mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-11-08 20:22:42 +01:00

Add Lao lang + LAK currency

This commit is contained in:
David Bomba 2024-01-12 18:45:10 +11:00
parent 07f830e0ab
commit 706ad5cf9a
21 changed files with 5459 additions and 4937 deletions

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@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ class CurrenciesSeeder extends Seeder
['id' => 118, 'name' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'code' => 'NIO', 'symbol' => 'C$', 'precision' => '2', 'thousand_separator' => ',', 'decimal_separator' => '.'],
['id' => 119, 'name' => 'Malagasy ariary', 'code' => 'MGA', 'symbol' => 'Ar', 'precision' => '0', 'thousand_separator' => ',', 'decimal_separator' => '.'],
['id' => 120, 'name' => "Tongan Pa anga", 'code' => 'TOP', 'symbol' => 'T$', 'precision' => '2', 'thousand_separator' => ',', 'decimal_separator' => '.'],
['id' => 121, 'name' => "Lao kip", 'code' => 'LAK', 'symbol' => '₭', 'precision' => '2', 'thousand_separator' => ',', 'decimal_separator' => '.'],
foreach ($currencies as $currency) {

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class LanguageSeeder extends Seeder
['id' => 38, 'name' => 'Khmer', 'locale' => 'km_KH'],
['id' => 39, 'name' => 'Hungarian', 'locale' => 'hu'],
['id' => 40, 'name' => 'French - Swiss', 'locale' => 'fr_CH'],
['id' => 41, 'name' => 'Lao', 'locale' => 'lo_LA'],
foreach ($languages as $language) {

View File

@ -3832,308 +3832,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'URL التسجيل',
'show_product_cost' => 'عرض تكلفة المنتج',
'complete' => 'إنهاء',
'next' => 'التالي',
'next_step' => 'الخطوة التالية',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال الائتمان :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'الائتمان :invoice تمت مشاهدته بواسطة :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى العميل التالي :client Credit :invoice لـ :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'عرض العميل التالي :client الائتمان :credit لـ :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.',
'password_reset' => 'إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
'account_login_text' => 'مرحباً! سعيد برؤيتك.',
'request_cancellation' => 'طلب الغاء',
'delete_payment_method' => 'حذف وسيلة الدفع',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'أنت على وشك حذف طريقة الدفع.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'لا يمكن عكس الإجراء',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'تم تحديث الملف الشخصي بنجاح.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'بر اثيوبي',
'client_information_text' => 'استخدم عنوانًا دائمًا حيث يمكنك تلقي البريد.',
'status_id' => 'حالة الفاتورة',
'email_already_register' => 'هذا البريد الإلكتروني مرتبط بالفعل بحساب',
'locations' => 'المواقع',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'إلى أجل غير مسمى',
'cycles_remaining' => 'الدورات المتبقية',
'i_understand_delete' => 'أنا أفهم ، احذف',
'download_files' => 'تحميل الملفات',
'download_timeframe' => 'استخدم هذا الرابط لتنزيل ملفاتك ، ستنتهي صلاحية الرابط خلال ساعة واحدة.',
'new_signup' => 'تسجيل عضوية جديدة',
'new_signup_text' => 'تم إنشاء حساب جديد بواسطة :user - :email - من عنوان IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'تمت عملية دفع بواسطة :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'تمت عملية دفع جزئي بواسطة :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'تم دفع مبلغ :amount بواسطة العميل :client باتجاه :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'تم إجراء دفعة جزئية بقيمة :amount بواسطة العميل :client باتجاه :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'بوت إعلام',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'رقم الفاتورة :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => 'رقم :entity :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'إذا كان الزر أعلاه لا يعمل من أجلك ، فيرجى النقر فوق الارتباط',
'display_log' => 'عرض السجل',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'إرسال الأخطاء مباشرةً',
'setup' => 'الإعداد',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'نظرة عامة وإحصاءات سريعة',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'قم بتحديث معلوماتك الشخصية',
'name_website_logo' => 'الاسم والموقع والشعار',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'تأكد من استخدام الارتباط الكامل لموقعك',
'personal_address' => 'العنوان الشخصي',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'أدخل عنوانك الشخصي',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'أدخل عنوان الشحن الخاص بك',
'list_of_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير',
'with_selected' => 'مع مختارة',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'لم يتم دفع هذه الفاتورة بعد. انقر فوق الزر لإكمال الدفع',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير المتكررة',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'فيما يلي بعض التفاصيل حول الفاتورة المتكررة',
'cancellation' => 'إلغاء',
'about_cancellation' => 'في حالة رغبتك في إيقاف الفاتورة المتكررة ، يرجى النقر لطلب الإلغاء.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'تحذير! أنت تطلب إلغاء هذه الخدمة. قد يتم إلغاء خدمتك دون إشعار آخر لك.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'الإلغاء معلق ، سنكون على اتصال!',
'list_of_payments' => 'قائمة المدفوعات',
'payment_details' => 'تفاصيل الدفع',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير المتأثرة بالدفع',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'قائمة طرق الدفع',
'payment_method_details' => 'تفاصيل طريقة الدفع',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'قم بإزالة طريقة الدفع هذه بشكل دائم.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'تحذير! لا يمكن عكس هذا الإجراء!',
'confirmation' => 'تأكيد',
'list_of_quotes' => 'العروض',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'بانتظار الموافقة',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'لا يزال هذا الاقتباس غير معتمد',
'list_of_credits' => 'الأرصدة',
'required_extensions' => 'الامتدادات المطلوبة',
'php_version' => 'نسخة PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'ملف env قابل للكتابة',
'env_not_writable' => 'ملف .env غير قابل للكتابة بواسطة المستخدم الحالي.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'الحد الأدنى من إصدار PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'تأكد من استيفاء جميع المتطلبات.',
'oops_issues' => 'عفوًا ، هناك شيء ما لا يبدو صحيحًا!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة',
'complete_your_payment' => 'دفع كامل',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'تفويض طريقة الدفع للاستخدام في المستقبل',
'page' => 'صفحة',
'per_page' => 'لكل صفحة',
'of' => 'ل',
'view_credit' => 'عرض الائتمان',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'لعرض :entity تحتاج إلى إدخال كلمة المرور.',
'showing_x_of' => 'عرض :first إلى :last من :total نتائج',
'no_results' => 'لم يتم العثور على نتائج.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'فشل الدفع للعميل :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'دفعة قام بها العميل :client فشلت برسالة :message',
'register' => 'يسجل',
'register_label' => 'أنشئ حسابك في ثوانٍ',
'password_confirmation' => 'أكد رقمك السري',
'verification' => 'تَحَقّق',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'قبل استخدام حساب مصرفي ، يجب التحقق منه.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'حقوق النشر © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'رقم بطاقة الائتمان المقدم غير صالح.',
'month_invalid' => 'الشهر المقدم غير صالح.',
'year_invalid' => 'السنة المقدمة غير صالحة.',
'https_required' => 'مطلوب HTTPS ، سيفشل النموذج',
'if_you_need_help' => 'إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة يمكنك النشر لدينا',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'بعد تحديث كلمة المرور ، سيتم تأكيد حسابك.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'للدفع بحساب مصرفي ، عليك أولاً إضافته كطريقة دفع.',
'application_settings_label' => 'دعنا نخزن المعلومات الأساسية حول فاتورة نينجا!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'موصى به للغاية في الإنتاج',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'التمكين من أجل التطوير فقط',
'test_pdf' => 'اختبار PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'يمكن حفظ Checkout.com كطريقة دفع للاستخدام المستقبلي ، بمجرد إتمام معاملتك الأولى. لا تنس التحقق من "تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان المتجر" أثناء عملية الدفع.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'يمكن حفظ الحساب المصرفي (SOFORT) كطريقة دفع لاستخدامها في المستقبل ، بمجرد إتمام معاملتك الأولى. لا تنس التحقق من "تفاصيل الدفع بالمتجر" أثناء عملية الدفع.',
'node_status' => 'حالة العقدة',
'npm_status' => 'حالة NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'لم أتمكن من العثور على Node في أي مكان. هل تم تركيبه؟',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'لم أجد NPM في أي مكان. هل تم تركيبه؟',
'locked_invoice' => 'هذه الفاتورة مقفلة ولا يمكن تعديلها',
'downloads' => 'التحميلات',
'resource' => 'الموارد',
'document_details' => 'تفاصيل حول الوثيقة',
'hash' => 'تجزئة',
'resources' => 'موارد',
'allowed_file_types' => 'أنواع الملفات المسموح بها:',
'common_codes' => 'الرموز المشتركة ومعانيها',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: بيانات مسار غير صالحة (CVV و / أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية غير صالح)',
'download_selected' => 'تم تحديد التنزيل',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'لدفع الفواتير ، عليك أن تفعل ذلك',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'إضافة طريقة دفع',
'no_items_selected' => 'لم يتم تحديد عناصر.',
'payment_due' => 'استحقاق الدفع',
'account_balance' => 'رصيد حساب',
'thanks' => 'شكرًا',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'الحد الأدنى للدفع المطلوب هو :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'الشركة لا تدعم الدفعات المنخفضة.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'الشركة لا تدعم المدفوعات الزائدة.',
'saved_at' => 'تم الحفظ في :time',
'credit_payment' => 'تم تطبيق الائتمان على الفاتورة :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'رصيد جديد :number من :account',
'credit_message' => 'لعرض رصيدك لـ :amount ، انقر فوق الارتباط أدناه.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'عملة مشفرة',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'الرصيد',
'store_for_future_use' => 'تخزين للاستخدام في المستقبل',
'pay_with_credit' => 'ادفع ببطاقة الائتمان',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'لا يمكن حفظ طريقة الدفع لاستخدامها في المستقبل.',
'pay_with' => 'ادفع عن طريق',
'n/a' => 'غير متاح',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'بالنقر على "الخطوة التالية" ، فإنك تقبل الشروط.',
'not_specified' => 'غير محدد',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'قبل الشروع في الدفع ، يجب عليك ملء الحقول التالية',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'بعد الانتهاء ، عد إلى الصفحة السابقة.',
'pay' => 'يدفع',
'instructions' => 'تعليمات',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 1 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 2 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 3 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال تذكير مخصص للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال تذكير لا نهاية له للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'assigned_user' => 'مستخدم معين',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'للمتابعة إلى الخطوة التالية ، تأكد من اختبار كل قسم.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'ملاحظة حول Phantom JS. اقرأ أكثر.',
'minimum_payment' => 'الحد الأدنى للدفع',
'no_action_provided' => 'لم يتم تقديم أي إجراء. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ ، فيرجى الاتصال بالدعم.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'لم يتم تحديد فواتير مستحقة الدفع. تأكد من أنك لا تحاول دفع كمبيالة أو فاتورة برصيد صفري مستحق.',
'required_payment_information' => 'تفاصيل الدفع المطلوبة',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'لإتمام عملية دفع ، نحتاج إلى مزيد من التفاصيل عنك.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'سنحفظ هذا ، لذا لن تضطر إلى إدخاله في المرة القادمة.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'لم نتمكن من تقديم الائتمان :invoice إلى :contact. \ n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'غير قادر على تقديم الائتمان :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'حفظ تفاصيل طريقة الدفع',
'new_card' => 'بطاقة جديدة',
'new_bank_account' => 'حساب مصرفي جديد',
'company_limit_reached' => 'حد :limit شركات لكل حساب.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'لا يمكن أن يكون إجمالي الأرصدة المطبقة أكثر من إجمالي الفواتير',
'credit_number_taken' => 'رقم الائتمان مأخوذ بالفعل',
'credit_not_found' => 'الائتمان غير موجود',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'الفواتير المحددة ليست من عميل واحد',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'تم إرسال اعتمادات مكررة.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'إرسال فواتير مكررة.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'يجب أن يكون لديك فاتورة محددة عند استخدام ائتمان في السداد',
'client_id_required' => 'معرف العميل مطلوب',
'expense_number_taken' => 'رقم المصاريف مأخوذ بالفعل',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'رقم الفاتورة مأخوذ بالفعل',
'payment_id_required' => 'الدفع "id" مطلوب.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'غير قادر على استرداد الدفع المحدد',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'معرف الفاتورة :invoice غير مرتبط بهذه الدفعة',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'لا يرتبط معرف الائتمان :credit بهذه الدفعة',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'محاولة استرداد أكثر من المسموح به لمعرف الفاتورة :invoice ، الحد الأقصى للمبلغ القابل للاسترداد هو :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'عند محاولة رد دفعة مع إرفاق الفواتير ، يرجى تحديد فاتورة / فواتير صالحة ليتم ردها.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'في محاولة لرد دفعة مع أرصدة مرفقة ، يرجى تحديد اعتمادات صالحة ليتم ردها.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'محاولة استرداد أكثر من المسموح به للائتمان :credit ، الحد الأقصى للمبلغ القابل للاسترداد هو :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'عميل المشروع لا يتطابق مع عميل الكيان',
'quote_number_taken' => 'رقم الاقتباس مأخوذ بالفعل',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'رقم الفاتورة المتكررة :number مأخوذ بالفعل',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'المستخدم غير مرتبط بهذا الحساب',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'المبالغ لا توازن بشكل صحيح.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'المبلغ المتبقي غير كافٍ لتغطية الدفع.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'رصيد دائن غير كاف.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'تم دفع واحدة أو أكثر من هذه الفواتير',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'لا يمكن رد معرّف الفاتورة :number',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'محاولة استرداد :amount فقط :refundable_amount المتاح للاسترداد',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'هذا المستخدم غير قادر على الارتباط بهذه الشركة. ربما قاموا بالفعل بتسجيل مستخدم في حساب آخر؟',
'migration_completed' => 'اكتملت عملية الترحيل',
'migration_completed_description' => 'اكتملت عملية الترحيل الخاصة بك ، يرجى مراجعة بياناتك بعد تسجيل الدخول.',
'api_404' => '404 | لا شيء لتراه هنا!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'لا يمكن تحميل حساب كبير بدون معلمة updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'لا يوجد نسخة احتياطية لهذا النشاط',
'company_user_not_found' => 'سجل مستخدم الشركة غير موجود',
'no_credits_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على اعتمادات.',
'action_unavailable' => 'الإجراء المطلوب :action غير متوفر.',
'no_documents_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على مستندات',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على إعدادات المجموعة',
'access_denied' => 'امتيازات غير كافية للوصول / تعديل هذا المورد',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'لا يمكن تمييز الفاتورة على أنها مدفوعة',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'ترخيص غير صالح أو بيئة غير صالحة :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'الطريق غير متوفر',
'invalid_design_object' => 'كائن تصميم مخصص غير صالح',
'quote_not_found' => 'اقتباس / s غير موجود',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'غير قادر على الموافقة على هذا الاقتباس لانتهاء صلاحيته.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'تم تشغيل المجدول',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'المجدول لم يعمل أبدا',
'self_update_not_available' => 'التحديث الذاتي غير متوفر في هذا النظام.',
'user_detached' => 'فصل المستخدم عن الشركة',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'فشل إنشاء Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'شكرًا لك على دفعك لـ :amount مقابل :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'ملاحظة: يتم دعم المدفوعات عبر الإنترنت فقط إذا كان المبلغ أكبر من دولار واحد أو ما يعادله بالعملة.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على رمز الدفع ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى. إذا استمرت المشكلة ، فحاول استخدام طريقة دفع أخرى',
'vendor_address1' => 'شارع البائع',
'vendor_address2' => 'بائع شقة / جناح',
'partially_unapplied' => 'غير مطبق جزئيًا',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'الرجاء تحديد مستخدم تمت مصادقته مع Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'اضغط على قائمة طويلة',
'show_actions' => 'إظهار الإجراءات',
'start_multiselect' => 'بدء التحديد المتعدد',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني لتأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'تم تحويله إلى تاريخ',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'رصيد الائتمان المحول',
'converted_total' => 'المجموع المحول',
'reply_to_name' => 'الرد على الاسم',
'payment_status_-2' => 'غير مطبق جزئيًا',
'color_theme' => 'مظهر اللون',
'start_migration' => 'ابدأ الترحيل',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'طلب إلغاء الفاتورة المتكررة من :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => 'طلب :contact من العميل :client إلغاء الفاتورة المتكررة :invoice',
'hello' => 'أهلاً',
'group_documents' => 'وثائق المجموعة',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الموافقة على هذا الاقتباس؟',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'حدد الشركات المراد ترحيلها',
'force_migration' => 'إجبار الهجرة',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'طلب كلمة المرور مع تسجيل الدخول الاجتماعي',
'stay_logged_in' => 'ابق متصلا',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'تحذير: جلستك على وشك الانتهاء',
'count_hours' => ':count ساعة',
'count_day' => 'يوم 1',
'count_days' => ':count أيام',
'web_session_timeout' => 'مهلة جلسة الويب',
'security_settings' => 'اعدادات الامان',
'resend_email' => 'إعادة إرسال البريد الإلكتروني',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'يرجى تأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'بشكل غير مباشر',
'waveaccounting' => 'محاسبة الموجة',
'zoho' => 'زوهو',
'accounting' => 'محاسبة',
'required_files_missing' => 'يرجى تقديم جميع ملفات CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'دعنا نواصل المصادقة.',
'api_secret' => 'سر API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'يمكنك العثور على API_SECRET في ملف .env أو Invoice Ninja v5. إذا كانت الخاصية مفقودة ، اترك الحقل فارغًا.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'سيتم تطبيق الخصم الخاص بك على الخروج.',
'use_last_email' => 'استخدم البريد الإلكتروني الأخير',
'activate_company' => 'تفعيل الشركة',
'activate_company_help' => 'تمكين رسائل البريد الإلكتروني والفواتير المتكررة والإشعارات',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'حدث خطأ ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'يرجى أولا تعيين كلمة مرور',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'تحذير: سيؤدي تغيير رقم هاتفك إلى تعطيل المصادقة الثنائية',
'help_translate' => 'مساعدة الترجمة',
'please_select_a_country' => 'رجاء قم بإختيار دوله',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'تم تعطيل 2FA بنجاح',
'connected_google' => 'تم ربط الحساب بنجاح',
'disconnected_google' => 'تم قطع اتصال الحساب بنجاح',
'delivered' => 'تم التوصيل',
'spam' => 'رسائل إلكترونية مزعجة',
'view_docs' => 'عرض المستندات',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'يرجى تقديم رقم هاتف محمول لتمكين المصادقة الثنائية',
'send_sms' => 'أرسل رسالة نصية قصيرة',
'sms_code' => 'رمز الرسائل القصيرة',
'connect_google' => 'ربط جوجل',
'disconnect_google' => 'افصل Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'تعطيل العامل الثاني',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'سجل بيانات مهمة الفاتورة',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'أضف تفاصيل التاريخ إلى بنود الفاتورة',
'promo_code' => 'رمز ترويجي',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'إصدار الفاتورة المتكررة ل',
'subscription' => 'الاشتراك',
'new_subscription' => 'اشتراك جديد',
'deleted_subscription' => 'تم حذف الاشتراك بنجاح',
'removed_subscription' => 'تمت إزالة الاشتراك بنجاح',
'restored_subscription' => 'تمت استعادة الاشتراك بنجاح',
'search_subscription' => 'بحث 1 اشتراك',
'search_subscriptions' => 'بحث: حساب الاشتراكات',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'المجال الفرعي غير متوفر',
'connect_gmail' => 'ربط Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'افصل Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'تم توصيل Gmail بنجاح',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'قطع اتصال Gmail بنجاح',
'update_fail_help' => 'قد تؤدي التغييرات التي تم إجراؤها على مصدر البرنامج إلى حظر التحديث ، يمكنك تشغيل هذا الأمر لتجاهل التغييرات:',
'client_id_number' => 'رقم هوية العميل',
'count_minutes' => '0 دقيقة',
'password_timeout' => 'مهلة كلمة المرور',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'فاتورة الأسهم / عداد الائتمان',
'next' => 'التالي',
'next_step' => 'الخطوة التالية',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال الائتمان :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'الائتمان :invoice تمت مشاهدته بواسطة :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى العميل التالي :client Credit :invoice لـ :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'عرض العميل التالي :client الائتمان :credit لـ :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.',
'password_reset' => 'إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
'account_login_text' => 'مرحباً! سعيد برؤيتك.',
'request_cancellation' => 'طلب الغاء',
'delete_payment_method' => 'حذف وسيلة الدفع',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'أنت على وشك حذف طريقة الدفع.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'لا يمكن عكس الإجراء',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'تم تحديث الملف الشخصي بنجاح.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'بر اثيوبي',
'client_information_text' => 'استخدم عنوانًا دائمًا حيث يمكنك تلقي البريد.',
'status_id' => 'حالة الفاتورة',
'email_already_register' => 'هذا البريد الإلكتروني مرتبط بالفعل بحساب',
'locations' => 'المواقع',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'إلى أجل غير مسمى',
'cycles_remaining' => 'الدورات المتبقية',
'i_understand_delete' => 'أنا أفهم ، احذف',
'download_files' => 'تحميل الملفات',
'download_timeframe' => 'استخدم هذا الرابط لتنزيل ملفاتك ، ستنتهي صلاحية الرابط خلال ساعة واحدة.',
'new_signup' => 'تسجيل عضوية جديدة',
'new_signup_text' => 'تم إنشاء حساب جديد بواسطة :user - :email - من عنوان IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'تمت عملية دفع بواسطة :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'تمت عملية دفع جزئي بواسطة :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'تم دفع مبلغ :amount بواسطة العميل :client باتجاه :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'تم إجراء دفعة جزئية بقيمة :amount بواسطة العميل :client باتجاه :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'بوت إعلام',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'رقم الفاتورة :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => 'رقم :entity :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'إذا كان الزر أعلاه لا يعمل من أجلك ، فيرجى النقر فوق الارتباط',
'display_log' => 'عرض السجل',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'إرسال الأخطاء مباشرةً',
'setup' => 'الإعداد',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'نظرة عامة وإحصاءات سريعة',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'قم بتحديث معلوماتك الشخصية',
'name_website_logo' => 'الاسم والموقع والشعار',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'تأكد من استخدام الارتباط الكامل لموقعك',
'personal_address' => 'العنوان الشخصي',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'أدخل عنوانك الشخصي',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'أدخل عنوان الشحن الخاص بك',
'list_of_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير',
'with_selected' => 'مع مختارة',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'لم يتم دفع هذه الفاتورة بعد. انقر فوق الزر لإكمال الدفع',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير المتكررة',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'فيما يلي بعض التفاصيل حول الفاتورة المتكررة',
'cancellation' => 'إلغاء',
'about_cancellation' => 'في حالة رغبتك في إيقاف الفاتورة المتكررة ، يرجى النقر لطلب الإلغاء.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'تحذير! أنت تطلب إلغاء هذه الخدمة. قد يتم إلغاء خدمتك دون إشعار آخر لك.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'الإلغاء معلق ، سنكون على اتصال!',
'list_of_payments' => 'قائمة المدفوعات',
'payment_details' => 'تفاصيل الدفع',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'قائمة الفواتير المتأثرة بالدفع',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'قائمة طرق الدفع',
'payment_method_details' => 'تفاصيل طريقة الدفع',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'قم بإزالة طريقة الدفع هذه بشكل دائم.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'تحذير! لا يمكن عكس هذا الإجراء!',
'confirmation' => 'تأكيد',
'list_of_quotes' => 'العروض',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'بانتظار الموافقة',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'لا يزال هذا الاقتباس غير معتمد',
'list_of_credits' => 'الأرصدة',
'required_extensions' => 'الامتدادات المطلوبة',
'php_version' => 'نسخة PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'ملف env قابل للكتابة',
'env_not_writable' => 'ملف .env غير قابل للكتابة بواسطة المستخدم الحالي.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'الحد الأدنى من إصدار PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'تأكد من استيفاء جميع المتطلبات.',
'oops_issues' => 'عفوًا ، هناك شيء ما لا يبدو صحيحًا!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة',
'complete_your_payment' => 'دفع كامل',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'تفويض طريقة الدفع للاستخدام في المستقبل',
'page' => 'صفحة',
'per_page' => 'لكل صفحة',
'of' => 'ل',
'view_credit' => 'عرض الائتمان',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'لعرض :entity تحتاج إلى إدخال كلمة المرور.',
'showing_x_of' => 'عرض :first إلى :last من :total نتائج',
'no_results' => 'لم يتم العثور على نتائج.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'فشل الدفع للعميل :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'دفعة قام بها العميل :client فشلت برسالة :message',
'register' => 'يسجل',
'register_label' => 'أنشئ حسابك في ثوانٍ',
'password_confirmation' => 'أكد رقمك السري',
'verification' => 'تَحَقّق',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'قبل استخدام حساب مصرفي ، يجب التحقق منه.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'حقوق النشر © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'رقم بطاقة الائتمان المقدم غير صالح.',
'month_invalid' => 'الشهر المقدم غير صالح.',
'year_invalid' => 'السنة المقدمة غير صالحة.',
'https_required' => 'مطلوب HTTPS ، سيفشل النموذج',
'if_you_need_help' => 'إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة يمكنك النشر لدينا',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'بعد تحديث كلمة المرور ، سيتم تأكيد حسابك.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'للدفع بحساب مصرفي ، عليك أولاً إضافته كطريقة دفع.',
'application_settings_label' => 'دعنا نخزن المعلومات الأساسية حول فاتورة نينجا!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'موصى به للغاية في الإنتاج',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'التمكين من أجل التطوير فقط',
'test_pdf' => 'اختبار PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'يمكن حفظ Checkout.com كطريقة دفع للاستخدام المستقبلي ، بمجرد إتمام معاملتك الأولى. لا تنس التحقق من "تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان المتجر" أثناء عملية الدفع.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'يمكن حفظ الحساب المصرفي (SOFORT) كطريقة دفع لاستخدامها في المستقبل ، بمجرد إتمام معاملتك الأولى. لا تنس التحقق من "تفاصيل الدفع بالمتجر" أثناء عملية الدفع.',
'node_status' => 'حالة العقدة',
'npm_status' => 'حالة NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'لم أتمكن من العثور على Node في أي مكان. هل تم تركيبه؟',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'لم أجد NPM في أي مكان. هل تم تركيبه؟',
'locked_invoice' => 'هذه الفاتورة مقفلة ولا يمكن تعديلها',
'downloads' => 'التحميلات',
'resource' => 'الموارد',
'document_details' => 'تفاصيل حول الوثيقة',
'hash' => 'تجزئة',
'resources' => 'موارد',
'allowed_file_types' => 'أنواع الملفات المسموح بها:',
'common_codes' => 'الرموز المشتركة ومعانيها',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: بيانات مسار غير صالحة (CVV و / أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية غير صالح)',
'download_selected' => 'تم تحديد التنزيل',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'لدفع الفواتير ، عليك أن تفعل ذلك',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'إضافة طريقة دفع',
'no_items_selected' => 'لم يتم تحديد عناصر.',
'payment_due' => 'استحقاق الدفع',
'account_balance' => 'رصيد حساب',
'thanks' => 'شكرًا',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'الحد الأدنى للدفع المطلوب هو :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'الشركة لا تدعم الدفعات المنخفضة.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'الشركة لا تدعم المدفوعات الزائدة.',
'saved_at' => 'تم الحفظ في :time',
'credit_payment' => 'تم تطبيق الائتمان على الفاتورة :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'رصيد جديد :number من :account',
'credit_message' => 'لعرض رصيدك لـ :amount ، انقر فوق الارتباط أدناه.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'عملة مشفرة',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'الرصيد',
'store_for_future_use' => 'تخزين للاستخدام في المستقبل',
'pay_with_credit' => 'ادفع ببطاقة الائتمان',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'لا يمكن حفظ طريقة الدفع لاستخدامها في المستقبل.',
'pay_with' => 'ادفع عن طريق',
'n/a' => 'غير متاح',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'بالنقر على "الخطوة التالية" ، فإنك تقبل الشروط.',
'not_specified' => 'غير محدد',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'قبل الشروع في الدفع ، يجب عليك ملء الحقول التالية',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'بعد الانتهاء ، عد إلى الصفحة السابقة.',
'pay' => 'يدفع',
'instructions' => 'تعليمات',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 1 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 2 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال التذكير 3 للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال تذكير مخصص للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'تم إرسال تذكير لا نهاية له للفاتورة :invoice إلى :client',
'assigned_user' => 'مستخدم معين',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'للمتابعة إلى الخطوة التالية ، تأكد من اختبار كل قسم.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'ملاحظة حول Phantom JS. اقرأ أكثر.',
'minimum_payment' => 'الحد الأدنى للدفع',
'no_action_provided' => 'لم يتم تقديم أي إجراء. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ ، فيرجى الاتصال بالدعم.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'لم يتم تحديد فواتير مستحقة الدفع. تأكد من أنك لا تحاول دفع كمبيالة أو فاتورة برصيد صفري مستحق.',
'required_payment_information' => 'تفاصيل الدفع المطلوبة',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'لإتمام عملية دفع ، نحتاج إلى مزيد من التفاصيل عنك.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'سنحفظ هذا ، لذا لن تضطر إلى إدخاله في المرة القادمة.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'لم نتمكن من تقديم الائتمان :invoice إلى :contact. \ n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'غير قادر على تقديم الائتمان :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'حفظ تفاصيل طريقة الدفع',
'new_card' => 'بطاقة جديدة',
'new_bank_account' => 'حساب مصرفي جديد',
'company_limit_reached' => 'حد :limit شركات لكل حساب.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'لا يمكن أن يكون إجمالي الأرصدة المطبقة أكثر من إجمالي الفواتير',
'credit_number_taken' => 'رقم الائتمان مأخوذ بالفعل',
'credit_not_found' => 'الائتمان غير موجود',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'الفواتير المحددة ليست من عميل واحد',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'تم إرسال اعتمادات مكررة.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'إرسال فواتير مكررة.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'يجب أن يكون لديك فاتورة محددة عند استخدام ائتمان في السداد',
'client_id_required' => 'معرف العميل مطلوب',
'expense_number_taken' => 'رقم المصاريف مأخوذ بالفعل',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'رقم الفاتورة مأخوذ بالفعل',
'payment_id_required' => 'الدفع "id" مطلوب.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'غير قادر على استرداد الدفع المحدد',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'معرف الفاتورة :invoice غير مرتبط بهذه الدفعة',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'لا يرتبط معرف الائتمان :credit بهذه الدفعة',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'محاولة استرداد أكثر من المسموح به لمعرف الفاتورة :invoice ، الحد الأقصى للمبلغ القابل للاسترداد هو :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'عند محاولة رد دفعة مع إرفاق الفواتير ، يرجى تحديد فاتورة / فواتير صالحة ليتم ردها.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'في محاولة لرد دفعة مع أرصدة مرفقة ، يرجى تحديد اعتمادات صالحة ليتم ردها.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'محاولة استرداد أكثر من المسموح به للائتمان :credit ، الحد الأقصى للمبلغ القابل للاسترداد هو :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'عميل المشروع لا يتطابق مع عميل الكيان',
'quote_number_taken' => 'رقم الاقتباس مأخوذ بالفعل',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'رقم الفاتورة المتكررة :number مأخوذ بالفعل',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'المستخدم غير مرتبط بهذا الحساب',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'المبالغ لا توازن بشكل صحيح.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'المبلغ المتبقي غير كافٍ لتغطية الدفع.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'رصيد دائن غير كاف.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'تم دفع واحدة أو أكثر من هذه الفواتير',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'لا يمكن رد معرّف الفاتورة :number',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'محاولة استرداد :amount فقط :refundable_amount المتاح للاسترداد',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'هذا المستخدم غير قادر على الارتباط بهذه الشركة. ربما قاموا بالفعل بتسجيل مستخدم في حساب آخر؟',
'migration_completed' => 'اكتملت عملية الترحيل',
'migration_completed_description' => 'اكتملت عملية الترحيل الخاصة بك ، يرجى مراجعة بياناتك بعد تسجيل الدخول.',
'api_404' => '404 | لا شيء لتراه هنا!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'لا يمكن تحميل حساب كبير بدون معلمة updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'لا يوجد نسخة احتياطية لهذا النشاط',
'company_user_not_found' => 'سجل مستخدم الشركة غير موجود',
'no_credits_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على اعتمادات.',
'action_unavailable' => 'الإجراء المطلوب :action غير متوفر.',
'no_documents_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على مستندات',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على إعدادات المجموعة',
'access_denied' => 'امتيازات غير كافية للوصول / تعديل هذا المورد',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'لا يمكن تمييز الفاتورة على أنها مدفوعة',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'ترخيص غير صالح أو بيئة غير صالحة :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'الطريق غير متوفر',
'invalid_design_object' => 'كائن تصميم مخصص غير صالح',
'quote_not_found' => 'اقتباس / s غير موجود',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'غير قادر على الموافقة على هذا الاقتباس لانتهاء صلاحيته.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'تم تشغيل المجدول',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'المجدول لم يعمل أبدا',
'self_update_not_available' => 'التحديث الذاتي غير متوفر في هذا النظام.',
'user_detached' => 'فصل المستخدم عن الشركة',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'فشل إنشاء Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'شكرًا لك على دفعك لـ :amount مقابل :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'ملاحظة: يتم دعم المدفوعات عبر الإنترنت فقط إذا كان المبلغ أكبر من دولار واحد أو ما يعادله بالعملة.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على رمز الدفع ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى. إذا استمرت المشكلة ، فحاول استخدام طريقة دفع أخرى',
'vendor_address1' => 'شارع البائع',
'vendor_address2' => 'بائع شقة / جناح',
'partially_unapplied' => 'غير مطبق جزئيًا',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'الرجاء تحديد مستخدم تمت مصادقته مع Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'اضغط على قائمة طويلة',
'show_actions' => 'إظهار الإجراءات',
'start_multiselect' => 'بدء التحديد المتعدد',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني لتأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'تم تحويله إلى تاريخ',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'رصيد الائتمان المحول',
'converted_total' => 'المجموع المحول',
'reply_to_name' => 'الرد على الاسم',
'payment_status_-2' => 'غير مطبق جزئيًا',
'color_theme' => 'مظهر اللون',
'start_migration' => 'ابدأ الترحيل',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'طلب إلغاء الفاتورة المتكررة من :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => 'طلب :contact من العميل :client إلغاء الفاتورة المتكررة :invoice',
'hello' => 'أهلاً',
'group_documents' => 'وثائق المجموعة',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الموافقة على هذا الاقتباس؟',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'حدد الشركات المراد ترحيلها',
'force_migration' => 'إجبار الهجرة',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'طلب كلمة المرور مع تسجيل الدخول الاجتماعي',
'stay_logged_in' => 'ابق متصلا',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'تحذير: جلستك على وشك الانتهاء',
'count_hours' => ':count ساعة',
'count_day' => 'يوم 1',
'count_days' => ':count أيام',
'web_session_timeout' => 'مهلة جلسة الويب',
'security_settings' => 'اعدادات الامان',
'resend_email' => 'إعادة إرسال البريد الإلكتروني',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'يرجى تأكيد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'بشكل غير مباشر',
'waveaccounting' => 'محاسبة الموجة',
'zoho' => 'زوهو',
'accounting' => 'محاسبة',
'required_files_missing' => 'يرجى تقديم جميع ملفات CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'دعنا نواصل المصادقة.',
'api_secret' => 'سر API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'يمكنك العثور على API_SECRET في ملف .env أو Invoice Ninja v5. إذا كانت الخاصية مفقودة ، اترك الحقل فارغًا.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'سيتم تطبيق الخصم الخاص بك على الخروج.',
'use_last_email' => 'استخدم البريد الإلكتروني الأخير',
'activate_company' => 'تفعيل الشركة',
'activate_company_help' => 'تمكين رسائل البريد الإلكتروني والفواتير المتكررة والإشعارات',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'حدث خطأ ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'يرجى أولا تعيين كلمة مرور',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'تحذير: سيؤدي تغيير رقم هاتفك إلى تعطيل المصادقة الثنائية',
'help_translate' => 'مساعدة الترجمة',
'please_select_a_country' => 'رجاء قم بإختيار دوله',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'تم تعطيل 2FA بنجاح',
'connected_google' => 'تم ربط الحساب بنجاح',
'disconnected_google' => 'تم قطع اتصال الحساب بنجاح',
'delivered' => 'تم التوصيل',
'spam' => 'رسائل إلكترونية مزعجة',
'view_docs' => 'عرض المستندات',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'يرجى تقديم رقم هاتف محمول لتمكين المصادقة الثنائية',
'send_sms' => 'أرسل رسالة نصية قصيرة',
'sms_code' => 'رمز الرسائل القصيرة',
'connect_google' => 'ربط جوجل',
'disconnect_google' => 'افصل Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'تعطيل العامل الثاني',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'سجل بيانات مهمة الفاتورة',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'أضف تفاصيل التاريخ إلى بنود الفاتورة',
'promo_code' => 'رمز ترويجي',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'إصدار الفاتورة المتكررة ل',
'subscription' => 'الاشتراك',
'new_subscription' => 'اشتراك جديد',
'deleted_subscription' => 'تم حذف الاشتراك بنجاح',
'removed_subscription' => 'تمت إزالة الاشتراك بنجاح',
'restored_subscription' => 'تمت استعادة الاشتراك بنجاح',
'search_subscription' => 'بحث 1 اشتراك',
'search_subscriptions' => 'بحث: حساب الاشتراكات',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'المجال الفرعي غير متوفر',
'connect_gmail' => 'ربط Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'افصل Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'تم توصيل Gmail بنجاح',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'قطع اتصال Gmail بنجاح',
'update_fail_help' => 'قد تؤدي التغييرات التي تم إجراؤها على مصدر البرنامج إلى حظر التحديث ، يمكنك تشغيل هذا الأمر لتجاهل التغييرات:',
'client_id_number' => 'رقم هوية العميل',
'count_minutes' => '0 دقيقة',
'password_timeout' => 'مهلة كلمة المرور',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'فاتورة الأسهم / عداد الائتمان',
'activity_80' => 'إنشاء :user الاشتراك :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user تحديث الاشتراك :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user الاشتراك المؤرشف :subscription',
@ -5109,7 +5109,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'منطقة',
'county' => 'مقاطعة',
'tax_details' => 'التفاصيل الضريبية',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact تم إدخال الدفعة :payment للفاتورة :invoice لـ :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user الدفعة المدخلة :payment للفاتورة :invoice لـ :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'نوع الدفع الافتراضي',
'number_precision' => 'دقة العدد',
@ -5196,6 +5196,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'رسوم',
'email_report' => 'تقرير البريد الإلكتروني',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'ادفع لاحقا',
'payment_type_credit' => 'نوع الدفع الائتمان',
'payment_type_debit' => 'نوع الدفع الخصم',
'send_emails_to' => 'إرسال رسائل البريد الإلكتروني إلى',
'primary_contact' => 'اتصال رئيسي',
'all_contacts' => 'كل الاتصالات',
'insert_below' => 'أدخل أدناه',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'مصادقة حساب البنك. تحديد مؤسستك لإكمال الطلب باستخدام بيانات اعتماد حساب .',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'حدث خطأ',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'حدث خطأ غير معروف! سبب:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'رمز غير صالح',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'الرمز المميز المقدم غير صالح. اتصل بالدعم للحصول على المساعدة، إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'أوراق اعتماد مفقودة',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'بيانات اعتماد غير صالحة أو مفقودة لبيانات حساب بنك Gocardless. اتصل بالدعم للحصول على المساعدة، إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'غير متاح',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'الميزة غير متوفرة، خطة المؤسسة فقط.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'مؤسسة غير صالحة',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'معرف المؤسسة المقدم غير صالح أو لم يعد صالحًا.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'مرجع غير صالح',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'لم يقدم GoCardless مرجعًا صالحًا. الرجاء تشغيل التدفق مرة أخرى والاتصال بالدعم، إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'طلب غير صالح',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'لم يقدم GoCardless مرجعًا صالحًا. الرجاء تشغيل التدفق مرة أخرى والاتصال بالدعم، إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'غير جاهز',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'لقد اتصلت بهذا الموقع مبكرًا جدًا. الرجاء إنهاء الترخيص وتحديث هذه الصفحة. اتصل بالدعم للحصول على المساعدة، إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'لم يتم تحديد أي حسابات',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'لم تقم الخدمة بإرجاع أي حسابات صالحة. فكر في إعادة تشغيل التدفق.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'إعادة تشغيل التدفق.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'العودة إلى التطبيق.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -711,10 +711,10 @@ $lang = array(
'notification_quote_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Quote :invoice to :contact.',
'notification_quote_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Quote :invoice',
'custom_invoice_link' => 'Custom Invoice Link',
'total_invoiced' => 'Faktureret ialt',
'total_invoiced' => 'Faktureret i alt',
'open_balance' => 'Udestående:',
'verify_email' => 'Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.',
'basic_settings' => 'Basic Settings',
'basic_settings' => 'Indstillinger',
'pro' => 'Pro',
'gateways' => 'Betalingsgateways',
'next_send_on' => 'Send Next: :date',
@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ $lang = array(
'email_history' => 'e-mail historie',
'loading' => 'Indlæser',
'no_messages_found' => 'Ingen beskeder fundet',
'processing' => 'Forarbejdning',
'processing' => 'Behandler',
'reactivate' => 'Genaktiver',
'reactivated_email' => 'e-mail adressen er blevet genaktiveret',
'emails' => 'E-mails',
@ -2867,7 +2867,7 @@ $lang = array(
'items' => 'genstande',
'partial_deposit' => 'Delvis/Depositum',
'add_item' => 'Tilføj vare',
'total_amount' => 'Total Beløb',
'total_amount' => 'Total beløb',
'pdf' => 'PDF',
'invoice_status_id' => 'Faktura Status',
'click_plus_to_add_item' => 'Klik på + for at Tilføj et element',
@ -3581,7 +3581,7 @@ $lang = array(
'selected_quotes' => 'Udvalgte citater',
'selected_tasks' => 'Udvalgte opgaver',
'selected_expenses' => 'Udvalgte Udgifter',
'past_due_invoices' => 'Forfaldne Fakturaer',
'past_due_invoices' => 'Forfaldne fakturaer',
'create_payment' => 'Opret Betaling',
'update_quote' => 'Opdater citat',
'update_invoice' => 'Opdater Faktura',
@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ $lang = array(
'transaction_id' => 'Transaktions ID',
'invoice_late' => 'Faktura Sen',
'quote_expired' => 'Citat udløbet',
'recurring_invoice_total' => 'Faktura Total',
'recurring_invoice_total' => 'Faktura total',
'actions' => 'Handlinger',
'expense_number' => 'Udgift',
'task_number' => 'Opgave nummer',
@ -3839,7 +3839,7 @@ $lang = array(
'is_sent' => 'Er sendt',
'document_upload' => 'Dokument upload',
'document_upload_help' => 'Aktiver Klienter for at uploade dokumenter',
'expense_total' => 'Udgift Total',
'expense_total' => 'Udgift total',
'enter_taxes' => 'Indtast Skatter',
'by_rate' => 'Efter sats',
'by_amount' => 'Ved Beløb',
@ -3856,308 +3856,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'Registrerings-URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Vis produktomkostninger',
'complete' => 'Komplet',
'next' => 'Næste',
'next_step' => 'Næste skridt',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice blev set af :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Følgende Klient :client blev sendt via e-mail Kredit :invoice for :amount .',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Følgende Klient :client så Kredit :credit for :amount .',
'reset_password_text' => 'Indtast din e-mail for at nulstille din adgangskode.',
'password_reset' => 'Nulstil kodeord',
'account_login_text' => 'Velkommen! Glad for at se dig.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Bede om afmeldelse',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Slet Betaling Metode',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Du er ved at Slet Betaling -metoden.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Handlingen kan ikke vendes',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profilen er opdateret Succesfuldt .',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etiopisk Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Brug en fast adresse, hvor du kan modtage post.',
'status_id' => 'Faktura Status',
'email_already_register' => 'Denne e-mail er allerede knyttet til en konto',
'locations' => 'Placeringer',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'På ubestemt tid',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cykler tilbage',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Jeg forstår det, Slet',
'download_files' => 'Download filer',
'download_timeframe' => 'Brug dette link til at downloade dine filer, linket udløber om 1 time.',
'new_signup' => 'Ny tilmelding',
'new_signup_text' => 'En ny konto er blevet oprettet af :user - :email - fra IP-adresse: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Betaling blev foretaget af :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Delvis Betaling blev foretaget af :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'En Betaling på :amount blev foretaget af Klient :client mod :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'En delvis Betaling på :amount blev foretaget af Klient :client mod :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notifikationsbot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Faktura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _nummer',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Hvis knappen ovenfor ikke virker for dig, så klik venligst på linket',
'display_log' => 'Vis log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporter fejl i realtid',
'setup' => 'Opsætning',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Hurtigt overblik og statistik',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Opdater dine personlige oplysninger',
'name_website_logo' => 'Navn, hjemmeside og logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Sørg for at bruge hele linket til dit websted',
'personal_address' => 'Personlig adresse',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Indtast din personlige adresse',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Indtast din leveringsadresse',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste over Fakturaer',
'with_selected' => 'Med valgt',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Denne Faktura er stadig ikke betalt. Klik på knappen for at gennemføre Betaling',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste over Gentagen Fakturaer',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Her er nogle detaljer om Gentagen Faktura',
'cancellation' => 'Aflysning',
'about_cancellation' => 'Hvis du ønsker at stoppe Gentagen Faktura , skal du klikke for at anmode om annullering.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Advarsel! Du anmoder om en annullering af denne service. Din tjeneste kan blive annulleret uden yderligere meddelelse til dig.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Aflysning afventer, vi kontakter dig!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste over Betalinger',
'payment_details' => 'Detaljer om Betaling',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste over Fakturaer berørt af Betaling',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste over Betaling',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detaljer om Betaling',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Fjern denne Betaling permanent.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Advarsel! Denne handling kan ikke vendes!',
'confirmation' => 'Bekræftelse',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citater',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Venter på godkendelse',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Dette citat er stadig ikke Godkendt',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Nødvendige udvidelser',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Skrivbar .env-fil',
'env_not_writable' => '.env-filen kan ikke skrives af den aktuelle Bruger .',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Sørg for, at alle krav er opfyldt.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ups, noget ser ikke rigtigt ud!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Åbn i ny fane',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Gennemfør Betaling',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Godkend Betaling til fremtidig brug',
'page' => 'Side',
'per_page' => 'Per side',
'of' => 'Af',
'view_credit' => 'Vis kredit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'For at Vis :entity skal du Indtast adgangskoden.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Viser resultater :first til :last ud af :total',
'no_results' => 'Ingen resultater fundet.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Betaling mislykkedes for Klient :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'En Betaling foretaget af Klient :client mislykkedes med Besked :message',
'register' => 'Tilmeld',
'register_label' => 'Opret din konto på få sekunder',
'password_confirmation' => 'Bekræft dit kodeord',
'verification' => 'Verifikation',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Før du bruger en bankkonto, skal den bekræftes.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company .',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Det angivne kreditkortnummer er ikke gyldigt.',
'month_invalid' => 'Forudsat måned er ikke gyldig.',
'year_invalid' => 'Forudsat år er ikke gyldigt.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS er påkrævet, formularen mislykkes',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Hvis du har brug for hjælp, kan du skrive til vores',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Efter opdatering af adgangskoden vil din konto blive bekræftet.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'For at betale med en bankkonto skal du først Tilføj den som Betaling .',
'application_settings_label' => 'Lad os gemme grundlæggende oplysninger om din Faktura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Kan varmt anbefales i produktionen',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Aktiver kun for udvikling',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com kan gemmes som Betaling til fremtidig brug, når du har gennemført din første transaktion. Glem ikke at tjekke "Gem kreditkortoplysninger" under Betaling .',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bankkonto (SOFORT) kan gemmes som Betaling til fremtidig brug, når du har gennemført din første transaktion. Glem ikke at tjekke "Store Betaling detaljer" under Betaling .',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Jeg kunne ikke finde Node nogen steder. Er det installeret?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Jeg kunne ikke finde NPM nogen steder. Er det installeret?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Denne Faktura er låst og kan ikke ændres',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Detaljer om dokumentet',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Ressourcer',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tilladte filtyper:',
'common_codes' => 'Fælles koder og deres betydninger',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Dårlige spordata (ugyldig CVV og/eller udløbsdato)',
'download_selected' => 'Download valgt',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'For at betale Fakturaer skal du',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Tilføj Betaling',
'no_items_selected' => 'Ingen elementer er valgt.',
'payment_due' => 'Betaling forfalder',
'account_balance' => 'Kontosaldo',
'thanks' => 'Tak',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum påkrævet Betaling er :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Virksomheden understøtter ikke underbetalinger.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Virksomheden understøtter ikke overbetalinger.',
'saved_at' => 'Gemt på :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit påført Faktura :invoice _nummer',
'credit_subject' => 'Ny kredit :number fra :account',
'credit_message' => 'For at Vis din kredit for :amount skal du klikke på linket nedenfor.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kryptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Opbevares til fremtidig brug',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Betal med kredit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Betaling kan ikke gemmes til fremtidig brug.',
'pay_with' => 'Betal med',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ved at klikke på "Næste trin" accepterer du Betingelser .',
'not_specified' => 'Ikke specificeret',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Før du fortsætter med Betaling , skal du udfylde følgende felter',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Når du er færdig, skal du gå tilbage til forrige side.',
'pay' => 'Betale',
'instructions' => 'Instruktioner',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 1 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 2 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 3 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Speciel påmindelse for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Uendelig påmindelse om Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Tildelt Bruger',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'For at fortsætte til næste trin skal du sørge for at teste hver sektion.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Bemærk om Phantom JS. Læs mere.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Betaling',
'no_action_provided' => 'Ingen handling angivet. Hvis du mener, at dette er forkert, bedes du kontakt supporten.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Ingen betaling <span class=\'notranslate\'>Faktura er</span> valgt. Sørg for, at du ikke forsøger at betale Faktura eller Faktura med nul forfalden saldo.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Nødvendige Betaling',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'For at gennemføre en Betaling har vi brug for flere oplysninger om dig.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Vi vil Gem dette, så du ikke behøver at Indtast det næste gang.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Vi var ikke i stand til at levere kredit :invoice til :contact . \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Kan ikke levere kredit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Gem Betaling detaljer',
'new_card' => 'Nyt kort',
'new_bank_account' => 'Ny bankkonto',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Grænse på :limit virksomheder pr. konto.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total kreditter kan ikke være MERE end Total af Fakturaer',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Kreditnummer er allerede taget',
'credit_not_found' => 'Kredit blev ikke fundet',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Udvalgte Fakturaer er ikke fra en enkelt Klient',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Dublerede kreditter indsendt.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplikat Fakturaer indsendt.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Du skal have en Faktura indstillet, når du bruger en kredit i en Betaling',
'client_id_required' => 'Klient -id er påkrævet',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Udgift nummer allerede taget',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Faktura -nummeret er allerede taget',
'payment_id_required' => 'Betaling `id` påkrævet.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Kan ikke hente specificeret Betaling',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Faktura id :invoice er ikke relateret til denne Betaling',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Kredit-id :credit er ikke relateret til denne Betaling',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Forsøg på at refundere mere end tilladt for Faktura id :invoice , maksimalt refunderbart Beløb er :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Forsøg på at tilbagebetale en Betaling med <span class=\'notranslate\'>Faktura er</span> vedhæftet, bedes du angive gyldige Faktura /s, der skal refunderes.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Forsøg på at tilbagebetale en Betaling med vedhæftede kreditter, bedes du angive gyldige kreditter, der skal refunderes.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Forsøg på at refundere mere end tilladt for kredit :credit , maksimalt refunderbart Beløb er :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project Klient matcher ikke Klient',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Citatnummer er allerede taget',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Gentagen Faktura nummer :number allerede taget',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Bruger er ikke tilknyttet denne konto',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Beløbene balancerer ikke korrekt.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Utilstrækkeligt anvendt Beløb tilbage til at dække Betaling .',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Utilstrækkelig saldo på kredit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'En eller flere af disse Fakturaer er betalt',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Faktura id :number kan ikke refunderes',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Forsøg på at refundere :amount kun :refundable_amount tilgængelig for refusion',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Denne Bruger kan ikke knyttes til denne virksomhed. Måske har de allerede registreret en Bruger på en anden konto?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration afsluttet',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Din migrering er fuldført. Gennemgå venligst dine data efter at have logget ind.',
'api_404' => '404 | Intet at se her!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Kan ikke indlæse en stor konto uden en updated_at-parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Der findes ingen backup for denne aktivitet',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Firma Bruger record ikke fundet',
'no_credits_found' => 'Ingen kreditter fundet.',
'action_unavailable' => 'Den anmodede handling :action er ikke tilgængelig.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Ingen dokumenter fundet',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Ingen Indstillinger fundet',
'access_denied' => 'Utilstrækkelige rettigheder til at få adgang til/ændre denne ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Faktura kan ikke markeres som betalt',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Ugyldig licens eller ugyldigt miljø :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Rute ikke tilgængelig',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Ugyldigt Speciel',
'quote_not_found' => 'Citat/er ikke fundet',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Kunne ikke godkende dette tilbud, da det er udløbet.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler er kørt',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler har aldrig kørt',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Selvopdatering er ikke tilgængelig på dette system.',
'user_detached' => 'Bruger løsrevet fra selskabet',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Opret Webhook mislykkedes',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Tak for din Betaling på :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Bemærk : Online Betalinger understøttes kun, hvis Beløb er større end $1 eller tilsvarende i valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Betaling blev ikke fundet, prøv venligst igen. Hvis et problem stadig fortsætter, kan du prøve med en anden Betaling',
'vendor_address1' => 'Sælger Gade',
'vendor_address2' => 'Sælger Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Delvist ikke anvendt',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Vælg venligst en Bruger , der er godkendt med Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Liste Langt tryk',
'show_actions' => 'Vis handlinger',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Der er sendt en e-mail for at bekræfte e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Konverteret betalt til dato',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Konverteret kreditsaldo',
'converted_total' => 'Omregnet Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Svar-til-navn',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Delvis ikke anvendt',
'color_theme' => 'Farvetema',
'start_migration' => 'Start migrering',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Anmodning om Gentagen Faktura annullering fra :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact fra Klient :client anmodet til Afbryd Gentagen Faktura :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hej',
'group_documents' => 'Gruppe dokumenter',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Er du sikker på, at du vil godkende dette tilbud?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Vælg virksomheder, der skal migreres',
'force_migration' => 'Tving migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Kræv adgangskode med socialt login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Forbliv logget ind',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Advarsel: Din session er ved at udløbe',
'count_hours' => ':count Timer',
'count_day' => '1 dag',
'count_days' => ':count dage',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Websession timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Indstillinger',
'resend_email' => 'Send e-mail igen',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Bekræft venligst din e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'Friske bøger',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Faktura',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave regnskab',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Regnskab',
'required_files_missing' => 'Angiv alle CSV&#39;er.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Lad os fortsætte med at godkende.',
'api_secret' => 'API-hemmelighed',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Du kan finde API_SECRET i .env-filen eller Faktura Ninja v5. Hvis ejendom mangler, lad feltet stå tomt.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Din rabat vil blive anvendt ved kassen.',
'use_last_email' => 'Brug sidste e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Aktiver virksomheden',
'activate_company_help' => 'Aktiver e-mails, Gentagen Fakturaer og meddelelser',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Der opstod en fejl, prøv venligst igen',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Indstil venligst først en adgangskode',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Advarsel: Ændring af dit Telefon vil deaktivere 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Hjælp til at oversætte',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Vælg venligst et land',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Succesfuldt deaktiveret 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Succesfuldt forbundet konto',
'disconnected_google' => 'Succesfuldt afbrudt konto',
'delivered' => 'Leveret',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Vis Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Angiv venligst et Telefon for at aktivere tofaktorautentificering',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kode',
'connect_google' => 'Tilslut Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Afbryd forbindelsen til Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Deaktiver tofaktor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Faktura Opgave Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Tilføj datodetaljer til Faktura linjeposterne',
'promo_code' => 'Tilbudskode',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Gentagen Faktura udstedt til',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nyt abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt slettet abonnement',
'removed_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt fjernet abonnement',
'restored_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt genskabt abonnement',
'search_subscription' => 'Søg 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Søg :count abonnementer',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Underdomæne er ikke tilgængeligt',
'connect_gmail' => 'Tilslut Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Afbryd forbindelsen til Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Succesfuldt forbundet Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Succesfuldt afbrudt Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Ændringer i kodebasen blokerer muligvis for opdateringen. Du kan køre denne kommando for at kassere ændringerne:',
'client_id_number' => 'Klient ID-nummer',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutter',
'password_timeout' => 'Adgangskode timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Del Faktura /Kredittæller',
'next' => 'Næste',
'next_step' => 'Næste skridt',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice blev set af :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Følgende Klient :client blev sendt via e-mail Kredit :invoice for :amount .',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Følgende Klient :client så Kredit :credit for :amount .',
'reset_password_text' => 'Indtast din e-mail for at nulstille din adgangskode.',
'password_reset' => 'Nulstil kodeord',
'account_login_text' => 'Velkommen! Glad for at se dig.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Bede om afmeldelse',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Slet Betaling Metode',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Du er ved at Slet Betaling -metoden.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Handlingen kan ikke vendes',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profilen er opdateret Succesfuldt .',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etiopisk Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Brug en fast adresse, hvor du kan modtage post.',
'status_id' => 'Faktura Status',
'email_already_register' => 'Denne e-mail er allerede knyttet til en konto',
'locations' => 'Placeringer',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'På ubestemt tid',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cykler tilbage',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Jeg forstår det, Slet',
'download_files' => 'Download filer',
'download_timeframe' => 'Brug dette link til at downloade dine filer, linket udløber om 1 time.',
'new_signup' => 'Ny tilmelding',
'new_signup_text' => 'En ny konto er blevet oprettet af :user - :email - fra IP-adresse: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Betaling blev foretaget af :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Delvis Betaling blev foretaget af :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'En Betaling på :amount blev foretaget af Klient :client mod :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'En delvis Betaling på :amount blev foretaget af Klient :client mod :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notifikationsbot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Faktura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _nummer',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Hvis knappen ovenfor ikke virker for dig, så klik venligst på linket',
'display_log' => 'Vis log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporter fejl i realtid',
'setup' => 'Opsætning',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Hurtigt overblik og statistik',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Opdater dine personlige oplysninger',
'name_website_logo' => 'Navn, hjemmeside og logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Sørg for at bruge hele linket til dit websted',
'personal_address' => 'Personlig adresse',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Indtast din personlige adresse',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Indtast din leveringsadresse',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste over Fakturaer',
'with_selected' => 'Med valgt',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Denne Faktura er stadig ikke betalt. Klik på knappen for at gennemføre Betaling',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste over Gentagen Fakturaer',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Her er nogle detaljer om Gentagen Faktura',
'cancellation' => 'Aflysning',
'about_cancellation' => 'Hvis du ønsker at stoppe Gentagen Faktura , skal du klikke for at anmode om annullering.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Advarsel! Du anmoder om en annullering af denne service. Din tjeneste kan blive annulleret uden yderligere meddelelse til dig.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Aflysning afventer, vi kontakter dig!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste over Betalinger',
'payment_details' => 'Detaljer om Betaling',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste over Fakturaer berørt af Betaling',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste over Betaling',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detaljer om Betaling',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Fjern denne Betaling permanent.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Advarsel! Denne handling kan ikke vendes!',
'confirmation' => 'Bekræftelse',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citater',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Venter på godkendelse',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Dette citat er stadig ikke Godkendt',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Nødvendige udvidelser',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Skrivbar .env-fil',
'env_not_writable' => '.env-filen kan ikke skrives af den aktuelle Bruger .',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Sørg for, at alle krav er opfyldt.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ups, noget ser ikke rigtigt ud!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Åbn i ny fane',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Gennemfør Betaling',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Godkend Betaling til fremtidig brug',
'page' => 'Side',
'per_page' => 'Per side',
'of' => 'Af',
'view_credit' => 'Vis kredit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'For at Vis :entity skal du Indtast adgangskoden.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Viser resultater :first til :last ud af :total',
'no_results' => 'Ingen resultater fundet.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Betaling mislykkedes for Klient :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'En Betaling foretaget af Klient :client mislykkedes med Besked :message',
'register' => 'Tilmeld',
'register_label' => 'Opret din konto på få sekunder',
'password_confirmation' => 'Bekræft dit kodeord',
'verification' => 'Verifikation',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Før du bruger en bankkonto, skal den bekræftes.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company .',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Det angivne kreditkortnummer er ikke gyldigt.',
'month_invalid' => 'Forudsat måned er ikke gyldig.',
'year_invalid' => 'Forudsat år er ikke gyldigt.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS er påkrævet, formularen mislykkes',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Hvis du har brug for hjælp, kan du skrive til vores',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Efter opdatering af adgangskoden vil din konto blive bekræftet.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'For at betale med en bankkonto skal du først Tilføj den som Betaling .',
'application_settings_label' => 'Lad os gemme grundlæggende oplysninger om din Faktura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Kan varmt anbefales i produktionen',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Aktiver kun for udvikling',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com kan gemmes som Betaling til fremtidig brug, når du har gennemført din første transaktion. Glem ikke at tjekke &quot;Gem kreditkortoplysninger&quot; under Betaling .',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bankkonto (SOFORT) kan gemmes som Betaling til fremtidig brug, når du har gennemført din første transaktion. Glem ikke at tjekke &quot;Store Betaling detaljer&quot; under Betaling .',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Jeg kunne ikke finde Node nogen steder. Er det installeret?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Jeg kunne ikke finde NPM nogen steder. Er det installeret?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Denne Faktura er låst og kan ikke ændres',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Detaljer om dokumentet',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Ressourcer',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tilladte filtyper:',
'common_codes' => 'Fælles koder og deres betydninger',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Dårlige spordata (ugyldig CVV og/eller udløbsdato)',
'download_selected' => 'Download valgt',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'For at betale Fakturaer skal du',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Tilføj Betaling',
'no_items_selected' => 'Ingen elementer er valgt.',
'payment_due' => 'Betaling forfalder',
'account_balance' => 'Kontosaldo',
'thanks' => 'Tak',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum påkrævet Betaling er :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Virksomheden understøtter ikke underbetalinger.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Virksomheden understøtter ikke overbetalinger.',
'saved_at' => 'Gemt på :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit påført Faktura :invoice _nummer',
'credit_subject' => 'Ny kredit :number fra :account',
'credit_message' => 'For at Vis din kredit for :amount skal du klikke på linket nedenfor.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kryptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Opbevares til fremtidig brug',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Betal med kredit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Betaling kan ikke gemmes til fremtidig brug.',
'pay_with' => 'Betal med',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ved at klikke på &quot;Næste trin&quot; accepterer du Betingelser .',
'not_specified' => 'Ikke specificeret',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Før du fortsætter med Betaling , skal du udfylde følgende felter',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Når du er færdig, skal du gå tilbage til forrige side.',
'pay' => 'Betale',
'instructions' => 'Instruktioner',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 1 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 2 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Påmindelse 3 for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Speciel påmindelse for Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Uendelig påmindelse om Faktura :invoice blev sendt til :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Tildelt Bruger',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'For at fortsætte til næste trin skal du sørge for at teste hver sektion.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Bemærk om Phantom JS. Læs mere.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Betaling',
'no_action_provided' => 'Ingen handling angivet. Hvis du mener, at dette er forkert, bedes du kontakt supporten.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Ingen betaling <span class=\'notranslate\'>Faktura er</span> valgt. Sørg for, at du ikke forsøger at betale Faktura eller Faktura med nul forfalden saldo.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Nødvendige Betaling',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'For at gennemføre en Betaling har vi brug for flere oplysninger om dig.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Vi vil Gem dette, så du ikke behøver at Indtast det næste gang.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Vi var ikke i stand til at levere kredit :invoice til :contact . \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Kan ikke levere kredit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Gem Betaling detaljer',
'new_card' => 'Nyt kort',
'new_bank_account' => 'Ny bankkonto',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Grænse på :limit virksomheder pr. konto.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total kreditter kan ikke være MERE end Total af Fakturaer',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Kreditnummer er allerede taget',
'credit_not_found' => 'Kredit blev ikke fundet',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Udvalgte Fakturaer er ikke fra en enkelt Klient',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Dublerede kreditter indsendt.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplikat Fakturaer indsendt.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Du skal have en Faktura indstillet, når du bruger en kredit i en Betaling',
'client_id_required' => 'Klient -id er påkrævet',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Udgift nummer allerede taget',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Faktura -nummeret er allerede taget',
'payment_id_required' => 'Betaling `id` påkrævet.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Kan ikke hente specificeret Betaling',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Faktura id :invoice er ikke relateret til denne Betaling',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Kredit-id :credit er ikke relateret til denne Betaling',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Forsøg på at refundere mere end tilladt for Faktura id :invoice , maksimalt refunderbart Beløb er :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Forsøg på at tilbagebetale en Betaling med <span class=\'notranslate\'>Faktura er</span> vedhæftet, bedes du angive gyldige Faktura /s, der skal refunderes.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Forsøg på at tilbagebetale en Betaling med vedhæftede kreditter, bedes du angive gyldige kreditter, der skal refunderes.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Forsøg på at refundere mere end tilladt for kredit :credit , maksimalt refunderbart Beløb er :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project Klient matcher ikke Klient',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Citatnummer er allerede taget',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Gentagen Faktura nummer :number allerede taget',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Bruger er ikke tilknyttet denne konto',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Beløbene balancerer ikke korrekt.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Utilstrækkeligt anvendt Beløb tilbage til at dække Betaling .',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Utilstrækkelig saldo på kredit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'En eller flere af disse Fakturaer er betalt',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Faktura id :number kan ikke refunderes',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Forsøg på at refundere :amount kun :refundable_amount tilgængelig for refusion',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Denne Bruger kan ikke knyttes til denne virksomhed. Måske har de allerede registreret en Bruger på en anden konto?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration afsluttet',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Din migrering er fuldført. Gennemgå venligst dine data efter at have logget ind.',
'api_404' => '404 | Intet at se her!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Kan ikke indlæse en stor konto uden en updated_at-parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Der findes ingen backup for denne aktivitet',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Firma Bruger record ikke fundet',
'no_credits_found' => 'Ingen kreditter fundet.',
'action_unavailable' => 'Den anmodede handling :action er ikke tilgængelig.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Ingen dokumenter fundet',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Ingen Indstillinger fundet',
'access_denied' => 'Utilstrækkelige rettigheder til at få adgang til/ændre denne ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Faktura kan ikke markeres som betalt',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Ugyldig licens eller ugyldigt miljø :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Rute ikke tilgængelig',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Ugyldigt Speciel',
'quote_not_found' => 'Citat/er ikke fundet',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Kunne ikke godkende dette tilbud, da det er udløbet.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler er kørt',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler har aldrig kørt',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Selvopdatering er ikke tilgængelig på dette system.',
'user_detached' => 'Bruger løsrevet fra selskabet',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Opret Webhook mislykkedes',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Tak for din Betaling på :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Bemærk : Online Betalinger understøttes kun, hvis Beløb er større end $1 eller tilsvarende i valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Betaling blev ikke fundet, prøv venligst igen. Hvis et problem stadig fortsætter, kan du prøve med en anden Betaling',
'vendor_address1' => 'Sælger Gade',
'vendor_address2' => 'Sælger Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Delvist ikke anvendt',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Vælg venligst en Bruger , der er godkendt med Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Liste Langt tryk',
'show_actions' => 'Vis handlinger',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Der er sendt en e-mail for at bekræfte e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Konverteret betalt til dato',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Konverteret kreditsaldo',
'converted_total' => 'Omregnet Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Svar-til-navn',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Delvis ikke anvendt',
'color_theme' => 'Farvetema',
'start_migration' => 'Start migrering',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Anmodning om Gentagen Faktura annullering fra :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact fra Klient :client anmodet til Afbryd Gentagen Faktura :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hej',
'group_documents' => 'Gruppe dokumenter',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Er du sikker på, at du vil godkende dette tilbud?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Vælg virksomheder, der skal migreres',
'force_migration' => 'Tving migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Kræv adgangskode med socialt login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Forbliv logget ind',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Advarsel: Din session er ved at udløbe',
'count_hours' => ':count Timer',
'count_day' => '1 dag',
'count_days' => ':count dage',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Websession timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Indstillinger',
'resend_email' => 'Send e-mail igen',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Bekræft venligst din e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'Friske bøger',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Faktura',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave regnskab',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Regnskab',
'required_files_missing' => 'Angiv alle CSV&#39;er.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Lad os fortsætte med at godkende.',
'api_secret' => 'API-hemmelighed',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Du kan finde API_SECRET i .env-filen eller Faktura Ninja v5. Hvis ejendom mangler, lad feltet stå tomt.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Din rabat vil blive anvendt ved kassen.',
'use_last_email' => 'Brug sidste e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Aktiver virksomheden',
'activate_company_help' => 'Aktiver e-mails, Gentagen Fakturaer og meddelelser',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Der opstod en fejl, prøv venligst igen',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Indstil venligst først en adgangskode',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Advarsel: Ændring af dit Telefon vil deaktivere 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Hjælp til at oversætte',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Vælg venligst et land',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Succesfuldt deaktiveret 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Succesfuldt forbundet konto',
'disconnected_google' => 'Succesfuldt afbrudt konto',
'delivered' => 'Leveret',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Vis Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Angiv venligst et Telefon for at aktivere tofaktorautentificering',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kode',
'connect_google' => 'Tilslut Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Afbryd forbindelsen til Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Deaktiver tofaktor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Faktura Opgave Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Tilføj datodetaljer til Faktura linjeposterne',
'promo_code' => 'Tilbudskode',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Gentagen Faktura udstedt til',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nyt abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt slettet abonnement',
'removed_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt fjernet abonnement',
'restored_subscription' => 'Succesfuldt genskabt abonnement',
'search_subscription' => 'Søg 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Søg :count abonnementer',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Underdomæne er ikke tilgængeligt',
'connect_gmail' => 'Tilslut Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Afbryd forbindelsen til Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Succesfuldt forbundet Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Succesfuldt afbrudt Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Ændringer i kodebasen blokerer muligvis for opdateringen. Du kan køre denne kommando for at kassere ændringerne:',
'client_id_number' => 'Klient ID-nummer',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutter',
'password_timeout' => 'Adgangskode timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Del Faktura /Kredittæller',
'activity_80' => ':user oprettet abonnement :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user opdateret abonnement :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user arkiveret abonnement :subscription',
@ -4663,7 +4663,7 @@ $lang = array(
'notification_threshold' => 'Underretningstærskel',
'track_inventory' => 'Spor inventar',
'track_inventory_help' => 'Vis et produktlagerfelt og opdater, når Fakturaer sendes',
'stock_notifications' => 'Aktiemeddelelser',
'stock_notifications' => 'Notifikation om lager',
'stock_notifications_help' => 'Send en e-mail , når beholdningen når tærsklen',
'vat' => 'moms',
'view_map' => 'Vis kort',
@ -5083,7 +5083,7 @@ $lang = array(
'duties' => 'Pligter',
'order_number' => 'Ordrenummer',
'order_id' => 'Bestille',
'total_invoices_outstanding' => 'Total Fakturaer Udestående',
'total_invoices_outstanding' => 'Antal udestående fakturaer',
'recent_activity' => 'Seneste aktivitet',
'enable_auto_bill' => 'Aktiver automatisk fakturering',
'email_count_invoices' => 'e-mail :count Fakturaer',
@ -5133,7 +5133,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'Område',
'county' => 'Amt',
'tax_details' => 'Skatteoplysninger',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact indtastet Betaling :payment for Faktura :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user indtastet Betaling :payment for Faktura :invoice for :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Standard Betaling',
'number_precision' => 'Nummerpræcision',
@ -5220,6 +5220,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'Charges',
'email_report' => 'Email Report',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pay Later',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ $lang = array(
'powered_by' => 'Unterstützt durch',
'no_items' => 'Keine Elemente',
'recurring_invoices' => 'Wiederkehrende Rechnungen',
'recurring_help' => '<p>Senden Sie Ihren Kunden automatisch die gleichen Rechnungen wöchentlich, zweimonatlich, monatlich, vierteljährlich oder jährlich zu.</p>
'recurring_help' => '<p>Senden Sie Ihren Kunden automatisch die gleichen Rechnungen wöchentlich, zweimonatlich, monatlich, vierteljährlich oder jährlich zu.</p>
<p>Verwenden Sie :MONTH, :QUARTER oder :YEAR für dynamische Daten. Grundlegende Mathematik funktioniert auch, zum Beispiel :MONTH-1.</p>
<p>Beispiele für dynamische Rechnungsvariablen:</p>
@ -3651,7 +3651,7 @@ https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'add_documents_to_invoice_help' => 'Dokumente sichtbar für den Kunde',
'convert_currency_help' => 'Wechselkurs festsetzen',
'expense_settings' => 'Ausgaben-Einstellungen',
'clone_to_recurring' => 'Duplizieren zu Widerkehrend',
'clone_to_recurring' => 'Duplizieren zu Wiederkehrend',
'crypto' => 'Verschlüsselung',
'user_field' => 'Benutzerfeld',
'variables' => 'Variablen',
@ -5136,7 +5136,7 @@ https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'region' => 'Region',
'county' => 'Landkreis',
'tax_details' => 'Steuerdetails',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact hat die Zahlung :payment für die Rechnung :invoice des Kunden :client eingegeben',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user hat die Zahlung :payment für die Rechnung :invoice des Kunden :client eingegeben',
'default_payment_type' => 'Standard Zahlungsart',
'number_precision' => 'Genauigkeit der Nummern',
@ -5199,12 +5199,12 @@ Leistungsempfängers',
'payment_receipt_design' => 'Payment Receipt Design',
'payment_refund_design' => 'Payment Refund Design',
'task_extension_banner' => 'Add the Chrome extension to manage your tasks',
'watch_video' => 'Watch Video',
'watch_video' => 'Video ansehen',
'view_extension' => 'View Extension',
'reactivate_email' => 'Reactivate Email',
'reactivate_email' => 'E-Mail reaktivieren',
'email_reactivated' => 'Successfully reactivated email',
'template_help' => 'Enable using the design as a template',
'quarter' => 'Quarter',
'quarter' => 'Quartal',
'item_description' => 'Item Description',
'task_item' => 'Task Item',
'record_state' => 'Record State',
@ -5217,13 +5217,41 @@ Leistungsempfängers',
'user_logged_in_notification_help' => 'Send an email when logging in from a new location',
'payment_email_all_contacts' => 'Payment Email To All Contacts',
'payment_email_all_contacts_help' => 'Sends the payment email to all contacts when enabled',
'add_line' => 'Add Line',
'add_line' => 'Zeile hinzufügen',
