mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-11-09 20:52:56 +01:00

Add Khmer language

This commit is contained in:
David Bomba 2023-04-27 15:02:52 +10:00
parent c259bf44be
commit cc2eab87bd
20 changed files with 5380 additions and 405 deletions

View File

@ -48,48 +48,8 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @OA\Get(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations",
* operationId="getBankIntegrations",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Gets a list of bank_integrations",
* description="Lists all bank integrations",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/index"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="rows",
* in="query",
* description="The number of bank integrations to return",
* example="50",
* required=false,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="number",
* format="integer",
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="A list of bank integrations",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
* @param Request $request
* @return Response|mixed
* @param BankIntegrationFilters $filters
* @return Responsec
public function index(BankIntegrationFilters $filters)
@ -105,47 +65,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param BankIntegration $bank_integration
* @return Response
* @OA\Get(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/{id}",
* operationId="showBankIntegration",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Shows a bank_integration",
* description="Displays a bank_integration by id",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="id",
* in="path",
* description="The BankIntegration Hashed ID",
* example="D2J234DFA",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* format="string",
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function show(ShowBankIntegrationRequest $request, BankIntegration $bank_integration)
@ -160,47 +79,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param BankIntegration $bank_integration
* @return Response
* @OA\Get(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/{id}/edit",
* operationId="editBankIntegration",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Shows a bank_integration for editing",
* description="Displays a bank_integration by id",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="id",
* in="path",
* description="The BankIntegration Hashed ID",
* example="D2J234DFA",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* format="string",
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function edit(EditBankIntegrationRequest $request, BankIntegration $bank_integration)
@ -214,48 +92,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param BankIntegration $bank_integration
* @return Response
* @OA\Put(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/{id}",
* operationId="updateBankIntegration",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Updates a bank_integration",
* description="Handles the updating of a bank_integration by id",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="id",
* in="path",
* description="The BankIntegration Hashed ID",
* example="D2J234DFA",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* format="string",
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function update(UpdateBankIntegrationRequest $request, BankIntegration $bank_integration)
@ -271,37 +107,7 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param CreateBankIntegrationRequest $request
* @return Response
* @OA\Get(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/create",
* operationId="getBankIntegrationsCreate",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Gets a new blank bank_integration object",
* description="Returns a blank object with default values",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="A blank bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function create(CreateBankIntegrationRequest $request)
@ -320,37 +126,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param StoreBankIntegrationRequest $request
* @return Response
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations",
* operationId="storeBankIntegration",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Adds a bank_integration",
* description="Adds an bank_integration to a company",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the saved bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function store(StoreBankIntegrationRequest $request)
@ -371,47 +146,7 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @param BankIntegration $bank_integration
* @return Response
* @throws \Exception
* @OA\Delete(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/{id}",
* operationId="deleteBankIntegration",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Deletes a bank_integration",
* description="Handles the deletion of a bank_integration by id",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="id",
* in="path",
* description="The BankIntegration Hashed ID",
* example="D2J234DFA",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* format="string",
* ),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns a HTTP status",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function destroy(DestroyBankIntegrationRequest $request, BankIntegration $bank_integration)
@ -426,49 +161,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @return Collection
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/bulk",
* operationId="bulkBankIntegrations",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Performs bulk actions on an array of bank_integrations",
* description="",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/index"),
* @OA\RequestBody(
* description="Action paramters",
* required=true,
* @OA\MediaType(
* mediaType="application/json",
* @OA\Schema(
* type="array",
* @OA\Items(
* type="integer",
* description="Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned",
* example="[0,1,2,3]",
* ),
* )
* )
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="The Bulk Action response",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function bulk(BulkBankIntegrationRequest $request)
@ -493,36 +185,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* Return the remote list of accounts stored on the third party provider.
* @return Response
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/refresh_accounts",
* operationId="getRefreshAccounts",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Gets the list of accounts from the remote server",
* description="Adds an bank_integration to a company",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the saved bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function refreshAccounts(AdminBankIntegrationRequest $request)
@ -584,35 +246,6 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
* @return Response
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/v1/bank_integrations/remove_account/account_id",
* operationId="getRemoveAccount",
* tags={"bank_integrations"},
* summary="Removes an account from the integration",
* description="Removes an account from the integration",
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Returns the bank_integration object",
* @OA\Header(header="X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION", ref="#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
* @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"),
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/BankIntegration"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=422,
* description="Validation error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"),
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response="default",
* description="Unexpected Error",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"),
* ),
* )
public function removeAccount(AdminBankIntegrationRequest $request, $acc_id)
@ -638,6 +271,14 @@ class BankIntegrationController extends BaseController
return $this->itemResponse($bi->fresh());
* Return the remote list of accounts stored on the third party provider
* and update our local cache.
* @return Response
public function getTransactions(AdminBankIntegrationRequest $request)
/** @var \App\Models\User $user */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
use App\Models\Language;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
* @return void
public function up()
$language = Language::find(38);
if (! $language) {
Language::create(['id' => 38, 'name' => 'Khmer', 'locale' => 'km_KH']);
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()

