diff --git a/app/Mail/TemplateEmail.php b/app/Mail/TemplateEmail.php
index 78f45c372d..1c5be18e98 100644
--- a/app/Mail/TemplateEmail.php
+++ b/app/Mail/TemplateEmail.php
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class TemplateEmail extends Mailable
$link_string = '
+ $link_string .= "- {ctrans('texts.download_files')}
foreach ($this->build_email->getAttachmentLinks() as $link) {
$link_string .= "- {$link}
diff --git a/openapi/api-docs.yaml b/openapi/api-docs.yaml
index e43d4191c3..a736d98853 100644
--- a/openapi/api-docs.yaml
+++ b/openapi/api-docs.yaml
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ paths:
- bank_transactions
- summary: "Performs bulk actions on an array of bank_transations"
+ summary: "Bulk actions"
description: ""
operationId: bulkBankTransactions
@@ -1132,8 +1132,30 @@ paths:
- bank_transactions
- summary: "Performs match actions on an array of bank_transactions"
- description: ""
+ summary: "Match transactions"
+ description: |
+ Matching invoices or a payment to a bank transactions.
+ The API expects the id of the transaction along with either a comma separated list of invoice ids OR the payment id to associate the transaction to.
+ Example for matching a transaction to two invoices:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"olejRl5ejN","invoice_ids":"JxboYBLegw,JxboYBLeXX"}]}
+ Example for matching a transaction and a paymente:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"olejRl5ejN","payment_id":"JxboYBLeXf"}]}
+ Matching expenses.
+ You can match an existing expense within Invoice Ninja - or - create a new expense using the following:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"open5pld7A","vendor_id":"gl9avJnaG1","ninja_category_id":""}]}
+ To match to an existing expense:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"Jxbo2qKagw","expense_id":"7N1aMM1aWm"}]}
operationId: matchBankTransactions
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
@@ -8608,21 +8630,20 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/vendors:
+ /api/v1/credits:
- - vendors
- summary: "List vendors"
- description: "Lists vendors, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n\n Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the vendors, these are handled by the VendorFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getVendors
+ - credits
+ summary: "List credits"
+ description: "Lists credits, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the credits, these are handled by the CreditFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getCredits
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "A list of vendors"
+ description: "A list of credits"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8638,7 +8659,7 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Credit'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
@@ -8656,17 +8677,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - vendors
- summary: "Create vendor"
- description: "Adds a vendor to a company"
- operationId: storeVendor
+ - credits
+ summary: "Create credit"
+ description: "Adds an credit to the system"
+ operationId: storeCredit
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "Returns the saved clivendorent object"
+ description: "Returns the saved credit object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8677,7 +8698,374 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/credits/{id}":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Show credit"
+ description: "Displays an credit by id"
+ operationId: showCredit
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the credit object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Credits
+ summary: "Update credit"
+ description: "Handles the updating of an Credit by id"
+ operationId: updateCredit
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Credit object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Delete credit"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of an credit by id"
+ operationId: deleteCredit
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns a HTTP status"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/credits/{id}/edit":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Edit credit"
+ description: "Displays an credit by id"
+ operationId: editCredit
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Invoice Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the credit object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Invoice"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/credits/create:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Blank credit"
+ description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
+ operationId: getCreditsCreate
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "A blank credit object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/credits/bulk:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Bulk credit actions"
+ description: ""
+ operationId: bulkCredits
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
+ requestBody:
+ description: "User credentials"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
+ type: string
+ example: '[D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA]'
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "The Bulk Action response"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/credit/{invitation_key}/download":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Download quote PDF"
+ description: "Downloads a specific quote"
+ operationId: downloadCredit
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: invitation_key
+ in: path
+ description: "The Credit Invitation Key"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the credit pdf"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/credits/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - credits
+ summary: "Upload a credit document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a credit"
+ operationId: uploadCredits
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ requestBody:
+ description: "File Upload Body"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ _method:
+ type: string
+ example: PUT
+ documents:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Credit object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8690,28 +9078,103 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/vendors/{id}":
+ /api/v1/recurring_invoices:
- - vendors
- summary: "Show vendor"
- description: "Displays a vendor by id"
- operationId: showVendor
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "List recurring invoices"
+ description: |
+ Lists invoices with the option to chain multiple query parameters allowing fine grained filtering of the list.
+ operationId: getRecurringInvoices
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The vendor Hashed ID"
- required: true
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_id"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/created_at"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/updated_at"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/is_deleted"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filter_deleted_clients"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/vendor_id"
+ - name: filter
+ in: query
+ description: |
+ Searches across a range of columns including:
+ - custom_value1
+ - custom_value2
+ - custom_value3
+ - custom_value4
+ required: false
type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
+ example: ?filter=bob
+ - name: client_status
+ in: query
+ description: |
+ A comma separated list of invoice status strings. Valid options include:
+ - all
+ - active
+ - paused
+ - completed
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ?client_status=active,paused
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: id|desc number|desc balance|asc
- description: "Returns the vendor object"
+ description: "A list of recurring_invoices"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice'
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Create recurring invoice"
+ description: "Adds a Recurring Invoice to the system"
+ operationId: storeRecurringInvoice
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the saved RecurringInvoice object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8722,7 +9185,53 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Show recurring invoice"
+ description: "Displays an RecurringInvoice by id"
+ operationId: showRecurringInvoice
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8737,17 +9246,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - vendors
- summary: "Update vendor"
- description: "Handles the updating of a vendor by id"
- operationId: updateVendor
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Update recurring invoice"
+ description: "Handles the updating of an RecurringInvoice by id"
+ operationId: updateRecurringInvoice
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -8755,7 +9264,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the vendor object"
+ description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8766,7 +9275,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8781,17 +9290,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - vendors
- summary: "Delete vendor"
- description: "Handles the deletion of a vendor by id"
- operationId: deleteVendor
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Delete recurring invoice"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of an RecurringInvoice by id"
+ operationId: deleteRecurringInvoice
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -8819,20 +9328,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/vendors/{id}/edit":
+ "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/edit":
- - vendors
- summary: "Edit vendor"
- description: "Displays a vendor by id"
- operationId: editVendor
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Edit recurring invoice"
+ description: "Displays an RecurringInvoice by id"
+ operationId: editRecurringInvoice
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -8840,7 +9349,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the vendor object"
+ description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8851,7 +9360,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8864,20 +9373,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/vendors/create:
+ /api/v1/recurring_invoices/create:
- - vendors
- summary: "Blank vendor"
- description: "Returns a blank vendor with default values"
- operationId: getVendorsCreate
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Blank recurring invoice"
+ description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
+ operationId: getRecurringInvoicesCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank vendor object"
+ description: "A blank RecurringInvoice object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8888,7 +9398,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8901,31 +9411,55 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/vendors/bulk:
+ /api/v1/recurring_invoices/bulk:
- - vendors
- summary: "Bulk vendor actions"
- description: ""
- operationId: bulkVendors
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Bulk recurring invoice actions"
+ description: |
+ There are multiple actions that are available including:
+ operationId: bulkRecurringInvoices
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "User credentials"
+ description: "Bulk action details"
required: true
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
- type: integer
- example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ action:
+ type: string
+ description: |
+ The action to be performed, options include:
+ - `start`
+ Starts (or restarts) the recurring invoice. **note** if the recurring invoice has been stopped for a long time, it will attempt to catch back up firing a new Invoice every hour per interval that has been missed.
+ If you do not wish to have the recurring invoice catch up, you should set the next_send_date to the correct date you wish the recurring invoice to commence from.
+ - `stop`
+ Stops the recurring invoice.
+ - `send_now`
+ Force sends the recurring invoice - this option is only available when the recurring invoice is in a draft state.
+ - `restore`
+ Restores the recurring invoice from an archived or deleted state.
+ - `archive`
+ Archives the recurring invoice. The recurring invoice will not fire in this state.
+ - `delete`
+ Deletes a recurring invoice.
+ ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned - ['D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA']"
+ type: string
+ example:
+ action: start
+ ids: "['D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA']"
- description: "The Vendor User response"
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8936,7 +9470,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -8949,20 +9483,115 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/vendors/{id}/upload":
- post:
+ "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/{action}":
+ get:
+ deprecated: true
- - vendors
- summary: "Uploads a vendor document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a vendor"
- operationId: uploadVendor
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Custom recurring invoice action"
+ description: "Performs a custom action on an RecurringInvoice.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_RecurringInvoice\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - email"
+ operationId: actionRecurringInvoice
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ - name: action
+ in: path
+ description: "The action string to be performed"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: clone_to_quote
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/recurring_invoice/{invitation_key}/download":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Download recurring invoice PDF"
+ description: "Downloads a specific invoice"
+ operationId: downloadRecurringInvoice
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: invitation_key
+ in: path
+ description: "The Recurring Invoice Invitation Key"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the recurring invoice pdf"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Recurring Invoices
+ summary: "Add recurring invoice document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a recurring_invoice"
+ operationId: uploadRecurringInvoice
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -8987,7 +9616,7 @@ paths:
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Vendor object"
+ description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -8998,7 +9627,989 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/tasks:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "List tasks"
+ description: "Lists tasks, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the tasks, these are handled by the TaskFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getTasks
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "A list of tasks"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Create task"
+ description: "Adds an task to a company"
+ operationId: storeTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the saved task object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/tasks/{id}":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Show task"
+ description: "Displays a task by id"
+ operationId: showTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Task Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the task object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Update task"
+ description: "Handles the updating of a task by id"
+ operationId: updateTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The task Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the task object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Delete task"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of a task by id"
+ operationId: deleteTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Task Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns a HTTP status"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/tasks/{id}/edit":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Edit task"
+ description: "Displays a task by id"
+ operationId: editTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Task Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the client object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/tasks/create:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Blank task"
+ description: "Returns a blank task with default values"
+ operationId: getTasksCreate
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "A blank task object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/tasks/bulk:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Bulk task actions"
+ description: ""
+ operationId: bulkTasks
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
+ requestBody:
+ description: "User credentials"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
+ type: integer
+ example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "The Task User response"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/tasks/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Uploads a task document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a task"
+ operationId: uploadTask
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Task Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ requestBody:
+ description: "File Upload Body"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ _method:
+ type: string
+ example: PUT
+ documents:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Task object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/tasks/sort:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - tasks
+ summary: "Sort tasks on KanBan"
+ description: "Sorts tasks after drag and drop on the KanBan."
+ operationId: sortTasks
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns an Ok, 200 HTTP status"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/quotes:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "List quotes"
+ description: "Lists quotes, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the quotes, these are handled by the QuoteFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getQuotes
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/status"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_id"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/created_at"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/updated_at"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/is_deleted"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filter_deleted_clients"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/vendor_id"
+ - name: filter
+ in: query
+ description: |
+ Searches across a range of columns including:
+ - number
+ - custom_value1
+ - custom_value2
+ - custom_value3
+ - custom_value4
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ?filter=bob
+ - name: client_status
+ in: query
+ description: |
+ A comma separated list of quote status strings. Valid options include:
+ - all
+ - draft
+ - sent
+ - approved
+ - expired
+ - upcoming
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ?client_status=paid,unpaid
+ - name: number
+ in: query
+ description: |
+ Search quote by quote number
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ?number=Q-001
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: id|desc number|desc balance|asc
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "A list of quotes"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Quote'
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Create quote"
+ description: "Adds an Quote to the system"
+ operationId: storeQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the saved Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/quotes/{id}":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Show quote"
+ description: "Displays an Quote by id"
+ operationId: showQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Update quote"
+ description: "Handles the updating of an Quote by id"
+ operationId: updateQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Delete quote"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of an Quote by id"
+ operationId: deleteQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns a HTTP status"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/edit":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Edit quote"
+ description: "Displays an Quote by id"
+ operationId: editQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/quotes/create:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Blank quote"
+ description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
+ operationId: getQuotesCreate
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "A blank Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/quotes/bulk:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Bulk quote actions"
+ description: ""
+ operationId: bulkQuotes
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
+ requestBody:
+ description: "Hashed ids"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
+ type: integer
+ example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "The Quote response"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/{action}":
+ get:
+ deprecated: true
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Performs a custom action on an Quote"
+ description: "Performs a custom action on an Quote.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - convert\n - convert_to_invoice\n - email"
+ operationId: actionQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ - name: action
+ in: path
+ description: "The action string to be performed"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: clone_to_quote
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/quote/{invitation_key}/download":
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Download quote PDF"
+ description: "Downloads a specific quote"
+ operationId: downloadQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: invitation_key
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Invitation Key"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the quote pdf"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - quotes
+ summary: "Upload a quote document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a quote"
+ operationId: uploadQuote
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ requestBody:
+ description: "File Upload Body"
+ required: true
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ _method:
+ type: string
+ example: PUT
+ documents:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Quote object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -9722,20 +11333,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/credits:
+ /api/v1/projects:
- - credits
- summary: "List credits"
- description: "Lists credits, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the credits, these are handled by the CreditFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getCredits
+ - projects
+ summary: "List projects"
+ description: "Lists projects"
+ operationId: getProjects
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "A list of credits"
+ description: "A list of projects"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -9751,7 +11363,7 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Credit'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Project'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
@@ -9769,17 +11381,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - credits
- summary: "Create credit"
- description: "Adds an credit to the system"
- operationId: storeCredit
+ - projects
+ summary: "Create project"
+ description: "Adds an project to a company"
+ operationId: storeProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "Returns the saved credit object"
+ description: "Returns the saved project object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -9790,12 +11402,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -9804,21 +11415,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/credits/{id}":
+ "/api/v1/projects/{id}":
- - credits
- summary: "Show credit"
- description: "Displays an credit by id"
- operationId: showCredit
+ - projects
+ summary: "Show project"
+ description: "Displays a project by id"
+ operationId: showProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Project Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -9826,7 +11436,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the credit object"
+ description: "Returns the expense object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -9837,12 +11447,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -9853,17 +11462,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - Credits
- summary: "Update credit"
- description: "Handles the updating of an Credit by id"
- operationId: updateCredit
+ - projects
+ summary: "Update project"
+ description: "Handles the updating of a project by id"
+ operationId: updateProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Project Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -9871,7 +11480,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the Credit object"
+ description: "Returns the project object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -9882,12 +11491,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -9898,17 +11506,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - credits
- summary: "Delete credit"
- description: "Handles the deletion of an credit by id"
- operationId: deleteCredit
+ - projects
+ summary: "Delete project"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of a project by id"
+ operationId: deleteProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Project Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -9928,7 +11536,6 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -9937,20 +11544,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/credits/{id}/edit":
+ "/api/v1/projects/{id}/edit":
- - credits
- summary: "Edit credit"
- description: "Displays an credit by id"
- operationId: editCredit
+ - projects
+ summary: "Edit project"
+ description: "Displays a project by id"
+ operationId: editProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Invoice Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Project Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -9958,7 +11565,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the credit object"
+ description: "Returns the project object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -9969,12 +11576,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Invoice"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -9983,20 +11589,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/credits/create:
+ /api/v1/projects/create:
- - credits
- summary: "Blank credit"
+ - projects
+ summary: "Blank project"
description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getCreditsCreate
+ operationId: getProjectsCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank credit object"
+ description: "A blank project object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10007,12 +11613,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10021,13 +11626,13 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/credits/bulk:
+ /api/v1/projects/bulk:
- - credits
- summary: "Bulk credit actions"
+ - projects
+ summary: "Bulk project actions"
description: ""
- operationId: bulkCredits
+ operationId: bulkProjects
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
@@ -10041,11 +11646,11 @@ paths:
type: array
description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
- type: string
- example: '[D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA]'
+ type: integer
+ example: "[0,1,2,3]"
- description: "The Bulk Action response"
+ description: "The Project User response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10053,11 +11658,14 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
$ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10066,62 +11674,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/credit/{invitation_key}/download":
- get:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Download quote PDF"
- description: "Downloads a specific quote"
- operationId: downloadCredit
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: invitation_key
- in: path
- description: "The Credit Invitation Key"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the credit pdf"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/credits/{id}/upload":
+ "/api/v1/projects/{id}/upload":
- - credits
- summary: "Upload a credit document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a credit"
- operationId: uploadCredits
+ - projects
+ summary: "Uploads a project document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a project"
+ operationId: uploadProject
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Credit Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Project Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -10146,7 +11712,7 @@ paths:
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Credit object"
+ description: "Returns the Project object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10157,7 +11723,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -10170,69 +11736,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/products:
+ /api/v1/vendors:
- - products
- summary: "List products"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products?filter=search&per_page=20&page=1&include=documents' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: go
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $products = $ninja->products->all([
- 'filter' => 'search',
- 'per_page' => 20,
- 'page' => 1,
- 'include' => 'documents'
- ]);
- description: |
- Lists products within your company.
- You can search and filter the result set using query parameters. These can be chained together allowing fine grained lists to be generated.