'activity_139' => 'Expense :expense notification sent to :contact',
'vendor_notification_subject' => 'Confirmation of payment :amount sent to :vendor',
'vendor_notification_body' => 'Payment processed for :amount dated :payment_date. <br>[Transaction Reference: :transaction_reference]',
'receipt' => 'Receipt',
'charges' => 'Charges',
'email_report' => 'Email Report',
'email_report' => 'E-Mail-Bericht',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Später bezahlen',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Sende E-Mails an',
'primary_contact' => 'Primärkontakt',
'all_contacts' => 'Alle Kontakte',
'insert_below' => 'Darunter einfügen',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Grund:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Ungültiges Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Fehlende Zugangsdaten',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Nicht verfügbar',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Funktion ist nur im Enterprise-Tarif verfügbar.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Ungültige Referenz',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -5248,6 +5248,11 @@ $lang = array(
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
'lang_Lao' => 'Lao',
'currency_lao_kip' => 'Lao kip',
'yodlee_regions' => 'Regions: USA, UK, Australia & India',
'nordigen_regions' => 'Regions: Europe & UK',
'select_provider' => 'Select Provider',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3855,308 +3855,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'URL de Registro',
'show_product_cost' => 'Mostrar costo del producto',
'complete' => 'Completo',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próximo paso',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'El siguiente cliente :client recibió un correo electrónico de crédito :invoice para :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'El siguiente cliente :client vio el Crédito :credit para :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Ingrese su correo electrónico para restablecer su contraseña.',
'password_reset' => 'Restablecimiento de contraseña',
'account_login_text' => '¡Bienvenido! Contento de verte.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Solicitar una cancelación',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Eliminar método de pago',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Está a punto de eliminar el método de pago.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'La acción no se puede revertir',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'El perfil ha sido actualizado con éxito.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Use una dirección permanente donde pueda recibir correo.',
'status_id' => 'Estado de la factura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este correo electrónico ya está vinculado a una cuenta.',
'locations' => 'Ubicaciones',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'entiendo, borrar',
'download_files' => 'Descargar archivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use este enlace para descargar sus archivos, el enlace caducará en 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuevo registro',
'new_signup_text' => 'Una nueva cuenta ha sido creada por :user - :email - desde la dirección IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'El pago fue realizado por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'El pago parcial fue realizado por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'El cliente :client realizó un pago de :amount hacia :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'El cliente :client realizó un pago parcial de :amount hacia :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificación',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_número',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si el botón de arriba no funciona para usted, por favor haga clic en el enlace',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar errores en tiempo real',
'setup' => 'Configuración',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Resumen rápido y estadísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Actualice su información personal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nombre, sitio web y logotipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Asegúrese de usar el enlace completo a su sitio',
'personal_address' => 'dirección personal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Ingrese su dirección personal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Ingrese su dirección de envío',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas',
'with_selected' => 'Con seleccionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta factura aún no se paga. Haga clic en el botón para completar el pago',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas recurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aquí hay algunos detalles sobre la factura recurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelación',
'about_cancellation' => 'En caso de que desee detener la factura recurrente, haga clic para solicitar la cancelación.',
'cancellation_warning' => '¡Advertencia! Usted está solicitando una cancelación de este servicio. Su servicio puede ser cancelado sin más notificaciones para usted.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelación pendiente, ¡nos pondremos en contacto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalles del pago',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas afectadas por el pago',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pago',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalles del método de pago',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este método de pago.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '¡Advertencia! ¡Esta acción no se puede revertir!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citas',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'A la espera de la aprobación',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Esta cotización aún no está aprobada',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensiones requeridas',
'php_version' => 'versión PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Archivo .env grabable',
'env_not_writable' => 'El usuario actual no puede escribir en el archivo .env.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versión mínima de PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Asegúrese de que se cumplan todos los requisitos.',
'oops_issues' => '¡Uy, algo no se ve bien!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir en una pestaña nueva',
'complete_your_payment' => 'El pago completo',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pago para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver el :entity necesita ingresar la contraseña.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :first a :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'No se han encontrado resultados.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pago fallido para el cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pago realizado por el cliente :client falló con el mensaje :message',
'register' => 'Registro',
'register_label' => 'Crea tu cuenta en segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmar la contraseña',
'verification' => 'Verificación',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar una cuenta bancaria, debe verificarse.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'El número de tarjeta de crédito proporcionado no es válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'El mes proporcionado no es válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'El año proporcionado no es válido.',
'https_required' => 'Se requiere HTTPS, el formulario fallará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si necesita ayuda, puede publicar en nuestro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Después de actualizar la contraseña, su cuenta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar con una cuenta bancaria, primero debe agregarla como método de pago.',
'application_settings_label' => '¡Vamos a almacenar información básica sobre su Factura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado en producción.',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Habilitar solo para desarrollo',
'test_pdf' => 'PDF de prueba',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com se puede guardar como método de pago para uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide verificar &quot;Almacenar detalles de la tarjeta de crédito&quot; durante el proceso de pago.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'La cuenta bancaria (SOFORT) se puede guardar como método de pago para uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide verificar &quot;Detalles de pago de la tienda&quot; durante el proceso de pago.',
'node_status' => 'Estado del nodo',
'npm_status' => 'estado del MNP',
'node_status_not_found' => 'No pude encontrar Node en ninguna parte. ¿Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'No pude encontrar NPM en ninguna parte. ¿Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta factura está bloqueada y no se puede modificar',
'downloads' => 'Descargas',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalles sobre el documento',
'hash' => 'Picadillo',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de archivo permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comunes y sus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Datos de seguimiento erróneos (CVV y/o fecha de caducidad no válidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Descargar seleccionado',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar las facturas, usted tiene que',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'añadir método de pago',
'no_items_selected' => 'No hay elementos seleccionados.',
'payment_due' => 'Fecha de pago',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo de la cuenta',
'thanks' => 'Gracias',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'El pago mínimo requerido es :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos en exceso.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado en :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado a Factura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuevo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver su crédito para :amount, haga clic en el enlace a continuación.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'criptomoneda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Almacenar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Paga con crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'El método de pago no se puede guardar para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar con',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Al hacer clic en &quot;Siguiente paso&quot;, acepta los términos.',
'not_specified' => 'No especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de proceder con el pago, debe completar los siguientes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Después de completar, regrese a la página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instrucciones',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 1 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 2 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 3 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio personalizado para la factura :invoice a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio interminable de la factura :invoice a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuario asignado',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para continuar con el siguiente paso, asegúrese de probar cada sección.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota sobre Phantom JS. Leer más.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pago mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'No se proporciona ninguna acción. Si cree que esto es incorrecto, comuníquese con el soporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No se han seleccionado facturas pagaderas. Asegúrese de que no está tratando de pagar una factura en borrador o una factura con saldo adeudado en cero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalles de pago requeridos',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar un pago necesitamos más detalles sobre usted.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Guardaremos esto, para que no tenga que ingresarlo la próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'No pudimos entregar el Crédito :invoice a :contact. \n:error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'No se puede entregar el crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalles del método de pago',
'new_card' => 'Nueva tarjeta',
'new_bank_account' => 'nueva cuenta bancaria',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Límite de :limit empresas por cuenta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'El total de créditos aplicados no puede ser MÁS que el total de las facturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de crédito ya tomado',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito no encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Las facturas seleccionadas no son de un solo cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados presentados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicado de facturas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Debe tener una factura configurada al usar un crédito en un pago',
'client_id_required' => 'Se requiere identificación de cliente',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número de gasto ya tomado',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de factura ya tomado',
'payment_id_required' => 'Se requiere identificación de pago.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'No se puede recuperar el pago especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'El ID de factura :invoice no está relacionado con este pago',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'El ID de crédito :credit no está relacionado con este pago',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Intentando reembolsar más de lo permitido para el ID de factura :invoice, el monto máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si intenta reembolsar un pago con facturas adjuntas, especifique las facturas válidas que desea reembolsar.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si intenta reembolsar un pago con créditos adjuntos, especifique los créditos válidos que desea reembolsar.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Intentando reembolsar más de lo permitido para el crédito :credit, el monto máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'El cliente del proyecto no coincide con el cliente de la entidad',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número de cotización ya tomado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de factura recurrente :number ya tomado',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Usuario no asociado a esta cuenta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Las cantidades no cuadran correctamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Cantidad restante aplicada insuficiente para cubrir el pago.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente a crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o más de estas facturas han sido pagadas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'No se puede reembolsar el ID de factura :number',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Intentando reembolsar :amount solo :refundable_amount disponible para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuario no puede estar vinculado a esta empresa. ¿Quizás ya han registrado un usuario en otra cuenta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migración completada',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Su migración se ha completado, revise sus datos después de iniciar sesión.',
'api_404' => '404 | ¡Nada que ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'No se puede cargar una cuenta grande sin un parámetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No existe ninguna copia de seguridad para esta actividad',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registro de usuario de la empresa no encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'No se encontraron créditos.',
'action_unavailable' => 'La acción solicitada :action no está disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No se encontraron documentos',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No se encontraron configuraciones de grupo',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegios insuficientes para acceder/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La factura no se puede marcar como pagada',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licencia no válida o entorno no válido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Ruta no disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de diseño personalizado no válido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Presupuesto no encontrado',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'No se puede aprobar este presupuesto porque ha caducado.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'El programador se ha ejecutado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'El programador nunca se ha ejecutado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Autoactualización no disponible en este sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuario desvinculado de la empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'No se pudo crear el webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Gracias por su pago de :amount por :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Los pagos en línea solo se admiten si el monto es superior a $ 1 o su equivalente en moneda.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'No se encontró el token de pago, inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, intente con otro método de pago',
'vendor_address1' => 'Calle del vendedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Proveedor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente no aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Seleccione un usuario autenticado con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lista Pulsación larga',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar acciones',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar multiselección',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Se ha enviado un correo electrónico para confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico.',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido pagado hasta la fecha',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nombre de respuesta',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente no aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de color',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar migración',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitud de cancelación de factura recurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact del cliente :client solicitó cancelar la factura recurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hola',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '¿Está seguro de que desea aprobar este presupuesto?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Seleccionar empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forzar migración',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requerir contraseña con inicio de sesión social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permanecer conectado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Advertencia: Tu sesión está a punto de caducar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 día',
'count_days' => ':count Días',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tiempo de espera de la sesión web',
'security_settings' => 'Configuraciones de seguridad',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor confirme su dirección de correo electrónico',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'factura2go',
'invoicely' => 'Facturado',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilidad de olas',
'zoho' => 'zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidad',
'required_files_missing' => 'Proporcione todos los CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Sigamos con la autenticación.',
'api_secret' => 'secreto de la API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puede encontrar API_SECRET en el archivo .env o en Invoice Ninja v5. Si falta alguna propiedad, deje el campo en blanco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Su descuento se aplicará en el momento de la compra.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último correo electrónico',
'activate_company' => 'Activar Empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Habilitar correos electrónicos, facturas recurrentes y notificaciones',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ha ocurrido un error. Por favor intente de nuevo',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor, primero establezca una contraseña',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Advertencia: cambiar su número de teléfono desactivará 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Ayuda Traducir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor seleccione un país',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA deshabilitado con éxito',
'connected_google' => 'Cuenta conectada correctamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Cuenta desconectada con éxito',
'delivered' => 'Entregado',
'spam' => 'Correo basura',
'view_docs' => 'Ver documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Proporcione un número de teléfono móvil para habilitar la autenticación de dos factores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'conectar google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Deshabilitar dos factores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registro de fecha de tarea de factura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Agregar detalles de fecha a los elementos de línea de la factura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Factura recurrente emitida a',
'subscription' => 'Suscripción',
'new_subscription' => 'Nueva suscripción',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Suscripción eliminada con éxito',
'removed_subscription' => 'Suscripción eliminada con éxito',
'restored_subscription' => 'Suscripción restaurada con éxito',
'search_subscription' => 'Buscar 1 Suscripción',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Buscar :count Suscripciones',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'El subdominio no está disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado con éxito',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado con éxito',
'update_fail_help' => 'Los cambios en el código base pueden estar bloqueando la actualización, puede ejecutar este comando para descartar los cambios:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de identificación del cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Tiempo de espera de contraseña',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Contador de facturas/créditos compartidos',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próximo paso',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'El siguiente cliente :client recibió un correo electrónico de crédito :invoice para :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'El siguiente cliente :client vio el Crédito :credit para :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Ingrese su correo electrónico para restablecer su contraseña.',
'password_reset' => 'Restablecimiento de contraseña',
'account_login_text' => '¡Bienvenido! Contento de verte.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Solicitar una cancelación',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Eliminar método de pago',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Está a punto de eliminar el método de pago.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'La acción no se puede revertir',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'El perfil ha sido actualizado con éxito.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Use una dirección permanente donde pueda recibir correo.',
'status_id' => 'Estado de la factura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este correo electrónico ya está vinculado a una cuenta.',
'locations' => 'Ubicaciones',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'entiendo, borrar',
'download_files' => 'Descargar archivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use este enlace para descargar sus archivos, el enlace caducará en 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuevo registro',
'new_signup_text' => 'Una nueva cuenta ha sido creada por :user - :email - desde la dirección IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'El pago fue realizado por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'El pago parcial fue realizado por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'El cliente :client realizó un pago de :amount hacia :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'El cliente :client realizó un pago parcial de :amount hacia :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificación',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_número',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si el botón de arriba no funciona para usted, por favor haga clic en el enlace',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar errores en tiempo real',
'setup' => 'Configuración',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Resumen rápido y estadísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Actualice su información personal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nombre, sitio web y logotipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Asegúrese de usar el enlace completo a su sitio',
'personal_address' => 'dirección personal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Ingrese su dirección personal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Ingrese su dirección de envío',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas',
'with_selected' => 'Con seleccionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta factura aún no se paga. Haga clic en el botón para completar el pago',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas recurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aquí hay algunos detalles sobre la factura recurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelación',
'about_cancellation' => 'En caso de que desee detener la factura recurrente, haga clic para solicitar la cancelación.',
'cancellation_warning' => '¡Advertencia! Usted está solicitando una cancelación de este servicio. Su servicio puede ser cancelado sin más notificaciones para usted.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelación pendiente, ¡nos pondremos en contacto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalles del pago',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas afectadas por el pago',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pago',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalles del método de pago',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este método de pago.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '¡Advertencia! ¡Esta acción no se puede revertir!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citas',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'A la espera de la aprobación',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Esta cotización aún no está aprobada',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensiones requeridas',
'php_version' => 'versión PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Archivo .env grabable',
'env_not_writable' => 'El usuario actual no puede escribir en el archivo .env.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versión mínima de PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Asegúrese de que se cumplan todos los requisitos.',
'oops_issues' => '¡Uy, algo no se ve bien!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir en una pestaña nueva',
'complete_your_payment' => 'El pago completo',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pago para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver el :entity necesita ingresar la contraseña.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :first a :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'No se han encontrado resultados.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pago fallido para el cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pago realizado por el cliente :client falló con el mensaje :message',
'register' => 'Registro',
'register_label' => 'Crea tu cuenta en segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmar la contraseña',
'verification' => 'Verificación',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar una cuenta bancaria, debe verificarse.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'El número de tarjeta de crédito proporcionado no es válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'El mes proporcionado no es válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'El año proporcionado no es válido.',
'https_required' => 'Se requiere HTTPS, el formulario fallará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si necesita ayuda, puede publicar en nuestro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Después de actualizar la contraseña, su cuenta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar con una cuenta bancaria, primero debe agregarla como método de pago.',
'application_settings_label' => '¡Vamos a almacenar información básica sobre su Factura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado en producción.',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Habilitar solo para desarrollo',
'test_pdf' => 'PDF de prueba',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com se puede guardar como método de pago para uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide verificar &quot;Almacenar detalles de la tarjeta de crédito&quot; durante el proceso de pago.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'La cuenta bancaria (SOFORT) se puede guardar como método de pago para uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide verificar &quot;Detalles de pago de la tienda&quot; durante el proceso de pago.',
'node_status' => 'Estado del nodo',
'npm_status' => 'estado del MNP',
'node_status_not_found' => 'No pude encontrar Node en ninguna parte. ¿Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'No pude encontrar NPM en ninguna parte. ¿Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta factura está bloqueada y no se puede modificar',
'downloads' => 'Descargas',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalles sobre el documento',
'hash' => 'Picadillo',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de archivo permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comunes y sus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Datos de seguimiento erróneos (CVV y/o fecha de caducidad no válidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Descargar seleccionado',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar las facturas, usted tiene que',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'añadir método de pago',
'no_items_selected' => 'No hay elementos seleccionados.',
'payment_due' => 'Fecha de pago',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo de la cuenta',
'thanks' => 'Gracias',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'El pago mínimo requerido es :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos en exceso.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado en :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado a Factura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuevo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver su crédito para :amount, haga clic en el enlace a continuación.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'criptomoneda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Almacenar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Paga con crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'El método de pago no se puede guardar para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar con',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Al hacer clic en &quot;Siguiente paso&quot;, acepta los términos.',
'not_specified' => 'No especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de proceder con el pago, debe completar los siguientes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Después de completar, regrese a la página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instrucciones',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 1 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 2 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'El recordatorio 3 de la factura :invoice se envió a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio personalizado para la factura :invoice a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio interminable de la factura :invoice a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuario asignado',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para continuar con el siguiente paso, asegúrese de probar cada sección.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota sobre Phantom JS. Leer más.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pago mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'No se proporciona ninguna acción. Si cree que esto es incorrecto, comuníquese con el soporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No se han seleccionado facturas pagaderas. Asegúrese de que no está tratando de pagar una factura en borrador o una factura con saldo adeudado en cero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalles de pago requeridos',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar un pago necesitamos más detalles sobre usted.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Guardaremos esto, para que no tenga que ingresarlo la próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'No pudimos entregar el Crédito :invoice a :contact. \n:error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'No se puede entregar el crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalles del método de pago',
'new_card' => 'Nueva tarjeta',
'new_bank_account' => 'nueva cuenta bancaria',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Límite de :limit empresas por cuenta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'El total de créditos aplicados no puede ser MÁS que el total de las facturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de crédito ya tomado',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito no encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Las facturas seleccionadas no son de un solo cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados presentados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicado de facturas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Debe tener una factura configurada al usar un crédito en un pago',
'client_id_required' => 'Se requiere identificación de cliente',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número de gasto ya tomado',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de factura ya tomado',
'payment_id_required' => 'Se requiere identificación de pago.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'No se puede recuperar el pago especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'El ID de factura :invoice no está relacionado con este pago',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'El ID de crédito :credit no está relacionado con este pago',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Intentando reembolsar más de lo permitido para el ID de factura :invoice, el monto máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si intenta reembolsar un pago con facturas adjuntas, especifique las facturas válidas que desea reembolsar.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si intenta reembolsar un pago con créditos adjuntos, especifique los créditos válidos que desea reembolsar.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Intentando reembolsar más de lo permitido para el crédito :credit, el monto máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'El cliente del proyecto no coincide con el cliente de la entidad',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número de cotización ya tomado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de factura recurrente :number ya tomado',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Usuario no asociado a esta cuenta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Las cantidades no cuadran correctamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Cantidad restante aplicada insuficiente para cubrir el pago.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente a crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o más de estas facturas han sido pagadas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'No se puede reembolsar el ID de factura :number',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Intentando reembolsar :amount solo :refundable_amount disponible para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuario no puede estar vinculado a esta empresa. ¿Quizás ya han registrado un usuario en otra cuenta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migración completada',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Su migración se ha completado, revise sus datos después de iniciar sesión.',
'api_404' => '404 | ¡Nada que ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'No se puede cargar una cuenta grande sin un parámetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No existe ninguna copia de seguridad para esta actividad',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registro de usuario de la empresa no encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'No se encontraron créditos.',
'action_unavailable' => 'La acción solicitada :action no está disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No se encontraron documentos',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No se encontraron configuraciones de grupo',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegios insuficientes para acceder/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La factura no se puede marcar como pagada',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licencia no válida o entorno no válido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Ruta no disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de diseño personalizado no válido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Presupuesto no encontrado',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'No se puede aprobar este presupuesto porque ha caducado.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'El programador se ha ejecutado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'El programador nunca se ha ejecutado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Autoactualización no disponible en este sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuario desvinculado de la empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'No se pudo crear el webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Gracias por su pago de :amount por :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Los pagos en línea solo se admiten si el monto es superior a $ 1 o su equivalente en moneda.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'No se encontró el token de pago, inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, intente con otro método de pago',
'vendor_address1' => 'Calle del vendedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Proveedor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente no aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Seleccione un usuario autenticado con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lista Pulsación larga',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar acciones',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar multiselección',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Se ha enviado un correo electrónico para confirmar la dirección de correo electrónico.',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido pagado hasta la fecha',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nombre de respuesta',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente no aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de color',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar migración',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitud de cancelación de factura recurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact del cliente :client solicitó cancelar la factura recurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hola',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '¿Está seguro de que desea aprobar este presupuesto?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Seleccionar empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forzar migración',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requerir contraseña con inicio de sesión social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permanecer conectado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Advertencia: Tu sesión está a punto de caducar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 día',
'count_days' => ':count Días',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tiempo de espera de la sesión web',
'security_settings' => 'Configuraciones de seguridad',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor confirme su dirección de correo electrónico',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'factura2go',
'invoicely' => 'Facturado',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilidad de olas',
'zoho' => 'zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidad',
'required_files_missing' => 'Proporcione todos los CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Sigamos con la autenticación.',
'api_secret' => 'secreto de la API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puede encontrar API_SECRET en el archivo .env o en Invoice Ninja v5. Si falta alguna propiedad, deje el campo en blanco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Su descuento se aplicará en el momento de la compra.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último correo electrónico',
'activate_company' => 'Activar Empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Habilitar correos electrónicos, facturas recurrentes y notificaciones',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ha ocurrido un error. Por favor intente de nuevo',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor, primero establezca una contraseña',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Advertencia: cambiar su número de teléfono desactivará 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Ayuda Traducir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor seleccione un país',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA deshabilitado con éxito',
'connected_google' => 'Cuenta conectada correctamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Cuenta desconectada con éxito',
'delivered' => 'Entregado',
'spam' => 'Correo basura',
'view_docs' => 'Ver documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Proporcione un número de teléfono móvil para habilitar la autenticación de dos factores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'conectar google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Deshabilitar dos factores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registro de fecha de tarea de factura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Agregar detalles de fecha a los elementos de línea de la factura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Factura recurrente emitida a',
'subscription' => 'Suscripción',
'new_subscription' => 'Nueva suscripción',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Suscripción eliminada con éxito',
'removed_subscription' => 'Suscripción eliminada con éxito',
'restored_subscription' => 'Suscripción restaurada con éxito',
'search_subscription' => 'Buscar 1 Suscripción',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Buscar :count Suscripciones',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'El subdominio no está disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado con éxito',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado con éxito',
'update_fail_help' => 'Los cambios en el código base pueden estar bloqueando la actualización, puede ejecutar este comando para descartar los cambios:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de identificación del cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Tiempo de espera de contraseña',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Contador de facturas/créditos compartidos',
'activity_80' => ':user suscripción creada :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user suscripción actualizada :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user suscripción archivada :subscription',
@ -5132,7 +5132,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'Región',
'county' => 'Condado',
'tax_details' => 'Detalles de impuestos',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact ingresó el pago :payment para la factura :invoice para :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user ingresó el pago :payment para la factura :invoice para :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Tipo de pago predeterminado',
'number_precision' => 'Precisión numérica',
@ -5219,6 +5219,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'Cargos',
'email_report' => 'Informe por correo electrónico',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Paga después',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3847,308 +3847,308 @@ Una vez que tenga los montos, vuelva a esta página de métodos de pago y haga c
'registration_url' => 'URL de registro',
'show_product_cost' => 'Mostrar Coste de Producto',
'complete' => 'Completar',
'next' => 'Siguiente',
'next_step' => 'Siguiente paso',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Al cliente :client le fue enviado un email con el Crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'El cliente :client vio el Crédito :credit de :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Introduce tu email para restablecer la contraseña.',
'password_reset' => 'Restablecer contraseña',
'account_login_text' => '¡Bienvenido! Encantado de verte.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Requerir cancelación',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Borrar Medio de Pago',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Estás a punto de borrar el medio de pago.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'La acción no puede ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'El perfil ha sido actualizado correctamente.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr Etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Usa una dirección permanente donde puedas recibir emails.',
'status_id' => 'Estado de Factura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este email ya está enlazado con una cuenta',
'locations' => 'Ubicaciones',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Lo entiendo, borrar',
'download_files' => 'Descargar Archivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Usa este enlace para descargar tus archivos, el enlace expirará en 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuevo Registro',
'new_signup_text' => 'Una nueva cuenta ha sido creada por :user - :email - desde la dirección IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Un pago ha sido realizado por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Un pago parcial ha sido realizado por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un pago de :amount ha sido realizado por el cliente :client de la factura :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un pago parcial de :amount ha sido realizado por el cliente :client de la factura :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificación',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si el botón de arriba no te está funcionando, por favor pulsa en el enlace',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar Registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar errores en tiempo real',
'setup' => 'Instalación',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Vistazo rápido y estadísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Actualiza tu información personal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nombre, página web y logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Asegúrate que usas el enalce completo a tu sitio',
'personal_address' => 'Dirección personal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Introduce tu dirección personal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Introduce tu dirección de envío',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Listado de facturas',
'with_selected' => 'Con seleccionados',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta factura está impagada. Pulsa en el botón para completar el pago',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas recurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aquí tienes algunos detalles de la factura recurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelación',
'about_cancellation' => 'En caso de querer parar la factura recurrente, favor pinchar para solicitar la cancelación.',
'cancellation_warning' => '¡Advertencia! Está solicitando la cancelación de este servicio. Tu servicio puede ser cancelado sin que recibas más notificación.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelación pendiente, ¡estaremos en contacto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Listado de pagos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalles del pago',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas afectadas por el pago',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de medios de pago',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalles del medio de pago',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este medio de pago.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '¡Atención! ¡Esta acción no se puede revertir!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Presupuestos',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Esperando aprobación',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Este presupuesto todavía no está aprobado',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensiones requeridas',
'php_version' => 'Versión PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Archivo .env escribible',
'env_not_writable' => 'El archivo .env no es escribible por el usuario actual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versión PHP mínima',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Asegúrate de que se cumplen todos los requisitos.',
'oops_issues' => 'uppps, ¡algo no está bien!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir en nueva pestaña',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Completar pago',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pago para su uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver Crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver la :entity necesitas introducir la contraseña.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :first - :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'No se encontraron resultados.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pago fallido del cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pago hecho por el cliente :client falló con el mensaje :message',
'register' => 'Registrar',
'register_label' => 'Crea tu cuenta en unos segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirma tu contraseña',
'verification' => 'Verificación',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar una cuenta bancaria debe ser verificada.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'El número de tarjeta de crédito no es válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'El mes introducido no es válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'El año introducido no es válido.',
'https_required' => 'Es requerido HTTPS, el formulario fallará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si necesitas ayuda puedes escribir en nuestro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Después de actualizar la contraseña, tu cuenta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar con una cuenta bancaria, primero debes añadirla como método de pago.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos a guardar información básica acerca de tu Invoice Ninja',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado en producción',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activar solo para desarrollo',
'test_pdf' => 'Probar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com puede ser guardado como método de pago para su uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide marcar "Guardar los datos de la tarjeta de crédito" durante el proceso de pago.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'La cuenta bancaria (SOFORT) puede ser guardada como método de pago para su uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide marcar la opción "Guardar datos de pago" durante el proceso de pago.',
'node_status' => 'Estado Node',
'npm_status' => 'Estado NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'No puedo encontrar Node. ¿Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'No puedo encontrar NPM. ¿Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta factura está bloqueada y no se puede modificar',
'downloads' => 'Descargas',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalles del documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de archivo permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comunes y sus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Datos inválidos (numero CVV erróneo y/o fecha de caducidad)',
'download_selected' => 'Descarga seleccionada',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar facturas, debes',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'añadir método de pago',
'no_items_selected' => 'No hay elementos seleccionados.',
'payment_due' => 'Fecha de pago',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo de cuenta',
'thanks' => 'Gracias',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'El mínimo pago requerido es :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos en exceso.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado el :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado a la factura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuevo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver tu crédito de :amount, pulsa en el enlace de abajo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoneda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Guardar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pagar con crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'El método de pago no se puede guardar para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar con',
'n/a' => 'N/D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Pulsando "Siguiente paso" aceptas los términos.',
'not_specified' => 'No especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de proceder al pago, debes rellenar los siguientes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Después de completar, vuelve a la página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instrucciones',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 1 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 2 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 3 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio personalizado para la factura Nº :invoice a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio sin fín de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuario Asignado',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para proceder al siguiente paso, asegúrate de que haces un test a cada sección.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota acerca de Phantom JS. Leer más.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pago Mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'No se ha realizado ninguna acción. Si cree que esto es incorrecto, por favor, póngase en contacto con el soporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No se ha seleccionado ninguna factura pagable. Asegúrate que no estás intentando pagar un borrador de factura o una factura con un importe pendiente de 0.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalles de pago requeridos',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar el pago necesitamos más detalles.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Guardaremos esto, de esta forma no lo tendrás que introducir la próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'No se pudo entregar el Crédito :invoice a :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'No se pudo entregar Crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalles del método de pago',
'new_card' => 'Nueva tarjeta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nueva cuenta bancaria',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Límite de :limit empresas por cuenta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'El total de crédito aplicado no puede ser superior que el total de facturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'El número de crédito ya existe',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito no encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Las facturas seleccionadas no son de un sólo cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados enviados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Facturas duplicadas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Tienes que tener indicada una factura al usar crédito en un pago',
'client_id_required' => 'El Id de cliente es obligatorio',
'expense_number_taken' => 'El número de gasto ya existe',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'El número de factura ya existe',
'payment_id_required' => 'La Id de pago es obligatoria.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'No se pudo obtener el pago especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La factura de Id :invoice no está relacionada con este pago',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'El crédito de id :credit no está relacionado con este pago',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Se intentó reembolsar más de lo permitido para la id de factura :invoice, la cantidad máxima reembolsable es :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Al intentar reembolsar un pago con facturas adjuntas, especifique la/s factura/s válida/s a reembolsar.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Al intentar reembolsar un pago con créditos adjuntos, especifique los créditos válidos que deben reembolsarse.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Se intentó reembolsar más de lo permitido para el crédito :credit, el importe máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'El cliente del proyecto no coincide con el cliente de la entidad',
'quote_number_taken' => 'El número de presupuesto ya existe',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'El número de factura recurrente :number ya existe',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'El usuario no está asociado con esta cuenta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Cantidades no están correctamente balanceadas',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Cantidad aplicada insuficiente para cubrir el pago.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente en el crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o más de estas facturas han sido pagadas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'La factura # :number no puede ser reintegrada',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Intento de reembolso de :amount, sólo está disponible :refundable_amount para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuario no se puede añadir a esta empresa. ¿Quizá ya está registrado en otra cuenta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migración completada',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Tu migración se ha completado, por favor revisa tus datos antes de registrarte.',
'api_404' => '404 | ¡Nada que ver por aquí!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'No se puede cargar una cuenta grande sin el parámetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No existe backup para esta actividad',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Uauario de Compañía no encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'No se encontraron créditos.',
'action_unavailable' => 'La acción :action requerida no está disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No se Encontraron Documentos',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No se encontraron opciones de grupo',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegios insuficientes para acceder / modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La factura no puede marcarse como pagada',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licencia inválida, o entorno :environment inválido',
'route_not_available' => 'Ruta no disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de diseño personalizado no válido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Presupuesto(s) no encontrado(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'No se puede aprobar este presupuesto porque ha expirado.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'El planificador se ha ejecutado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'El planificador nunca se ha ejecutado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'La actualización automática no está disponible en este sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuario desligado de la compañía',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Fallo al crear Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Gracias por su pago de :amount para :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Los pagos online están soportados si la cantidad es mayor que $1 o moneda equivalente.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'No se ha encontrado el token de pago, inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, inténtelo con otro método de pago',
'vendor_address1' => 'Calle de Proveedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Bloq/Pta del Proveedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente sin aplicar',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Por favor, selecciona un usuario autenticado con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Pulsación Larga en Lista',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar Acciones',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar Multiselección',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un email ha sido enviado para confirmar la dirección de correo',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Pagado a la fecha convertido',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nombre de Responder a',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Sin aplicar parcialmente',
'color_theme' => 'Color del Tema',
'start_migration' => 'Empezar Migración',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitud de cancelación de factura recurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact del cliente :client ha solicitado cancelar la Factura Recurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hola',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres aprobar este presupuesto?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecciona compañías a migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forzar migración',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requerir contraseña con Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permanecer Conectado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Atención: Tu sesión está a punto de expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 Día',
'count_days' => ':count Días',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tiempo de finalización de la sesión Web',
'security_settings' => 'Opciones de Seguridad',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar Email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor, confirma tu dirección de email',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidad',
'required_files_missing' => 'Por favor facilita todos los CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuemos con la autenticación.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puedes encontrar API_SECRET en el archivo .env o en Invoice Ninja v5. Si no está presente, deja el campo vacío.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'El descuento será aplicado en la revisión de pago.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último email',
'activate_company' => 'Activar Compañía',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activar emails, facturas recurrentes y notificaciones',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor inténtalo de nuevo',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor, primero establezca una contraseña',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Atención: Cambiar el número de teléfono desactivará autenticación en 2 pasos',
'help_translate' => 'Ayuda a Traducir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor, indica un país',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Autenticación en 2 pasos desactivada correctamente',
'connected_google' => 'Cuenta conectada correctamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Cuenta desconectada correctamente',
'delivered' => 'Entregado',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver Documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Por favor, facilita un número de teléfono para activar la autenticación en dos pasos',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Conectar Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desactivar Autenticación en 2 Pasos',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Fecha de Tarea en Factura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Añadir detalles de fecha a los artículos de línea de la factura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Factura recurrente emitida a',
'subscription' => 'Subscripción',
'new_subscription' => 'Nueva Subscripción',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Subscripción borrada correctamente',
'removed_subscription' => 'Subscripción eliminada correctamente',
'restored_subscription' => 'Subscripción restaurada correctamente',
'search_subscription' => 'Buscar 1 Subscripción',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Buscar :count Subscripciones',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'El subdominio no está disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado correctamente',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado correctamente',
'update_fail_help' => 'Cámbios en el código pueden estar bloqueando la actualización, puedes ejecutar este comando para descartar los cambios:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número ID Cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Caducidad de Contraseña',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Numeración de facturas y créditos compartidas',
'next' => 'Siguiente',
'next_step' => 'Siguiente paso',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'El crédito :invoice fue visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Al cliente :client le fue enviado un email con el Crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'El cliente :client vio el Crédito :credit de :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Introduce tu email para restablecer la contraseña.',
'password_reset' => 'Restablecer contraseña',
'account_login_text' => '¡Bienvenido! Encantado de verte.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Requerir cancelación',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Borrar Medio de Pago',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Estás a punto de borrar el medio de pago.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'La acción no puede ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'El perfil ha sido actualizado correctamente.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr Etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Usa una dirección permanente donde puedas recibir emails.',
'status_id' => 'Estado de Factura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este email ya está enlazado con una cuenta',
'locations' => 'Ubicaciones',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Lo entiendo, borrar',
'download_files' => 'Descargar Archivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Usa este enlace para descargar tus archivos, el enlace expirará en 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuevo Registro',
'new_signup_text' => 'Una nueva cuenta ha sido creada por :user - :email - desde la dirección IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Un pago ha sido realizado por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Un pago parcial ha sido realizado por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un pago de :amount ha sido realizado por el cliente :client de la factura :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un pago parcial de :amount ha sido realizado por el cliente :client de la factura :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificación',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si el botón de arriba no te está funcionando, por favor pulsa en el enlace',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar Registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar errores en tiempo real',
'setup' => 'Instalación',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Vistazo rápido y estadísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Actualiza tu información personal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nombre, página web y logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Asegúrate que usas el enalce completo a tu sitio',
'personal_address' => 'Dirección personal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Introduce tu dirección personal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Introduce tu dirección de envío',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Listado de facturas',
'with_selected' => 'Con seleccionados',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta factura está impagada. Pulsa en el botón para completar el pago',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas recurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aquí tienes algunos detalles de la factura recurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelación',
'about_cancellation' => 'En caso de querer parar la factura recurrente, favor pinchar para solicitar la cancelación.',
'cancellation_warning' => '¡Advertencia! Está solicitando la cancelación de este servicio. Tu servicio puede ser cancelado sin que recibas más notificación.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelación pendiente, ¡estaremos en contacto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Listado de pagos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalles del pago',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de facturas afectadas por el pago',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de medios de pago',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalles del medio de pago',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este medio de pago.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '¡Atención! ¡Esta acción no se puede revertir!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Presupuestos',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Esperando aprobación',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Este presupuesto todavía no está aprobado',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensiones requeridas',
'php_version' => 'Versión PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Archivo .env escribible',
'env_not_writable' => 'El archivo .env no es escribible por el usuario actual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versión PHP mínima',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Asegúrate de que se cumplen todos los requisitos.',
'oops_issues' => 'uppps, ¡algo no está bien!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir en nueva pestaña',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Completar pago',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pago para su uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver Crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver la :entity necesitas introducir la contraseña.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :first - :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'No se encontraron resultados.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pago fallido del cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pago hecho por el cliente :client falló con el mensaje :message',
'register' => 'Registrar',
'register_label' => 'Crea tu cuenta en unos segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirma tu contraseña',
'verification' => 'Verificación',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar una cuenta bancaria debe ser verificada.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'El número de tarjeta de crédito no es válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'El mes introducido no es válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'El año introducido no es válido.',
'https_required' => 'Es requerido HTTPS, el formulario fallará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si necesitas ayuda puedes escribir en nuestro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Después de actualizar la contraseña, tu cuenta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar con una cuenta bancaria, primero debes añadirla como método de pago.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos a guardar información básica acerca de tu Invoice Ninja',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado en producción',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activar solo para desarrollo',
'test_pdf' => 'Probar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com puede ser guardado como método de pago para su uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide marcar "Guardar los datos de la tarjeta de crédito" durante el proceso de pago.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'La cuenta bancaria (SOFORT) puede ser guardada como método de pago para su uso futuro, una vez que complete su primera transacción. No olvide marcar la opción "Guardar datos de pago" durante el proceso de pago.',
'node_status' => 'Estado Node',
'npm_status' => 'Estado NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'No puedo encontrar Node. ¿Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'No puedo encontrar NPM. ¿Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta factura está bloqueada y no se puede modificar',
'downloads' => 'Descargas',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalles del documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de archivo permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comunes y sus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Datos inválidos (numero CVV erróneo y/o fecha de caducidad)',
'download_selected' => 'Descarga seleccionada',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar facturas, debes',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'añadir método de pago',
'no_items_selected' => 'No hay elementos seleccionados.',
'payment_due' => 'Fecha de pago',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo de cuenta',
'thanks' => 'Gracias',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'El mínimo pago requerido es :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'La empresa no admite pagos en exceso.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado el :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado a la factura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuevo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver tu crédito de :amount, pulsa en el enlace de abajo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoneda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Guardar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pagar con crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'El método de pago no se puede guardar para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar con',
'n/a' => 'N/D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Pulsando "Siguiente paso" aceptas los términos.',
'not_specified' => 'No especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de proceder al pago, debes rellenar los siguientes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Después de completar, vuelve a la página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instrucciones',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 1 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 2 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio 3 de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Se envió un recordatorio personalizado para la factura Nº :invoice a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Recordatorio sin fín de la factura :invoice fue enviado a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuario Asignado',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para proceder al siguiente paso, asegúrate de que haces un test a cada sección.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota acerca de Phantom JS. Leer más.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pago Mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'No se ha realizado ninguna acción. Si cree que esto es incorrecto, por favor, póngase en contacto con el soporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No se ha seleccionado ninguna factura pagable. Asegúrate que no estás intentando pagar un borrador de factura o una factura con un importe pendiente de 0.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalles de pago requeridos',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar el pago necesitamos más detalles.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Guardaremos esto, de esta forma no lo tendrás que introducir la próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'No se pudo entregar el Crédito :invoice a :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'No se pudo entregar Crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalles del método de pago',
'new_card' => 'Nueva tarjeta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nueva cuenta bancaria',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Límite de :limit empresas por cuenta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'El total de crédito aplicado no puede ser superior que el total de facturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'El número de crédito ya existe',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito no encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Las facturas seleccionadas no son de un sólo cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados enviados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Facturas duplicadas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Tienes que tener indicada una factura al usar crédito en un pago',
'client_id_required' => 'El Id de cliente es obligatorio',
'expense_number_taken' => 'El número de gasto ya existe',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'El número de factura ya existe',
'payment_id_required' => 'La Id de pago es obligatoria.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'No se pudo obtener el pago especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La factura de Id :invoice no está relacionada con este pago',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'El crédito de id :credit no está relacionado con este pago',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Se intentó reembolsar más de lo permitido para la id de factura :invoice, la cantidad máxima reembolsable es :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Al intentar reembolsar un pago con facturas adjuntas, especifique la/s factura/s válida/s a reembolsar.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Al intentar reembolsar un pago con créditos adjuntos, especifique los créditos válidos que deben reembolsarse.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Se intentó reembolsar más de lo permitido para el crédito :credit, el importe máximo reembolsable es :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'El cliente del proyecto no coincide con el cliente de la entidad',
'quote_number_taken' => 'El número de presupuesto ya existe',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'El número de factura recurrente :number ya existe',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'El usuario no está asociado con esta cuenta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Cantidades no están correctamente balanceadas',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Cantidad aplicada insuficiente para cubrir el pago.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente en el crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o más de estas facturas han sido pagadas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'La factura # :number no puede ser reintegrada',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Intento de reembolso de :amount, sólo está disponible :refundable_amount para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuario no se puede añadir a esta empresa. ¿Quizá ya está registrado en otra cuenta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migración completada',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Tu migración se ha completado, por favor revisa tus datos antes de registrarte.',
'api_404' => '404 | ¡Nada que ver por aquí!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'No se puede cargar una cuenta grande sin el parámetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No existe backup para esta actividad',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Uauario de Compañía no encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'No se encontraron créditos.',
'action_unavailable' => 'La acción :action requerida no está disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No se Encontraron Documentos',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No se encontraron opciones de grupo',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegios insuficientes para acceder / modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La factura no puede marcarse como pagada',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licencia inválida, o entorno :environment inválido',
'route_not_available' => 'Ruta no disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de diseño personalizado no válido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Presupuesto(s) no encontrado(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'No se puede aprobar este presupuesto porque ha expirado.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'El planificador se ha ejecutado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'El planificador nunca se ha ejecutado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'La actualización automática no está disponible en este sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuario desligado de la compañía',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Fallo al crear Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Gracias por su pago de :amount para :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Los pagos online están soportados si la cantidad es mayor que $1 o moneda equivalente.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'No se ha encontrado el token de pago, inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, inténtelo con otro método de pago',
'vendor_address1' => 'Calle de Proveedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Bloq/Pta del Proveedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente sin aplicar',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Por favor, selecciona un usuario autenticado con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Pulsación Larga en Lista',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar Acciones',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar Multiselección',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un email ha sido enviado para confirmar la dirección de correo',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Pagado a la fecha convertido',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nombre de Responder a',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Sin aplicar parcialmente',
'color_theme' => 'Color del Tema',
'start_migration' => 'Empezar Migración',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitud de cancelación de factura recurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact del cliente :client ha solicitado cancelar la Factura Recurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hola',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres aprobar este presupuesto?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecciona compañías a migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forzar migración',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requerir contraseña con Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permanecer Conectado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Atención: Tu sesión está a punto de expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 Día',
'count_days' => ':count Días',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tiempo de finalización de la sesión Web',
'security_settings' => 'Opciones de Seguridad',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar Email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor, confirma tu dirección de email',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidad',
'required_files_missing' => 'Por favor facilita todos los CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuemos con la autenticación.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puedes encontrar API_SECRET en el archivo .env o en Invoice Ninja v5. Si no está presente, deja el campo vacío.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'El descuento será aplicado en la revisión de pago.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último email',
'activate_company' => 'Activar Compañía',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activar emails, facturas recurrentes y notificaciones',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor inténtalo de nuevo',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor, primero establezca una contraseña',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Atención: Cambiar el número de teléfono desactivará autenticación en 2 pasos',
'help_translate' => 'Ayuda a Traducir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor, indica un país',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Autenticación en 2 pasos desactivada correctamente',
'connected_google' => 'Cuenta conectada correctamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Cuenta desconectada correctamente',
'delivered' => 'Entregado',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver Documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Por favor, facilita un número de teléfono para activar la autenticación en dos pasos',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Conectar Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desactivar Autenticación en 2 Pasos',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Fecha de Tarea en Factura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Añadir detalles de fecha a los artículos de línea de la factura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Factura recurrente emitida a',
'subscription' => 'Subscripción',
'new_subscription' => 'Nueva Subscripción',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Subscripción borrada correctamente',
'removed_subscription' => 'Subscripción eliminada correctamente',
'restored_subscription' => 'Subscripción restaurada correctamente',
'search_subscription' => 'Buscar 1 Subscripción',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Buscar :count Subscripciones',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'El subdominio no está disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado correctamente',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado correctamente',
'update_fail_help' => 'Cámbios en el código pueden estar bloqueando la actualización, puedes ejecutar este comando para descartar los cambios:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número ID Cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Caducidad de Contraseña',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Numeración de facturas y créditos compartidas',
'activity_80' => ':user creó la suscripción :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user actualizó la suscripción :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archivó la suscripción :subscription',
@ -5125,7 +5125,7 @@ De lo contrario, este campo deberá dejarse en blanco.',
'region' => 'Región',
'county' => 'Condado',
'tax_details' => 'Detalles de impuestos',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact realizó el pago :payment para la factura :invoice de :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user realizó el pago :payment para la factura :invoice de :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Tipo de pago predeterminado',
'number_precision' => 'Precisión numérica',
@ -5212,6 +5212,33 @@ De lo contrario, este campo deberá dejarse en blanco.',
'charges' => 'Cargos',
'email_report' => 'Informe por correo electrónico',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Paga después',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3851,308 +3851,308 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'registration_url' => 'URL d\'inscription',
'show_product_cost' => 'Afficher les coûts des produits',
'complete' => 'Complet',
'next' => 'Suivant',
'next_step' => 'Étape suivante',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Crédit :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Crédit :invoice a été vue par :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Le client suivant :client a reçu un e-mail Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Le client suivant :client consulté Crédit :credit pour :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Entrez votre e-mail pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bienvenue ! Content de vous voir.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Demande de résiliation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Supprimer la méthode de paiement',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Vous allez supprimer cette méthode de paiement',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Cette action ne peut être annulée',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profil mis à jour',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr éthiopien',
'client_information_text' => 'Utilisez une adresse permanente où vous pouvez recevoir du courrier.',
'status_id' => 'Statut de la facture',
'email_already_register' => 'Cet email est déjà lié à un compte',
'locations' => 'Emplacements',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indéfiniment',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles restants',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Je comprends, supprimer',
'download_files' => 'Télécharger les fichiers',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utiliser ce lien pour télécharger les fichiers. Le lien expire dans 1 heure.',
'new_signup' => 'Nouvelle inscription',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nouveau compte a été créé par :user - :email - à partir de l\'adresse IP : :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Paiement effectué par :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Paiement partiel effectué par :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement de :amount a été effectué par :client pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement partiel de :amount a été effectué par le client :client vers :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Robot de notification',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Facture # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si le bouton ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas pour vous, veuillez cliquer sur le lien',
'display_log' => 'Afficher les logs',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Envoyer les erreurs à nos serveurs',
'setup' => 'Installation',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Aperçu rapide et statistiques',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Mettre à jour vos informations personnelles',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nom, site web & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Assurez-vous d\'utiliser le lien complet vers votre site',
'personal_address' => 'Adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Entrez votre adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Entrez votre adresse de livraison',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste des factures',
'with_selected' => 'Avec sélectionné',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Cette facture n\'est toujours pas payée. Cliquez sur le bouton pour terminer le paiement',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste des factures récurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Détails de la facture récurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Annulation',
'about_cancellation' => 'Pour cesser la facturation récurrente, cliquez pour demander l\'annulation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Attention ! Vous êtes sur le point de résilier cette formule. Votre service pourrait être résilié sans aucune autre notification.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulation en cours, nous vous contacterons !',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste des paiements',
'payment_details' => 'Détails du paiement',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste des factures affectées par le paiement',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste des moyens de paiement',