View File

@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ class LanguageSeeder extends Seeder
['id' => 30, 'name' => 'Arabic', 'locale' => 'ar'],
['id' => 31, 'name' => 'Persian', 'locale' => 'fa'],
['id' => 32, 'name' => 'Latvian', 'locale' => 'lv_LV'],
['id' => 33, 'name' => 'Serbian', 'locale' => 'sr'],
['id' => 34, 'name' => 'Slovak', 'locale' => 'sk'],
['id' => 35, 'name' => 'Estonian', 'locale' => 'et'],
['id' => 36, 'name' => 'Bulgarian', 'locale' => 'bg'],
['id' => 37, 'name' => 'Hebrew', 'locale' => 'he'],
['id' => 38, 'name' => 'Khmer', 'locale' => 'km_KH'],
foreach ($languages as $language) {
@ -69,29 +75,5 @@ class LanguageSeeder extends Seeder
if (!Language::find(33)) {
$serbian = ['id' => 33, 'name' => 'Serbian', 'locale' => 'sr'];
if (!Language::find(34)) {
$slovak = ['id' => 34, 'name' => 'Slovak', 'locale' => 'sk'];
if (!Language::find(35)) {
$estonia = ['id' => 35, 'name' => 'Estonian', 'locale' => 'et'];
if (!Language::find(36)) {
$bulgarian = ['id' => 36, 'name' => 'Bulgarian', 'locale' => 'bg'];
if (!Language::find(37)) {
$hebrew = ['id' => 37, 'name' => 'Hebrew', 'locale' => 'he'];

View File

@ -5002,7 +5002,7 @@ $LANG = array(
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'مستحق الدفع paydate: صافي أيام الدفع payeddue: تاريخ الدفع',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "لم يتم إعطاء إشارة للمشتري",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'يجب دفع الفاتورة عبر الإنترنت من خلال الرابط المقدم',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'الدفع المسبق',
'number_of_payments' => 'عدد الدفعات',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'عدد المرات التي سيتم فيها إجراء هذه الدفعة',
@ -5086,6 +5086,8 @@ $LANG = array(
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4983,7 +4983,7 @@ https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E-Übertragung',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Zahlbar innerhalb von :payeddue Tagen netto bis :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Keine Käuferreferenz angegeben",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'Die Rechnung muss online über den bereitgestellten Link bezahlt werden',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Vorauszahlung',
'number_of_payments' => 'Anzahl der Zahlungen',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Die Häufigkeit, mit der diese Zahlung erfolgt',
@ -5067,6 +5067,8 @@ https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -5067,7 +5067,7 @@ $LANG = array(
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',
'lang_Khmer' => 'Khmer',