- operationId: getProducts
+ - vendors
+ summary: "List vendors"
+ description: "Lists vendors, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n\n Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the vendors, these are handled by the VendorFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getVendors
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/status"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_id"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/created_at"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/updated_at"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/is_deleted"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filter_deleted_clients"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/vendor_id"
- - name: filter
- in: query
- description: Filter by product name
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: bob
- - name: product_key
- in: query
- description: Filter by product key
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: bob
- - name: sort
- in: query
- description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: id|desc product_key|desc
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "A list of products"
+ description: "A list of vendors"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10248,14 +11766,14 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10263,46 +11781,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - products
- summary: "Create Product"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X POST 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
- -d '{"product_key":"sku_1","notes":"product description","cost":1,"price":10}' \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: go
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $products = $ninja->products->create([
- 'product_key' => "sku_1",
- 'notes' => "product description",
- 'cost' => 1,
- 'price' => 10
- ]);
- description: "Adds a product to a company"
- operationId: storeProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Create vendor"
+ description: "Adds a vendor to a company"
+ operationId: storeVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- requestBody:
- description: Product object that needs to be added to the company
- required: true
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRequest'
- description: "Returns the saved product object"
+ description: "Returns the saved clivendorent object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10313,11 +11805,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10325,33 +11817,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- "/api/v1/products/{id}":
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/vendors/{id}":
- - products
- summary: "Show product"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: php
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $product = $ninja->products->get("{id}");
- description: "Displays a product by id"
- operationId: showProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Show vendor"
+ description: "Displays a vendor by id"
+ operationId: showVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Product Hashed ID"
+ description: "The vendor Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -10359,7 +11839,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the product object"
+ description: "Returns the vendor object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10370,11 +11850,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10382,56 +11862,28 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - products
- summary: "Update product"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X PUT 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{
- "product_key": "Updated Product",
- "price": 150.0,
- "notes": "An updated description of the product"
- }'
- - lang: go
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $product = $ninja->products->update("id", [
- "name" => "Updated Product",
- "price" => 150.0,
- "description" => "An updated description of the product"
- ]);
- description: "Handles the updating of a product by id"
- operationId: updateProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Update vendor"
+ description: "Handles the updating of a vendor by id"
+ operationId: updateVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Product Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
format: string
example: D2J234DFA
- requestBody:
- description: Product object that needs to be added to the company
- required: true
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRequest'
- description: "Returns the Product object"
+ description: "Returns the vendor object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10442,11 +11894,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10454,32 +11906,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - products
- summary: "Delete product"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X DELETE 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: go
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $ninja->products->bulk("delete", "id");
- description: "Handles the deletion of a product by id"
- operationId: deleteProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Delete vendor"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of a vendor by id"
+ operationId: deleteVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Product Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -10496,9 +11936,9 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10506,33 +11946,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- "/api/v1/products/{id}/edit":
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/vendors/{id}/edit":
- - products
- summary: "Edit product"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}/edit' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: php
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $product = $ninja->products->get("{id}");
- description: "Displays an Product by id"
- operationId: editProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Edit vendor"
+ description: "Displays a vendor by id"
+ operationId: editVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Product Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -10540,7 +11968,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the Product object"
+ description: "Returns the vendor object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10551,11 +11979,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10563,21 +11991,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- "/api/v1/products/create":
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/vendors/create:
- - products
- summary: "Blank product"
- description: "Returns a blank product object with default values"
- operationId: getProductsCreate
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Blank vendor"
+ description: "Returns a blank vendor with default values"
+ operationId: getVendorsCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank Product object"
+ description: "A blank vendor object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10588,11 +12016,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10600,43 +12028,32 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- /api/v1/products/bulk:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/vendors/bulk:
- - products
- summary: "Bulk product actions"
- x-code-samples:
- - lang: curl
- label: Curl
- source: |
- curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/bulk' \
- -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
- -d '{"action":"archive","ids":["id","id2"]}' \
- -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
- -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
- - lang: php
- label: PHP
- source: |
- $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
- $product = $ninja->products->bulk("action", ["id","id2"]);
- description: "Archive / Restore / Delete / Set tax id in bulk"
- operationId: bulkProducts
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Bulk vendor actions"
+ description: ""
+ operationId: bulkVendors
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: 'Bulk action array'
+ description: "User credentials"
required: true
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductBulkAction'
+ type: array
+ items:
+ description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
+ type: integer
+ example: "[0,1,2,3]"
- description: "The Product response"
+ description: "The Vendor User response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10647,11 +12064,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10659,28 +12076,28 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- "/api/v1/products/{id}/upload":
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/vendors/{id}/upload":
- - products
- summary: "Add product document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a product"
- operationId: uploadProduct
+ - vendors
+ summary: "Uploads a vendor document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a vendor"
+ operationId: uploadVendor
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_include"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Product Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Vendor Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
format: string
example: D2J234DFA
+ description: "File Upload Body"
required: true
@@ -10689,14 +12106,16 @@ paths:
type: string
- example: POST
+ example: PUT
type: array
+ description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
+ type: string
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Product object"
+ description: "Returns the Vendor object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10707,11 +12126,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vendor"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -10719,15 +12138,14 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- /api/v1/quotes:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/payments:
- - quotes
- summary: "List quotes"
- description: "Lists quotes, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the quotes, these are handled by the QuoteFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getQuotes
+ - payments
+ summary: "List payments"
+ description: "Lists payments, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n\n Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the payments, these are handled by the PaymentFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getPayments
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
@@ -10743,7 +12161,8 @@ paths:
in: query
description: |
Searches across a range of columns including:
- - number
+ - amount
+ - date
- custom_value1
- custom_value2
- custom_value3
@@ -10751,29 +12170,15 @@ paths:
required: false
type: string
- example: ?filter=bob
- - name: client_status
- in: query
- description: |
- A comma separated list of quote status strings. Valid options include:
- - all
- - draft
- - sent
- - approved
- - expired
- - upcoming
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: ?client_status=paid,unpaid
+ example: ?filter=10
- name: number
in: query
description: |
- Search quote by quote number
+ Search payments by payment number
required: false
type: string
- example: ?number=Q-001
+ example: ?number=0001
- name: sort
in: query
description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
@@ -10783,7 +12188,7 @@ paths:
example: id|desc number|desc balance|asc
- description: "A list of quotes"
+ description: "A list of payments"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -10799,7 +12204,7 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Quote'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
@@ -10817,276 +12222,24 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - quotes
- summary: "Create quote"
- description: "Adds an Quote to the system"
- operationId: storeQuote
+ - payments
+ summary: "Create payment"
+ description: "Adds an Payment to the system"
+ operationId: storePayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the saved Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/quotes/{id}":
- get:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Show quote"
- description: "Displays an Quote by id"
- operationId: showQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- put:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Update quote"
- description: "Handles the updating of an Quote by id"
- operationId: updateQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- delete:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Delete quote"
- description: "Handles the deletion of an Quote by id"
- operationId: deleteQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns a HTTP status"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/edit":
- get:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Edit quote"
- description: "Displays an Quote by id"
- operationId: editQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/quotes/create:
- get:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Blank quote"
- description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getQuotesCreate
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A blank Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/quotes/bulk:
- post:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Bulk quote actions"
- description: ""
- operationId: bulkQuotes
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "Hashed ids"
+ description: "The payment request"
required: true
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
- type: integer
- example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
- description: "The Quote response"
+ description: "Returns the saved Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11097,245 +12250,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/{action}":
- get:
- deprecated: true
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Performs a custom action on an Quote"
- description: "Performs a custom action on an Quote.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - convert\n - convert_to_invoice\n - email"
- operationId: actionQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- - name: action
- in: path
- description: "The action string to be performed"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: clone_to_quote
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/quote/{invitation_key}/download":
- get:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Download quote PDF"
- description: "Downloads a specific quote"
- operationId: downloadQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: invitation_key
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Invitation Key"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the quote pdf"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/quotes/{id}/upload":
- post:
- tags:
- - quotes
- summary: "Upload a quote document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a quote"
- operationId: uploadQuote
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Quote Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- requestBody:
- description: "File Upload Body"
- required: true
- content:
- multipart/form-data:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- _method:
- type: string
- example: PUT
- documents:
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
- type: string
- format: binary
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Quote object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Quote"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/purchase_orders:
- get:
- tags:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "List purchase orders"
- description: "Lists purchase orders, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the purchase orders, these are handled by the PurchaseOrderFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getPurchaseOrders
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A list of purchase orders"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- data:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder'
- meta:
- type: object
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- post:
- tags:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Create purchase order"
- description: "Adds an purchase order to the system"
- operationId: storePurchaseOrder
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the saved purchase order object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11349,20 +12264,20 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}":
+ "/api/v1/payments/{id}":
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Show purchase order"
- description: "Displays an purchase order by id"
- operationId: showPurchaseOrder
+ - payments
+ summary: "Show payment"
+ description: "Displays an Payment by id"
+ operationId: showPayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Purchase order Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -11370,7 +12285,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the purchase order object"
+ description: "Returns the Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11381,7 +12296,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11394,20 +12309,19 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_order/{id}":
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Update purchase order"
- description: "Handles the updating of an purchase order by id"
- operationId: updatePurchaseOrder
+ - payments
+ summary: "Update payment"
+ description: "Handles the updating of an Payment by id"
+ operationId: updatePayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The purchase order Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -11415,7 +12329,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the purchase order object"
+ description: "Returns the Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11426,7 +12340,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11441,17 +12355,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Delete purchase order"
- description: "Handles the deletion of an purchase orders by id"
- operationId: deletePurchaseOrder
+ - payments
+ summary: "Delete payment"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of an Payment by id"
+ operationId: deletePayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The purhcase order Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -11479,20 +12393,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/edit":
+ "/api/v1/payments/{id}/edit":
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Edit purchase order"
- description: "Displays an purchase order by id"
- operationId: editPurchaseOrder
+ - payments
+ summary: "Edit payment"
+ description: "Displays an Payment by id"
+ operationId: editPayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The purchase order Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -11500,7 +12414,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the purchase order object"
+ description: "Returns the Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11511,7 +12425,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11524,21 +12438,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/purchase_orders/create:
+ /api/v1/payments/create:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Blank purchase order"
+ - payments
+ summary: "Blank payment"
description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getPurchaseOrderCreate
+ operationId: getPaymentsCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank purchase order object"
+ description: "A blank Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11549,7 +12462,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11562,81 +12475,27 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/purchase_orders/bulk:
+ /api/v1/payments/refund:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Bulk purchase order action"
- description: ""
- operationId: bulkPurchaseOrderss
+ - payments
+ summary: "Refund payment"
+ description: "Adds an Refund to the system"
+ operationId: storeRefund
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "Purchase Order IDS"
+ description: "The refund request"
required: true
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
- type: integer
- example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
- description: "The Bulk Action response"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/{action}":
- get:
- deprecated: true
- tags:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Custom purchase order actions"
- description: "Performs a custom action on an purchase order.\n *\n * The current range of actions are as follows\n * - mark_paid\n * - download\n * - archive\n * - delete\n * - email"
- operationId: actionPurchaseOrder
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Purchase Order Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- - name: action
- in: path
- description: "The action string to be performed"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: clone_to_quote
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the purchase order object"
+ description: "Returns the saved Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -11647,7 +12506,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -11660,409 +12519,13 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/upload":
+ /api/v1/payments/bulk:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Uploads a purchase order document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a purchase_order"
- operationId: uploadPurchaseOrder
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Purchase Order Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- requestBody:
- description: "File Upload Body"
- required: true
- content:
- multipart/form-data:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- _method:
- type: string
- example: PUT
- documents:
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
- type: string
- format: binary
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Purchase Order object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/purchase_order/{invitation_key}/download":
- get:
- tags:
- - Purchase Orders
- summary: "Download a purchase order PDF"
- description: "Downloads a specific purchase order"
- operationId: downloadPurchaseOrder
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: invitation_key
- in: path
- description: "The Purchase Order Invitation Key"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Purchase Order pdf"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/tasks:
- get:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "List tasks"
- description: "Lists tasks, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the tasks, these are handled by the TaskFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getTasks
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A list of tasks"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- data:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
- meta:
- type: object
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- post:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Create task"
- description: "Adds an task to a company"
- operationId: storeTask
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the saved task object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/tasks/{id}":
- get:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Show task"
- description: "Displays a task by id"
- operationId: showTask
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Task Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the task object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- put:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Update task"
- description: "Handles the updating of a task by id"
- operationId: updateTask
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The task Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the task object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- delete:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Delete task"
- description: "Handles the deletion of a task by id"
- operationId: deleteTask
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Task Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns a HTTP status"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/tasks/{id}/edit":
- get:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Edit task"
- description: "Displays a task by id"
- operationId: editTask
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Task Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the client object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/tasks/create:
- get:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Blank task"
- description: "Returns a blank task with default values"
- operationId: getTasksCreate
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A blank task object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/tasks/bulk:
- post:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Bulk task actions"
+ - payments
+ summary: "Bulk payment actions"
description: ""
- operationId: bulkTasks
+ operationId: bulkPayments
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
@@ -12080,7 +12543,7 @@ paths:
example: "[0,1,2,3]"
- description: "The Task User response"
+ description: "The Payment response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -12091,7 +12554,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -12104,20 +12567,75 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/tasks/{id}/upload":
- post:
+ "/api/v1/payments/{id}/{action}":
+ get:
+ deprecated: true
- - tasks
- summary: "Uploads a task document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a task"
- operationId: uploadTask
+ - payments
+ summary: "Custom payment actions"
+ description: "Performs a custom action on an Payment.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_Payment\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - email"
+ operationId: actionPayment
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Task Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ - name: action
+ in: path
+ description: "The action string to be performed"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: clone_to_quote
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Payment object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/payments/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - payments
+ summary: "Upload a payment document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a payment"
+ operationId: uploadPayment
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -12142,7 +12660,7 @@ paths:
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Task object"
+ description: "Returns the Payment object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -12153,40 +12671,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Task"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/tasks/sort:
- post:
- tags:
- - tasks
- summary: "Sort tasks on KanBan"
- description: "Sorts tasks after drag and drop on the KanBan."
- operationId: sortTasks
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns an Ok, 200 HTTP status"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -12953,21 +13438,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- /api/v1/projects:
+ /api/v1/purchase_orders:
- - projects
- summary: "List projects"
- description: "Lists projects"
- operationId: getProjects
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "List purchase orders"
+ description: "Lists purchase orders, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n *\n * Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the purchase orders, these are handled by the PurchaseOrderFilters class which defines the methods available"
+ operationId: getPurchaseOrders
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "A list of projects"
+ description: "A list of purchase orders"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -12983,7 +13467,7 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Project'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
@@ -13001,17 +13485,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - projects
- summary: "Create project"
- description: "Adds an project to a company"
- operationId: storeProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Create purchase order"
+ description: "Adds an purchase order to the system"
+ operationId: storePurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "Returns the saved project object"
+ description: "Returns the saved purchase order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13022,7 +13506,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13035,20 +13519,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/projects/{id}":
+ "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}":
- - projects
- summary: "Show project"
- description: "Displays a project by id"
- operationId: showProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Show purchase order"
+ description: "Displays an purchase order by id"
+ operationId: showPurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Project Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Purchase order Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13056,7 +13541,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the expense object"
+ description: "Returns the purchase order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13067,7 +13552,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13080,19 +13565,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/purchase_order/{id}":
- - projects
- summary: "Update project"
- description: "Handles the updating of a project by id"
- operationId: updateProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Update purchase order"
+ description: "Handles the updating of an purchase order by id"
+ operationId: updatePurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Project Hashed ID"
+ description: "The purchase order Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13100,7 +13586,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the project object"
+ description: "Returns the purchase order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13111,7 +13597,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13126,17 +13612,17 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- - projects
- summary: "Delete project"
- description: "Handles the deletion of a project by id"
- operationId: deleteProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Delete purchase order"
+ description: "Handles the deletion of an purchase orders by id"
+ operationId: deletePurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Project Hashed ID"
+ description: "The purhcase order Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13164,20 +13650,20 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/projects/{id}/edit":
+ "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/edit":
- - projects
- summary: "Edit project"
- description: "Displays a project by id"
- operationId: editProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Edit purchase order"
+ description: "Displays an purchase order by id"
+ operationId: editPurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Project Hashed ID"
+ description: "The purchase order Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13185,7 +13671,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the project object"
+ description: "Returns the purchase order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13196,7 +13682,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13209,20 +13695,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/projects/create:
+ /api/v1/purchase_orders/create:
- - projects
- summary: "Blank project"
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Blank purchase order"
description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getProjectsCreate
+ operationId: getPurchaseOrderCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank project object"
+ description: "A blank purchase order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13233,7 +13720,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13246,19 +13733,19 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/projects/bulk:
+ /api/v1/purchase_orders/bulk:
- - projects
- summary: "Bulk project actions"
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Bulk purchase order action"
description: ""
- operationId: bulkProjects
+ operationId: bulkPurchaseOrderss
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "User credentials"
+ description: "Purchase Order IDS"
required: true
@@ -13270,7 +13757,7 @@ paths:
example: "[0,1,2,3]"
- description: "The Project User response"
+ description: "The Bulk Action response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13278,10 +13765,6 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13294,20 +13777,74 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/projects/{id}/upload":
- post:
+ "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/{action}":
+ get:
+ deprecated: true
- - projects
- summary: "Uploads a project document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a project"
- operationId: uploadProject
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Custom purchase order actions"
+ description: "Performs a custom action on an purchase order.\n *\n * The current range of actions are as follows\n * - mark_paid\n * - download\n * - archive\n * - delete\n * - email"
+ operationId: actionPurchaseOrder
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Project Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Purchase Order Hashed ID"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ - name: action
+ in: path
+ description: "The action string to be performed"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: clone_to_quote
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the purchase order object"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ "/api/v1/purchase_orders/{id}/upload":
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Uploads a purchase order document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a purchase_order"
+ operationId: uploadPurchaseOrder
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ description: "The Purchase Order Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13332,7 +13869,7 @@ paths:
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Project object"
+ description: "Returns the Purchase Order object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13343,7 +13880,7 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Project"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder"
$ref: "#/components/responses/401"
@@ -13356,13 +13893,75 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
$ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/payments:
+ "/api/v1/purchase_order/{invitation_key}/download":
- - payments
- summary: "List payments"
- description: "Lists payments, search and filters allow fine grained lists to be generated.\n\n Query parameters can be added to performed more fine grained filtering of the payments, these are handled by the PaymentFilters class which defines the methods available"
- operationId: getPayments
+ - Purchase Orders
+ summary: "Download a purchase order PDF"
+ description: "Downloads a specific purchase order"
+ operationId: downloadPurchaseOrder
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - name: invitation_key
+ in: path
+ description: "The Purchase Order Invitation Key"
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: string
+ example: D2J234DFA
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: "Returns the Purchase Order pdf"
+ headers:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
+ 401:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ 422:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
+ 429:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
+ 5XX:
+ description: 'Server error'
+ default:
+ $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ /api/v1/products:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - products
+ summary: "List products"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products?filter=search&per_page=20&page=1&include=documents' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: go
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $products = $ninja->products->all([
+ 'filter' => 'search',
+ 'per_page' => 20,
+ 'page' => 1,
+ 'include' => 'documents'
+ ]);
+ description: |
+ Lists products within your company.
+ You can search and filter the result set using query parameters. These can be chained together allowing fine grained lists to be generated.