'payment_method_details' => 'Détails du mode de paiement',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Supprimer définitivement ce mode de paiement.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Avertissement! Cette action est irréversible !',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Devis',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'en attente d\'approbation',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Ce devis n\'est toujours pas validé',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crédits',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensions requises',
'php_version' => 'Version PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Fichier .env inscriptible',
'env_not_writable' => 'Le fichier .env n\'est pas accessible en écriture par l\'utilisateur actuel.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Version PHP minimale',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assurez-vous que toutes les exigences sont satisfaites.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oups, quelque chose cloche !',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Paiement complet',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriser le mode de paiement pour une utilisation future',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'par page',
'of' => 'sur',
'view_credit' => 'Afficher le crédit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Pour voir :entity, vous devez saisir votre mot de passe.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Affiche :first à :last sur :total résultats',
'no_results' => 'Aucun résultat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Le paiement a échoué pour le client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un paiement effectué par le client :client a échoué avec le message :message',
'register' => 'S\'inscrire',
'register_label' => 'Créez votre compte en quelques secondes',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmez votre mot de passe',
'verification' => 'Vérification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Avant d\'utiliser un compte bancaire, il doit être vérifié.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Le numéro de carte bancaire est invalide.',
'month_invalid' => 'Le mois fourni n\'est pas valide.',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'année fournie n\'est pas valide.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS est requis, le formulaire échouera',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si vous avez besoin d\'aide, vous pouvez poster sur notre',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Après la mise à jour du mot de passe, votre compte sera confirmé.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Pour payer avec un compte bancaire, vous devez d\'abord l\'ajouter comme mode de paiement.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Stockons les informations de base sur votre Invoice Ninja !',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Fortement recommandé en production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activer uniquement pour le développement',
'test_pdf' => 'Tester le PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com peut être enregistré comme mode de paiement pour une utilisation future, une fois que vous avez terminé votre première transaction. N\'oubliez pas de cocher "Enregistrer les détails de la carte de crédit" lors du processus de paiement.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Le compte bancaire (SOFORT) peut être enregistré comme mode de paiement pour une utilisation future, une fois que vous avez terminé votre première transaction. N\'oubliez pas de cocher "Enregistrer les détails de paiement" lors du processus de paiement.',
'node_status' => 'État du nœud',
'npm_status' => 'Statut du MNP',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Je n\'ai trouvé Node nulle part. Est-il installé ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Je n\'ai pu trouver NPM nulle part. Est-il installé ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Cette facture est verrouillée et ne peut pas être modifiée',
'downloads' => 'Téléchargements',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Détails sur le document',
'hash' => 'Hacher',
'resources' => 'Ressources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Types de fichiers autorisés :',
'common_codes' => 'Codes communs et leurs significations',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087 : Bad Track Data (CVV et/ou date d\'expiration invalides)',
'download_selected' => 'Télécharger la sélection',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Pour payer les factures, vous devez',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'ajouter un moyen de paiement',
'no_items_selected' => 'Aucun élément sélectionné.',
'payment_due' => 'Paiement dû',
'account_balance' => 'Solde du compte',
'thanks' => 'Merci',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Le paiement minimum requis est :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;entreprise ne prend pas en charge les sous-paiements.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;entreprise ne prend pas en charge les trop-payés.',
'saved_at' => 'Enregistré à :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédit appliqué à la facture :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nouveau crédit :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Pour afficher votre crédit pour :amount, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Crypto-monnaie',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Stocker pour une utilisation future',
'pay_with_credit' => 'payer avec un crédit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Erreur lors de l\'enregistrement du moyen de paiement.',
'pay_with' => 'Payer avec',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'En cliquant sur "Étape suivante", vous acceptez les conditions.',
'not_specified' => 'Non spécifié',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Avant de procéder au paiement, vous devez remplir les champs suivants',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Après avoir terminé, revenez à la page précédente.',
'pay' => 'Payer',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 1 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 2 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 3 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel personnalisé pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Rappel sans fin pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilisateur assigné',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Pour passer à l\'étape suivante, assurez-vous de tester chaque section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Remarque sur Phantom JS. En savoir plus.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Paiement minimum',
'no_action_provided' => 'Aucune action fournie. Si vous pensez que c\'est faux, veuillez contacter le support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Aucune des factures sélectionnées ne sont à payer. Assurez-vous de ne pas payer une facture à l\'état de brouillon ou dont le solde est nul.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Détails de paiement requis',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Pour terminer le paiement, nous avons besoin de plus d\'informations à propos de vous.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Information mémorisée afin de ne pas la saisir la prochaine fois.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nous n\'avons pas été en mesure d\'envoyer le crédit :facture à :contact. \n : error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossible de livrer Crédit : invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Enregister les détails du moyen de paiement',
'new_card' => 'Nouvelle carte',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nouveau compte bancaire',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit entreprises par compte.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Le total des crédits appliqués ne peut pas dépasser le total des factures',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Numéro de crédit déjà pris',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédit introuvable',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Les factures sélectionnées ne proviennent pas d\'un seul client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crédits en double soumis.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Factures en double soumises.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Vous devez avoir défini une facture lorsque vous utilisez un avoir dans un paiement',
'client_id_required' => 'L\'identifiant client est requis',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numéro de dépense déjà pris',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture déjà pris',
'payment_id_required' => '"Identifiant" de paiement requis.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossible de récupérer le paiement spécifié',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La facture #:invoice n\'est pas liée à ce paiement',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit n\'est pas lié à ce paiement',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour la facture #:invoice. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si vous tentez de rembourser un paiement avec des factures jointes, veuillez spécifier la/les facture(s) valide(s) à rembourser.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si vous tentez de rembourser un paiement avec des crédits, veuillez spécifier les crédits valides à rembourser.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour le crédit :credit. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Le client du projet ne correspond pas au client de l\'entité',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Numéro de devis déjà pris',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture récurrente :number déjà pris',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Utilisateur non associé à ce compte',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Les montants ne s\'équilibrent pas correctement.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Montant appliqué insuffisant pour couvrir le paiement.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Solde insuffisant sur le crédit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Une ou plusieurs de ces factures ont été payées',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Identifiant de facture :number ne peut pas être remboursé',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentative de remboursement :amount only :refundable_amount disponible pour remboursement',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Cet utilisateur ne peut pas être rattaché à cette société. Peut-être ont-ils déjà enregistré un utilisateur sur un autre compte ?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration terminée',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Votre migration est terminée, veuillez vérifier vos données après vous être connecté.',
'api_404' => '404 | Rien à voir ici!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Impossible de charger un grand compte sans paramètre updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Aucune sauvegarde n\'existe pour cette activité',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Enregistrement d\'utilisateur de l\'entreprise introuvable',
'no_credits_found' => 'Aucun crédit trouvé.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L\'action demandée :action n\'est pas disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Aucun document trouvé',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Aucun paramètre de groupe trouvé',
'access_denied' => 'Privilèges insuffisants pour accéder/modifier cette ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La facture ne peut pas être marquée comme payée',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licence invalide ou environnement invalide :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Itinéraire non disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objet de conception personnalisé non valide',
'quote_not_found' => 'Citation(s) introuvable(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossible d\'approuver ce devis car il a expiré.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Le planificateur s\'est exécuté',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Le planificateur n\'a jamais été exécuté',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Mise à jour automatique non disponible sur ce système.',
'user_detached' => 'Utilisateur détaché de l\'entreprise',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Échec de la création du Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Merci pour votre paiement de :amount pour :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Remarque : Les paiements en ligne ne sont pris en charge que si le montant est supérieur à 1 $ ou l\'équivalent en devise.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Le jeton de paiement est introuvable. Veuillez essayer de nouveau. Si le problème persiste, essayez avec un autre mode de paiement',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rue du fournisseur',
'vendor_address2' => 'Appt/Bâtiment du fournisseur',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partiellement non appliqué',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur authentifié avec Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Appuyez longuement sur la liste',
'show_actions' => 'Afficher les actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Démarrer la multisélection',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un e-mail a été envoyé pour confirmer l\'adresse e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converti payé à ce jour',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Solde créditeur converti',
'converted_total' => 'Total converti',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nom de réponse',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partiellement non appliqué',
'color_theme' => 'Thème de couleur',
'start_migration' => 'Démarrer la migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Demande d\'annulation de facture récurrente auprès de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact du client :le client a demandé l\'annulation de la facture récurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Bonjour',
'group_documents' => 'Documents de groupe',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir approuver ce devis ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Sélectionnez les entreprises à migrer',
'force_migration' => 'Forcer la migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exiger un mot de passe avec connexion sociale',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Rester connecté',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Avertissement : Votre session est sur le point d\'expirer',
'count_hours' => ':count les heures',
'count_day' => 'Un jour',
'count_days' => ':count les jours',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration de la session Web',
'security_settings' => 'Paramètres de sécurité',
'resend_email' => 'Ré-envoyer l\'email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Merci de confirmer votre adresse e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Comptabilité',
'required_files_missing' => 'Merci de fournir tous les CSV',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuons avec l\'authentification',
'api_secret' => 'Clé secrète de l\'API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Vous pouvez trouver API_SECRET dans le fichier .env ou dans Invoice Ninja v5. Si la propriété est manquante, laissez le champ vide.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Votre réduction sera appliquée au moment du paiement.',
'use_last_email' => 'Utiliser le dernier e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activer la société',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activer les e-mails, factures récurrentes et notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite, veuillez réessayer',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Veuillez d\'abord définir un mot de passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attention: Le changement de votre numéro de téléphone va désactiver la 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Aidez à traduire',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un pays',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'la 2FA a été désactivée avec succès',
'connected_google' => 'Compte connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_google' => 'Compte déconnecté avec succès',
'delivered' => 'Livré',
'spam' => 'Courrier indésirable',
'view_docs' => 'Afficher la documentation',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Veuillez fournir un numéro de téléphone mobile pour activer l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Code SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connecter Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Déconnecter Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Désactiver deux facteurs',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Journal des tâches de facturation',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Ajouter des détails de date aux éléments de ligne de facture',
'promo_code' => 'Code promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Facture récurrente émise à',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nouvel abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Abonnement supprimé avec succès',
'removed_subscription' => 'Abonnement supprimé avec succès',
'restored_subscription' => 'Abonnement restauré avec succès',
'search_subscription' => 'Rechercher 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Rechercher :count les abonnements',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Le sous-domaine n\'est pas disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connecter Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Déconnecter Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail a bien été déconnecté',
'update_fail_help' => 'Les modifications apportées à la base de code peuvent bloquer la mise à jour, vous pouvez exécuter cette commande pour annuler les modifications :',
'client_id_number' => 'Numéro d\'identification du client',
'count_minutes' => ':count les minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration du mot de passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Partager le compteur pour les factures et les crédits',
'next' => 'Suivant',
'next_step' => 'Étape suivante',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Crédit :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Crédit :invoice a été vue par :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Le client suivant :client a reçu un e-mail Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Le client suivant :client consulté Crédit :credit pour :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Entrez votre e-mail pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bienvenue ! Content de vous voir.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Demande de résiliation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Supprimer la méthode de paiement',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Vous allez supprimer cette méthode de paiement',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Cette action ne peut être annulée',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profil mis à jour',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr éthiopien',
'client_information_text' => 'Utilisez une adresse permanente où vous pouvez recevoir du courrier.',
'status_id' => 'Statut de la facture',
'email_already_register' => 'Cet email est déjà lié à un compte',
'locations' => 'Emplacements',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indéfiniment',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles restants',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Je comprends, supprimer',
'download_files' => 'Télécharger les fichiers',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utiliser ce lien pour télécharger les fichiers. Le lien expire dans 1 heure.',
'new_signup' => 'Nouvelle inscription',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nouveau compte a été créé par :user - :email - à partir de l\'adresse IP : :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Paiement effectué par :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Paiement partiel effectué par :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement de :amount a été effectué par :client pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement partiel de :amount a été effectué par le client :client vers :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Robot de notification',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Facture # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si le bouton ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas pour vous, veuillez cliquer sur le lien',
'display_log' => 'Afficher les logs',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Envoyer les erreurs à nos serveurs',
'setup' => 'Installation',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Aperçu rapide et statistiques',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Mettre à jour vos informations personnelles',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nom, site web & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Assurez-vous d\'utiliser le lien complet vers votre site',
'personal_address' => 'Adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Entrez votre adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Entrez votre adresse de livraison',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste des factures',
'with_selected' => 'Avec sélectionné',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Cette facture n\'est toujours pas payée. Cliquez sur le bouton pour terminer le paiement',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste des factures récurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Détails de la facture récurrente',
'cancellation' => 'Annulation',
'about_cancellation' => 'Pour cesser la facturation récurrente, cliquez pour demander l\'annulation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Attention ! Vous êtes sur le point de résilier cette formule. Votre service pourrait être résilié sans aucune autre notification.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulation en cours, nous vous contacterons !',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste des paiements',
'payment_details' => 'Détails du paiement',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste des factures affectées par le paiement',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste des moyens de paiement',
'payment_method_details' => 'Détails du mode de paiement',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Supprimer définitivement ce mode de paiement.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Avertissement! Cette action est irréversible !',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Devis',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'en attente d\'approbation',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Ce devis n\'est toujours pas validé',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crédits',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensions requises',
'php_version' => 'Version PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Fichier .env inscriptible',
'env_not_writable' => 'Le fichier .env n\'est pas accessible en écriture par l\'utilisateur actuel.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Version PHP minimale',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assurez-vous que toutes les exigences sont satisfaites.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oups, quelque chose cloche !',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Paiement complet',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriser le mode de paiement pour une utilisation future',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'par page',
'of' => 'sur',
'view_credit' => 'Afficher le crédit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Pour voir :entity, vous devez saisir votre mot de passe.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Affiche :first à :last sur :total résultats',
'no_results' => 'Aucun résultat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Le paiement a échoué pour le client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un paiement effectué par le client :client a échoué avec le message :message',
'register' => 'S\'inscrire',
'register_label' => 'Créez votre compte en quelques secondes',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmez votre mot de passe',
'verification' => 'Vérification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Avant d\'utiliser un compte bancaire, il doit être vérifié.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Le numéro de carte bancaire est invalide.',
'month_invalid' => 'Le mois fourni n\'est pas valide.',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'année fournie n\'est pas valide.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS est requis, le formulaire échouera',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si vous avez besoin d\'aide, vous pouvez poster sur notre',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Après la mise à jour du mot de passe, votre compte sera confirmé.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Pour payer avec un compte bancaire, vous devez d\'abord l\'ajouter comme mode de paiement.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Stockons les informations de base sur votre Invoice Ninja !',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Fortement recommandé en production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activer uniquement pour le développement',
'test_pdf' => 'Tester le PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com peut être enregistré comme mode de paiement pour une utilisation future, une fois que vous avez terminé votre première transaction. N\'oubliez pas de cocher "Enregistrer les détails de la carte de crédit" lors du processus de paiement.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Le compte bancaire (SOFORT) peut être enregistré comme mode de paiement pour une utilisation future, une fois que vous avez terminé votre première transaction. N\'oubliez pas de cocher "Enregistrer les détails de paiement" lors du processus de paiement.',
'node_status' => 'État du nœud',
'npm_status' => 'Statut du MNP',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Je n\'ai trouvé Node nulle part. Est-il installé ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Je n\'ai pu trouver NPM nulle part. Est-il installé ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Cette facture est verrouillée et ne peut pas être modifiée',
'downloads' => 'Téléchargements',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Détails sur le document',
'hash' => 'Hacher',
'resources' => 'Ressources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Types de fichiers autorisés :',
'common_codes' => 'Codes communs et leurs significations',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087 : Bad Track Data (CVV et/ou date d\'expiration invalides)',
'download_selected' => 'Télécharger la sélection',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Pour payer les factures, vous devez',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'ajouter un moyen de paiement',
'no_items_selected' => 'Aucun élément sélectionné.',
'payment_due' => 'Paiement dû',
'account_balance' => 'Solde du compte',
'thanks' => 'Merci',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Le paiement minimum requis est :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;entreprise ne prend pas en charge les sous-paiements.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;entreprise ne prend pas en charge les trop-payés.',
'saved_at' => 'Enregistré à :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédit appliqué à la facture :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nouveau crédit :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Pour afficher votre crédit pour :amount, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Crypto-monnaie',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Stocker pour une utilisation future',
'pay_with_credit' => 'payer avec un crédit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Erreur lors de l\'enregistrement du moyen de paiement.',
'pay_with' => 'Payer avec',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'En cliquant sur "Étape suivante", vous acceptez les conditions.',
'not_specified' => 'Non spécifié',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Avant de procéder au paiement, vous devez remplir les champs suivants',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Après avoir terminé, revenez à la page précédente.',
'pay' => 'Payer',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 1 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 2 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Rappel 3 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel personnalisé pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Rappel sans fin pour la facture :invoice a été envoyée à :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilisateur assigné',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Pour passer à l\'étape suivante, assurez-vous de tester chaque section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Remarque sur Phantom JS. En savoir plus.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Paiement minimum',
'no_action_provided' => 'Aucune action fournie. Si vous pensez que c\'est faux, veuillez contacter le support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Aucune des factures sélectionnées ne sont à payer. Assurez-vous de ne pas payer une facture à l\'état de brouillon ou dont le solde est nul.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Détails de paiement requis',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Pour terminer le paiement, nous avons besoin de plus d\'informations à propos de vous.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Information mémorisée afin de ne pas la saisir la prochaine fois.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nous n\'avons pas été en mesure d\'envoyer le crédit :facture à :contact. \n : error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossible de livrer Crédit : invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Enregister les détails du moyen de paiement',
'new_card' => 'Nouvelle carte',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nouveau compte bancaire',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit entreprises par compte.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Le total des crédits appliqués ne peut pas dépasser le total des factures',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Numéro de crédit déjà pris',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédit introuvable',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Les factures sélectionnées ne proviennent pas d\'un seul client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crédits en double soumis.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Factures en double soumises.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Vous devez avoir défini une facture lorsque vous utilisez un avoir dans un paiement',
'client_id_required' => 'L\'identifiant client est requis',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numéro de dépense déjà pris',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture déjà pris',
'payment_id_required' => '"Identifiant" de paiement requis.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossible de récupérer le paiement spécifié',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La facture #:invoice n\'est pas liée à ce paiement',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit n\'est pas lié à ce paiement',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour la facture #:invoice. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si vous tentez de rembourser un paiement avec des factures jointes, veuillez spécifier la/les facture(s) valide(s) à rembourser.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si vous tentez de rembourser un paiement avec des crédits, veuillez spécifier les crédits valides à rembourser.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour le crédit :credit. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Le client du projet ne correspond pas au client de l\'entité',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Numéro de devis déjà pris',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture récurrente :number déjà pris',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Utilisateur non associé à ce compte',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Les montants ne s\'équilibrent pas correctement.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Montant appliqué insuffisant pour couvrir le paiement.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Solde insuffisant sur le crédit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Une ou plusieurs de ces factures ont été payées',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Identifiant de facture :number ne peut pas être remboursé',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentative de remboursement :amount only :refundable_amount disponible pour remboursement',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Cet utilisateur ne peut pas être rattaché à cette société. Peut-être ont-ils déjà enregistré un utilisateur sur un autre compte ?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration terminée',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Votre migration est terminée, veuillez vérifier vos données après vous être connecté.',
'api_404' => '404 | Rien à voir ici!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Impossible de charger un grand compte sans paramètre updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Aucune sauvegarde n\'existe pour cette activité',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Enregistrement d\'utilisateur de l\'entreprise introuvable',
'no_credits_found' => 'Aucun crédit trouvé.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L\'action demandée :action n\'est pas disponible.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Aucun document trouvé',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Aucun paramètre de groupe trouvé',
'access_denied' => 'Privilèges insuffisants pour accéder/modifier cette ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La facture ne peut pas être marquée comme payée',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licence invalide ou environnement invalide :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Itinéraire non disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objet de conception personnalisé non valide',
'quote_not_found' => 'Citation(s) introuvable(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossible d\'approuver ce devis car il a expiré.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Le planificateur s\'est exécuté',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Le planificateur n\'a jamais été exécuté',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Mise à jour automatique non disponible sur ce système.',
'user_detached' => 'Utilisateur détaché de l\'entreprise',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Échec de la création du Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Merci pour votre paiement de :amount pour :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Remarque : Les paiements en ligne ne sont pris en charge que si le montant est supérieur à 1 $ ou l\'équivalent en devise.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Le jeton de paiement est introuvable. Veuillez essayer de nouveau. Si le problème persiste, essayez avec un autre mode de paiement',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rue du fournisseur',
'vendor_address2' => 'Appt/Bâtiment du fournisseur',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partiellement non appliqué',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur authentifié avec Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Appuyez longuement sur la liste',
'show_actions' => 'Afficher les actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Démarrer la multisélection',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un e-mail a été envoyé pour confirmer l\'adresse e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converti payé à ce jour',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Solde créditeur converti',
'converted_total' => 'Total converti',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nom de réponse',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partiellement non appliqué',
'color_theme' => 'Thème de couleur',
'start_migration' => 'Démarrer la migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Demande d\'annulation de facture récurrente auprès de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact du client :le client a demandé l\'annulation de la facture récurrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Bonjour',
'group_documents' => 'Documents de groupe',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir approuver ce devis ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Sélectionnez les entreprises à migrer',
'force_migration' => 'Forcer la migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exiger un mot de passe avec connexion sociale',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Rester connecté',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Avertissement : Votre session est sur le point d\'expirer',
'count_hours' => ':count les heures',
'count_day' => 'Un jour',
'count_days' => ':count les jours',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration de la session Web',
'security_settings' => 'Paramètres de sécurité',
'resend_email' => 'Ré-envoyer l\'email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Merci de confirmer votre adresse e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Comptabilité',
'required_files_missing' => 'Merci de fournir tous les CSV',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuons avec l\'authentification',
'api_secret' => 'Clé secrète de l\'API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Vous pouvez trouver API_SECRET dans le fichier .env ou dans Invoice Ninja v5. Si la propriété est manquante, laissez le champ vide.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Votre réduction sera appliquée au moment du paiement.',
'use_last_email' => 'Utiliser le dernier e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activer la société',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activer les e-mails, factures récurrentes et notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite, veuillez réessayer',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Veuillez d\'abord définir un mot de passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attention: Le changement de votre numéro de téléphone va désactiver la 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Aidez à traduire',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un pays',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'la 2FA a été désactivée avec succès',
'connected_google' => 'Compte connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_google' => 'Compte déconnecté avec succès',
'delivered' => 'Livré',
'spam' => 'Courrier indésirable',
'view_docs' => 'Afficher la documentation',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Veuillez fournir un numéro de téléphone mobile pour activer l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Code SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connecter Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Déconnecter Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Désactiver deux facteurs',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Journal des tâches de facturation',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Ajouter des détails de date aux éléments de ligne de facture',
'promo_code' => 'Code promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Facture récurrente émise à',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nouvel abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Abonnement supprimé avec succès',
'removed_subscription' => 'Abonnement supprimé avec succès',
'restored_subscription' => 'Abonnement restauré avec succès',
'search_subscription' => 'Rechercher 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Rechercher :count les abonnements',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Le sous-domaine n\'est pas disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connecter Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Déconnecter Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail a bien été déconnecté',
'update_fail_help' => 'Les modifications apportées à la base de code peuvent bloquer la mise à jour, vous pouvez exécuter cette commande pour annuler les modifications :',
'client_id_number' => 'Numéro d\'identification du client',
'count_minutes' => ':count les minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration du mot de passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Partager le compteur pour les factures et les crédits',
'activity_80' => ':user a créé l\'abonnement :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user a mis à jour l\'abonnement :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user a archivé l\'abonnement :subscription',
@ -5128,7 +5128,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'region' => 'Région',
'county' => 'Comté',
'tax_details' => 'Détails fiscaux',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact a saisi le paiement :payment pour la facture :invoice pour :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user a saisi le paiement :payment pour la facture :invoice pour :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Type de paiement par défaut',
'number_precision' => 'Précision du nombre',
@ -5215,6 +5215,33 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'charges' => 'Des charges',
'email_report' => 'Rapport par courrier électronique',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Payer plus tard',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Type de paiement Crédit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Type de paiement Débit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Envoyer des e-mails à',
'primary_contact' => 'Premier contact',
'all_contacts' => 'Tous les contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insérer ci-dessous',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Authentification du compte bancaire. Sélectionnez votre institution pour compléter la demande avec les informations d&#39;identification de votre compte.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'Une erreur est survenue',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'Une erreur inconnue s&#39;est produite! Raison:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'jeton invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'Le jeton fourni n&#39;était pas valide. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Informations d&#39;identification manquantes',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Identifiants invalides ou manquants pour les données du compte bancaire Gocardless. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Pas disponible',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Fonctionnalité non disponible, forfait entreprise uniquement.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Institution invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'L&#39;identifiant de l&#39;établissement fourni n&#39;est pas valide ou n&#39;est plus valide.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Référence invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless n&#39;a pas fourni de référence valide. Veuillez réexécuter Flow et contacter l&#39;assistance si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Demande invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless n&#39;a pas fourni de référence valide. Veuillez réexécuter Flow et contacter l&#39;assistance si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Pas prêt',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Vous avez appelé ce site trop tôt. Veuillez terminer l&#39;autorisation et actualiser cette page. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Aucun compte sélectionné',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Le service n&#39;a renvoyé aucun compte valide. Pensez à redémarrer le flux.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Redémarrez le flux.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Retour à la candidature.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -4747,7 +4747,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'include_deleted_help' => 'Inclure les enregistrements supprimés dans les rapports',
'due_on' => 'Dû le',
'browser_pdf_viewer' => 'Utiliser le lecteur PDF du navigateur',
'browser_pdf_viewer_help' => 'Avertissement: Empêche l\'interation avec l\'application par le',
'browser_pdf_viewer_help' => 'Avertissement : Empêche l\'interaction de l\'application sur le PDF',
'converted_transactions' => 'Les transactions ont été converties',
'default_category' => 'Catégorie par défaut',
'connect_accounts' => 'Comptes connectés',
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'region' => 'Région',
'county' => 'Comté',
'tax_details' => 'Détails de taxes',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact a saisi un paiement :payment pour la facture :invoice pour :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact a fait un paiement :payment de la facture :invoice pour :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user a saisi un paiement :payment pour la facture :invoice pour :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Type de paiement par défaut',
'number_precision' => 'Précision du nombre',
@ -5219,27 +5219,27 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'primary_contact' => 'Contact principal',
'all_contacts' => 'Tous les contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insérer ci-dessous',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'will gain access for your selected bank account. After selecting your institution you are redirected to theire front-page to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An Error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown Error has occured! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Please restart the flow, with a valid one_time_token. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'The provided credentials for nordigen are eighter missing or invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'This flow is not available for your account. Considder upgrading to enterprise version. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid. You can go to the bank selection page by clicking the button below or cancel the flow by clicking on the \'X\' above.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'Nordigen did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'Nordigen did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You may called this site to early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Authentification du compte bancaire. Sélection de votre institution bancaire pour compléter la demande avec vos identifiants de compte.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'Une erreur est survenue',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'Une erreur inconnue est survenue! Raison:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Jeton non valide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'Le jeton fourni n\'était pas valide. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l\'aide, si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Informations de connexion manquantes',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Informations d\'identification manquantes ou non valides pour les données du compte bancaire Gocardless. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l\'aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Non disponible',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Fonctionnalité non disponible, plan d\'entreprise seulement.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Institution non valide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'L\'identifiant d\'institution fourni n\'est pas ou n\'est plus valide.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Référence non valide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless n\'a pas fourni une référence valide. Veuillez relancer le processus et contacter le support si le problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Réquisition non valide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless n\'a pas fourni une référence valide. Veuillez relancer le processus et contacter le support si le problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Pas prêt',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Vous avez contacté ce site trop tôt. Veuillez terminer l\'autorisation et rafraîchir cette page. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l\'aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Aucun compte sélectionné',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Le service n\'a retourné aucun compte valide. Veuillez redémarrer le processus.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Redémarrer le processus',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Retour à l\'application',
return $lang;

View File

@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'require_quote_signature_help' => 'Requiert une signature du client',
'i_agree' => 'J\'accepte les conditions',
'sign_here' => 'Veuillez signer ici:',
'sign_here_ux_tip' => 'Use the mouse or your touchpad to trace your signature.',
'sign_here_ux_tip' => 'Utilisez la souris ou votre pavé tactile pour tracer votre signature.',
'authorization' => 'Autorisation',
'signed' => 'Signé',
@ -3364,7 +3364,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'credit_number_counter' => 'Compteur du numéro de crédit',
'reset_counter_date' => 'Remise à zéro du compteur de date',
'counter_padding' => 'Espacement du compteur',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Quote Counter',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Partager le compteur de factures/devis',
'default_tax_name_1' => 'Nom de taxe par défaut 1',
'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Taux de taxe par défaut 1',
'default_tax_name_2' => 'Nom de taxe par défaut 2',
@ -3849,308 +3849,308 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'registration_url' => 'URL d\'enregistrement',
'show_product_cost' => 'Afficher le montant du produit',
'complete' => 'Terminé',
'next' => 'Suivant',
'next_step' => 'Étape suivante',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'le crédit :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Le crédit :invoice a été vu par :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Un crédit de :amount a été envoyé par courriel au client :client.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Un crédit de :amount a été vu par le client :client.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Saisissez votre adresse courriel pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bienvenue ! Content de vous voir.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Annuler la demande',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Supprimer le mode de paiement',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Le mode de paiement sera supprimé',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Cette action ne peut être annulée',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Le profil a été mis à jour avec succès.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'birr éthiopien',
'client_information_text' => 'Adresse permanente où vous recevez le courriel',
'status_id' => 'État de facture',
'email_already_register' => 'Cette adresse courriel est déjà liée à un compte',
'locations' => 'Emplacements',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indéfiniment',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles restants',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Je comprends. Supprimer.',
'download_files' => 'Télécharger les fichiers',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utilisez ce lien pour télécharger vos fichiers. Le lien expirera dans 1 heure.',
'new_signup' => 'Nouvelle inscription',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nouveau compte a été créé par :user - :email - de l\'adresse IP :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Le paiement a été fait par :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Le paiement partiel a été fait par :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement de :amount a été fait par le client : pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement partiel de :amount a été fait par le client : pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notifications',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Facture N° :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity N° :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si le bouton ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas correctement, cliquez sur le lien',
'display_log' => 'Afficher le registre',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporter les erreurs en temps réel',
'setup' => 'Configuration',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Aperçu et statistiques',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Mettre à jour vos infos personnelles',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nom, site web et logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Utilisez le lien complet vers votre site',
'personal_address' => 'Adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Saisissez votre adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Saisissez votre adresse de livraison',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste des factures',
'with_selected' => 'Avec la sélection de',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Cette facture est toujours impayée. Cliquez sur le bouton pour compléter le paiement',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste des factures récurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Détails à propos des factures récurrentes',
'cancellation' => 'Annulation',
'about_cancellation' => 'Pour cesser la facturation récurrente, cliquez sur la requête d\'annulation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Avertissement! Vous avez demandé une annulation de ce service. Votre service pourrait être annulé sans autre notification.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulation en attente. Nous vous tiendrons au courant.',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste des paiements',
'payment_details' => 'Détails du paiement',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste des factures affectées par le paiement',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste des modes de paiement',
'payment_method_details' => 'Détails du mode de paiement',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Supprimer de façon définitive ce mode de paiement',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Avertissement! Cette action ne peut être annulée!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Offres',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'En attente d\'approbation',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Cette offre n\'a pas encore été approuvée',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crédits',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensions requises',
'php_version' => 'Version PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Fichier .env inscriptible',
'env_not_writable' => 'Le fichier .env n\'est pas inscriptible par l\'utilisateur en cours',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Version PHP minimale',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assurez-vous que toutes les exigences sont satisfaites',
'oops_issues' => 'Oups, quelque chose cloche !',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Paiement complet',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriser ce mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Par page',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Voir le crédit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Pour voir :entity, vous devez saisir votre mot de passe.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Affiche :first de :last de :total résultats',
'no_results' => 'Aucun résultat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Le paiement a échoué pour le client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un paiement fait par le client :client a échoué avec le message :message',
'register' => 'S\'inscrire',
'register_label' => 'Créer votre compte en quelques secondes',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmer votre mot de passe',
'verification' => 'Vérification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Avant d\'utiliser un compte bancaire, il doit être vérifié.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Tous droits réservés © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Le numéro de carte de crédit fourni n\'est pas valide',
'month_invalid' => 'Le mois indiqué n\'est pas valide',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'année indiquée n\'est pas valide',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS est requis, l\'envoi du formulaire va échouer',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si vous avez besoin d\'aide, vous pouvez écrire à notre',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Après la mise à jour du mot de passe, votre compte sera confirmé.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Pour payer avec un compte bancaire, vous devez d\'abord l\'ajouter comme un mode de paiement.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Enregistrons les informations de base sur votre Ninja de la facture!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Fortement recommandé en mode production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activer seulement en mode développement',
'test_pdf' => 'Tester PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com peut être enregistrer comme un mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur, lors de la première transaction. Cochez "Enregistrer les infos de carte de crédit" lors du processus de paiement.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Le compte bancaire (SOFORT) peut être enregistré comme un mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur, lors de la première transaction. Cochez "Enregistrer les infos de paiement" lors du processus de paiement.',
'node_status' => 'État du noeud',
'npm_status' => 'État du NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Nœud introuvable. Est-il installé ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'NPM introuvable. Est-il installé ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'La facture est verrouillée et ne peut être modifiée',
'downloads' => 'Téléchargements',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Détails du document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Ressources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Types de fichiers autorisés:',
'common_codes' => 'Codes communs et leurs significations',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087 : Données de suivi invalides (CVV et/ou date d\'expiration non valables)',
'download_selected' => 'Télécharger la sélection',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Pour payer les factures, vous devez',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'ajouter un mode de paiement',
'no_items_selected' => 'Aucun article sélectionné',
'payment_due' => 'Paiement dû',
'account_balance' => 'Solde du compte',
'thanks' => 'Merci',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Le paiement minimum requis est :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L\'entreprise d\'autorise pas les surpaiements.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L\'entreprise d\'autorise pas les souspaiements.',
'saved_at' => 'Enregistré à :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Le crédit a été appliqué à la facture :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nouveau crédit :credit de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Pour voir le crédit de :amount, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptodevise',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Enregistrer pour un usage ultérieur',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Payer avec un crédit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Ce mode de paiement ne peut pas être enregistré pour usage ultérieur.',
'pay_with' => 'Payer avec',
'n/a' => 'N/D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'En cliquant sur "Prochaine étape", vous acceptez les conditions.',
'not_specified' => 'Non spécifié',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Avant de procéder au paiement, vous devez remplir les champs suivants',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Retournez à la page précédente après avoir complété',
'pay' => 'Payer',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 1 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 2 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 3 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Un rappel personnalisé pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Un rappel perpétuel pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilisateur affecté',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Pour accéder à la prochaine étape, vous devez tester chaque section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Notes à propos de Phantom JS. En savoir plus.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Paiement minimum',
'no_action_provided' => 'Aucune action reçue. Si cest une erreur, veuillez contacter le soutien technique.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Aucune des factures sélectionnées porte un solde dû. Assurez-vous que vous n\'essayez pas de payer une facture provisoire ou une facture dont le solde est nul.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Détails de paiement requis',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Pour terminer le paiement, nous avons besoin de plus d\'informations à propos de vous.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Ces informations seront sauvegardées. Vous n\'aurez pas à les saisir la prochaine fois.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nous n\'avons pas pu émettre de Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossible d\'émettre Crédit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Enregistrer les infos de mode de paiement',
'new_card' => 'Nouvelle carte',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nouveau compte bancaire',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit entreprises par compte.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Le total des crédits octroyés ne peut être supérieur au total des factures',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Ce numéro de crédit est déjà utilisé',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédit introuvable',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Les factures sélectionnées proviennent de plus d\'un client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crédits soumis en double.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Factures soumises en double.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Vous devez avoir une facture en règle avant de pouvoir utiliser un crédit lors d\'un paiement',
'client_id_required' => 'Le numéro d\'identification du client est requis',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numéro de remboursement déjà utilisé',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture déjà utilisé',
'payment_id_required' => 'Numéro de paiement requis.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossible de récupérer le numéro de paiement spécifié',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La facture #:invoice n\'est pas liée à ce paiement',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Le crédit #:credit n\'est pas lié à ce paiement',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour la facture #:invoice. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Essai de remboursement d\'un paiement avec factures jointes. Veuillez spécifier une ou des factures valides à rembourser.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Essai de remboursement d\'un paiement avec crédits jointes. Veuillez spécifier un ou des crédits valides à rembourser.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour le crédit :credit. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Ce numéro de offre est déjà pris',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Le numéro de facture récurrente :number est déjà pris',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'L\'utilisateur n\'est pas associé à ce compte',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Les montants ne balancent pas correctement.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Montant restant affecté insuffisant pour couvrir ce paiement.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Solde insuffisant sur le crédit',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Une ou plusieurs factures ont été payées',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'La facture #:number ne peut être remboursée',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Essai de remboursement du montant :amount seulement :refundable_amount  disponible pour remboursement.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Cet utilisateur ne peut être rattaché à cette entreprise. Peut-être a-t-il déjà enregistré un utilisateur sur un autre compte?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration complétée',
'migration_completed_description' => 'La migration est complétée. Veuillez vérifier vos données après la connexion.',
'api_404' => '404 | Rien à voir ici!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Le chargement d\'un gros compte est impossible sans un paramètre updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Aucune sauvegarde n\'existe pour cette activité',
'company_user_not_found' => 'L\'enregistrement de l\'entreprise de l\'utilisateur introuvable.',
'no_credits_found' => 'Aucun crédit trouvé.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L\'action :action demandée n\'est pas disponible',
'no_documents_found' => 'Aucun document trouvé',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Aucun paramètre de groupe trouvé',
'access_denied' => 'Permissions insuffisantes pour accéder/modifier cette ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La facture ne peut pas être marquée comme payée',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'License invalide, ou environnement :environment invalide',
'route_not_available' => 'La route n\'est pas disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objet design personnalisé invalide',
'quote_not_found' => 'Offre(s) introuvable(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'L\'approbation de cette offre ne peut se faire puisqu\'elle est expirée.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Le planificateur a démarré',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Le planificateur n\'a jamais démarré',
'self_update_not_available' => 'La mise à jour manuelle n\'est pas disponible sur ce système',
'user_detached' => 'L\'utilisateur a été détaché de l\'entreprise',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Création Webhook impossible',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Merci pour votre paiement d\'un montant de :amount',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Les paiements en ligne sont acceptés seulement si le montant est plus élevé que 1$ ou en devise équivalente.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Le jeton de paiement est introuvable. Veuillez essayer de nouveau. Si le problème persiste, essayez avec un autre mode de paiement',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rue du fournisseur',
'vendor_address2' => 'App du fournisseur',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur authentifié avec Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Longue pression pour liste',
'show_actions' => 'Afficher les actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Démarrer la multisélection',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un courriel a été envoyé pour confirmer l\'adresse courriel',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Payé à ce jour converti',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Solde de crédit converti',
'converted_total' => 'Total converti',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nom de Répondre À',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'color_theme' => 'Couleur de thème',
'start_migration' => 'Démarrer la migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Demande d\'annulation de facture récurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact du client :client a demandé l\'annulation de la facture récurrente : invoice',
'hello' => 'Bonjour',
'group_documents' => 'Grouper les documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Êtes-vous certain de vouloir approuver cette offre ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Sélectionnez les entreprises pour la migration',
'force_migration' => 'Forcer la migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requiert un mot de passe avec une connexion de réseau social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Restez connecté',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Avertissement: Votre session va expirer bientôt',
'count_hours' => ':count heures',
'count_day' => '1 jour',
'count_days' => ':count jours',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Expiration de la session web',
'security_settings' => 'Paramètres de sécurité',
'resend_email' => 'Renvoyer le courriel',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Veuillez confirmer votre adresse courriel',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Comptabilité',
'required_files_missing' => 'Veuillez fournir tous les CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuez en vous authentifiant.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Vous pouvez trouver API_SECRET dans le fichier .env ou Invoice Ninja v5. Si la propriété est manquante, laissez le champ vide.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Votre rabais sera appliqué au moment de régler votre facture.',
'use_last_email' => 'Utiliser le dernier e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activer la société',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activez les courriels, les factures récurrentes et les notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite, veuillez réessayer',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Veuillez d\'abord définir un mot de passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attention: modifier votre numéro de téléphone désactivera l\'authentification à deux facteurs 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Aide à la traduction',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un pays',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'L\'authentification à deux facteurs 2FA a été désactivée avec succès',
'connected_google' => 'Le compte a été connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_google' => 'Le comte a été déconnecté avec succès',
'delivered' => 'Livré',
'spam' => 'Pourriel',
'view_docs' => 'Afficher la documentation',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Veuillez fournir un numéro de téléphone mobile pour activer l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Code SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connectez Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Déconnecter Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Désactiver l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Facturer le journal des dates des interventions',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Ajouter les détails de date aux lignes d\'articles des factures',
'promo_code' => 'Code promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Facture récurrente émise à',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nouvel abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été supprimé avec succès',
'removed_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été retiré avec succès',
'restored_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été restauré avec succès',
'search_subscription' => 'Recherche de 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Recherche :count abonnements',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Le sous-domaine n\'est pas disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connectez Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Déconnecter Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail a été connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail a été déconnecté avec succès',
'update_fail_help' => 'Les modifications apportées au code de base peuvent bloquer la mise à jour, vous pouvez exécuter cette commande pour annuler les modifications:',
'client_id_number' => 'Numéro d\'identification du client',
'count_minutes' => ':count minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration du mot de passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Partager le compteur pour les factures et les crédits',
'next' => 'Suivant',
'next_step' => 'Étape suivante',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'le crédit :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Le crédit :invoice a été vu par :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Un crédit de :amount a été envoyé par courriel au client :client.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Un crédit de :amount a été vu par le client :client.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Saisissez votre adresse courriel pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bienvenue ! Content de vous voir.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Annuler la demande',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Supprimer le mode de paiement',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Le mode de paiement sera supprimé',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Cette action ne peut être annulée',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Le profil a été mis à jour avec succès.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'birr éthiopien',
'client_information_text' => 'Adresse permanente où vous recevez le courriel',
'status_id' => 'État de facture',
'email_already_register' => 'Cette adresse courriel est déjà liée à un compte',
'locations' => 'Emplacements',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indéfiniment',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles restants',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Je comprends. Supprimer.',
'download_files' => 'Télécharger les fichiers',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utilisez ce lien pour télécharger vos fichiers. Le lien expirera dans 1 heure.',
'new_signup' => 'Nouvelle inscription',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nouveau compte a été créé par :user - :email - de l\'adresse IP :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Le paiement a été fait par :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Le paiement partiel a été fait par :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement de :amount a été fait par le client : pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un paiement partiel de :amount a été fait par le client : pour la facture :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notifications',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Facture N° :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity N° :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Si le bouton ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas correctement, cliquez sur le lien',
'display_log' => 'Afficher le registre',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporter les erreurs en temps réel',
'setup' => 'Configuration',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Aperçu et statistiques',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Mettre à jour vos infos personnelles',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nom, site web et logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Utilisez le lien complet vers votre site',
'personal_address' => 'Adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Saisissez votre adresse personnelle',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Saisissez votre adresse de livraison',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Liste des factures',
'with_selected' => 'Avec la sélection de',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Cette facture est toujours impayée. Cliquez sur le bouton pour compléter le paiement',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste des factures récurrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Détails à propos des factures récurrentes',
'cancellation' => 'Annulation',
'about_cancellation' => 'Pour cesser la facturation récurrente, cliquez sur la requête d\'annulation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Avertissement! Vous avez demandé une annulation de ce service. Votre service pourrait être annulé sans autre notification.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulation en attente. Nous vous tiendrons au courant.',
'list_of_payments' => 'Liste des paiements',
'payment_details' => 'Détails du paiement',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Liste des factures affectées par le paiement',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Liste des modes de paiement',
'payment_method_details' => 'Détails du mode de paiement',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Supprimer de façon définitive ce mode de paiement',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Avertissement! Cette action ne peut être annulée!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Offres',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'En attente d\'approbation',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Cette offre n\'a pas encore été approuvée',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crédits',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensions requises',
'php_version' => 'Version PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Fichier .env inscriptible',
'env_not_writable' => 'Le fichier .env n\'est pas inscriptible par l\'utilisateur en cours',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Version PHP minimale',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assurez-vous que toutes les exigences sont satisfaites',
'oops_issues' => 'Oups, quelque chose cloche !',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Paiement complet',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriser ce mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Par page',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Voir le crédit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Pour voir :entity, vous devez saisir votre mot de passe.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Affiche :first de :last de :total résultats',
'no_results' => 'Aucun résultat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Le paiement a échoué pour le client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un paiement fait par le client :client a échoué avec le message :message',
'register' => 'S\'inscrire',
'register_label' => 'Créer votre compte en quelques secondes',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirmer votre mot de passe',
'verification' => 'Vérification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Avant d\'utiliser un compte bancaire, il doit être vérifié.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Tous droits réservés © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Le numéro de carte de crédit fourni n\'est pas valide',
'month_invalid' => 'Le mois indiqué n\'est pas valide',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'année indiquée n\'est pas valide',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS est requis, l\'envoi du formulaire va échouer',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Si vous avez besoin d\'aide, vous pouvez écrire à notre',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Après la mise à jour du mot de passe, votre compte sera confirmé.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Pour payer avec un compte bancaire, vous devez d\'abord l\'ajouter comme un mode de paiement.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Enregistrons les informations de base sur votre Ninja de la facture!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Fortement recommandé en mode production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Activer seulement en mode développement',
'test_pdf' => 'Tester PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com peut être enregistrer comme un mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur, lors de la première transaction. Cochez "Enregistrer les infos de carte de crédit" lors du processus de paiement.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Le compte bancaire (SOFORT) peut être enregistré comme un mode de paiement pour usage ultérieur, lors de la première transaction. Cochez "Enregistrer les infos de paiement" lors du processus de paiement.',
'node_status' => 'État du noeud',
'npm_status' => 'État du NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Nœud introuvable. Est-il installé ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'NPM introuvable. Est-il installé ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'La facture est verrouillée et ne peut être modifiée',
'downloads' => 'Téléchargements',
'resource' => 'Ressource',
'document_details' => 'Détails du document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Ressources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Types de fichiers autorisés:',
'common_codes' => 'Codes communs et leurs significations',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087 : Données de suivi invalides (CVV et/ou date d\'expiration non valables)',
'download_selected' => 'Télécharger la sélection',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Pour payer les factures, vous devez',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'ajouter un mode de paiement',
'no_items_selected' => 'Aucun article sélectionné',
'payment_due' => 'Paiement dû',
'account_balance' => 'Solde du compte',
'thanks' => 'Merci',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Le paiement minimum requis est :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L\'entreprise d\'autorise pas les surpaiements.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L\'entreprise d\'autorise pas les souspaiements.',
'saved_at' => 'Enregistré à :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Le crédit a été appliqué à la facture :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nouveau crédit :credit de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Pour voir le crédit de :amount, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptodevise',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Enregistrer pour un usage ultérieur',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Payer avec un crédit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Ce mode de paiement ne peut pas être enregistré pour usage ultérieur.',
'pay_with' => 'Payer avec',
'n/a' => 'N/D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'En cliquant sur "Prochaine étape", vous acceptez les conditions.',
'not_specified' => 'Non spécifié',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Avant de procéder au paiement, vous devez remplir les champs suivants',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Retournez à la page précédente après avoir complété',
'pay' => 'Payer',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 1 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 2 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Le rappel 3 pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Un rappel personnalisé pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Un rappel perpétuel pour la facture :invoice a été envoyé à :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilisateur affecté',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Pour accéder à la prochaine étape, vous devez tester chaque section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Notes à propos de Phantom JS. En savoir plus.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Paiement minimum',
'no_action_provided' => 'Aucune action reçue. Si cest une erreur, veuillez contacter le soutien technique.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Aucune des factures sélectionnées porte un solde dû. Assurez-vous que vous n\'essayez pas de payer une facture provisoire ou une facture dont le solde est nul.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Détails de paiement requis',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Pour terminer le paiement, nous avons besoin de plus d\'informations à propos de vous.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Ces informations seront sauvegardées. Vous n\'aurez pas à les saisir la prochaine fois.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nous n\'avons pas pu émettre de Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossible d\'émettre Crédit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Enregistrer les infos de mode de paiement',
'new_card' => 'Nouvelle carte',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nouveau compte bancaire',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit entreprises par compte.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Le total des crédits octroyés ne peut être supérieur au total des factures',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Ce numéro de crédit est déjà utilisé',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédit introuvable',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Les factures sélectionnées proviennent de plus d\'un client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crédits soumis en double.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Factures soumises en double.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Vous devez avoir une facture en règle avant de pouvoir utiliser un crédit lors d\'un paiement',
'client_id_required' => 'Le numéro d\'identification du client est requis',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numéro de remboursement déjà utilisé',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numéro de facture déjà utilisé',
'payment_id_required' => 'Numéro de paiement requis.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossible de récupérer le numéro de paiement spécifié',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'La facture #:invoice n\'est pas liée à ce paiement',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Le crédit #:credit n\'est pas lié à ce paiement',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour la facture #:invoice. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Essai de remboursement d\'un paiement avec factures jointes. Veuillez spécifier une ou des factures valides à rembourser.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Essai de remboursement d\'un paiement avec crédits jointes. Veuillez spécifier un ou des crédits valides à rembourser.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Essai de remboursement plus élevé que permis pour le crédit :credit. Le maximum remboursable est :amount.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Ce numéro de offre est déjà pris',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Le numéro de facture récurrente :number est déjà pris',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'L\'utilisateur n\'est pas associé à ce compte',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Les montants ne balancent pas correctement.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Montant restant affecté insuffisant pour couvrir ce paiement.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Solde insuffisant sur le crédit',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Une ou plusieurs factures ont été payées',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'La facture #:number ne peut être remboursée',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Essai de remboursement du montant :amount seulement :refundable_amount  disponible pour remboursement.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Cet utilisateur ne peut être rattaché à cette entreprise. Peut-être a-t-il déjà enregistré un utilisateur sur un autre compte?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration complétée',
'migration_completed_description' => 'La migration est complétée. Veuillez vérifier vos données après la connexion.',
'api_404' => '404 | Rien à voir ici!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Le chargement d\'un gros compte est impossible sans un paramètre updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Aucune sauvegarde n\'existe pour cette activité',
'company_user_not_found' => 'L\'enregistrement de l\'entreprise de l\'utilisateur introuvable.',
'no_credits_found' => 'Aucun crédit trouvé.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L\'action :action demandée n\'est pas disponible',
'no_documents_found' => 'Aucun document trouvé',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Aucun paramètre de groupe trouvé',
'access_denied' => 'Permissions insuffisantes pour accéder/modifier cette ressource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La facture ne peut pas être marquée comme payée',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'License invalide, ou environnement :environment invalide',
'route_not_available' => 'La route n\'est pas disponible',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objet design personnalisé invalide',
'quote_not_found' => 'Offre(s) introuvable(s)',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'L\'approbation de cette offre ne peut se faire puisqu\'elle est expirée.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Le planificateur a démarré',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Le planificateur n\'a jamais démarré',
'self_update_not_available' => 'La mise à jour manuelle n\'est pas disponible sur ce système',
'user_detached' => 'L\'utilisateur a été détaché de l\'entreprise',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Création Webhook impossible',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Merci pour votre paiement d\'un montant de :amount',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Les paiements en ligne sont acceptés seulement si le montant est plus élevé que 1$ ou en devise équivalente.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Le jeton de paiement est introuvable. Veuillez essayer de nouveau. Si le problème persiste, essayez avec un autre mode de paiement',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rue du fournisseur',
'vendor_address2' => 'App du fournisseur',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur authentifié avec Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Longue pression pour liste',
'show_actions' => 'Afficher les actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Démarrer la multisélection',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Un courriel a été envoyé pour confirmer l\'adresse courriel',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Payé à ce jour converti',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Solde de crédit converti',
'converted_total' => 'Total converti',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nom de Répondre À',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partiellement non-appliquée',
'color_theme' => 'Couleur de thème',
'start_migration' => 'Démarrer la migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Demande d\'annulation de facture récurrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact du client :client a demandé l\'annulation de la facture récurrente : invoice',
'hello' => 'Bonjour',
'group_documents' => 'Grouper les documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Êtes-vous certain de vouloir approuver cette offre ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Sélectionnez les entreprises pour la migration',
'force_migration' => 'Forcer la migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Requiert un mot de passe avec une connexion de réseau social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Restez connecté',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Avertissement: Votre session va expirer bientôt',
'count_hours' => ':count heures',
'count_day' => '1 jour',
'count_days' => ':count jours',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Expiration de la session web',
'security_settings' => 'Paramètres de sécurité',
'resend_email' => 'Renvoyer le courriel',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Veuillez confirmer votre adresse courriel',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Comptabilité',
'required_files_missing' => 'Veuillez fournir tous les CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuez en vous authentifiant.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Vous pouvez trouver API_SECRET dans le fichier .env ou Invoice Ninja v5. Si la propriété est manquante, laissez le champ vide.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Votre rabais sera appliqué au moment de régler votre facture.',
'use_last_email' => 'Utiliser le dernier e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activer la société',
'activate_company_help' => 'Activez les courriels, les factures récurrentes et les notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite, veuillez réessayer',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Veuillez d\'abord définir un mot de passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attention: modifier votre numéro de téléphone désactivera l\'authentification à deux facteurs 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Aide à la traduction',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Veuillez sélectionner un pays',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'L\'authentification à deux facteurs 2FA a été désactivée avec succès',
