mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 18:52:44 +01:00
fixes for update invoice (#3303)
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,496 +12,492 @@
namespace App\DataMapper;
use App\DataMapper\CompanySettings;
use App\DataMapper\EmailTemplateDefaults;
use App\Models\Company;
* CompanySettings
class CompanySettings extends BaseSettings
/*Group settings based on functionality*/
class CompanySettings extends BaseSettings {
public $auto_archive_invoice = false;
public $lock_sent_invoices = false;
/*Group settings based on functionality*/
public $enable_client_portal_tasks = false;
public $enable_client_portal_password = false;
public $enable_client_portal = true; //implemented
public $enable_client_portal_dashboard = true; //implemented
public $signature_on_pdf = false;
public $document_email_attachment = false;
public $send_portal_password = false;
public $auto_archive_invoice = false;
public $lock_sent_invoices = false;
public $timezone_id = '';
public $date_format_id = '';
public $military_time = false;
public $enable_client_portal_tasks = false;
public $enable_client_portal_password = false;
public $enable_client_portal = true;//implemented
public $enable_client_portal_dashboard = true;//implemented
public $signature_on_pdf = false;
public $document_email_attachment = false;
public $send_portal_password = false;
public $language_id = '';
public $show_currency_code = false;
public $timezone_id = '';
public $date_format_id = '';
public $military_time = false;
public $company_gateway_ids = '';
public $language_id = '';
public $show_currency_code = false;
public $currency_id = '1';
public $company_gateway_ids = '';
public $custom_value1 = '';
public $custom_value2 = '';
public $custom_value3 = '';
public $custom_value4 = '';
public $currency_id = '1';
public $default_task_rate = 0;
public $custom_value1 = '';
public $custom_value2 = '';
public $custom_value3 = '';
public $custom_value4 = '';
public $payment_terms = 1;
public $send_reminders = false;
public $default_task_rate = 0;
public $custom_message_dashboard = '';
public $custom_message_unpaid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_paid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_unapproved_quote = '';
public $auto_archive_quote = false;
public $auto_convert_quote = true;
public $auto_email_invoice = true;
public $payment_terms = 1;
public $send_reminders = false;
public $inclusive_taxes = false;
public $quote_footer = '';
public $custom_message_dashboard = '';
public $custom_message_unpaid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_paid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_unapproved_quote = '';
public $auto_archive_quote = false;
public $auto_convert_quote = true;
public $auto_email_invoice = true;
public $translations;
public $inclusive_taxes = false;
public $quote_footer = '';
public $counter_number_applied = 'when_saved'; // when_saved , when_sent , when_paid
public $quote_number_applied = 'when_saved'; // when_saved , when_sent
/* Counters */
public $invoice_number_pattern = '';
public $invoice_number_counter = 1;
public $translations;
public $quote_number_pattern = '';
public $quote_number_counter = 1;
public $counter_number_applied = 'when_saved';// when_saved , when_sent , when_paid
public $quote_number_applied = 'when_saved';// when_saved , when_sent
public $client_number_pattern = '';
public $client_number_counter = 1;
/* Counters */
public $invoice_number_pattern = '';
public $invoice_number_counter = 1;
public $credit_number_pattern = '';
public $credit_number_counter = 1;
public $quote_number_pattern = '';
public $quote_number_counter = 1;
public $task_number_pattern = '';
public $task_number_counter = 1;
public $client_number_pattern = '';
public $client_number_counter = 1;
public $expense_number_pattern = '';
public $expense_number_counter = 1;
public $credit_number_pattern = '';
public $credit_number_counter = 1;
public $vendor_number_pattern = '';
public $vendor_number_counter = 1;
public $task_number_pattern = '';
public $task_number_counter = 1;
public $ticket_number_pattern = '';
public $ticket_number_counter = 1;
public $expense_number_pattern = '';
public $expense_number_counter = 1;
public $payment_number_pattern = '';
public $payment_number_counter = 1;
public $vendor_number_pattern = '';
public $vendor_number_counter = 1;
public $ticket_number_pattern = '';
public $ticket_number_counter = 1;
public $shared_invoice_quote_counter = false;
public $recurring_number_prefix = 'R';
public $reset_counter_frequency_id = '0';
public $reset_counter_date = '';
public $counter_padding = 4;
public $payment_number_pattern = '';
public $payment_number_counter = 1;
public $design = 'views/pdf/design1.blade.php';
public $shared_invoice_quote_counter = false;
public $recurring_number_prefix = 'R';
public $reset_counter_frequency_id = '0';
public $reset_counter_date = '';
public $counter_padding = 4;
public $invoice_terms = '';
public $quote_terms = '';
public $invoice_taxes = 0;
public $enabled_item_tax_rates = 0;
public $invoice_design_id = '1';
public $quote_design_id = '1';
public $invoice_footer = '';
public $invoice_labels = '';
public $tax_name1 = '';
public $tax_rate1 = 0;
public $tax_name2 = '';
public $tax_rate2 = 0;
public $tax_name3 = '';
public $tax_rate3 = 0;