View File

@ -4979,7 +4979,7 @@ $LANG = array(
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Transferencia Interac E',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Payable within :payeddue days net until :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "No se da referencia del comprador",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'La factura debe pagarse en línea a través del enlace provisto',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Prepago',
'number_of_payments' => 'numero de pagos',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'El número de veces que se realizará este pago.',
@ -5063,6 +5063,8 @@ $LANG = array(
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4971,7 +4971,7 @@ Una vez que tenga los montos, vuelva a esta página de métodos de pago y haga c
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Pagadero dentro de :payeddue días de pago vencido neto hasta :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "No se da la referencia del comprador",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'La factura debe pagarse en línea a través del enlace proporcionado.',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Prepago',
'number_of_payments' => 'Numero de pagos',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'El número de veces que se realizará este pago.',
@ -5055,6 +5055,8 @@ Una vez que tenga los montos, vuelva a esta página de métodos de pago y haga c
'services' => 'Servicios',
'shipping' => 'Envío',
'tax_exempt' => 'Exento de impuestos',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4975,7 +4975,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Virement Interac E',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Payable sous :payeddue days net jusqu\'au :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Aucune référence d'acheteur donnée",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'La facture doit être payée en ligne via le lien fourni',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Prépaiement',
'number_of_payments' => 'Nombre de paiements',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Le nombre de fois que ce paiement sera effectué',
@ -5059,6 +5059,8 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4973,7 +4973,7 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Transfert Interac',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Payable d\'ici :payeddue jours jusqu\'à :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Aucune référence de l'acheteur fournie",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'Cette facture doit être payée en ligne en utilisant le lien fourni',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'Cette facture doit être payée en ligne en suivant le lien fourni',
'pre_payment' => 'Prépaiement',
'number_of_payments' => 'Nombre de paiements',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Nombre de fois que ce paiement sera fait',
@ -5057,6 +5057,8 @@ Lorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Livraison',
'tax_exempt' => 'Exemption de taxes',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Les frais de retard pour la facture :invoice ont été ajoutés le :date',

View File

@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ $LANG = array(
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Trasferimento',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Pagabile entro :payeddue giorni netti fino :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Nessun riferimento dell&#39;acquirente fornito",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'La fattura deve essere pagata online tramite il link fornito',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Pagamento anticipato',
'number_of_payments' => 'Numero di pagamenti',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Il numero di volte in cui verrà effettuato questo pagamento',
@ -5050,6 +5050,8 @@ $LANG = array(
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

lang/km_KH/auth.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
return [
| Authentication Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
'failed' => 'These credentials do not match our records.',
'password' => 'The provided password is incorrect.',
'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.',

lang/km_KH/help.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
$lang = [
'client_dashboard' => 'Message to be displayed on clients dashboard',
'client_currency' => 'The client currency.',
'client_language' => 'The client language.',
'client_payment_terms' => 'The client payment terms.',
'client_paid_invoice' => 'Message to be displayed on a clients paid invoice screen',
'client_unpaid_invoice' => 'Message to be displayed on a clients unpaid invoice screen',
'client_unapproved_quote' => 'Message to be displayed on a clients unapproved quote screen',
return $lang;

lang/km_KH/pagination.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
return [
| Pagination Language Lines
| The following language lines are used by the paginator library to build
| the simple pagination links. You are free to change them to anything
| you want to customize your views to better match your application.
'previous' => '« Previous',
'next' => 'Next »',

lang/km_KH/passwords.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
return [
| Password Reset Language Lines
| The following language lines are the default lines which match reasons
| that are given by the password broker for a password update attempt
| has failed, such as for an invalid token or invalid new password.
'password' => 'Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.',
'reset' => 'Your password has been reset!',
'sent' => 'We have e-mailed your password reset link!',
'token' => 'This password reset token is invalid.',
'user' => "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
'throttled' => 'You have requested password reset recently, please check your email.',