+ operationId: getProducts
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
@@ -13376,36 +13975,28 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/vendor_id"
- name: filter
in: query
- description: |
- Searches across a range of columns including:
- - amount
- - date
- - custom_value1
- - custom_value2
- - custom_value3
- - custom_value4
+ description: Filter by product name
required: false
type: string
- example: ?filter=10
- - name: number
+ example: bob
+ - name: product_key
in: query
- description: |
- Search payments by payment number
+ description: Filter by product key
required: false
type: string
- example: ?number=0001
+ example: bob
- name: sort
in: query
description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
required: false
type: string
- example: id|desc number|desc balance|asc
+ example: id|desc product_key|desc
- description: "A list of payments"
+ description: "A list of products"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13421,14 +14012,14 @@ paths:
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment'
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13436,27 +14027,46 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- - payments
- summary: "Create payment"
- description: "Adds an Payment to the system"
- operationId: storePayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Create Product"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X POST 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
+ -d '{"product_key":"sku_1","notes":"product description","cost":1,"price":10}' \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: go
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $products = $ninja->products->create([
+ 'product_key' => "sku_1",
+ 'notes' => "product description",
+ 'cost' => 1,
+ 'price' => 10
+ ]);
+ description: "Adds a product to a company"
+ operationId: storeProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "The payment request"
+ description: Product object that needs to be added to the company
required: true
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRequest'
- description: "Returns the saved Payment object"
+ description: "Returns the saved product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13467,11 +14077,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13479,22 +14089,33 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/payments/{id}":
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ "/api/v1/products/{id}":
- - payments
- summary: "Show payment"
- description: "Displays an Payment by id"
- operationId: showPayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Show product"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: php
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $product = $ninja->products->get("{id}");
+ description: "Displays a product by id"
+ operationId: showProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Product Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13502,7 +14123,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the Payment object"
+ description: "Returns the product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13513,11 +14134,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13525,28 +14146,56 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- - payments
- summary: "Update payment"
- description: "Handles the updating of an Payment by id"
- operationId: updatePayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Update product"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X PUT 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d '{
+ "product_key": "Updated Product",
+ "price": 150.0,
+ "notes": "An updated description of the product"
+ }'
+ - lang: go
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $product = $ninja->products->update("id", [
+ "name" => "Updated Product",
+ "price" => 150.0,
+ "description" => "An updated description of the product"
+ ]);
+ description: "Handles the updating of a product by id"
+ operationId: updateProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Product Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
format: string
example: D2J234DFA
+ requestBody:
+ description: Product object that needs to be added to the company
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductRequest'
- description: "Returns the Payment object"
+ description: "Returns the Product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13557,11 +14206,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13569,20 +14218,32 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- - payments
- summary: "Delete payment"
- description: "Handles the deletion of an Payment by id"
- operationId: deletePayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Delete product"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X DELETE 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: go
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $ninja->products->bulk("delete", "id");
+ description: "Handles the deletion of a product by id"
+ operationId: deleteProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Product Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13599,9 +14260,9 @@ paths:
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13609,21 +14270,33 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/payments/{id}/edit":
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ "/api/v1/products/{id}/edit":
- - payments
- summary: "Edit payment"
- description: "Displays an Payment by id"
- operationId: editPayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Edit product"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/{id}/edit' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: php
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $product = $ninja->products->get("{id}");
+ description: "Displays an Product by id"
+ operationId: editProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Product Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
@@ -13631,7 +14304,7 @@ paths:
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "Returns the Payment object"
+ description: "Returns the Product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13642,11 +14315,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13654,21 +14327,21 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/payments/create:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ "/api/v1/products/create":
- - payments
- summary: "Blank payment"
- description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getPaymentsCreate
+ - products
+ summary: "Blank product"
+ description: "Returns a blank product object with default values"
+ operationId: getProductsCreate
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- description: "A blank Payment object"
+ description: "A blank Product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13679,11 +14352,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13691,76 +14364,43 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/payments/refund:
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ /api/v1/products/bulk:
- - payments
- summary: "Refund payment"
- description: "Adds an Refund to the system"
- operationId: storeRefund
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- requestBody:
- description: "The refund request"
- required: true
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the saved Payment object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/payments/bulk:
- post:
- tags:
- - payments
- summary: "Bulk payment actions"
- description: ""
- operationId: bulkPayments
+ - products
+ summary: "Bulk product actions"
+ x-code-samples:
+ - lang: curl
+ label: Curl
+ source: |
+ curl -X GET 'https://invoicing.co/api/v1/products/bulk' \
+ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
+ -d '{"action":"archive","ids":["id","id2"]}' \
+ -H "X-API-TOKEN:company-token-test" \
+ -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest";
+ - lang: php
+ label: PHP
+ source: |
+ $ninja = new InvoiceNinja("your_token");
+ $product = $ninja->products->bulk("action", ["id","id2"]);
+ description: "Archive / Restore / Delete / Set tax id in bulk"
+ operationId: bulkProducts
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- description: "User credentials"
+ description: 'Bulk action array'
required: true
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned"
- type: integer
- example: "[0,1,2,3]"
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductBulkAction'
- description: "The Payment response"
+ description: "The Product response"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13771,11 +14411,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13783,83 +14423,28 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/payments/{id}/{action}":
- get:
- deprecated: true
- tags:
- - payments
- summary: "Custom payment actions"
- description: "Performs a custom action on an Payment.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_Payment\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - email"
- operationId: actionPayment
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- - name: action
- in: path
- description: "The action string to be performed"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: clone_to_quote
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the Payment object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/payments/{id}/upload":
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
+ "/api/v1/products/{id}/upload":
- - payments
- summary: "Upload a payment document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a payment"
- operationId: uploadPayment
+ - products
+ summary: "Add product document"
+ description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a product"
+ operationId: uploadProduct
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
+ - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_include"
- name: id
in: path
- description: "The Payment Hashed ID"
+ description: "The Product Hashed ID"
required: true
type: string
format: string
example: D2J234DFA
- description: "File Upload Body"
required: true
@@ -13868,16 +14453,14 @@ paths:
type: string
- example: PUT
+ example: POST
type: array
- description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
- type: string
format: binary
- description: "Returns the Payment object"
+ description: "Returns the Product object"
$ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
@@ -13888,11 +14471,11 @@ paths:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/401'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/403'
$ref: '#/components/responses/422'
@@ -13900,569 +14483,8 @@ paths:
description: 'Server error'
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/recurring_invoices:
- get:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "List recurring invoices"
- description: |
- Lists invoices with the option to chain multiple query parameters allowing fine grained filtering of the list.
+ $ref: '#/components/responses/default'
- operationId: getRecurringInvoices
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/client_id"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/created_at"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/updated_at"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/is_deleted"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/filter_deleted_clients"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/vendor_id"
- - name: filter
- in: query
- description: |
- Searches across a range of columns including:
- - custom_value1
- - custom_value2
- - custom_value3
- - custom_value4
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: ?filter=bob
- - name: client_status
- in: query
- description: |
- A comma separated list of invoice status strings. Valid options include:
- - all
- - active
- - paused
- - completed
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: ?client_status=active,paused
- - name: sort
- in: query
- description: Returns the list sorted by column in ascending or descending order.
- required: false
- schema:
- type: string
- example: id|desc number|desc balance|asc
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A list of recurring_invoices"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- data:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice'
- meta:
- type: object
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta'
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- post:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Create recurring invoice"
- description: "Adds a Recurring Invoice to the system"
- operationId: storeRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the saved RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}":
- get:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Show recurring invoice"
- description: "Displays an RecurringInvoice by id"
- operationId: showRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- put:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Update recurring invoice"
- description: "Handles the updating of an RecurringInvoice by id"
- operationId: updateRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- delete:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Delete recurring invoice"
- description: "Handles the deletion of an RecurringInvoice by id"
- operationId: deleteRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns a HTTP status"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/edit":
- get:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Edit recurring invoice"
- description: "Displays an RecurringInvoice by id"
- operationId: editRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/recurring_invoices/create:
- get:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Blank recurring invoice"
- description: "Returns a blank object with default values"
- operationId: getRecurringInvoicesCreate
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "A blank RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- /api/v1/recurring_invoices/bulk:
- post:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Bulk recurring invoice actions"
- description: |
- There are multiple actions that are available including:
- operationId: bulkRecurringInvoices
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/index"
- requestBody:
- description: "Bulk action details"
- required: true
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- action:
- type: string
- description: |
- The action to be performed, options include:
- - `start`
- Starts (or restarts) the recurring invoice. **note** if the recurring invoice has been stopped for a long time, it will attempt to catch back up firing a new Invoice every hour per interval that has been missed.
- If you do not wish to have the recurring invoice catch up, you should set the next_send_date to the correct date you wish the recurring invoice to commence from.
- - `stop`
- Stops the recurring invoice.
- - `send_now`
- Force sends the recurring invoice - this option is only available when the recurring invoice is in a draft state.
- - `restore`
- Restores the recurring invoice from an archived or deleted state.
- - `archive`
- Archives the recurring invoice. The recurring invoice will not fire in this state.
- - `delete`
- Deletes a recurring invoice.
- ids:
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of hashed IDs to be bulk 'actioned - ['D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA']"
- type: string
- example:
- action: start
- ids: "['D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA','D2J234DFA']"
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "The RecurringInvoice response"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/{action}":
- get:
- deprecated: true
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Custom recurring invoice action"
- description: "Performs a custom action on an RecurringInvoice.\n\n The current range of actions are as follows\n - clone_to_RecurringInvoice\n - clone_to_quote\n - history\n - delivery_note\n - mark_paid\n - download\n - archive\n - delete\n - email"
- operationId: actionRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- - name: action
- in: path
- description: "The action string to be performed"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: clone_to_quote
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/recurring_invoice/{invitation_key}/download":
- get:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Download recurring invoice PDF"
- description: "Downloads a specific invoice"
- operationId: downloadRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: invitation_key
- in: path
- description: "The Recurring Invoice Invitation Key"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the recurring invoice pdf"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
- "/api/v1/recurring_invoices/{id}/upload":
- post:
- tags:
- - Recurring Invoices
- summary: "Add recurring invoice document"
- description: "Handles the uploading of a document to a recurring_invoice"
- operationId: uploadRecurringInvoice
- parameters:
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"
- - $ref: "#/components/parameters/include"
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: "The RecurringInvoice Hashed ID"
- required: true
- schema:
- type: string
- format: string
- example: D2J234DFA
- requestBody:
- description: "File Upload Body"
- required: true
- content:
- multipart/form-data:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- _method:
- type: string
- example: PUT
- documents:
- type: array
- items:
- description: "Array of binary documents for upload"
- type: string
- format: binary
- responses:
- 200:
- description: "Returns the RecurringInvoice object"
- headers:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-MINIMUM-CLIENT-VERSION"
- X-RateLimit-Remaining:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"
- X-RateLimit-Limit:
- $ref: "#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice"
- 401:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/401"
- 403:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/403"
- 422:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/422'
- 429:
- $ref: '#/components/responses/429'
- 5XX:
- description: 'Server error'
- default:
- $ref: "#/components/responses/default"
@@ -14557,43 +14579,43 @@ components:
# - prev: null
# - next: null
- 401:
- description: 'Authentication error'
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationError'
- 422:
- description: 'Validation error'
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError'
- 400:
- description: 'Invalid user input'
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvalidInputError'
- 403:
- description: 'Authorization error'
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationError'
- 429:
- description: 'Rate Limit Exceeded'
- content:
- application/json:
- schema:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateLimiterError'
description: 'Unexpected Error'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
+ 429:
+ description: 'Rate Limit Exceeded'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateLimiterError'
+ 400:
+ description: 'Invalid user input'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvalidInputError'
+ 401:
+ description: 'Authentication error'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationError'
+ 403:
+ description: 'Authorization error'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationError'
+ 422:
+ description: 'Validation error'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError'
@@ -15177,322 +15199,42 @@ components:
type: string
example: JSON
type: object
- User:
+ Meta:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- first_name:
- description: 'The first name of the user'
- type: string
- example: Brad
- last_name:
- description: 'The last name of the user'
- type: string
- example: Pitt
- email:
- description: 'The users email address'
- type: string
- example: brad@pitt.com
- phone:
- description: 'The users phone number'
- type: string
- example: 555-1233-23232
- signature:
- description: 'The users sign off signature'
- type: string
- example: 'Have a nice day!'
- avatar:
- description: 'The users avatar'
- type: string
- example: 'https://url.to.your/avatar.png'
- accepted_terms_version:
- description: 'The version of the invoice ninja terms that has been accepted by the user'
- type: string
- example: 1.0.1
- readOnly: true
- oauth_user_id:
- description: 'The provider id of the oauth entity'
- type: string
- example: jkhasdf789as6f675sdf768sdfs
- readOnly: true
- oauth_provider_id:
- description: 'The oauth entity id'
- type: string
- example: google
- readOnly: true
- language_id:
- description: 'The language id of the user'
- type: string
- example: 1
- verified_phone_number:
- description: 'Boolean flag if the user has their phone verified. Required to settings up 2FA'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- sms_verification_code:
- description: 'The sms verification code for the user. Required to settings up 2FA'
- type: string
- example: '123456'
- readOnly: true
- oauth_user_token_expiry:
- description: 'The expiry date of the oauth token'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
- readOnly: true
- has_password:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has a password'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- last_confirmed_email_address:
- description: 'The last confirmed email address of the user'
- type: string
- example: 'bob@gmail.com'
- readOnly: true
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 1'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: '$1000'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 3'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 4'
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- google_2fa_secret:
- description: 'The google 2fa secret for the user'
- type: string
- example: '123456'
- readOnly: true
- company_user:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyUserRef'
+ pagination:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pagination'
+ Pagination:
type: object
- UserRef:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- first_name:
- description: 'The first name of the user'
- type: string
- example: Brad
- last_name:
- description: 'The last name of the user'
- type: string
- example: Pitt
- email:
- description: 'The users email address'
- type: string
- example: brad@pitt.com
- phone:
- description: 'The users phone number'
- type: string
- example: 555-1233-23232
- signature:
- description: 'The users sign off signature'
- type: string
- example: 'Have a nice day!'
- avatar:
- description: 'The users avatar'
- type: string
- example: 'https://url.to.your/avatar.png'
- accepted_terms_version:
- description: 'The version of the invoice ninja terms that has been accepted by the user'
- type: string
- example: 1.0.1
- readOnly: true
- oauth_user_id:
- description: 'The provider id of the oauth entity'
- type: string
- example: jkhasdf789as6f675sdf768sdfs
- readOnly: true
- oauth_provider_id:
- description: 'The oauth entity id'
- type: string
- example: google
- readOnly: true
- language_id:
- description: 'The language id of the user'
- type: string
- example: 1
- verified_phone_number:
- description: 'Boolean flag if the user has their phone verified. Required to settings up 2FA'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- sms_verification_code:
- description: 'The sms verification code for the user. Required to settings up 2FA'
- type: string
- example: '123456'
- readOnly: true
- oauth_user_token_expiry:
- description: 'The expiry date of the oauth token'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
- readOnly: true
- has_password:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has a password'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- last_confirmed_email_address:
- description: 'The last confirmed email address of the user'
- type: string
- example: 'bob@gmail.com'
- readOnly: true
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 1'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: '$1000'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 3'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'Custom value 4'
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- google_2fa_secret:
- description: 'The google 2fa secret for the user'
- type: string
- example: '123456'
- readOnly: true
- type: object
- Task:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the task'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the task'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user of the task'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The hashed if of the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- invoice_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the invoice associated with the task'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- project_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the project associated with the task'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- number:
- description: 'The number of the task'
- type: string
- example: TASK-123
- time_log:
- description: 'An array of unix time stamps defining the start and end times of the task'
- type: string
- example: '[[1,2],[3,4]]'
- is_running:
- description: 'Determines if the task is still running'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the task has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- task_status_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the task status'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- description:
- description: 'The task description'
- type: string
- example: 'A wonder task to work on'
- duration:
- description: 'The task duration in seconds'
+ total:
type: integer
- example: '3600'
- task_status_order:
- description: 'The order of the task'
+ description: 'The total number of items'
+ example: 1
+ readOnly: true
+ count:
type: integer
- example: '4'
- rate:
- description: 'The task rate'
- type: number
- example: 10.00
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: $1100
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: 'I need help'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: INV-3343
- is_date_based:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the task is date based'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- calculated_start_date:
- description: 'The calculated start date of the task'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
+ description: 'The number of items per page'
+ example: 1
readOnly: true
- invoice_documents:
- description: "Boolean flags which determines whether to include the task documents on the invoice"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
+ per_page:
+ type: integer
+ description: 'The number of items per page'
+ example: 1
readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
+ current_page:
+ type: integer
+ description: 'The current page number'
+ example: 1
readOnly: true
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
+ total_pages:
+ type: integer
+ description: 'The total number of pages'
+ example: 1
+ readOnly: true
+ links:
+ type: object
+ description: 'The pagination links'
readOnly: true
- type: object
@@ -15563,674 +15305,16 @@ components:
format: integer
example: '134341234234'
type: object
- ClientGatewayToken:
+ Error:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the client gateway token'
+ message:
+ description: 'Something terrible went wrong'
type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The hashed_id of the client'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- token:
- description: 'The payment token'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- routing_number:
- description: 'THe bank account routing number'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- company_gateway_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the company gateway'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- is_default:
- description: 'Flag determining if the token is the default payment method'
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- type: object
- Invoice:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The invoice hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- status_id:
- description: 'The invoice status variable'
- type: string
- example: '4'
- number:
- description: 'The invoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
- type: string
- example: INV_101
- po_number:
- description: 'The purchase order associated with this invoice'
- type: string
- example: PO-1234
- terms:
- description: 'The invoice terms'
- type: string
- example: 'These are invoice terms'
- public_notes:
- description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some public notes'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some private notes'
- footer:
- description: 'The invoice footer notes'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-01'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: 'Something custom'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name1:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name2:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- total_taxes:
- description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- line_items:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
- invitations:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the invitations of the invoice'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceInvitation'
- amount:
- description: 'The invoice amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- balance:
- description: 'The invoice balance'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- paid_to_date:
- description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- discount:
- description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- partial:
- description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- is_amount_discount:
- description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: 'The Invoice Date'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_sent_date:
- description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- next_send_date:
- description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- partial_due_date:
- description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- due_date:
- description: 'The due date of the invoice'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_viewed:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge_tax1:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax2:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax3:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax4:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- project_id:
- description: 'The project associated with this invoice'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- auto_bill_tries:
- description: 'The number of times the invoice has attempted to be auto billed'
+ example: 'Unexpected error'
+ code:
+ description: 'The HTTP error code, ie 5xx 4xx'
type: integer
- example: '1'
- readOnly: true
- auto_bill_enabled:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the invoice is set to auto bill'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- subscription_id:
- description: 'The subscription associated with this invoice'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- type: object
- FillableInvoice:
- properties:
- assigned_user_id:
- description: "The assigned user's hashed ID"
- type: string
- example: 'a1b2c3d4'
- client_id:
- description: "The client's hashed ID"
- type: string
- example: 'x1y2z3a4'
- number:
- description: "The unique alphanumeric invoice number for each invoice per company"
- type: string
- example: INV_101
- po_number:
- description: "The purchase order number associated with the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'PO12345'
- terms:
- description: "The terms and conditions for the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'Net 30'
- public_notes:
- description: "Public notes visible to the client on the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'Thank you for your business.'
- private_notes:
- description: "Private notes for internal use only"
- type: string
- example: 'Client is a slow payer.'