public $payment_type_id = '1';
public $invoice_fields = '';
public $design = 'views/pdf/design1.blade.php';
public $show_accept_invoice_terms = false;
public $show_accept_quote_terms = false;
public $require_invoice_signature = false;
public $require_quote_signature = false;
public $invoice_terms = '';
public $quote_terms = '';
public $invoice_taxes = 0;
public $enabled_item_tax_rates = 0;
public $invoice_design_id = '1';
public $quote_design_id = '1';
public $invoice_footer = '';
public $invoice_labels = '';
public $tax_name1 = '';
public $tax_rate1 = 0;
public $tax_name2 = '';
public $tax_rate2 = 0;
public $tax_name3 = '';
public $tax_rate3 = 0;
public $payment_type_id = '1';
public $invoice_fields = '';
//email settings
public $email_sending_method = 'default'; //enum 'default','gmail'
public $gmail_sending_user_id = '0';
public $reply_to_email = '';
public $bcc_email = '';
public $pdf_email_attachment = false;
public $ubl_email_attachment = false;
public $show_accept_invoice_terms = false;
public $show_accept_quote_terms = false;
public $require_invoice_signature = false;
public $require_quote_signature = false;
public $email_style = 'plain'; //plain, light, dark, custom
public $email_style_custom = ''; //the template itself
public $email_subject_invoice = '';
public $email_subject_quote = '';
public $email_subject_payment = '';
public $email_subject_statement = '';
public $email_template_invoice = '';
public $email_template_quote = '';
public $email_template_payment = '';
public $email_template_statement = '';
public $email_subject_reminder1 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder2 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder3 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_template_reminder1 = '';
public $email_template_reminder2 = '';
public $email_template_reminder3 = '';
public $email_template_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_signature = '';
public $enable_email_markup = true;
//email settings
public $email_sending_method = 'default';//enum 'default','gmail'
public $gmail_sending_user_id = '0';
public $reply_to_email = '';
public $bcc_email = '';
public $pdf_email_attachment = false;
public $ubl_email_attachment = false;
public $email_subject_custom1 = '';
public $email_subject_custom2 = '';
public $email_subject_custom3 = '';
public $email_style = 'plain';//plain, light, dark, custom
public $email_style_custom = '';//the template itself
public $email_subject_invoice = '';
public $email_subject_quote = '';
public $email_subject_payment = '';
public $email_subject_statement = '';
public $email_template_invoice = '';
public $email_template_quote = '';
public $email_template_payment = '';
public $email_template_statement = '';
public $email_subject_reminder1 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder2 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder3 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_template_reminder1 = '';
public $email_template_reminder2 = '';
public $email_template_reminder3 = '';
public $email_template_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_signature = '';
public $enable_email_markup = true;
public $email_template_custom1 = '';
public $email_template_custom2 = '';
public $email_template_custom3 = '';
public $email_subject_custom1 = '';
public $email_subject_custom2 = '';
public $email_subject_custom3 = '';
public $enable_reminder1 = false;
public $enable_reminder2 = false;
public $enable_reminder3 = false;
public $email_template_custom1 = '';
public $email_template_custom2 = '';
public $email_template_custom3 = '';
public $num_days_reminder1 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder2 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder3 = 0;
public $enable_reminder1 = false;
public $enable_reminder2 = false;
public $enable_reminder3 = false;
public $schedule_reminder1 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder2 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder3 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $num_days_reminder1 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder2 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder3 = 0;
public $reminder_send_time = 32400; //number of seconds from UTC +0 to send reminders
public $schedule_reminder1 = '';// (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder2 = '';// (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder3 = '';// (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $late_fee_amount1 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount2 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount3 = 0;
public $reminder_send_time = 32400;//number of seconds from UTC +0 to send reminders
public $endless_reminder_frequency_id = '0';
public $late_fee_amount1 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount2 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount3 = 0;
public $client_online_payment_notification = true;
public $client_manual_payment_notification = true;
public $endless_reminder_frequency_id = '0';
public $late_fee_endless_amount = 0;
public $late_fee_endless_percent = 0;
/* Company Meta data that we can use to build sub companies*/
public $client_online_payment_notification = true;
public $client_manual_payment_notification = true;