'connected_google' => 'Le compte a été connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_google' => 'Le comte a été déconnecté avec succès',
'delivered' => 'Livré',
'spam' => 'Pourriel',
'view_docs' => 'Afficher la documentation',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Veuillez fournir un numéro de téléphone mobile pour activer l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Code SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connectez Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Déconnecter Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Désactiver l\'authentification à deux facteurs',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Facturer le journal des dates des interventions',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Ajouter les détails de date aux lignes d\'articles des factures',
'promo_code' => 'Code promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Facture récurrente émise à',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nouvel abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été supprimé avec succès',
'removed_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été retiré avec succès',
'restored_subscription' => 'L\'abonnement a été restauré avec succès',
'search_subscription' => 'Recherche de 1 abonnement',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Recherche :count abonnements',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Le sous-domaine n\'est pas disponible',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connectez Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Déconnecter Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail a été connecté avec succès',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail a été déconnecté avec succès',
'update_fail_help' => 'Les modifications apportées au code de base peuvent bloquer la mise à jour, vous pouvez exécuter cette commande pour annuler les modifications:',
'client_id_number' => 'Numéro d\'identification du client',
'count_minutes' => ':count minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Délai d\'expiration du mot de passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Partager le compteur pour les factures et les crédits',
'activity_80' => ':user a créé l\'abonnement :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user a mis à jour l\'abonnement :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user a archivé l\'abonnement :subscription',
@ -4253,7 +4253,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'direct_debit' => 'Prélèvement automatique',
'clone_to_expense' => 'Clone to Expense',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'acss' => 'ACSS Debit',
'acss' => 'Débit du SACR',
'invalid_amount' => 'Montant non valide. Valeurs décimales uniquement.',
'client_payment_failure_body' => 'Le paiement pour la facture :invoice au montant de :amount a échoué.',
'browser_pay' => 'Google Pay, Apple Pay et Microsoft Pay',
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'region' => 'Région',
'county' => 'Pays',
'tax_details' => 'Détails de la TVA',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact paiement saisi :payment pour facture :invoice pour :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact a effectué le paiement :payment pour la facture :invoice pour :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user paiement saisi :payment pour facture :invoice pour :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Type de paiement par défaut',
'number_precision' => 'Précision du nombre',
@ -5183,36 +5183,63 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'load_template_description' => 'Le modèle sera appliqué aux éléments suivants :',
'run_template' => 'Exécuter le modèle',
'statement_design' => 'Modèle de relevé',
'delivery_note_design' => 'Delivery Note Design',
'delivery_note_design' => 'Conception du bon de livraison',
'payment_receipt_design' => 'Modèle de reçu de paiement',
'payment_refund_design' => 'Payment Refund Design',
'task_extension_banner' => 'Add the Chrome extension to manage your tasks',
'payment_refund_design' => 'Conception de remboursement de paiement',
'task_extension_banner' => 'Ajoutez l&#39;extension Chrome pour gérer vos tâches',
'watch_video' => 'Regardez la vidéo',
'view_extension' => 'Voir l\'extension',
'reactivate_email' => 'Réactiver l\'adresse email',
'email_reactivated' => 'L\'adresse email a été réactivée',
'template_help' => 'Enable using the design as a template',
'quarter' => 'Quarter',
'template_help' => 'Activer l&#39;utilisation du design comme modèle',
'quarter' => 'Quart',
'item_description' => 'Description d\'article',
'task_item' => 'Task Item',
'record_state' => 'Record State',
'task_item' => 'Élément de tâche',
'record_state' => 'État d&#39;enregistrement',
'save_files_to_this_folder' => 'Sauvegarder les fichiers dans ce dossier',
'downloads_folder' => 'Dossier de téléchargements',
'total_invoiced_quotes' => 'Offres facturées',
'total_invoice_paid_quotes' => 'Offres de factures payées',
'downloads_folder_does_not_exist' => 'Le dossier de téléchargements n\'existe pas :value',
'user_logged_in_notification' => 'Notification de connexion d\'utilisateur',
'user_logged_in_notification_help' => 'Send an email when logging in from a new location',
'user_logged_in_notification_help' => 'Envoyer un e-mail lors de la connexion à partir d&#39;un nouvel emplacement',
'payment_email_all_contacts' => 'Email de paiement à tous les contacts',
'payment_email_all_contacts_help' => 'Sends the payment email to all contacts when enabled',
'payment_email_all_contacts_help' => 'Envoie l&#39;e-mail de paiement à tous les contacts lorsqu&#39;il est activé',
'add_line' => 'Ajouter une ligne',
'activity_139' => 'Expense :expense notification sent to :contact',
'vendor_notification_subject' => 'Confirmation of payment :amount sent to :vendor',
'vendor_notification_body' => 'Payment processed for :amount dated :payment_date. <br>[Transaction Reference: :transaction_reference]',
'receipt' => 'Receipt',
'charges' => 'Charges',
'email_report' => 'Email Report',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pay Later',
'activity_139' => 'Dépense :expense notification envoyée à :contact',
'vendor_notification_subject' => 'Confirmation de paiement :amount envoyée à :vendor',
'vendor_notification_body' => 'Paiement traité pour :amount en date du :payment _date.<br> [Référence de la transaction : :transaction_reference ]',
'receipt' => 'Reçu',
'charges' => 'Des charges',
'email_report' => 'Rapport par courrier électronique',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Payer plus tard',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Type de paiement Crédit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Type de paiement Débit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Envoyer des e-mails à',
'primary_contact' => 'Premier contact',
'all_contacts' => 'Tous les contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insérer ci-dessous',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Authentification du compte bancaire. Sélectionnez votre institution pour compléter la demande avec les informations d&#39;identification de votre compte.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'Une erreur est survenue',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'Une erreur inconnue s&#39;est produite! Raison:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'jeton invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'Le jeton fourni n&#39;était pas valide. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Informations d&#39;identification manquantes',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Identifiants invalides ou manquants pour les données du compte bancaire Gocardless. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Pas disponible',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Fonctionnalité non disponible, forfait entreprise uniquement.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Institution invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'L&#39;identifiant de l&#39;établissement fourni n&#39;est pas valide ou n&#39;est plus valide.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Référence invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless n&#39;a pas fourni de référence valide. Veuillez réexécuter Flow et contacter l&#39;assistance si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Demande invalide',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless n&#39;a pas fourni de référence valide. Veuillez réexécuter Flow et contacter l&#39;assistance si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Pas prêt',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Vous avez appelé ce site trop tôt. Veuillez terminer l&#39;autorisation et actualiser cette page. Contactez le support pour obtenir de l&#39;aide si ce problème persiste.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Aucun compte sélectionné',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'Le service n&#39;a renvoyé aucun compte valide. Pensez à redémarrer le flux.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Redémarrez le flux.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Retour à la candidature.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3849,308 +3849,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'כתובת אתר לרישום',
'show_product_cost' => 'הצג את עלות המוצר',
'complete' => 'לְהַשְׁלִים',
'next' => 'הַבָּא',
'next_step' => 'השלב הבא',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :חשבונית נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :חשבונית נצפה ע"י :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'הלקוח הבא :client צפה בקרדיט :credit עבור :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'הזן את האימייל שלך כדי לאפס את הסיסמה שלך.',
'password_reset' => 'איפוס סיסמא',
'account_login_text' => 'ברוך הבא! שמח לראות אותך.',
'request_cancellation' => 'בקש ביטול',
'delete_payment_method' => 'מחק את אמצעי התשלום',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'אתה עומד למחוק את אמצעי התשלום.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'לא ניתן להפוך את הפעולה',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'הפרופיל עודכן בהצלחה.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'ביר אתיופי',
'client_information_text' => 'השתמש בכתובת קבועה שבה תוכל לקבל דואר.',
'status_id' => 'סטטוס חשבונית',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'מיקומים',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'ללא הגבלת זמן',
'cycles_remaining' => 'נותרו מחזורים',
'i_understand_delete' => 'הבנתי, מחק',
'download_files' => 'להוריד קבצים',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'הרשמה חדשה',
'new_signup_text' => 'חשבון חדש נוצר על ידי :user - :email - מכתובת IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'התשלום בוצע על ידי :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'תשלום חלקי בוצע על ידי :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'בוט התראה',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'חשבונית # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'הצג יומן',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'דווח על שגיאות בזמן אמת',
'setup' => 'להכין',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'סקירה מהירה וסטטיסטיקה',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'עדכן את המידע האישי שלך',
'name_website_logo' => 'שם, אתר ולוגו',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'כתובת אישית',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'הזן את כתובתך האישית',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'הזן את כתובת המשלוח שלך',
'list_of_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות',
'with_selected' => 'עם נבחר',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'החשבונית עדיין לא שולמה לחץ על הכפתור להשלמת התשלום',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות מחזוריות',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'הנה כמה נתונים על חשבוניות מחזוריות',
'cancellation' => 'ביטול',
'about_cancellation' => 'במקרה שאתה רוצה להפסיק את החשבונית החוזרת, אנא לחץ כדי לבקש את הביטול.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'אַזהָרָה! אתה מבקש ביטול של שירות זה. ייתכן שהשירות שלך יבוטל ללא הודעה נוספת אליך.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'הביטול בהמתנה, ניצור איתך קשר!',
'list_of_payments' => 'רשימת תשלומים',
'payment_details' => 'פרטי התשלום',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות שיושפעו מהתשלום',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'רשימת אמצעי תשלום',
'payment_method_details' => 'פרטים על אמצעי תשלום',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'הסר לצמיתות את אמצעי התשלום הזה.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'אַזהָרָה! פעולה זו לא ניתנת לביטול!',
'confirmation' => 'אִשׁוּר',
'list_of_quotes' => 'ציטוטים',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'מחכה לאישור',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'הצעת המחיר הזו עדיין לא מאושרת',
'list_of_credits' => 'נקודות זכות',
'required_extensions' => 'הרחבות נדרשות',
'php_version' => 'גרסת PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'קובץ .env לכתיבה',
'env_not_writable' => 'קובץ .env אינו ניתן לכתיבה על ידי המשתמש הנוכחי.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'גרסת PHP מינימום',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'ודא שכל הדרישות מתקיימות.',
'oops_issues' => 'אופס, משהו לא נראה כמו שצריך!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'פתח בכרטיסייה חדשה',
'complete_your_payment' => 'תשלום הושלם',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'אישור אמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי',
'page' => 'עמוד',
'per_page' => 'לכל עמוד',
'of' => 'שֶׁל',
'view_credit' => 'צפה באשראי',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'כדי להציג את :entity עליך להזין סיסמה.',
'showing_x_of' => 'מציג :first עד :last מתוך תוצאות :total',
'no_results' => 'לא נמצאו תוצאות.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'התשלום נכשל עבור הלקוח :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'תשלום שבוצע על ידי הלקוח :client נכשל עם ההודעה :message',
'register' => 'הירשם',
'register_label' => 'צור את החשבון שלך בשניות',
'password_confirmation' => 'אמת סיסמתך',
'verification' => 'אימות',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'לפני השימוש בחשבון בנק יש לאמת אותו.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'זכויות יוצרים © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'מספר כרטיס האשראי שצוין אינו תקף.',
'month_invalid' => 'החודש בתנאי אינו תקף.',
'year_invalid' => 'בתנאי שהשנה אינה תקפה.',
'https_required' => 'נדרש HTTPS, הטופס ייכשל',
'if_you_need_help' => 'אם אתה צריך עזרה אתה יכול לפרסם אצלנו',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'לאחר עדכון הסיסמה, חשבונך יאושר.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'כדי לשלם באמצעות חשבון בנק, תחילה עליך להוסיף אותו כאמצעי תשלום.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'מומלץ מאוד בייצור',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'אפשר רק לפיתוח',
'test_pdf' => 'בדיקת PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'ניתן לשמור את Checkout.com כאמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי, לאחר השלמת העסקה הראשונה שלך. אל תשכח לסמן &quot;אחסן פרטי כרטיס אשראי&quot; במהלך תהליך התשלום.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'ניתן לשמור חשבון בנק (SOFORT) כאמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי, לאחר השלמת העסקה הראשונה שלך. אל תשכח לסמן את &quot;חנות פרטי תשלום&quot; במהלך תהליך התשלום.',
'node_status' => 'מצב צומת',
'npm_status' => 'מצב NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'לא הצלחתי למצוא את Node בשום מקום. האם זה מותקן?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'לא הצלחתי למצוא את NPM בשום מקום. האם זה מותקן?',
'locked_invoice' => 'חשבונית זו נעולה ולא ניתן לשנות אותה',
'downloads' => 'הורדות',
'resource' => 'מַשׁאָב',
'document_details' => 'פרטים על המסמך',
'hash' => 'בְּלִיל',
'resources' => 'אֶמְצָעִי',
'allowed_file_types' => 'סוגי קבצים מותרים:',
'common_codes' => 'קודים נפוצים ומשמעויותיהם',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: נתוני מעקב שגויים (CVV ו/או תאריך תפוגה לא חוקיים)',
'download_selected' => 'ההורדה נבחרה',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'כדי לשלם חשבוניות, אתה צריך',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'להוסיף אמצעי תשלום',
'no_items_selected' => 'לא נבחרו פריטים.',
'payment_due' => 'התשלום מגיע',
'account_balance' => 'יתרת חשבון',
'thanks' => 'תודה',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'התשלום המינימלי הנדרש הוא :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'החברה לא תומכת בתשלומי חסר.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'החברה לא תומכת בתשלומי יתר.',
'saved_at' => 'נשמר ב-:time',
'credit_payment' => 'יתרת זכות עבור :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'קרדיט חדש :number מ-:account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'מטבע מוצפן',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'אַשׁרַאי',
'store_for_future_use' => 'אחסן לשימוש עתידי',
'pay_with_credit' => 'שלם באשראי',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'לא ניתן לשמור את אמצעי התשלום לשימוש עתידי.',
'pay_with' => 'לשלם עם',
'n/a' => 'לא',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'בלחיצה על &quot;השלב הבא&quot; אתה מקבל את התנאים.',
'not_specified' => 'לא מוגדר',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'לפני שתמשיך בתשלום, עליך למלא את השדות הבאים',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'לאחר השלמת, חזור לדף הקודם.',
'pay' => 'לְשַׁלֵם',
'instructions' => 'הוראות',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 1 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 2 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 3 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת מותאמת אישית עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'assigned_user' => 'משתמש מוקצה',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'כדי להמשיך לשלב הבא, הקפד לבדוק כל סעיף.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'הערה לגבי Phantom JS. קרא עוד.',
'minimum_payment' => 'שכר מינימום',
'no_action_provided' => 'לא ניתנה פעולה. אם אתה סבור שזה שגוי, אנא צור קשר עם התמיכה.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'לא נבחרו חשבוניות לתשלום. ודא שאינך מנסה לשלם טיוטת חשבונית או חשבונית עם יתרה אפסית.',
'required_payment_information' => 'פרטי תשלום נדרשים',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'כדי להשלים תשלום אנו זקוקים לפרטים נוספים עליך.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'אנו נשמור את זה, כך שלא תצטרך להזין אותו בפעם הבאה.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'שמור את פרטי אמצעי התשלום',
'new_card' => 'כרטיס חדש',
'new_bank_account' => 'חשבון בנק חדש',
'company_limit_reached' => 'מגבלה של חברות :limit לכל חשבון.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'סך הזיכויים שהוחלו לא יכול להיות יותר מסך החשבוניות',
'credit_number_taken' => 'מספר אשראי כבר נלקח',
'credit_not_found' => 'אשראי לא נמצא',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'חשבוניות נבחרות אינן מלקוח אחד',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'נשלחו זיכויים כפולים.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'הוגשו חשבוניות כפולות.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'עליך להגדיר חשבונית בעת שימוש באשראי בתשלום',
'client_id_required' => 'נדרש מזהה לקוח',
'expense_number_taken' => 'מספר ההוצאה כבר נלקח',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'מספר החשבונית כבר בשימוש',
'payment_id_required' => 'נדרש &#39;מזהה&#39; תשלום.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'לא ניתן לאחזר תשלום שצוין',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'חשבונית מספר :invoice אינה מקושרת לתשלום זה',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'מזהה אשראי :credit אינו קשור לתשלום זה',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'אתה מנסה לזכות יותר מהמותר לחשבונית מספר :invoice, הסכום המקסימלי לזיכוי הוא :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'ניסיון להחזיר תשלום עם חשבוניות מצורפות, נא לציין חשבוניות תקפות להחזר.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'ניסיון להחזיר תשלום עם זיכויים מצורפים, אנא ציין זיכויים תקפים להחזר.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'ניסיון להחזיר יותר מהמותר עבור אשראי :credit, הסכום המרבי שניתן להחזר הוא :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'לקוח הפרויקט אינו תואם ללקוח הישות',
'quote_number_taken' => 'מספר הצעת מחיר כבר נלקח',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'חשבונית מחזורית מספר :number כבר בשימוש',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'משתמש לא משויך לחשבון זה',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'הסכומים אינם מתאזנים נכון.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'לא נותר מספיק סכום שהוחל לכיסוי התשלום.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'יתרה לא מספקת באשראי.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'אחת או יותר מהחשבוניות הללו שולמו',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'חשבונית מספר :number לא יכולה להיות מזוכה',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'ניסיון להחזיר את :amount רק :refundable_amount זמין להחזר',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'לא ניתן לצרף משתמש זה לחברה זו. אולי הם כבר רשמו משתמש בחשבון אחר?',
'migration_completed' => 'ההגירה הושלמה',
'migration_completed_description' => 'ההגירה שלך הושלמה, אנא בדוק את הנתונים שלך לאחר הכניסה.',
'api_404' => '404 | אין מה לראות כאן!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'לא ניתן לטעון חשבון גדול ללא פרמטר updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'לא קיים גיבוי לפעילות זו',
'company_user_not_found' => 'רשומת משתמש החברה לא נמצאה',
'no_credits_found' => 'לא נמצאו קרדיטים.',
'action_unavailable' => 'הפעולה המבוקשת :action אינה זמינה.',
'no_documents_found' => 'לא נמצאו מסמכים',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'לא נמצאו הגדרות קבוצה',
'access_denied' => 'אין מספיק הרשאות כדי לגשת/לשנות משאב זה',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'חשבונית אינה יכולה להיות מסומנת כשולמה',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'רישיון לא חוקי, או סביבה לא חוקית :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'מסלול לא זמין',
'invalid_design_object' => 'אובייקט עיצוב מותאם אישית לא חוקי',
'quote_not_found' => 'ציטוט/ים לא נמצאו',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'לא ניתן לאשר הצעת מחיר זו מכיוון שפג תוקפו.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'מתזמן רץ',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'מתזמן מעולם לא פעל',
'self_update_not_available' => 'עדכון עצמי אינו זמין במערכת זו.',
'user_detached' => 'משתמש מנותק מהחברה',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'יצירת Webhook נכשלה',
'payment_message_extended' => 'תודה על התשלום בסך :amount עבור :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'הערה: תשלומים מקוונים נתמכים רק אם הסכום גדול מ-$1 או שווה ערך במטבע.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'אסימון תשלום לא נמצא, אנא נסה שוב. אם הבעיה עדיין נמשכת, נסה עם אמצעי תשלום אחר',
'vendor_address1' => 'רחוב הספקים',
'vendor_address2' => 'דירת ספק/סוויטה',
'partially_unapplied' => 'חלקית לא מיושם',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'אנא בחר משתמש המאומת באמצעות Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'רשימה לחיצה ארוכה',
'show_actions' => 'הצג פעולות',
'start_multiselect' => 'התחל Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'נשלח אימייל לאישור כתובת האימייל',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'המרה בתשלום לתאריך',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'יתרת אשראי המרה',
'converted_total' => 'סה&quot;כ המרה',
'reply_to_name' => 'שם תגובה',
'payment_status_-2' => 'חלקית לא מיושם',
'color_theme' => 'נושא צבע',
'start_migration' => 'התחל הגירה',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'בקשה לביטול חשבונית חוזרת מאת :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'שלום',
'group_documents' => 'מסמכים קבוצתיים',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לאשר את הצעת המחיר הזו?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'בחר חברות להעברה',
'force_migration' => 'כוח הגירה',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'דרוש סיסמה עם התחברות חברתית',
'stay_logged_in' => 'הישאר מחובר',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'אזהרה: ההפעלה שלך עומדת לפוג',
'count_hours' => ':count שעות',
'count_day' => 'יום 1',
'count_days' => ':count ימים',
'web_session_timeout' => 'פסק זמן של הפעלת אינטרנט',
'security_settings' => 'הגדרות אבטחה',
'resend_email' => 'שלח אימייל מחדש',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'אנא אמת את כתובת המייל שלך',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'חשבונאות גל',
'zoho' => 'זוהו',
'accounting' => 'חשבונאות',
'required_files_missing' => 'אנא ספק את כל קובצי ה-CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'בואו נמשיך באימות.',
'api_secret' => 'סוד API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'ההנחה שלך תחול בקופה.',
'use_last_email' => 'השתמש באימייל האחרון',
'activate_company' => 'הפעל את החברה',
'activate_company_help' => 'אפשר אימיילים, חשבוניות חוזרות והתראות',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'אירעה שגיאה, אנא נסה שוב',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'אנא הגדר תחילה סיסמה',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'אזהרה: שינוי מספר הטלפון שלך ישבית את 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'עזרה בתרגום',
'please_select_a_country' => 'בבקשה תבחר מדינה',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'השבתה בהצלחה את 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'חשבון מחובר בהצלחה',
'disconnected_google' => 'החשבון ניתק בהצלחה',
'delivered' => 'נמסר',
'spam' => 'ספאם',
'view_docs' => 'הצג מסמכים',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'אנא ספק מספר טלפון נייד כדי לאפשר אימות דו-גורמי',
'send_sms' => 'שלח מסרון',
'sms_code' => 'קוד SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connect Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnect Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'השבת שני גורמים',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'תאריך יומן משימות חשבונית',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'הוסף פרטי תאריך לפריטי החשבונית',
'promo_code' => 'קוד קופון',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'חשבונית חוזרת שהונפקה ל',
'subscription' => 'מִנוּי',
'new_subscription' => 'מנוי חדש',
'deleted_subscription' => 'המנוי נמחק בהצלחה',
'removed_subscription' => 'המנוי הוסר בהצלחה',
'restored_subscription' => 'המנוי שוחזר בהצלחה',
'search_subscription' => 'חפש מנוי 1',
'search_subscriptions' => 'חפש מנויי :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'תת-דומיין אינו זמין',
'connect_gmail' => 'חבר את Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'נתק את Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail מחובר בהצלחה',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'ניתוק בהצלחה את Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'שינויים בבסיס הקוד עשויים לחסום את העדכון, אתה יכול להפעיל פקודה זו כדי למחוק את השינויים:',
'client_id_number' => 'מספר זיהוי לקוח',
'count_minutes' => ':count דקות',
'password_timeout' => 'זמן קצוב לסיסמה',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'שתף מונה חשבונית/אשראי',
'next' => 'הַבָּא',
'next_step' => 'השלב הבא',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :חשבונית נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :חשבונית נצפה ע"י :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'הלקוח הבא :client צפה בקרדיט :credit עבור :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'הזן את האימייל שלך כדי לאפס את הסיסמה שלך.',
'password_reset' => 'איפוס סיסמא',
'account_login_text' => 'ברוך הבא! שמח לראות אותך.',
'request_cancellation' => 'בקש ביטול',
'delete_payment_method' => 'מחק את אמצעי התשלום',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'אתה עומד למחוק את אמצעי התשלום.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'לא ניתן להפוך את הפעולה',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'הפרופיל עודכן בהצלחה.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'ביר אתיופי',
'client_information_text' => 'השתמש בכתובת קבועה שבה תוכל לקבל דואר.',
'status_id' => 'סטטוס חשבונית',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'מיקומים',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'ללא הגבלת זמן',
'cycles_remaining' => 'נותרו מחזורים',
'i_understand_delete' => 'הבנתי, מחק',
'download_files' => 'להוריד קבצים',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'הרשמה חדשה',
'new_signup_text' => 'חשבון חדש נוצר על ידי :user - :email - מכתובת IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'התשלום בוצע על ידי :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'תשלום חלקי בוצע על ידי :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'בוט התראה',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'חשבונית # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'הצג יומן',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'דווח על שגיאות בזמן אמת',
'setup' => 'להכין',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'סקירה מהירה וסטטיסטיקה',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'עדכן את המידע האישי שלך',
'name_website_logo' => 'שם, אתר ולוגו',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'כתובת אישית',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'הזן את כתובתך האישית',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'הזן את כתובת המשלוח שלך',
'list_of_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות',
'with_selected' => 'עם נבחר',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'החשבונית עדיין לא שולמה לחץ על הכפתור להשלמת התשלום',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות מחזוריות',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'הנה כמה נתונים על חשבוניות מחזוריות',
'cancellation' => 'ביטול',
'about_cancellation' => 'במקרה שאתה רוצה להפסיק את החשבונית החוזרת, אנא לחץ כדי לבקש את הביטול.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'אַזהָרָה! אתה מבקש ביטול של שירות זה. ייתכן שהשירות שלך יבוטל ללא הודעה נוספת אליך.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'הביטול בהמתנה, ניצור איתך קשר!',
'list_of_payments' => 'רשימת תשלומים',
'payment_details' => 'פרטי התשלום',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'רשימת חשבוניות שיושפעו מהתשלום',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'רשימת אמצעי תשלום',
'payment_method_details' => 'פרטים על אמצעי תשלום',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'הסר לצמיתות את אמצעי התשלום הזה.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'אַזהָרָה! פעולה זו לא ניתנת לביטול!',
'confirmation' => 'אִשׁוּר',
'list_of_quotes' => 'ציטוטים',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'מחכה לאישור',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'הצעת המחיר הזו עדיין לא מאושרת',
'list_of_credits' => 'נקודות זכות',
'required_extensions' => 'הרחבות נדרשות',
'php_version' => 'גרסת PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'קובץ .env לכתיבה',
'env_not_writable' => 'קובץ .env אינו ניתן לכתיבה על ידי המשתמש הנוכחי.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'גרסת PHP מינימום',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'ודא שכל הדרישות מתקיימות.',
'oops_issues' => 'אופס, משהו לא נראה כמו שצריך!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'פתח בכרטיסייה חדשה',
'complete_your_payment' => 'תשלום הושלם',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'אישור אמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי',
'page' => 'עמוד',
'per_page' => 'לכל עמוד',
'of' => 'שֶׁל',
'view_credit' => 'צפה באשראי',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'כדי להציג את :entity עליך להזין סיסמה.',
'showing_x_of' => 'מציג :first עד :last מתוך תוצאות :total',
'no_results' => 'לא נמצאו תוצאות.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'התשלום נכשל עבור הלקוח :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'תשלום שבוצע על ידי הלקוח :client נכשל עם ההודעה :message',
'register' => 'הירשם',
'register_label' => 'צור את החשבון שלך בשניות',
'password_confirmation' => 'אמת סיסמתך',
'verification' => 'אימות',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'לפני השימוש בחשבון בנק יש לאמת אותו.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'זכויות יוצרים © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'מספר כרטיס האשראי שצוין אינו תקף.',
'month_invalid' => 'החודש בתנאי אינו תקף.',
'year_invalid' => 'בתנאי שהשנה אינה תקפה.',
'https_required' => 'נדרש HTTPS, הטופס ייכשל',
'if_you_need_help' => 'אם אתה צריך עזרה אתה יכול לפרסם אצלנו',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'לאחר עדכון הסיסמה, חשבונך יאושר.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'כדי לשלם באמצעות חשבון בנק, תחילה עליך להוסיף אותו כאמצעי תשלום.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'מומלץ מאוד בייצור',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'אפשר רק לפיתוח',
'test_pdf' => 'בדיקת PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'ניתן לשמור את Checkout.com כאמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי, לאחר השלמת העסקה הראשונה שלך. אל תשכח לסמן &quot;אחסן פרטי כרטיס אשראי&quot; במהלך תהליך התשלום.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'ניתן לשמור חשבון בנק (SOFORT) כאמצעי תשלום לשימוש עתידי, לאחר השלמת העסקה הראשונה שלך. אל תשכח לסמן את &quot;חנות פרטי תשלום&quot; במהלך תהליך התשלום.',
'node_status' => 'מצב צומת',
'npm_status' => 'מצב NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'לא הצלחתי למצוא את Node בשום מקום. האם זה מותקן?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'לא הצלחתי למצוא את NPM בשום מקום. האם זה מותקן?',
'locked_invoice' => 'חשבונית זו נעולה ולא ניתן לשנות אותה',
'downloads' => 'הורדות',
'resource' => 'מַשׁאָב',
'document_details' => 'פרטים על המסמך',
'hash' => 'בְּלִיל',
'resources' => 'אֶמְצָעִי',
'allowed_file_types' => 'סוגי קבצים מותרים:',
'common_codes' => 'קודים נפוצים ומשמעויותיהם',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: נתוני מעקב שגויים (CVV ו/או תאריך תפוגה לא חוקיים)',
'download_selected' => 'ההורדה נבחרה',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'כדי לשלם חשבוניות, אתה צריך',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'להוסיף אמצעי תשלום',
'no_items_selected' => 'לא נבחרו פריטים.',
'payment_due' => 'התשלום מגיע',
'account_balance' => 'יתרת חשבון',
'thanks' => 'תודה',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'התשלום המינימלי הנדרש הוא :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'החברה לא תומכת בתשלומי חסר.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'החברה לא תומכת בתשלומי יתר.',
'saved_at' => 'נשמר ב-:time',
'credit_payment' => 'יתרת זכות עבור :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'קרדיט חדש :number מ-:account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'מטבע מוצפן',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'אַשׁרַאי',
'store_for_future_use' => 'אחסן לשימוש עתידי',
'pay_with_credit' => 'שלם באשראי',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'לא ניתן לשמור את אמצעי התשלום לשימוש עתידי.',
'pay_with' => 'לשלם עם',
'n/a' => 'לא',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'בלחיצה על &quot;השלב הבא&quot; אתה מקבל את התנאים.',
'not_specified' => 'לא מוגדר',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'לפני שתמשיך בתשלום, עליך למלא את השדות הבאים',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'לאחר השלמת, חזור לדף הקודם.',
'pay' => 'לְשַׁלֵם',
'instructions' => 'הוראות',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 1 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 2 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת 3 עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת מותאמת אישית עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'תזכורת עבור חשבונית :invoice נשלחה אל :client',
'assigned_user' => 'משתמש מוקצה',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'כדי להמשיך לשלב הבא, הקפד לבדוק כל סעיף.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'הערה לגבי Phantom JS. קרא עוד.',
'minimum_payment' => 'שכר מינימום',
'no_action_provided' => 'לא ניתנה פעולה. אם אתה סבור שזה שגוי, אנא צור קשר עם התמיכה.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'לא נבחרו חשבוניות לתשלום. ודא שאינך מנסה לשלם טיוטת חשבונית או חשבונית עם יתרה אפסית.',
'required_payment_information' => 'פרטי תשלום נדרשים',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'כדי להשלים תשלום אנו זקוקים לפרטים נוספים עליך.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'אנו נשמור את זה, כך שלא תצטרך להזין אותו בפעם הבאה.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'שמור את פרטי אמצעי התשלום',
'new_card' => 'כרטיס חדש',
'new_bank_account' => 'חשבון בנק חדש',
'company_limit_reached' => 'מגבלה של חברות :limit לכל חשבון.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'סך הזיכויים שהוחלו לא יכול להיות יותר מסך החשבוניות',
'credit_number_taken' => 'מספר אשראי כבר נלקח',
'credit_not_found' => 'אשראי לא נמצא',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'חשבוניות נבחרות אינן מלקוח אחד',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'נשלחו זיכויים כפולים.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'הוגשו חשבוניות כפולות.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'עליך להגדיר חשבונית בעת שימוש באשראי בתשלום',
'client_id_required' => 'נדרש מזהה לקוח',
'expense_number_taken' => 'מספר ההוצאה כבר נלקח',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'מספר החשבונית כבר בשימוש',
'payment_id_required' => 'נדרש &#39;מזהה&#39; תשלום.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'לא ניתן לאחזר תשלום שצוין',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'חשבונית מספר :invoice אינה מקושרת לתשלום זה',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'מזהה אשראי :credit אינו קשור לתשלום זה',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'אתה מנסה לזכות יותר מהמותר לחשבונית מספר :invoice, הסכום המקסימלי לזיכוי הוא :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'ניסיון להחזיר תשלום עם חשבוניות מצורפות, נא לציין חשבוניות תקפות להחזר.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'ניסיון להחזיר תשלום עם זיכויים מצורפים, אנא ציין זיכויים תקפים להחזר.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'ניסיון להחזיר יותר מהמותר עבור אשראי :credit, הסכום המרבי שניתן להחזר הוא :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'לקוח הפרויקט אינו תואם ללקוח הישות',
'quote_number_taken' => 'מספר הצעת מחיר כבר נלקח',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'חשבונית מחזורית מספר :number כבר בשימוש',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'משתמש לא משויך לחשבון זה',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'הסכומים אינם מתאזנים נכון.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'לא נותר מספיק סכום שהוחל לכיסוי התשלום.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'יתרה לא מספקת באשראי.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'אחת או יותר מהחשבוניות הללו שולמו',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'חשבונית מספר :number לא יכולה להיות מזוכה',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'ניסיון להחזיר את :amount רק :refundable_amount זמין להחזר',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'לא ניתן לצרף משתמש זה לחברה זו. אולי הם כבר רשמו משתמש בחשבון אחר?',
'migration_completed' => 'ההגירה הושלמה',
'migration_completed_description' => 'ההגירה שלך הושלמה, אנא בדוק את הנתונים שלך לאחר הכניסה.',
'api_404' => '404 | אין מה לראות כאן!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'לא ניתן לטעון חשבון גדול ללא פרמטר updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'לא קיים גיבוי לפעילות זו',
'company_user_not_found' => 'רשומת משתמש החברה לא נמצאה',
'no_credits_found' => 'לא נמצאו קרדיטים.',
'action_unavailable' => 'הפעולה המבוקשת :action אינה זמינה.',
'no_documents_found' => 'לא נמצאו מסמכים',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'לא נמצאו הגדרות קבוצה',
'access_denied' => 'אין מספיק הרשאות כדי לגשת/לשנות משאב זה',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'חשבונית אינה יכולה להיות מסומנת כשולמה',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'רישיון לא חוקי, או סביבה לא חוקית :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'מסלול לא זמין',
'invalid_design_object' => 'אובייקט עיצוב מותאם אישית לא חוקי',
'quote_not_found' => 'ציטוט/ים לא נמצאו',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'לא ניתן לאשר הצעת מחיר זו מכיוון שפג תוקפו.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'מתזמן רץ',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'מתזמן מעולם לא פעל',
'self_update_not_available' => 'עדכון עצמי אינו זמין במערכת זו.',
'user_detached' => 'משתמש מנותק מהחברה',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'יצירת Webhook נכשלה',
'payment_message_extended' => 'תודה על התשלום בסך :amount עבור :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'הערה: תשלומים מקוונים נתמכים רק אם הסכום גדול מ-$1 או שווה ערך במטבע.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'אסימון תשלום לא נמצא, אנא נסה שוב. אם הבעיה עדיין נמשכת, נסה עם אמצעי תשלום אחר',
'vendor_address1' => 'רחוב הספקים',
'vendor_address2' => 'דירת ספק/סוויטה',
'partially_unapplied' => 'חלקית לא מיושם',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'אנא בחר משתמש המאומת באמצעות Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'רשימה לחיצה ארוכה',
'show_actions' => 'הצג פעולות',
'start_multiselect' => 'התחל Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'נשלח אימייל לאישור כתובת האימייל',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'המרה בתשלום לתאריך',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'יתרת אשראי המרה',
'converted_total' => 'סה&quot;כ המרה',
'reply_to_name' => 'שם תגובה',
'payment_status_-2' => 'חלקית לא מיושם',
'color_theme' => 'נושא צבע',
'start_migration' => 'התחל הגירה',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'בקשה לביטול חשבונית חוזרת מאת :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'שלום',
'group_documents' => 'מסמכים קבוצתיים',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לאשר את הצעת המחיר הזו?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'בחר חברות להעברה',
'force_migration' => 'כוח הגירה',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'דרוש סיסמה עם התחברות חברתית',
'stay_logged_in' => 'הישאר מחובר',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'אזהרה: ההפעלה שלך עומדת לפוג',
'count_hours' => ':count שעות',
'count_day' => 'יום 1',
'count_days' => ':count ימים',
'web_session_timeout' => 'פסק זמן של הפעלת אינטרנט',
'security_settings' => 'הגדרות אבטחה',
'resend_email' => 'שלח אימייל מחדש',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'אנא אמת את כתובת המייל שלך',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'חשבונאות גל',
'zoho' => 'זוהו',
'accounting' => 'חשבונאות',
'required_files_missing' => 'אנא ספק את כל קובצי ה-CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'בואו נמשיך באימות.',
'api_secret' => 'סוד API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'ההנחה שלך תחול בקופה.',
'use_last_email' => 'השתמש באימייל האחרון',
'activate_company' => 'הפעל את החברה',
'activate_company_help' => 'אפשר אימיילים, חשבוניות חוזרות והתראות',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'אירעה שגיאה, אנא נסה שוב',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'אנא הגדר תחילה סיסמה',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'אזהרה: שינוי מספר הטלפון שלך ישבית את 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'עזרה בתרגום',
'please_select_a_country' => 'בבקשה תבחר מדינה',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'השבתה בהצלחה את 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'חשבון מחובר בהצלחה',
'disconnected_google' => 'החשבון ניתק בהצלחה',
'delivered' => 'נמסר',
'spam' => 'ספאם',
'view_docs' => 'הצג מסמכים',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'אנא ספק מספר טלפון נייד כדי לאפשר אימות דו-גורמי',
'send_sms' => 'שלח מסרון',
'sms_code' => 'קוד SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connect Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnect Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'השבת שני גורמים',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'תאריך יומן משימות חשבונית',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'הוסף פרטי תאריך לפריטי החשבונית',
'promo_code' => 'קוד קופון',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'חשבונית חוזרת שהונפקה ל',
'subscription' => 'מִנוּי',
'new_subscription' => 'מנוי חדש',
'deleted_subscription' => 'המנוי נמחק בהצלחה',
'removed_subscription' => 'המנוי הוסר בהצלחה',
'restored_subscription' => 'המנוי שוחזר בהצלחה',
'search_subscription' => 'חפש מנוי 1',
'search_subscriptions' => 'חפש מנויי :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'תת-דומיין אינו זמין',
'connect_gmail' => 'חבר את Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'נתק את Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail מחובר בהצלחה',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'ניתוק בהצלחה את Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'שינויים בבסיס הקוד עשויים לחסום את העדכון, אתה יכול להפעיל פקודה זו כדי למחוק את השינויים:',
'client_id_number' => 'מספר זיהוי לקוח',
'count_minutes' => ':count דקות',
'password_timeout' => 'זמן קצוב לסיסמה',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'שתף מונה חשבונית/אשראי',
'activity_80' => ':user נוצר מנוי :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user מנוי מעודכן :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user מנוי בארכיון :subscription',
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'אזור',
'county' => 'מָחוֹז',
'tax_details' => 'פרטי מס',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact הזין תשלום :payment עבור חשבונית :invoice עבור :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user הזין תשלום :payment עבור חשבונית :invoice עבור :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'סוג תשלום ברירת מחדל',
'number_precision' => 'דיוק מספר',
@ -5213,6 +5213,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'חיובים',
'email_report' => 'דוא&quot;ל דו&quot;ח',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'שלם מאוחר יותר',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3835,308 +3835,308 @@ adva :date',
'registration_url' => 'Regisztrációs URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Termék költségének megjelenítése',
'complete' => 'Befejez',
'next' => 'Következő',
'next_step' => 'Következő lépés',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Jóváírás elküldve',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Jóváírás megtekintve',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Jóváírás elküldve',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Jóváírás megtekintve',
'reset_password_text' => 'Jelszó visszaállítása',
'password_reset' => 'Jelszó visszaállítása',
'account_login_text' => 'Üdvözöljük! Örülök, hogy látlak.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Lemondás kérése',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Fizetési mód törlése',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'A fizetési mód törlése előtt áll',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'A profil sikeresen frissítve',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etióp birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Ügyfél információk',
'status_id' => 'Állapot azonosító',
'email_already_register' => 'Az e-mail már regisztrálva van',
'locations' => 'Helyek',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Korlátlanul',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Fennmaradó ciklusok',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Megértem, hogy törlés',
'download_files' => 'Fájlok letöltése',
'download_timeframe' => 'Letöltési időkeret',
'new_signup' => 'Új regisztráció',
'new_signup_text' => 'Új regisztráció szövege',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Fizetés befizetve',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Részletfizetés befizetve',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Fizetés befizetve',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Részletfizetés befizetve',
'notification_bot' => 'Értesítési bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Számlaszám helykitöltő',
'entity_number_placeholder' => 'Entitás szám helykitöltő',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Az e-mail link nem működik',
'display_log' => 'Napló megjelenítése',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Küldje el a hibajegyzéket a szerverünkre',
'setup' => 'Beállítás',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Gyors áttekintő statisztikák',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Frissítse személyes adatait',
'name_website_logo' => 'Webhely logo neve',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Győződjön meg róla, hogy használja a teljes linket',
'personal_address' => 'Személyes cím',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Adja meg a személyes címét',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Adja meg a szállítási címét',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Számlák listája',
'with_selected' => 'Kiválasztott elemekkel',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'A számla még mindig kifizetetlen',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Ismétlődő számlák listája',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Ismétlődő számla részletei',
'cancellation' => 'Lemondás',
'about_cancellation' => 'A lemondásról',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Lemondási figyelmeztetés',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Lemondás folyamatban',
'list_of_payments' => 'Fizetések listája',
'payment_details' => 'Fizetési részletek',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Fizetési számlák listája',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Fizetési módok listája',
'payment_method_details' => 'Fizetési mód részletei',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Fizetési mód végleges eltávolítása',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Figyelmeztetés: Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza',
'confirmation' => 'Megerősítés',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Árajánlatok listája',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Jóváhagyásra vár',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Az árajánlat még mindig nem lett jóváhagyva',
'list_of_credits' => 'Jóváírások listája',
'required_extensions' => 'Kötelező kiterjesztések',
'php_version' => 'PHP verzió',
'writable_env_file' => 'Írható env fájl',
'env_not_writable' => 'Az env fájl nem írható',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimális PHP verzió',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Elégedje ki a követelményeket',
'oops_issues' => 'Hoppá! Problémák vannak',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Megnyitás új lapon',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Befejezze a fizetést',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Hitelesítés a későbbi használathoz',
'page' => 'Oldal',
'per_page' => 'Oldalanként',
'of' => 'összesen',
'view_credit' => 'Jóváírás megtekintése',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Az entitás jelszavának megtekintéséhez',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mutatás: x találat a',
'no_results' => 'Nincs találat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Fizetés sikertelen',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A fizetés sikertelen volt.',
'register' => 'Regisztráció',
'register_label' => 'Regisztráció',
'password_confirmation' => 'Jelszó megerősítése',
'verification' => 'Megerősítés',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Fejezze be a bankszámla ellenőrzését',
'checkout_com' => 'Kiadás',
'footer_label' => 'Lábléc',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen hitelkártya',
'month_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen hónap',
'year_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen év',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS szükséges',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Ha segítségre van szüksége',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Jelszó frissítése a megerősítéssel',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'A bankszámla nincs összekapcsolva',
'application_settings_label' => 'Alkalmazás beállítások',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Ajánlott a termelésben',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Csak a fejlesztéshez engedélyezve',
'test_pdf' => 'Teszt PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Engedélyezés',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'SOFORT Engedélyezés',
'node_status' => 'Node státusz',
'npm_status' => 'NPM státusz',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Node státusz nem található',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'NPM státusz nem található',
'locked_invoice' => 'Zárolt számla',
'downloads' => 'Letöltések',
'resource' => 'Erőforrás',
'document_details' => 'Dokumentum részletei',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Erőforrások',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Engedélyezett fájltípusok',
'common_codes' => 'Közös kódok',
'payment_error_code_20087' => 'Fizetési hibakód: 20087',
'download_selected' => 'Kiválasztottak letöltése',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Fizetendő számlák',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Először adjon hozzá fizetési módot',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nincs kiválasztott elem',
'payment_due' => 'Esedékes fizetés',
'account_balance' => 'Számlaegyenleg',
'thanks' => 'Köszönjük',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum kötelező fizetés',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A cég nem támogatja az alulfizetéseket.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A cég nem támogatja a túlfizetést.',
'saved_at' => 'Mentve',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit fizetés',
'credit_subject' => 'Kredit',
'credit_message' => 'Kredit üzenet',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kriptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Tárolás a későbbi használatra',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Fizetés kredittel',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Fizetési mód mentése sikertelen',
'pay_with' => 'Fizetés',
'n/a' => 'Nem elérhető',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'A továbblépéssel elfogadja a feltételeket',
'not_specified' => 'Nincs megadva',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Fizetés előtt figyelmesen olvassa el az alábbiakat',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Az előző oldalra való visszatérés után',
'pay' => 'Fizetés',
'instructions' => 'Utasítások',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Előzetes számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Második számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Harmadik számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Egyedi számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Végtelen számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'assigned_user' => 'Hozzárendelt felhasználó',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Beállítási lépések értesítése',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'PhantomJS beállításának megjegyzése',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimális fizetés',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nem nyújtott be műveletet',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nincs kiválasztott fizetendő számla',
'required_payment_information' => 'Kötelező fizetési információk',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Kötelező fizetési információk',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Kötelező ügyfélinformációk mentése',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Visszaütődött jóváírás',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Visszaütődött jóváírás',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Fizetési mód adatainak mentése',
'new_card' => 'Új kártya',
'new_bank_account' => 'Új bankszámla',
'company_limit_reached' => 'A vállalati korlát elérve',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Jóváírt kreditek validálása',
'credit_number_taken' => 'A jóváírás száma már foglalt',
'credit_not_found' => 'A jóváírás nem található',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'A számlák nem egyeznek meg az ügyféllel',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Ismétlődő jóváírások benyújtva',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Ismétlődő számlák benyújtva',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Jóváírás számla nélkül',
'client_id_required' => 'Ügyfél azonosító szükséges.',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Kiadás száma már foglalt.',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Számla száma már foglalt.',
'payment_id_required' => 'Fizetés azonosító szükséges.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Nem lehet lekérni a fizetést.',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'A számla nincs összefüggésben a fizetéssel.',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'A jóváírás nincs összefüggésben a fizetéssel.',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'A visszatéríthető számlák maximális száma elérve.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Visszatérítés nem lehetséges számla nélkül.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Visszatérítés nem lehetséges jóváírás nélkül.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'A visszatéríthető jóváírások maximális száma elérve.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'A projekt és az ügyfél nem egyezik.',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Árajánlat száma már foglalt.',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Ismétlődő számla száma már foglalt.',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'A felhasználó nincs összekapcsolva ezzel a fiókkal.',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Az összegek nem egyeznek.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Nem elegendő alkalmazott összeg maradt.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Nincs elegendő jóváírás egyenleg.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Egy vagy több számla már ki van fizetve.',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'A számla nem téríthető vissza.',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'A visszatérítési kísérlet sikertelen volt.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'A felhasználó nincs összekapcsolva ezzel a fiókkal.',
'migration_completed' => 'A migráció befejeződött',
'migration_completed_description' => 'A migráció sikeresen befejeződött.',
'api_404' => 'API 404 - Nem található',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Nagy fiók frissítési paraméter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Nincs biztonsági másolat',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Cég felhasználója nem található',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nem található jóváírás',
'action_unavailable' => 'Művelet nem elérhető',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nem találhatók dokumentumok',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nem találhatók csoportbeállítások',
'access_denied' => 'Hozzáférés megtagadva',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'A számlát nem lehet kifizetettnek jelölni',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Számla licenc vagy környezet',
'route_not_available' => 'Az útvonal nem elérhető',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Érvénytelen design objektum',
'quote_not_found' => 'Árajánlat nem található',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Árajánlat nem jóváhagyható',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Az ütemező már lefutott',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Az ütemező még soha nem futott',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Az önkiszolgáló frissítés nem elérhető',
'user_detached' => 'Felhasználó leválasztva',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Webhook létrehozása sikertelen',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Fizetési üzenet kiterjesztve',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Online fizetések minimális megjegyzése',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Fizetési token nem található',
'vendor_address1' => 'Szállító címe 1',
'vendor_address2' => 'Szállító címe 2',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Részben nem alkalmazott',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Válassz egy Gmail felhasználót',
'list_long_press' => 'Listázás hosszú nyomással',
'show_actions' => 'Műveletek megjelenítése',
'start_multiselect' => 'Többszörös kijelölés indítása',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'E-mail elküldve az e-mail cím megerősítéséhez',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Átalakítva: Eddig kifizetett összeg',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Átalakítva: Jóváírás egyenleg',
'converted_total' => 'Átalakítva: Teljes összeg',
'reply_to_name' => 'Válasz név',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Fizetési állapot: -2',
'color_theme' => 'Szín téma',
'start_migration' => 'Migráció indítása',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Ismétlődő lemondási kérés',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => 'Ismétlődő lemondási kérés tartalma',
'hello' => 'szia',
'group_documents' => 'dokumentumok csoportosítása',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Árajánlat jóváhagyása',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Válasszon céget',
'force_migration' => 'Kényszerített migráció',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Jelszó szükséges a bejelentkezéshez',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Maradj bejelentkezve',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'A munkamenet hamarosan lejár',
'count_hours' => ':count óra',
'count_day' => ':count nap',
'count_days' => ':count nap',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Webes munkamenet időtúllépés',
'security_settings' => 'Biztonsági beállítások',
'resend_email' => 'E-mail újraküldése',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Erősítse meg az e-mail címét',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Számvitel',
'required_files_missing' => 'Hiányzó kötelező fájlok',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Migrációs azonosító',
'api_secret' => 'API titkos kulcs',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Az API titkos kulcsot a forrásrendszerben találja meg',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Az aktuális számlázási ciklus során alkalmazva',
'use_last_email' => 'Használja az utolsó e-mailt',
'activate_company' => 'Cég aktiválása',
'activate_company_help' => 'Aktiválja a cégét az alkalmazásban',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Hiba történt. Próbálja újra.',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Először állítson be egy jelszót',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'A telefonszám módosítása letiltja a kétlépcsős hitelesítést',
'help_translate' => 'Segítsen a fordításban',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Válasszon egy országot',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Kétlépcsős hitelesítés letiltva',
'connected_google' => 'Kapcsolódva: Google',
'disconnected_google' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítva: Google',
'delivered' => 'Kiszállítva',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Dokumentumok megtekintése',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Adja meg a telefonszámát a kétlépcsős hitelesítés engedélyezéséhez',
'send_sms' => 'SMS küldése',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kód',
'connect_google' => 'Google kapcsolat',
'disconnect_google' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítása: Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Kétlépcsős hitelesítés letiltása',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Számla feladat napló',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Használja ezt a mezőt a feladatok részletes leírásának rögzítésére',
'promo_code' => 'Promóciós kód',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Ismétlődő számla kiállítva:',
'subscription' => 'Előfizetés',
'new_subscription' => 'Új előfizetés',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Előfizetés törölve',
'removed_subscription' => 'Előfizetés eltávolítva',
'restored_subscription' => 'Előfizetés helyreállítva',
'search_subscription' => 'Előfizetés keresése',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Előfizetések keresése',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Az alkalmazás azonosító nem áll rendelkezésre',
'connect_gmail' => 'Gmail kapcsolat',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítása: Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Kapcsolódva: Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítva: Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Ha a frissítés nem sikerül, ellenőrizze az internetkapcsolatot',
'client_id_number' => 'Ügyfél azonosítószáma',
'count_minutes' => ':count perc',
'password_timeout' => 'Jelszó lejárati időtúllépés',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Megosztott számla hitel számláló',
'next' => 'Következő',
'next_step' => 'Következő lépés',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Jóváírás elküldve',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Jóváírás megtekintve',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Jóváírás elküldve',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Jóváírás megtekintve',
'reset_password_text' => 'Jelszó visszaállítása',
'password_reset' => 'Jelszó visszaállítása',
'account_login_text' => 'Üdvözöljük! Örülök, hogy látlak.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Lemondás kérése',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Fizetési mód törlése',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'A fizetési mód törlése előtt áll',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'A profil sikeresen frissítve',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etióp birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Ügyfél információk',
'status_id' => 'Állapot azonosító',
'email_already_register' => 'Az e-mail már regisztrálva van',
'locations' => 'Helyek',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Korlátlanul',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Fennmaradó ciklusok',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Megértem, hogy törlés',
'download_files' => 'Fájlok letöltése',
'download_timeframe' => 'Letöltési időkeret',
'new_signup' => 'Új regisztráció',
'new_signup_text' => 'Új regisztráció szövege',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Fizetés befizetve',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Részletfizetés befizetve',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Fizetés befizetve',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Részletfizetés befizetve',
'notification_bot' => 'Értesítési bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Számlaszám helykitöltő',
'entity_number_placeholder' => 'Entitás szám helykitöltő',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Az e-mail link nem működik',
'display_log' => 'Napló megjelenítése',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Küldje el a hibajegyzéket a szerverünkre',
'setup' => 'Beállítás',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Gyors áttekintő statisztikák',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Frissítse személyes adatait',
'name_website_logo' => 'Webhely logo neve',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Győződjön meg róla, hogy használja a teljes linket',
'personal_address' => 'Személyes cím',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Adja meg a személyes címét',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Adja meg a szállítási címét',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Számlák listája',
'with_selected' => 'Kiválasztott elemekkel',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'A számla még mindig kifizetetlen',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Ismétlődő számlák listája',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Ismétlődő számla részletei',
'cancellation' => 'Lemondás',
'about_cancellation' => 'A lemondásról',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Lemondási figyelmeztetés',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Lemondás folyamatban',
'list_of_payments' => 'Fizetések listája',
'payment_details' => 'Fizetési részletek',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Fizetési számlák listája',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Fizetési módok listája',
'payment_method_details' => 'Fizetési mód részletei',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Fizetési mód végleges eltávolítása',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Figyelmeztetés: Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza',
'confirmation' => 'Megerősítés',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Árajánlatok listája',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Jóváhagyásra vár',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Az árajánlat még mindig nem lett jóváhagyva',
'list_of_credits' => 'Jóváírások listája',
'required_extensions' => 'Kötelező kiterjesztések',
'php_version' => 'PHP verzió',
'writable_env_file' => 'Írható env fájl',
'env_not_writable' => 'Az env fájl nem írható',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimális PHP verzió',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Elégedje ki a követelményeket',
'oops_issues' => 'Hoppá! Problémák vannak',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Megnyitás új lapon',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Befejezze a fizetést',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Hitelesítés a későbbi használathoz',
'page' => 'Oldal',
'per_page' => 'Oldalanként',
'of' => 'összesen',
'view_credit' => 'Jóváírás megtekintése',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Az entitás jelszavának megtekintéséhez',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mutatás: x találat a',
'no_results' => 'Nincs találat',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Fizetés sikertelen',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A fizetés sikertelen volt.',
'register' => 'Regisztráció',
'register_label' => 'Regisztráció',
'password_confirmation' => 'Jelszó megerősítése',
'verification' => 'Megerősítés',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Fejezze be a bankszámla ellenőrzését',
'checkout_com' => 'Kiadás',
'footer_label' => 'Lábléc',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen hitelkártya',
'month_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen hónap',
'year_invalid' => 'Érvénytelen év',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS szükséges',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Ha segítségre van szüksége',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Jelszó frissítése a megerősítéssel',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'A bankszámla nincs összekapcsolva',
'application_settings_label' => 'Alkalmazás beállítások',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Ajánlott a termelésben',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Csak a fejlesztéshez engedélyezve',
'test_pdf' => 'Teszt PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Engedélyezés',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'SOFORT Engedélyezés',
'node_status' => 'Node státusz',
'npm_status' => 'NPM státusz',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Node státusz nem található',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'NPM státusz nem található',
'locked_invoice' => 'Zárolt számla',
'downloads' => 'Letöltések',
'resource' => 'Erőforrás',
'document_details' => 'Dokumentum részletei',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Erőforrások',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Engedélyezett fájltípusok',
'common_codes' => 'Közös kódok',
'payment_error_code_20087' => 'Fizetési hibakód: 20087',
'download_selected' => 'Kiválasztottak letöltése',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Fizetendő számlák',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Először adjon hozzá fizetési módot',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nincs kiválasztott elem',
'payment_due' => 'Esedékes fizetés',
'account_balance' => 'Számlaegyenleg',
'thanks' => 'Köszönjük',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum kötelező fizetés',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A cég nem támogatja az alulfizetéseket.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A cég nem támogatja a túlfizetést.',
'saved_at' => 'Mentve',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit fizetés',
'credit_subject' => 'Kredit',
'credit_message' => 'Kredit üzenet',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kriptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Tárolás a későbbi használatra',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Fizetés kredittel',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Fizetési mód mentése sikertelen',
'pay_with' => 'Fizetés',
'n/a' => 'Nem elérhető',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'A továbblépéssel elfogadja a feltételeket',
'not_specified' => 'Nincs megadva',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Fizetés előtt figyelmesen olvassa el az alábbiakat',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Az előző oldalra való visszatérés után',
'pay' => 'Fizetés',
'instructions' => 'Utasítások',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Előzetes számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Második számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Harmadik számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Egyedi számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Végtelen számlaemlékeztető elküldve',
'assigned_user' => 'Hozzárendelt felhasználó',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Beállítási lépések értesítése',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'PhantomJS beállításának megjegyzése',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimális fizetés',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nem nyújtott be műveletet',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nincs kiválasztott fizetendő számla',
'required_payment_information' => 'Kötelező fizetési információk',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Kötelező fizetési információk',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Kötelező ügyfélinformációk mentése',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Visszaütődött jóváírás',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Visszaütődött jóváírás',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Fizetési mód adatainak mentése',
'new_card' => 'Új kártya',
'new_bank_account' => 'Új bankszámla',
'company_limit_reached' => 'A vállalati korlát elérve',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Jóváírt kreditek validálása',
'credit_number_taken' => 'A jóváírás száma már foglalt',
'credit_not_found' => 'A jóváírás nem található',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'A számlák nem egyeznek meg az ügyféllel',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Ismétlődő jóváírások benyújtva',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Ismétlődő számlák benyújtva',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Jóváírás számla nélkül',
'client_id_required' => 'Ügyfél azonosító szükséges.',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Kiadás száma már foglalt.',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Számla száma már foglalt.',
'payment_id_required' => 'Fizetés azonosító szükséges.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Nem lehet lekérni a fizetést.',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'A számla nincs összefüggésben a fizetéssel.',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'A jóváírás nincs összefüggésben a fizetéssel.',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'A visszatéríthető számlák maximális száma elérve.',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Visszatérítés nem lehetséges számla nélkül.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Visszatérítés nem lehetséges jóváírás nélkül.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'A visszatéríthető jóváírások maximális száma elérve.',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'A projekt és az ügyfél nem egyezik.',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Árajánlat száma már foglalt.',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Ismétlődő számla száma már foglalt.',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'A felhasználó nincs összekapcsolva ezzel a fiókkal.',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Az összegek nem egyeznek.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Nem elegendő alkalmazott összeg maradt.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Nincs elegendő jóváírás egyenleg.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Egy vagy több számla már ki van fizetve.',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'A számla nem téríthető vissza.',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'A visszatérítési kísérlet sikertelen volt.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'A felhasználó nincs összekapcsolva ezzel a fiókkal.',
'migration_completed' => 'A migráció befejeződött',
'migration_completed_description' => 'A migráció sikeresen befejeződött.',
'api_404' => 'API 404 - Nem található',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Nagy fiók frissítési paraméter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Nincs biztonsági másolat',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Cég felhasználója nem található',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nem található jóváírás',
'action_unavailable' => 'Művelet nem elérhető',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nem találhatók dokumentumok',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nem találhatók csoportbeállítások',
'access_denied' => 'Hozzáférés megtagadva',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'A számlát nem lehet kifizetettnek jelölni',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Számla licenc vagy környezet',
'route_not_available' => 'Az útvonal nem elérhető',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Érvénytelen design objektum',
'quote_not_found' => 'Árajánlat nem található',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Árajánlat nem jóváhagyható',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Az ütemező már lefutott',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Az ütemező még soha nem futott',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Az önkiszolgáló frissítés nem elérhető',
'user_detached' => 'Felhasználó leválasztva',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Webhook létrehozása sikertelen',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Fizetési üzenet kiterjesztve',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Online fizetések minimális megjegyzése',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Fizetési token nem található',
'vendor_address1' => 'Szállító címe 1',
'vendor_address2' => 'Szállító címe 2',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Részben nem alkalmazott',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Válassz egy Gmail felhasználót',
'list_long_press' => 'Listázás hosszú nyomással',
'show_actions' => 'Műveletek megjelenítése',
'start_multiselect' => 'Többszörös kijelölés indítása',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'E-mail elküldve az e-mail cím megerősítéséhez',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Átalakítva: Eddig kifizetett összeg',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Átalakítva: Jóváírás egyenleg',
'converted_total' => 'Átalakítva: Teljes összeg',
'reply_to_name' => 'Válasz név',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Fizetési állapot: -2',
'color_theme' => 'Szín téma',
'start_migration' => 'Migráció indítása',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Ismétlődő lemondási kérés',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => 'Ismétlődő lemondási kérés tartalma',
'hello' => 'szia',
'group_documents' => 'dokumentumok csoportosítása',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Árajánlat jóváhagyása',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Válasszon céget',
'force_migration' => 'Kényszerített migráció',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Jelszó szükséges a bejelentkezéshez',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Maradj bejelentkezve',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'A munkamenet hamarosan lejár',
'count_hours' => ':count óra',
'count_day' => ':count nap',
'count_days' => ':count nap',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Webes munkamenet időtúllépés',
'security_settings' => 'Biztonsági beállítások',
'resend_email' => 'E-mail újraküldése',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Erősítse meg az e-mail címét',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Számvitel',
'required_files_missing' => 'Hiányzó kötelező fájlok',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Migrációs azonosító',
'api_secret' => 'API titkos kulcs',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Az API titkos kulcsot a forrásrendszerben találja meg',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Az aktuális számlázási ciklus során alkalmazva',
'use_last_email' => 'Használja az utolsó e-mailt',
'activate_company' => 'Cég aktiválása',
'activate_company_help' => 'Aktiválja a cégét az alkalmazásban',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Hiba történt. Próbálja újra.',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Először állítson be egy jelszót',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'A telefonszám módosítása letiltja a kétlépcsős hitelesítést',
'help_translate' => 'Segítsen a fordításban',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Válasszon egy országot',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Kétlépcsős hitelesítés letiltva',
'connected_google' => 'Kapcsolódva: Google',
'disconnected_google' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítva: Google',
'delivered' => 'Kiszállítva',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Dokumentumok megtekintése',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Adja meg a telefonszámát a kétlépcsős hitelesítés engedélyezéséhez',
'send_sms' => 'SMS küldése',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kód',
'connect_google' => 'Google kapcsolat',
'disconnect_google' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítása: Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Kétlépcsős hitelesítés letiltása',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Számla feladat napló',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Használja ezt a mezőt a feladatok részletes leírásának rögzítésére',
'promo_code' => 'Promóciós kód',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Ismétlődő számla kiállítva:',
'subscription' => 'Előfizetés',
'new_subscription' => 'Új előfizetés',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Előfizetés törölve',
'removed_subscription' => 'Előfizetés eltávolítva',
'restored_subscription' => 'Előfizetés helyreállítva',
'search_subscription' => 'Előfizetés keresése',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Előfizetések keresése',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Az alkalmazás azonosító nem áll rendelkezésre',
'connect_gmail' => 'Gmail kapcsolat',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítása: Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Kapcsolódva: Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Kapcsolat megszakítva: Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Ha a frissítés nem sikerül, ellenőrizze az internetkapcsolatot',
'client_id_number' => 'Ügyfél azonosítószáma',
'count_minutes' => ':count perc',
'password_timeout' => 'Jelszó lejárati időtúllépés',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Megosztott számla hitel számláló',
'activity_80' => ':user előfizetést hozott létre :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user frissített előfizetés :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archivált előfizetés :subscription',
@ -5112,7 +5112,7 @@ adva :date',
'region' => 'Vidék',
'county' => 'Megye',
'tax_details' => 'Adóadatok',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact beírta a :payment fizetést a :invoice számlához a :client számlához',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user beírta a :payment fizetést a :invoice számlához a :client számlához',
'default_payment_type' => 'Alapértelmezett fizetési típus',
'number_precision' => 'Számok pontossága',
@ -5199,6 +5199,33 @@ adva :date',
'charges' => 'Díjak',
'email_report' => 'Jelentés e-mailben',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Fizess később',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3842,308 +3842,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'URL di registrazione',
'show_product_cost' => 'Mostra costo prodotto',
'complete' => 'Completa',
'next' => 'Successivo',
'next_step' => 'Avanti',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Il credito :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Il credito :invoice è stato visto da :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Al cliente :client è stata inviata per email la fattura :invoice per :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Il cliente :client ha visualizzato il credito :credit per :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Inserire la mail per resettare la password.',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'account_login_text' => 'Benvenuto! Felice di vederti.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Richiedi Cancellazione',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Elimina il metodo di pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Stai per eliminare il metodo di pagamento.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'L\'azione non può essere annullata',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Il profilo è stato aggiornato con successo.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etiope',
'client_information_text' => 'Usa un indirizzo permanente dove puoi ricevere la posta.',
'status_id' => 'Stato fattura',
'email_already_register' => 'Questa email è già collegata a un account',
'locations' => 'Luoghi',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cicli restanti',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Capisco, cancella',
'download_files' => 'Scarica files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Usa questo link per scaricare i tuoi file. Il link scadrà tra 1 ora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuova Iscrizione',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nuovo account è stato creato da :user - :email - dall\'indirizzo IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Pagamento effettuato da :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Pagamento parziale effettuato da :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un pagamento di :amount è stato fatto dal cliente :client per la fattura :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un pagamento parziale di :amount è stato fatto dal cliente :client verso :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot notifiche',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Fattura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_numero',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se il pulsante sopra non funziona per te, fai clic sul link',
'display_log' => 'Visualizza registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Segnala gli errori in tempo reale',
'setup' => 'Impostare',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Panoramica rapida e statistiche',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Aggiorna le tue informazioni personali',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, sito web e logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Assicurati di utilizzare il collegamento completo al tuo sito',
'personal_address' => 'Indirizzo personale',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Inserisci il tuo indirizzo personale',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Inserire l\'indirizzo di spedizione',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Elenco di fatture',
'with_selected' => 'Con selezionato',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Questa fattura non è ancora stata pagata. Fare clic sul pulsante per completare il pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Elenco delle fatture ricorrenti',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Di seguito sono riportati alcuni dettagli sulla fattura ricorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellazione',
'about_cancellation' => 'Nel caso in cui desideri interrompere la fattura ricorrente, fai clic per richiedere la cancellazione.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Avvertimento! Stai richiedendo la cancellazione di questo servizio. Il tuo servizio potrebbe essere annullato senza ulteriore notifica.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellazione in corso, ci metteremo in contatto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Elenco dei pagamenti',
'payment_details' => 'Dettagli del pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Elenco delle fatture interessate dal pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Elenco dei metodi di pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Dettagli del metodo di pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Rimuovi definitivamente questo metodo di pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Attenzione! Questa azione non può essere annullata!',
'confirmation' => 'Conferma',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Preventivi',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'In attesa di approvazione',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Questo preventivo non è ancora approvato',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crediti',
'required_extensions' => 'Estensioni richieste',
'php_version' => 'Versione PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'File .env scrivibile',
'env_not_writable' => 'Il file .env non è scrivibile dall\'utente corrente.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versione minima di PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assicurati che tutti i requisiti siano soddisfatti.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ops, qualcosa non quadra!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Aprire in una nuova scheda',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Completa il pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizza il metodo di pagamento per un utilizzo futuro',
'page' => 'Pagina',
'per_page' => 'Per pagina',
'of' => 'Di',
'view_credit' => 'Vedi Credito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Inserisci la password per vedere :entity.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando da :first a :last su :total risultati',
'no_results' => 'Nessun risultato trovato.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pagamento non riuscito per il cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pagamento effettuato dal cliente :client non è riuscito, con il messaggio :message',
'register' => 'Registrati',
'register_label' => 'Crea il tuo account in pochi secondi',
'password_confirmation' => 'Conferma la tua password',
'verification' => 'Verifica',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Prima di usare un conto bancario deve essere verificato.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Il numero di carta di credito fornito non è valido.',
'month_invalid' => 'Il mese inserito non è valido.',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'anno inserito non è valido.',
'https_required' => 'È richiesto HTTPS, il modulo fallirà',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se hai bisogno di aiuto puoi postare sul nostro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Dopo l\'aggiornamento della password, il tuo account verrà confermato.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Per pagare con un conto bancario, devi prima aggiungerlo come metodo di pagamento.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Memorizziamo le informazioni di base sul tuo Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente raccomandato in produzione',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Attiva solo per lo sviluppo',
'test_pdf' => 'Testa PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com può essere salvato come metodo di pagamento per uso futuro, una volta completata la prima transazione. Non dimenticare di impostare "Memorizza i dettagli della carta di credito" durante il processo di pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Il conto bancario (SOFORT) può essere salvato come metodo di pagamento per usi futuri, una volta completata la prima transazione. Non dimenticare di impostare "Memorizza i dettagli del pagamento" durante il processo di pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Stato di Node',
'npm_status' => 'Stato di NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Non sono riuscito a trovare Node da nessuna parte. È installato?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Non ho trovato NPM da nessuna parte. È installato?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Questa fattura è bloccata e non può essere modificata',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Risorsa',
'document_details' => 'Dettagli sul documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Risorse',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipi di file consentiti:',
'common_codes' => 'Codici comuni e loro significato',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (CVV non valido e/o data di scadenza)',
'download_selected' => 'Scarica selezione',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Per pagare le fatture, si deve',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'aggiungi metodo di pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nessun articolo selezionato',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento dovuto',
'account_balance' => 'Bilancio Account',
'thanks' => 'Grazie',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Il pagamento minimo richiesto è :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;azienda non supporta i pagamenti insufficienti.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;azienda non supporta i pagamenti in eccesso.',
'saved_at' => 'Salvato alle :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credito applicato alla fattura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuovo credito :number da :account',