- footer:
- description: "The footer text displayed on the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'Authorized Signature'
- custom_value1:
- description: "First custom value for additional information"
- type: string
- example: 'Project ABC'
- custom_value2:
- description: "Second custom value for additional information"
- type: string
- example: 'Department XYZ'
- custom_value3:
- description: "Third custom value for additional information"
- type: string
- example: 'Location 123'
- custom_value4:
- description: "Fourth custom value for additional information"
- type: string
- example: 'Currency USD'
- tax_name1:
- description: "Name of the first tax applied to the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'VAT'
- tax_name2:
- description: "Name of the second tax applied to the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'GST'
- tax_rate1:
- description: "Rate of the first tax applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 10.00
- tax_rate2:
- description: "Rate of the second tax applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 5.00
- tax_name3:
- description: "Name of the third tax applied to the invoice"
- type: string
- example: 'PST'
- tax_rate3:
- description: "Rate of the third tax applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 8.00
- line_items:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
- discount:
- description: "The discount applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 10.00
- partial:
- description: "The partial amount applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 20.00
- is_amount_discount:
- description: "Indicates whether the discount applied is a fixed amount or a percentage"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: "Indicates whether the tax rates applied to the invoice are inclusive or exclusive"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: "The date the invoice was issued"
- type: string
- example: '1994-07-30'
- partial_due_date:
- description: "The due date for the partial payment"
- type: string
- example: '1994-08-15'
- due_date:
- description: "The due date for the invoice"
- type: string
- example: '1994-08-30'
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: "First custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 10.00
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: "Second custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 15.00
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: "Third custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 5.00
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: "Fourth custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
- type: number
- example: 20.00
- type: object
- CompanyGateway:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the company gateway'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- gateway_key:
- description: 'The gateway key (hash)'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- accepted_credit_cards:
- description: 'Bitmask representation of cards'
- type: integer
- example: '32'
- require_billing_address:
- description: 'Determines if the the billing address is required prior to payment.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- require_shipping_address:
- description: 'Determines if the the billing address is required prior to payment.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- config:
- description: 'The configuration map for the gateway'
- type: string
- example: dfadsfdsafsafd
- update_details:
- description: 'Determines if the client details should be updated.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- fees_and_limits:
- description: 'A mapped collection of the fees and limits for the configured gateway'
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeesAndLimits'
- type: object
- InvoiceInvitation:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The entity invitation hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- client_contact_id:
- description: 'The client contact hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- key:
- description: 'The invitation key'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb
- readOnly: true
- link:
- description: 'The invitation link'
- type: string
- example: 'https://www.example.com/invitations/Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb'
- readOnly: true
- sent_date:
- description: 'The invitation sent date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- viewed_date:
- description: 'The invitation viewed date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- opened_date:
- description: 'The invitation opened date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: 'Timestamp'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- archived_at:
- description: 'Timestamp'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- email_error:
- description: 'The email error'
- type: string
- example: 'The email error'
- readOnly: true
- email_status:
- description: 'The email status'
- type: string
- readOnly: true
- Account:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The account hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- account_sms_verified:
- description: 'Boolean flag if the account has been verified by sms'
- type: string
- example: true
- type: object
- ExpenseCategory:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The expense hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- name:
- description: 'The expense category name'
- type: string
- example: Accounting
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: XS987sD
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Flag determining whether the expense category has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- updated_at:
- description: 'The updated at timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '2'
- created_at:
- description: 'The created at timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '2'
- type: object
- Subscription:
- properties:
- id:
- description: Unique identifier for the subscription
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: Unique identifier for the user associated with the subscription
- type: string
- example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
- product_id:
- description: Unique identifier for the product associated with the subscription
- type: string
- example: Pr5Ft7yBmC
- recurring_invoice_id:
- description: Unique identifier for the recurring invoice associated with the subscription
- type: string
- example: Ri2Yt8zJkP
- is_recurring:
- description: Indicates whether the subscription is recurring
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- frequency_id:
- description: 'integer const representation of the frequency'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- auto_bill:
- description: 'enum setting'
- type: string
- example: always
- promo_code:
- description: Promotional code applied to the subscription
- type: string
- example: PROMOCODE4U
- promo_discount:
- description: Discount percentage or amount applied to the subscription
- type: number
- example: 10
- is_amount_discount:
- description: Indicates whether the discount is a fixed amount
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- allow_cancellation:
- description: Indicates whether the subscription can be cancelled
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- per_seat_enabled:
- description: Indicates whether the subscription pricing is per seat
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- currency_id:
- description: Unique identifier for the currency used in the subscription
- type: integer
- example: '1'
- max_seats_limit:
- description: Maximum number of seats allowed for the subscription
- type: integer
- example: '100'
- trial_enabled:
- description: Indicates whether the subscription has a trial period
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- trial_duration:
- description: Duration of the trial period in days
- type: integer
- example: '14'
- allow_query_overrides:
- description: Indicates whether query overrides are allowed for the subscription
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- allow_plan_changes:
- description: Indicates whether plan changes are allowed for the subscription
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- refund_period:
- description: Number of days within which refunds can be requested
- type: integer
- example: '30'
- webhook_configuration:
- description: Webhook configuration for the subscription
- type: string
- example: 'expand reference for this'
- is_deleted:
- description: Indicates whether the subscription has been deleted
- type: boolean
- example: 'false'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- type: object
- BulkAction:
- type: array
- items:
- type: integer
- example: '[0,1,2,3,]'
- SystemLog:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The account hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- user_id:
- description: 'The user_id hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- client_id:
- description: 'The client_id hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- event_id:
- description: 'The Log Type ID'
- type: integer
- example: 1
- category_id:
- description: 'The Category Type ID'
- type: integer
- example: 1
- type_id:
- description: 'The Type Type ID'
- type: integer
- example: 1
- log:
- description: 'The json object of the error'
- type: object
- example: '{''key'':''value''}'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: string
- example: '2'
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: string
- example: '2'
+ example: '500'
type: object
type: object
@@ -16348,6 +15432,954 @@ components:
example: '1'
default: '1'
description: 'The tax ID of the product: 1 product, 2 service, 3 digital, 4 shipping, 5 exempt, 5 reduced tax, 7 override, 8 zero rate, 9 reverse tax'
+ ExpenseCategory:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The expense hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ name:
+ description: 'The expense category name'
+ type: string
+ example: Accounting
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: XS987sD
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Flag determining whether the expense category has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'The updated at timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '2'
+ created_at:
+ description: 'The created at timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '2'
+ type: object
+ Client:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ contacts:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContact'
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the user who created the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
+ readOnly: true
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the user who has been assigned the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
+ name:
+ description: 'The name of the client company or organization'
+ type: string
+ example: "Jim's Housekeeping"
+ website:
+ description: 'The website URL of the client company or organization'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://www.jims-housekeeping.com'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'Notes that are only visible to the user who created the client'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Client prefers email communication over phone calls'
+ client_hash:
+ description: 'A unique hash value for the client'
+ type: string
+ example: asdfkjhk342hjhbfdvmnfb1
+ readOnly: true
+ industry_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the industry the client operates in'
+ type: number
+ example: '5'
+ size_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier for the size category of the client company or organization'
+ type: number
+ example: '2'
+ address1:
+ description: "First line of the client's address"
+ type: string
+ example: '123 Main St'
+ address2:
+ description: "Second line of the client's address, if needed"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Apt 4B'
+ city:
+ description: 'The city the client is located in'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Beverly Hills'
+ state:
+ description: 'The state, province, or locality the client is located in'
+ type: string
+ example: 'California'
+ postal_code:
+ description: 'The postal code or ZIP code of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: '90210'
+ phone:
+ description: "The client's phone number"
+ type: string
+ example: '555-3434-3434'
+ country_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier of the client's country"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Preferred contact: Email'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Account manager: John Doe'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'VIP client: Yes'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Annual contract value: $50,000'
+ vat_number:
+ description: "The client's VAT (Value Added Tax) number, if applicable"
+ type: string
+ example: 'VAT123456'
+ id_number:
+ description: 'A unique identification number for the client, such as a tax ID or business registration number'
+ type: string
+ number:
+ description: 'A system-assigned unique number for the client, typically used for invoicing purposes'
+ type: string
+ example: 'CL-0001'
+ shipping_address1:
+ description: "First line of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: '5 Wallaby Way'
+ shipping_address2:
+ description: "Second line of the client's shipping address, if needed"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Suite 5'
+ shipping_city:
+ description: "The city of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Perth'
+ shipping_state:
+ description: "The state, province, or locality of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Western Australia'
+ shipping_postal_code:
+ description: "The postal code or ZIP code of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: '6110'
+ shipping_country_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier of the country for the client's shipping address"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '4'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'A boolean value indicating whether the client has been deleted or not'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ readOnly: true
+ balance:
+ description: 'The outstanding balance the client owes'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '500.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: 'The total amount the client has paid to date'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '2000.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ credit_balance:
+ description: 'The available credit balance for the client to use on future purchases'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '100.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ last_login:
+ description: "The timestamp of the client's last login"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1628686031'
+ readOnly: true
+ created_at:
+ description: 'The timestamp when the client was created'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1617629031'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'The timestamp when the client was last updated'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1628445631'
+ readOnly: true
+ group_settings_id:
+ description: 'The group settings assigned to the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ routing_id:
+ description: 'The routing address id for e-invoicing for this client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz3489-dfkiu-2239-sdsd
+ is_tax_exempt:
+ description: 'Flag which defines if the client is exempt from taxes'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ has_valid_vat_number:
+ description: 'Flag which defines if the client has a valid VAT number'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ readOnly: true
+ payment_balance:
+ description: 'Defines the payment balance the client has on file (pre payments / over payments / unapplied amounts)'
+ type: number
+ example: 100
+ readOnly: true
+ settings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientSettings'
+ type: object
+ Quote:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the user who created the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the user assigned to the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the client associated with the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ status_id:
+ description: 'The status of the quote represented by a unique identifier'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ number:
+ description: 'The unique alpha-numeric quote number for the quote per company'
+ type: string
+ example: QUOTE_101
+ po_number:
+ description: 'The purchase order number associated with the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: PO-1234
+ terms:
+ description: 'The terms and conditions for the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some quote terms. Valid for 14 days.'
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'Publicly visible notes associated with the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are public notes which the client may see'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'Privately visible notes associated with the quote, not disclosed to the client'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are private notes, not to be disclosed to the client'
+ footer:
+ description: 'The footer text of the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: 'The text goes in the footer of the quote'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'First custom value field for additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A custom value'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'Second custom value field for additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A custom value'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'Third custom value field for additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A custom value'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'Fourth custom value field for additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A custom value'
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'The name of the first tax applied to the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: GST
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'The name of the second tax applied to the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: VAT
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The rate of the first tax applied to the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The rate of the second tax applied to the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'The name of the third tax applied to the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The rate of the third tax applied to the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ total_taxes:
+ description: 'The total amount of taxes for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ line_items:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the quote'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
+ amount:
+ description: 'The total amount of the quote before taxes and discounts'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ balance:
+ description: 'The balance due for the quote after accounting for payments'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: 'The total amount paid on the quote so far'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ discount:
+ description: 'The discount amount or percentage applied to the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ partial:
+ description: 'The partial or deposit amount for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the quote has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the taxes used are inclusive or exclusive'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: 'The date the quote was created'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: 'The last date the quote was sent to the client'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ next_send_date:
+ description: 'The next scheduled date for sending a reminder for the quote'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: 'The due date for the partial or deposit amount'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ due_date:
+ description: 'The due date for the total amount of the quote'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ settings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
+ last_viewed:
+ description: 'The timestamp of the last time the quote was viewed'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'The timestamp of the last update to the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ archived_at:
+ description: 'The timestamp of when the quote was archived'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: 'First custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: 'Second custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: 'Third custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: 'Fourth custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge_tax1:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the first custom surcharge amount'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax2:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the second custom surcharge amount'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax3:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the third custom surcharge amount'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax4:
+ description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the fourth custom surcharge amount'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ InvoiceRequest:
+ required:
+ - client_id
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The invoice hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ status_id:
+ description: 'The invoice status variable'
+ type: string
+ example: '4'
+ readOnly: true
+ number:
+ description: 'The invoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
+ type: string
+ example: INV_101
+ po_number:
+ description: 'The purchase order associated with this invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: PO-1234
+ terms:
+ description: 'The invoice terms'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are invoice terms'
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some public notes'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some private notes'
+ footer:
+ description: 'The invoice footer notes'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-01'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Something custom'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ total_taxes:
+ description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ line_items:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
+ invitations:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the invitations of the invoice'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceInvitationRequest'
+ amount:
+ description: 'The invoice amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ balance:
+ description: 'The invoice balance'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ readOnly: true
+ discount:
+ description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ partial:
+ description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: 'The Invoice Date'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ readOnly: true
+ next_send_date:
+ description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ readOnly: true
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ due_date:
+ description: 'The due date of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_viewed:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge_tax1:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax2:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax3:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax4:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ project_id:
+ description: 'The project associated with this invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ type: object
+ ProductRequest:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed product ID.'
+ example: eP01N
+ readOnly: true
+ assigned_user_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the user assigned to this product.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ project_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the project that this product is associated with.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ vendor_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the vendor that this product is associated with.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ custom_value1:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 1.'
+ example: 'Custom value 1'
+ custom_value2:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 2.'
+ example: 'Custom value 2'
+ custom_value3:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 3.'
+ example: 'Custom value 3'
+ custom_value4:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 4.'
+ example: 'Custom value 4'
+ product_key:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The product key.'
+ example: '1234'
+ notes:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Notes about the product.'
+ example: 'These are some notes about the product.'
+ cost:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The cost of the product.'
+ example: 10.0
+ price:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The price of the product.'
+ example: 20.0
+ quantity:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The quantity of the product.'
+ example: 5.0
+ default: 1
+ tax_name1:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 1.'
+ example: 'Tax 1'
+ tax_rate1:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 1.'
+ example: 10.0
+ tax_name2:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 2.'
+ example: 'Tax 2'
+ tax_rate2:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 2.'
+ example: 5.0
+ tax_name3:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 3.'
+ example: 'Tax 3'
+ tax_rate3:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 3.'
+ example: 0.0
+ in_stock_quantity:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: |
+ The quantity of the product that is currently in stock.
+ **note** this field is not mutable without passing an extra query parameter which will allow modification of this value.
+ The query parameter ?update_in_stock_quantity=true **MUST** be passed if you wish to update this value manually.
+ default: 0
+ stock_notification:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Indicates whether stock notifications are enabled for this product
+ default: true
+ stock_notification_threshold:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: The minimum quantity threshold for which stock notifications will be triggered
+ default: 0
+ max_quantity:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: The maximum quantity that can be ordered for this product
+ product_image:
+ type: string
+ description: The URL of the product image
+ format: uri-reference
+ tax_id:
+ type: string
+ default: '1'
+ description: |
+ The tax category id for this product.'
+ The following constants are available (default = '1')
+ ```
+ ```
+ example: '1'
+ InvoiceInvitationRequest:
+ required:
+ - client_contact_id
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The entity invitation hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ client_contact_id:
+ description: 'The client contact hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ key:
+ description: 'The invitation key'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb
+ readOnly: true
+ link:
+ description: 'The invitation link'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://www.example.com/invitations/Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb'
+ readOnly: true
+ sent_date:
+ description: 'The invitation sent date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ readOnly: true
+ viewed_date:
+ description: 'The invitation viewed date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ readOnly: true
+ opened_date:
+ description: 'The invitation opened date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'Timestamp'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ archived_at:
+ description: 'Timestamp'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ email_error:
+ description: 'The email error'
+ type: string
+ example: 'The email error'
+ readOnly: true
+ email_status:
+ description: 'The email status'
+ type: string
+ readOnly: true
+ BankIntegration:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The bank integration hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ provider_bank_name:
+ description: 'The providers bank name'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Chase Bank'
+ bank_account_id:
+ description: 'The bank account id'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1233434'
+ bank_account_name:
+ description: 'The name of the account'
+ type: string
+ example: 'My Checking Acc'
+ bank_account_number:
+ description: 'The account number'
+ type: string
+ example: '111 234 2332'
+ bank_account_status:
+ description: 'The status of the bank account'
+ type: string
+ example: ACTIVE
+ bank_account_type:
+ description: 'The type of account'
+ type: string
+ example: CREDITCARD
+ balance:
+ description: 'The current bank balance if available'
+ type: number
+ example: '1000000'
+ currency:
+ description: 'iso_3166_3 code'
+ type: string
+ example: USD
+ type: object
+ CompanyToken:
+ properties:
+ name:
+ description: 'The token name'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Token Name'
+ token:
+ description: 'The token value'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3jUUH765fhfd9KJuidj3JShjA
+ is_system:
+ description: 'Determines whether the token is created by the system rather than a user'
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ type: object
@@ -16565,98 +16597,1270 @@ components:
type: object
- CompanyUser:
+ InvoiceInvitation:
- permissions:
- description: 'The user permissionsfor this company in a comma separated list'
+ id:
+ description: 'The entity invitation hashed id'
type: string
- example: 'create_invoice,create_client,view_client'
- settings:
- description: 'Settings that are used for the flutter applications to store user preferences / metadata'
- type: object
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
readOnly: true
- react_settings:
- description: 'Dedicated settings object for the react web application'
- type: object
+ client_contact_id:
+ description: 'The client contact hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ key:
+ description: 'The invitation key'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb
readOnly: true
- is_owner:
- description: 'Determines whether the user owns this company'
- type: boolean
- example: true
+ link:
+ description: 'The invitation link'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://www.example.com/invitations/Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb'
readOnly: true
- is_admin:
- description: 'Determines whether the user is the admin of this company'
- type: boolean
- example: true
+ sent_date:
+ description: 'The invitation sent date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
readOnly: true
- is_locked:
- description: 'Determines whether the users access to this company has been locked'
- type: boolean
- example: true
+ viewed_date:
+ description: 'The invitation viewed date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ readOnly: true
+ opened_date:
+ description: 'The invitation opened date'
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
readOnly: true
- description: 'The last time the record was modified, format Unix Timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '1231232312321'
- deleted_at:
- description: 'Timestamp when the user was archived, format Unix Timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '12312312321'
- account:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account'
- company:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Company'
- user:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRef'
- token:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyToken'
- type: object
- CompanyUserRef:
- properties:
- permissions:
- description: 'The user permissionsfor this company in a comma separated list'
+ description: 'Timestamp'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ archived_at:
+ description: 'Timestamp'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ email_error:
+ description: 'The email error'
type: string
- example: 'create_invoice,create_client,view_client'
- settings:
- description: 'Settings that are used for the flutter applications to store user preferences / metadata'
- type: object
+ example: 'The email error'
readOnly: true
- react_settings:
- description: 'Dedicated settings object for the react web application'
- type: object
+ email_status:
+ description: 'The email status'
+ type: string
readOnly: true
- is_owner:
- description: 'Determines whether the user owns this company'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- is_admin:
- description: 'Determines whether the user is the admin of this company'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- is_locked:
- description: 'Determines whether the users access to this company has been locked'
+ VendorContact:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the vendor contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ vendor_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the vendor'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ first_name:
+ description: 'The first name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Harry
+ last_name:
+ description: 'The last name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Windsor
+ contact_key:
+ description: 'A unique identifier for the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: JD0X52bkfZlJRiroCJ0tcSiAjsJTntZ5uqKdiZ0a
+ readOnly: true
+ confirmation_code:
+ description: 'The confirmation code used to authenticate the contacts email address'
+ type: string
+ example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
+ readOnly: true
+ phone:
+ description: 'The contacts phone number'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-123-1234
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: $1000
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ email:
+ description: 'The contact email address'
+ type: string
+ example: harry@windsor.com
+ email_verified_at:
+ description: 'The date which the contact confirmed their email'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ password:
+ description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: '*****'
+ is_primary:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the contact is the primary contact for the vendor'
type: boolean
example: true
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
readOnly: true
- description: 'The last time the record was modified, format Unix Timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '1231232312321'
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
- description: 'Timestamp when the user was archived, format Unix Timestamp'
- type: integer
- example: '12312312321'
- account:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account'
- company:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Company'
- user:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRef'
- token:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyToken'
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
type: object
+ ClientGatewayToken:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the client gateway token'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The hashed_id of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ token:
+ description: 'The payment token'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ routing_number:
+ description: 'THe bank account routing number'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ company_gateway_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the company gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ is_default:
+ description: 'Flag determining if the token is the default payment method'
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ type: object
+ Company:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: "The unique hashed identifier for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: WJxbojagwO
+ size_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier representing the company's size category"
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ industry_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier representing the company's industry category"
+ type: string
+ example: '5'
+ slack_webhook_url:
+ description: "The URL for the company's Slack webhook notifications"
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
+ google_analytics_key:
+ description: "The company's Google Analytics tracking ID"
+ type: string
+ example: 'UA-123456789-1'
+ portal_mode:
+ description: "The mode determining how client-facing URLs are structured (e.g., subdomain, domain, or iframe)"
+ type: string
+ example: subdomain
+ subdomain:
+ description: "The subdomain prefix for the company's domain (e.g., 'acme' in acme.domain.com)"
+ type: string
+ example: acme
+ portal_domain:
+ description: "The fully qualified domain used for client-facing URLs"
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://subdomain.invoicing.co'
+ enabled_tax_rates:
+ description: "The number of tax rates used per entity"
+ type: integer
+ example: '2'
+ fill_products:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to auto-fill product descriptions based on the product key"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ convert_products:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to convert products between different types or units"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ update_products:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to update product descriptions when the description changes"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ show_product_details:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to display product details in the user interface"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ show_product_cost:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to display product cost is shown in the user interface"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_fields:
+ description: "A mapping of custom fields for various objects within the company"
+ type: object
+ enable_product_cost:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product cost field in the user interface"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ enable_product_quantity:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product quantity field in the user interface"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ default_quantity:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to use a default quantity for products"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_taxes1:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the first custom surcharge field"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_taxes2:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the second custom surcharge field"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_taxes3:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the third custom surcharge field"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_taxes4:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the fourth custom"
+ logo:
+ description: "The company logo file in binary format"
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ example: logo.png
+ company_key:
+ description: "The static company key hash used to identify the Company"
+ readOnly: true
+ type: string
+ example: "Vnb14bRlwiFjc5ckte6cfbygTRkn5IMQ"
+ client_can_register:
+ description: "A flag determining whether clients can register for the client portal"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ enabled_modules:
+ type: integer
+ description: |
+ Bitmask representation of the modules that are enabled in the application
+ ```
+ self::ENTITY_CREDIT => 2,
+ self::ENTITY_QUOTE => 4,
+ self::ENTITY_TASK => 8,
+ self::ENTITY_EXPENSE => 16,
+ self::ENTITY_PROJECT => 32,
+ self::ENTITY_VENDOR => 64,
+ self::ENTITY_TICKET => 128,
+ self::ENTITY_PROPOSAL => 256,
+ self::ENTITY_RECURRING_TASK => 1024,
+ ```
+ The default per_page value is 20.