public $name = '';
public $company_logo = '';
public $website = '';
public $address1 = '';
public $address2 = '';
public $city = '';
public $state = '';
public $postal_code = '';
public $phone = '';
public $email = '';
public $country_id;
public $vat_number = '';
public $id_number = '';
/* Company Meta data that we can use to build sub companies*/
public $page_size = 'A4';
public $font_size = 9;
public $primary_font = 'Roboto';
public $secondary_font = 'Roboto';
public $hide_paid_to_date = false;
public $embed_documents = false;
public $all_pages_header = true;
public $all_pages_footer = true;
public $invoice_variables = [];
public $name = '';
public $company_logo = '';
public $website = '';
public $address1 = '';
public $address2 = '';
public $city = '';
public $state = '';
public $postal_code = '';
public $phone = '';
public $email = '';
public $country_id;
public $vat_number = '';
public $id_number = '';
public static $casts = [
'auto_email_invoice' => 'bool',
'reminder_send_time' => 'int',
'email_sending_method' => 'string',
'gmail_sending_user_id' => 'string',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'counter_number_applied' => 'string',
'quote_number_applied' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom1' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom2' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom3' => 'string',
'email_template_custom1' => 'string',
'email_template_custom2' => 'string',
'email_template_custom3' => 'string',
'enable_reminder1' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder2' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder3' => 'bool',
'num_days_reminder1' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder2' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder3' => 'int',
'schedule_reminder1' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder2' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder3' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'late_fee_amount1' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount2' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount3' => 'float',
'endless_reminder_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'client_online_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'client_manual_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'document_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'enable_email_markup' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal' => 'bool',
'email_template_statement' => 'string',
'email_subject_statement' => 'string',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'bool',
'send_portal_password' => 'bool',
'quote_footer' => 'string',
'page_size' => 'string',
'font_size' => 'int',
'primary_font' => 'string',
'secondary_font' => 'string',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'bool',
'embed_documents' => 'bool',
'all_pages_header' => 'bool',
'all_pages_footer' => 'bool',
'task_number_pattern' => 'string',
'task_number_counter' => 'int',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'string',
'expense_number_counter' => 'int',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'string',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'int',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'string',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'int',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'string',
'payment_number_counter' => 'int',
'reply_to_email' => 'string',
'bcc_email' => 'string',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'ubl_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'email_style' => 'string',
'email_style_custom' => 'string',
'company_gateway_ids' => 'string',
'address1' => 'string',
'address2' => 'string',
'city' => 'string',
'company_logo' => 'string',
'country_id' => 'string',
'client_number_pattern' => 'string',
'client_number_counter' => 'integer',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'string',
'credit_number_counter' => 'integer',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'custom_value1' => 'string',
'custom_value2' => 'string',
'custom_value3' => 'string',
'custom_value4' => 'string',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'string',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'string',
'default_task_rate' => 'float',
'email_signature' => 'string',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'string',
'email_subject_quote' => 'string',
'email_subject_payment' => 'string',
'email_template_invoice' => 'string',
'email_template_quote' => 'string',
'email_template_payment' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'bool',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'string',
'invoice_number_counter' => 'integer',
'invoice_design_id' => 'string',
'invoice_fields' => 'string',
'invoice_taxes' => 'int',
'enabled_item_tax_rates' => 'int',
'invoice_footer' => 'string',
'invoice_labels' => 'string',
'invoice_terms' => 'string',
'name' => 'string',
'payment_terms' => 'integer',
'payment_type_id' => 'string',
'phone' => 'string',
'postal_code' => 'string',
'quote_design_id' => 'string',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'string',
'quote_number_counter' => 'integer',
'quote_terms' => 'string',
'recurring_number_prefix' => 'string',