'credit_message' => 'Per visualizzare il tuo credito per :amount, fai clic sul link sottostante.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Salva per usi futuri',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Paga con credito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Il metodo di pagamento non può essere salvato per un utilizzo futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Paga con',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Cliccando "avanti" confermerai l\'accettazione dei termini.',
'not_specified' => 'Non specificato',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Prima di procedere con il pagamento è necessario compilare i seguenti campi',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Dopo aver completato, torna alla pagina precedente.',
'pay' => 'Paga',
'instructions' => 'Istruzioni',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 1 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 2 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 3 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria Personalizzato per Fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria ricorrente per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utente assegnato',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Per procedere al passaggio successivo, assicurati di testare ogni sezione.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota su Phantom JS. Per saperne di più.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento minimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nessuna azione fornita. Se ritieni che ciò sia sbagliato, contatta l&#39;assistenza.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nessuna fattura pagabile selezionata. Assicurati di non stare pagando una bozza di fattura o una fattura con saldo zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Dettagli di pagamento richiesti',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Per completare un pagamento abbiamo bisogno di maggiori dettagli su di te.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Salveremo questo, così non dovrai inserirlo la prossima volta.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Non siamo stati in grado di consegnare il credito :invoice a :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossibile consegnare il credito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Salva i dettagli del metodo di pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Nuova carta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nuovo conto bancario',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite di aziende :limit per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Il totale dei crediti applicati non può essere SUPERIORE al totale delle fatture',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Numero di credito già preso',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credito non trovato',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Le fatture selezionate non appartengono ad un unico cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crediti duplicati inviati.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Fatture duplicate inviate.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'È necessario disporre di una fattura impostata quando si utilizza del credito in un pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'L\'ID cliente è obbligatorio',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numero di spesa già utilizzato',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numero di fattura già usato',
'payment_id_required' => 'Pagamento `id` richiesto.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossibile recuperare il pagamento specificato',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID fattura :invoice non è relativa a questo pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID credito :credit non è relativo a questo pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativo di rimborso superiore al consentito per la fattura id :invoice, l\'importo massimo rimborsabile è :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si sta tentando di rimborsare un pagamento con fatture allegate, specificare le fatture valide da rimborsare.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si sta tentando di rimborsare un pagamento con crediti allegati, specificare i crediti validi da rimborsare.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativo di rimborsare più di quanto consentito per il credito :credit, l&#39;importo massimo rimborsabile è :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Il client del progetto non corrisponde al client dell&#39;entità',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Numero preventivo già in uso',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Numero di fattura ricorrente :number già usato',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Utente non associato a questo account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Gli importi non vengono bilanciati correttamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Importo applicato rimanente insufficiente per coprire il pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Bilancio del credito insufficiente.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o più di queste fatture sono state pagate',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'L\'id della fattura :number non può essere rimborsato',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentativo di rimborso :amount solo :refundable_amount disponibile per il rimborso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Questo utente non può essere collegato a questa azienda. Forse ha già registrato un utente su un altro account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migrazione completata',
'migration_completed_description' => 'La tua migrazione è stata completata, controlla i tuoi dati dopo aver effettuato l&#39;accesso.',
'api_404' => '404 | Niente da vedere qui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Impossibile caricare un account di grandi dimensioni senza un parametro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Non esiste un backup per questa attività',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Record utente azienda non trovato',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nessun credito trovato.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L&#39;azione richiesta :action non è disponibile.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nessun documento trovato',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nessuna impostazione di gruppo trovata',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegi insufficienti per accedere/modificare questa risorsa',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La fattura non può essere segnata come pagata',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licenza non valida o ambiente non valido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Percorso non disponibile',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Oggetto di design personalizzato non valido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Preventivo/i non trovati',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossibile approvare il preventivo in quanto scaduto.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Il programma di pianificazione è stato eseguito',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler non è mai stato eseguito',
'self_update_not_available' => 'L\'aggiornamento automatico non è disponibile su questo sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Utente separato dall\'azienda',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Impossibile creare il webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Grazie per il pagamento di :amount per :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: i pagamenti online sono supportati solo se l&#39;importo è superiore a $ 1 o equivalente in valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token di pagamento non trovato, riprova. Se il problema persiste, prova con un altro metodo di pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Via Fornitore',
'vendor_address2' => 'Scala/Appartamento Fornitore',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parzialmente non applicato',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Seleziona un utente autenticato con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Elenco Premere a lungo',
'show_actions' => 'Mostra azioni',
'start_multiselect' => 'Lancia multiselezione',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Una mail è stata inviata per confermare l\'indirizzo email',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertito pagato fino ad oggi',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo a credito convertito',
'converted_total' => 'Totale convertito',
'reply_to_name' => 'Rispondi a nome',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parzialmente non applicato',
'color_theme' => 'Colore del tema',
'start_migration' => 'Inizia migrazione',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Richiesta di cancellazione della fattura ricorrente da :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact dal cliente :client ha chiesto di cancellare la fattura ricorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Ciao',
'group_documents' => 'Raggruppa documenti',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Sei sicuro di voler approvare questo preventivo?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Seleziona le aziende da migrare',
'force_migration' => 'Forza migrazione',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Richiedi una password per il login Social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Rimani autenticato',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Attenzione: la tua sessione sta per scadere',
'count_hours' => ':count ore',
'count_day' => '1 giorno',
'count_days' => ':count giorni',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Timeout della sessione web',
'security_settings' => 'Impostazioni di Sicurezza',
'resend_email' => 'Reinvia email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Si prega di confermare l\'indirizzo email',
'freshbooks' => 'Libri freschi',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilità ondulatoria',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilità',
'required_files_missing' => 'Fornisci tutti i CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuiamo con l&#39;autenticazione.',
'api_secret' => 'Segreto dell&#39;API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puoi trovare API_SECRET nel file .env o in Invoice Ninja v5. Se questa proprietà manca, lascia il campo vuoto.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Il tuo sconto verrà applicato alla cassa.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usa ultima email',
'activate_company' => 'Attiva azienda',
'activate_company_help' => 'Abilitare le e-mail, le fatture ricorrenti e le notifiche',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Si è verificato un errore, per favore riprova',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Si prega di impostare prima una password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attenzione: Cambiare il numero di telefono disabiliterà l\'autenticazione a due fattori',
'help_translate' => 'Contribuisci alla traduzione',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Selezionare un paese',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Disattivato con successo 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Account collegato correttamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Account disconnesso correttamente',
'delivered' => 'Consegnato',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Vedi documentazione',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Si prega di fornire un numero di telefono cellulare per abilitare l\'autenticazione a due fattori',
'send_sms' => 'Invia SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Codice SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connetti Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnetti Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disabilita 2FA',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Datelog delle attività di fatturazione',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Aggiungi i dettagli della data alle voci della fattura',
'promo_code' => 'Codice Promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Fattura ricorrente emessa a',
'subscription' => 'Abbonamento',
'new_subscription' => 'Nuovo Abbonamento',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Abbonamento eliminato correttamente',
'removed_subscription' => 'Abbonamento rimosso correttamente',
'restored_subscription' => 'Abbonamento ripristinato correttamente',
'search_subscription' => 'Cerca 1 abbonamento',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Cerca :count abbonamenti',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Sottodominio non disponibile',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connetti Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnetti Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail collegato correttamente',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail disconnesso correttamente',
'update_fail_help' => 'Le modifiche alla codebase potrebbero bloccare l&#39;aggiornamento, puoi eseguire questo comando per eliminare le modifiche:',
'client_id_number' => 'Numero ID cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minuti',
'password_timeout' => 'Scadenza Password',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Condividere fattura/contatore di credito',
'next' => 'Successivo',
'next_step' => 'Avanti',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Il credito :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Il credito :invoice è stato visto da :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Al cliente :client è stata inviata per email la fattura :invoice per :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Il cliente :client ha visualizzato il credito :credit per :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Inserire la mail per resettare la password.',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'account_login_text' => 'Benvenuto! Felice di vederti.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Richiedi Cancellazione',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Elimina il metodo di pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Stai per eliminare il metodo di pagamento.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'L\'azione non può essere annullata',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Il profilo è stato aggiornato con successo.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etiope',
'client_information_text' => 'Usa un indirizzo permanente dove puoi ricevere la posta.',
'status_id' => 'Stato fattura',
'email_already_register' => 'Questa email è già collegata a un account',
'locations' => 'Luoghi',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cicli restanti',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Capisco, cancella',
'download_files' => 'Scarica files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Usa questo link per scaricare i tuoi file. Il link scadrà tra 1 ora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nuova Iscrizione',
'new_signup_text' => 'Un nuovo account è stato creato da :user - :email - dall\'indirizzo IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Pagamento effettuato da :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Pagamento parziale effettuato da :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Un pagamento di :amount è stato fatto dal cliente :client per la fattura :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Un pagamento parziale di :amount è stato fatto dal cliente :client verso :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot notifiche',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Fattura # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_numero',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se il pulsante sopra non funziona per te, fai clic sul link',
'display_log' => 'Visualizza registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Segnala gli errori in tempo reale',
'setup' => 'Impostare',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Panoramica rapida e statistiche',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Aggiorna le tue informazioni personali',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, sito web e logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Assicurati di utilizzare il collegamento completo al tuo sito',
'personal_address' => 'Indirizzo personale',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Inserisci il tuo indirizzo personale',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Inserire l\'indirizzo di spedizione',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Elenco di fatture',
'with_selected' => 'Con selezionato',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Questa fattura non è ancora stata pagata. Fare clic sul pulsante per completare il pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Elenco delle fatture ricorrenti',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Di seguito sono riportati alcuni dettagli sulla fattura ricorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellazione',
'about_cancellation' => 'Nel caso in cui desideri interrompere la fattura ricorrente, fai clic per richiedere la cancellazione.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Avvertimento! Stai richiedendo la cancellazione di questo servizio. Il tuo servizio potrebbe essere annullato senza ulteriore notifica.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellazione in corso, ci metteremo in contatto!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Elenco dei pagamenti',
'payment_details' => 'Dettagli del pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Elenco delle fatture interessate dal pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Elenco dei metodi di pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Dettagli del metodo di pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Rimuovi definitivamente questo metodo di pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Attenzione! Questa azione non può essere annullata!',
'confirmation' => 'Conferma',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Preventivi',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'In attesa di approvazione',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Questo preventivo non è ancora approvato',
'list_of_credits' => 'Crediti',
'required_extensions' => 'Estensioni richieste',
'php_version' => 'Versione PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'File .env scrivibile',
'env_not_writable' => 'Il file .env non è scrivibile dall\'utente corrente.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versione minima di PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Assicurati che tutti i requisiti siano soddisfatti.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ops, qualcosa non quadra!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Aprire in una nuova scheda',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Completa il pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizza il metodo di pagamento per un utilizzo futuro',
'page' => 'Pagina',
'per_page' => 'Per pagina',
'of' => 'Di',
'view_credit' => 'Vedi Credito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Inserisci la password per vedere :entity.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando da :first a :last su :total risultati',
'no_results' => 'Nessun risultato trovato.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Pagamento non riuscito per il cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Un pagamento effettuato dal cliente :client non è riuscito, con il messaggio :message',
'register' => 'Registrati',
'register_label' => 'Crea il tuo account in pochi secondi',
'password_confirmation' => 'Conferma la tua password',
'verification' => 'Verifica',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Prima di usare un conto bancario deve essere verificato.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Il numero di carta di credito fornito non è valido.',
'month_invalid' => 'Il mese inserito non è valido.',
'year_invalid' => 'L\'anno inserito non è valido.',
'https_required' => 'È richiesto HTTPS, il modulo fallirà',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se hai bisogno di aiuto puoi postare sul nostro',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Dopo l\'aggiornamento della password, il tuo account verrà confermato.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Per pagare con un conto bancario, devi prima aggiungerlo come metodo di pagamento.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Memorizziamo le informazioni di base sul tuo Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente raccomandato in produzione',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Attiva solo per lo sviluppo',
'test_pdf' => 'Testa PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com può essere salvato come metodo di pagamento per uso futuro, una volta completata la prima transazione. Non dimenticare di impostare "Memorizza i dettagli della carta di credito" durante il processo di pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Il conto bancario (SOFORT) può essere salvato come metodo di pagamento per usi futuri, una volta completata la prima transazione. Non dimenticare di impostare "Memorizza i dettagli del pagamento" durante il processo di pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Stato di Node',
'npm_status' => 'Stato di NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Non sono riuscito a trovare Node da nessuna parte. È installato?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Non ho trovato NPM da nessuna parte. È installato?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Questa fattura è bloccata e non può essere modificata',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Risorsa',
'document_details' => 'Dettagli sul documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Risorse',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipi di file consentiti:',
'common_codes' => 'Codici comuni e loro significato',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (CVV non valido e/o data di scadenza)',
'download_selected' => 'Scarica selezione',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Per pagare le fatture, si deve',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'aggiungi metodo di pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nessun articolo selezionato',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento dovuto',
'account_balance' => 'Bilancio Account',
'thanks' => 'Grazie',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Il pagamento minimo richiesto è :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;azienda non supporta i pagamenti insufficienti.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'L&#39;azienda non supporta i pagamenti in eccesso.',
'saved_at' => 'Salvato alle :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credito applicato alla fattura :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nuovo credito :number da :account',
'credit_message' => 'Per visualizzare il tuo credito per :amount, fai clic sul link sottostante.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Salva per usi futuri',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Paga con credito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Il metodo di pagamento non può essere salvato per un utilizzo futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Paga con',
'n/a' => 'N / A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Cliccando "avanti" confermerai l\'accettazione dei termini.',
'not_specified' => 'Non specificato',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Prima di procedere con il pagamento è necessario compilare i seguenti campi',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Dopo aver completato, torna alla pagina precedente.',
'pay' => 'Paga',
'instructions' => 'Istruzioni',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 1 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 2 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria 3 per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria Personalizzato per Fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Il promemoria ricorrente per la fattura :invoice è stato inviato a :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utente assegnato',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Per procedere al passaggio successivo, assicurati di testare ogni sezione.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota su Phantom JS. Per saperne di più.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento minimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nessuna azione fornita. Se ritieni che ciò sia sbagliato, contatta l&#39;assistenza.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nessuna fattura pagabile selezionata. Assicurati di non stare pagando una bozza di fattura o una fattura con saldo zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Dettagli di pagamento richiesti',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Per completare un pagamento abbiamo bisogno di maggiori dettagli su di te.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Salveremo questo, così non dovrai inserirlo la prossima volta.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Non siamo stati in grado di consegnare il credito :invoice a :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Impossibile consegnare il credito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Salva i dettagli del metodo di pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Nuova carta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nuovo conto bancario',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite di aziende :limit per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Il totale dei crediti applicati non può essere SUPERIORE al totale delle fatture',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Numero di credito già preso',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credito non trovato',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Le fatture selezionate non appartengono ad un unico cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Crediti duplicati inviati.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Fatture duplicate inviate.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'È necessario disporre di una fattura impostata quando si utilizza del credito in un pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'L\'ID cliente è obbligatorio',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Numero di spesa già utilizzato',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Numero di fattura già usato',
'payment_id_required' => 'Pagamento `id` richiesto.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Impossibile recuperare il pagamento specificato',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID fattura :invoice non è relativa a questo pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID credito :credit non è relativo a questo pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativo di rimborso superiore al consentito per la fattura id :invoice, l\'importo massimo rimborsabile è :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Si sta tentando di rimborsare un pagamento con fatture allegate, specificare le fatture valide da rimborsare.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Si sta tentando di rimborsare un pagamento con crediti allegati, specificare i crediti validi da rimborsare.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativo di rimborsare più di quanto consentito per il credito :credit, l&#39;importo massimo rimborsabile è :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Il client del progetto non corrisponde al client dell&#39;entità',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Numero preventivo già in uso',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Numero di fattura ricorrente :number già usato',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Utente non associato a questo account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Gli importi non vengono bilanciati correttamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Importo applicato rimanente insufficiente per coprire il pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Bilancio del credito insufficiente.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Una o più di queste fatture sono state pagate',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'L\'id della fattura :number non può essere rimborsato',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentativo di rimborso :amount solo :refundable_amount disponibile per il rimborso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Questo utente non può essere collegato a questa azienda. Forse ha già registrato un utente su un altro account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migrazione completata',
'migration_completed_description' => 'La tua migrazione è stata completata, controlla i tuoi dati dopo aver effettuato l&#39;accesso.',
'api_404' => '404 | Niente da vedere qui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Impossibile caricare un account di grandi dimensioni senza un parametro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Non esiste un backup per questa attività',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Record utente azienda non trovato',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nessun credito trovato.',
'action_unavailable' => 'L&#39;azione richiesta :action non è disponibile.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nessun documento trovato',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nessuna impostazione di gruppo trovata',
'access_denied' => 'Privilegi insufficienti per accedere/modificare questa risorsa',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'La fattura non può essere segnata come pagata',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licenza non valida o ambiente non valido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Percorso non disponibile',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Oggetto di design personalizzato non valido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Preventivo/i non trovati',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossibile approvare il preventivo in quanto scaduto.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Il programma di pianificazione è stato eseguito',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler non è mai stato eseguito',
'self_update_not_available' => 'L\'aggiornamento automatico non è disponibile su questo sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Utente separato dall\'azienda',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Impossibile creare il webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Grazie per il pagamento di :amount per :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: i pagamenti online sono supportati solo se l&#39;importo è superiore a $ 1 o equivalente in valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token di pagamento non trovato, riprova. Se il problema persiste, prova con un altro metodo di pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Via Fornitore',
'vendor_address2' => 'Scala/Appartamento Fornitore',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parzialmente non applicato',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Seleziona un utente autenticato con Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Elenco Premere a lungo',
'show_actions' => 'Mostra azioni',
'start_multiselect' => 'Lancia multiselezione',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Una mail è stata inviata per confermare l\'indirizzo email',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertito pagato fino ad oggi',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo a credito convertito',
'converted_total' => 'Totale convertito',
'reply_to_name' => 'Rispondi a nome',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parzialmente non applicato',
'color_theme' => 'Colore del tema',
'start_migration' => 'Inizia migrazione',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Richiesta di cancellazione della fattura ricorrente da :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact dal cliente :client ha chiesto di cancellare la fattura ricorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Ciao',
'group_documents' => 'Raggruppa documenti',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Sei sicuro di voler approvare questo preventivo?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Seleziona le aziende da migrare',
'force_migration' => 'Forza migrazione',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Richiedi una password per il login Social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Rimani autenticato',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Attenzione: la tua sessione sta per scadere',
'count_hours' => ':count ore',
'count_day' => '1 giorno',
'count_days' => ':count giorni',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Timeout della sessione web',
'security_settings' => 'Impostazioni di Sicurezza',
'resend_email' => 'Reinvia email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Si prega di confermare l\'indirizzo email',
'freshbooks' => 'Libri freschi',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilità ondulatoria',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilità',
'required_files_missing' => 'Fornisci tutti i CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Continuiamo con l&#39;autenticazione.',
'api_secret' => 'Segreto dell&#39;API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Puoi trovare API_SECRET nel file .env o in Invoice Ninja v5. Se questa proprietà manca, lascia il campo vuoto.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Il tuo sconto verrà applicato alla cassa.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usa ultima email',
'activate_company' => 'Attiva azienda',
'activate_company_help' => 'Abilitare le e-mail, le fatture ricorrenti e le notifiche',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Si è verificato un errore, per favore riprova',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Si prega di impostare prima una password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Attenzione: Cambiare il numero di telefono disabiliterà l\'autenticazione a due fattori',
'help_translate' => 'Contribuisci alla traduzione',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Selezionare un paese',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Disattivato con successo 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Account collegato correttamente',
'disconnected_google' => 'Account disconnesso correttamente',
'delivered' => 'Consegnato',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Vedi documentazione',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Si prega di fornire un numero di telefono cellulare per abilitare l\'autenticazione a due fattori',
'send_sms' => 'Invia SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Codice SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Connetti Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnetti Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disabilita 2FA',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Datelog delle attività di fatturazione',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Aggiungi i dettagli della data alle voci della fattura',
'promo_code' => 'Codice Promo',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Fattura ricorrente emessa a',
'subscription' => 'Abbonamento',
'new_subscription' => 'Nuovo Abbonamento',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Abbonamento eliminato correttamente',
'removed_subscription' => 'Abbonamento rimosso correttamente',
'restored_subscription' => 'Abbonamento ripristinato correttamente',
'search_subscription' => 'Cerca 1 abbonamento',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Cerca :count abbonamenti',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Sottodominio non disponibile',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connetti Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnetti Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail collegato correttamente',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail disconnesso correttamente',
'update_fail_help' => 'Le modifiche alla codebase potrebbero bloccare l&#39;aggiornamento, puoi eseguire questo comando per eliminare le modifiche:',
'client_id_number' => 'Numero ID cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minuti',
'password_timeout' => 'Scadenza Password',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Condividere fattura/contatore di credito',
'activity_80' => ':user abbonamento creato :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user abbonamento aggiornato :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user abbonamento archiviato :subscription',
@ -5119,7 +5119,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'Regione',
'county' => 'contea',
'tax_details' => 'Dettagli fiscali',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact inserito Pagamento :payment per Fattura :invoice per :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user inserito Pagamento :payment per Fattura :invoice per :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Tipo Pagamento predefinito',
'number_precision' => 'Precisione dei numeri',
@ -5206,6 +5206,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'Spese',
'email_report' => 'rapporto email',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Paga dopo',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3831,308 +3831,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => 'URL ការចុះឈ្មោះ',
'show_product_cost' => 'បង្ហាញតម្លៃផលិតផល',
'complete' => 'បញ្ចប់',
'next' => 'បន្ទាប់',
'next_step' => 'ជំហាន​បន្ទាប់',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'ឥណទាន :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'ឥណទាន :invoice ត្រូវបានមើលដោយ :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'ម៉ាស៊ីនភ្ញៀវខាងក្រោម :client ត្រូវបានផ្ញើតាមអ៊ីមែល Credit :invoice សម្រាប់ :amount ។',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'ម៉ាស៊ីនភ្ញៀវខាងក្រោម :client បានមើលឥណទាន :credit សម្រាប់ :amount ។',
'reset_password_text' => 'បញ្ចូលអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឡើងវិញ។',
'password_reset' => 'កំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ឡើងវិញ',
'account_login_text' => 'សូមស្វាគមន៍! រីករាយ​ដែល​បាន​ជួប​អ្នក។',
'request_cancellation' => 'ការ​ស្នើ​រ​សុំ​លុបចោល',
'delete_payment_method' => 'លុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'អ្នកហៀបនឹងលុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់។',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'សកម្មភាពមិនអាចត្រឡប់វិញបានទេ។',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'ទម្រង់នេះត្រូវបានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពដោយជោគជ័យ។',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'ប៊ីរអេត្យូពី',
'client_information_text' => 'ប្រើអាសយដ្ឋានអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍ដែលអ្នកអាចទទួលសំបុត្រ។',
'status_id' => 'ស្ថានភាពវិក្កយបត្រ',
'email_already_register' => 'អ៊ីមែលនេះត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់ទៅគណនីរួចហើយ',
'locations' => 'ទីតាំង',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'គ្មានកំណត់',
'cycles_remaining' => 'វដ្តដែលនៅសល់',
'i_understand_delete' => 'ខ្ញុំយល់ លុប',
'download_files' => 'ទាញយកឯកសារ',
'download_timeframe' => 'ប្រើតំណនេះដើម្បីទាញយកឯកសាររបស់អ្នក តំណនឹងផុតកំណត់ក្នុងរយៈពេល 1 ម៉ោង។',
'new_signup' => 'ការចុះឈ្មោះថ្មី។',
'new_signup_text' => 'គណនីថ្មីមួយត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ :user - :email - ពីអាសយដ្ឋាន IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'ការទូទាត់ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយ :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'ការទូទាត់មួយផ្នែកត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយ :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'ការទូទាត់នៃ :amount ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client ឆ្ពោះទៅ :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'ការបង់ប្រាក់មួយផ្នែកនៃ :amount ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client ឆ្ពោះទៅ :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'បូតជូនដំណឹង',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ #:invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'ប្រសិនបើប៊ូតុងខាងលើមិនដំណើរការសម្រាប់អ្នក សូមចុចលើតំណ',
'display_log' => 'បង្ហាញកំណត់ហេតុ',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'រាយការណ៍កំហុសក្នុងពេលវេលាជាក់ស្តែង',
'setup' => 'រៀបចំ',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'ទិដ្ឋភាពទូទៅ និងស្ថិតិរហ័ស',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពព័ត៌មានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។',
'name_website_logo' => 'ឈ្មោះ គេហទំព័រ និងនិមិត្តសញ្ញា',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកប្រើតំណពេញលេញទៅកាន់គេហទំព័ររបស់អ្នក។',
'personal_address' => 'អាសយដ្ឋានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'បញ្ចូលអាសយដ្ឋានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'បញ្ចូលអាសយដ្ឋានដឹកជញ្ជូនរបស់អ្នក។',
'list_of_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រ',
'with_selected' => 'ជាមួយនឹងការជ្រើសរើស',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'វិក្កយបត្រនេះនៅតែមិនត្រូវបានបង់។ ចុចប៊ូតុងដើម្បីបញ្ចប់ការទូទាត់',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'នេះគឺជាព័ត៌មានលម្អិតមួយចំនួនអំពីវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ',
'cancellation' => 'ការលុបចោល',
'about_cancellation' => 'ក្នុងករណីដែលអ្នកចង់បញ្ឈប់វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ សូមចុចដើម្បីស្នើសុំការលុបចោល។',
'cancellation_warning' => 'ព្រមាន! អ្នកកំពុងស្នើសុំការលុបចោលសេវាកម្មនេះ។ សេវាកម្មរបស់អ្នកអាចត្រូវបានលុបចោលដោយមិនមានការជូនដំណឹងបន្ថែមដល់អ្នកទេ។',
'cancellation_pending' => 'រង់ចាំការលុបចោល យើងនឹងទាក់ទងទៅ!',
'list_of_payments' => 'បញ្ជីនៃការទូទាត់',
'payment_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតនៃការទូទាត់',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រដែលរងផលប៉ះពាល់ដោយការទូទាត់',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'បញ្ជីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'payment_method_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'លុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់នេះចេញជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍។',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'ព្រមាន! សកម្មភាពនេះមិនអាចត្រឡប់វិញបានទេ!',
'confirmation' => 'ការបញ្ជាក់',
'list_of_quotes' => 'សម្រង់',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'កំពុងរង់ចាំការយល់ព្រម',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'សម្រង់នេះនៅតែមិនត្រូវបានអនុម័ត',
'list_of_credits' => 'ឥណទាន',
'required_extensions' => 'ផ្នែកបន្ថែមដែលត្រូវការ',
'php_version' => 'កំណែ PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'ឯកសារ .env អាចសរសេរបាន។',
'env_not_writable' => 'ឯកសារ .env មិនអាចសរសេរបានដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បច្ចុប្បន្នទេ។',
'minumum_php_version' => 'កំណែ PHP អប្បបរមា',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'ត្រូវប្រាកដថាតម្រូវការទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានពេញចិត្ត។',
'oops_issues' => 'អូ៎ មាន​អ្វី​មួយ​មើល​ទៅ​មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'បើកនៅក្នុងផ្ទាំងថ្មី។',
'complete_your_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់ពេញលេញ',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'អនុញ្ញាតវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត',
'page' => 'ទំព័រ',
'per_page' => 'ក្នុងមួយទំព័រ',
'of' => 'នៃ',
'view_credit' => 'មើលឥណទាន',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'ដើម្បីមើល :entity អ្នកត្រូវបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់។',
'showing_x_of' => 'បង្ហាញ :first ទៅ :last ចេញពីលទ្ធផល :total',
'no_results' => 'រកមិនឃើញលទ្ធផលទេ។',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'ការបង់ប្រាក់បរាជ័យសម្រាប់អតិថិជន :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'ការទូទាត់ដែលធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client បានបរាជ័យជាមួយនឹងសារ :message',
'register' => 'ចុះឈ្មោះ',
'register_label' => 'បង្កើតគណនីរបស់អ្នកក្នុងរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មានវិនាទី',
'password_confirmation' => 'បញ្ជាក់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នក។',
'verification' => 'ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'មុនពេលប្រើគណនីធនាគារ ត្រូវតែផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់។',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'រក្សាសិទ្ធិ © :year :company ។',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'លេខកាតឥណទានដែលផ្តល់គឺមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'month_invalid' => 'ខែដែលបានផ្តល់មិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'year_invalid' => 'ឆ្នាំដែលបានផ្តល់គឺមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS ត្រូវបានទាមទារ ទម្រង់នឹងបរាជ័យ',
'if_you_need_help' => 'ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការជំនួយ អ្នកអាចប្រកាសមកកាន់របស់យើង។',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពពាក្យសម្ងាត់ គណនីរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានបញ្ជាក់។',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'ដើម្បីទូទាត់ជាមួយគណនីធនាគារ ជាដំបូងអ្នកត្រូវបញ្ចូលវាជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់។',
'application_settings_label' => 'តោះរក្សាទុកព័ត៌មានមូលដ្ឋានអំពី Invoice Ninja របស់អ្នក!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'ត្រូវបានណែនាំយ៉ាងខ្លាំងនៅក្នុងផលិតកម្ម',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'បើកដំណើរការសម្រាប់តែការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។',
'test_pdf' => 'សាកល្បង PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com អាចត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបញ្ចប់ប្រតិបត្តិការដំបូងរបស់អ្នក។ កុំភ្លេចពិនិត្យមើល &quot;ទុកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីប័ណ្ណឥណទាន&quot; អំឡុងពេលដំណើរការទូទាត់។',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'គណនីធនាគារ (SOFORT) អាចត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត នៅពេលអ្នកបញ្ចប់ប្រតិបត្តិការដំបូងរបស់អ្នក។ កុំភ្លេចពិនិត្យមើល &quot;ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីការទូទាត់ក្នុងហាង&quot; អំឡុងពេលដំណើរការទូទាត់។',
'node_status' => 'ស្ថានភាពថ្នាំង',
'npm_status' => 'ស្ថានភាព NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'ខ្ញុំមិនអាចរក Node នៅកន្លែងណាបានទេ។ តើវាត្រូវបានដំឡើងទេ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'ខ្ញុំមិនអាចរក NPM នៅកន្លែងណាបានទេ។ តើវាត្រូវបានដំឡើងទេ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'វិក្កយបត្រនេះត្រូវបានចាក់សោ និងមិនអាចកែប្រែបានទេ។',
'downloads' => 'ការទាញយក',
'resource' => 'ធនធាន',
'document_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីឯកសារ',
'hash' => 'ហាស',
'resources' => 'ធនធាន',
'allowed_file_types' => 'ប្រភេទឯកសារដែលបានអនុញ្ញាត៖',
'common_codes' => 'កូដទូទៅ និងអត្ថន័យរបស់វា។',
'payment_error_code_20087' => 'ឆ្នាំ 20087៖ ទិន្នន័យ​បទ​មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ (CVV មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ និង/ឬ​កាលបរិច្ឆេទ​ផុត​កំណត់)',
'download_selected' => 'បានជ្រើសរើសការទាញយក',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'ដើម្បីទូទាត់វិក្កយបត្រ អ្នកត្រូវតែ',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'បន្ថែមវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'no_items_selected' => 'មិនបានជ្រើសរើសធាតុទេ។',
'payment_due' => 'ការទូទាត់ដល់ពេលកំណត់',
'account_balance' => 'សមតុល្យ​គណនី',
'thanks' => 'សូមអរគុណ',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់ដែលត្រូវការអប្បបរមាគឺ :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'ក្រុមហ៊ុនមិនគាំទ្រការបង់ប្រាក់ទាបទេ។',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'ក្រុមហ៊ុនមិនគាំទ្រការបង់ប្រាក់លើស។',
'saved_at' => 'បានរក្សាទុកនៅ :time',
'credit_payment' => 'ឥណទានបានអនុវត្តទៅវិក្កយបត្រ :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'ឥណទានថ្មី :number ពី :account',
'credit_message' => 'ដើម្បីមើលឥណទានរបស់អ្នកសម្រាប់ :amount សូមចុចតំណខាងក្រោម។',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'រូបិយប័ណ្ណគ្រីបតូ',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'ឥណទាន',
'store_for_future_use' => 'រក្សាទុកសម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត',
'pay_with_credit' => 'បង់ជាមួយឥណទាន',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'មិន​អាច​រក្សា​ទុក​វិធី​បង់​ប្រាក់​សម្រាប់​ការ​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​នា​ពេល​អនាគត​បាន​ទេ។',
'pay_with' => 'បង់ជាមួយ',
'n/a' => 'គ្មាន',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'ដោយចុច &quot;ជំហានបន្ទាប់&quot; អ្នកទទួលយកលក្ខខណ្ឌ។',
'not_specified' => 'មិនបានបញ្ជាក់',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'មុននឹងបន្តការទូទាត់ អ្នកត្រូវបំពេញវាលខាងក្រោម',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'បន្ទាប់ពីបញ្ចប់ សូមត្រលប់ទៅទំព័រមុនវិញ។',
'pay' => 'បង់',
'instructions' => 'សេចក្តីណែនាំ',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 1 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 2 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 3 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹកផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនសម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹកគ្មានទីបញ្ចប់សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'assigned_user' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានកំណត់',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'ដើម្បីបន្តទៅជំហានបន្ទាប់ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកសាកល្បងផ្នែកនីមួយៗ។',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'ចំណាំអំពី Phantom JS. អាន​បន្ថែម។',
'minimum_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់អប្បបរមា',
'no_action_provided' => 'មិន​មាន​សកម្មភាព​ត្រូវ​បាន​ផ្តល់​ឱ្យ​។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកជឿថានេះខុស សូមទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយ។',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'មិនបានជ្រើសរើសវិក្កយបត្រដែលត្រូវបង់ទេ។ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកមិនព្យាយាមបង់វិក្កយបត្រព្រាង ឬវិក្កយបត្រដែលមានសមតុល្យសូន្យដល់ពេលកំណត់។',
'required_payment_information' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីការទូទាត់ដែលត្រូវការ',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'ដើម្បីបញ្ចប់ការទូទាត់ យើងត្រូវការព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបន្ថែមអំពីអ្នក។',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'យើងនឹងរក្សាទុកវា ដូច្នេះអ្នកមិនចាំបាច់បញ្ចូលវានៅពេលក្រោយទេ។',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'យើងមិនអាចផ្តល់ឥណទាន :invoice ទៅ :contact បានទេ។ \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'មិនអាចផ្តល់ឥណទាន :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'រក្សាទុកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'new_card' => 'កាតថ្មី។',
'new_bank_account' => 'គណនីធនាគារថ្មី។',
'company_limit_reached' => 'ដែនកំណត់នៃក្រុមហ៊ុន :limit ក្នុងមួយគណនី។',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'ឥណទានសរុបដែលបានអនុវត្តមិនអាចលើសពីវិក្កយបត្រសរុបទេ។',
'credit_number_taken' => 'បានយកលេខឥណទានរួចហើយ',
'credit_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឥណទានទេ។',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'វិក្កយបត្រដែលបានជ្រើសរើសមិនមែនមកពីអតិថិជនតែមួយទេ។',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'ដាក់ស្នើឥណទានស្ទួន។',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'បានបញ្ជូនវិក្កយបត្រស្ទួន។',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'អ្នកត្រូវតែមានវិក្កយបត្រដែលបានកំណត់នៅពេលប្រើឥណទានក្នុងការទូទាត់',
'client_id_required' => 'លេខសម្គាល់អតិថិជនត្រូវបានទាមទារ',
'expense_number_taken' => 'បានយកលេខចំណាយរួចហើយ',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'លេខវិក្កយបត្របានយករួចហើយ',
'payment_id_required' => 'តម្រូវឱ្យបង់ប្រាក់ &#39;id&#39; ។',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'មិនអាចទាញយកការទូទាត់ដែលបានបញ្ជាក់បានទេ។',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice មិនទាក់ទងនឹងការទូទាត់នេះទេ។',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'លេខសម្គាល់ឥណទាន :credit មិនទាក់ទងនឹងការទូទាត់នេះទេ។',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញលើសពីការអនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ចំនួនអតិបរមាដែលអាចដកវិញបានគឺ :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'កំពុងព្យាយាមបង្វិលសងប្រាក់ដែលមានវិក្កយបត្រភ្ជាប់មកជាមួយ សូមបញ្ជាក់វិក្កយបត្រដែលមានសុពលភាពដែលត្រូវសងប្រាក់វិញ។',
'refund_without_credits' => 'កំពុងព្យាយាមបង្វិលសងប្រាក់វិញដោយភ្ជាប់ជាមួយក្រេឌីត សូមបញ្ជាក់ឥណទានដែលមានសុពលភាពដែលត្រូវសងប្រាក់វិញ។',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញច្រើនជាងការអនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់ឥណទាន :credit ចំនួនអតិបរមាដែលអាចដកវិញបានគឺ :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'កម្មវិធីអតិថិជនគម្រោងមិនត្រូវគ្នានឹងអតិថិជនអង្គភាពទេ។',
'quote_number_taken' => 'លេខសម្រង់បានយករួចហើយ',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'លេខវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ :number បានយករួចហើយ',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់មិនបានភ្ជាប់ជាមួយគណនីនេះទេ។',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'បរិមាណមិនសមតុល្យត្រឹមត្រូវ។',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'ចំនួនទឹកប្រាក់ដែលបានអនុវត្តមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ការទូទាត់។',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'សមតុល្យមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់លើឥណទាន។',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'វិក្កយបត្រទាំងនេះមួយ ឬច្រើនត្រូវបានបង់',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :number មិនអាចដកវិញបានទេ។',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញ :amount មានតែ :refundable_amount សម្រាប់ការសងប្រាក់វិញ',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់នេះមិនអាចភ្ជាប់ជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុននេះបានទេ។ ប្រហែលជាពួកគេបានចុះឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់នៅលើគណនីផ្សេងទៀតរួចហើយ?',
'migration_completed' => 'ការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុកបានបញ្ចប់',
'migration_completed_description' => 'ការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុករបស់អ្នកបានបញ្ចប់ហើយ សូមពិនិត្យមើលទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នកឡើងវិញ បន្ទាប់ពីចូល។',
'api_404' => '404 | គ្មានអ្វីត្រូវមើលនៅទីនេះទេ!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'មិន​អាច​ផ្ទុក​គណនី​ធំ​ដោយ​គ្មាន​ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រ​ដែល​បាន​ធ្វើ​បច្ចុប្បន្នភាព​',
'no_backup_exists' => 'មិនមានការបម្រុងទុកសម្រាប់សកម្មភាពនេះទេ។',
'company_user_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញកំណត់ត្រាអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនទេ។',
'no_credits_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឥណទានទេ។',
'action_unavailable' => 'សកម្មភាពដែលបានស្នើសុំ :action មិនមានទេ។',
'no_documents_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឯកសារទេ។',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញការកំណត់ក្រុមទេ។',
'access_denied' => 'សិទ្ធិមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដើម្បីចូលប្រើ/កែប្រែធនធាននេះទេ។',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'វិក័យប័ត្រមិនអាចសម្គាល់ថាបានបង់ទេ។',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ ឬបរិស្ថានមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'ផ្លូវមិនអាចប្រើបានទេ។',
'invalid_design_object' => 'វត្ថុរចនាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ',
'quote_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញសម្រង់',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'មិនអាចអនុម័តការដកស្រង់នេះបានទេ ដោយសារវាបានផុតកំណត់ហើយ។',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'កម្មវិធីកំណត់ពេលបានដំណើរការ',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'អ្នករៀបចំកាលវិភាគមិនដែលដំណើរការទេ។',
'self_update_not_available' => 'ការអាប់ដេតដោយខ្លួនឯងមិនមាននៅលើប្រព័ន្ធនេះទេ។',
'user_detached' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ត្រូវបានផ្តាច់ចេញពីក្រុមហ៊ុន',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'បរាជ័យក្នុងការបង្កើត Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'សូមអរគុណចំពោះការបង់ប្រាក់របស់អ្នក :amount សម្រាប់ :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'ចំណាំ៖ ការទូទាត់តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតត្រូវបានគាំទ្រលុះត្រាតែចំនួនទឹកប្រាក់ធំជាង $1 ឬសមមូលរូបិយប័ណ្ណ។',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញនិមិត្តសញ្ញាបង់ប្រាក់ទេ សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។ ប្រសិនបើបញ្ហានៅតែកើតមាន សូមសាកល្បងជាមួយវិធីបង់ប្រាក់ផ្សេងទៀត។',
'vendor_address1' => 'ផ្លូវអ្នកលក់',
'vendor_address2' => 'អ្នកលក់ Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'មិនបានអនុវត្តដោយផ្នែក',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'សូមជ្រើសរើសអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ជាមួយ Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'បញ្ជីការចុចឡុង',
'show_actions' => 'បង្ហាញសកម្មភាព',
'start_multiselect' => 'ចាប់ផ្តើមជ្រើសរើសច្រើន',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'អ៊ីមែលត្រូវបានផ្ញើដើម្បីបញ្ជាក់អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែល',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'បំប្លែងបានបង់ទៅកាលបរិច្ឆេទ',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'សមតុល្យឥណទានដែលបានបំប្លែង',
'converted_total' => 'បានបំប្លែងសរុប',
'reply_to_name' => 'ឆ្លើយតបទៅឈ្មោះ',
'payment_status_-2' => 'មិនបានអនុវត្តដោយផ្នែក',
'color_theme' => 'ស្បែកពណ៌',
'start_migration' => 'ចាប់ផ្តើមការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'សំណើសម្រាប់ការលុបចោលវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗពី :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact ពីអតិថិជន :client បានស្នើសុំឱ្យលុបចោលវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ :invoice',
'hello' => 'ជំរាបសួរ',
'group_documents' => 'ឯកសារក្រុម',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'តើអ្នកប្រាកដថាចង់អនុម័តការដកស្រង់នេះទេ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'ជ្រើសរើសក្រុមហ៊ុនដើម្បីធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'force_migration' => 'បង្ខំការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'ទាមទារពាក្យសម្ងាត់ជាមួយការចូលសង្គម',
'stay_logged_in' => 'បន្តចូល',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'ការព្រមាន៖ វគ្គរបស់អ្នកជិតផុតកំណត់ហើយ។',
'count_hours' => ':count ម៉ោង។',
'count_day' => '1 ថ្ងៃ។',
'count_days' => ':count ថ្ងៃ។',
'web_session_timeout' => 'អស់ពេលសម័យប្រជុំគេហទំព័រ',
'security_settings' => 'ការកំណត់​សុវត្ថិភាព',
'resend_email' => 'ផ្ញើ​អ៊ី​ម៉ែ​ល​ម្តង​ទៀត',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'សូមបញ្ជាក់អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នក។',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ 2go',
'invoicely' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ',
'waveaccounting' => 'គណនេយ្យ Wave',
'zoho' => 'ហ្សូហូ',
'accounting' => 'គណនេយ្យ',
'required_files_missing' => 'សូមផ្តល់ CSVs ទាំងអស់។',
'migration_auth_label' => 'សូមបន្តដោយការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់។',
'api_secret' => 'សម្ងាត់ API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'អ្នកអាចស្វែងរក API_SECRET នៅក្នុងឯកសារ .env ឬ Invoice Ninja v5. ប្រសិនបើទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិបាត់ សូមទុកកន្លែងទំនេរ។',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'ការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានអនុវត្តនៅពេលបង់ប្រាក់ចេញ។',
'use_last_email' => 'ប្រើអ៊ីមែលចុងក្រោយ',
'activate_company' => 'ធ្វើឱ្យក្រុមហ៊ុនសកម្ម',
'activate_company_help' => 'បើកដំណើរការអ៊ីមែល វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ និងការជូនដំណឹង',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'កំហុសបានកើតឡើង សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'ដំបូង​សូម​កំណត់​ពាក្យ​សម្ងាត់',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'ការព្រមាន៖ ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរលេខទូរស័ព្ទរបស់អ្នកនឹងបិទ 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'ជួយបកប្រែ',
'please_select_a_country' => 'សូមជ្រើសរើសប្រទេសមួយ។',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'បានបិទ 2FA ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'connected_google' => 'បានភ្ជាប់គណនីដោយជោគជ័យ',
'disconnected_google' => 'បានផ្តាច់គណនីដោយជោគជ័យ',
'delivered' => 'ចែកចាយ',
'spam' => 'សារ​ឥត​បាន​ការ',
'view_docs' => 'មើលឯកសារ',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'សូមផ្តល់លេខទូរស័ព្ទ ដើម្បីបើកការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កត្តាពីរ',
'send_sms' => 'ផ្ញើសារ SMS',
'sms_code' => 'លេខកូដសារ SMS',
'connect_google' => 'ភ្ជាប់ Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'ផ្តាច់ Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'បិទកត្តាពីរ',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទកិច្ចការវិក្កយបត្រ',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'បន្ថែមព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីកាលបរិច្ឆេទទៅធាតុបន្ទាត់វិក្កយបត្រ',
'promo_code' => 'តំ​ឡើង​សក្ដិ',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗបានចេញឱ្យ',
'subscription' => 'ការជាវ',
'new_subscription' => 'ការជាវថ្មី។',
'deleted_subscription' => 'បានលុបការជាវដោយជោគជ័យ',
'removed_subscription' => 'បានលុបការជាវដោយជោគជ័យ',
'restored_subscription' => 'បានស្ដារការជាវឡើងវិញដោយជោគជ័យ',
'search_subscription' => 'ស្វែងរក 1 ជាវ',
'search_subscriptions' => 'ស្វែងរកការជាវ :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'ដែនរងមិនមានទេ។',
'connect_gmail' => 'ភ្ជាប់ Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'ផ្តាច់ Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'បានភ្ជាប់ Gmail ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'បានផ្តាច់ Gmail ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'update_fail_help' => 'ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅមូលដ្ឋានកូដអាចនឹងរារាំងការធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព អ្នកអាចដំណើរការពាក្យបញ្ជានេះដើម្បីបោះបង់ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ៖',
'client_id_number' => 'លេខសម្គាល់អតិថិជន',
'count_minutes' => ':count នាទី',
'password_timeout' => 'អស់ពេលពាក្យសម្ងាត់',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'ចែករំលែកវិក្កយបត្រ/បញ្ជរឥណទាន',
'next' => 'បន្ទាប់',
'next_step' => 'ជំហាន​បន្ទាប់',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'ឥណទាន :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'ឥណទាន :invoice ត្រូវបានមើលដោយ :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'ម៉ាស៊ីនភ្ញៀវខាងក្រោម :client ត្រូវបានផ្ញើតាមអ៊ីមែល Credit :invoice សម្រាប់ :amount ។',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'ម៉ាស៊ីនភ្ញៀវខាងក្រោម :client បានមើលឥណទាន :credit សម្រាប់ :amount ។',
'reset_password_text' => 'បញ្ចូលអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នកដើម្បីកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឡើងវិញ។',
'password_reset' => 'កំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ឡើងវិញ',
'account_login_text' => 'សូមស្វាគមន៍! រីករាយ​ដែល​បាន​ជួប​អ្នក។',
'request_cancellation' => 'ការ​ស្នើ​រ​សុំ​លុបចោល',
'delete_payment_method' => 'លុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'អ្នកហៀបនឹងលុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់។',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'សកម្មភាពមិនអាចត្រឡប់វិញបានទេ។',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'ទម្រង់នេះត្រូវបានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពដោយជោគជ័យ។',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'ប៊ីរអេត្យូពី',
'client_information_text' => 'ប្រើអាសយដ្ឋានអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍ដែលអ្នកអាចទទួលសំបុត្រ។',
'status_id' => 'ស្ថានភាពវិក្កយបត្រ',
'email_already_register' => 'អ៊ីមែលនេះត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់ទៅគណនីរួចហើយ',
'locations' => 'ទីតាំង',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'គ្មានកំណត់',
'cycles_remaining' => 'វដ្តដែលនៅសល់',
'i_understand_delete' => 'ខ្ញុំយល់ លុប',
'download_files' => 'ទាញយកឯកសារ',
'download_timeframe' => 'ប្រើតំណនេះដើម្បីទាញយកឯកសាររបស់អ្នក តំណនឹងផុតកំណត់ក្នុងរយៈពេល 1 ម៉ោង។',
'new_signup' => 'ការចុះឈ្មោះថ្មី។',
'new_signup_text' => 'គណនីថ្មីមួយត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ :user - :email - ពីអាសយដ្ឋាន IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'ការទូទាត់ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយ :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'ការទូទាត់មួយផ្នែកត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយ :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'ការទូទាត់នៃ :amount ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client ឆ្ពោះទៅ :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'ការបង់ប្រាក់មួយផ្នែកនៃ :amount ត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client ឆ្ពោះទៅ :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'បូតជូនដំណឹង',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ #:invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'ប្រសិនបើប៊ូតុងខាងលើមិនដំណើរការសម្រាប់អ្នក សូមចុចលើតំណ',
'display_log' => 'បង្ហាញកំណត់ហេតុ',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'រាយការណ៍កំហុសក្នុងពេលវេលាជាក់ស្តែង',
'setup' => 'រៀបចំ',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'ទិដ្ឋភាពទូទៅ និងស្ថិតិរហ័ស',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'ធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពព័ត៌មានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។',
'name_website_logo' => 'ឈ្មោះ គេហទំព័រ និងនិមិត្តសញ្ញា',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកប្រើតំណពេញលេញទៅកាន់គេហទំព័ររបស់អ្នក។',
'personal_address' => 'អាសយដ្ឋានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'បញ្ចូលអាសយដ្ឋានផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'បញ្ចូលអាសយដ្ឋានដឹកជញ្ជូនរបស់អ្នក។',
'list_of_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រ',
'with_selected' => 'ជាមួយនឹងការជ្រើសរើស',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'វិក្កយបត្រនេះនៅតែមិនត្រូវបានបង់។ ចុចប៊ូតុងដើម្បីបញ្ចប់ការទូទាត់',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'នេះគឺជាព័ត៌មានលម្អិតមួយចំនួនអំពីវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ',
'cancellation' => 'ការលុបចោល',
'about_cancellation' => 'ក្នុងករណីដែលអ្នកចង់បញ្ឈប់វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ សូមចុចដើម្បីស្នើសុំការលុបចោល។',
'cancellation_warning' => 'ព្រមាន! អ្នកកំពុងស្នើសុំការលុបចោលសេវាកម្មនេះ។ សេវាកម្មរបស់អ្នកអាចត្រូវបានលុបចោលដោយមិនមានការជូនដំណឹងបន្ថែមដល់អ្នកទេ។',
'cancellation_pending' => 'រង់ចាំការលុបចោល យើងនឹងទាក់ទងទៅ!',
'list_of_payments' => 'បញ្ជីនៃការទូទាត់',
'payment_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតនៃការទូទាត់',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'បញ្ជីវិក្កយបត្រដែលរងផលប៉ះពាល់ដោយការទូទាត់',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'បញ្ជីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'payment_method_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'លុបវិធីបង់ប្រាក់នេះចេញជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍។',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'ព្រមាន! សកម្មភាពនេះមិនអាចត្រឡប់វិញបានទេ!',
'confirmation' => 'ការបញ្ជាក់',
'list_of_quotes' => 'សម្រង់',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'កំពុងរង់ចាំការយល់ព្រម',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'សម្រង់នេះនៅតែមិនត្រូវបានអនុម័ត',
'list_of_credits' => 'ឥណទាន',
'required_extensions' => 'ផ្នែកបន្ថែមដែលត្រូវការ',
'php_version' => 'កំណែ PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'ឯកសារ .env អាចសរសេរបាន។',
'env_not_writable' => 'ឯកសារ .env មិនអាចសរសេរបានដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បច្ចុប្បន្នទេ។',
'minumum_php_version' => 'កំណែ PHP អប្បបរមា',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'ត្រូវប្រាកដថាតម្រូវការទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានពេញចិត្ត។',
'oops_issues' => 'អូ៎ មាន​អ្វី​មួយ​មើល​ទៅ​មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'បើកនៅក្នុងផ្ទាំងថ្មី។',
'complete_your_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់ពេញលេញ',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'អនុញ្ញាតវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត',
'page' => 'ទំព័រ',
'per_page' => 'ក្នុងមួយទំព័រ',
'of' => 'នៃ',
'view_credit' => 'មើលឥណទាន',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'ដើម្បីមើល :entity អ្នកត្រូវបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់។',
'showing_x_of' => 'បង្ហាញ :first ទៅ :last ចេញពីលទ្ធផល :total',
'no_results' => 'រកមិនឃើញលទ្ធផលទេ។',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'ការបង់ប្រាក់បរាជ័យសម្រាប់អតិថិជន :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'ការទូទាត់ដែលធ្វើឡើងដោយអតិថិជន :client បានបរាជ័យជាមួយនឹងសារ :message',
'register' => 'ចុះឈ្មោះ',
'register_label' => 'បង្កើតគណនីរបស់អ្នកក្នុងរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មានវិនាទី',
'password_confirmation' => 'បញ្ជាក់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នក។',
'verification' => 'ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'មុនពេលប្រើគណនីធនាគារ ត្រូវតែផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់។',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'រក្សាសិទ្ធិ © :year :company ។',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'លេខកាតឥណទានដែលផ្តល់គឺមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'month_invalid' => 'ខែដែលបានផ្តល់មិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'year_invalid' => 'ឆ្នាំដែលបានផ្តល់គឺមិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS ត្រូវបានទាមទារ ទម្រង់នឹងបរាជ័យ',
'if_you_need_help' => 'ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការជំនួយ អ្នកអាចប្រកាសមកកាន់របស់យើង។',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពពាក្យសម្ងាត់ គណនីរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានបញ្ជាក់។',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'ដើម្បីទូទាត់ជាមួយគណនីធនាគារ ជាដំបូងអ្នកត្រូវបញ្ចូលវាជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់។',
'application_settings_label' => 'តោះរក្សាទុកព័ត៌មានមូលដ្ឋានអំពី Invoice Ninja របស់អ្នក!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'ត្រូវបានណែនាំយ៉ាងខ្លាំងនៅក្នុងផលិតកម្ម',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'បើកដំណើរការសម្រាប់តែការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។',
'test_pdf' => 'សាកល្បង PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com អាចត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបញ្ចប់ប្រតិបត្តិការដំបូងរបស់អ្នក។ កុំភ្លេចពិនិត្យមើល &quot;ទុកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីប័ណ្ណឥណទាន&quot; អំឡុងពេលដំណើរការទូទាត់។',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'គណនីធនាគារ (SOFORT) អាចត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកជាវិធីបង់ប្រាក់សម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត នៅពេលអ្នកបញ្ចប់ប្រតិបត្តិការដំបូងរបស់អ្នក។ កុំភ្លេចពិនិត្យមើល &quot;ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីការទូទាត់ក្នុងហាង&quot; អំឡុងពេលដំណើរការទូទាត់។',
'node_status' => 'ស្ថានភាពថ្នាំង',
'npm_status' => 'ស្ថានភាព NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'ខ្ញុំមិនអាចរក Node នៅកន្លែងណាបានទេ។ តើវាត្រូវបានដំឡើងទេ?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'ខ្ញុំមិនអាចរក NPM នៅកន្លែងណាបានទេ។ តើវាត្រូវបានដំឡើងទេ?',
'locked_invoice' => 'វិក្កយបត្រនេះត្រូវបានចាក់សោ និងមិនអាចកែប្រែបានទេ។',
'downloads' => 'ការទាញយក',
'resource' => 'ធនធាន',
'document_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីឯកសារ',
'hash' => 'ហាស',
'resources' => 'ធនធាន',
'allowed_file_types' => 'ប្រភេទឯកសារដែលបានអនុញ្ញាត៖',
'common_codes' => 'កូដទូទៅ និងអត្ថន័យរបស់វា។',
'payment_error_code_20087' => 'ឆ្នាំ 20087៖ ទិន្នន័យ​បទ​មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ (CVV មិន​ត្រឹមត្រូវ និង/ឬ​កាលបរិច្ឆេទ​ផុត​កំណត់)',
'download_selected' => 'បានជ្រើសរើសការទាញយក',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'ដើម្បីទូទាត់វិក្កយបត្រ អ្នកត្រូវតែ',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'បន្ថែមវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'no_items_selected' => 'មិនបានជ្រើសរើសធាតុទេ។',
'payment_due' => 'ការទូទាត់ដល់ពេលកំណត់',
'account_balance' => 'សមតុល្យ​គណនី',
'thanks' => 'សូមអរគុណ',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់ដែលត្រូវការអប្បបរមាគឺ :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'ក្រុមហ៊ុនមិនគាំទ្រការបង់ប្រាក់ទាបទេ។',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'ក្រុមហ៊ុនមិនគាំទ្រការបង់ប្រាក់លើស។',
'saved_at' => 'បានរក្សាទុកនៅ :time',
'credit_payment' => 'ឥណទានបានអនុវត្តទៅវិក្កយបត្រ :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'ឥណទានថ្មី :number ពី :account',
'credit_message' => 'ដើម្បីមើលឥណទានរបស់អ្នកសម្រាប់ :amount សូមចុចតំណខាងក្រោម។',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'រូបិយប័ណ្ណគ្រីបតូ',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'ឥណទាន',
'store_for_future_use' => 'រក្សាទុកសម្រាប់ការប្រើប្រាស់នាពេលអនាគត',
'pay_with_credit' => 'បង់ជាមួយឥណទាន',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'មិន​អាច​រក្សា​ទុក​វិធី​បង់​ប្រាក់​សម្រាប់​ការ​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​នា​ពេល​អនាគត​បាន​ទេ។',
'pay_with' => 'បង់ជាមួយ',
'n/a' => 'គ្មាន',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'ដោយចុច &quot;ជំហានបន្ទាប់&quot; អ្នកទទួលយកលក្ខខណ្ឌ។',
'not_specified' => 'មិនបានបញ្ជាក់',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'មុននឹងបន្តការទូទាត់ អ្នកត្រូវបំពេញវាលខាងក្រោម',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'បន្ទាប់ពីបញ្ចប់ សូមត្រលប់ទៅទំព័រមុនវិញ។',
'pay' => 'បង់',
'instructions' => 'សេចក្តីណែនាំ',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 1 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 2 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹក 3 សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹកផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនសម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'ការរំលឹកគ្មានទីបញ្ចប់សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ត្រូវបានផ្ញើទៅ :client',
'assigned_user' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានកំណត់',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'ដើម្បីបន្តទៅជំហានបន្ទាប់ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកសាកល្បងផ្នែកនីមួយៗ។',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'ចំណាំអំពី Phantom JS. អាន​បន្ថែម។',
'minimum_payment' => 'ការទូទាត់អប្បបរមា',
'no_action_provided' => 'មិន​មាន​សកម្មភាព​ត្រូវ​បាន​ផ្តល់​ឱ្យ​។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកជឿថានេះខុស សូមទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយ។',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'មិនបានជ្រើសរើសវិក្កយបត្រដែលត្រូវបង់ទេ។ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកមិនព្យាយាមបង់វិក្កយបត្រព្រាង ឬវិក្កយបត្រដែលមានសមតុល្យសូន្យដល់ពេលកំណត់។',
'required_payment_information' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីការទូទាត់ដែលត្រូវការ',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'ដើម្បីបញ្ចប់ការទូទាត់ យើងត្រូវការព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបន្ថែមអំពីអ្នក។',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'យើងនឹងរក្សាទុកវា ដូច្នេះអ្នកមិនចាំបាច់បញ្ចូលវានៅពេលក្រោយទេ។',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'យើងមិនអាចផ្តល់ឥណទាន :invoice ទៅ :contact បានទេ។ \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'មិនអាចផ្តល់ឥណទាន :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'រក្សាទុកព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីវិធីបង់ប្រាក់',
'new_card' => 'កាតថ្មី។',
'new_bank_account' => 'គណនីធនាគារថ្មី។',
'company_limit_reached' => 'ដែនកំណត់នៃក្រុមហ៊ុន :limit ក្នុងមួយគណនី។',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'ឥណទានសរុបដែលបានអនុវត្តមិនអាចលើសពីវិក្កយបត្រសរុបទេ។',
'credit_number_taken' => 'បានយកលេខឥណទានរួចហើយ',
'credit_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឥណទានទេ។',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'វិក្កយបត្រដែលបានជ្រើសរើសមិនមែនមកពីអតិថិជនតែមួយទេ។',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'ដាក់ស្នើឥណទានស្ទួន។',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'បានបញ្ជូនវិក្កយបត្រស្ទួន។',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'អ្នកត្រូវតែមានវិក្កយបត្រដែលបានកំណត់នៅពេលប្រើឥណទានក្នុងការទូទាត់',
'client_id_required' => 'លេខសម្គាល់អតិថិជនត្រូវបានទាមទារ',
'expense_number_taken' => 'បានយកលេខចំណាយរួចហើយ',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'លេខវិក្កយបត្របានយករួចហើយ',
'payment_id_required' => 'តម្រូវឱ្យបង់ប្រាក់ &#39;id&#39; ។',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'មិនអាចទាញយកការទូទាត់ដែលបានបញ្ជាក់បានទេ។',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice មិនទាក់ទងនឹងការទូទាត់នេះទេ។',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'លេខសម្គាល់ឥណទាន :credit មិនទាក់ទងនឹងការទូទាត់នេះទេ។',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញលើសពីការអនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice ចំនួនអតិបរមាដែលអាចដកវិញបានគឺ :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'កំពុងព្យាយាមបង្វិលសងប្រាក់ដែលមានវិក្កយបត្រភ្ជាប់មកជាមួយ សូមបញ្ជាក់វិក្កយបត្រដែលមានសុពលភាពដែលត្រូវសងប្រាក់វិញ។',
'refund_without_credits' => 'កំពុងព្យាយាមបង្វិលសងប្រាក់វិញដោយភ្ជាប់ជាមួយក្រេឌីត សូមបញ្ជាក់ឥណទានដែលមានសុពលភាពដែលត្រូវសងប្រាក់វិញ។',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញច្រើនជាងការអនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់ឥណទាន :credit ចំនួនអតិបរមាដែលអាចដកវិញបានគឺ :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'កម្មវិធីអតិថិជនគម្រោងមិនត្រូវគ្នានឹងអតិថិជនអង្គភាពទេ។',
'quote_number_taken' => 'លេខសម្រង់បានយករួចហើយ',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'លេខវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ :number បានយករួចហើយ',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់មិនបានភ្ជាប់ជាមួយគណនីនេះទេ។',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'បរិមាណមិនសមតុល្យត្រឹមត្រូវ។',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'ចំនួនទឹកប្រាក់ដែលបានអនុវត្តមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ការទូទាត់។',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'សមតុល្យមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់លើឥណទាន។',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'វិក្កយបត្រទាំងនេះមួយ ឬច្រើនត្រូវបានបង់',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'លេខសម្គាល់វិក្កយបត្រ :number មិនអាចដកវិញបានទេ។',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'ព្យាយាមសងប្រាក់វិញ :amount មានតែ :refundable_amount សម្រាប់ការសងប្រាក់វិញ',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់នេះមិនអាចភ្ជាប់ជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុននេះបានទេ។ ប្រហែលជាពួកគេបានចុះឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់នៅលើគណនីផ្សេងទៀតរួចហើយ?',
'migration_completed' => 'ការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុកបានបញ្ចប់',
'migration_completed_description' => 'ការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុករបស់អ្នកបានបញ្ចប់ហើយ សូមពិនិត្យមើលទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នកឡើងវិញ បន្ទាប់ពីចូល។',
'api_404' => '404 | គ្មានអ្វីត្រូវមើលនៅទីនេះទេ!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'មិន​អាច​ផ្ទុក​គណនី​ធំ​ដោយ​គ្មាន​ប៉ារ៉ាម៉ែត្រ​ដែល​បាន​ធ្វើ​បច្ចុប្បន្នភាព​',
'no_backup_exists' => 'មិនមានការបម្រុងទុកសម្រាប់សកម្មភាពនេះទេ។',
'company_user_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញកំណត់ត្រាអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនទេ។',
'no_credits_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឥណទានទេ។',
'action_unavailable' => 'សកម្មភាពដែលបានស្នើសុំ :action មិនមានទេ។',
'no_documents_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញឯកសារទេ។',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញការកំណត់ក្រុមទេ។',
'access_denied' => 'សិទ្ធិមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដើម្បីចូលប្រើ/កែប្រែធនធាននេះទេ។',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'វិក័យប័ត្រមិនអាចសម្គាល់ថាបានបង់ទេ។',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ ឬបរិស្ថានមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'ផ្លូវមិនអាចប្រើបានទេ។',
'invalid_design_object' => 'វត្ថុរចនាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ',
'quote_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញសម្រង់',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'មិនអាចអនុម័តការដកស្រង់នេះបានទេ ដោយសារវាបានផុតកំណត់ហើយ។',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'កម្មវិធីកំណត់ពេលបានដំណើរការ',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'អ្នករៀបចំកាលវិភាគមិនដែលដំណើរការទេ។',
'self_update_not_available' => 'ការអាប់ដេតដោយខ្លួនឯងមិនមាននៅលើប្រព័ន្ធនេះទេ។',
'user_detached' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ត្រូវបានផ្តាច់ចេញពីក្រុមហ៊ុន',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'បរាជ័យក្នុងការបង្កើត Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'សូមអរគុណចំពោះការបង់ប្រាក់របស់អ្នក :amount សម្រាប់ :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'ចំណាំ៖ ការទូទាត់តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតត្រូវបានគាំទ្រលុះត្រាតែចំនួនទឹកប្រាក់ធំជាង $1 ឬសមមូលរូបិយប័ណ្ណ។',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'រកមិនឃើញនិមិត្តសញ្ញាបង់ប្រាក់ទេ សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។ ប្រសិនបើបញ្ហានៅតែកើតមាន សូមសាកល្បងជាមួយវិធីបង់ប្រាក់ផ្សេងទៀត។',
'vendor_address1' => 'ផ្លូវអ្នកលក់',
'vendor_address2' => 'អ្នកលក់ Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'មិនបានអនុវត្តដោយផ្នែក',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'សូមជ្រើសរើសអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ជាមួយ Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'បញ្ជីការចុចឡុង',
'show_actions' => 'បង្ហាញសកម្មភាព',
'start_multiselect' => 'ចាប់ផ្តើមជ្រើសរើសច្រើន',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'អ៊ីមែលត្រូវបានផ្ញើដើម្បីបញ្ជាក់អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែល',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'បំប្លែងបានបង់ទៅកាលបរិច្ឆេទ',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'សមតុល្យឥណទានដែលបានបំប្លែង',
'converted_total' => 'បានបំប្លែងសរុប',
'reply_to_name' => 'ឆ្លើយតបទៅឈ្មោះ',
'payment_status_-2' => 'មិនបានអនុវត្តដោយផ្នែក',
'color_theme' => 'ស្បែកពណ៌',
'start_migration' => 'ចាប់ផ្តើមការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'សំណើសម្រាប់ការលុបចោលវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗពី :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact ពីអតិថិជន :client បានស្នើសុំឱ្យលុបចោលវិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ :invoice',
'hello' => 'ជំរាបសួរ',
'group_documents' => 'ឯកសារក្រុម',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'តើអ្នកប្រាកដថាចង់អនុម័តការដកស្រង់នេះទេ?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'ជ្រើសរើសក្រុមហ៊ុនដើម្បីធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'force_migration' => 'បង្ខំការធ្វើចំណាកស្រុក',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'ទាមទារពាក្យសម្ងាត់ជាមួយការចូលសង្គម',
'stay_logged_in' => 'បន្តចូល',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'ការព្រមាន៖ វគ្គរបស់អ្នកជិតផុតកំណត់ហើយ។',
'count_hours' => ':count ម៉ោង។',
'count_day' => '1 ថ្ងៃ។',
'count_days' => ':count ថ្ងៃ។',
'web_session_timeout' => 'អស់ពេលសម័យប្រជុំគេហទំព័រ',
'security_settings' => 'ការកំណត់​សុវត្ថិភាព',
'resend_email' => 'ផ្ញើ​អ៊ី​ម៉ែ​ល​ម្តង​ទៀត',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'សូមបញ្ជាក់អាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នក។',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ 2go',
'invoicely' => 'វិក្កយបត្រ',
'waveaccounting' => 'គណនេយ្យ Wave',
'zoho' => 'ហ្សូហូ',
'accounting' => 'គណនេយ្យ',
'required_files_missing' => 'សូមផ្តល់ CSVs ទាំងអស់។',
'migration_auth_label' => 'សូមបន្តដោយការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់។',
'api_secret' => 'សម្ងាត់ API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'អ្នកអាចស្វែងរក API_SECRET នៅក្នុងឯកសារ .env ឬ Invoice Ninja v5. ប្រសិនបើទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិបាត់ សូមទុកកន្លែងទំនេរ។',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'ការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានអនុវត្តនៅពេលបង់ប្រាក់ចេញ។',
'use_last_email' => 'ប្រើអ៊ីមែលចុងក្រោយ',
'activate_company' => 'ធ្វើឱ្យក្រុមហ៊ុនសកម្ម',
'activate_company_help' => 'បើកដំណើរការអ៊ីមែល វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗ និងការជូនដំណឹង',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'កំហុសបានកើតឡើង សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'ដំបូង​សូម​កំណត់​ពាក្យ​សម្ងាត់',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'ការព្រមាន៖ ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរលេខទូរស័ព្ទរបស់អ្នកនឹងបិទ 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'ជួយបកប្រែ',
'please_select_a_country' => 'សូមជ្រើសរើសប្រទេសមួយ។',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'បានបិទ 2FA ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'connected_google' => 'បានភ្ជាប់គណនីដោយជោគជ័យ',
'disconnected_google' => 'បានផ្តាច់គណនីដោយជោគជ័យ',
'delivered' => 'ចែកចាយ',
'spam' => 'សារ​ឥត​បាន​ការ',
'view_docs' => 'មើលឯកសារ',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'សូមផ្តល់លេខទូរស័ព្ទ ដើម្បីបើកការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កត្តាពីរ',
'send_sms' => 'ផ្ញើសារ SMS',
'sms_code' => 'លេខកូដសារ SMS',
'connect_google' => 'ភ្ជាប់ Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'ផ្តាច់ Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'បិទកត្តាពីរ',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទកិច្ចការវិក្កយបត្រ',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'បន្ថែមព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីកាលបរិច្ឆេទទៅធាតុបន្ទាត់វិក្កយបត្រ',
'promo_code' => 'តំ​ឡើង​សក្ដិ',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'វិក្កយបត្រដែលកើតឡើងដដែលៗបានចេញឱ្យ',
'subscription' => 'ការជាវ',
'new_subscription' => 'ការជាវថ្មី។',
'deleted_subscription' => 'បានលុបការជាវដោយជោគជ័យ',
'removed_subscription' => 'បានលុបការជាវដោយជោគជ័យ',
'restored_subscription' => 'បានស្ដារការជាវឡើងវិញដោយជោគជ័យ',
'search_subscription' => 'ស្វែងរក 1 ជាវ',
'search_subscriptions' => 'ស្វែងរកការជាវ :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'ដែនរងមិនមានទេ។',
'connect_gmail' => 'ភ្ជាប់ Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'ផ្តាច់ Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'បានភ្ជាប់ Gmail ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'បានផ្តាច់ Gmail ដោយជោគជ័យ',
'update_fail_help' => 'ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅមូលដ្ឋានកូដអាចនឹងរារាំងការធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព អ្នកអាចដំណើរការពាក្យបញ្ជានេះដើម្បីបោះបង់ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ៖',
'client_id_number' => 'លេខសម្គាល់អតិថិជន',
'count_minutes' => ':count នាទី',
'password_timeout' => 'អស់ពេលពាក្យសម្ងាត់',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'ចែករំលែកវិក្កយបត្រ/បញ្ជរឥណទាន',
'activity_80' => ':user បានបង្កើតការជាវ :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពការជាវ :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user ការជាវដែលបានទុកក្នុងប័ណ្ណសារ :subscription',
@ -5108,7 +5108,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => 'តំបន់',
'county' => 'ខោនធី',
'tax_details' => 'ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតអំពីពន្ធ',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact បានបញ្ចូលការទូទាត់ :payment សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice សម្រាប់ :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user បានបញ្ចូលការទូទាត់ :payment សម្រាប់វិក្កយបត្រ :invoice សម្រាប់ :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'ប្រភេទការទូទាត់លំនាំដើម',
'number_precision' => 'ភាពជាក់លាក់នៃលេខ',
@ -5195,6 +5195,33 @@ $lang = array(
'charges' => 'ការចោទប្រកាន់',
'email_report' => 'របាយការណ៍អ៊ីមែល',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'បង់ពេលក្រោយ',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3848,308 +3848,308 @@ Kom terug naar deze betalingsmethode pagina zodra u de bedragen heeft ontvangen
'registration_url' => 'Registratie link',
'show_product_cost' => 'Laat product kosten zien',
'complete' => 'Voltooi',
'next' => 'Volgende',
'next_step' => 'Volgende stap',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Krediet :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Krediet :invoice is bekeken door :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'De volgende klant :client heeft een email ontvangen voor een krediet :invoice van :amount',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Klant :client heeft offerte :invoice voor :amount bekeken.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Voer uw e-mailadres in om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.',
'password_reset' => 'Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen',
'account_login_text' => 'Welkom! Leuk om je te zien.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Annulering aanvragen',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Verwijder betalingsmethode',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'U staat op het punt om de betalingsmethode te verwijderen.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Actie kan niet terug gedraaid worden',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Het profiel is succesvol bijgewerkt.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopische birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Gebruik een permanent adres waar u post kan ontvangen.',
'status_id' => 'Factuur status',
'email_already_register' => 'Dit emailadres is al aan een account gelinkt',
'locations' => 'Locaties',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Oneindig',
'cycles_remaining' => 'RESTERENDE CYCLI',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Ik begrijp het, verwijder',
'download_files' => 'Download bestanden',
'download_timeframe' => 'Gebruik deze link om uw bestanden te downloaden, de link vervalt over 1 uur.',
'new_signup' => 'Nieuwe aanmelding',
'new_signup_text' => 'Een nieuw account is aangemaakt door :user - :email vanaf IP-adres :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Betaling werd gedaan door: klant',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Gedeeltelijke betaling werd gedaan door: klant',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Een betaling voor :amount is gemaakt door klant :client voor Factuur :invoice.',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Een gedeeltelijke betaling van :amount werd gedaan door klant :client voor :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notificatie bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factuur # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Indien de bovenstaande knop niet werkt voor u, gelieve op de link te klikken',
'display_log' => 'Toon logboek',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporteer fouten in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Snel overzicht & statistieken',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update jouw persoonlijke informatie',
'name_website_logo' => 'Naam, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Zorg ervoor dat u de volledige link gebruikt naar uw website',
'personal_address' => 'Persoonlijk adres',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Voer uw persoonlijk adres in',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Voer uw verzendadres in',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lijst van facturen',
'with_selected' => 'Met geselecteerde',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Deze factuur is nog niet betaald. Klik op de knop om de betaling te vervolledigen',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lijst van terugkerende facturen',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Hier zijn een paar details over terugkerende facturen',
'cancellation' => 'Annulering',
'about_cancellation' => 'Indien u de terugkerende facturen wilt stoppen, gelieve op annuleren te klikken.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Opgelet! U vraagt de annulatie van deze service. Uw service kan geannuleerd worden zonder verder bericht naar u.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulatie in aanvraag, we nemen contact met u op!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lijst met betalingen',
'payment_details' => 'Details van de betaling',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lijst met facturen waarop de betaling betrekking heeft',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lijst met betalingsmethodes',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details van betalingsmethodes',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Verwijder deze betalingsmethode definitief',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Waarschuwing! Deze aanpassing kan niet terug worden gedraaid!',
'confirmation' => 'Bevestiging',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Offertes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Wachten op goedkeuren',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Deze offerte is nog steeds niet goedgekeurd',
'list_of_credits' => 'Kredieten',
'required_extensions' => 'Vereiste extensies',
'php_version' => 'PHP versie',
'writable_env_file' => 'Aanpasbaar .env bestand',
'env_not_writable' => '.env bestand kan niet aangepast worden door de huidige gebruiker.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimale PHP versie',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Zorg ervoor dat aan alle vereisten is voldaan.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oeps, er klopt iets niet!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in nieuw tabblad',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Voltooi betaling',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriseer de betalingsmethode voor toekomstig gebruik',
'page' => 'Pagina',
'per_page' => 'Per pagina',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'Toon krediet',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Om de :entity te zien moet u een wachtwoord invoeren.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Toont de :first tot :last van de :total resultaten',
'no_results' => 'Geen resultaten gevonden.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Betaling mislukt voor klant :klant',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Een betaling gedaan door de klant :client is mislukt met bericht :bericht',
'register' => 'Registreer',
'register_label' => 'Maak binnen enkele seconden uw account aan',
'password_confirmation' => 'Bevestig uw wachtwoord',
'verification' => 'Verificatie',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'De bankaccount moet geverifieerd worden voor gebruik.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Het opgegeven kredietkaart nummer is niet geldig.',
'month_invalid' => 'Opgegeven maand is niet geldig.',
'year_invalid' => 'Opgegeven jaar is niet geldig.',
'https_required' => 'HTTP is vereist, anders zal het formulier mislukken',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Als u hulp nodig heeft, kunt u een bericht sturen naar onze',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Uw account zal bevestigd worden na het wijzigen van uw wachtwoord.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Om te betalen met een bankrekening moet u deze eerst toevoegen als betalingsmethode.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Laat ons basis informatie over uw Invoice Ninja opslaan!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Aanbevolen in productie',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enkel te activeren voor ontwikkeling',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com kan opgeslagen worden als betalingsmethode na de eerste transactie. Vergeet "Sla kredietkaart details op" aan te vinken tijdens betalingsproces.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Overschrijving (SOFORT) kan opgeslagen worden als betalingsmethode voor toekomstig gebruik na de eerste transactie. Vergeet "Sla gegevens op" aan te vinken tijdens betalingsproces.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Kan Node nergens vinden. Is het geïnstalleerd?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Kan NPM nergens vinden. Is het geïnstalleerd?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Deze factuur is geblokkeerd en kan niet meer aangepast worden',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Bron',