+ example: 2048
+ db:
+ readOnly: true
+ type: string
+ example: 'db-ninja-01'
+ first_day_of_week:
+ description: "The first day of the week for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ first_month_of_year:
+ description: "The first month for the company financial year"
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ enabled_item_tax_rates:
+ description: "The number of tax rates used per item"
+ type: integer
+ example: 2
+ is_large:
+ description: "A flag determining whether the company is considered large"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ default_auto_bill:
+ type: string
+ example: 'always'
+ description: |
+ A flag determining whether to auto-bill clients by default
+ values:
+ - always - Always auto bill
+ - disabled - Never auto bill
+ - optin - Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being disabled
+ - optout -Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being enabled
+ mark_expenses_invoiceable:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as invoiceable by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ mark_expenses_paid:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as paid by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_expense_documents:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include expense documents on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ auto_start_tasks:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to auto-start tasks by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_timelog:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include task time logs on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_documents:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include task documents on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ show_tasks_table:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to show the tasks table on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_disabled:
+ description: "A flag determining whether the company is disabled"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ default_task_is_date_based:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to default tasks to be date-based"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ enable_product_discount:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product discount field in the user interface"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ calculate_expense_tax_by_amount:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to calculate expense taxes by amount"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ expense_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include taxes in the expense amount"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ session_timeout:
+ description: "The session timeout for the company"
+ type: integer
+ example: 60
+ oauth_password_required:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to require a password for `dangerous` actions when using OAuth"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_datelog:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include task date logs on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ default_password_timeout:
+ description: "The default password timeout for the company"
+ type: integer
+ example: 60
+ show_task_end_date:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to show the task end date on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ markdown_enabled:
+ description: "A flag determining whether markdown is enabled for the company"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ report_include_drafts:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include draft invoices in reports"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ client_registration_fields:
+ description: "The client registration fields for the company"
+ type: object
+ stop_on_unpaid_recurring:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to stop recurring invoices when they are unpaid"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ use_quote_terms_on_conversion:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to use quote terms on conversion to an invoice"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ enable_applying_payments:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to enable applying payments to invoices"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ track_inventory:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to track inventory for the company"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ inventory_notification_threshold:
+ description: "The inventory notification threshold for the company"
+ type: integer
+ example: 60
+ stock_notification:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to send stock notifications for the company"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ matomo_url:
+ description: "The Matomo URL for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://matomo.example.com'
+ matomo_id:
+ description: "The Matomo ID for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ enabled_expense_tax_rates:
+ description: "The number of tax rates used per expense"
+ type: integer
+ example: 2
+ invoice_task_project:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include the project on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ report_include_deleted:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include deleted invoices in reports"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_lock:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to lock tasks when invoiced"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ convert_payment_currency:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to convert the payment currency"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ convert_expense_currency:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to convert the expense currency"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ notify_vendor_when_paid:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to notify the vendor when an expense is paid"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_hours:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include the task hours on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ calculate_taxes:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to calculate taxes for the company"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ tax_data:
+ description: "The tax data for the company"
+ type: object
+ e_invoice_certificate:
+ description: "The e-invoice certificate for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'
+ e_invoice_certificate_passphrase:
+ description: "The e-invoice certificate passphrase for the company"
+ type: string
+ example: 'secret'
+ origin_tax_data:
+ description: "The origin tax data for the company"
+ type: object
+ invoice_task_project_header:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include the project header on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_task_item_description:
+ description: "A flag determining whether to include the item description on invoices by default"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ settings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
+ type: object
+ CompanyLedger:
+ properties:
+ entity_id:
+ description: 'This field will reference one of the following entity hashed ID payment_id, invoice_id or credit_id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ notes:
+ description: 'The notes which reference this entry of the ledger'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Credit note for invoice #3212'
+ balance:
+ description: 'The client balance'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ adjustment:
+ description: 'The amount the client balance is adjusted by'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ type: object
+ RecurringInvoice:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the recurring invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ status_id:
+ description: 'The invoice status variable'
+ type: string
+ example: '4'
+ frequency_id:
+ description: 'The recurring invoice frequency'
+ type: number
+ example: '4'
+ remaining_cycles:
+ description: 'The number of invoices left to be generated'
+ type: number
+ example: '4'
+ number:
+ description: 'The recurringinvoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
+ type: string
+ example: INV_101
+ po_number:
+ description: 'The purchase order associated with this recurring invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: PO-1234
+ terms:
+ description: 'The invoice terms'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are invoice terms'
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some public notes'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some private notes'
+ footer:
+ description: 'The invoice footer notes'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-01'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Something custom'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ total_taxes:
+ description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ line_items:
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
+ type: object
+ example: ''
+ amount:
+ description: 'The invoice amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ balance:
+ description: 'The invoice balance'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ discount:
+ description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ partial:
+ description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: 'The Invoice Date'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ next_send_date:
+ description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ due_date:
+ description: 'The due date of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ settings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
+ last_viewed:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge_tax1:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax2:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax3:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax4:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ Payment:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The payment hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ invitation_id:
+ description: 'The invitation hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_contact_id:
+ description: 'The client contact hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ type_id:
+ description: 'The Payment Type ID'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ date:
+ description: 'The Payment date'
+ type: string
+ example: 1-1-2014
+ transaction_reference:
+ description: 'The transaction reference as defined by the payment gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: xcsSxcs124asd
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the payment'
+ type: string
+ example: 'The payment was refunded due to error'
+ is_manual:
+ description: 'Flags whether the payment was made manually or processed via a gateway'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Defines if the payment has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ amount:
+ description: 'The amount of this payment'
+ type: number
+ example: 10
+ refunded:
+ description: 'The refunded amount of this payment'
+ type: number
+ example: 10
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ company_gateway_id:
+ description: 'The company gateway id'
+ type: string
+ example: '3'
+ paymentables:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Paymentable'
+ invoices:
+ description: ''
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoicePaymentable'
+ credits:
+ description: ''
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditPaymentable'
+ number:
+ description: 'The payment number - is a unique alpha numeric number per payment per company'
+ type: string
+ example: PAY_101
+ type: object
+ Credit:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: "The unique hashed ID of the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: "The unique hashed ID of the user associated with the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: 1a2b3c4d5e
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: "The unique hashed ID of the assigned user responsible for the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: 6f7g8h9i0j
+ client_id:
+ description: "The unique hashed ID of the client associated with the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: p1q2r3s4t5
+ status_id:
+ description: "The ID representing the current status of the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: 3
+ invoice_id:
+ description: "The unique hashed ID of the linked invoice to which the credit is applied"
+ type: string
+ example: u1v2w3x4y5
+ number:
+ description: "The unique alphanumeric credit number per company"
+ type: string
+ example: QUOTE_101
+ po_number:
+ description: "The purchase order number referred to by the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: PO_12345
+ terms:
+ description: "The terms associated with the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "Net 30"
+ public_notes:
+ description: "Public notes for the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "Thank you for your business."
+ private_notes:
+ description: "Private notes for internal use, not visible to the client"
+ type: string
+ example: "Client is requesting a discount."
+ footer:
+ description: "The footer text for the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "Footer text goes here."
+ custom_value1:
+ description: "Custom value 1 for additional credit information"
+ type: string
+ example: "Custom data 1"
+ custom_value2:
+ description: "Custom value 2 for additional credit information"
+ type: string
+ example: "Custom data 2"
+ custom_value3:
+ description: "Custom value 3 for additional credit information"
+ type: string
+ example: "Custom data 3"
+ custom_value4:
+ description: "Custom value 4 for additional credit information"
+ type: string
+ example: "Custom data 4"
+ tax_name1:
+ description: "The name of the first tax applied to the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "VAT"
+ tax_name2:
+ description: "The name of the second tax applied to the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "GST"
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: "The rate of the first tax applied to the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: "The rate of the second tax applied to the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 5.00
+ tax_name3:
+ description: "The name of the third tax applied to the credit"
+ type: string
+ example: "PST"
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: "The rate of the third tax applied to the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 8.00
+ total_taxes:
+ description: "The total amount of taxes for the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 23.00
+ line_items:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the credit'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
+ amount:
+ description: "The total amount of the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 100.00
+ balance:
+ description: "The outstanding balance of the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 50.00
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: "The total amount paid to date for the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 50.00
+ discount:
+ description: "The discount applied to the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ partial:
+ description: "The partial amount applied to the credit"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 20.00
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: "Indicates whether the discount applied is a fixed amount or a percentage"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: "Indicates whether the credit has been deleted"
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: "Indicates whether the tax rates applied to the credit are inclusive or exclusive"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: "The date the credit was issued"
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: "1994-07-30"
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: "The date the credit was last sent out"
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: "1994-07-30"
+ next_send_date:
+ description: "The next scheduled date for sending a credit reminder"
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: "1994-07-30"
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: "The due date for the partial amount of the credit"
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: "1994-07-30"
+ due_date:
+ description: "The due date for the total amount of the credit"
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: "1994-07-30"
+ settings:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/CompanySettings"
+ last_viewed:
+ description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was viewed"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ updated_at:
+ description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was updated"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ archived_at:
+ description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was archived"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 1434342123
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: "First custom surcharge amount"
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge_tax1:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax2:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax3:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax4:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ Subscription:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: Unique identifier for the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: Unique identifier for the user associated with the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
+ product_id:
+ description: Unique identifier for the product associated with the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: Pr5Ft7yBmC
+ recurring_invoice_id:
+ description: Unique identifier for the recurring invoice associated with the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: Ri2Yt8zJkP
+ is_recurring:
+ description: Indicates whether the subscription is recurring
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ frequency_id:
+ description: 'integer const representation of the frequency'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ auto_bill:
+ description: 'enum setting'
+ type: string
+ example: always
+ promo_code:
+ description: Promotional code applied to the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: PROMOCODE4U
+ promo_discount:
+ description: Discount percentage or amount applied to the subscription
+ type: number
+ example: 10
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: Indicates whether the discount is a fixed amount
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ allow_cancellation:
+ description: Indicates whether the subscription can be cancelled
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ per_seat_enabled:
+ description: Indicates whether the subscription pricing is per seat
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ currency_id:
+ description: Unique identifier for the currency used in the subscription
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ max_seats_limit:
+ description: Maximum number of seats allowed for the subscription
+ type: integer
+ example: '100'
+ trial_enabled:
+ description: Indicates whether the subscription has a trial period
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ trial_duration:
+ description: Duration of the trial period in days
+ type: integer
+ example: '14'
+ allow_query_overrides:
+ description: Indicates whether query overrides are allowed for the subscription
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ allow_plan_changes:
+ description: Indicates whether plan changes are allowed for the subscription
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'true'
+ refund_period:
+ description: Number of days within which refunds can be requested
+ type: integer
+ example: '30'
+ webhook_configuration:
+ description: Webhook configuration for the subscription
+ type: string
+ example: 'expand reference for this'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: Indicates whether the subscription has been deleted
+ type: boolean
+ example: 'false'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ type: object
+ BulkAction:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: integer
+ example: '[0,1,2,3,]'
+ Project:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The project hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: The assigned user identifier associated with the project
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ description: The client identifier associated with the project
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: The name of the project
+ example: 'New Project'
+ task_rate:
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: 10
+ description: The default rate per task for the project
+ due_date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '2019-01-01'
+ description: The due date for the project
+ private_notes:
+ type: string
+ description: Private notes associated with the project
+ budgeted_hours:
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ description: The number of budgeted hours for the project
+ custom_value1:
+ type: string
+ description: Custom value field 1
+ custom_value2:
+ type: string
+ description: Custom value field 2
+ custom_value3:
+ type: string
+ description: Custom value field 3
+ custom_value4:
+ type: string
+ description: Custom value field 4
+ created_at:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 134341234234
+ description: The timestamp of the project creation
+ updated_at:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 134341234234
+ description: The timestamp of the last project update
+ archived_at:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: 134341234234
+ description: The timestamp of the project deletion
+ public_notes:
+ type: string
+ description: Public notes associated with the project
+ is_deleted:
+ type: boolean
+ description: A flag indicating if the project is deleted
+ number:
+ type: string
+ description: The project number
+ color:
+ type: string
+ description: The color associated with the project
+ required:
+ - id
+ - user_id
+ - name
+ - task_rate
+ - budgeted_hours
+ - is_deleted
+ - color
- currency_id
@@ -17500,1859 +18704,6 @@ components:
example: "individual"
type: object
- CompanyLedger:
- properties:
- entity_id:
- description: 'This field will reference one of the following entity hashed ID payment_id, invoice_id or credit_id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- notes:
- description: 'The notes which reference this entry of the ledger'
- type: string
- example: 'Credit note for invoice #3212'
- balance:
- description: 'The client balance'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- adjustment:
- description: 'The amount the client balance is adjusted by'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- type: object
- CompanyToken:
- properties:
- name:
- description: 'The token name'
- type: string
- example: 'Token Name'
- token:
- description: 'The token value'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3jUUH765fhfd9KJuidj3JShjA
- is_system:
- description: 'Determines whether the token is created by the system rather than a user'
- type: boolean
- example: 'true'
- type: object
- Activity:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The id field of the activity'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- activity_type_id:
- description: 'The activity type id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- company_id:
- description: 'The company hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- invoice_id:
- description: 'The invoice hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- payment_id:
- description: 'The payment hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- credit_id:
- description: 'The credit hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- updated_at:
- description: 'Unixtimestamp the last time the record was updated'
- type: integer
- example: '343421434'
- expense_id:
- description: 'The expense hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- is_system:
- description: 'Defines is the activity was performed by the system'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- contact_id:
- description: 'The contact hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- task_id:
- description: 'The task hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- notes:
- description: 'Activity Notes'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- token_id:
- description: 'The hashed ID of the token who performed the action'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- ip:
- description: 'The IP Address of the user who performed the action'
- type: string
- example:
- user:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
- client:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Client'
- contact:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContact'
- recurring_invoice:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice'
- invoice:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Invoice'
- credit:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Credit'
- quote:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Quote'
- payment:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment'
- expense:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expense'
- task:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
- purchase_order:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder'
- vendor:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor'
- vendor_contact:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorContact'
- type: object
- Error:
- properties:
- message:
- description: 'Something terrible went wrong'
- type: string
- example: 'Unexpected error'
- code:
- description: 'The HTTP error code, ie 5xx 4xx'
- type: integer
- example: '500'
- type: object
- GenericBulkAction:
- properties:
- action:
- type: string
- example: archive
- description: 'The action to perform ie. archive / restore / delete'
- ids:
- type: array
- items:
- format: string
- type: string
- example: 2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA
- description: string array of client hashed ids
- type: object
- ClientContact:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed if of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the contact'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- client_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- first_name:
- description: 'The first name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: John
- last_name:
- description: 'The last name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Doe
- phone:
- description: 'The phone number of the contact'
- type: string
- example: 555-152-4524
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- email:
- description: 'The email of the contact'
- type: string
- example: ''
- accepted_terms_version:
- description: 'The terms of service which the contact has accpeted'
- type: string
- example: 'A long set of ToS'
- readOnly: true
- password:
- description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
- type: string
- example: '*****'
- confirmation_code:
- description: 'The confirmation code used to authenticate the contacts email address'
- type: string
- example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
- readOnly: true
- token:
- description: 'A uuid based token.'
- type: string
- example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
- readOnly: true
- contact_key:
- description: 'A unique identifier for the contact'
- type: string
- example: JD0X52bkfZlJRiroCJ0tcSiAjsJTntZ5uqKdiZ0a
- readOnly: true
- is_primary:
- description: 'Defines is this contact is the primary contact for the client'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- confirmed:
- description: 'Boolean value confirms the user has confirmed their account.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_locked:
- description: 'Boolean value defines if the contact has been locked out.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- send_email:
- description: 'Boolean value determines is this contact should receive emails'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- failed_logins:
- description: 'The number of failed logins the contact has had'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '3'
- readOnly: true
- email_verified_at:
- description: 'The date which the contact confirmed their email'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- last_login:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- deleted_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- type: object
- Project:
- type: object
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The project hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: The assigned user identifier associated with the project
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- description: The client identifier associated with the project
- name:
- type: string
- description: The name of the project
- example: 'New Project'
- task_rate:
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 10
- description: The default rate per task for the project
- due_date:
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '2019-01-01'
- description: The due date for the project
- private_notes:
- type: string
- description: Private notes associated with the project
- budgeted_hours:
- type: number
- format: float
- description: The number of budgeted hours for the project
- custom_value1:
- type: string
- description: Custom value field 1
- custom_value2:
- type: string
- description: Custom value field 2
- custom_value3:
- type: string
- description: Custom value field 3
- custom_value4:
- type: string
- description: Custom value field 4
- created_at:
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 134341234234
- description: The timestamp of the project creation
- updated_at:
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 134341234234
- description: The timestamp of the last project update
- archived_at:
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 134341234234
- description: The timestamp of the project deletion
- public_notes:
- type: string
- description: Public notes associated with the project
- is_deleted:
- type: boolean
- description: A flag indicating if the project is deleted
- number:
- type: string
- description: The project number
- color:
- type: string
- description: The color associated with the project
- required:
- - id
- - user_id
- - name
- - task_rate
- - budgeted_hours
- - is_deleted
- - color
- Credit:
- properties:
- id:
- description: "The unique hashed ID of the credit"
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: "The unique hashed ID of the user associated with the credit"
- type: string
- example: 1a2b3c4d5e
- assigned_user_id:
- description: "The unique hashed ID of the assigned user responsible for the credit"
- type: string
- example: 6f7g8h9i0j
- client_id:
- description: "The unique hashed ID of the client associated with the credit"
- type: string
- example: p1q2r3s4t5
- status_id:
- description: "The ID representing the current status of the credit"
- type: string
- example: 3
- invoice_id:
- description: "The unique hashed ID of the linked invoice to which the credit is applied"
- type: string
- example: u1v2w3x4y5
- number:
- description: "The unique alphanumeric credit number per company"
- type: string
- example: QUOTE_101
- po_number:
- description: "The purchase order number referred to by the credit"
- type: string
- example: PO_12345
- terms:
- description: "The terms associated with the credit"
- type: string
- example: "Net 30"
- public_notes:
- description: "Public notes for the credit"
- type: string
- example: "Thank you for your business."