'reset_counter_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'reset_counter_date' => 'string',
'require_invoice_signature' => 'bool',
'require_quote_signature' => 'bool',
'state' => 'string',
'email' => 'string',
'vat_number' => 'string',
'id_number' => 'string',
'tax_name1' => 'string',
'tax_name2' => 'string',
'tax_name3' => 'string',
'tax_rate1' => 'float',
'tax_rate2' => 'float',
'tax_rate3' => 'float',
'show_accept_quote_terms' => 'bool',
'show_accept_invoice_terms' => 'bool',
'timezone_id' => 'string',
'date_format_id' => 'string',
'military_time' => 'bool',
'language_id' => 'string',
'show_currency_code' => 'bool',
'send_reminders' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_tasks' => 'bool',
'lock_sent_invoices' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'bool',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'bool',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'bool',
'counter_padding' => 'integer',
'design' => 'string',
'website' => 'string',
'invoice_variables' => 'object',
public $page_size = 'A4';
public $font_size = 9;
public $primary_font = 'Roboto';
public $secondary_font = 'Roboto';
public $hide_paid_to_date = false;
public $embed_documents = false;
public $all_pages_header = true;
public $all_pages_footer = true;
public $invoice_variables = [];
* Array of variables which
* cannot be modified client side
public static $protected_fields = [
// 'credit_number_counter',
// 'invoice_number_counter',
// 'quote_number_counter',
public static $casts = [
'late_fee_endless_percent' => 'float',
'late_fee_endless_amount' => 'float',
'auto_email_invoice' => 'bool',
'reminder_send_time' => 'int',
'email_sending_method' => 'string',
'gmail_sending_user_id' => 'string',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'counter_number_applied' => 'string',
'quote_number_applied' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom1' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom2' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom3' => 'string',
'email_template_custom1' => 'string',
'email_template_custom2' => 'string',
'email_template_custom3' => 'string',
'enable_reminder1' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder2' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder3' => 'bool',
'num_days_reminder1' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder2' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder3' => 'int',
'schedule_reminder1' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder2' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder3' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'late_fee_amount1' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount2' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount3' => 'float',
'endless_reminder_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'client_online_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'client_manual_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'document_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'enable_email_markup' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal' => 'bool',
'email_template_statement' => 'string',
'email_subject_statement' => 'string',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'bool',
'send_portal_password' => 'bool',
'quote_footer' => 'string',
'page_size' => 'string',
'font_size' => 'int',
'primary_font' => 'string',
'secondary_font' => 'string',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'bool',
'embed_documents' => 'bool',
'all_pages_header' => 'bool',
'all_pages_footer' => 'bool',
'task_number_pattern' => 'string',
'task_number_counter' => 'int',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'string',
'expense_number_counter' => 'int',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'string',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'int',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'string',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'int',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'string',
'payment_number_counter' => 'int',
'reply_to_email' => 'string',
'bcc_email' => 'string',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'ubl_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'email_style' => 'string',
'email_style_custom' => 'string',
'company_gateway_ids' => 'string',
'address1' => 'string',
'address2' => 'string',
'city' => 'string',
'company_logo' => 'string',
'country_id' => 'string',
'client_number_pattern' => 'string',
'client_number_counter' => 'integer',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'string',
'credit_number_counter' => 'integer',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'custom_value1' => 'string',
'custom_value2' => 'string',
'custom_value3' => 'string',
'custom_value4' => 'string',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'string',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'string',
'default_task_rate' => 'float',
'email_signature' => 'string',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'string',
'email_subject_quote' => 'string',
'email_subject_payment' => 'string',
'email_template_invoice' => 'string',
'email_template_quote' => 'string',
'email_template_payment' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'bool',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'string',