'document_details' => 'Details van het document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Bronnen',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Toegestane bestandstypen:',
'common_codes' => 'Gemeenschappelijke codes en hun betekenis',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (ongeldige CVV en/of vervaldatum)',
'download_selected' => 'Download geselecteerde',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Om facturen te betalen moet u',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Voeg betalingsmethode toe',
'no_items_selected' => 'Geen artikelen geselecteerd.',
'payment_due' => 'Betaling verschuldigd',
'account_balance' => 'Account Saldo',
'thanks' => 'Dank u wel',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimaal vereiste betaling is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Het bedrijf ondersteunt geen onderbetalingen.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Het bedrijf ondersteunt geen te hoge betalingen.',
'saved_at' => 'Opgeslagen op :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Krediet toegepast op factuur :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nieuw krediet :number van :account',
'credit_message' => 'Klik op onderstaande link om uw factuur van :amount in te zien.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptogeld',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Krediet',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Bewaar voor toekomstig gebruik',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Betaal met krediet',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Betalingsmethode kan niet opgeslagen worden voor toekomstig gebruik.',
'pay_with' => 'Betaal met',
'n/a' => 'Nvt',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Door op "Volgende stap" te klikken, accepteert u de voorwaarden.',
'not_specified' => 'Niet gespecificeerd',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Voordat u doorgaat met betalen, moet u de volgende velden invullen',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Ga na voltooiing terug naar de vorige pagina.',
'pay' => 'Betaal',
'instructions' => 'Instructies',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 1 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 2 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 3 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Aangepaste herinnering voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Eindeloze herinnering voor factuur :invoice werd verstuurd naar :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Toegewezen gebruiker',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Zorg ervoor dat u elke sectie test om door te gaan naar de volgende stap.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Opmerking over Phantom JS. Lees verder.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum betaling',
'no_action_provided' => 'Geen actie voorzien. Als u denkt dat dit niet klopt, neem dan contact op met uw support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Geen te betalen facturen geselecteerd. Zorg ervoor dat u niet probeert om een conceptfactuur of factuur met geen openstaande betaling te betalen.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Vereiste betalingsgegevens',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Om de betaling te voltooien, hebben we meer details van je nodig.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Dit wordt opgeslagen, zodat je dit later niet meer hoeft in te vullen',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We konden offerte :invoice niet afleveren bij :contact.',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Kan krediet :invoice niet verzenden',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Bewaar betaalmethode',
'new_card' => 'Nieuwe betaalkaart',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nieuwe bankrekening',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limiet van :limit companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Het totaal aan toegepaste credits kan niet MEER zijn dan het totaal van de facturen',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Kredietnummer is al in gebruik',
'credit_not_found' => 'Krediet niet gevonden',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Geselecteerde facturen zijn niet van één enkele klant',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Dubbele kredieten ingediend.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Dubbele facturen ingediend.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'U moet een factuur hebben ingesteld wanneer u een krediet gebruikt in een betaling',
'client_id_required' => 'Klant id is verplicht',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Uitgavenummer reeds in gebruik',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Factuurnummer reeds in gebruik',
'payment_id_required' => 'Betalings-id verplicht',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Niet in staat om gevraagde betaling op te halen',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Factuur ID :invoice is niet herleidbaar naar deze betaling',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Krediet ID :credit is niet verwant aan deze betaling',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Poging tot terugbetaling is groter dan toegestaan voor invoice id :invoice, maximum terug te betalen bedrag is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Als u probeert een betaling met bijgevoegde facturen terug te betalen, geef dan geldige facturen op die moeten worden terugbetaald.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Als u probeert een betaling met bijgevoegde tegoeden terug te betalen, geef dan geldige tegoeden op die moeten worden terugbetaald.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Bedrag van terugbetaling overschrijdt het credit bedrag :credit, het maximum toegelaten teruggave is beperkt tot :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project klant komt niet overeen met entiteit klant',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Offertenummer reeds in gebruik',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Terugkerend factuurnummer :number al in gebruik',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Gebruiker niet geassocieerd met deze account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Bedragen zijn niet correct.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Onvoldoende toegepast bedrag om de betaling te dekken.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Onvoldoende balans op krediet.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'één of meer van deze facturen werden betaald',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Factuur-ID :number kan niet worden terugbetaald',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Poging tot terugbetaling van het bedrag van :amount. Het maximale terugbetaling os gelimiteerd tot :refundable_amount',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Deze gebruiker kan niet aan dit bedrijf worden gekoppeld. Misschien hebben ze al een gebruiker geregistreerd op een ander account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migratie is voltooid',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Uw migratie is voltooid. Controleer uw gegevens nadat u zich heeft aangemeld.',
'api_404' => '404 | Hier valt niets te zien!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Kan geen groot account laden zonder een bijgewerkt_op parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Er bestaat geen back-up voor deze activiteit',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Bedrijfsgebruikersrecord niet gevonden',
'no_credits_found' => 'Geen krediet gevonden.',
'action_unavailable' => 'De opgevraagde actie :action is niet beschikbaar.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Geen documenten gevonden',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Geen groep instellingen gevonden',
'access_denied' => 'Onvoldoende rechten om deze bron te openen / wijzigen',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Factuur kan niet als betaald worden gemarkeerd',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Ongeldige licentie of ongeldige omgeving :omgeving',
'route_not_available' => 'Route niet beschikbaar',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Ongeldig aangepast ontwerpobject',
'quote_not_found' => 'Offerte/s niet gevonden',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Deze offerte kan niet worden goedgekeurd omdat deze is verlopen.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Planner is uitgevoerd',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Planner is nog nooit uitgevoerd',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Zelfupdate is niet beschikbaar op dit systeem.',
'user_detached' => 'Gebruiker losgekoppeld van bedrijf',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Maken van webhook is mislukt',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Bedankt voor uw betaling van :amount voor :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Opmerking: Online betalingen worden alleen ondersteund als het bedrag groter is dan € 1 of het equivalent in een andere valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Betalingstoken niet gevonden. Probeer het opnieuw. Als het probleem zich blijft voordoen, probeer het dan met een andere betaalmethode',
'vendor_address1' => 'Leverancier straatnaam',
'vendor_address2' => 'Leverancier Apt / Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Gedeeltelijk niet toegepast',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecteer een gebruiker die is geverifieerd met Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lijst lang indrukken',
'show_actions' => 'Toon acties',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multi select',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Er is een e-mail verzonden om het e-mailadres te bevestigen',
'converted_paid_to_date' => '"Reeds betaald" omzetten',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Omgerekend creditsaldo',
'converted_total' => 'Totaal omzetten',
'reply_to_name' => 'Antwoordnaam',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Gedeeltelijk niet toegepast',
'color_theme' => 'Kleuren thema',
'start_migration' => 'Start migratie',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Verzoek om periodieke annulering van facturen van :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact van klant :client heeft een annulering van terugkerend factuur :invoice aangevraagd',
'hello' => 'Hallo',
'group_documents' => 'Groepeer documenten',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze offerte wilt goedkeuren?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecteer bedrijven om te migreren',
'force_migration' => 'Forceer migratie',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Vereis wachtwoord met sociale login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Blijf ingelogd',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Waarschuwing: uw sessie loopt bijna af',
'count_hours' => ':count uren',
'count_day' => '1 dag',
'count_days' => ':count dagen',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Time-out van websessie',
'security_settings' => 'Veiligheidsinstellingen',
'resend_email' => 'Email opnieuw verzenden',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Bevestig je e-mailadres',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave boekhouding',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Boekhouding',
'required_files_missing' => 'Geef alle CSV\'s op.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Laten we verder gaan door te authenticeren.',
'api_secret' => 'API geheim',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Je kan de API_SECRET terugvinden in het .env bestand van Invoice Ninja V5. Als de waarde ontbreekt, laat het veld leeg.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Uw korting zal bij afrekenen toegepast worden',
'use_last_email' => 'Gebruik laatste e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activeer bedrijf',
'activate_company_help' => 'Schakel e-mails, terugkerende facturen en meldingen in',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden, probeer het opnieuw',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Stel eerst een wachtwoord in',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Waarschuwing: als u uw telefoonnummer wijzigt, wordt 2FA uitgeschakeld',
'help_translate' => 'Help vertalen',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Selecteer een land',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA succesvol uitgeschakeld',
'connected_google' => 'Account succesvol verbonden',
'disconnected_google' => 'Account succesvol losgekoppeld',
'delivered' => 'Afgeleverd',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Bekijk documenten',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Geef een mobiel telefoonnummer op om tweefactor authenticatie in te schakelen',
'send_sms' => 'Verzend SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS Code',
'connect_google' => 'Verbind met Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Verwijder Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Schakel twee factor authenticatie uit',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Factuur taak datumlog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Voeg datumdetails toe aan de factuurregelitems',
'promo_code' => 'Promocode',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Terugkerende factuur gericht naar',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nieuw Abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement verwijderd',
'removed_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement verwijderd',
'restored_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement hersteld',
'search_subscription' => 'Zoek 1 abonnement ',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Zoek :count abonnementen',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomein is niet beschikbaar',
'connect_gmail' => 'Verbind Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Verbreek Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Succesvol verbonden met Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Succesvol verbroken met Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Wijzigingen aan de code kunnen leiden tot een blokkade tijdens het updaten. Door het volgende commando kan je de wijzigingen verwijderen:',
'client_id_number' => 'Klant-id nummer',
'count_minutes' => ':count minuten',
'password_timeout' => 'Wachtwoord timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Deel factuur/creditnota teller',
'next' => 'Volgende',
'next_step' => 'Volgende stap',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Krediet :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Krediet :invoice is bekeken door :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'De volgende klant :client heeft een email ontvangen voor een krediet :invoice van :amount',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Klant :client heeft offerte :invoice voor :amount bekeken.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Voer uw e-mailadres in om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.',
'password_reset' => 'Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen',
'account_login_text' => 'Welkom! Leuk om je te zien.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Annulering aanvragen',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Verwijder betalingsmethode',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'U staat op het punt om de betalingsmethode te verwijderen.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Actie kan niet terug gedraaid worden',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Het profiel is succesvol bijgewerkt.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopische birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Gebruik een permanent adres waar u post kan ontvangen.',
'status_id' => 'Factuur status',
'email_already_register' => 'Dit emailadres is al aan een account gelinkt',
'locations' => 'Locaties',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Oneindig',
'cycles_remaining' => 'RESTERENDE CYCLI',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Ik begrijp het, verwijder',
'download_files' => 'Download bestanden',
'download_timeframe' => 'Gebruik deze link om uw bestanden te downloaden, de link vervalt over 1 uur.',
'new_signup' => 'Nieuwe aanmelding',
'new_signup_text' => 'Een nieuw account is aangemaakt door :user - :email vanaf IP-adres :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Betaling werd gedaan door: klant',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Gedeeltelijke betaling werd gedaan door: klant',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Een betaling voor :amount is gemaakt door klant :client voor Factuur :invoice.',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Een gedeeltelijke betaling van :amount werd gedaan door klant :client voor :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notificatie bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Factuur # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Indien de bovenstaande knop niet werkt voor u, gelieve op de link te klikken',
'display_log' => 'Toon logboek',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Rapporteer fouten in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Snel overzicht & statistieken',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update jouw persoonlijke informatie',
'name_website_logo' => 'Naam, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Zorg ervoor dat u de volledige link gebruikt naar uw website',
'personal_address' => 'Persoonlijk adres',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Voer uw persoonlijk adres in',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Voer uw verzendadres in',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lijst van facturen',
'with_selected' => 'Met geselecteerde',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Deze factuur is nog niet betaald. Klik op de knop om de betaling te vervolledigen',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lijst van terugkerende facturen',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Hier zijn een paar details over terugkerende facturen',
'cancellation' => 'Annulering',
'about_cancellation' => 'Indien u de terugkerende facturen wilt stoppen, gelieve op annuleren te klikken.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Opgelet! U vraagt de annulatie van deze service. Uw service kan geannuleerd worden zonder verder bericht naar u.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Annulatie in aanvraag, we nemen contact met u op!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lijst met betalingen',
'payment_details' => 'Details van de betaling',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lijst met facturen waarop de betaling betrekking heeft',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lijst met betalingsmethodes',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details van betalingsmethodes',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Verwijder deze betalingsmethode definitief',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Waarschuwing! Deze aanpassing kan niet terug worden gedraaid!',
'confirmation' => 'Bevestiging',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Offertes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Wachten op goedkeuren',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Deze offerte is nog steeds niet goedgekeurd',
'list_of_credits' => 'Kredieten',
'required_extensions' => 'Vereiste extensies',
'php_version' => 'PHP versie',
'writable_env_file' => 'Aanpasbaar .env bestand',
'env_not_writable' => '.env bestand kan niet aangepast worden door de huidige gebruiker.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimale PHP versie',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Zorg ervoor dat aan alle vereisten is voldaan.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oeps, er klopt iets niet!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in nieuw tabblad',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Voltooi betaling',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autoriseer de betalingsmethode voor toekomstig gebruik',
'page' => 'Pagina',
'per_page' => 'Per pagina',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'Toon krediet',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Om de :entity te zien moet u een wachtwoord invoeren.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Toont de :first tot :last van de :total resultaten',
'no_results' => 'Geen resultaten gevonden.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Betaling mislukt voor klant :klant',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Een betaling gedaan door de klant :client is mislukt met bericht :bericht',
'register' => 'Registreer',
'register_label' => 'Maak binnen enkele seconden uw account aan',
'password_confirmation' => 'Bevestig uw wachtwoord',
'verification' => 'Verificatie',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'De bankaccount moet geverifieerd worden voor gebruik.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Het opgegeven kredietkaart nummer is niet geldig.',
'month_invalid' => 'Opgegeven maand is niet geldig.',
'year_invalid' => 'Opgegeven jaar is niet geldig.',
'https_required' => 'HTTP is vereist, anders zal het formulier mislukken',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Als u hulp nodig heeft, kunt u een bericht sturen naar onze',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Uw account zal bevestigd worden na het wijzigen van uw wachtwoord.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Om te betalen met een bankrekening moet u deze eerst toevoegen als betalingsmethode.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Laat ons basis informatie over uw Invoice Ninja opslaan!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Aanbevolen in productie',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enkel te activeren voor ontwikkeling',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com kan opgeslagen worden als betalingsmethode na de eerste transactie. Vergeet "Sla kredietkaart details op" aan te vinken tijdens betalingsproces.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Overschrijving (SOFORT) kan opgeslagen worden als betalingsmethode voor toekomstig gebruik na de eerste transactie. Vergeet "Sla gegevens op" aan te vinken tijdens betalingsproces.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Kan Node nergens vinden. Is het geïnstalleerd?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Kan NPM nergens vinden. Is het geïnstalleerd?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Deze factuur is geblokkeerd en kan niet meer aangepast worden',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Bron',
'document_details' => 'Details van het document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Bronnen',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Toegestane bestandstypen:',
'common_codes' => 'Gemeenschappelijke codes en hun betekenis',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (ongeldige CVV en/of vervaldatum)',
'download_selected' => 'Download geselecteerde',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Om facturen te betalen moet u',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'Voeg betalingsmethode toe',
'no_items_selected' => 'Geen artikelen geselecteerd.',
'payment_due' => 'Betaling verschuldigd',
'account_balance' => 'Account Saldo',
'thanks' => 'Dank u wel',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimaal vereiste betaling is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Het bedrijf ondersteunt geen onderbetalingen.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Het bedrijf ondersteunt geen te hoge betalingen.',
'saved_at' => 'Opgeslagen op :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Krediet toegepast op factuur :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nieuw krediet :number van :account',
'credit_message' => 'Klik op onderstaande link om uw factuur van :amount in te zien.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptogeld',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Krediet',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Bewaar voor toekomstig gebruik',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Betaal met krediet',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Betalingsmethode kan niet opgeslagen worden voor toekomstig gebruik.',
'pay_with' => 'Betaal met',
'n/a' => 'Nvt',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Door op "Volgende stap" te klikken, accepteert u de voorwaarden.',
'not_specified' => 'Niet gespecificeerd',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Voordat u doorgaat met betalen, moet u de volgende velden invullen',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Ga na voltooiing terug naar de vorige pagina.',
'pay' => 'Betaal',
'instructions' => 'Instructies',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 1 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 2 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Herinnering 3 voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Aangepaste herinnering voor factuur :invoice is verzonden naar :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Eindeloze herinnering voor factuur :invoice werd verstuurd naar :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Toegewezen gebruiker',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Zorg ervoor dat u elke sectie test om door te gaan naar de volgende stap.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Opmerking over Phantom JS. Lees verder.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum betaling',
'no_action_provided' => 'Geen actie voorzien. Als u denkt dat dit niet klopt, neem dan contact op met uw support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Geen te betalen facturen geselecteerd. Zorg ervoor dat u niet probeert om een conceptfactuur of factuur met geen openstaande betaling te betalen.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Vereiste betalingsgegevens',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Om de betaling te voltooien, hebben we meer details van je nodig.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Dit wordt opgeslagen, zodat je dit later niet meer hoeft in te vullen',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We konden offerte :invoice niet afleveren bij :contact.',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Kan krediet :invoice niet verzenden',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Bewaar betaalmethode',
'new_card' => 'Nieuwe betaalkaart',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nieuwe bankrekening',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limiet van :limit companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Het totaal aan toegepaste credits kan niet MEER zijn dan het totaal van de facturen',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Kredietnummer is al in gebruik',
'credit_not_found' => 'Krediet niet gevonden',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Geselecteerde facturen zijn niet van één enkele klant',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Dubbele kredieten ingediend.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Dubbele facturen ingediend.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'U moet een factuur hebben ingesteld wanneer u een krediet gebruikt in een betaling',
'client_id_required' => 'Klant id is verplicht',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Uitgavenummer reeds in gebruik',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Factuurnummer reeds in gebruik',
'payment_id_required' => 'Betalings-id verplicht',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Niet in staat om gevraagde betaling op te halen',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Factuur ID :invoice is niet herleidbaar naar deze betaling',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Krediet ID :credit is niet verwant aan deze betaling',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Poging tot terugbetaling is groter dan toegestaan voor invoice id :invoice, maximum terug te betalen bedrag is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Als u probeert een betaling met bijgevoegde facturen terug te betalen, geef dan geldige facturen op die moeten worden terugbetaald.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Als u probeert een betaling met bijgevoegde tegoeden terug te betalen, geef dan geldige tegoeden op die moeten worden terugbetaald.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Bedrag van terugbetaling overschrijdt het credit bedrag :credit, het maximum toegelaten teruggave is beperkt tot :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project klant komt niet overeen met entiteit klant',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Offertenummer reeds in gebruik',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Terugkerend factuurnummer :number al in gebruik',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Gebruiker niet geassocieerd met deze account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Bedragen zijn niet correct.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Onvoldoende toegepast bedrag om de betaling te dekken.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Onvoldoende balans op krediet.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'één of meer van deze facturen werden betaald',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Factuur-ID :number kan niet worden terugbetaald',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Poging tot terugbetaling van het bedrag van :amount. Het maximale terugbetaling os gelimiteerd tot :refundable_amount',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Deze gebruiker kan niet aan dit bedrijf worden gekoppeld. Misschien hebben ze al een gebruiker geregistreerd op een ander account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migratie is voltooid',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Uw migratie is voltooid. Controleer uw gegevens nadat u zich heeft aangemeld.',
'api_404' => '404 | Hier valt niets te zien!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Kan geen groot account laden zonder een bijgewerkt_op parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Er bestaat geen back-up voor deze activiteit',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Bedrijfsgebruikersrecord niet gevonden',
'no_credits_found' => 'Geen krediet gevonden.',
'action_unavailable' => 'De opgevraagde actie :action is niet beschikbaar.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Geen documenten gevonden',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Geen groep instellingen gevonden',
'access_denied' => 'Onvoldoende rechten om deze bron te openen / wijzigen',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Factuur kan niet als betaald worden gemarkeerd',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Ongeldige licentie of ongeldige omgeving :omgeving',
'route_not_available' => 'Route niet beschikbaar',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Ongeldig aangepast ontwerpobject',
'quote_not_found' => 'Offerte/s niet gevonden',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Deze offerte kan niet worden goedgekeurd omdat deze is verlopen.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Planner is uitgevoerd',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Planner is nog nooit uitgevoerd',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Zelfupdate is niet beschikbaar op dit systeem.',
'user_detached' => 'Gebruiker losgekoppeld van bedrijf',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Maken van webhook is mislukt',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Bedankt voor uw betaling van :amount voor :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Opmerking: Online betalingen worden alleen ondersteund als het bedrag groter is dan € 1 of het equivalent in een andere valuta.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Betalingstoken niet gevonden. Probeer het opnieuw. Als het probleem zich blijft voordoen, probeer het dan met een andere betaalmethode',
'vendor_address1' => 'Leverancier straatnaam',
'vendor_address2' => 'Leverancier Apt / Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Gedeeltelijk niet toegepast',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecteer een gebruiker die is geverifieerd met Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lijst lang indrukken',
'show_actions' => 'Toon acties',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multi select',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Er is een e-mail verzonden om het e-mailadres te bevestigen',
'converted_paid_to_date' => '"Reeds betaald" omzetten',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Omgerekend creditsaldo',
'converted_total' => 'Totaal omzetten',
'reply_to_name' => 'Antwoordnaam',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Gedeeltelijk niet toegepast',
'color_theme' => 'Kleuren thema',
'start_migration' => 'Start migratie',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Verzoek om periodieke annulering van facturen van :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact van klant :client heeft een annulering van terugkerend factuur :invoice aangevraagd',
'hello' => 'Hallo',
'group_documents' => 'Groepeer documenten',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze offerte wilt goedkeuren?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecteer bedrijven om te migreren',
'force_migration' => 'Forceer migratie',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Vereis wachtwoord met sociale login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Blijf ingelogd',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Waarschuwing: uw sessie loopt bijna af',
'count_hours' => ':count uren',
'count_day' => '1 dag',
'count_days' => ':count dagen',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Time-out van websessie',
'security_settings' => 'Veiligheidsinstellingen',
'resend_email' => 'Email opnieuw verzenden',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Bevestig je e-mailadres',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave boekhouding',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Boekhouding',
'required_files_missing' => 'Geef alle CSV\'s op.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Laten we verder gaan door te authenticeren.',
'api_secret' => 'API geheim',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Je kan de API_SECRET terugvinden in het .env bestand van Invoice Ninja V5. Als de waarde ontbreekt, laat het veld leeg.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Uw korting zal bij afrekenen toegepast worden',
'use_last_email' => 'Gebruik laatste e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Activeer bedrijf',
'activate_company_help' => 'Schakel e-mails, terugkerende facturen en meldingen in',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden, probeer het opnieuw',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Stel eerst een wachtwoord in',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Waarschuwing: als u uw telefoonnummer wijzigt, wordt 2FA uitgeschakeld',
'help_translate' => 'Help vertalen',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Selecteer een land',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA succesvol uitgeschakeld',
'connected_google' => 'Account succesvol verbonden',
'disconnected_google' => 'Account succesvol losgekoppeld',
'delivered' => 'Afgeleverd',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Bekijk documenten',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Geef een mobiel telefoonnummer op om tweefactor authenticatie in te schakelen',
'send_sms' => 'Verzend SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS Code',
'connect_google' => 'Verbind met Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Verwijder Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Schakel twee factor authenticatie uit',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Factuur taak datumlog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Voeg datumdetails toe aan de factuurregelitems',
'promo_code' => 'Promocode',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Terugkerende factuur gericht naar',
'subscription' => 'Abonnement',
'new_subscription' => 'Nieuw Abonnement',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement verwijderd',
'removed_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement verwijderd',
'restored_subscription' => 'Succesvol abonnement hersteld',
'search_subscription' => 'Zoek 1 abonnement ',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Zoek :count abonnementen',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomein is niet beschikbaar',
'connect_gmail' => 'Verbind Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Verbreek Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Succesvol verbonden met Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Succesvol verbroken met Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Wijzigingen aan de code kunnen leiden tot een blokkade tijdens het updaten. Door het volgende commando kan je de wijzigingen verwijderen:',
'client_id_number' => 'Klant-id nummer',
'count_minutes' => ':count minuten',
'password_timeout' => 'Wachtwoord timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Deel factuur/creditnota teller',
'activity_80' => ':user heeft abonnement :subscription aangemaakt',
'activity_81' => ':user heeft abonnement :subscription bijgewerkt',
'activity_82' => ':user heeft abonnement :subscription gearchiveerd',
@ -5128,7 +5128,7 @@ Email: :email<b><br><b>',
'region' => 'Regio',
'county' => 'District',
'tax_details' => 'Belastinggegevens',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact ingevoerde betaling :payment voor factuur :invoice voor :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user ingevoerde betaling :payment voor factuur :invoice voor :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Standaard betalingstype',
'number_precision' => 'Cijferprecisie',
@ -5215,6 +5215,33 @@ Email: :email<b><br><b>',
'charges' => 'Kosten',
'email_report' => 'E-mailrapport',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Betaal later',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3851,308 +3851,308 @@ Quando tiver as quantias, volte a esta página de formas de pagamento e clique "
'registration_url' => 'URL de registro',
'show_product_cost' => 'Mostrar custo do produto',
'complete' => 'Completo',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próxima etapa',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Fatura :invoice foi enviada para o :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Fatura :invoice foi visualizada pelo :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'O seguinte cliente :client recebeu um e-mail com Crédito :invoice para :amount .',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'O seguinte cliente :client visualizou o crédito :credit para :amount .',
'reset_password_text' => 'Insira seu e-mail para redefinir sua senha.',
'password_reset' => 'Resetar senha',
'account_login_text' => 'Bem-vindo! Feliz em te ver.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Solicitação cancelada',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Deletar método de pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Você está prestes a excluir a forma de pagamento.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'A ação não pode ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'O perfil foi atualizado com sucesso.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Use um endereço permanente onde você possa receber correspondências.',
'status_id' => 'Status da fatura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este e-mail já está vinculado a uma conta',
'locations' => 'Localizações',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'eu entendo, exclua',
'download_files' => 'Baixar arquivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use este link para baixar seus arquivos, o link expirará em 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nova inscrição',
'new_signup_text' => 'Uma nova conta foi criada por :user - :email - do endereço IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento foi feito por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento parcial foi feito por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :client para :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento parcial de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :client para :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificação',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Fatura nº :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _número',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se o botão acima não estiver funcionando para você, clique no link',
'display_log' => 'Exibir registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Relate erros em tempo real',
'setup' => 'Configurar',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Visão geral rápida e estatísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Atualize suas informações pessoais',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, site e logotipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Certifique-se de usar o link completo para o seu site',
'personal_address' => 'Endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Digite seu endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Insira seu endereço de entrega',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas',
'with_selected' => 'Com selecionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta fatura ainda não foi paga. Clique no botão para concluir o pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas recorrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aqui estão alguns detalhes sobre fatura recorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelamento',
'about_cancellation' => 'Caso queira interromper a fatura recorrente, clique para solicitar o cancelamento.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Aviso! Você está solicitando o cancelamento deste serviço. Seu serviço pode ser cancelado sem nenhuma notificação adicional para você.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelamento pendente, entraremos em contato!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagamentos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalhes do pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas afetadas pelo pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalhes da forma de pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Remova permanentemente esta forma de pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Aviso! Esta ação não pode ser revertida!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmação',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citações',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Esperando aprovação',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Esta cotação ainda não foi aprovada',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensões necessárias',
'php_version' => 'Versão PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Arquivo .env gravável',
'env_not_writable' => 'O arquivo .env não pode ser gravado pelo usuário atual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versão mínima do PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Certifique-se de que todos os requisitos sejam atendidos.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ops, algo não parece certo!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir em nova aba',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Concluir pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorize a forma de pagamento para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para visualizar o :entity você precisa digitar a senha.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :primeiro ao :último de :total de resultados',
'no_results' => 'Nenhum resultado encontrado.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Falha no pagamento do cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Um pagamento feito pelo cliente :client falhou com a mensagem :message',
'register' => 'Registro',
'register_label' => 'Crie sua conta em segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirme sua senha',
'verification' => 'Verificação',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar uma conta bancária, ela deve ser verificada.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Direitos autorais © :year :company .',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'O número do cartão de crédito fornecido não é válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'O mês fornecido não é válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'O ano fornecido não é válido.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS é obrigatório, o formulário falhará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se precisar de ajuda, você pode postar em nosso',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Depois de atualizar a senha, sua conta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar com conta bancária, primeiro você deve adicioná-la como forma de pagamento.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos armazenar informações básicas sobre o seu Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado em produção',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Habilitar apenas para desenvolvimento',
'test_pdf' => 'Testar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com pode ser salvo como método de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de verificar “Detalhes do cartão de crédito da loja” durante o processo de pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'A conta bancária (SOFORT) pode ser salva como forma de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de verificar os &quot;Detalhes de pagamento da loja&quot; durante o processo de pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Status do nó',
'npm_status' => 'Status do NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Não consegui encontrar o Node em lugar nenhum. Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Não consegui encontrar o NPM em lugar nenhum. Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta fatura está bloqueada e não pode ser modificada',
'downloads' => 'Transferências',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalhes sobre o documento',
'hash' => 'Cerquilha',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de arquivos permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comuns e seus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Dados de rastreamento incorretos (CVV e/ou data de validade inválidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selecionado',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar faturas, você deve',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'adicionar forma de pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nenhum item selecionado.',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento devido',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo da conta',
'thanks' => 'Obrigado',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'O pagamento mínimo exigido é :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos indevidos.',
'saved_at' => 'Salvo em :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado à fatura :invoice _número',
'credit_subject' => 'Novo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para visualizar seu crédito para :amount , clique no link abaixo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoeda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Armazene para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pague com crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'A forma de pagamento não pode ser salva para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar com',
'n/a' => 'N / D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ao clicar em &quot;Próxima etapa&quot; você aceita os termos.',
'not_specified' => 'Não especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de prosseguir com o pagamento, você deve preencher os seguintes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Após o preenchimento, volte para a página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instruções',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 1 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 2 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 3 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete personalizado da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Lembrete interminável da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuário atribuído',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para prosseguir para a próxima etapa, teste cada seção.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota sobre o Phantom JS. Consulte Mais informação.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento minimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nenhuma ação fornecida. Se você acredita que isso está errado, entre em contato com o suporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nenhuma fatura a pagar selecionada. Certifique-se de não estar tentando pagar fatura preliminar ou fatura com saldo devedor zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalhes de pagamento obrigatórios',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para concluir um pagamento, precisamos de mais detalhes sobre você.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Salvaremos isso para que você não precise digitá-lo na próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Não foi possível entregar o crédito :invoice para :contact . \ :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Não foi possível entregar o crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Salvar detalhes da forma de pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Novo cartão',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nova conta bancária',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de empresas :limit por conta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'O total de créditos aplicados não pode ser MAIS que o total de faturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de crédito já utilizado',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito não encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'As faturas selecionadas não são de um único cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados enviados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Faturas duplicadas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Você deve ter uma fatura definida ao usar um crédito em um pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'O ID do cliente é obrigatório',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número da despesa já realizada',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número da fatura já retirado',
'payment_id_required' => '`ID` de pagamento necessário.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Não foi possível recuperar o pagamento especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID da fatura :invoice não está relacionado a este pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID de crédito :credit não está relacionado a este pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para o ID da fatura :invoice , o valor máximo reembolsável é :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com faturas anexadas, especifique fatura(s) válida(s) a ser reembolsada(s).',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com créditos anexados, especifique os créditos válidos a serem reembolsados.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para crédito :credit , o valor máximo reembolsável é :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'O cliente do projeto não corresponde ao cliente da entidade',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número da cotação já utilizado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número da fatura recorrente :number já retirada',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Usuário não associado a esta conta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Os valores não são balanceados corretamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Valor aplicado insuficiente restante para cobrir o pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente no crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Uma ou mais destas faturas foram pagas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'O ID da fatura :number não pode ser reembolsado',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentativa de reembolso :amount apenas :refundable_amount disponível para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuário não pode ser vinculado a esta empresa. Talvez eles já tenham registrado um usuário em outra conta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migração concluída',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Sua migração foi concluída. Revise seus dados após fazer login.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nada para ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Não é possível carregar uma conta grande sem um parâmetro update_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Não existe backup para esta atividade',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registro de usuário da empresa não encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nenhum crédito encontrado.',
'action_unavailable' => 'A ação solicitada :action não está disponível.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nenhum documento encontrado',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nenhuma configuração de grupo encontrada',
'access_denied' => 'Privilégios insuficientes para acessar/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'A fatura não pode ser marcada como paga',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licença inválida ou ambiente inválido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Rota não disponível',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de design personalizado inválido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Cotação(ões) não encontradas',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Não foi possível aprovar esta cotação porque ela expirou.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'O agendador foi executado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'O agendador nunca foi executado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'A autoatualização não está disponível neste sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuário desconectado da empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Falha ao criar Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Obrigado pelo seu pagamento de :amount por :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Os pagamentos on-line são suportados apenas se o valor for superior a US$ 1 ou o equivalente em moeda.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token de pagamento não encontrado. Tente novamente. Se o problema persistir, tente outra forma de pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rua do Vendedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Apartamento/Suíte do Vendedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente não aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecione um usuário autenticado no Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Listar Pressão Longa',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar ações',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar seleção múltipla',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Um e-mail foi enviado para confirmar o endereço de e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido pago até a data',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total Convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nome para resposta',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente não aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de cores',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar migração',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitação de cancelamento de fatura recorrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact do cliente :client solicitou o cancelamento da fatura recorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Olá',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja aprovar esta cotação?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecione empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forçar migração',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exigir senha com login social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permaneça logado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Aviso: sua sessão está prestes a expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 dia',
'count_days' => ':count Dias',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tempo limite da sessão da Web',
'security_settings' => 'Configurações de segurança',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor, confirme seu endereço de e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Fatura2go',
'invoicely' => 'Faturadamente',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilidade de Ondas',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidade',
'required_files_missing' => 'Forneça todos os CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Vamos continuar autenticando.',
'api_secret' => 'Segredo da API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Você pode encontrar API_SECRET no arquivo .env ou no Invoice Ninja v5. Se faltar imóvel, deixe o campo em branco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Seu desconto será aplicado na finalização da compra.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Ativar empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Habilite e-mails, faturas recorrentes e notificações',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ocorreu um erro. Por favor, tente novamente',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Primeiro defina uma senha',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Aviso: alterar seu número de telefone desativará o 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Ajude a traduzir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor, selecione um País: Brasil',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA desativado com sucesso',
'connected_google' => 'Conta conectada com sucesso',
'disconnected_google' => 'Conta desconectada com sucesso',
'delivered' => 'Entregue',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Forneça um número de celular para ativar a autenticação de dois fatores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Conecte o Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar o Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desativar dois fatores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registro de datas de tarefas de fatura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Adicione detalhes de data aos itens de linha da fatura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Fatura recorrente emitida para',
'subscription' => 'Assinatura',
'new_subscription' => 'Nova Assinatura',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Assinatura apagada com sucesso',
'removed_subscription' => 'Assinatura removida com sucesso',
'restored_subscription' => 'Assinatura restaurada com sucesso',
'search_subscription' => 'Pesquisar 1 assinatura',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Pesquisar assinaturas :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'O subdomínio não está disponível',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado com sucesso',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado com sucesso',
'update_fail_help' => 'Alterações no código podem estar bloqueando a atualização, você pode executar esse comando para descartar as mudanças:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de identificação do cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Tempo limite da senha',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Compartilhar fatura/contador de crédito',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próxima etapa',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Fatura :invoice foi enviada para o :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Fatura :invoice foi visualizada pelo :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'O seguinte cliente :client recebeu um e-mail com Crédito :invoice para :amount .',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'O seguinte cliente :client visualizou o crédito :credit para :amount .',
'reset_password_text' => 'Insira seu e-mail para redefinir sua senha.',
'password_reset' => 'Resetar senha',
'account_login_text' => 'Bem-vindo! Feliz em te ver.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Solicitação cancelada',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Deletar método de pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Você está prestes a excluir a forma de pagamento.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'A ação não pode ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'O perfil foi atualizado com sucesso.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr etíope',
'client_information_text' => 'Use um endereço permanente onde você possa receber correspondências.',
'status_id' => 'Status da fatura',
'email_already_register' => 'Este e-mail já está vinculado a uma conta',
'locations' => 'Localizações',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'eu entendo, exclua',
'download_files' => 'Baixar arquivos',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use este link para baixar seus arquivos, o link expirará em 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Nova inscrição',
'new_signup_text' => 'Uma nova conta foi criada por :user - :email - do endereço IP: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento foi feito por :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento parcial foi feito por :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :client para :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento parcial de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :client para :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de notificação',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Fatura nº :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _número',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se o botão acima não estiver funcionando para você, clique no link',
'display_log' => 'Exibir registro',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Relate erros em tempo real',
'setup' => 'Configurar',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Visão geral rápida e estatísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Atualize suas informações pessoais',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, site e logotipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Certifique-se de usar o link completo para o seu site',
'personal_address' => 'Endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Digite seu endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Insira seu endereço de entrega',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas',
'with_selected' => 'Com selecionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta fatura ainda não foi paga. Clique no botão para concluir o pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas recorrentes',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aqui estão alguns detalhes sobre fatura recorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelamento',
'about_cancellation' => 'Caso queira interromper a fatura recorrente, clique para solicitar o cancelamento.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Aviso! Você está solicitando o cancelamento deste serviço. Seu serviço pode ser cancelado sem nenhuma notificação adicional para você.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelamento pendente, entraremos em contato!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagamentos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalhes do pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de faturas afetadas pelo pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalhes da forma de pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Remova permanentemente esta forma de pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Aviso! Esta ação não pode ser revertida!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmação',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Citações',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Esperando aprovação',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Esta cotação ainda não foi aprovada',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensões necessárias',
'php_version' => 'Versão PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Arquivo .env gravável',
'env_not_writable' => 'O arquivo .env não pode ser gravado pelo usuário atual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versão mínima do PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Certifique-se de que todos os requisitos sejam atendidos.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ops, algo não parece certo!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir em nova aba',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Concluir pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorize a forma de pagamento para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para visualizar o :entity você precisa digitar a senha.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Mostrando :primeiro ao :último de :total de resultados',
'no_results' => 'Nenhum resultado encontrado.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Falha no pagamento do cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Um pagamento feito pelo cliente :client falhou com a mensagem :message',
'register' => 'Registro',
'register_label' => 'Crie sua conta em segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirme sua senha',
'verification' => 'Verificação',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de usar uma conta bancária, ela deve ser verificada.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Direitos autorais © :year :company .',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'O número do cartão de crédito fornecido não é válido.',
'month_invalid' => 'O mês fornecido não é válido.',
'year_invalid' => 'O ano fornecido não é válido.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS é obrigatório, o formulário falhará',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se precisar de ajuda, você pode postar em nosso',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Depois de atualizar a senha, sua conta será confirmada.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar com conta bancária, primeiro você deve adicioná-la como forma de pagamento.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos armazenar informações básicas sobre o seu Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado em produção',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Habilitar apenas para desenvolvimento',
'test_pdf' => 'Testar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com pode ser salvo como método de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de verificar “Detalhes do cartão de crédito da loja” durante o processo de pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'A conta bancária (SOFORT) pode ser salva como forma de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de verificar os &quot;Detalhes de pagamento da loja&quot; durante o processo de pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Status do nó',
'npm_status' => 'Status do NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Não consegui encontrar o Node em lugar nenhum. Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Não consegui encontrar o NPM em lugar nenhum. Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta fatura está bloqueada e não pode ser modificada',
'downloads' => 'Transferências',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalhes sobre o documento',
'hash' => 'Cerquilha',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Tipos de arquivos permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos comuns e seus significados',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Dados de rastreamento incorretos (CVV e/ou data de validade inválidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selecionado',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar faturas, você deve',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'adicionar forma de pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nenhum item selecionado.',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento devido',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo da conta',
'thanks' => 'Obrigado',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'O pagamento mínimo exigido é :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos indevidos.',
'saved_at' => 'Salvo em :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Crédito aplicado à fatura :invoice _número',
'credit_subject' => 'Novo crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para visualizar seu crédito para :amount , clique no link abaixo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoeda',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Armazene para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pague com crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'A forma de pagamento não pode ser salva para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar com',
'n/a' => 'N / D',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ao clicar em &quot;Próxima etapa&quot; você aceita os termos.',
'not_specified' => 'Não especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de prosseguir com o pagamento, você deve preencher os seguintes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Após o preenchimento, volte para a página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instruções',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 1 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 2 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete 3 da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete personalizado da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Lembrete interminável da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Usuário atribuído',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para prosseguir para a próxima etapa, teste cada seção.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota sobre o Phantom JS. Consulte Mais informação.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento minimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nenhuma ação fornecida. Se você acredita que isso está errado, entre em contato com o suporte.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nenhuma fatura a pagar selecionada. Certifique-se de não estar tentando pagar fatura preliminar ou fatura com saldo devedor zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalhes de pagamento obrigatórios',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para concluir um pagamento, precisamos de mais detalhes sobre você.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Salvaremos isso para que você não precise digitá-lo na próxima vez.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Não foi possível entregar o crédito :invoice para :contact . \ :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Não foi possível entregar o crédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Salvar detalhes da forma de pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Novo cartão',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nova conta bancária',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de empresas :limit por conta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'O total de créditos aplicados não pode ser MAIS que o total de faturas',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de crédito já utilizado',
'credit_not_found' => 'Crédito não encontrado',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'As faturas selecionadas não são de um único cliente',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Créditos duplicados enviados.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Faturas duplicadas enviadas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Você deve ter uma fatura definida ao usar um crédito em um pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'O ID do cliente é obrigatório',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número da despesa já realizada',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número da fatura já retirado',
'payment_id_required' => '`ID` de pagamento necessário.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Não foi possível recuperar o pagamento especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID da fatura :invoice não está relacionado a este pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID de crédito :credit não está relacionado a este pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para o ID da fatura :invoice , o valor máximo reembolsável é :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com faturas anexadas, especifique fatura(s) válida(s) a ser reembolsada(s).',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com créditos anexados, especifique os créditos válidos a serem reembolsados.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para crédito :credit , o valor máximo reembolsável é :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'O cliente do projeto não corresponde ao cliente da entidade',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número da cotação já utilizado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número da fatura recorrente :number já retirada',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Usuário não associado a esta conta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Os valores não são balanceados corretamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Valor aplicado insuficiente restante para cobrir o pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente no crédito.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Uma ou mais destas faturas foram pagas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'O ID da fatura :number não pode ser reembolsado',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Tentativa de reembolso :amount apenas :refundable_amount disponível para reembolso',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este usuário não pode ser vinculado a esta empresa. Talvez eles já tenham registrado um usuário em outra conta?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migração concluída',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Sua migração foi concluída. Revise seus dados após fazer login.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nada para ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Não é possível carregar uma conta grande sem um parâmetro update_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Não existe backup para esta atividade',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registro de usuário da empresa não encontrado',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nenhum crédito encontrado.',
'action_unavailable' => 'A ação solicitada :action não está disponível.',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nenhum documento encontrado',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nenhuma configuração de grupo encontrada',
'access_denied' => 'Privilégios insuficientes para acessar/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'A fatura não pode ser marcada como paga',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licença inválida ou ambiente inválido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Rota não disponível',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de design personalizado inválido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Cotação(ões) não encontradas',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Não foi possível aprovar esta cotação porque ela expirou.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'O agendador foi executado',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'O agendador nunca foi executado',
'self_update_not_available' => 'A autoatualização não está disponível neste sistema.',
'user_detached' => 'Usuário desconectado da empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Falha ao criar Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Obrigado pelo seu pagamento de :amount por :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Os pagamentos on-line são suportados apenas se o valor for superior a US$ 1 ou o equivalente em moeda.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token de pagamento não encontrado. Tente novamente. Se o problema persistir, tente outra forma de pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Rua do Vendedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Apartamento/Suíte do Vendedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente não aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecione um usuário autenticado no Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Listar Pressão Longa',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar ações',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar seleção múltipla',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Um e-mail foi enviado para confirmar o endereço de e-mail',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido pago até a data',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de crédito convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total Convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Nome para resposta',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente não aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de cores',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar migração',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitação de cancelamento de fatura recorrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact do cliente :client solicitou o cancelamento da fatura recorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Olá',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de grupo',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja aprovar esta cotação?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecione empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forçar migração',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exigir senha com login social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Permaneça logado',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Aviso: sua sessão está prestes a expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 dia',
'count_days' => ':count Dias',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Tempo limite da sessão da Web',
'security_settings' => 'Configurações de segurança',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor, confirme seu endereço de e-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Fatura2go',
'invoicely' => 'Faturadamente',
'waveaccounting' => 'Contabilidade de Ondas',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidade',
'required_files_missing' => 'Forneça todos os CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Vamos continuar autenticando.',
'api_secret' => 'Segredo da API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Você pode encontrar API_SECRET no arquivo .env ou no Invoice Ninja v5. Se faltar imóvel, deixe o campo em branco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Seu desconto será aplicado na finalização da compra.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Ativar empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Habilite e-mails, faturas recorrentes e notificações',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ocorreu um erro. Por favor, tente novamente',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Primeiro defina uma senha',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Aviso: alterar seu número de telefone desativará o 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Ajude a traduzir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor, selecione um País: Brasil',
'disabled_two_factor' => '2FA desativado com sucesso',
'connected_google' => 'Conta conectada com sucesso',
'disconnected_google' => 'Conta desconectada com sucesso',
'delivered' => 'Entregue',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Forneça um número de celular para ativar a autenticação de dois fatores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Conecte o Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desconectar o Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desativar dois fatores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registro de datas de tarefas de fatura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Adicione detalhes de data aos itens de linha da fatura',
'promo_code' => 'Código promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Fatura recorrente emitida para',
'subscription' => 'Assinatura',
'new_subscription' => 'Nova Assinatura',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Assinatura apagada com sucesso',
'removed_subscription' => 'Assinatura removida com sucesso',
'restored_subscription' => 'Assinatura restaurada com sucesso',
'search_subscription' => 'Pesquisar 1 assinatura',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Pesquisar assinaturas :count',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'O subdomínio não está disponível',
'connect_gmail' => 'Conectar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desconectar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado com sucesso',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado com sucesso',
'update_fail_help' => 'Alterações no código podem estar bloqueando a atualização, você pode executar esse comando para descartar as mudanças:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de identificação do cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Tempo limite da senha',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Compartilhar fatura/contador de crédito',
'activity_80' => ':user criou assinatura :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user assinatura atualizada :subscription',
'activity_82' => 'assinatura arquivada :user :subscription',
@ -5128,7 +5128,7 @@ Quando tiver as quantias, volte a esta página de formas de pagamento e clique "
'region' => 'Região',
'county' => 'Condado',
'tax_details' => 'Detalhes fiscais',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact inseriu o pagamento :payment para fatura :invoice para :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user inseriu o pagamento :payment para fatura :invoice para :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Tipo de pagamento padrão',
'number_precision' => 'Precisão numérica',
@ -5215,6 +5215,33 @@ Quando tiver as quantias, volte a esta página de formas de pagamento e clique "
'charges' => 'Cobranças',
'email_report' => 'Relatório por e-mail',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pague depois',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3853,308 +3853,308 @@ debitar da sua conta de acordo com essas instruções. Está elegível a um reem
'registration_url' => 'URL de Registo',
'show_product_cost' => 'Mostrar Custo do Produto',
'complete' => 'Completo',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próximo passo',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'O Crédito :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'O Crédito :invoice foi visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'O seguinte cliente :client enviou por E-mail uma nota de crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'O seguinte cliente :client viu a nota de crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Introduza o seu E-mail para redefinir a sua palavra-passe',
'password_reset' => 'Redefinir Palavra-passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bem-vindo! Feliz em te ver.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Pedir cancelamento',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Apagar Método de Pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Está prestes a apagar este método de pagamento',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Está ação não pode ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'O perfil foi atualizado com sucesso',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr da Etiópia',
'client_information_text' => 'Utilizar endereço permanente quando recebe correio',
'status_id' => 'Estado da Nota de Pagamento',
'email_already_register' => 'Este E-mail já está associado a uma conta',
'locations' => 'Localizações',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Eu compreendo, apagar',
'download_files' => 'Transferir Ficheiros',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utilize este link para transferir os ficheiros. O link expira dentro de 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Novo Registo',
'new_signup_text' => 'Uma nova conta foi criada pelo utilizador :user - :email - do endereço IP :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'O Pagamento foi efetuado pelo cliente :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento parcial foi efetuado pelo cliente :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :cliente da nota de pagamento :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento parcial de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :cliente da nota de pagamento :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de Notificações',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Nota de Pag. # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se o botão acima não estiver a funcionar, por favor carregue neste link',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar erros em direto',
'setup' => 'Configurar',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Visão Rápida & Estatísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Atualize a sua informação pessoal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, site & logótipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Certifique-se que utilize o link completo para o seu website',
'personal_address' => 'Endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Introduza o seu endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Introduza o seu endereço de envio',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de Notas de Pagamento',
'with_selected' => 'Com selecionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta nota de pagamento ainda não foi paga. Clique neste botão para completar o pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de notas de pagamentos recorrente',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aqui estão alguns detalhes sobre esta nota de pagamento recorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelamento',
'about_cancellation' => 'Caso queira interromper a cobrança recorrente, clique para solicitar o cancelamento.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Aviso! Está a pedir o cancelamento deste serviço. O serviço pode ser cancelado sem nenhuma notificação posterior.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelamento pendente, entraremos em contacto muito brevemente!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagamentos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalhes do pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de notas de pagamento afetadas pelo pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalhes do método de pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este método de pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Aviso! Está ação não pode ser revertida!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmação',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Orçamentos',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Aguarda aprovação',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Este orçamento ainda não foi aprovado',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensões necessárias',
'php_version' => 'Versão PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Ficheiro .env com permissão de escrita',
'env_not_writable' => 'O ficheiro .env não tem permissão de escrita para o utilizador atual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versão PHP Mínima',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Certifique-se de que todos os requisitos são cumpridos.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ups, algo não parece estar bem!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir num novo separador',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Concluir pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pagamento para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver a :entidade é necessário introduzir a palavra-passe',
'showing_x_of' => 'A mostrar :first até :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'Nenhum resultado foi encontrado.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'O pagamento falhou para o cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Um pagamento feito pelo cliente :client falhou, tendo sido obtida a seguinte mensagem :message',
'register' => 'Registar',
'register_label' => 'Crie a sua conta em segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirme a sua palavra-passe',
'verification' => 'Verificação',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de utilizar uma conta bancária é necessário verificá-la.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'O número de cartão de crédito introduzido não é válido',
'month_invalid' => 'O mês introduzido não é válido',
'year_invalid' => 'O ano introduzido não é válido',
'https_required' => 'O Protocolo HTTPS é necessário, o formulário vai falhar',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se precisar de ajuda pode publicar no nosso',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Depois de alterar a palavra-passe, a sua conta será confirmada',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar com uma conta bancária, é necessário adicionar um método de pagamento em primeiro lugar.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos armazenar informações básicas sobre sua Fatura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado em produção',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Ativar apenas para desenvolvimento',
'test_pdf' => 'Testar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com pode ser guardada como método de pagamento para uso futuro assim que termine a sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de marcar a opção "Guardar dados cartão de crédito" durante o processo de pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'A conta bancária (SOFORT) pode ser salva como forma de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de marcar &quot;Detalhes de pagamento da loja&quot; durante o processo de pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Estado Node',
'npm_status' => 'Estado NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'O módulo Node não foi encontrado. Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'O módulo NPM não foi encontrado. Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta nota de pagamento está bloqueada e não pode ser modificada',
'downloads' => 'Transferências',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalhes sobre o documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Formatos de ficheiro permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos ',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (CVV e/ou data de validade inválidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Transferência selecionada',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar notas de pagamento, é necessário',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'adicionar método de pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nenhum item selecionado',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento Vencido',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo da conta',
'thanks' => 'Obrigado',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'O pagamento mínimo é de :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos indevidos.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado em :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Nota de crédito aplicada à Nota de Pagamento :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nova nota de crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver a nota de crédito de :amount, clique no link abaixo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoedas',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Guardar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pagar a crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Este método de pagamento não pode ser guardado para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar com',
'n/a' => 'Não Aplicável',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ao clicar em "Próximo Passo" aceita com os termos.',
'not_specified' => 'Não Especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de continuar com o pagamento, é necessário preencher os seguintes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Depois de estar completo, volte à página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instruções',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => '1 Lembrete para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => '2 Lembretes para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => '3 Lembretes para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete personalizado da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Lembrete infinito para Fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilizador Atribuído',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para prosseguir ao próximo passo, certifique-se que testa cada secção.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota acerca Phantom JS. Ler mais',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento Mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nenhuma ação fornecida. Se acredita que se trata de um erro, por favor contacte o suporte. ',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Não foram selecionadas notas de pagamento que possam ser pagas. Certifique-se que não está a tentar pagar uma nota de pagamento de rascunhou ou uma nota de pagamento de quantia zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalhes de Pagamento Necessários',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar o pagamento, precisamos de mais detalhes sobre si.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Esta informação será guardada para que da próxima vez, não tenha que a preencher novamente.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Não foi possível entregar a nota de cédito :invoice to :contact \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Não foi possível entregar a nota de cédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalhes do método de pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Novo cartão',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nova conta bancária',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit empresas por conta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'O total dos créditos aplicados não pode ser SUPERIOR ao total das notas de pagamento',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de nota de crédito já em uso',