- private_notes:
- description: "Private notes for internal use, not visible to the client"
- type: string
- example: "Client is requesting a discount."
- footer:
- description: "The footer text for the credit"
- type: string
- example: "Footer text goes here."
- custom_value1:
- description: "Custom value 1 for additional credit information"
- type: string
- example: "Custom data 1"
- custom_value2:
- description: "Custom value 2 for additional credit information"
- type: string
- example: "Custom data 2"
- custom_value3:
- description: "Custom value 3 for additional credit information"
- type: string
- example: "Custom data 3"
- custom_value4:
- description: "Custom value 4 for additional credit information"
- type: string
- example: "Custom data 4"
- tax_name1:
- description: "The name of the first tax applied to the credit"
- type: string
- example: "VAT"
- tax_name2:
- description: "The name of the second tax applied to the credit"
- type: string
- example: "GST"
- tax_rate1:
- description: "The rate of the first tax applied to the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 10.00
- tax_rate2:
- description: "The rate of the second tax applied to the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 5.00
- tax_name3:
- description: "The name of the third tax applied to the credit"
- type: string
- example: "PST"
- tax_rate3:
- description: "The rate of the third tax applied to the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 8.00
- total_taxes:
- description: "The total amount of taxes for the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 23.00
- line_items:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the credit'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
- amount:
- description: "The total amount of the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 100.00
- balance:
- description: "The outstanding balance of the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 50.00
- paid_to_date:
- description: "The total amount paid to date for the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 50.00
- discount:
- description: "The discount applied to the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 10.00
- partial:
- description: "The partial amount applied to the credit"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 20.00
- is_amount_discount:
- description: "Indicates whether the discount applied is a fixed amount or a percentage"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: "Indicates whether the credit has been deleted"
- type: boolean
- example: false
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: "Indicates whether the tax rates applied to the credit are inclusive or exclusive"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: "The date the credit was issued"
- type: string
- format: date
- example: "1994-07-30"
- last_sent_date:
- description: "The date the credit was last sent out"
- type: string
- format: date
- example: "1994-07-30"
- next_send_date:
- description: "The next scheduled date for sending a credit reminder"
- type: string
- format: date
- example: "1994-07-30"
- partial_due_date:
- description: "The due date for the partial amount of the credit"
- type: string
- format: date
- example: "1994-07-30"
- due_date:
- description: "The due date for the total amount of the credit"
- type: string
- format: date
- example: "1994-07-30"
- settings:
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/CompanySettings"
- last_viewed:
- description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was viewed"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 1434342123
- updated_at:
- description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was updated"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 1434342123
- archived_at:
- description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was archived"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: 1434342123
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: "First custom surcharge amount"
- type: number
- format: float
- example: 10.00
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge_tax1:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax2:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax3:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax4:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- type: object
- ProductBulkAction:
- required:
- - action
- - ids
- properties:
- action:
- type: string
- example: archive
- description: 'The action to perform ie. archive / restore / delete / set_tax_id'
- ids:
- type: array
- items:
- format: string
- type: string
- example: 2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA
- description: string array of client hashed ids
- tax_id:
- type: string
- example: '1'
- description: |
- The tax rate id to set on the list of products
- The following constants are available (default = '1')
- ```
- ```
- type: object
- Payment:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The payment hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- invitation_id:
- description: 'The invitation hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_contact_id:
- description: 'The client contact hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- type_id:
- description: 'The Payment Type ID'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- date:
- description: 'The Payment date'
- type: string
- example: 1-1-2014
- transaction_reference:
- description: 'The transaction reference as defined by the payment gateway'
- type: string
- example: xcsSxcs124asd
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the payment'
- type: string
- example: 'The payment was refunded due to error'
- is_manual:
- description: 'Flags whether the payment was made manually or processed via a gateway'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Defines if the payment has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- amount:
- description: 'The amount of this payment'
- type: number
- example: 10
- refunded:
- description: 'The refunded amount of this payment'
- type: number
- example: 10
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- company_gateway_id:
- description: 'The company gateway id'
- type: string
- example: '3'
- paymentables:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Paymentable'
- invoices:
- description: ''
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoicePaymentable'
- credits:
- description: ''
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditPaymentable'
- number:
- description: 'The payment number - is a unique alpha numeric number per payment per company'
- type: string
- example: PAY_101
- type: object
- BankTransactionRule:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The bank transaction rules hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- name:
- description: 'The name of the transaction'
- type: string
- example: 'Rule 1'
- rules:
- description: 'A mapped collection of the sub rules for the BankTransactionRule'
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/BTRules'
- auto_convert:
- description: 'Flags whether the rule converts the transaction automatically'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- matches_on_all:
- description: 'Flags whether all subrules are required for the match'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- applies_to:
- description: 'Flags whether the rule applies to a CREDIT or DEBIT'
- type: string
- example: CREDIT
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- vendor_id:
- description: 'The vendor hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- category_id:
- description: 'The category hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- type: object
- RecurringExpense:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user assigned to this recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- invoice_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- bank_id:
- description: 'The id of the bank associated with this recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: '22'
- invoice_currency_id:
- description: 'The currency id of the invoice associated with this recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- expense_currency_id:
- description: 'The currency id of the expense associated with this recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- invoice_category_id:
- description: 'The category id of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- payment_type_id:
- description: 'The payment type id'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The recurring expense private notes'
- type: string
- example: 'Private and confidential'
- public_notes:
- description: 'The recurring expense public notes'
- type: string
- example: 'This is the best client in the world'
- transaction_reference:
- description: 'The recurring expense transaction reference'
- type: string
- example: EXP-1223-2333
- transcation_id:
- description: 'The transaction id of the recurring expense'
- type: string
- example: '1233312312'
- custom_value1:
- description: 'Custom value field'
- type: string
- example: $1000
- custom_value2:
- description: 'Custom value field'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'Custom value field'
- type: string
- example: 'short text'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'Custom value field'
- type: string
- example: 'very long text'
- tax_name1:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: GST
- tax_name2:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: VAT
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- amount:
- description: 'The total amount of the recurring expense'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- frequency_id:
- description: 'The frequency this recurring expense fires'
- type: number
- format: int
- example: '1'
- remaining_cycles:
- description: 'The number of remaining cycles for this recurring expense'
- type: number
- format: int
- example: '1'
- foreign_amount:
- description: 'The foreign currency amount of the recurring expense'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- exchange_rate:
- description: 'The exchange rate for the expernse'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '0.80'
- date:
- description: 'The date of the expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- payment_date:
- description: 'The date the expense was paid'
- type: string
- example: ''
- should_be_invoiced:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the expense should be invoiced'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the recurring expense is deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- last_sent_date:
- description: 'The Date it was sent last'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- next_send_date:
- description: 'The next send date'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- invoice_documents:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the documents associated with this expense should be passed onto the invoice if it is converted to an invoice'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- type: object
- InvoiceRequest:
- required:
- - client_id
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The invoice hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- status_id:
- description: 'The invoice status variable'
- type: string
- example: '4'
- readOnly: true
- number:
- description: 'The invoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
- type: string
- example: INV_101
- po_number:
- description: 'The purchase order associated with this invoice'
- type: string
- example: PO-1234
- terms:
- description: 'The invoice terms'
- type: string
- example: 'These are invoice terms'
- public_notes:
- description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some public notes'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some private notes'
- footer:
- description: 'The invoice footer notes'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-01'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: 'Something custom'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name1:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name2:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- total_taxes:
- description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- readOnly: true
- line_items:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
- invitations:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the invitations of the invoice'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceInvitationRequest'
- amount:
- description: 'The invoice amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- readOnly: true
- balance:
- description: 'The invoice balance'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- readOnly: true
- paid_to_date:
- description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- readOnly: true
- discount:
- description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- partial:
- description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- is_amount_discount:
- description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- readOnly: true
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: 'The Invoice Date'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_sent_date:
- description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- readOnly: true
- next_send_date:
- description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- readOnly: true
- partial_due_date:
- description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- due_date:
- description: 'The due date of the invoice'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_viewed:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge_tax1:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax2:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax3:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax4:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- project_id:
- description: 'The project associated with this invoice'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- type: object
- RecurringQuote:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the recurring quote'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- status_id:
- description: 'The quote status variable'
- type: string
- example: '4'
- frequency_id:
- description: 'The recurring quote frequency'
- type: number
- example: '4'
- remaining_cycles:
- description: 'The number of quotes left to be generated'
- type: number
- example: '4'
- number:
- description: 'The recurringquote number - is a unique alpha numeric number per quote per company'
- type: string
- example: INV_101
- po_number:
- description: 'The purchase order associated with this recurring quote'
- type: string
- example: PO-1234
- terms:
- description: 'The quote terms'
- type: string
- example: 'These are quote terms'
- public_notes:
- description: 'The public notes of the quote'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some public notes'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the quote'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some private notes'
- footer:
- description: 'The quote footer notes'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-01'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: 'Something custom'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name1:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name2:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- total_taxes:
- description: 'The total taxes for the quote'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- line_items:
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the quote'
- type: object
- example: ''
- amount:
- description: 'The quote amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- balance:
- description: 'The quote balance'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- paid_to_date:
- description: 'The amount paid on the quote to date'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- discount:
- description: 'The quote discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- partial:
- description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- is_amount_discount:
- description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Defines if the quote has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: 'The quote Date'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_sent_date:
- description: 'The last date the quote was sent out'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- next_send_date:
- description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- partial_due_date:
- description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- due_date:
- description: 'The due date of the quote'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- settings:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
- last_viewed:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge_tax1:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax2:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax3:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax4:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- type: object
- Client:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- contacts:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContact'
- user_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the user who created the client'
- type: string
- example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
- readOnly: true
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the user who has been assigned the client'
- type: string
- example: Ua6Rw4pVbS
- name:
- description: 'The name of the client company or organization'
- type: string
- example: "Jim's Housekeeping"
- website:
- description: 'The website URL of the client company or organization'
- type: string
- example: 'https://www.jims-housekeeping.com'
- private_notes:
- description: 'Notes that are only visible to the user who created the client'
- type: string
- example: 'Client prefers email communication over phone calls'
- client_hash:
- description: 'A unique hash value for the client'
- type: string
- example: asdfkjhk342hjhbfdvmnfb1
- readOnly: true
- industry_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the industry the client operates in'
- type: number
- example: '5'
- size_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier for the size category of the client company or organization'
- type: number
- example: '2'
- address1:
- description: "First line of the client's address"
- type: string
- example: '123 Main St'
- address2:
- description: "Second line of the client's address, if needed"
- type: string
- example: 'Apt 4B'
- city:
- description: 'The city the client is located in'
- type: string
- example: 'Beverly Hills'
- state:
- description: 'The state, province, or locality the client is located in'
- type: string
- example: 'California'
- postal_code:
- description: 'The postal code or ZIP code of the client'
- type: string
- example: '90210'
- phone:
- description: "The client's phone number"
- type: string
- example: '555-3434-3434'
- country_id:
- description: "The unique identifier of the client's country"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1'
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Preferred contact: Email'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Account manager: John Doe'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'VIP client: Yes'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Annual contract value: $50,000'
- vat_number:
- description: "The client's VAT (Value Added Tax) number, if applicable"
- type: string
- example: 'VAT123456'
- id_number:
- description: 'A unique identification number for the client, such as a tax ID or business registration number'
- type: string
- number:
- description: 'A system-assigned unique number for the client, typically used for invoicing purposes'
- type: string
- example: 'CL-0001'
- shipping_address1:
- description: "First line of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: '5 Wallaby Way'
- shipping_address2:
- description: "Second line of the client's shipping address, if needed"
- type: string
- example: 'Suite 5'
- shipping_city:
- description: "The city of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: 'Perth'
- shipping_state:
- description: "The state, province, or locality of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: 'Western Australia'
- shipping_postal_code:
- description: "The postal code or ZIP code of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: '6110'
- shipping_country_id:
- description: "The unique identifier of the country for the client's shipping address"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '4'
- is_deleted:
- description: 'A boolean value indicating whether the client has been deleted or not'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- readOnly: true
- balance:
- description: 'The outstanding balance the client owes'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '500.00'
- readOnly: true
- paid_to_date:
- description: 'The total amount the client has paid to date'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '2000.00'
- readOnly: true
- credit_balance:
- description: 'The available credit balance for the client to use on future purchases'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '100.00'
- readOnly: true
- last_login:
- description: "The timestamp of the client's last login"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1628686031'
- readOnly: true
- created_at:
- description: 'The timestamp when the client was created'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1617629031'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: 'The timestamp when the client was last updated'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1628445631'
- readOnly: true
- group_settings_id:
- description: 'The group settings assigned to the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- routing_id:
- description: 'The routing address id for e-invoicing for this client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz3489-dfkiu-2239-sdsd
- is_tax_exempt:
- description: 'Flag which defines if the client is exempt from taxes'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- has_valid_vat_number:
- description: 'Flag which defines if the client has a valid VAT number'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- readOnly: true
- payment_balance:
- description: 'Defines the payment balance the client has on file (pre payments / over payments / unapplied amounts)'
- type: number
- example: 100
- readOnly: true
- settings:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientSettings'
- type: object
- PaymentTerm:
- properties:
- num_days:
- description: 'The payment term length in days'
- type: integer
- example: '1'
- name:
- description: 'The payment term length in string format'
- type: string
- example: 'NET 1'
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- type: object
- Product:
- type: object
- properties:
- id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed product ID.'
- example: eP01N
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the user that created this product.'
- example: n30m4
- readOnly: true
- assigned_user_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the user assigned to this product.'
- example: pR0j3
- project_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the project that this product is associated with.'
- example: pR0j3
- vendor_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the vendor that this product is associated with.'
- example: pR0j3
- custom_value1:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 1.'
- example: 'Custom value 1'
- custom_value2:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 2.'
- example: 'Custom value 2'
- custom_value3:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 3.'
- example: 'Custom value 3'
- custom_value4:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 4.'
- example: 'Custom value 4'
- product_key:
- type: string
- description: 'The product key.'
- example: '1234'
- notes:
- type: string
- description: 'Notes about the product.'
- example: 'These are some notes about the product.'
- cost:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The cost of the product. (Your purchase price for this product)'
- example: 10.0
- price:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The price of the product that you are charging.'
- example: 20.0
- quantity:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The quantity of the product. (used as a default)'
- example: 5.0
- tax_name1:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 1.'
- example: 'Tax 1'
- tax_rate1:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 1.'
- example: 10.0
- tax_name2:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 2.'
- example: 'Tax 2'
- tax_rate2:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 2.'
- example: 5.0
- tax_name3:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 3.'
- example: 'Tax 3'
- tax_rate3:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 3.'
- example: 0.0
- archived_at:
- type: integer
- format: timestamp
- description: 'The timestamp when the product was archived.'
- example: '2022-03-18T15:00:00Z'
- readOnly: true
- created_at:
- type: integer
- format: timestamp
- description: 'The timestamp when the product was created.'
- example: '2022-03-18T15:00:00Z'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: integer
- format: timestamp
- example: '2022-03-18T12:34:56.789Z'
- readOnly: true
- is_deleted:
- type: boolean
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the product has been deleted'
- example: false
- readOnly: true
- in_stock_quantity:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: The quantity of the product that is currently in stock
- default: 0
- stock_notification:
- type: boolean
- description: Indicates whether stock notifications are enabled for this product
- default: true
- stock_notification_threshold:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: The minimum quantity threshold for which stock notifications will be triggered
- default: 0
- max_quantity:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: The maximum quantity that can be ordered for this product
- product_image:
- type: string
- description: The URL of the product image
- format: uri-reference
- tax_id:
- type: string
- default: '1'
- description: |
- The tax category id for this product.'
- The following constants are available (default = '1')
- ```
- ```
- example: '1'
- Meta:
- properties:
- pagination:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pagination'
- Pagination:
- type: object
- properties:
- total:
- type: integer
- description: 'The total number of items'
- example: 1
- readOnly: true
- count:
- type: integer
- description: 'The number of items per page'
- example: 1
- readOnly: true
- per_page:
- type: integer
- description: 'The number of items per page'
- example: 1
- readOnly: true
- current_page:
- type: integer
- description: 'The current page number'
- example: 1
- readOnly: true
- total_pages:
- type: integer
- description: 'The total number of pages'
- example: 1
- readOnly: true
- links:
- type: object
- description: 'The pagination links'
- readOnly: true
- ClientContactRequest:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed if of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- first_name:
- description: 'The first name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: John
- last_name:
- description: 'The last name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Doe
- phone:
- description: 'The phone number of the contact'
- type: string
- example: 555-152-4524
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A Custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- email:
- description: 'The email of the contact'
- type: string
- example: ''
- password:
- description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
- type: string
- example: '*****'
- send_email:
- description: 'Boolean value determines is this contact should receive emails'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- type: object
@@ -19395,1521 +18746,6 @@ components:
format: integer
example: '134341234234'
type: object
- Vendor:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the user.'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the assigned user to this vendor. This is a unique identifier for the user.'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- contacts:
- type: array
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorContact'
- description: 'An array of contacts associated with the vendor.'
- name:
- description: 'The name of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 'Harry cafe de wheels'
- classification:
- description: 'The classification of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 'individual'
- website:
- description: 'The website of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: www.harry.com
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the vendor. These notes are only visible to users with appropriate permissions.'
- type: string
- example: 'Shhh, do not tell the vendor'
- industry_id:
- description: 'The industry id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the industry.'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- size_id:
- description: 'The size id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the size of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- address1:
- description: 'The first line of the vendor''s address.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- address2:
- description: 'The second line of the vendor''s address.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- city:
- description: 'The city of the vendor''s address.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- state:
- description: 'The state of the vendor''s address.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- postal_code:
- description: 'The postal code of the vendor''s address.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- phone:
- description: 'The phone number of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 555-3434-3434
- country_id:
- description: 'The country id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the country.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- currency_id:
- description: 'The currency id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the currency.'