'invoice_number_counter' => 'integer',
'invoice_design_id' => 'string',
'invoice_fields' => 'string',
'invoice_taxes' => 'int',
'enabled_item_tax_rates' => 'int',
'invoice_footer' => 'string',
'invoice_labels' => 'string',
'invoice_terms' => 'string',
'name' => 'string',
'payment_terms' => 'integer',
'payment_type_id' => 'string',
'phone' => 'string',
'postal_code' => 'string',
'quote_design_id' => 'string',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'string',
'quote_number_counter' => 'integer',
'quote_terms' => 'string',
'recurring_number_prefix' => 'string',
'reset_counter_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'reset_counter_date' => 'string',
'require_invoice_signature' => 'bool',
'require_quote_signature' => 'bool',
'state' => 'string',
'email' => 'string',
'vat_number' => 'string',
'id_number' => 'string',
'tax_name1' => 'string',
'tax_name2' => 'string',
'tax_name3' => 'string',
'tax_rate1' => 'float',
'tax_rate2' => 'float',
'tax_rate3' => 'float',
'show_accept_quote_terms' => 'bool',
'show_accept_invoice_terms' => 'bool',
'timezone_id' => 'string',
'date_format_id' => 'string',
'military_time' => 'bool',
'language_id' => 'string',
'show_currency_code' => 'bool',
'send_reminders' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_tasks' => 'bool',
'lock_sent_invoices' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'bool',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'bool',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'bool',
'counter_padding' => 'integer',
'design' => 'string',
'website' => 'string',
'invoice_variables' => 'object',
* Cast object values and return entire class
* prevents missing properties from not being returned
* and always ensure an up to date class is returned
* @return \stdClass
public function __construct($obj)
// parent::__construct($obj);
* Array of variables which
* cannot be modified client side
public static $protected_fields = [
// 'credit_number_counter',
// 'invoice_number_counter',
// 'quote_number_counter',
* Provides class defaults on init
* @return object
public static function defaults() : \stdClass
$config = json_decode(config('ninja.settings'));
$data = (object)get_class_vars(CompanySettings::class);
* Cast object values and return entire class
* prevents missing properties from not being returned
* and always ensure an up to date class is returned
* @return \stdClass
public function __construct($obj) {
// parent::__construct($obj);
$data->timezone_id = (string)config('ninja.i18n.timezone_id');
$data->currency_id = (string)config('ninja.i18n.currency_id');
$data->language_id = (string)config('ninja.i18n.language_id');
$data->payment_terms = (int)config('ninja.i18n.payment_terms');
$data->military_time = (bool)config('ninja.i18n.military_time');
$data->date_format_id = (string)config('ninja.i18n.date_format_id');
$data->country_id = (string)config('ninja.i18n.country_id');
$data->translations = (object) [];
$data->invoice_variables = (array) self::getInvoiceVariableDefaults();
* Provides class defaults on init
* @return object
public static function defaults():\stdClass {
$config = json_decode(config('ninja.settings'));
// $data->email_subject_invoice = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailInvoiceSubject();
// $data->email_template_invoice = EmailTemplateDefaults:: emailInvoiceTemplate();
// $data->email_subject_quote = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailQuoteSubject();
// $data->email_subject_payment = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailPaymentSubject();
// $data->email_subject_statement = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailStatementSubject();
// $data->email_template_quote = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailQuoteTemplate();
// $data->email_template_payment = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailPaymentTemplate();
// $data->email_template_statement = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailStatementTemplate();
// $data->email_subject_reminder1 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder1Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder2 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder2Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder3 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder3Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder_endless = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminderEndlessSubject();
// $data->email_template_reminder1 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder1Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder2 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder2Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder3 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder3Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder_endless = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminderEndlessTemplate();
return self::setCasts($data, self::$casts);
$data = (object) get_class_vars(CompanySettings::class );
* In case we update the settings object in the future we
* need to provide a fallback catch on old settings objects which will
* set new properties to the object prior to being returned.