'credit_not_found' => 'Nota de crédito não encontrada',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'As notas de pagamento selecionadas não pertecem a um único cliente.',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicar notas de crédito submetidas',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicar notas de pagamento submetidas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Você deve ter uma fatura definida ao usar um crédito em um pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'O ID do Cliente é necessário',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número de Despesa já foi utilizado',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de Nota de Pagamento já foi utilizado',
'payment_id_required' => 'ID de Pagamento Necessário',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Não foi possível recuperar o pagamento especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID desta nota de pagamento não está relacionado com este pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID de nota de crédito não está relacionado com este pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para a nota de pagamento :invoice, o valor máximo reembolsável é de :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com faturas anexadas, especifique a(s) fatura(s) válida(s) para reembolso.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com créditos anexados, especifique os créditos válidos a serem reembolsados.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para o crédito :credit, o valor máximo reembolsável é de :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'O projeto do cliente não corresponde com a entidade do cliente',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número de orçamento já utilizado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de nota de pagamento recorrente :number já foi utilizado',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Este utilizador não está associado com esta conta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'As quantias não estão saldadas corretamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Valor aplicado insuficiente para cobrir o pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente em crédito',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Um ou mais notas de pagamento foram pagas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'A Nota de Pagamento ID :number não pode ser reembolsada',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'A tentar reembolsar :amount. Apenas :refundable_amount está disponível para reembolsar.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este utilizador não pode ser vinculado a esta empresa. Talvez já estará registado um utilizador noutra conta? ',
'migration_completed' => 'Migração completa',
'migration_completed_description' => 'A migração foi concluída, por favor verifique os dados após iniciar sessão.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nada para ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Não é possível carregar uma conta grande sem um parâmetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Não existem cópias de segurança para esta atividade',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registos do Utilizador da Empresa não encontrados',
'no_credits_found' => 'Créditos não encontrados',
'action_unavailable' => 'A ação pedida :action não está disponível',
'no_documents_found' => 'Documentos não Encontrados',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Definições de grupo não encontradas',
'access_denied' => 'Privilégios insuficientes para aceder/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Nota de Pagamento não pode ser marcada como paga',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licença Inválida, ou ambiente inválido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Caminho não disponível',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de modelo personalizado inválido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Orçamento/s não encontrados',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossível aprovar este orçamento pois já expirou.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Agendamento ocorreu',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Agendamento nunca ocorreu',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Atualização automática não está disponível neste sistema',
'user_detached' => 'Utilizador não vinculado à empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Falha ao criar Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Obrigado pelo pagamento de :amount para :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Pagamentos online estão disponíveis se a quantia for superior a 1$ ou ao equivalente na moeda utilizada.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token de pagamento não encontrada, por favor tente novamente. Se este erro persistir, tente outro método de pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Morada Fornecedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Andar / Fração Fornecedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente Não Aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecione um usuário autenticado com o Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lista de pressão longa',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar Ações',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar Multiseleção',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Um E-mail foi enviado para confirmar este endereço de correio eletrónico',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido em pago até a data',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de Crédito Convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total Convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Responder para nome',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente Não Aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de Cor',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar Migração',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitação de cancelamento de fatura recorrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact do Cliente :client solicitou o cancelamento da Fatura Recorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Olá',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de Group',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Tem a certeza que quer aprovar este orçamento?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecionar empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forçar migração',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exigir Palavra-passe para Início de Sessão Social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Continuar com sessão iniciada',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Aviso: A sua sessão está prestes a expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 Dia',
'count_days' => ':count Dias',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Definições de Segurança',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar E-mail',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor confirme o seu endereço de E-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidade',
'required_files_missing' => 'Por favor forneça todos os CSVs',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Vamos continuar autenticando.',
'api_secret' => 'API Secreto',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Você pode encontrar API_SECRET no arquivo .env ou Invoice Ninja v5. Se a propriedade estiver ausente, deixe o campo em branco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'O desconto será aplicado no pagamento.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último E-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Ativar Empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Ativar E-mail, notas de pagamento recorrentes e notificações',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor tente novamente',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor defina uma palavra-passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Aviso: A mudança de número de telemóvel vai desativar a autenticação de dois fatores (2FA).',
'help_translate' => 'Ajude a traduzir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor escolha um país',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Autenticação de dois fatores (2FA) desativada com sucesso',
'connected_google' => 'Conta conectada com sucesso',
'disconnected_google' => 'Conta desconectada com sucesso',
'delivered' => 'Entregue',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver Documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Por favor forneça um número de telemóvel para ativar a autenticação de dois fatores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Associar Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desassociar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desativar Dois Fatores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registo de datas de tarefas de fatura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Adicionar detalhes da data na linha dos items da Nota de Pagamento',
'promo_code' => 'Código Promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Nota de Pagamento Recorrente enviada para',
'subscription' => 'Subscrição',
'new_subscription' => 'Nova Subscrição',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Subscrição Apagada com Sucesso',
'removed_subscription' => 'Subscrição Removida com Sucesso',
'restored_subscription' => 'Subscrição Restaurada com Sucesso',
'search_subscription' => 'Encontrada 1 Subscrição',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Encontradas :count Subscrições',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomínio não disponível',
'connect_gmail' => 'Associar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desassociar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado com sucesso',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado com sucesso',
'update_fail_help' => 'Alterações na base de código podem estar bloqueando a atualização, você pode executar este comando para descartar as alterações:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de Identificação do Cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Timeout da palavra-passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Compartilhar Fatura/Contador de Crédito',
'next' => 'Próximo',
'next_step' => 'Próximo passo',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'O Crédito :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'O Crédito :invoice foi visto por :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'O seguinte cliente :client enviou por E-mail uma nota de crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'O seguinte cliente :client viu a nota de crédito :invoice de :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Introduza o seu E-mail para redefinir a sua palavra-passe',
'password_reset' => 'Redefinir Palavra-passe',
'account_login_text' => 'Bem-vindo! Feliz em te ver.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Pedir cancelamento',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Apagar Método de Pagamento',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Está prestes a apagar este método de pagamento',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Está ação não pode ser revertida',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'O perfil foi atualizado com sucesso',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Birr da Etiópia',
'client_information_text' => 'Utilizar endereço permanente quando recebe correio',
'status_id' => 'Estado da Nota de Pagamento',
'email_already_register' => 'Este E-mail já está associado a uma conta',
'locations' => 'Localizações',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinidamente',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Ciclos restantes',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Eu compreendo, apagar',
'download_files' => 'Transferir Ficheiros',
'download_timeframe' => 'Utilize este link para transferir os ficheiros. O link expira dentro de 1 hora.',
'new_signup' => 'Novo Registo',
'new_signup_text' => 'Uma nova conta foi criada pelo utilizador :user - :email - do endereço IP :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'O Pagamento foi efetuado pelo cliente :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'O pagamento parcial foi efetuado pelo cliente :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :cliente da nota de pagamento :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Um pagamento parcial de :amount foi feito pelo cliente :cliente da nota de pagamento :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Bot de Notificações',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Nota de Pag. # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Se o botão acima não estiver a funcionar, por favor carregue neste link',
'display_log' => 'Mostrar Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Reportar erros em direto',
'setup' => 'Configurar',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Visão Rápida & Estatísticas',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Atualize a sua informação pessoal',
'name_website_logo' => 'Nome, site & logótipo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Certifique-se que utilize o link completo para o seu website',
'personal_address' => 'Endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Introduza o seu endereço pessoal',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Introduza o seu endereço de envio',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Lista de Notas de Pagamento',
'with_selected' => 'Com selecionado',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Esta nota de pagamento ainda não foi paga. Clique neste botão para completar o pagamento',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Lista de notas de pagamentos recorrente',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Aqui estão alguns detalhes sobre esta nota de pagamento recorrente',
'cancellation' => 'Cancelamento',
'about_cancellation' => 'Caso queira interromper a cobrança recorrente, clique para solicitar o cancelamento.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Aviso! Está a pedir o cancelamento deste serviço. O serviço pode ser cancelado sem nenhuma notificação posterior.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancelamento pendente, entraremos em contacto muito brevemente!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Lista de pagamentos',
'payment_details' => 'Detalhes do pagamento',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Lista de notas de pagamento afetadas pelo pagamento',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Lista de métodos de pagamento',
'payment_method_details' => 'Detalhes do método de pagamento',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Eliminar permanentemente este método de pagamento.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Aviso! Está ação não pode ser revertida!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmação',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Orçamentos',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Aguarda aprovação',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'Este orçamento ainda não foi aprovado',
'list_of_credits' => 'Créditos',
'required_extensions' => 'Extensões necessárias',
'php_version' => 'Versão PHP',
'writable_env_file' => 'Ficheiro .env com permissão de escrita',
'env_not_writable' => 'O ficheiro .env não tem permissão de escrita para o utilizador atual.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Versão PHP Mínima',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Certifique-se de que todos os requisitos são cumpridos.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ups, algo não parece estar bem!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Abrir num novo separador',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Concluir pagamento',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizar método de pagamento para uso futuro',
'page' => 'Página',
'per_page' => 'Por página',
'of' => 'De',
'view_credit' => 'Ver crédito',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Para ver a :entidade é necessário introduzir a palavra-passe',
'showing_x_of' => 'A mostrar :first até :last de :total resultados',
'no_results' => 'Nenhum resultado foi encontrado.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'O pagamento falhou para o cliente :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Um pagamento feito pelo cliente :client falhou, tendo sido obtida a seguinte mensagem :message',
'register' => 'Registar',
'register_label' => 'Crie a sua conta em segundos',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirme a sua palavra-passe',
'verification' => 'Verificação',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Antes de utilizar uma conta bancária é necessário verificá-la.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'O número de cartão de crédito introduzido não é válido',
'month_invalid' => 'O mês introduzido não é válido',
'year_invalid' => 'O ano introduzido não é válido',
'https_required' => 'O Protocolo HTTPS é necessário, o formulário vai falhar',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Se precisar de ajuda pode publicar no nosso',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Depois de alterar a palavra-passe, a sua conta será confirmada',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Para pagar com uma conta bancária, é necessário adicionar um método de pagamento em primeiro lugar.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Vamos armazenar informações básicas sobre sua Fatura Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Altamente recomendado em produção',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Ativar apenas para desenvolvimento',
'test_pdf' => 'Testar PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com pode ser guardada como método de pagamento para uso futuro assim que termine a sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de marcar a opção "Guardar dados cartão de crédito" durante o processo de pagamento.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'A conta bancária (SOFORT) pode ser salva como forma de pagamento para uso futuro, assim que você concluir sua primeira transação. Não se esqueça de marcar &quot;Detalhes de pagamento da loja&quot; durante o processo de pagamento.',
'node_status' => 'Estado Node',
'npm_status' => 'Estado NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'O módulo Node não foi encontrado. Está instalado?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'O módulo NPM não foi encontrado. Está instalado?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Esta nota de pagamento está bloqueada e não pode ser modificada',
'downloads' => 'Transferências',
'resource' => 'Recurso',
'document_details' => 'Detalhes sobre o documento',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Formatos de ficheiro permitidos:',
'common_codes' => 'Códigos ',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (CVV e/ou data de validade inválidos)',
'download_selected' => 'Transferência selecionada',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Para pagar notas de pagamento, é necessário',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'adicionar método de pagamento',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nenhum item selecionado',
'payment_due' => 'Pagamento Vencido',
'account_balance' => 'Saldo da conta',
'thanks' => 'Obrigado',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'O pagamento mínimo é de :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos insuficientes.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'A empresa não suporta pagamentos indevidos.',
'saved_at' => 'Guardado em :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Nota de crédito aplicada à Nota de Pagamento :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nova nota de crédito :number de :account',
'credit_message' => 'Para ver a nota de crédito de :amount, clique no link abaixo.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Criptomoedas',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Crédito',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Guardar para uso futuro',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pagar a crédito',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Este método de pagamento não pode ser guardado para uso futuro.',
'pay_with' => 'Pagar com',
'n/a' => 'Não Aplicável',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Ao clicar em "Próximo Passo" aceita com os termos.',
'not_specified' => 'Não Especificado',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Antes de continuar com o pagamento, é necessário preencher os seguintes campos',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Depois de estar completo, volte à página anterior.',
'pay' => 'Pagar',
'instructions' => 'Instruções',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => '1 Lembrete para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => '2 Lembretes para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => '3 Lembretes para a Nota de Pagamento :invoice foi enviada para :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'O lembrete personalizado da fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Lembrete infinito para Fatura :invoice foi enviado para :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Utilizador Atribuído',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Para prosseguir ao próximo passo, certifique-se que testa cada secção.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Nota acerca Phantom JS. Ler mais',
'minimum_payment' => 'Pagamento Mínimo',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nenhuma ação fornecida. Se acredita que se trata de um erro, por favor contacte o suporte. ',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Não foram selecionadas notas de pagamento que possam ser pagas. Certifique-se que não está a tentar pagar uma nota de pagamento de rascunhou ou uma nota de pagamento de quantia zero.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Detalhes de Pagamento Necessários',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Para completar o pagamento, precisamos de mais detalhes sobre si.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Esta informação será guardada para que da próxima vez, não tenha que a preencher novamente.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Não foi possível entregar a nota de cédito :invoice to :contact \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Não foi possível entregar a nota de cédito :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Guardar detalhes do método de pagamento',
'new_card' => 'Novo cartão',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nova conta bancária',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limite de :limit empresas por conta.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'O total dos créditos aplicados não pode ser SUPERIOR ao total das notas de pagamento',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Número de nota de crédito já em uso',
'credit_not_found' => 'Nota de crédito não encontrada',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'As notas de pagamento selecionadas não pertecem a um único cliente.',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicar notas de crédito submetidas',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicar notas de pagamento submetidas.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Você deve ter uma fatura definida ao usar um crédito em um pagamento',
'client_id_required' => 'O ID do Cliente é necessário',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Número de Despesa já foi utilizado',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de Nota de Pagamento já foi utilizado',
'payment_id_required' => 'ID de Pagamento Necessário',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Não foi possível recuperar o pagamento especificado',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID desta nota de pagamento não está relacionado com este pagamento',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'O ID de nota de crédito não está relacionado com este pagamento',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para a nota de pagamento :invoice, o valor máximo reembolsável é de :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com faturas anexadas, especifique a(s) fatura(s) válida(s) para reembolso.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Ao tentar reembolsar um pagamento com créditos anexados, especifique os créditos válidos a serem reembolsados.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Tentativa de reembolsar mais do que o permitido para o crédito :credit, o valor máximo reembolsável é de :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'O projeto do cliente não corresponde com a entidade do cliente',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Número de orçamento já utilizado',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Número de nota de pagamento recorrente :number já foi utilizado',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Este utilizador não está associado com esta conta',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'As quantias não estão saldadas corretamente.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Valor aplicado insuficiente para cobrir o pagamento.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Saldo insuficiente em crédito',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Um ou mais notas de pagamento foram pagas',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'A Nota de Pagamento ID :number não pode ser reembolsada',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'A tentar reembolsar :amount. Apenas :refundable_amount está disponível para reembolsar.',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Este utilizador não pode ser vinculado a esta empresa. Talvez já estará registado um utilizador noutra conta? ',
'migration_completed' => 'Migração completa',
'migration_completed_description' => 'A migração foi concluída, por favor verifique os dados após iniciar sessão.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nada para ver aqui!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Não é possível carregar uma conta grande sem um parâmetro updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Não existem cópias de segurança para esta atividade',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Registos do Utilizador da Empresa não encontrados',
'no_credits_found' => 'Créditos não encontrados',
'action_unavailable' => 'A ação pedida :action não está disponível',
'no_documents_found' => 'Documentos não Encontrados',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Definições de grupo não encontradas',
'access_denied' => 'Privilégios insuficientes para aceder/modificar este recurso',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Nota de Pagamento não pode ser marcada como paga',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Licença Inválida, ou ambiente inválido :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Caminho não disponível',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Objeto de modelo personalizado inválido',
'quote_not_found' => 'Orçamento/s não encontrados',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Impossível aprovar este orçamento pois já expirou.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Agendamento ocorreu',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Agendamento nunca ocorreu',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Atualização automática não está disponível neste sistema',
'user_detached' => 'Utilizador não vinculado à empresa',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Falha ao criar Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Obrigado pelo pagamento de :amount para :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Nota: Pagamentos online estão disponíveis se a quantia for superior a 1$ ou ao equivalente na moeda utilizada.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Token de pagamento não encontrada, por favor tente novamente. Se este erro persistir, tente outro método de pagamento',
'vendor_address1' => 'Morada Fornecedor',
'vendor_address2' => 'Andar / Fração Fornecedor',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Parcialmente Não Aplicado',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Selecione um usuário autenticado com o Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Lista de pressão longa',
'show_actions' => 'Mostrar Ações',
'start_multiselect' => 'Iniciar Multiseleção',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Um E-mail foi enviado para confirmar este endereço de correio eletrónico',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Convertido em pago até a data',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Saldo de Crédito Convertido',
'converted_total' => 'Total Convertido',
'reply_to_name' => 'Responder para nome',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Parcialmente Não Aplicado',
'color_theme' => 'Tema de Cor',
'start_migration' => 'Iniciar Migração',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Solicitação de cancelamento de fatura recorrente de :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact do Cliente :client solicitou o cancelamento da Fatura Recorrente :invoice',
'hello' => 'Olá',
'group_documents' => 'Documentos de Group',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Tem a certeza que quer aprovar este orçamento?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Selecionar empresas para migrar',
'force_migration' => 'Forçar migração',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Exigir Palavra-passe para Início de Sessão Social',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Continuar com sessão iniciada',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Aviso: A sua sessão está prestes a expirar',
'count_hours' => ':count Horas',
'count_day' => '1 Dia',
'count_days' => ':count Dias',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Definições de Segurança',
'resend_email' => 'Reenviar E-mail',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Por favor confirme o seu endereço de E-mail',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Contabilidade',
'required_files_missing' => 'Por favor forneça todos os CSVs',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Vamos continuar autenticando.',
'api_secret' => 'API Secreto',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'Você pode encontrar API_SECRET no arquivo .env ou Invoice Ninja v5. Se a propriedade estiver ausente, deixe o campo em branco.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'O desconto será aplicado no pagamento.',
'use_last_email' => 'Usar último E-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Ativar Empresa',
'activate_company_help' => 'Ativar E-mail, notas de pagamento recorrentes e notificações',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor tente novamente',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Por favor defina uma palavra-passe',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Aviso: A mudança de número de telemóvel vai desativar a autenticação de dois fatores (2FA).',
'help_translate' => 'Ajude a traduzir',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Por favor escolha um país',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Autenticação de dois fatores (2FA) desativada com sucesso',
'connected_google' => 'Conta conectada com sucesso',
'disconnected_google' => 'Conta desconectada com sucesso',
'delivered' => 'Entregue',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'Ver Documentos',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Por favor forneça um número de telemóvel para ativar a autenticação de dois fatores',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'sms_code' => 'Código SMS',
'connect_google' => 'Associar Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Desassociar Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Desativar Dois Fatores',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Registo de datas de tarefas de fatura',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Adicionar detalhes da data na linha dos items da Nota de Pagamento',
'promo_code' => 'Código Promocional',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Nota de Pagamento Recorrente enviada para',
'subscription' => 'Subscrição',
'new_subscription' => 'Nova Subscrição',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Subscrição Apagada com Sucesso',
'removed_subscription' => 'Subscrição Removida com Sucesso',
'restored_subscription' => 'Subscrição Restaurada com Sucesso',
'search_subscription' => 'Encontrada 1 Subscrição',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Encontradas :count Subscrições',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomínio não disponível',
'connect_gmail' => 'Associar Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Desassociar Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail conectado com sucesso',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail desconectado com sucesso',
'update_fail_help' => 'Alterações na base de código podem estar bloqueando a atualização, você pode executar este comando para descartar as alterações:',
'client_id_number' => 'Número de Identificação do Cliente',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutos',
'password_timeout' => 'Timeout da palavra-passe',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Compartilhar Fatura/Contador de Crédito',
'activity_80' => ':user criou a subscrição :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user atualizou a subscrição :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user arquivou a subscrição :subscription',
@ -5131,7 +5131,7 @@ O envio de E-mails foi suspenso. Será retomado às 23:00 UTC.',
'region' => 'Região',
'county' => 'Condado',
'tax_details' => 'Detalhes fiscais',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact inseriu o pagamento :payment para fatura :invoice para :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user inseriu o pagamento :payment para fatura :invoice para :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Tipo de pagamento padrão',
'number_precision' => 'Precisão numérica',
@ -5218,6 +5218,33 @@ O envio de E-mails foi suspenso. Será retomado às 23:00 UTC.',
'charges' => 'Cobranças',
'email_report' => 'Relatório por e-mail',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pague depois',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3841,308 +3841,308 @@ Nemôžete nájsť faktúru? Potrebujete poradiť? Radi Vám pomôžeme
'registration_url' => 'Registračná adresa URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Zobraziť cenu produktu',
'complete' => 'Dokončiť',
'next' => 'Ďalšie',
'next_step' => 'Ďalši krok',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice bol odoslaný :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice sa zobrazil klientovi :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Nasledujúcemu klientovi :client bol odoslaný e-mail Kredit :invoice na :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Následovný klient :client si zobrazil kredit :credit na :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Zadajte svoj e-mail na obnovenie hesla.',
'password_reset' => 'Resetovanie hesla',
'account_login_text' => 'Vitajte! Rád, že ťa vidím.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Požiadať o zrušenie',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Odstrániť spôsob platby',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Chystáte sa odstrániť spôsob platby.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Akcia sa nedá vrátiť späť',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profil bol úspešne aktualizovaný.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etiópsky Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Použite trvalú adresu, na ktorú môžete prijímať poštu.',
'status_id' => 'Stav faktúry',
'email_already_register' => 'Tento e-mail je už prepojený s účtom',
'locations' => 'Miesta',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Na dobu neurčitú',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Zostávajúce cykly',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Rozumiem, zmazať',
'download_files' => 'Stiahnite si súbory',
'download_timeframe' => 'Na stiahnutie súborov použite tento odkaz, platnosť odkazu vyprší o 1 hodinu.',
'new_signup' => 'Nová registrácia',
'new_signup_text' => 'Používateľ :user - :email - z adresy IP: :ip vytvoril nový účet',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Platbu vykonal :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Čiastočnú platbu vykonal :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Klient :client vykonal platbu vo výške :amount v prospech :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Čiastočnú platbu :amount vykonal klient :client na :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Oznamovací robot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Faktúra # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Ak vám vyššie uvedené tlačidlo nefunguje, kliknite na odkaz',
'display_log' => 'Zobraziť denník',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Hlásiť chyby v reálnom čase',
'setup' => 'Nastaviť',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Rýchly prehľad a štatistiky',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Aktualizujte svoje osobné údaje',
'name_website_logo' => 'Názov, web a logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Uistite sa, že používate úplný odkaz na vašu stránku',
'personal_address' => 'Osobná adresa',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Zadajte svoju osobnú adresu',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Zadajte svoju dodaciu adresu',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Zoznam faktúr',
'with_selected' => 'S vybranými',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Táto faktúra stále nie je uhradená. Kliknutím na tlačidlo dokončíte platbu',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Zoznam opakujúcich sa faktúr',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Tu je niekoľko podrobností o opakovanej faktúre',
'cancellation' => 'Zrušenie',
'about_cancellation' => 'V prípade, že chcete zastaviť opakovanú faktúru, kliknite prosím a požiadajte o zrušenie.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Výstraha! Žiadate o zrušenie tejto služby. Vaša služba môže byť zrušená bez ďalšieho upozornenia.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Čaká sa na zrušenie, budeme vás kontaktovať!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Zoznam platieb',
'payment_details' => 'Podrobnosti o platbe',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Zoznam faktúr ovplyvnených platbou',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Zoznam spôsobov platby',
'payment_method_details' => 'Podrobnosti o spôsobe platby',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Natrvalo odstrániť tento spôsob platby.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Výstraha! Táto akcia sa nedá vrátiť späť!',
'confirmation' => 'Potvrdenie',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Ponuky',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Čakanie na schválenie',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approvedTáto cenová ponuka stále nie je schválená',
'list_of_credits' => 'Kredity',
'required_extensions' => 'Požadované rozšírenia',
'php_version' => 'PHP verzia',
'writable_env_file' => 'Zapisovateľný súbor .env',
'env_not_writable' => 'Aktuálny používateľ nemôže zapisovať do súboru .env.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimálna verzia PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Uistite sa, že sú splnené všetky požiadavky.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ojoj, niečo nie je v poriadku!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Otvoriť v novom hárku',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Kompletná platba',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizujte spôsob platby pre budúce použitie',
'page' => 'Strana',
'per_page' => 'Podľa strany',
'of' => 'Z',
'view_credit' => 'Zobraziť kredit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Ak chcete zobraziť :entity , musíte zadať heslo.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Zobrazujú sa :first až :last z :total počtu výsledkov',
'no_results' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne výsledky',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Platba zlyhala pre klienta :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Platba vykonaná klientom :client zlyhala so správou :message',
'register' => 'Registrovať',
'register_label' => 'Vytvorte účet za sekundu',
'password_confirmation' => 'Potvrďte svoje heslo',
'verification' => 'Overenie',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Zadané číslo kreditnej karty je neplatné.',
'month_invalid' => 'Zadaný mesiac nie je platný.',
'year_invalid' => 'Uvedený rok nie je platný.',
'https_required' => 'Vyžaduje sa HTTPS, formulár zlyhá',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Ak potrebujete pomoc, môžete nám poslať príspevok',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Po úprave hesla bude tvoj účet potvrdený',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Ak chcete platiť bankovým účtom, musíte ho najprv pridať ako spôsob platby.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Uložme si základné informácie o vašom Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Dôrazne sa odporúča vo výrobe',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Povolené iba pre Devceloperov',
'test_pdf' => 'Testovacie PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Po dokončení prvej transakcie môžete službu Checkout.com uložiť ako spôsob platby pre budúce použitie. Počas procesu platby nezabudnite skontrolovať "Uložiť údaje o kreditnej karte".',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bankový účet (SOFORT) je možné uložiť ako spôsob platby pre budúce použitie po dokončení vašej prvej transakcie. Počas procesu platby nezabudnite skontrolovať "Uložiť platobné údaje".',
'node_status' => 'Stav uzla',
'npm_status' => 'Stav NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Nikde som nemohol nájsť Node. je to nainštalované?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Nikde som nenašiel NPM. je to nainštalované?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Faktúra je blokovaná a nie je možná jej úprava',
'downloads' => 'Stiahnuté',
'resource' => 'Zdroj',
'document_details' => 'Podrobnosti o dokumente',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Zdroje',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Povolené typy súborov:',
'common_codes' => 'Bežné kódy a ich význam',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Chybné údaje o skladbe (neplatný CVV a/alebo dátum vypršania platnosti)',
'download_selected' => 'Stiahnuť vybrané',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Ak chcete platiť faktúry, musíte',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'pridať spôsob platby',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nevybratá žiadna z možností',
'payment_due' => 'Splatné due',
'account_balance' => 'Zostatok na účte',
'thanks' => 'Vďaka',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimálna požadovaná platba je: amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Spoločnosť nepodporuje nedoplatky.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Spoločnosť nepodporuje preplatky.',
'saved_at' => 'Uložené o :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit bol pripísaný na faktúru :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nový kredit :number z :account',
'credit_message' => 'Ak chcete zobraziť svoj kredit pre :amount, kliknite na odkaz nižšie.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kryptomena',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Uschovajte pre budúce použitie',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Zaplatiť kreditom',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Spôsob platby nie je možné uložiť na budúce použitie.',
'pay_with' => 'Úhrada prostredníctvom',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Zakliknutím "ďalsí krok" akceptujete podmienky',
'not_specified' => 'Nešpecifikované',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Pred pokračovaním v platbe musíte vyplniť nasledujúce polia',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Po dokončení sa vráťte na predchádzajúcu stránku.',
'pay' => 'Platba',
'instructions' => 'Inštrukcie',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka faktúry č.1 :faktúra bola odoslaná :klient',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka 2 pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka 3 pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Vlastná pripomienka pre faktúru :invoice bola odoslaná na :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Nekonečná pripomienka pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Prihlásený používateľ',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Ak chcete prejsť na ďalší krok, nezabudnite otestovať každú časť.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Poznámka o Phantom JS. Čítaj viac.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimálna platba',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nebola poskytnutá žiadna akcia. Ak si myslíte, že je to nesprávne, kontaktujte podporu.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nie sú vybrané žiadne splatné faktúry. Uistite sa, že sa nepokúšate zaplatiť návrh faktúry alebo faktúru s nulovým splatným zostatkom.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Platobné detaily sú požadované',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Ak chcete uskutočniť platbu je potrbné vyplniť viac detailov',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Toto si uložíme, aby ste ho nabudúce nemuseli zadávať.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nepodarilo sa nám doručiť Kredit :invoice na :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Nie je možné doručiť kredit: invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Uložiť detaily spôsobu platby',
'new_card' => 'Nová karta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nový bankový účet',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit :limit spoločností na účet.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Celkový počet použitých kreditov nemôže byť VIAC ako celkový počet faktúr',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Číslo kreditu je už obsadené',
'credit_not_found' => 'Kredit sa nenašiel',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Vybrané faktúry nie sú od jedného klienta',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Boli odoslané duplicitné kredity.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Boli odoslané duplicitné faktúry.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Pri použití kreditu pri platbe musíte mať nastavenú faktúru',
'client_id_required' => 'ID klienta je požadované',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Nákladové číslo už zadané',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Čislo faktúry už zadané',
'payment_id_required' => 'Vyžaduje sa \'id\' platby.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Nie je možné získať zadanú platbu',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Faktúrované id :invoice nesúvisí s touto platbou',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID kreditu :credit nesúvisí s touto platbou',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie vyššej sumy, ako je povolené pre id faktúry :invoice, maximálna vratná suma je :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie platby s priloženými faktúrami uveďte platnú faktúru/faktúry, ktoré sa majú vrátiť.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie platby s priloženými kreditmi uveďte platné kredity, ktoré sa majú vrátiť.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie vyššej sumy, ako je povolené pre kredit :credit, maximálna vratná suma je :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Klient z projektu nesúvisí s entitou klienta',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Číslo ponuky je už obsadené',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Číslo opakovanej faktúry :number je už obsadené',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Použivateľ nepatrí k tomuto účtu ',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Sumy nie sú správne vyvážené.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Nedostatočná použitá suma na pokrytie platby.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Nedostatočný zostatok na kredite.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Jedna, alebo viac z týchto faktúr bola zaplatená',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Faktúru id :number nie je možné vrátiť',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Pokus o vrátenie peňazí :amount len :refundable_amount dostupné na vrátenie',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Zadaného užívateľa nie je možné pridať do vybranej spoločnosti. Pravdepodobne už bol zaregistrovaný v inom účte.',
'migration_completed' => 'Migrácia kompletná',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Migrácia bola dokončená, po prihlásení skontrolujte svoje údaje.',
'api_404' => '404 Nie je tu čo vidieť/chyba',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Nie je možné načítať veľký účet bez parametra updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Pre túto aktivitu neexistuje žiadny záloha',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Záznam používateľa spoločnosti sa nenašiel',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne kredity',
'action_unavailable' => 'Požadovaná akcia :akcia nie je možná',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadny dokumenty',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne zoskupenia',
'access_denied' => 'Nedostatočné oprávnenia na prístup/úpravu tohto zdroja',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Faktúra nemôže byť označená ako uhradená',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Neplatná licencia alebo neplatné prostredie :prostredie',
'route_not_available' => 'Trasa nie je k dispozícii',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Neplatný objekt vlastného dizajnu',
'quote_not_found' => 'Cenová ponuka sa nenašla',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Túto cenovú ponuku nie je možné schváliť, pretože jej platnosť vypršala.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Kalendár bol spustený',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Kalendár nebol nikdy spustený',
'self_update_not_available' => 'V tomto systéme nie je k dispozícii vlastná aktualizácia.',
'user_detached' => 'Používateľ je oddelený od spoločnosti',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Ďakujeme za platbu vo výške :amount za :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Poznámka: Online platby sú podporované iba vtedy, ak je suma vyššia ako 1 $ alebo ekvivalent v inej mene.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Platobný token sa nenašiel, skúste to znova. Ak problém stále pretrváva, skúste použiť iný spôsob platby ',
'vendor_address1' => 'Ulica predajcu',
'vendor_address2' => 'Apartmán/byt dodávateľa',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Čiastočne nepoužité',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Prosím vyber používateľskú autentifikáciu cez Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Dlhé stlačenie zoznamu',
'show_actions' => 'Ukáž akciu',
'start_multiselect' => 'Začať viacnásobný výber',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Bol odoslaný e-mail na potvrdenie e-mailovej adresy',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Prevedené zaplatené na dátum',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Konvertovaný kreditný zostatok',
'converted_total' => 'Celkom prevedené',
'reply_to_name' => 'Odpovedať - podľa názvu',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Čiastočne nepoužité',
'color_theme' => 'Farba témy',
'start_migration' => 'Začni migorvať',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Žiadosť o zrušenie opakovanej faktúry od :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact od klienta :client požiadal o zrušenie opakovanej faktúry :invoice',
'hello' => 'Ahoj',
'group_documents' => 'Dokumenty skupiny',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Naozaj chcete schváliť túto ponuku?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Vyberte spoločnosti na migráciu',
'force_migration' => 'Vynútiť migráciu',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Vyžadovať heslo s prihlásením na sociálne siete',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Zostať prihlásený',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Varovanie: Vaša relácia čoskoro vyprší.',
'count_hours' => ':count hodín',
'count_day' => '1 deň',
'count_days' => ':count dní',
'web_session_timeout' => 'čas relácie vypršal',
'security_settings' => 'Nastavenia zabezpečenia',
'resend_email' => 'Preposlať email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Prosím, potvrďte svoju emailovú adresu',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Fakturovane',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Účtovníctvo',
'required_files_missing' => 'Zadajte všetky súbory CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Pokračujme autentifikáciou.',
'api_secret' => 'Tajomstvo API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'API_SECRET nájdete v súbore .env alebo Invoice Ninja v5. Ak vlastnosť chýba, nechajte pole prázdne.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Vaša zľava bude uplatnená na pokladni.',
'use_last_email' => 'Použiť posledný e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Aktivovať spoločnosť',
'activate_company_help' => 'Povoliť e-maily, opakujúce sa faktúry a upozornenia',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Vyskytla sa chyba, skúste to znova',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Najprv nastavte heslo',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Upozornenie: Zmena telefónneho čísla deaktivuje 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Pomoc s prekladom',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Vyberte krajinu',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Úspešne deaktivované 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Účet bol úspešne pripojený',
'disconnected_google' => 'Účet bol úspešne odpojený',
'delivered' => 'Doručené',
'spam' => 'Nevyžiadaná pošta',
'view_docs' => 'Zobraziť dokumenty',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Ak chcete povoliť dvojfaktorové overenie, zadajte číslo mobilného telefónu',
'send_sms' => 'Poslať SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kód',
'connect_google' => 'Pripojte Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Odpojiť Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Zakázať dva faktory',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Dátumový denník úlohy faktúry',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Pridajte podrobnosti o dátume do riadkových položiek faktúry',
'promo_code' => 'Propagačný kód',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Opakovaná faktúra vystavená na',
'subscription' => 'Predplatné',
'new_subscription' => 'Nové predplatné',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne odstránené',
'removed_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne odstránené',
'restored_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne obnovené',
'search_subscription' => 'Hľadať 1 predplatné',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Hľadať :count odbery',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdoména nie je dostupná',
'connect_gmail' => 'Pripojte Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Odpojte Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail bol úspešne pripojený',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail bol úspešne odpojený',
'update_fail_help' => 'Zmeny v kódovej základni môžu blokovať aktualizáciu, môžete spustiť tento príkaz a zrušiť zmeny:',
'client_id_number' => 'Identifikačné číslo klienta',
'count_minutes' => ':count minúty',
'password_timeout' => 'Časový limit hesla',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Zdieľať počítadlo faktúr/kreditov',
'next' => 'Ďalšie',
'next_step' => 'Ďalši krok',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice bol odoslaný :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Kredit :invoice sa zobrazil klientovi :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'Nasledujúcemu klientovi :client bol odoslaný e-mail Kredit :invoice na :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'Následovný klient :client si zobrazil kredit :credit na :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Zadajte svoj e-mail na obnovenie hesla.',
'password_reset' => 'Resetovanie hesla',
'account_login_text' => 'Vitajte! Rád, že ťa vidím.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Požiadať o zrušenie',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Odstrániť spôsob platby',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'Chystáte sa odstrániť spôsob platby.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Akcia sa nedá vrátiť späť',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'Profil bol úspešne aktualizovaný.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Etiópsky Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Použite trvalú adresu, na ktorú môžete prijímať poštu.',
'status_id' => 'Stav faktúry',
'email_already_register' => 'Tento e-mail je už prepojený s účtom',
'locations' => 'Miesta',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Na dobu neurčitú',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Zostávajúce cykly',
'i_understand_delete' => 'Rozumiem, zmazať',
'download_files' => 'Stiahnite si súbory',
'download_timeframe' => 'Na stiahnutie súborov použite tento odkaz, platnosť odkazu vyprší o 1 hodinu.',
'new_signup' => 'Nová registrácia',
'new_signup_text' => 'Používateľ :user - :email - z adresy IP: :ip vytvoril nový účet',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Platbu vykonal :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Čiastočnú platbu vykonal :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'Klient :client vykonal platbu vo výške :amount v prospech :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'Čiastočnú platbu :amount vykonal klient :client na :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Oznamovací robot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Faktúra # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'Ak vám vyššie uvedené tlačidlo nefunguje, kliknite na odkaz',
'display_log' => 'Zobraziť denník',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Hlásiť chyby v reálnom čase',
'setup' => 'Nastaviť',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Rýchly prehľad a štatistiky',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Aktualizujte svoje osobné údaje',
'name_website_logo' => 'Názov, web a logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Uistite sa, že používate úplný odkaz na vašu stránku',
'personal_address' => 'Osobná adresa',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Zadajte svoju osobnú adresu',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Zadajte svoju dodaciu adresu',
'list_of_invoices' => 'Zoznam faktúr',
'with_selected' => 'S vybranými',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'Táto faktúra stále nie je uhradená. Kliknutím na tlačidlo dokončíte platbu',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'Zoznam opakujúcich sa faktúr',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Tu je niekoľko podrobností o opakovanej faktúre',
'cancellation' => 'Zrušenie',
'about_cancellation' => 'V prípade, že chcete zastaviť opakovanú faktúru, kliknite prosím a požiadajte o zrušenie.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Výstraha! Žiadate o zrušenie tejto služby. Vaša služba môže byť zrušená bez ďalšieho upozornenia.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Čaká sa na zrušenie, budeme vás kontaktovať!',
'list_of_payments' => 'Zoznam platieb',
'payment_details' => 'Podrobnosti o platbe',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'Zoznam faktúr ovplyvnených platbou',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'Zoznam spôsobov platby',
'payment_method_details' => 'Podrobnosti o spôsobe platby',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Natrvalo odstrániť tento spôsob platby.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Výstraha! Táto akcia sa nedá vrátiť späť!',
'confirmation' => 'Potvrdenie',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Ponuky',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Čakanie na schválenie',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approvedTáto cenová ponuka stále nie je schválená',
'list_of_credits' => 'Kredity',
'required_extensions' => 'Požadované rozšírenia',
'php_version' => 'PHP verzia',
'writable_env_file' => 'Zapisovateľný súbor .env',
'env_not_writable' => 'Aktuálny používateľ nemôže zapisovať do súboru .env.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimálna verzia PHP',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Uistite sa, že sú splnené všetky požiadavky.',
'oops_issues' => 'Ojoj, niečo nie je v poriadku!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Otvoriť v novom hárku',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Kompletná platba',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Autorizujte spôsob platby pre budúce použitie',
'page' => 'Strana',
'per_page' => 'Podľa strany',
'of' => 'Z',
'view_credit' => 'Zobraziť kredit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'Ak chcete zobraziť :entity , musíte zadať heslo.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Zobrazujú sa :first až :last z :total počtu výsledkov',
'no_results' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne výsledky',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Platba zlyhala pre klienta :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'Platba vykonaná klientom :client zlyhala so správou :message',
'register' => 'Registrovať',
'register_label' => 'Vytvorte účet za sekundu',
'password_confirmation' => 'Potvrďte svoje heslo',
'verification' => 'Overenie',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Zadané číslo kreditnej karty je neplatné.',
'month_invalid' => 'Zadaný mesiac nie je platný.',
'year_invalid' => 'Uvedený rok nie je platný.',
'https_required' => 'Vyžaduje sa HTTPS, formulár zlyhá',
'if_you_need_help' => 'Ak potrebujete pomoc, môžete nám poslať príspevok',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'Po úprave hesla bude tvoj účet potvrdený',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'Ak chcete platiť bankovým účtom, musíte ho najprv pridať ako spôsob platby.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Uložme si základné informácie o vašom Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Dôrazne sa odporúča vo výrobe',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Povolené iba pre Devceloperov',
'test_pdf' => 'Testovacie PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Po dokončení prvej transakcie môžete službu Checkout.com uložiť ako spôsob platby pre budúce použitie. Počas procesu platby nezabudnite skontrolovať "Uložiť údaje o kreditnej karte".',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bankový účet (SOFORT) je možné uložiť ako spôsob platby pre budúce použitie po dokončení vašej prvej transakcie. Počas procesu platby nezabudnite skontrolovať "Uložiť platobné údaje".',
'node_status' => 'Stav uzla',
'npm_status' => 'Stav NPM',
'node_status_not_found' => 'Nikde som nemohol nájsť Node. je to nainštalované?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'Nikde som nenašiel NPM. je to nainštalované?',
'locked_invoice' => 'Faktúra je blokovaná a nie je možná jej úprava',
'downloads' => 'Stiahnuté',
'resource' => 'Zdroj',
'document_details' => 'Podrobnosti o dokumente',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Zdroje',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Povolené typy súborov:',
'common_codes' => 'Bežné kódy a ich význam',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Chybné údaje o skladbe (neplatný CVV a/alebo dátum vypršania platnosti)',
'download_selected' => 'Stiahnuť vybrané',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'Ak chcete platiť faktúry, musíte',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'pridať spôsob platby',
'no_items_selected' => 'Nevybratá žiadna z možností',
'payment_due' => 'Splatné due',
'account_balance' => 'Zostatok na účte',
'thanks' => 'Vďaka',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimálna požadovaná platba je: amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Spoločnosť nepodporuje nedoplatky.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Spoločnosť nepodporuje preplatky.',
'saved_at' => 'Uložené o :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Kredit bol pripísaný na faktúru :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'Nový kredit :number z :account',
'credit_message' => 'Ak chcete zobraziť svoj kredit pre :amount, kliknite na odkaz nižšie.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kryptomena',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Kredit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Uschovajte pre budúce použitie',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Zaplatiť kreditom',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Spôsob platby nie je možné uložiť na budúce použitie.',
'pay_with' => 'Úhrada prostredníctvom',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'Zakliknutím "ďalsí krok" akceptujete podmienky',
'not_specified' => 'Nešpecifikované',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Pred pokračovaním v platbe musíte vyplniť nasledujúce polia',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'Po dokončení sa vráťte na predchádzajúcu stránku.',
'pay' => 'Platba',
'instructions' => 'Inštrukcie',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka faktúry č.1 :faktúra bola odoslaná :klient',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka 2 pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Pripomienka 3 pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Vlastná pripomienka pre faktúru :invoice bola odoslaná na :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Nekonečná pripomienka pre Faktúra :invoice bola odoslaná :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Prihlásený používateľ',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'Ak chcete prejsť na ďalší krok, nezabudnite otestovať každú časť.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Poznámka o Phantom JS. Čítaj viac.',
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimálna platba',
'no_action_provided' => 'Nebola poskytnutá žiadna akcia. Ak si myslíte, že je to nesprávne, kontaktujte podporu.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'Nie sú vybrané žiadne splatné faktúry. Uistite sa, že sa nepokúšate zaplatiť návrh faktúry alebo faktúru s nulovým splatným zostatkom.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Platobné detaily sú požadované',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'Ak chcete uskutočniť platbu je potrbné vyplniť viac detailov',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'Toto si uložíme, aby ste ho nabudúce nemuseli zadávať.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'Nepodarilo sa nám doručiť Kredit :invoice na :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Nie je možné doručiť kredit: invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Uložiť detaily spôsobu platby',
'new_card' => 'Nová karta',
'new_bank_account' => 'Nový bankový účet',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit :limit spoločností na účet.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Celkový počet použitých kreditov nemôže byť VIAC ako celkový počet faktúr',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Číslo kreditu je už obsadené',
'credit_not_found' => 'Kredit sa nenašiel',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Vybrané faktúry nie sú od jedného klienta',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Boli odoslané duplicitné kredity.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Boli odoslané duplicitné faktúry.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'Pri použití kreditu pri platbe musíte mať nastavenú faktúru',
'client_id_required' => 'ID klienta je požadované',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Nákladové číslo už zadané',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Čislo faktúry už zadané',
'payment_id_required' => 'Vyžaduje sa \'id\' platby.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Nie je možné získať zadanú platbu',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Faktúrované id :invoice nesúvisí s touto platbou',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'ID kreditu :credit nesúvisí s touto platbou',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie vyššej sumy, ako je povolené pre id faktúry :invoice, maximálna vratná suma je :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie platby s priloženými faktúrami uveďte platnú faktúru/faktúry, ktoré sa majú vrátiť.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie platby s priloženými kreditmi uveďte platné kredity, ktoré sa majú vrátiť.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Pri pokuse o vrátenie vyššej sumy, ako je povolené pre kredit :credit, maximálna vratná suma je :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Klient z projektu nesúvisí s entitou klienta',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Číslo ponuky je už obsadené',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Číslo opakovanej faktúry :number je už obsadené',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'Použivateľ nepatrí k tomuto účtu ',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Sumy nie sú správne vyvážené.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Nedostatočná použitá suma na pokrytie platby.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Nedostatočný zostatok na kredite.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'Jedna, alebo viac z týchto faktúr bola zaplatená',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Faktúru id :number nie je možné vrátiť',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Pokus o vrátenie peňazí :amount len :refundable_amount dostupné na vrátenie',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'Zadaného užívateľa nie je možné pridať do vybranej spoločnosti. Pravdepodobne už bol zaregistrovaný v inom účte.',
'migration_completed' => 'Migrácia kompletná',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Migrácia bola dokončená, po prihlásení skontrolujte svoje údaje.',
'api_404' => '404 Nie je tu čo vidieť/chyba',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Nie je možné načítať veľký účet bez parametra updated_at',
'no_backup_exists' => 'Pre túto aktivitu neexistuje žiadny záloha',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Záznam používateľa spoločnosti sa nenašiel',
'no_credits_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne kredity',
'action_unavailable' => 'Požadovaná akcia :akcia nie je možná',
'no_documents_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadny dokumenty',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'Nenašli sa žiadne zoskupenia',
'access_denied' => 'Nedostatočné oprávnenia na prístup/úpravu tohto zdroja',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Faktúra nemôže byť označená ako uhradená',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Neplatná licencia alebo neplatné prostredie :prostredie',
'route_not_available' => 'Trasa nie je k dispozícii',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Neplatný objekt vlastného dizajnu',
'quote_not_found' => 'Cenová ponuka sa nenašla',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Túto cenovú ponuku nie je možné schváliť, pretože jej platnosť vypršala.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Kalendár bol spustený',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Kalendár nebol nikdy spustený',
'self_update_not_available' => 'V tomto systéme nie je k dispozícii vlastná aktualizácia.',
'user_detached' => 'Používateľ je oddelený od spoločnosti',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Ďakujeme za platbu vo výške :amount za :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Poznámka: Online platby sú podporované iba vtedy, ak je suma vyššia ako 1 $ alebo ekvivalent v inej mene.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Platobný token sa nenašiel, skúste to znova. Ak problém stále pretrváva, skúste použiť iný spôsob platby ',
'vendor_address1' => 'Ulica predajcu',
'vendor_address2' => 'Apartmán/byt dodávateľa',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Čiastočne nepoužité',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Prosím vyber používateľskú autentifikáciu cez Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'Dlhé stlačenie zoznamu',
'show_actions' => 'Ukáž akciu',
'start_multiselect' => 'Začať viacnásobný výber',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'Bol odoslaný e-mail na potvrdenie e-mailovej adresy',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Prevedené zaplatené na dátum',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Konvertovaný kreditný zostatok',
'converted_total' => 'Celkom prevedené',
'reply_to_name' => 'Odpovedať - podľa názvu',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Čiastočne nepoužité',
'color_theme' => 'Farba témy',
'start_migration' => 'Začni migorvať',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Žiadosť o zrušenie opakovanej faktúry od :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact od klienta :client požiadal o zrušenie opakovanej faktúry :invoice',
'hello' => 'Ahoj',
'group_documents' => 'Dokumenty skupiny',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Naozaj chcete schváliť túto ponuku?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Vyberte spoločnosti na migráciu',
'force_migration' => 'Vynútiť migráciu',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Vyžadovať heslo s prihlásením na sociálne siete',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Zostať prihlásený',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Varovanie: Vaša relácia čoskoro vyprší.',
'count_hours' => ':count hodín',
'count_day' => '1 deň',
'count_days' => ':count dní',
'web_session_timeout' => 'čas relácie vypršal',
'security_settings' => 'Nastavenia zabezpečenia',
'resend_email' => 'Preposlať email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Prosím, potvrďte svoju emailovú adresu',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Fakturovane',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Účtovníctvo',
'required_files_missing' => 'Zadajte všetky súbory CSV.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Pokračujme autentifikáciou.',
'api_secret' => 'Tajomstvo API',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'API_SECRET nájdete v súbore .env alebo Invoice Ninja v5. Ak vlastnosť chýba, nechajte pole prázdne.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Vaša zľava bude uplatnená na pokladni.',
'use_last_email' => 'Použiť posledný e-mail',
'activate_company' => 'Aktivovať spoločnosť',
'activate_company_help' => 'Povoliť e-maily, opakujúce sa faktúry a upozornenia',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'Vyskytla sa chyba, skúste to znova',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Najprv nastavte heslo',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Upozornenie: Zmena telefónneho čísla deaktivuje 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Pomoc s prekladom',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Vyberte krajinu',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Úspešne deaktivované 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Účet bol úspešne pripojený',
'disconnected_google' => 'Účet bol úspešne odpojený',
'delivered' => 'Doručené',
'spam' => 'Nevyžiadaná pošta',
'view_docs' => 'Zobraziť dokumenty',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Ak chcete povoliť dvojfaktorové overenie, zadajte číslo mobilného telefónu',
'send_sms' => 'Poslať SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS kód',
'connect_google' => 'Pripojte Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Odpojiť Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Zakázať dva faktory',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Dátumový denník úlohy faktúry',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Pridajte podrobnosti o dátume do riadkových položiek faktúry',
'promo_code' => 'Propagačný kód',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Opakovaná faktúra vystavená na',
'subscription' => 'Predplatné',
'new_subscription' => 'Nové predplatné',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne odstránené',
'removed_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne odstránené',
'restored_subscription' => 'Predplatné bolo úspešne obnovené',
'search_subscription' => 'Hľadať 1 predplatné',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Hľadať :count odbery',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdoména nie je dostupná',
'connect_gmail' => 'Pripojte Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Odpojte Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Gmail bol úspešne pripojený',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Gmail bol úspešne odpojený',
'update_fail_help' => 'Zmeny v kódovej základni môžu blokovať aktualizáciu, môžete spustiť tento príkaz a zrušiť zmeny:',
'client_id_number' => 'Identifikačné číslo klienta',
'count_minutes' => ':count minúty',
'password_timeout' => 'Časový limit hesla',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Zdieľať počítadlo faktúr/kreditov',
'activity_80' => ':user vytvoril predplatné :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user aktualizoval predplatné :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archivoval predplatné :subscription',
@ -5118,7 +5118,7 @@ Nemôžete nájsť faktúru? Potrebujete poradiť? Radi Vám pomôžeme
'region' => 'región',
'county' => 'County',
'tax_details' => 'Daňové podrobnosti',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact zadaná platba :payment pre faktúru :invoice pre :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user zadaná platba :payment pre faktúru :invoice pre :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Predvolený typ platby',
'number_precision' => 'Presnosť čísel',
@ -5205,6 +5205,33 @@ Nemôžete nájsť faktúru? Potrebujete poradiť? Radi Vám pomôžeme
'charges' => 'Poplatky',
'email_report' => 'E-mailová správa',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Zaplatiť neskôr',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $lang = array(
'tax' => 'Davek',
'item' => 'Postavka',
'description' => 'Opis',
'unit_cost' => 'Cena',
'unit_cost' => 'Strošek enote',
'quantity' => 'Količina',
'line_total' => 'Skupaj',
'subtotal' => 'Skupaj brez DDV',
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Pošljite nam sporočilo na contact@invoiceninja.com',
'product' => 'Izdelek',
'products' => 'Izdelki',
'fill_products' => 'Samodejno vnesi izdelke',
'fill_products_help' => 'Izbira izdelka bo samodejno <b>vnesla opis in ceno</b>',
'fill_products_help' => 'Izbira izdelka bo samodejno <b>vnesla opis in strošek</b>',
'update_products' => 'Samodejno posodobi izdelke',
'update_products_help' => 'Posodobitev računa bo samodejno <b>posodobila knjižnico izdelkov</b>',
'create_product' => 'Dodaj izdelek',
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ Pošljite nam sporočilo na contact@invoiceninja.com',
'invalid_card_number' => 'Št. kreditne kartice ni veljavna.',
'invalid_expiry' => 'Datum poteka ni veljaven.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'CVV ni veljaven.',
'cost' => 'Cena',
'cost' => 'Strošek',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Opomba: ustvarite vaš prvi račun da boste tu videli predogled.',
// User Permissions
@ -1933,6 +1933,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'require_quote_signature_help' => 'Zahteva od stranke, da zagotovi svoj podpis.',
'i_agree' => 'Strinjam se s pogoji.',
'sign_here' => 'Prosimo, da se podpišete tukaj:',
'sign_here_ux_tip' => 'Use the mouse or your touchpad to trace your signature.',
'authorization' => 'Overovitev',
'signed' => 'Podpisan',
@ -2402,6 +2403,9 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'currency_libyan_dinar' => 'Libyan Dinar',
'currency_silver_troy_ounce' => 'Silver Troy Ounce',
'currency_gold_troy_ounce' => 'Gold Troy Ounce',
'currency_nicaraguan_córdoba' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba',
'currency_malagasy_ariary' => 'Malagasy ariary',
"currency_tongan_pa_anga" => "Tongan Pa'anga",
'review_app_help' => 'Upamo da uživate v uporabi aplikacije.<br/>Zelo bi cenili klik na :link!',
'writing_a_review' => 'pisanje pregleda (kritike)',
@ -2423,7 +2427,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'item_product' => 'Predmeti izdelka',
'item_notes' => 'Zaznamki predmeta',
'item_cost' => 'Cena predmeta',
'item_cost' => 'Strošek predmeta',
'item_quantity' => 'Količina predmeta',
'item_tax_rate' => 'Davčna stopnja predmeta',
'item_tax_name' => 'Ime davčne stopnje predmeta',
@ -2618,7 +2622,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'processing_request' => 'Obdelujem zahtevo',
'mcrypt_warning' => 'Opozorilo: Mcrypt je zastarel, zaženi :command za posodobitev cipher inkripcije',
'edit_times' => 'Uredi čase',
'inclusive_taxes_help' => 'Vključi <b>davek v ceni</b>',
'inclusive_taxes_help' => 'Vključi <b>davek v strošek</b>',
'inclusive_taxes_notice' => 'Nastavitev ne morete spremeniti naknadno, ko je bil račun že narejen.',
'inclusive_taxes_warning' => 'Opozorilo: vse obstoječe račune bo potrebno ponovno shraniti',
'copy_shipping' => 'Kopiraj naslov za dostavo',
@ -3068,7 +3072,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'custom_js' => 'Custom JS',
'adjust_fee_percent_help' => 'Adjust percent to account for fee',
'show_product_notes' => 'Prikaži podrobnosti izdelka',
'show_product_notes_help' => 'Prikaži <b>opis in ceno</b> v spustnem seznamu izdelka',
'show_product_notes_help' => 'Prikaži <b>opis in strošelk</b> v spustnem seznamu izdelka',
'important' => 'Important',
'thank_you_for_using_our_app' => 'Thank you for using our app!',
'if_you_like_it' => 'If you like it please',
@ -3280,7 +3284,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'include_recent_errors' => 'Include recent errors from the logs',
'your_message_has_been_received' => 'We have received your message and will try to respond promptly.',
'show_product_details' => 'Prikaži podrobnosti izdelka',
'show_product_details_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown',
'show_product_details_help' => 'V spustni meni izdelka vključite opis in strošek',
'pdf_min_requirements' => 'The PDF renderer requires :version',
'adjust_fee_percent' => 'Adjust Fee Percent',
'configure_settings' => 'Configure Settings',
@ -3289,7 +3293,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'domain_url' => 'Domain URL',
'password_is_too_easy' => 'Password must contain an upper case character and a number',
'client_portal_tasks' => 'Client Portal Tasks',
'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Client Portal Dashboard',
'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Nadzorna plošča za stranke',
'please_enter_a_value' => 'Please enter a value',
'deleted_logo' => 'Successfully deleted logo',
'generate_number' => 'Generate Number',
@ -3307,8 +3311,8 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'first_custom' => 'First Custom',
'second_custom' => 'Second Custom',
'third_custom' => 'Third Custom',
'show_cost' => 'Prikaži ceno',
'show_cost_help' => 'Prikaži ceno izdelka za spremljanje dodane vrednosti',
'show_cost' => 'Prikaži strošek',
'show_cost_help' => 'Prikaži strošek izdelka za spremljanje dodane vrednosti',
'show_product_quantity' => 'Prikaži količino izdelka',
'show_product_quantity_help' => 'Display a product quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'show_invoice_quantity' => 'Show Invoice Quantity',
@ -3368,7 +3372,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'credit_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'reset_counter_date' => 'Reset Counter Date',
'counter_padding' => 'Counter Padding',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Share Invoice Quote Counter',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Quote Counter',
'default_tax_name_1' => 'Default Tax Name 1',
'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Default Tax Rate 1',
'default_tax_name_2' => 'Default Tax Name 2',
@ -3507,7 +3511,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'search_products' => 'Poišči Izdelek',
'search_quotes' => 'Poišči ponudbo',
'search_credits' => 'Poišči dobropis',
'search_vendors' => 'Search Vendors',
'search_vendors' => 'Išči dobavitelja',
'search_users' => 'Poišči uporabnika',
'search_tax_rates' => 'Search Tax Rates',
'search_tasks' => 'Poišči opravilo',
@ -3679,9 +3683,9 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'send_date' => 'Send Date',
'auto_bill_on' => 'Auto Bill On',
'minimum_under_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Under Payment Amount',
'allow_over_payment' => 'Allow Over Payment',
'allow_over_payment' => 'Allow Overpayment',
'allow_over_payment_help' => 'Support paying extra to accept tips',
'allow_under_payment' => 'Allow Under Payment',
'allow_under_payment' => 'Allow Underpayment',
'allow_under_payment_help' => 'Support paying at minimum the partial/deposit amount',
'test_mode' => 'Test Mode',
'calculated_rate' => 'Calculated Rate',
@ -3851,310 +3855,310 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'this_quarter' => 'To četrtletje',
'to_update_run' => 'To update run',
'registration_url' => 'Registration URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Prikaži ceno izdelka',
'show_product_cost' => 'Prikaži strošek izdelka',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Credit :credit for :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Enter your email to reset your password.',
'password_reset' => 'Password reset',
'account_login_text' => 'Welcome! Glad to see you.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Request cancellation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Delete Payment Method',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'You are about to delete the payment method.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Action can\'t be reversed',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'The profile has been updated successfully.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopian Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.',
'status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitely',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles remaining',
'i_understand_delete' => 'I understand, delete',
'download_files' => 'Download Files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'New Signup',
'new_signup_text' => 'A new account has been created by :user - :email - from IP address: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Payment was made by :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Partial payment was made by :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notification Bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Invoice # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'Display Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Report errors in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Quick overview & statistics',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update your personal information',
'name_website_logo' => 'Name, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'Personal address',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Enter your personal address',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Enter your shipping address',
'list_of_invoices' => 'List of invoices',
'with_selected' => 'With selected',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'This invoice is still not paid. Click the button to complete the payment',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'List of recurring invoices',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Here are some details about recurring invoice',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellation',
'about_cancellation' => 'In case you want to stop the recurring invoice, please click to request the cancellation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Warning! You are requesting a cancellation of this service. Your service may be cancelled with no further notification to you.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellation pending, we\'ll be in touch!',
'list_of_payments' => 'List of payments',
'payment_details' => 'Details of the payment',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'List of invoices affected by the payment',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'List of payment methods',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details of payment method',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Permanently remove this payment method.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Warning! This action can not be reversed!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Quotes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Waiting for approval',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approved',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Required extensions',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Writable .env file',
'env_not_writable' => '.env file is not writable by the current user.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Make sure all requirements are satisfied.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oops, something does not look right!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in new tab',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Complete payment',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Authorize payment method for future use',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Per page',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'View Credit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to enter password.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Showing :first to :last out of :total results',
'no_results' => 'No results found.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A payment made by client :client failed with message :message',
'register' => 'Register',
'register_label' => 'Create your account in seconds',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm your password',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Provided credit card number is not valid.',
'month_invalid' => 'Provided month is not valid.',
'year_invalid' => 'Provided year is not valid.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS is required, form will fail',
'if_you_need_help' => 'If you need help you can post to our',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'After updating password, your account will be confirmed.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'To pay with a bank account, first you have to add it as payment method.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Highly recommended in production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enable only for development',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bank account (SOFORT) can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store payment details" during payment process.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'I could not find Node anywhere. Is it installed?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'I could not find NPM anywhere. Is it installed?',
'locked_invoice' => 'This invoice is locked and unable to be modified',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Resource',
'document_details' => 'Details about the document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Resources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Allowed file types:',
'common_codes' => 'Common codes and their meanings',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (invalid CVV and/or expiry date)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selected',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'To pay invoices, you have to',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'add payment method',
'no_items_selected' => 'No items selected.',
'payment_due' => 'Rok plačila',
'account_balance' => 'Account Balance',
'thanks' => 'Thanks',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum required payment is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support under payments.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support over payments.',
'saved_at' => 'Saved at :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credit applied to Invoice :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'New credit :number from :account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kriptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Store for future use',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pay with credit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Payment method can\'t be saved for future use.',
'pay_with' => 'Pay with',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'By clicking "Next step" you accept terms.',
'not_specified' => 'Not specified',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Before proceeding with payment, you have to fill following fields',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'After completing, go back to previous page.',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 1 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 2 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 3 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Custom reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Endless reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Assigned User',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'To proceed to next step, make sure you test each section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Note about Phantom JS.