- type: string
- example: '4'
- custom_value1:
- description: 'The value of the first custom field for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value2:
- description: 'The value of the second custom field for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value3:
- description: 'The value of the third custom field for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'The value of the fourth custom field for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- vat_number:
- description: 'The VAT number of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- id_number:
- description: 'The ID number of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: ''
- number:
- description: 'The number of the vendor'
- type: string
- example: '11234'
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the vendor has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- language_id:
- description: 'The language id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the language.'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- vendor_hash:
- description: 'The vendor hash of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 'aaa-sss-www'
- readOnly: true
- transaction_name:
- description: 'The transaction name of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 'aaa-sss-www'
- last_login:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- display_name:
- description: 'The display name of the vendor.'
- type: string
- example: 'Bob the vendor'
- readOnly: true
- type: object
- BTRules:
- properties:
- data_key:
- description: 'The key to search'
- type: string
- example: 'description,amount'
- operator:
- description: 'The operator flag of the search'
- type: string
- example: '>'
- value:
- description: 'The value to search for'
- type: string
- example: bob
- type: object
- ClientRequest:
- required:
- - contacts
- - country_id
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- contacts:
- type: array
- description: 'A list of contacts associated with the client'
- items:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContactRequest'
- name:
- description: 'The name of the client company or organization'
- type: string
- example: "Jim's Housekeeping"
- website:
- description: 'The website URL of the client company or organization'
- type: string
- example: 'https://www.jims-housekeeping.com'
- private_notes:
- description: 'Notes that are only visible to the user who created the client'
- type: string
- example: 'Client prefers email communication over phone calls'
- industry_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier of the industry the client operates in'
- type: number
- example: '5'
- size_id:
- description: 'The unique identifier for the size category of the client company or organization'
- type: number
- example: '2'
- address1:
- description: "First line of the client's address"
- type: string
- example: '123 Main St'
- address2:
- description: "Second line of the client's address, if needed"
- type: string
- example: 'Apt 4B'
- city:
- description: 'The city the client is located in'
- type: string
- example: 'Beverly Hills'
- state:
- description: 'The state, province, or locality the client is located in'
- type: string
- example: 'California'
- postal_code:
- description: 'The postal code or ZIP code of the client'
- type: string
- example: '90210'
- phone:
- description: "The client's phone number"
- type: string
- example: '555-3434-3434'
- country_id:
- description: "The unique identifier of the client's country"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1'
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Preferred contact: Email'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Account manager: John Doe'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'VIP client: Yes'
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
- type: string
- example: 'Annual contract value: $50,000'
- vat_number:
- description: "The client's VAT (Value Added Tax) number, if applicable"
- type: string
- example: 'VAT123456'
- id_number:
- description: 'A unique identification number for the client, such as a tax ID or business registration number'
- type: string
- number:
- description: 'A system-assigned unique number for the client, typically used for invoicing purposes'
- type: string
- example: 'CL-0001'
- shipping_address1:
- description: "First line of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: '5 Wallaby Way'
- shipping_address2:
- description: "Second line of the client's shipping address, if needed"
- type: string
- example: 'Suite 5'
- shipping_city:
- description: "The city of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: 'Perth'
- shipping_state:
- description: "The state, province, or locality of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: 'Western Australia'
- shipping_postal_code:
- description: "The postal code or ZIP code of the client's shipping address"
- type: string
- example: '6110'
- shipping_country_id:
- description: "The unique identifier of the country for the client's shipping address"
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '4'
- is_deleted:
- description: 'A boolean value indicating whether the client has been deleted or not'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- readOnly: true
- group_settings_id:
- description: 'The group settings assigned to the client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- routing_id:
- description: 'The routing address id for e-invoicing for this client'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz3489-dfkiu-2239-sdsd
- is_tax_exempt:
- description: 'Flag which defines if the client is exempt from taxes'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- has_valid_vat_number:
- description: 'Flag which defines if the client has a valid VAT number'
- type: boolean
- example: false
- readOnly: true
- classification:
- description: 'The classification of the client'
- type: string
- example: 'individual'
- settings:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientSettings'
- type: object
- BankTransaction:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The bank integration hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- transaction_id:
- description: 'The id of the transaction rule'
- type: integer
- example: 343434
- amount:
- description: 'The transaction amount'
- type: number
- example: 10
- currency_id:
- description: 'The currency ID of the currency'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- account_type:
- description: 'The account type'
- type: string
- example: creditCard
- description:
- description: 'The description of the transaction'
- type: string
- example: 'Potato purchases for kevin'
- category_id:
- description: 'The category id'
- type: integer
- example: 1
- category_type:
- description: 'The category description'
- type: string
- example: Expenses
- base_type:
- description: 'Either CREDIT or DEBIT'
- type: string
- example: CREDIT
- date:
- description: 'The date of the transaction'
- type: string
- example: '2022-09-01'
- bank_account_id:
- description: 'The ID number of the bank account'
- type: integer
- example: '1'
- type: object
- FeesAndLimits:
- properties:
- min_limit:
- description: 'The minimum amount accepted for this gateway'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- max_limit:
- description: 'The maximum amount accepted for this gateway'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- fee_amount:
- description: 'The gateway fee amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '2.0'
- fee_percent:
- description: 'The gateway fee percentage'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '2.0'
- fee_tax_name1:
- description: 'Fee tax name'
- type: string
- example: GST
- fee_tax_name2:
- description: 'Fee tax name'
- type: string
- example: VAT
- fee_tax_name3:
- description: 'Fee tax name'
- type: string
- example: 'CA Sales Tax'
- fee_tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.0'
- fee_tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '17.5'
- fee_tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '25.0'
- fee_cap:
- description: 'If set the fee amount will be no higher than this amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '2.0'
- adjust_fee_percent:
- description: 'Adjusts the fee to match the exact gateway fee.'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- type: object
- VendorContact:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the vendor contact'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- user_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the user id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- vendor_id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the vendor'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- first_name:
- description: 'The first name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Harry
- last_name:
- description: 'The last name of the contact'
- type: string
- example: Windsor
- contact_key:
- description: 'A unique identifier for the contact'
- type: string
- example: JD0X52bkfZlJRiroCJ0tcSiAjsJTntZ5uqKdiZ0a
- readOnly: true
- confirmation_code:
- description: 'The confirmation code used to authenticate the contacts email address'
- type: string
- example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
- readOnly: true
- phone:
- description: 'The contacts phone number'
- type: string
- example: 555-123-1234
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-10'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: $1000
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- email:
- description: 'The contact email address'
- type: string
- example: harry@windsor.com
- email_verified_at:
- description: 'The date which the contact confirmed their email'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- password:
- description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
- type: string
- example: '*****'
- is_primary:
- description: 'Boolean flag determining if the contact is the primary contact for the vendor'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- deleted_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '134341234234'
- readOnly: true
- type: object
- InvoiceInvitationRequest:
- required:
- - client_contact_id
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The entity invitation hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- readOnly: true
- client_contact_id:
- description: 'The client contact hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- key:
- description: 'The invitation key'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb
- readOnly: true
- link:
- description: 'The invitation link'
- type: string
- example: 'https://www.example.com/invitations/Opnel5aKBz4343343566236gvbb'
- readOnly: true
- sent_date:
- description: 'The invitation sent date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- viewed_date:
- description: 'The invitation viewed date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- opened_date:
- description: 'The invitation opened date'
- type: string
- format: date-time
- readOnly: true
- updated_at:
- description: 'Timestamp'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- archived_at:
- description: 'Timestamp'
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- readOnly: true
- email_error:
- description: 'The email error'
- type: string
- example: 'The email error'
- readOnly: true
- email_status:
- description: 'The email status'
- type: string
- readOnly: true
- Paymentable:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The paymentable hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- invoice_id:
- description: 'The invoice hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- credit_id:
- description: 'The credit hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- refunded:
- description: 'The amount that has been refunded for this payment'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- amount:
- description: 'The amount that has been applied to the payment'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- created_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- type: object
- Company:
- properties:
- id:
- description: "The unique hashed identifier for the company"
- type: string
- example: WJxbojagwO
- size_id:
- description: "The unique identifier representing the company's size category"
- type: string
- example: '2'
- industry_id:
- description: "The unique identifier representing the company's industry category"
- type: string
- example: '5'
- slack_webhook_url:
- description: "The URL for the company's Slack webhook notifications"
- type: string
- example: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
- google_analytics_key:
- description: "The company's Google Analytics tracking ID"
- type: string
- example: 'UA-123456789-1'
- portal_mode:
- description: "The mode determining how client-facing URLs are structured (e.g., subdomain, domain, or iframe)"
- type: string
- example: subdomain
- subdomain:
- description: "The subdomain prefix for the company's domain (e.g., 'acme' in acme.domain.com)"
- type: string
- example: acme
- portal_domain:
- description: "The fully qualified domain used for client-facing URLs"
- type: string
- example: 'https://subdomain.invoicing.co'
- enabled_tax_rates:
- description: "The number of tax rates used per entity"
- type: integer
- example: '2'
- fill_products:
- description: "A flag determining whether to auto-fill product descriptions based on the product key"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- convert_products:
- description: "A flag determining whether to convert products between different types or units"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- update_products:
- description: "A flag determining whether to update product descriptions when the description changes"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- show_product_details:
- description: "A flag determining whether to display product details in the user interface"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- show_product_cost:
- description: "A flag determining whether to display product cost is shown in the user interface"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_fields:
- description: "A mapping of custom fields for various objects within the company"
- type: object
- enable_product_cost:
- description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product cost field in the user interface"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- enable_product_quantity:
- description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product quantity field in the user interface"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- default_quantity:
- description: "A flag determining whether to use a default quantity for products"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_taxes1:
- description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the first custom surcharge field"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_taxes2:
- description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the second custom surcharge field"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_taxes3:
- description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the third custom surcharge field"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_taxes4:
- description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the fourth custom"
- logo:
- description: "The company logo file in binary format"
- type: string
- format: binary
- example: logo.png
- company_key:
- description: "The static company key hash used to identify the Company"
- readOnly: true
- type: string
- example: "Vnb14bRlwiFjc5ckte6cfbygTRkn5IMQ"
- client_can_register:
- description: "A flag determining whether clients can register for the client portal"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- enabled_modules:
- type: integer
- description: |
- Bitmask representation of the modules that are enabled in the application
- ```
- self::ENTITY_CREDIT => 2,
- self::ENTITY_QUOTE => 4,
- self::ENTITY_TASK => 8,
- self::ENTITY_EXPENSE => 16,
- self::ENTITY_PROJECT => 32,
- self::ENTITY_VENDOR => 64,
- self::ENTITY_TICKET => 128,
- self::ENTITY_PROPOSAL => 256,
- self::ENTITY_RECURRING_TASK => 1024,
- ```
- The default per_page value is 20.
- example: 2048
- db:
- readOnly: true
- type: string
- example: 'db-ninja-01'
- first_day_of_week:
- description: "The first day of the week for the company"
- type: string
- example: '1'
- first_month_of_year:
- description: "The first month for the company financial year"
- type: string
- example: '1'
- enabled_item_tax_rates:
- description: "The number of tax rates used per item"
- type: integer
- example: 2
- is_large:
- description: "A flag determining whether the company is considered large"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- default_auto_bill:
- type: string
- example: 'always'
- description: |
- A flag determining whether to auto-bill clients by default
- values:
- - always - Always auto bill
- - disabled - Never auto bill
- - optin - Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being disabled
- - optout -Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being enabled
- mark_expenses_invoiceable:
- description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as invoiceable by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- mark_expenses_paid:
- description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as paid by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_expense_documents:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include expense documents on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- auto_start_tasks:
- description: "A flag determining whether to auto-start tasks by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_timelog:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include task time logs on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_documents:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include task documents on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- show_tasks_table:
- description: "A flag determining whether to show the tasks table on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_disabled:
- description: "A flag determining whether the company is disabled"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- default_task_is_date_based:
- description: "A flag determining whether to default tasks to be date-based"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- enable_product_discount:
- description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product discount field in the user interface"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- calculate_expense_tax_by_amount:
- description: "A flag determining whether to calculate expense taxes by amount"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- expense_inclusive_taxes:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include taxes in the expense amount"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- session_timeout:
- description: "The session timeout for the company"
- type: integer
- example: 60
- oauth_password_required:
- description: "A flag determining whether to require a password for `dangerous` actions when using OAuth"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_datelog:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include task date logs on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- default_password_timeout:
- description: "The default password timeout for the company"
- type: integer
- example: 60
- show_task_end_date:
- description: "A flag determining whether to show the task end date on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- markdown_enabled:
- description: "A flag determining whether markdown is enabled for the company"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- report_include_drafts:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include draft invoices in reports"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- client_registration_fields:
- description: "The client registration fields for the company"
- type: object
- stop_on_unpaid_recurring:
- description: "A flag determining whether to stop recurring invoices when they are unpaid"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- use_quote_terms_on_conversion:
- description: "A flag determining whether to use quote terms on conversion to an invoice"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- enable_applying_payments:
- description: "A flag determining whether to enable applying payments to invoices"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- track_inventory:
- description: "A flag determining whether to track inventory for the company"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- inventory_notification_threshold:
- description: "The inventory notification threshold for the company"
- type: integer
- example: 60
- stock_notification:
- description: "A flag determining whether to send stock notifications for the company"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- matomo_url:
- description: "The Matomo URL for the company"
- type: string
- example: 'https://matomo.example.com'
- matomo_id:
- description: "The Matomo ID for the company"
- type: string
- example: '1'
- enabled_expense_tax_rates:
- description: "The number of tax rates used per expense"
- type: integer
- example: 2
- invoice_task_project:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include the project on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- report_include_deleted:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include deleted invoices in reports"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_lock:
- description: "A flag determining whether to lock tasks when invoiced"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- convert_payment_currency:
- description: "A flag determining whether to convert the payment currency"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- convert_expense_currency:
- description: "A flag determining whether to convert the expense currency"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- notify_vendor_when_paid:
- description: "A flag determining whether to notify the vendor when an expense is paid"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_hours:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include the task hours on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- calculate_taxes:
- description: "A flag determining whether to calculate taxes for the company"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- tax_data:
- description: "The tax data for the company"
- type: object
- e_invoice_certificate:
- description: "The e-invoice certificate for the company"
- type: string
- example: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'
- e_invoice_certificate_passphrase:
- description: "The e-invoice certificate passphrase for the company"
- type: string
- example: 'secret'
- origin_tax_data:
- description: "The origin tax data for the company"
- type: object
- invoice_task_project_header:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include the project header on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_task_item_description:
- description: "A flag determining whether to include the item description on invoices by default"
- type: boolean
- example: true
- settings:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
- type: object
- ProductRequest:
- type: object
- properties:
- id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed product ID.'
- example: eP01N
- readOnly: true
- assigned_user_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the user assigned to this product.'
- example: pR0j3
- project_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the project that this product is associated with.'
- example: pR0j3
- vendor_id:
- type: string
- description: 'The hashed ID of the vendor that this product is associated with.'
- example: pR0j3
- custom_value1:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 1.'
- example: 'Custom value 1'
- custom_value2:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 2.'
- example: 'Custom value 2'
- custom_value3:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 3.'
- example: 'Custom value 3'
- custom_value4:
- type: string
- description: 'Custom value field 4.'
- example: 'Custom value 4'
- product_key:
- type: string
- description: 'The product key.'
- example: '1234'
- notes:
- type: string
- description: 'Notes about the product.'
- example: 'These are some notes about the product.'
- cost:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The cost of the product.'
- example: 10.0
- price:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The price of the product.'
- example: 20.0
- quantity:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The quantity of the product.'
- example: 5.0
- default: 1
- tax_name1:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 1.'
- example: 'Tax 1'
- tax_rate1:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 1.'
- example: 10.0
- tax_name2:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 2.'
- example: 'Tax 2'
- tax_rate2:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 2.'
- example: 5.0
- tax_name3:
- type: string
- description: 'The name of tax 3.'
- example: 'Tax 3'
- tax_rate3:
- type: number
- format: double
- description: 'The rate of tax 3.'
- example: 0.0
- in_stock_quantity:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: |
- The quantity of the product that is currently in stock.
- **note** this field is not mutable without passing an extra query parameter which will allow modification of this value.
- The query parameter ?update_in_stock_quantity=true **MUST** be passed if you wish to update this value manually.
- default: 0
- stock_notification:
- type: boolean
- description: Indicates whether stock notifications are enabled for this product
- default: true
- stock_notification_threshold:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: The minimum quantity threshold for which stock notifications will be triggered
- default: 0
- max_quantity:
- type: integer
- format: int32
- description: The maximum quantity that can be ordered for this product
- product_image:
- type: string
- description: The URL of the product image
- format: uri-reference
- tax_id:
- type: string
- default: '1'
- description: |
- The tax category id for this product.'
