due to current tax settings. :link',
'tax3' => 'Third Tax',
'negative_payment_warning' => 'Are you sure you want to create a negative payment? This cannot be used as a credit or payment.',
'currency_Bermudian_Dollar' => 'Bermudian Dollar',
'currency_Central_African_CFA_Franc' => 'Central African CFA Franc',
'currency_Congolese_Franc' => 'Congolese Franc',
'currency_Djiboutian_Franc' => 'Djiboutian Franc',
'currency_Eritrean_Nakfa' => 'Eritrean Nakfa',
'currency_Falkland_Islands_Pound' => 'Falkland Islands Pound',
'currency_Guinean_Franc' => 'Guinean Franc',
'currency_Iraqi_Dinar' => 'Iraqi Dinar',
'currency_Lesotho_Loti' => 'Lesotho Loti',
'currency_Mongolian_Tugrik' => 'Mongolian Tugrik',
'currency_Seychellois_Rupee' => 'Seychellois Rupee',
'currency_Solomon_Islands_Dollar' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar',
'currency_Somali_Shilling' => 'Somali Shilling',
'currency_South_Sudanese_Pound' => 'South Sudanese Pound',
'currency_Sudanese_Pound' => 'Sudanese Pound',
'currency_Tajikistani_Somoni' => 'Tajikistani Somoni',
'currency_Turkmenistani_Manat' => 'Turkmenistani Manat',
'currency_Uzbekistani_Som' => 'Uzbekistani Som',
'payment_status_changed' => 'Please note that the status of your payment has been updated. We recommend refreshing the page to view the most current version.',
'credit_status_changed' => 'Please note that the status of your credit has been updated. We recommend refreshing the page to view the most current version.',
'credit_updated' => 'הזיכוי עודכן',
'payment_updated' => 'התשלום עודכן',
'search_placeholder' => 'Find invoices, clients, and more',
'invalid_vat_number' => "The VAT number is not valid for the selected country. Format should be Country Code followed by number only ie, DE123456789",
'acts_as_sender' => 'פעל כ-שולח',
'acts_as_receiver' => 'פעל כ-מקבל',
return $lang;
@ -5384,7 +5384,7 @@ $lang = array(
'currency_Congolese_Franc' => 'Franc Congo',
'currency_Djiboutian_Franc' => 'Franc Djibouti',
'currency_Eritrean_Nakfa' => 'Nakfa Eritrea',
'currency_Falkland_Islands_Pound' => 'Bảng Anh Quần đảo Falklan',
'currency_Falkland_Islands_Pound' => 'Bảng Anh Quần đảo Falkland',
'currency_Guinean_Franc' => 'Franc Guinea',
'currency_Iraqi_Dinar' => 'Dinar Iraq',
'currency_Lesotho_Loti' => 'Loti Lesotho',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user