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Payment',
'no_action_provided' => 'No action provided. If you believe this is wrong, please contact the support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No payable invoices selected. Make sure you are not trying to pay draft invoice or invoice with zero balance due.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Required payment details',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'To complete a payment we need more details about you.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'We will save this, so you don\'t have to enter it next time.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Save payment method details',
'new_card' => 'New card',
'new_bank_account' => 'New bank account',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit of :limit companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total credits applied cannot be MORE than total of invoices',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Credit number already taken',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credit not found',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Selected invoices are not from a single client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicate credits submitted.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicate invoices submitted.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'You must have an invoice set when using a credit in a payment',
'client_id_required' => 'Client id is required',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Expense number already taken',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Invoice number already taken',
'payment_id_required' => 'Payment `id` required.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Unable to retrieve specified payment',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Invoice id :invoice is not related to this payment',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit is not related to this payment',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for invoice id :invoice, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credits/s to be refunded.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for credit :credit, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project client does not match entity client',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Quote number already taken',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Recurring Invoice number :number already taken',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'User not associated with this account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Amounts do not balance correctly.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Insufficient applied amount remaining to cover payment.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Insufficient balance on credit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'One or more of these invoices have been paid',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Invoice id :number cannot be refunded',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Attempting to refund :amount only :refundable_amount available for refund',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'This user is unable to be attached to this company. Perhaps they have already registered a user on another account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration completed',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Your migration has completed, please review your data after logging in.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nothing to see here!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Cannot load a large account without a updated_at parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No backup exists for this activity',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Company User record not found',
'no_credits_found' => 'No credits found.',
'action_unavailable' => 'The requested action :action is not available.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No Documents Found',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No group settings found',
'access_denied' => 'Insufficient privileges to access/modify this resource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Invoice cannot be marked as paid',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Invalid license, or invalid environment :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Route not available',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Invalid custom design object',
'quote_not_found' => 'Quote/s not found',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Unable to approve this quote as it has expired.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler has run',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler has never run',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Self update not available on this system.',
'user_detached' => 'User detached from company',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Failed to create Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Online payments are supported only if amount is bigger than $1 or currency equivalent.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Payment token not found, please try again. If an issue still persist, try with another payment method',
'vendor_address1' => 'Vendor Street',
'vendor_address2' => 'Vendor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Please select a user authenticated with Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'List Long Press',
'show_actions' => 'Show Actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'An email has been sent to confirm the email address',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converted Paid to Date',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Converted Credit Balance',
'converted_total' => 'Converted Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Reply-To Name',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'color_theme' => 'Color Theme',
'start_migration' => 'Start Migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Request for recurring invoice cancellation from :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'group_documents' => 'Group documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Are you sure you want to approve this quote?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Select companies to migrate',
'force_migration' => 'Force migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Require Password with Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Stay Logged In',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Warning: Your session is about to expire',
'count_hours' => ':count Hours',
'count_day' => '1 Day',
'count_days' => ':count Days',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Nastavitev varnosti',
'resend_email' => 'Ponovno pošlji e-pošto',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Please confirm your email address',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'required_files_missing' => 'Please provide all CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Let\'s continue by authenticating.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Your discount will be applied on the checkout.',
'use_last_email' => 'Use last email',
'activate_company' => 'Activate Company',
'activate_company_help' => 'Enable emails, recurring invoices and notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'An error occurred, please try again',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Please first set a password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Warning: Changing your phone number will disable 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Pomagaj prevesti program',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Please select a country',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully disabled 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Successfully connected account',
'disconnected_google' => 'Successfully disconnected account',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'View Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Please provide a mobile phone number to enable two factor authentication',
'send_sms' => 'Pošlji SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS koda',
'connect_google' => 'Priklopi Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Izklopi Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disable Two Factor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Invoice Task Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Add date details to the invoice line items',
'promo_code' => 'Promo code',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Recurring invoice issued to',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'new_subscription' => 'New Subscription',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Successfully deleted subscription',
'removed_subscription' => 'Successfully removed subscription',
'restored_subscription' => 'Successfully restored subscription',
'search_subscription' => 'Search 1 Subscription',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Search :count Subscriptions',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomain is not available',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connect Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnect Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Successfully connected Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Successfully disconnected Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Changes to the codebase may be blocking the update, you can run this command to discard the changes:',
'client_id_number' => 'Client ID Number',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minut',
'password_timeout' => 'Password Timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Credit Counter',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Credit :credit for :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Enter your email to reset your password.',
'password_reset' => 'Password reset',
'account_login_text' => 'Welcome! Glad to see you.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Request cancellation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Delete Payment Method',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'You are about to delete the payment method.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Action can\'t be reversed',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'The profile has been updated successfully.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopian Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.',
'status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitely',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles remaining',
'i_understand_delete' => 'I understand, delete',
'download_files' => 'Download Files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'New Signup',
'new_signup_text' => 'A new account has been created by :user - :email - from IP address: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Payment was made by :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Partial payment was made by :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notification Bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Invoice # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'Display Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Report errors in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Quick overview & statistics',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update your personal information',
'name_website_logo' => 'Name, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'Personal address',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Enter your personal address',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Enter your shipping address',
'list_of_invoices' => 'List of invoices',
'with_selected' => 'With selected',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'This invoice is still not paid. Click the button to complete the payment',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'List of recurring invoices',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Here are some details about recurring invoice',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellation',
'about_cancellation' => 'In case you want to stop the recurring invoice, please click to request the cancellation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Warning! You are requesting a cancellation of this service. Your service may be cancelled with no further notification to you.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellation pending, we\'ll be in touch!',
'list_of_payments' => 'List of payments',
'payment_details' => 'Details of the payment',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'List of invoices affected by the payment',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'List of payment methods',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details of payment method',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Permanently remove this payment method.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Warning! This action can not be reversed!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Quotes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Waiting for approval',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approved',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Required extensions',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Writable .env file',
'env_not_writable' => '.env file is not writable by the current user.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Make sure all requirements are satisfied.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oops, something does not look right!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in new tab',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Complete payment',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Authorize payment method for future use',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Per page',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'View Credit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to enter password.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Showing :first to :last out of :total results',
'no_results' => 'No results found.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A payment made by client :client failed with message :message',
'register' => 'Register',
'register_label' => 'Create your account in seconds',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm your password',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Provided credit card number is not valid.',
'month_invalid' => 'Provided month is not valid.',
'year_invalid' => 'Provided year is not valid.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS is required, form will fail',
'if_you_need_help' => 'If you need help you can post to our',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'After updating password, your account will be confirmed.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'To pay with a bank account, first you have to add it as payment method.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Highly recommended in production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enable only for development',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bank account (SOFORT) can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store payment details" during payment process.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'I could not find Node anywhere. Is it installed?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'I could not find NPM anywhere. Is it installed?',
'locked_invoice' => 'This invoice is locked and unable to be modified',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Resource',
'document_details' => 'Details about the document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Resources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Allowed file types:',
'common_codes' => 'Common codes and their meanings',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (invalid CVV and/or expiry date)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selected',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'To pay invoices, you have to',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'add payment method',
'no_items_selected' => 'No items selected.',
'payment_due' => 'Rok plačila',
'account_balance' => 'Account Balance',
'thanks' => 'Thanks',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum required payment is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support underpayments.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support overpayments.',
'saved_at' => 'Saved at :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credit applied to Invoice :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'New credit :number from :account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Kriptovaluta',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Store for future use',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pay with credit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Payment method can\'t be saved for future use.',
'pay_with' => 'Pay with',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'By clicking "Next step" you accept terms.',
'not_specified' => 'Not specified',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Before proceeding with payment, you have to fill following fields',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'After completing, go back to previous page.',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 1 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 2 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 3 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Custom reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Endless reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Assigned User',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'To proceed to next step, make sure you test each section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Note about Phantom JS.
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Payment',
'no_action_provided' => 'No action provided. If you believe this is wrong, please contact the support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No payable invoices selected. Make sure you are not trying to pay draft invoice or invoice with zero balance due.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Required payment details',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'To complete a payment we need more details about you.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'We will save this, so you don\'t have to enter it next time.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Save payment method details',
'new_card' => 'New card',
'new_bank_account' => 'New bank account',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit of :limit companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total credits applied cannot be MORE than total of invoices',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Credit number already taken',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credit not found',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Selected invoices are not from a single client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicate credits submitted.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicate invoices submitted.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'You must have an invoice set when using a credit in a payment',
'client_id_required' => 'Client id is required',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Expense number already taken',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Invoice number already taken',
'payment_id_required' => 'Payment `id` required.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Unable to retrieve specified payment',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Invoice id :invoice is not related to this payment',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit is not related to this payment',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for invoice id :invoice, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credits/s to be refunded.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for credit :credit, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project client does not match entity client',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Quote number already taken',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Recurring Invoice number :number already taken',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'User not associated with this account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Amounts do not balance correctly.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Insufficient applied amount remaining to cover payment.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Insufficient balance on credit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'One or more of these invoices have been paid',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Invoice id :number cannot be refunded',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Attempting to refund :amount only :refundable_amount available for refund',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'This user is unable to be attached to this company. Perhaps they have already registered a user on another account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration completed',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Your migration has completed, please review your data after logging in.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nothing to see here!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Cannot load a large account without a updated_at parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No backup exists for this activity',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Company User record not found',
'no_credits_found' => 'No credits found.',
'action_unavailable' => 'The requested action :action is not available.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No Documents Found',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No group settings found',
'access_denied' => 'Insufficient privileges to access/modify this resource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Invoice cannot be marked as paid',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Invalid license, or invalid environment :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Route not available',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Invalid custom design object',
'quote_not_found' => 'Quote/s not found',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Unable to approve this quote as it has expired.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler has run',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler has never run',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Self update not available on this system.',
'user_detached' => 'User detached from company',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Failed to create Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Online payments are supported only if amount is bigger than $1 or currency equivalent.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Payment token not found, please try again. If an issue still persist, try with another payment method',
'vendor_address1' => 'Vendor Street',
'vendor_address2' => 'Vendor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Please select a user authenticated with Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'List Long Press',
'show_actions' => 'Show Actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'An email has been sent to confirm the email address',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converted Paid to Date',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Converted Credit Balance',
'converted_total' => 'Converted Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Reply-To Name',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'color_theme' => 'Color Theme',
'start_migration' => 'Start Migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Request for recurring invoice cancellation from :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'group_documents' => 'Group documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Are you sure you want to approve this quote?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Select companies to migrate',
'force_migration' => 'Force migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Require Password with Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Stay Logged In',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Warning: Your session is about to expire',
'count_hours' => ':count Hours',
'count_day' => '1 Day',
'count_days' => ':count Days',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Nastavitev varnosti',
'resend_email' => 'Ponovno pošlji e-pošto',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Prosim potrdite vašo e-pošto.',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'required_files_missing' => 'Please provide all CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Let\'s continue by authenticating.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Your discount will be applied on the checkout.',
'use_last_email' => 'Use last email',
'activate_company' => 'Activate Company',
'activate_company_help' => 'Enable emails, recurring invoices and notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'An error occurred, please try again',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Please first set a password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Warning: Changing your phone number will disable 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Pomagaj prevesti program',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Please select a country',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully disabled 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Successfully connected account',
'disconnected_google' => 'Successfully disconnected account',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'View Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Please provide a mobile phone number to enable two factor authentication',
'send_sms' => 'Pošlji SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS koda',
'connect_google' => 'Priklopi Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Izklopi Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disable Two Factor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Invoice Task Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Add date details to the invoice line items',
'promo_code' => 'Promo code',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Recurring invoice issued to',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'new_subscription' => 'New Subscription',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Successfully deleted subscription',
'removed_subscription' => 'Successfully removed subscription',
'restored_subscription' => 'Successfully restored subscription',
'search_subscription' => 'Search 1 Subscription',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Search :count Subscriptions',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomain is not available',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connect Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnect Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Successfully connected Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Successfully disconnected Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Changes to the codebase may be blocking the update, you can run this command to discard the changes:',
'client_id_number' => 'Client ID Number',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minut',
'password_timeout' => 'Password Timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Credit Counter',
'activity_80' => ':user created subscription :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user updated subscription :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archived subscription :subscription',
@ -4257,7 +4261,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'clone_to_expense' => 'Clone to Expense',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'acss' => 'Pre-authorized debit payments',
'acss' => 'ACSS Debit',
'invalid_amount' => 'Invalid amount. Number/Decimal values only.',
'client_payment_failure_body' => 'Payment for Invoice :invoice for amount :amount failed.',
'browser_pay' => 'Google Pay, Apple Pay, Microsoft Pay',
@ -4654,8 +4658,8 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'search_purchase_order' => 'Search Purchase Order',
'search_purchase_orders' => 'Search Purchase Orders',
'login_url' => 'Login URL',
'enable_applying_payments' => 'Enable Applying Payments',
'enable_applying_payments_help' => 'Support separately creating and applying payments',
'enable_applying_payments' => 'Manual Overpayments',
'enable_applying_payments_help' => 'Support adding an overpayment amount manually on a payment',
'stock_quantity' => 'Stock Quantity',
'notification_threshold' => 'Notification Threshold',
'track_inventory' => 'Spremljaj zalogo',
@ -4740,7 +4744,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'bank_transaction' => 'Transaction',
'bulk_print' => 'Natisni PDF',
'vendor_postal_code' => 'Vendor Postal Code',
'preview_location' => 'Preview Location',
'preview_location' => 'Lokacija predlogleda',
'bottom' => 'Bottom',
'side' => 'Side',
'pdf_preview' => 'PDF Preview',
@ -4876,7 +4880,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'import_completed' => 'Import completed',
'client_statement_body' => 'Your statement from :start_date to :end_date is attached.',
'email_queued' => 'Email queued',
'clone_to_recurring_invoice' => 'Clone to Recurring Invoice',
'clone_to_recurring_invoice' => 'Podvoji ponavljajoči račun',
'inventory_threshold' => 'Inventory Threshold',
'emailed_statement' => 'Successfully queued statement to be sent',
'show_email_footer' => 'Show Email Footer',
@ -4885,13 +4889,13 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'auto_bill_standard_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Standard Invoices',
'auto_bill_recurring_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Recurring Invoices',
'email_alignment' => 'Email Alignment',
'pdf_preview_location' => 'PDF Preview Location',
'pdf_preview_location' => 'Lokacija predlogleda',
'mailgun' => 'Mailgun',
'postmark' => 'Postmark',
'microsoft' => 'Microsoft',
'click_plus_to_create_record' => 'Click + to create a record',
'last365_days' => 'Last 365 Days',
'import_design' => 'Import Design',
'last365_days' => 'Zadnjih 365 dni',
'import_design' => 'Uvozi dizajn',
'imported_design' => 'Successfully imported design',
'invalid_design' => 'The design is invalid, the :value section is missing',
'setup_wizard_logo' => 'Would you like to upload your logo?',
@ -4903,12 +4907,12 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'unlock_pro' => 'Unlock Pro',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan_to_schedule' => 'Upgrade to a paid plan to create schedules',
'next_run' => 'Next Run',
'all_clients' => 'All Clients',
'all_clients' => 'Vse stranke',
'show_aging_table' => 'Show Aging Table',
'show_payments_table' => 'Show Payments Table',
'only_clients_with_invoices' => 'Only Clients with Invoices',
'email_statement' => 'Email Statement',
'once' => 'Once',
'once' => 'Enkratno',
'schedules' => 'Schedules',
'new_schedule' => 'New Schedule',
'edit_schedule' => 'Edit Schedule',
@ -4927,8 +4931,8 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'sent_quote' => 'Sent Quote',
'sent_credit' => 'Sent Credit',
'sent_purchase_order' => 'Sent Purchase Order',
'image_url' => 'Image URL',
'max_quantity' => 'Max Quantity',
'image_url' => 'URL Slike',
'max_quantity' => 'Največja količina',
'test_url' => 'Test URL',
'auto_bill_help_off' => 'Option is not shown',
'auto_bill_help_optin' => 'Option is shown but not selected',
@ -5017,7 +5021,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'email_record' => 'Email Record',
'invoice_product_columns' => 'Invoice Product Columns',
'quote_product_columns' => 'Quote Product Columns',
'vendors' => 'Vendors',
'vendors' => 'Dobavitelji',
'product_sales' => 'Product Sales',
'user_sales_report_header' => 'User sales report for client/s :client from :start_date to :end_date',
'client_balance_report' => 'Customer balance report',
@ -5130,7 +5134,7 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'region' => 'Region',
'county' => 'County',
'tax_details' => 'Tax Details',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact entered payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user entered payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'default_payment_type' => 'Default Payment Type',
'number_precision' => 'Number precision',
@ -5164,9 +5168,86 @@ Ko imate zneske, se vrnite na to stran plačilnega sredstva in kliknite na "Comp
'trust' => 'Trust',
'charity' => 'Charity',
'government' => 'Government',
'in_stock_quantity' => 'Stock quantity',
'in_stock_quantity' => 'Zaloga',
'vendor_contact' => 'Vendor Contact',
'expense_status_4' => 'Unpaid',
'expense_status_5' => 'Paid',
'ziptax_help' => 'Note: this feature requires a Zip-Tax API key to lookup US sales tax by address',
'cache_data' => 'Cache Data',
'unknown' => 'Unknown',
'webhook_failure' => 'Webhook Failure',
'email_opened' => 'Email Opened',
'email_delivered' => 'Email Delivered',
'log' => 'Log',
'classification' => 'Classification',
'stock_quantity_number' => 'Stock :quantity',
'upcoming' => 'Upcoming',
'client_contact' => 'Client Contact',
'uncategorized' => 'Uncategorized',
'login_notification' => 'Login Notification',
'login_notification_help' => 'Sends an email notifying that a login has taken place.',
'payment_refund_receipt' => 'Payment Refund Receipt # :number',
'payment_receipt' => 'Payment Receipt # :number',
'load_template_description' => 'The template will be applied to following:',
'run_template' => 'Run template',
'statement_design' => 'Statement Design',
'delivery_note_design' => 'Delivery Note Design',
'payment_receipt_design' => 'Payment Receipt Design',
'payment_refund_design' => 'Payment Refund Design',
'task_extension_banner' => 'Add the Chrome extension to manage your tasks',
'watch_video' => 'Watch Video',
'view_extension' => 'View Extension',
'reactivate_email' => 'Reactivate Email',
'email_reactivated' => 'Successfully reactivated email',
'template_help' => 'Enable using the design as a template',
'quarter' => 'Quarter',
'item_description' => 'Item Description',
'task_item' => 'Task Item',
'record_state' => 'Record State',
'save_files_to_this_folder' => 'Save files to this folder',
'downloads_folder' => 'Downloads Folder',
'total_invoiced_quotes' => 'Invoiced Quotes',
'total_invoice_paid_quotes' => 'Invoice Paid Quotes',
'downloads_folder_does_not_exist' => 'The downloads folder does not exist :value',
'user_logged_in_notification' => 'User Logged in Notification',
'user_logged_in_notification_help' => 'Send an email when logging in from a new location',
'payment_email_all_contacts' => 'Payment Email To All Contacts',
'payment_email_all_contacts_help' => 'Sends the payment email to all contacts when enabled',
'add_line' => 'Add Line',
'activity_139' => 'Expense :expense notification sent to :contact',
'vendor_notification_subject' => 'Confirmation of payment :amount sent to :vendor',
'vendor_notification_body' => 'Payment processed for :amount dated :payment_date. <br>[Transaction Reference: :transaction_reference]',
'receipt' => 'Receipt',
'charges' => 'Charges',
'email_report' => 'Email Report',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pay Later',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;

View File

@ -3854,308 +3854,308 @@ $lang = array(
'registration_url' => '註冊網址',
'show_product_cost' => '顯示產品成本',
'complete' => '完全的',
'next' => '下一個',
'next_step' => '下一步',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => '信用:invoice已發送至:client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => ':client查看了信用:invoice',
'notification_credit_sent' => '以下客戶:client已透過電子郵件發送至:amount的信用:invoice 。',
'notification_credit_viewed' => '以下客戶端:client查看了:amount的信用:credit 。',
'reset_password_text' => '輸入您的電子郵件以重設您的密碼。',
'password_reset' => '重新設密碼',
'account_login_text' => '歡迎!很高興見到你。',
'request_cancellation' => '取消請求',
'delete_payment_method' => '刪除付款方式',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => '您即將刪除付款方式。',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => '行動無法逆轉',
'profile_updated_successfully' => '個人資料已成功更新。',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => '衣索比亞比爾',
'client_information_text' => '使用可以接收郵件的永久地址。',
'status_id' => '發票狀態',
'email_already_register' => '此電子郵件已連結至一個帳戶',
'locations' => '地點',
'freq_indefinitely' => '無限期',
'cycles_remaining' => '剩餘週期',
'i_understand_delete' => '我明白了,刪除',
'download_files' => '下載文件',
'download_timeframe' => '使用此連結下載您的文件,該連結將在 1 小時後過期。',
'new_signup' => '新註冊',
'new_signup_text' => ':user - :email已建立一個新帳戶 - 來自 IP 位址: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => '付款人為:client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => '部分付款由:client支付',
'notification_payment_paid' => '客戶:client向:invoice支付了:amount',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => '客戶:client向:invoice支付了部分:amount',
'notification_bot' => '通知機器人',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => '發票 # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _number',
'email_link_not_working' => '如果上面的按鈕不適合您,請點擊連結',
'display_log' => '顯示日誌',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => '即時報告錯誤',
'setup' => '設定',
'quick_overview_statistics' => '快速概覽和統計',
'update_your_personal_info' => '更新您的個人資訊',
'name_website_logo' => '名稱、網站和徽標',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => '確保使用指向您網站的完整鏈接',
'personal_address' => '個人地址',
'enter_your_personal_address' => '輸入您的個人地址',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => '輸入您的送貨地址',
'list_of_invoices' => '發票清單',
'with_selected' => '與選定的',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => '該發票仍未支付。點擊按鈕完成付款',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => '經常性發票清單',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => '以下是有關定期發票的一些詳細信息',
'cancellation' => '消除',
'about_cancellation' => '如果您想停止定期發票,請點選請求取消。',
'cancellation_warning' => '警告!您請求取消此服務。您的服務可能會被取消,恕不另行通知。',
'cancellation_pending' => '取消待定,我們會聯絡您!',
'list_of_payments' => '付款清單',
'payment_details' => '付款詳情',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => '受付款影響的發票列表',
'list_of_payment_methods' => '付款方式一覽',
'payment_method_details' => '付款方式詳情',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => '永久刪除此付款方式。',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '警告!此操作不可逆轉!',
'confirmation' => '確認',
'list_of_quotes' => '引號',
'waiting_for_approval' => '等待批准',
'quote_still_not_approved' => '此報價尚未獲得批准',
'list_of_credits' => '製作人員',
'required_extensions' => '所需的擴展',
'php_version' => 'PHP版本',
'writable_env_file' => '可寫.env 文件',
'env_not_writable' => '目前使用者無法寫入.env 檔案。',
'minumum_php_version' => '最低 PHP 版本',
'satisfy_requirements' => '確保滿足所有要求。',
'oops_issues' => '糟糕,有些事情看起來不太對勁!',
'open_in_new_tab' => '在新分頁中開啟',
'complete_your_payment' => '完成支付',
'authorize_for_future_use' => '授權付款方式以供將來使用',
'page' => '頁',
'per_page' => '每頁',
'of' => '的',
'view_credit' => '查看信用',
'to_view_entity_password' => '要查看:entity您需要輸入密碼。',
'showing_x_of' => '顯示:total結果中的:first到:last',
'no_results' => '未找到結果。',
'payment_failed_subject' => '客戶:client付款失敗',
'payment_failed_body' => '客戶端:client付款失敗訊息為:message',
'register' => '登記',
'register_label' => '在幾秒鐘內建立您的帳戶',
'password_confirmation' => '確認你的密碼',
'verification' => '確認',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => '在使用銀行帳戶之前,必須對其進行驗證。',
'checkout_com' => '結帳網',
'footer_label' => '版權所有 © :year :company 。',
'credit_card_invalid' => '提供的信用卡號碼無效。',
'month_invalid' => '提供的月份無效。',
'year_invalid' => '提供的年份無效。',
'https_required' => '需要 HTTPS表單將失敗',
'if_you_need_help' => '如果您需要協助,您可以發佈到我們的',
'update_password_on_confirm' => '更新密碼後,您的帳戶將被確認。',
'bank_account_not_linked' => '若要使用銀行帳戶付款,首先您必須將其新增為付款方式。',
'application_settings_label' => '讓我們儲存有關您的 Invoice Ninja 的基本資訊!',
'recommended_in_production' => '強烈建議在生產中使用',
'enable_only_for_development' => '僅為開發啟用',
'test_pdf' => '測試PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => '完成第一筆交易後Checkout.com 可以儲存為付款方式以供將來使用。不要忘記在付款過程中檢查「商店信用卡詳細資料」。',
'sofort_authorize_label' => '完成第一筆交易後,銀行帳戶 (SOFORT) 可以儲存為付款方式以供將來使用。不要忘記在付款過程中檢查“商店付款詳細資訊”。',
'node_status' => '節點狀態',
'npm_status' => '國家公共管理狀況',
'node_status_not_found' => '我在任何地方都找不到節點。安裝了嗎?',
'npm_status_not_found' => '我在任何地方都找不到 NPM。安裝了嗎',
'locked_invoice' => '此發票已被鎖定且無法修改',
'downloads' => '下載',
'resource' => '資源',
'document_details' => '有關文件的詳細信息',
'hash' => '哈希值',
'resources' => '資源',
'allowed_file_types' => '允許的文件類型:',
'common_codes' => '常用代碼及其意義',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087壞道資料無效的 CVV 和/或到期日期)',
'download_selected' => '下載選定的',
'to_pay_invoices' => '要支付發票,您必須',
'add_payment_method_first' => '新增付款方式',
'no_items_selected' => '沒有選擇任何項目。',
'payment_due' => '薪資稅',
'account_balance' => '帳戶餘額',
'thanks' => '謝謝',
'minimum_required_payment' => '最低付款要求為:amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => '本公司不支援少付款。',
'over_payments_disabled' => '本公司不支援超額付款。',
'saved_at' => '保存於:time',
'credit_payment' => '貸記應用於發票:invoice _number',
'credit_subject' => '來自:account的新信用:number',
'credit_message' => '要查看:amount的積分請點擊下面的連結。',
'payment_type_Crypto' => '加密貨幣',
'payment_type_Credit' => '信用',
'store_for_future_use' => '儲備',
'pay_with_credit' => '信用支付',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => '付款方式無法保存以供將來使用。',
'pay_with' => '使用。。。支付',
'n/a' => '不適用',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => '按一下「下一步」即表示您接受條款。',
'not_specified' => '未指定',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => '在繼續付款之前,您必須填寫以下字段',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => '完成後,返回上一頁。',
'pay' => '支付',
'instructions' => '指示',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 1 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 2 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 3 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的自訂提醒已發送至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的無盡提醒已發送至:client',
'assigned_user' => '指定用戶',
'setup_steps_notice' => '要繼續下一步,請確保測試每個部分。',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => '關於 Phantom JS 的注意事項。閱讀更多。',
'minimum_payment' => '最低付費',
'no_action_provided' => '沒有提供任何操作。如果您認為這是錯誤的,請聯絡支援人員。',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => '未選擇應付發票。確保您沒有嘗試支付草稿發票或應付餘額為零的發票。',
'required_payment_information' => '所需的付款詳細信息',
'required_payment_information_more' => '為了完成付款,我們需要有關您的更多詳細資訊。',
'required_client_info_save_label' => '我們將保存此信息,以便您下次不必輸入。',
'notification_credit_bounced' => '我們無法將信用:invoice交付給:contact 。 \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => '無法提供信用:invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => '儲存付款方式詳細信息',
'new_card' => '新卡',
'new_bank_account' => '新銀行帳戶',
'company_limit_reached' => '每個帳戶最多可容納:limit家公司。',
'credits_applied_validation' => '申請的總積分不能多於發票總數',
'credit_number_taken' => '信用號已被佔用',
'credit_not_found' => '未找到信用證',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => '所選發票並非來自單一客戶',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => '提交重複的學分。',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => '提交了重複的發票。',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => '使用信用付款時,您必須有發票',
'client_id_required' => '客戶 ID 為必填項',
'expense_number_taken' => '費用號碼已被佔用',
'invoice_number_taken' => '發票號碼已取',
'payment_id_required' => '需要付款“id”。',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => '無法檢索指定的付款',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => '發票 ID :invoice與此付款無關',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => '信用 ID :credit與此付款無關',
'max_refundable_invoice' => '嘗試退款超過發票 ID :invoice允許的金額最大可退款金額為:amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => '如果嘗試退還附有發票的付款,請指定要退款的有效發票。',
'refund_without_credits' => '嘗試退還帶有積分的付款,請指定要退款的有效積分。',
'max_refundable_credit' => '嘗試退款超過允許的信用額:credit ,最大可退款金額為:amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => '專案客戶與實體客戶不匹配',
'quote_number_taken' => '報價單號碼已被佔用',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => '經常性發票編號:number已使用',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => '使用者未與此帳戶關聯',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => '金額未正確平衡。',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => '剩餘申請金額不足以支付付款。',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => '信用餘額不足。',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => '其中一張或多張發票已支付',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => '發票 ID :number無法退款',
'attempted_refund_failed' => '嘗試退款:amount僅:refundable_amount可退款',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => '該用戶無法加入該公司。也許他們已經在另一個帳戶上註冊了用戶?',
'migration_completed' => '遷移完成',
'migration_completed_description' => '您的遷移已完成,請登入後查看您的資料。',
'api_404' => '404 | 404這沒東西看',
'large_account_update_parameter' => '如果沒有 update_at 參數,則無法載入大型帳戶',
'no_backup_exists' => '此活動不存在備份',
'company_user_not_found' => '未找到公司用戶記錄',
'no_credits_found' => '沒有找到學分。',
'action_unavailable' => '請求的操作:action不可用。',
'no_documents_found' => '沒有找到文件',
'no_group_settings_found' => '未找到組設定',
'access_denied' => '沒有足夠的權限來存取/修改此資源',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => '發票不能標記為已付款',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => '許可證無效或環境無效:environment',
'route_not_available' => '路線不可用',
'invalid_design_object' => '無效的自訂設計對象',
'quote_not_found' => '未找到報價',
'quote_unapprovable' => '無法批准此報價,因為它已過期。',
'scheduler_has_run' => '調度程序已運行',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => '調度程序從未運行過',
'self_update_not_available' => '自我更新在此系統上不可用。',
'user_detached' => '用戶脫離公司',
'create_webhook_failure' => '建立 Webhook 失敗',
'payment_message_extended' => '感謝您為:amount支付:invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => '注意:僅當金額大於 1 美元或等值貨幣時才支援線上付款。',
'payment_token_not_found' => '未找到支付令牌,請重試。如果問題仍然存在,請嘗試使用其他付款方式',
'vendor_address1' => '供應商街',
'vendor_address2' => '供應商 公寓/套房',
'partially_unapplied' => '部分未應用',
'select_a_gmail_user' => '請選擇透過 Gmail 驗證的用戶',
'list_long_press' => '列表長按',
'show_actions' => '顯示動作',
'start_multiselect' => '開始多選',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => '已發送一封電子郵件以確認電子郵件地址',
'converted_paid_to_date' => '轉換為付費日期',
'converted_credit_balance' => '轉換後的貸方餘額',
'converted_total' => '換算總計',
'reply_to_name' => '回覆名稱',
'payment_status_-2' => '部分未應用',
'color_theme' => '顏色主題',
'start_migration' => '開始遷移',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => ':contact請求取消定期發票',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => '客戶:contact請求取消經常:client發票:invoice',
'hello' => '你好',
'group_documents' => '集團文件',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '您確定要批准此報價嗎?',
'migration_select_company_label' => '選擇要遷移的公司',
'force_migration' => '強制遷移',
'require_password_with_social_login' => '社群登入需要密碼',
'stay_logged_in' => '保持登入狀態',
'session_about_to_expire' => '警告:您的會話即將過期',
'count_hours' => ':count小時',
'count_day' => '1天',
'count_days' => ':count天',
'web_session_timeout' => '網路會話逾時',
'security_settings' => '安全設定',
'resend_email' => '重發電子郵件',
'confirm_your_email_address' => '請確認您的電子郵件地址',
'freshbooks' => '新書',
'invoice2go' => '發票2go',
'invoicely' => '開立發票',
'waveaccounting' => '波浪會計',
'zoho' => '佐霍',
'accounting' => '會計',
'required_files_missing' => '請提供所有 CSV。',
'migration_auth_label' => '讓我們繼續進行身份驗證。',
'api_secret' => 'API機密',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => '您可以在 .env 檔案或 Invoice Ninja v5 中找到 API_SECRET。如果缺少屬性請將欄位留空。',
'billing_coupon_notice' => '您的折扣將在結帳時套用。',
'use_last_email' => '使用最後的電子郵件',
'activate_company' => '啟動公司',
'activate_company_help' => '啟用電子郵件、定期發票和通知',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => '發生錯誤,請重試',
'please_first_set_a_password' => '請先設定密碼',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => '警告:更改您的電話號碼將停用 2FA',
'help_translate' => '幫助翻譯',
'please_select_a_country' => '請選擇一個國家',
'disabled_two_factor' => '已成功停用 2FA',
'connected_google' => '帳號關聯成功',
'disconnected_google' => '帳號註銷成功',
'delivered' => '發表',
'spam' => '垃圾郵件',
'view_docs' => '查看文件',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => '請提供手機號碼以啟用兩步驟驗證',
'send_sms' => '發簡訊',
'sms_code' => '簡訊代碼',
'connect_google' => '連接谷歌',
'disconnect_google' => '斷開與Google的連接',
'disable_two_factor' => '禁用二因素',
'invoice_task_datelog' => '發票任務日期日誌',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => '將日期詳細資料新增至發票行項目',
'promo_code' => '促銷代碼',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => '定期發票開立至',
'subscription' => '訂閱',
'new_subscription' => '新訂閱',
'deleted_subscription' => '已成功刪除訂閱',
'removed_subscription' => '已成功刪除訂閱',
'restored_subscription' => '已成功恢復訂閱',
'search_subscription' => '搜尋 1 訂閱',
'search_subscriptions' => '搜尋:count訂閱',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => '子網域不可用',
'connect_gmail' => '連接 Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => '斷開 Gmail 連接',
'connected_gmail' => '已成功連接 Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => '已成功斷開 Gmail 連接',
'update_fail_help' => '對程式碼庫的變更可能會阻止更新,您可以執行以下命令來放棄變更:',
'client_id_number' => '客戶 ID 號碼',
'count_minutes' => ':count分鐘',
'password_timeout' => '密碼超時',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => '共享發票/信用櫃檯',
'next' => '下一個',
'next_step' => '下一步',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => '信用:invoice已發送至:client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => ':client查看了信用:invoice',
'notification_credit_sent' => '以下客戶:client已透過電子郵件發送至:amount的信用:invoice 。',
'notification_credit_viewed' => '以下客戶端:client查看了:amount的信用:credit 。',
'reset_password_text' => '輸入您的電子郵件以重設您的密碼。',
'password_reset' => '重新設密碼',
'account_login_text' => '歡迎!很高興見到你。',
'request_cancellation' => '取消請求',
'delete_payment_method' => '刪除付款方式',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => '您即將刪除付款方式。',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => '行動無法逆轉',
'profile_updated_successfully' => '個人資料已成功更新。',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => '衣索比亞比爾',
'client_information_text' => '使用可以接收郵件的永久地址。',
'status_id' => '發票狀態',
'email_already_register' => '此電子郵件已連結至一個帳戶',
'locations' => '地點',
'freq_indefinitely' => '無限期',
'cycles_remaining' => '剩餘週期',
'i_understand_delete' => '我明白了,刪除',
'download_files' => '下載文件',
'download_timeframe' => '使用此連結下載您的文件,該連結將在 1 小時後過期。',
'new_signup' => '新註冊',
'new_signup_text' => ':user - :email已建立一個新帳戶 - 來自 IP 位址: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => '付款人為:client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => '部分付款由:client支付',
'notification_payment_paid' => '客戶:client向:invoice支付了:amount',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => '客戶:client向:invoice支付了部分:amount',
'notification_bot' => '通知機器人',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => '發票 # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity _number',
'email_link_not_working' => '如果上面的按鈕不適合您,請點擊連結',
'display_log' => '顯示日誌',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => '即時報告錯誤',
'setup' => '設定',
'quick_overview_statistics' => '快速概覽和統計',
'update_your_personal_info' => '更新您的個人資訊',
'name_website_logo' => '名稱、網站和徽標',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => '確保使用指向您網站的完整鏈接',
'personal_address' => '個人地址',
'enter_your_personal_address' => '輸入您的個人地址',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => '輸入您的送貨地址',
'list_of_invoices' => '發票清單',
'with_selected' => '與選定的',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => '該發票仍未支付。點擊按鈕完成付款',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => '經常性發票清單',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => '以下是有關定期發票的一些詳細信息',
'cancellation' => '消除',
'about_cancellation' => '如果您想停止定期發票,請點選請求取消。',
'cancellation_warning' => '警告!您請求取消此服務。您的服務可能會被取消,恕不另行通知。',
'cancellation_pending' => '取消待定,我們會聯絡您!',
'list_of_payments' => '付款清單',
'payment_details' => '付款詳情',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => '受付款影響的發票列表',
'list_of_payment_methods' => '付款方式一覽',
'payment_method_details' => '付款方式詳情',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => '永久刪除此付款方式。',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => '警告!此操作不可逆轉!',
'confirmation' => '確認',
'list_of_quotes' => '引號',
'waiting_for_approval' => '等待批准',
'quote_still_not_approved' => '此報價尚未獲得批准',
'list_of_credits' => '製作人員',
'required_extensions' => '所需的擴展',
'php_version' => 'PHP版本',
'writable_env_file' => '可寫.env 文件',
'env_not_writable' => '目前使用者無法寫入.env 檔案。',
'minumum_php_version' => '最低 PHP 版本',
'satisfy_requirements' => '確保滿足所有要求。',
'oops_issues' => '糟糕,有些事情看起來不太對勁!',
'open_in_new_tab' => '在新分頁中開啟',
'complete_your_payment' => '完成支付',
'authorize_for_future_use' => '授權付款方式以供將來使用',
'page' => '頁',
'per_page' => '每頁',
'of' => '的',
'view_credit' => '查看信用',
'to_view_entity_password' => '要查看:entity您需要輸入密碼。',
'showing_x_of' => '顯示:total結果中的:first到:last',
'no_results' => '未找到結果。',
'payment_failed_subject' => '客戶:client付款失敗',
'payment_failed_body' => '客戶端:client付款失敗訊息為:message',
'register' => '登記',
'register_label' => '在幾秒鐘內建立您的帳戶',
'password_confirmation' => '確認你的密碼',
'verification' => '確認',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => '在使用銀行帳戶之前,必須對其進行驗證。',
'checkout_com' => '結帳網',
'footer_label' => '版權所有 © :year :company 。',
'credit_card_invalid' => '提供的信用卡號碼無效。',
'month_invalid' => '提供的月份無效。',
'year_invalid' => '提供的年份無效。',
'https_required' => '需要 HTTPS表單將失敗',
'if_you_need_help' => '如果您需要協助,您可以發佈到我們的',
'update_password_on_confirm' => '更新密碼後,您的帳戶將被確認。',
'bank_account_not_linked' => '若要使用銀行帳戶付款,首先您必須將其新增為付款方式。',
'application_settings_label' => '讓我們儲存有關您的 Invoice Ninja 的基本資訊!',
'recommended_in_production' => '強烈建議在生產中使用',
'enable_only_for_development' => '僅為開發啟用',
'test_pdf' => '測試PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => '完成第一筆交易後Checkout.com 可以儲存為付款方式以供將來使用。不要忘記在付款過程中檢查「商店信用卡詳細資料」。',
'sofort_authorize_label' => '完成第一筆交易後,銀行帳戶 (SOFORT) 可以儲存為付款方式以供將來使用。不要忘記在付款過程中檢查“商店付款詳細資訊”。',
'node_status' => '節點狀態',
'npm_status' => '國家公共管理狀況',
'node_status_not_found' => '我在任何地方都找不到節點。安裝了嗎?',
'npm_status_not_found' => '我在任何地方都找不到 NPM。安裝了嗎',
'locked_invoice' => '此發票已被鎖定且無法修改',
'downloads' => '下載',
'resource' => '資源',
'document_details' => '有關文件的詳細信息',
'hash' => '哈希值',
'resources' => '資源',
'allowed_file_types' => '允許的文件類型:',
'common_codes' => '常用代碼及其意義',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087壞道資料無效的 CVV 和/或到期日期)',
'download_selected' => '下載選定的',
'to_pay_invoices' => '要支付發票,您必須',
'add_payment_method_first' => '新增付款方式',
'no_items_selected' => '沒有選擇任何項目。',
'payment_due' => '薪資稅',
'account_balance' => '帳戶餘額',
'thanks' => '謝謝',
'minimum_required_payment' => '最低付款要求為:amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => '本公司不支援少付款。',
'over_payments_disabled' => '本公司不支援超額付款。',
'saved_at' => '保存於:time',
'credit_payment' => '貸記應用於發票:invoice _number',
'credit_subject' => '來自:account的新信用:number',
'credit_message' => '要查看:amount的積分請點擊下面的連結。',
'payment_type_Crypto' => '加密貨幣',
'payment_type_Credit' => '信用',
'store_for_future_use' => '儲備',
'pay_with_credit' => '信用支付',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => '付款方式無法保存以供將來使用。',
'pay_with' => '使用。。。支付',
'n/a' => '不適用',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => '按一下「下一步」即表示您接受條款。',
'not_specified' => '未指定',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => '在繼續付款之前,您必須填寫以下字段',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => '完成後,返回上一頁。',
'pay' => '支付',
'instructions' => '指示',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 1 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 2 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的提醒 3 已寄至:client',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的自訂提醒已發送至:client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => '發票:invoice的無盡提醒已發送至:client',
'assigned_user' => '指定用戶',
'setup_steps_notice' => '要繼續下一步,請確保測試每個部分。',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => '關於 Phantom JS 的注意事項。閱讀更多。',
'minimum_payment' => '最低付費',
'no_action_provided' => '沒有提供任何操作。如果您認為這是錯誤的,請聯絡支援人員。',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => '未選擇應付發票。確保您沒有嘗試支付草稿發票或應付餘額為零的發票。',
'required_payment_information' => '所需的付款詳細信息',
'required_payment_information_more' => '為了完成付款,我們需要有關您的更多詳細資訊。',
'required_client_info_save_label' => '我們將保存此信息,以便您下次不必輸入。',
'notification_credit_bounced' => '我們無法將信用:invoice交付給:contact 。 \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => '無法提供信用:invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => '儲存付款方式詳細信息',
'new_card' => '新卡',
'new_bank_account' => '新銀行帳戶',
'company_limit_reached' => '每個帳戶最多可容納:limit家公司。',
'credits_applied_validation' => '申請的總積分不能多於發票總數',
'credit_number_taken' => '信用號已被佔用',
'credit_not_found' => '未找到信用證',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => '所選發票並非來自單一客戶',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => '提交重複的學分。',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => '提交了重複的發票。',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => '使用信用付款時,您必須有發票',
'client_id_required' => '客戶 ID 為必填項',
'expense_number_taken' => '費用號碼已被佔用',
'invoice_number_taken' => '發票號碼已取',
'payment_id_required' => '需要付款“id”。',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => '無法檢索指定的付款',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => '發票 ID :invoice與此付款無關',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => '信用 ID :credit與此付款無關',
'max_refundable_invoice' => '嘗試退款超過發票 ID :invoice允許的金額最大可退款金額為:amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => '如果嘗試退還附有發票的付款,請指定要退款的有效發票。',
'refund_without_credits' => '嘗試退還帶有積分的付款,請指定要退款的有效積分。',
'max_refundable_credit' => '嘗試退款超過允許的信用額:credit ,最大可退款金額為:amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => '專案客戶與實體客戶不匹配',
'quote_number_taken' => '報價單號碼已被佔用',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => '經常性發票編號:number已使用',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => '使用者未與此帳戶關聯',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => '金額未正確平衡。',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => '剩餘申請金額不足以支付付款。',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => '信用餘額不足。',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => '其中一張或多張發票已支付',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => '發票 ID :number無法退款',
'attempted_refund_failed' => '嘗試退款:amount僅:refundable_amount可退款',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => '該用戶無法加入該公司。也許他們已經在另一個帳戶上註冊了用戶?',
'migration_completed' => '遷移完成',
'migration_completed_description' => '您的遷移已完成,請登入後查看您的資料。',
'api_404' => '404 | 404這沒東西看',
'large_account_update_parameter' => '如果沒有 update_at 參數,則無法載入大型帳戶',
'no_backup_exists' => '此活動不存在備份',
'company_user_not_found' => '未找到公司用戶記錄',
'no_credits_found' => '沒有找到學分。',
'action_unavailable' => '請求的操作:action不可用。',
'no_documents_found' => '沒有找到文件',
'no_group_settings_found' => '未找到組設定',
'access_denied' => '沒有足夠的權限來存取/修改此資源',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => '發票不能標記為已付款',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => '許可證無效或環境無效:environment',
'route_not_available' => '路線不可用',
'invalid_design_object' => '無效的自訂設計對象',
'quote_not_found' => '未找到報價',
'quote_unapprovable' => '無法批准此報價,因為它已過期。',
'scheduler_has_run' => '調度程序已運行',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => '調度程序從未運行過',
'self_update_not_available' => '自我更新在此系統上不可用。',
'user_detached' => '用戶脫離公司',
'create_webhook_failure' => '建立 Webhook 失敗',
'payment_message_extended' => '感謝您為:amount支付:invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => '注意:僅當金額大於 1 美元或等值貨幣時才支援線上付款。',
'payment_token_not_found' => '未找到支付令牌,請重試。如果問題仍然存在,請嘗試使用其他付款方式',
'vendor_address1' => '供應商街',
'vendor_address2' => '供應商 公寓/套房',
'partially_unapplied' => '部分未應用',
'select_a_gmail_user' => '請選擇透過 Gmail 驗證的用戶',
'list_long_press' => '列表長按',
'show_actions' => '顯示動作',
'start_multiselect' => '開始多選',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => '已發送一封電子郵件以確認電子郵件地址',
'converted_paid_to_date' => '轉換為付費日期',
'converted_credit_balance' => '轉換後的貸方餘額',
'converted_total' => '換算總計',
'reply_to_name' => '回覆名稱',
'payment_status_-2' => '部分未應用',
'color_theme' => '顏色主題',
'start_migration' => '開始遷移',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => ':contact請求取消定期發票',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => '客戶:contact請求取消經常:client發票:invoice',
'hello' => '你好',
'group_documents' => '集團文件',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => '您確定要批准此報價嗎?',
'migration_select_company_label' => '選擇要遷移的公司',
'force_migration' => '強制遷移',
'require_password_with_social_login' => '社群登入需要密碼',
'stay_logged_in' => '保持登入狀態',
'session_about_to_expire' => '警告:您的會話即將過期',
'count_hours' => ':count小時',
'count_day' => '1天',
'count_days' => ':count天',
'web_session_timeout' => '網路會話逾時',
'security_settings' => '安全設定',
'resend_email' => '重發電子郵件',
'confirm_your_email_address' => '請確認您的電子郵件地址',
'freshbooks' => '新書',
'invoice2go' => '發票2go',
'invoicely' => '開立發票',
'waveaccounting' => '波浪會計',
'zoho' => '佐霍',
'accounting' => '會計',
'required_files_missing' => '請提供所有 CSV。',
'migration_auth_label' => '讓我們繼續進行身份驗證。',
'api_secret' => 'API機密',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => '您可以在 .env 檔案或 Invoice Ninja v5 中找到 API_SECRET。如果缺少屬性請將欄位留空。',
'billing_coupon_notice' => '您的折扣將在結帳時套用。',
'use_last_email' => '使用最後的電子郵件',
'activate_company' => '啟動公司',
'activate_company_help' => '啟用電子郵件、定期發票和通知',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => '發生錯誤,請重試',
'please_first_set_a_password' => '請先設定密碼',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => '警告:更改您的電話號碼將停用 2FA',
'help_translate' => '幫助翻譯',
'please_select_a_country' => '請選擇一個國家',
'disabled_two_factor' => '已成功停用 2FA',
'connected_google' => '帳號關聯成功',
'disconnected_google' => '帳號註銷成功',
'delivered' => '發表',
'spam' => '垃圾郵件',
'view_docs' => '查看文件',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => '請提供手機號碼以啟用兩步驟驗證',
'send_sms' => '發簡訊',
'sms_code' => '簡訊代碼',
'connect_google' => '連接谷歌',
'disconnect_google' => '斷開與Google的連接',
'disable_two_factor' => '禁用二因素',
'invoice_task_datelog' => '發票任務日期日誌',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => '將日期詳細資料新增至發票行項目',
'promo_code' => '促銷代碼',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => '定期發票開立至',
'subscription' => '訂閱',
'new_subscription' => '新訂閱',
'deleted_subscription' => '已成功刪除訂閱',
'removed_subscription' => '已成功刪除訂閱',
'restored_subscription' => '已成功恢復訂閱',
'search_subscription' => '搜尋 1 訂閱',
'search_subscriptions' => '搜尋:count訂閱',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => '子網域不可用',
'connect_gmail' => '連接 Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => '斷開 Gmail 連接',
'connected_gmail' => '已成功連接 Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => '已成功斷開 Gmail 連接',
'update_fail_help' => '對程式碼庫的變更可能會阻止更新,您可以執行以下命令來放棄變更:',
'client_id_number' => '客戶 ID 號碼',
'count_minutes' => ':count分鐘',
'password_timeout' => '密碼超時',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => '共享發票/信用櫃檯',
'activity_80' => ':user建立訂閱:subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user更新訂閱:subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user存檔訂閱:subscription',
@ -5131,7 +5131,7 @@ $lang = array(
'region' => '地區',
'county' => '縣',
'tax_details' => '稅務詳情',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact為:client的發票:payment輸入付款:invoice',
'activity_10_online' => ':contact made payment :payment for invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_10_manual' => ':user輸入了發票:payment的付款:invoice的:client',
'default_payment_type' => '預設付款類型',
'number_precision' => '數位精度',
@ -5217,6 +5217,34 @@ $lang = array(
'receipt' => 'Receipt',
'charges' => 'Charges',
'email_report' => 'Email Report',
'payment_type_Pay Later' => 'Pay Later',
'payment_type_credit' => 'Payment Type Credit',
'payment_type_debit' => 'Payment Type Debit',
'send_emails_to' => 'Send Emails To',
'primary_contact' => 'Primary Contact',
'all_contacts' => 'All Contacts',
'insert_below' => 'Insert Below',
'nordigen_handler_subtitle' => 'Bank account authentication. Selecting your institution to complete the request with your account credentials.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_unknown' => 'An error has occured',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred! Reason:',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_token_invalid' => 'Invalid Token',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_token_invalid' => 'The provided token was invalid. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_account_config_invalid' => 'Missing Credentials',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_account_config_invalid' => 'Invalid or missing credentials for Gocardless Bank Account Data. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_available' => 'Not Available',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_available' => 'Feature unavailable, enterprise plan only.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_institution_invalid' => 'Invalid Institution',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_institution_invalid' => 'The provided institution-id is invalid or no longer valid.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_ref_invalid' => 'Invalid Reference',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_ref_invalid' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_not_found' => 'Invalid Requisition',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_not_found' => 'GoCardless did not provide a valid reference. Please run flow again and contact support, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_invalid_status' => 'Not Ready',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_invalid_status' => 'You called this site too early. Please finish authorization and refresh this page. Contact support for help, if this issue persists.',
'nordigen_handler_error_heading_requisition_no_accounts' => 'No Accounts selected',
'nordigen_handler_error_contents_requisition_no_accounts' => 'The service has not returned any valid accounts. Considder restarting the flow.',
'nordigen_handler_restart' => 'Restart flow.',
'nordigen_handler_return' => 'Return to application.',
return $lang;