diff --git a/resources/lang/en/texts.php b/resources/lang/en/texts.php index 2fd606456a..30c8a22d53 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/texts.php +++ b/resources/lang/en/texts.php @@ -3277,6 +3277,200 @@ $LANG = array( 'download_data' => 'Press button below to download the data.', 'migration_import' => 'Awesome! Now you are ready to import your migration. Go to your new installation to import your data', 'continue' => 'Continue', + 'company1' => 'Custom Company 1', + 'company2' => 'Custom Company 2', + 'company3' => 'Custom Company 3', + 'company4' => 'Custom Company 4', + 'product1' => 'Custom Product 1', + 'product2' => 'Custom Product 2', + 'product3' => 'Custom Product 3', + 'product4' => 'Custom Product 4', + 'client1' => 'Custom Client 1', + 'client2' => 'Custom Client 1', + 'client3' => 'Custom Client 1', + 'client4' => 'Custom Client 1', + 'contact1' => 'Custom Contact 1', + 'contact2' => 'Custom Contact 2', + 'contact3' => 'Custom Contact 3', + 'contact4' => 'Custom Contact 4', + 'task1' => 'Custom Task 1', + 'task2' => 'Custom Task 2', + 'task3' => 'Custom Task 3', + 'task4' => 'Custom Task 4', + 'project1' => 'Custom Project 1', + 'project2' => 'Custom Project 2', + 'project3' => 'Custom Project 3', + 'project4' => 'Custom Project 4', + 'expense1' => 'Custom Expense 1', + 'expense2' => 'Custom Expense 2', + 'expense3' => 'Custom Expense 3', + 'expense4' => 'Custom Expense 4', + 'vendor1' => 'Custom Vendor 1', + 'vendor2' => 'Custom Vendor 2', + 'vendor3' => 'Custom Vendor 3', + 'vendor4' => 'Custom Vendor 4', + 'invoice1' => 'Custom Invoice 1', + 'invoice2' => 'Custom Invoice 2', + 'invoice3' => 'Custom Invoice 3', + 'invoice4' => 'Custom Invoice 4', + 'payment1' => 'Custom Payment 1', + 'payment2' => 'Custom Payment 2', + 'payment3' => 'Custom Payment 3', + 'payment4' => 'Custom Payment 4', + 'surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1', + 'surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2', + 'surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3', + 'surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4', + 'group1' => 'Custom Group 1', + 'group2' => 'Custom Group 2', + 'group3' => 'Custom Group 3', + 'group4' => 'Custom Group 4', + 'number' => 'Number', + 'count' => 'Count', + 'is_active' => 'Is Active', + 'contact_last_login' => 'Contact Last Login', + 'contact_full_name' => 'Contact Full Name', + 'contact_custom_value1' => 'Contact Custom Value 1', + 'contact_custom_value2' => 'Contact Custom Value 2', + 'contact_custom_value3' => 'Contact Custom Value 3', + 'contact_custom_value4' => 'Contact Custom Value 4', + 'assigned_to_id' => 'Assigned To Id', + 'created_by_id' => 'Created By Id', + 'add_column' => 'Add Column', + 'edit_columns' => 'Edit Columns', + 'to_learn_about_gogle_fonts' => 'to learn about Google Fonts', + 'refund_date' => 'Refund Date', + 'multiselect' => 'Multiselect', + 'verify_password' => 'Verify Password', + 'applied' => 'Applied', + 'include_recent_errors' => 'Include recent errors from the logs', + 'your_message_has_been_received' => 'We have received your message and will try to respond promptly.', + 'show_product_details' => 'Show Product Details', + 'show_product_details_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown', + 'pdf_min_requirements' => 'The PDF renderer requires :version', + 'adjust_fee_percent' => 'Adjust Fee Percent', + 'configure_settings' => 'Configure Settings', + 'about' => 'About', + 'credit_email' => 'Credit Email', + 'domain_url' => 'Domain URL', + 'password_is_too_easy' => 'Password msut contain an upper case character and a number', + 'client_portal_tasks' => 'Client Portal Tasks', + 'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Client Portal Dashboard', + 'please_enter_a_value' => 'Please enter a value', + 'deleted_logo' => 'Successfully deleted logo', + 'generate_number' => 'Generate Number', + 'when_saved' => 'When Saved', + 'when_sent' => 'When Sent', + 'select_company' => 'Select Company', + 'float' => 'Float', + 'collapse' => 'Collapse', + 'show_or_hide' => 'Show/hide', + 'menu_sidebar' => 'Menu Sidebar', + 'history_sidebar' => 'History Sidebar', + 'tablet' => 'Tablet', + 'layout' => 'Layout', + 'module' => 'Module', + 'first_custom' => 'First Custom', + 'second_custom' => 'Second Custom', + 'third_custom' => 'Third Custom', + 'show_cost' => 'Show Cost', + 'show_cost_help' => 'Display a product cost field to track the markup/profit', + 'show_product_quantity' => 'Show Product Quantity', + 'show_product_quantity_help' => 'Display a product quantity field, otherwise default to one', + 'show_invoice_quantity' => 'Show Invoice Quantity', + 'show_invoice_quantity_help' => 'Display a line item quantity