* @param object $data The settings object to be checked
public static function setProperties($settings) :\stdClass
$company_settings = (object)get_class_vars(CompanySettings::class);
$data->timezone_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.timezone_id');
$data->currency_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.currency_id');
$data->language_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.language_id');
$data->payment_terms = (int) config('ninja.i18n.payment_terms');
$data->military_time = (bool) config('ninja.i18n.military_time');
$data->date_format_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.date_format_id');
$data->country_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.country_id');
$data->translations = (object) [];
$data->invoice_variables = (array) self::getInvoiceVariableDefaults();
foreach ($company_settings as $key => $value) {
if (!property_exists($settings, $key)) {
$settings->{$key} = self::castAttribute($key, $company_settings->{$key});
// $data->email_subject_invoice = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailInvoiceSubject();
// $data->email_template_invoice = EmailTemplateDefaults:: emailInvoiceTemplate();
// $data->email_subject_quote = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailQuoteSubject();
// $data->email_subject_payment = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailPaymentSubject();
// $data->email_subject_statement = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailStatementSubject();
// $data->email_template_quote = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailQuoteTemplate();
// $data->email_template_payment = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailPaymentTemplate();
// $data->email_template_statement = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailStatementTemplate();
// $data->email_subject_reminder1 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder1Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder2 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder2Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder3 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder3Subject();
// $data->email_subject_reminder_endless = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminderEndlessSubject();
// $data->email_template_reminder1 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder1Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder2 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder2Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder3 = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminder3Template();
// $data->email_template_reminder_endless = EmailTemplateDefaults::emailReminderEndlessTemplate();
return $settings;
return self::setCasts($data, self::$casts);
private static function getInvoiceVariableDefaults()
$variables = [
'client_details' => [
'company_details' => [
'company_address' => [
'invoice_details' => [
'table_columns' => [
* In case we update the settings object in the future we
* need to provide a fallback catch on old settings objects which will
* set new properties to the object prior to being returned.
* @param object $data The settings object to be checked
public static function setProperties($settings):\stdClass {
$company_settings = (object) get_class_vars(CompanySettings::class );
return $variables;
foreach ($company_settings as $key => $value) {
if (!property_exists($settings, $key)) {
$settings->{ $key} = self::castAttribute($key, $company_settings->{ $key});
return $settings;
private static function getInvoiceVariableDefaults() {
$variables = [
'client_details' => [
'company_details' => [
'company_address' => [
'invoice_details' => [
'table_columns' => [
return $variables;
@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ use App\Http\Requests\Invoice\EditInvoiceRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Invoice\ShowInvoiceRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Invoice\StoreInvoiceRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Invoice\UpdateInvoiceRequest;
use App\Jobs\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf;
use App\Jobs\Invoice\EmailInvoice;
use App\Jobs\Invoice\StoreInvoice;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Repositories\InvoiceRepository;
use App\Transformers\InvoiceTransformer;
use App\Utils\Traits\MakesHash;
@ -41,6 +39,7 @@ use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class InvoiceController extends BaseController {
use MakesHash;
protected $entity_type = Invoice::class ;
@ -654,6 +653,10 @@ class InvoiceController extends BaseController {
$contact = $invitation->contact;
$invoice = $invitation->invoice;
return response()->json($invitation_key);
$file_path = CreateInvoicePdf::dispatchNow($invoice, $invoice->company, $contact);
return response()->download($file_path);
//return response()->json($invitation_key);
@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ class InvoiceRepository extends BaseRepository {
if (!$inv) {
if (isset($invitation['id'])) {
$new_invitation = InvoiceInvitationFactory::create($invoice->company_id, $invoice->user_id);
$new_invitation->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user