lang/km_KH/texts.php Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lang/km_KH/validation.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
return [
| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
| the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
| as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages here.
'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
'accepted_if' => 'The :attribute must be accepted when :other is :value.',
'active_url' => 'The :attribute is not a valid URL.',
'after' => 'The :attribute must be a date after :date.',
'after_or_equal' => 'The :attribute must be a date after or equal to :date.',
'alpha' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters.',
'alpha_dash' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.',
'alpha_num' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters and numbers.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must be an array.',
'before' => 'The :attribute must be a date before :date.',
'before_or_equal' => 'The :attribute must be a date before or equal to :date.',
'between' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.',
'boolean' => 'The :attribute field must be true or false.',
'confirmed' => 'The :attribute confirmation does not match.',
'current_password' => 'The password is incorrect.',
'date' => 'The :attribute is not a valid date.',
'date_equals' => 'The :attribute must be a date equal to :date.',
'date_format' => 'The :attribute does not match the format :format.',
'declined' => 'The :attribute must be declined.',
'declined_if' => 'The :attribute must be declined when :other is :value.',
'different' => 'The :attribute and :other must be different.',
'digits' => 'The :attribute must be :digits digits.',
'digits_between' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.',
'dimensions' => 'The :attribute has invalid image dimensions.',
'distinct' => 'The :attribute field has a duplicate value.',
'email' => 'The :attribute must be a valid email address.',
'ends_with' => 'The :attribute must end with one of the following: :values.',
'enum' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'exists' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be a file.',
'filled' => 'The :attribute field must have a value.',
'gt' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have more than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value characters.',
'gte' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'image' => 'The :attribute must be an image.',
'in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'in_array' => 'The :attribute field does not exist in :other.',
'integer' => 'The :attribute must be an integer.',
'ip' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IP address.',
'ipv4' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address.',
'ipv6' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address.',
'json' => 'The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.',
'lt' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have less than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value characters.',
'lte' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must not have more than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value characters.',
'mac_address' => 'The :attribute must be a valid MAC address.',
'max' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must not have more than :max items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max characters.',
'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'mimetypes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'min' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
'multiple_of' => 'The :attribute must be a multiple of :value.',
'not_in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'not_regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be a number.',
'password' => [
'letters' => 'The :attribute must contain at least one letter.',
'mixed' => 'The :attribute must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.',
'numbers' => 'The :attribute must contain at least one number.',
'symbols' => 'The :attribute must contain at least one symbol.',
'uncompromised' => 'The given :attribute has appeared in a data leak. Please choose a different :attribute.',
'present' => 'The :attribute field must be present.',
'prohibited' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited.',
'prohibited_if' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited when :other is :value.',
'prohibited_unless' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited unless :other is in :values.',
'prohibits' => 'The :attribute field prohibits :other from being present.',
'regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
'required_array_keys' => 'The :attribute field must contain entries for: :values.',
'required_if' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.',
'required_unless' => 'The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.',
'required_with' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
'required_with_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values are present.',
'required_without' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.',
'required_without_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.',
'same' => 'The :attribute and :other must match.',
'size' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must contain :size items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be :size.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be :size characters.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'doesnt_start_with' => 'The :attribute may not start with one of the following: :values.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be a string.',
'timezone' => 'The :attribute must be a valid timezone.',
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'uploaded' => 'The :attribute failed to upload.',
'url' => 'The :attribute must be a valid URL.',
'uuid' => 'The :attribute must be a valid UUID.',
| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention "attribute.rule" to name the lines. This makes it quick to
| specify a specific custom language line for a given attribute rule.
'custom' => [
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
| Custom Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap our attribute placeholder
| with something more reader friendly such as "E-Mail Address" instead
| of "email". This simply helps us make our message more expressive.
'attributes' => [],

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@ -4975,7 +4975,7 @@ Email: :email<b><br><b>',
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E-overdracht',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Te betalen binnen :payeddue vervaldagen netto tot :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Geen kopersreferentie opgegeven",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'De factuur dient online betaald te worden via de voorziene link',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Vooruitbetaling',
'number_of_payments' => 'Aantal betalingen',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Het aantal keren dat deze betaling zal worden gedaan',
@ -5059,6 +5059,8 @@ Email: :email<b><br><b>',
'services' => 'Diensten',
'shipping' => 'Verzenden',
'tax_exempt' => 'Vrijgesteld van belasting',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4978,7 +4978,7 @@ O envio de E-mails foi suspenso. Será retomado às 23:00 UTC.',
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Pagável dentro de :payeddue dias líquidos até :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Nenhuma referência do comprador fornecida",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'A fatura deve ser paga online através do link fornecido',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Pré-Pagamento',
'number_of_payments' => 'Número de pagamentos',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'O número de vezes que esse pagamento será feito',
@ -5062,6 +5062,8 @@ O envio de E-mails foi suspenso. Será retomado às 23:00 UTC.',
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',

View File

@ -4964,7 +4964,7 @@ Nemôžete nájsť faktúru? Potrebujete poradiť? Radi Vám pomôžeme
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Splatné do :payeddue dní netto do :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "Nebola uvedená žiadna referencia kupujúceho",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'Faktúru je potrebné uhradiť online cez uvedený odkaz',
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Platba vopred',
'number_of_payments' => 'Počet platieb',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'Koľkokrát sa táto platba uskutoční',
@ -5048,6 +5048,8 @@ Nemôžete nájsť faktúru? Potrebujete poradiť? Radi Vám pomôžeme
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',