field, otherwise default to one', + 'default_quantity' => 'Default Quantity', + 'default_quantity_help' => 'Automatically set the line item quantity to one', + 'one_tax_rate' => 'One Tax Rate', + 'two_tax_rates' => 'Two Tax Rates', + 'three_tax_rates' => 'Three Tax Rates', + 'default_tax_rate' => 'Default Tax Rate', + 'invoice_tax' => 'Invoice Tax', + 'line_item_tax' => 'Line Item Tax', + 'inclusive_taxes' => 'Inclusive Taxes', + 'invoice_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Tax Rates', + 'item_tax_rates' => 'Item Tax Rates', + 'configure_rates' => 'Configure rates', + 'tax_settings_rates' => 'Tax Rates', + 'accent_color' => 'Accent Color', + 'comma_sparated_list' => 'Comma separated list', + 'single_line_text' => 'Single-line text', + 'multi_line_text' => 'Multi-line text', + 'dropdown' => 'Dropdown', + 'field_type' => 'Field Type', + 'recover_password_email_sent' => 'A password recovery email has been sent', + 'removed_user' => 'Successfully removed user', + 'freq_three_years' => 'Three Years', + 'military_time_help' => '24 Hour Display', + 'click_here_capital' => 'Click here', + 'marked_invoice_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent', + 'marked_invoices_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent', + 'marked_invoices_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent', + 'activity_57' => 'System failed to email invoice :invoice', + 'custom_value3' => 'Custom Value 3', + 'custom_value4' => 'Custom Value 4', + 'email_style_custom' => 'Custom Email Style', + 'custom_message_dashboard' => 'Custom Dashboard Message', + 'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'Custom Unpaid Invoice Message', + 'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'Custom Paid Invoice Message', + 'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'Custom Unapproved Quote Message', + 'lock_sent_invoices' => 'Lock Sent Invoices', + 'translations' => 'Translations', + 'task_number_pattern' => 'Task Number Pattern', + 'task_number_counter' => 'Task Number Counter', + 'expense_number_pattern' => 'Expense Number Pattern', + 'expense_number_counter' => 'Expense Number Counter', + 'vendor_number_pattern' => 'Vendor Number Pattern', + 'vendor_number_counter' => 'Vendor Number Counter', + 'ticket_number_pattern' => 'Ticket Number Pattern', + 'ticket_number_counter' => 'Ticket Number Counter', + 'payment_number_pattern' => 'Payment Number Pattern', + 'payment_number_counter' => 'Payment Number Counter', + 'invoice_number_pattern' => 'Invoice Number Pattern', + 'quote_number_pattern' => 'Quote Number Pattern', + 'client_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern', + 'client_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter', + 'credit_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern', + 'credit_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter', + 'reset_counter_date' => 'Reset Counter Date', + 'counter_padding' => 'Counter Padding', + 'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Shared Invoice Quote Counter', + 'default_tax_name_1' => 'Default Tax Name 1', + 'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Default Tax Rate 1', + 'default_tax_name_2' => 'Default Tax Name 2', + 'default_tax_rate_2' => 'Default Tax Rate 2', + 'default_tax_name_3' => 'Default Tax Name 3', + 'default_tax_rate_3' => 'Default Tax Rate 3', + 'email_subject_invoice' => 'Email Invoice Subject', + 'email_subject_quote' => 'Email Quote Subject', + 'email_subject_payment' => 'Email Payment Subject', + 'switch_list_table' => 'Switch List Table', + 'client_city' => 'Client City', + 'client_state' => 'Client State', + 'client_country' => 'Client Country', + 'client_is_active' => 'Client is Active', + 'client_balance' => 'Client Balance', + 'client_address1' => 'Client Address 1', + 'client_address2' => 'Client Address 2', + 'client_shipping_address1' => 'Client Shipping Address 1', + 'client_shipping_address2' => 'Client Shipping Address 2', + 'tax_rate1' => 'Tax Rate 1', + 'tax_rate2' => 'Tax Rate 2', + 'tax_rate3' => 'Tax Rate 3', + 'archived_at' => 'Archived At', + 'has_expenses' => 'Has Expenses', + 'custom_taxes1' => 'Custom Taxes 1', + 'custom_taxes2' => 'Custom Taxes 2', + 'custom_taxes3' => 'Custom Taxes 3', + 'custom_taxes4' => 'Custom Taxes 4', + 'custom_surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1', + 'custom_surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2', + 'custom_surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3', + 'custom_surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4', + 'is_deleted' => 'Is Deleted', + 'vendor_city' => 'Vendor City', + 'vendor_state' => 'Vendor State', + 'vendor_country' => 'Vendor Country', ); return $LANG;