- The following constants are available (default = '1')
- ```
- ```
- example: '1'
- RecurringInvoice:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The hashed id of the recurring invoice'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: Opnel5aKBz
- status_id:
- description: 'The invoice status variable'
- type: string
- example: '4'
- frequency_id:
- description: 'The recurring invoice frequency'
- type: number
- example: '4'
- remaining_cycles:
- description: 'The number of invoices left to be generated'
- type: number
- example: '4'
- number:
- description: 'The recurringinvoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
- type: string
- example: INV_101
- po_number:
- description: 'The purchase order associated with this recurring invoice'
- type: string
- example: PO-1234
- terms:
- description: 'The invoice terms'
- type: string
- example: 'These are invoice terms'
- public_notes:
- description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some public notes'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
- type: string
- example: 'These are some private notes'
- footer:
- description: 'The invoice footer notes'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: '2022-10-01'
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: 'Something custom'
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom field value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name1:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_name2:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'The tax name'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'The tax rate'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- total_taxes:
- description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- line_items:
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
- type: object
- example: ''
- amount:
- description: 'The invoice amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- balance:
- description: 'The invoice balance'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- paid_to_date:
- description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- discount:
- description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- partial:
- description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- is_amount_discount:
- description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- uses_inclusive_taxes:
- description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- date:
- description: 'The Invoice Date'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- last_sent_date:
- description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- next_send_date:
- description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- partial_due_date:
- description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- due_date:
- description: 'The due date of the invoice'
- type: string
- format: date
- example: '1994-07-30'
- settings:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
- last_viewed:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- custom_surcharge1:
- description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge2:
- description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge3:
- description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge4:
- description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- custom_surcharge_tax1:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax2:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax3:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- custom_surcharge_tax4:
- description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- type: object
- BankIntegration:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The bank integration hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: AS3df3A
- provider_bank_name:
- description: 'The providers bank name'
- type: string
- example: 'Chase Bank'
- bank_account_id:
- description: 'The bank account id'
- type: integer
- example: '1233434'
- bank_account_name:
- description: 'The name of the account'
- type: string
- example: 'My Checking Acc'
- bank_account_number:
- description: 'The account number'
- type: string
- example: '111 234 2332'
- bank_account_status:
- description: 'The status of the bank account'
- type: string
- example: ACTIVE
- bank_account_type:
- description: 'The type of account'
- type: string
- example: CREDITCARD
- balance:
- description: 'The current bank balance if available'
- type: number
- example: '1000000'
- currency:
- description: 'iso_3166_3 code'
- type: string
- example: USD
- type: object
- Expense:
- properties:
- id:
- description: 'The expense hashed id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- user_id:
- description: 'The user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- assigned_user_id:
- description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- project_id:
- description: 'The associated project_id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- client_id:
- description: 'The client hashed id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- invoice_id:
- description: 'The related invoice hashed id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- bank_id:
- description: 'The bank id related to this expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- invoice_currency_id:
- description: 'The currency id of the related invoice'
- type: string
- example: '1'
- currency_id:
- description: 'The currency id of the expense'
- type: string
- example: '2'
- invoice_category_id:
- description: 'The invoice category id'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- payment_type_id:
- description: 'The payment type id'
- type: string
- example: ''
- recurring_expense_id:
- description: 'The related recurring expense this expense was created from'
- type: string
- example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
- private_notes:
- description: 'The private notes of the expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- public_notes:
- description: 'The public notes of the expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- transaction_reference:
- description: 'The transaction references of the expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- transcation_id:
- description: 'The transaction id of the expense'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value1:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value2:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value3:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- custom_value4:
- description: 'A custom value'
- type: string
- example: ''
- tax_amount:
- description: 'The tax amount'
- type: number
- example: 10.00
- tax_name1:
- description: 'Tax Name 1'
- type: string
- example: 'GST'
- tax_name2:
- description: 'Tax Name 2'
- type: string
- example: 'VAT'
- tax_name3:
- description: 'Tax Name 3'
- type: string
- example: 'IVA'
- tax_rate1:
- description: 'Tax rate 1'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate2:
- description: 'Tax rate 2'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- tax_rate3:
- description: 'Tax rate 3'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- amount:
- description: 'The total expense amont'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- foreign_amount:
- description: 'The total foreign amount of the expense'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '10.00'
- exchange_rate:
- description: 'The exchange rate at the time of the expense'
- type: number
- format: float
- example: '0.80'
- date:
- description: 'The expense date format Y-m-d'
- type: string
- example: '2022-12-01'
- payment_date:
- description: 'The date of payment for the expense, format Y-m-d'
- type: string
- example: '2022-12-01'
- should_be_invoiced:
- description: 'Flag whether the expense should be invoiced'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- is_deleted:
- description: 'Boolean determining whether the expense has been deleted'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- invoice_documents:
- description: 'Passing the expense documents over to the invoice'
- type: boolean
- example: true
- updated_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- archived_at:
- description: Timestamp
- type: number
- format: integer
- example: '1434342123'
- type: object
- currency_id
@@ -21744,221 +19580,2407 @@ components:
type: string
example: 'Bob Smith'
type: object
- Quote:
+ BTRules:
+ properties:
+ data_key:
+ description: 'The key to search'
+ type: string
+ example: 'description,amount'
+ operator:
+ description: 'The operator flag of the search'
+ type: string
+ example: '>'
+ value:
+ description: 'The value to search for'
+ type: string
+ example: bob
+ type: object
+ Account:
- description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the quote'
+ description: 'The account hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ account_sms_verified:
+ description: 'Boolean flag if the account has been verified by sms'
+ type: string
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ Invoice:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The invoice hashed id'
type: string
example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
- description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the user who created the quote'
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
type: string
- example: ''
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
- description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the user assigned to the quote'
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
type: string
- example: ''
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
- description: 'The unique hashed identifier for the client associated with the quote'
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
type: string
- example: ''
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
- description: 'The status of the quote represented by a unique identifier'
+ description: 'The invoice status variable'
type: string
- example: ''
+ example: '4'
- description: 'The unique alpha-numeric quote number for the quote per company'
+ description: 'The invoice number - is a unique alpha numeric number per invoice per company'
type: string
- example: QUOTE_101
+ example: INV_101
- description: 'The purchase order number associated with the quote'
+ description: 'The purchase order associated with this invoice'
type: string
example: PO-1234
- description: 'The terms and conditions for the quote'
+ description: 'The invoice terms'
type: string
- example: 'These are some quote terms. Valid for 14 days.'
+ example: 'These are invoice terms'
- description: 'Publicly visible notes associated with the quote'
+ description: 'The public notes of the invoice'
type: string
- example: 'These are public notes which the client may see'
+ example: 'These are some public notes'
- description: 'Privately visible notes associated with the quote, not disclosed to the client'
+ description: 'The private notes of the invoice'
type: string
- example: 'These are private notes, not to be disclosed to the client'
+ example: 'These are some private notes'
- description: 'The footer text of the quote'
+ description: 'The invoice footer notes'
type: string
- example: 'The text goes in the footer of the quote'
+ example: ''
- description: 'First custom value field for additional information'
+ description: 'A custom field value'
type: string
- example: 'A custom value'
+ example: '2022-10-01'
- description: 'Second custom value field for additional information'
+ description: 'A custom field value'
type: string
- example: 'A custom value'
+ example: 'Something custom'
- description: 'Third custom value field for additional information'
+ description: 'A custom field value'
type: string
- example: 'A custom value'
+ example: ''
- description: 'Fourth custom value field for additional information'
+ description: 'A custom field value'
type: string
- example: 'A custom value'
+ example: ''
- description: 'The name of the first tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax name'
type: string
- example: GST
+ example: ''
- description: 'The name of the second tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax name'
type: string
- example: VAT
+ example: ''
- description: 'The rate of the first tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax rate'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The rate of the second tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax rate'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The name of the third tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax name'
type: string
example: ''
- description: 'The rate of the third tax applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The tax rate'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The total amount of taxes for the quote'
+ description: 'The total taxes for the invoice'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
type: array
- description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the quote'
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
+ invitations:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the invitations of the invoice'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceInvitation'
- description: 'The total amount of the quote before taxes and discounts'
+ description: 'The invoice amount'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The balance due for the quote after accounting for payments'
+ description: 'The invoice balance'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The total amount paid on the quote so far'
+ description: 'The amount paid on the invoice to date'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The discount amount or percentage applied to the quote'
+ description: 'The invoice discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'The partial or deposit amount for the quote'
+ description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage'
+ description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
type: boolean
example: true
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the quote has been deleted'
+ description: 'Defines if the invoice has been deleted'
type: boolean
- example: false
+ example: true
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if the taxes used are inclusive or exclusive'
+ description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
type: boolean
example: true
- description: 'The date the quote was created'
+ description: 'The Invoice Date'
type: string
format: date
example: '1994-07-30'
- description: 'The last date the quote was sent to the client'
+ description: 'The last date the invoice was sent out'
type: string
format: date
example: '1994-07-30'
- description: 'The next scheduled date for sending a reminder for the quote'
+ description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
type: string
format: date
example: '1994-07-30'
- description: 'The due date for the partial or deposit amount'
+ description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
type: string
format: date
example: '1994-07-30'
- description: 'The due date for the total amount of the quote'
+ description: 'The due date of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_viewed:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ custom_surcharge_tax1:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax2:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax3:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ custom_surcharge_tax4:
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ project_id:
+ description: 'The project associated with this invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ auto_bill_tries:
+ description: 'The number of times the invoice has attempted to be auto billed'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ readOnly: true
+ auto_bill_enabled:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the invoice is set to auto bill'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ subscription_id:
+ description: 'The subscription associated with this invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ type: object
+ ClientRequest:
+ required:
+ - contacts
+ - country_id
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ contacts:
+ type: array
+ description: 'A list of contacts associated with the client'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContactRequest'
+ name:
+ description: 'The name of the client company or organization'
+ type: string
+ example: "Jim's Housekeeping"
+ website:
+ description: 'The website URL of the client company or organization'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://www.jims-housekeeping.com'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'Notes that are only visible to the user who created the client'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Client prefers email communication over phone calls'
+ industry_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier of the industry the client operates in'
+ type: number
+ example: '5'
+ size_id:
+ description: 'The unique identifier for the size category of the client company or organization'
+ type: number
+ example: '2'
+ address1:
+ description: "First line of the client's address"
+ type: string
+ example: '123 Main St'
+ address2:
+ description: "Second line of the client's address, if needed"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Apt 4B'
+ city:
+ description: 'The city the client is located in'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Beverly Hills'
+ state:
+ description: 'The state, province, or locality the client is located in'
+ type: string
+ example: 'California'
+ postal_code:
+ description: 'The postal code or ZIP code of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: '90210'
+ phone:
+ description: "The client's phone number"
+ type: string
+ example: '555-3434-3434'
+ country_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier of the client's country"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Preferred contact: Email'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Account manager: John Doe'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'VIP client: Yes'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom field for storing additional information'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Annual contract value: $50,000'
+ vat_number:
+ description: "The client's VAT (Value Added Tax) number, if applicable"
+ type: string
+ example: 'VAT123456'
+ id_number:
+ description: 'A unique identification number for the client, such as a tax ID or business registration number'
+ type: string
+ number:
+ description: 'A system-assigned unique number for the client, typically used for invoicing purposes'
+ type: string
+ example: 'CL-0001'
+ shipping_address1:
+ description: "First line of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: '5 Wallaby Way'
+ shipping_address2:
+ description: "Second line of the client's shipping address, if needed"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Suite 5'
+ shipping_city:
+ description: "The city of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Perth'
+ shipping_state:
+ description: "The state, province, or locality of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Western Australia'
+ shipping_postal_code:
+ description: "The postal code or ZIP code of the client's shipping address"
+ type: string
+ example: '6110'
+ shipping_country_id:
+ description: "The unique identifier of the country for the client's shipping address"
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '4'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'A boolean value indicating whether the client has been deleted or not'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ readOnly: true
+ group_settings_id:
+ description: 'The group settings assigned to the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ routing_id:
+ description: 'The routing address id for e-invoicing for this client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz3489-dfkiu-2239-sdsd
+ is_tax_exempt:
+ description: 'Flag which defines if the client is exempt from taxes'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ has_valid_vat_number:
+ description: 'Flag which defines if the client has a valid VAT number'
+ type: boolean
+ example: false
+ readOnly: true
+ classification:
+ description: 'The classification of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: 'individual'
+ settings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientSettings'
+ type: object
+ PaymentTerm:
+ properties:
+ num_days:
+ description: 'The payment term length in days'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ name:
+ description: 'The payment term length in string format'
+ type: string
+ example: 'NET 1'
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ type: object
+ ClientContactRequest:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed if of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ first_name:
+ description: 'The first name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: John
+ last_name:
+ description: 'The last name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Doe
+ phone:
+ description: 'The phone number of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-152-4524
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ email:
+ description: 'The email of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ password:
+ description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: '*****'
+ send_email:
+ description: 'Boolean value determines is this contact should receive emails'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ GenericBulkAction:
+ properties:
+ action:
+ type: string
+ example: archive
+ description: 'The action to perform ie. archive / restore / delete'
+ ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ format: string
+ type: string
+ example: 2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA
+ description: string array of client hashed ids
+ type: object
+ BankTransactionRule:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The bank transaction rules hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ name:
+ description: 'The name of the transaction'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Rule 1'
+ rules:
+ description: 'A mapped collection of the sub rules for the BankTransactionRule'
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/BTRules'
+ auto_convert:
+ description: 'Flags whether the rule converts the transaction automatically'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ matches_on_all:
+ description: 'Flags whether all subrules are required for the match'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ applies_to:
+ description: 'Flags whether the rule applies to a CREDIT or DEBIT'
+ type: string
+ example: CREDIT
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ vendor_id:
+ description: 'The vendor hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ category_id:
+ description: 'The category hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ type: object
+ Product:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed product ID.'
+ example: eP01N
+ readOnly: true
+ user_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the user that created this product.'
+ example: n30m4
+ readOnly: true
+ assigned_user_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the user assigned to this product.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ project_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the project that this product is associated with.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ vendor_id:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the vendor that this product is associated with.'
+ example: pR0j3
+ custom_value1:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 1.'
+ example: 'Custom value 1'
+ custom_value2:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 2.'
+ example: 'Custom value 2'
+ custom_value3:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 3.'
+ example: 'Custom value 3'
+ custom_value4:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Custom value field 4.'
+ example: 'Custom value 4'
+ product_key:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The product key.'
+ example: '1234'
+ notes:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Notes about the product.'
+ example: 'These are some notes about the product.'
+ cost:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The cost of the product. (Your purchase price for this product)'
+ example: 10.0
+ price:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The price of the product that you are charging.'
+ example: 20.0
+ quantity:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The quantity of the product. (used as a default)'
+ example: 5.0
+ tax_name1:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 1.'
+ example: 'Tax 1'
+ tax_rate1:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 1.'
+ example: 10.0
+ tax_name2:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 2.'
+ example: 'Tax 2'
+ tax_rate2:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 2.'
+ example: 5.0
+ tax_name3:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The name of tax 3.'
+ example: 'Tax 3'
+ tax_rate3:
+ type: number
+ format: double
+ description: 'The rate of tax 3.'
+ example: 0.0
+ archived_at:
+ type: integer
+ format: timestamp
+ description: 'The timestamp when the product was archived.'
+ example: '2022-03-18T15:00:00Z'
+ readOnly: true
+ created_at:
+ type: integer
+ format: timestamp
+ description: 'The timestamp when the product was created.'
+ example: '2022-03-18T15:00:00Z'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: integer
+ format: timestamp
+ example: '2022-03-18T12:34:56.789Z'
+ readOnly: true
+ is_deleted:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the product has been deleted'
+ example: false
+ readOnly: true
+ in_stock_quantity:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: The quantity of the product that is currently in stock
+ default: 0
+ stock_notification:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Indicates whether stock notifications are enabled for this product
+ default: true
+ stock_notification_threshold:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: The minimum quantity threshold for which stock notifications will be triggered
+ default: 0
+ max_quantity:
+ type: integer
+ format: int32
+ description: The maximum quantity that can be ordered for this product
+ product_image:
+ type: string
+ description: The URL of the product image
+ format: uri-reference
+ tax_id:
+ type: string
+ default: '1'
+ description: |
+ The tax category id for this product.'
+ The following constants are available (default = '1')
+ ```
+ ```
+ example: '1'
+ RecurringQuote:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the recurring quote'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ status_id:
+ description: 'The quote status variable'
+ type: string
+ example: '4'
+ frequency_id:
+ description: 'The recurring quote frequency'
+ type: number
+ example: '4'
+ remaining_cycles:
+ description: 'The number of quotes left to be generated'
+ type: number
+ example: '4'
+ number:
+ description: 'The recurringquote number - is a unique alpha numeric number per quote per company'
+ type: string
+ example: INV_101
+ po_number:
+ description: 'The purchase order associated with this recurring quote'
+ type: string
+ example: PO-1234
+ terms:
+ description: 'The quote terms'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are quote terms'
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'The public notes of the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some public notes'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the quote'
+ type: string
+ example: 'These are some private notes'
+ footer:
+ description: 'The quote footer notes'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-01'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Something custom'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ total_taxes:
+ description: 'The total taxes for the quote'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ line_items:
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the quote'
+ type: object
+ example: ''
+ amount:
+ description: 'The quote amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ balance:
+ description: 'The quote balance'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ paid_to_date:
+ description: 'The amount paid on the quote to date'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ discount:
+ description: 'The quote discount, can be an amount or a percentage'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ partial:
+ description: 'The deposit/partial amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: 'Flag determining if the discount is an amount or a percentage'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Defines if the quote has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: 'Defines the type of taxes used as either inclusive or exclusive'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: 'The quote Date'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: 'The last date the quote was sent out'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ next_send_date:
+ description: 'The Next date for a reminder to be sent'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: 'The due date for the deposit/partial amount'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ due_date:
+ description: 'The due date of the quote'
type: string
format: date
example: '1994-07-30'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings'
- description: 'The timestamp of the last time the quote was viewed'
+ description: Timestamp
type: number
format: integer
- example: 1434342123
+ example: '1434342123'
- description: 'The timestamp of the last update to the quote'
+ description: Timestamp
type: number
format: integer
- example: 1434342123
+ example: '1434342123'
- description: 'The timestamp of when the quote was archived'
+ description: Timestamp
type: number
format: integer
- example: 1434342123
+ example: '1434342123'
- description: 'First custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ description: 'First Custom Surcharge'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'Second custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ description: 'Second Custom Surcharge'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'Third custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ description: 'Third Custom Surcharge'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'Fourth custom surcharge amount for the quote'
+ description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge'
type: number
format: float
- example: 10.00
+ example: '10.00'
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the first custom surcharge amount'
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
type: boolean
example: true
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the second custom surcharge amount'
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
type: boolean
example: true
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the third custom surcharge amount'
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
type: boolean
example: true
- description: 'Boolean flag indicating if taxes are charged on the fourth custom surcharge amount'
+ description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts'
type: boolean
example: true
type: object
+ Paymentable:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The paymentable hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ invoice_id:
+ description: 'The invoice hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ credit_id:
+ description: 'The credit hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ refunded:
+ description: 'The amount that has been refunded for this payment'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ amount:
+ description: 'The amount that has been applied to the payment'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ type: object
+ SystemLog:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The account hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user_id hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client_id hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ event_id:
+ description: 'The Log Type ID'
+ type: integer
+ example: 1
+ category_id:
+ description: 'The Category Type ID'
+ type: integer
+ example: 1
+ type_id:
+ description: 'The Type Type ID'
+ type: integer
+ example: 1
+ log:
+ description: 'The json object of the error'
+ type: object
+ example: '{''key'':''value''}'
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ type: object
+ BankTransaction:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The bank integration hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: AS3df3A
+ transaction_id:
+ description: 'The id of the transaction rule'
+ type: integer
+ example: 343434
+ amount:
+ description: 'The transaction amount'
+ type: number
+ example: 10
+ currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency ID of the currency'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ account_type:
+ description: 'The account type'
+ type: string
+ example: creditCard
+ description:
+ description: 'The description of the transaction'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Potato purchases for kevin'
+ category_id:
+ description: 'The category id'
+ type: integer
+ example: 1
+ category_type:
+ description: 'The category description'
+ type: string
+ example: Expenses
+ base_type:
+ description: 'Either CREDIT or DEBIT'
+ type: string
+ example: CREDIT
+ date:
+ description: 'The date of the transaction'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-09-01'
+ bank_account_id:
+ description: 'The ID number of the bank account'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ type: object
+ ProductBulkAction:
+ required:
+ - action
+ - ids
+ properties:
+ action:
+ type: string
+ example: archive
+ description: 'The action to perform ie. archive / restore / delete / set_tax_id'
+ ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ format: string
+ type: string
+ example: 2J234DFA,D2J234DFA,D2J234DFA
+ description: string array of client hashed ids
+ tax_id:
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ description: |
+ The tax rate id to set on the list of products
+ The following constants are available (default = '1')
+ ```
+ ```
+ type: object
+ FillableInvoice:
+ properties:
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: "The assigned user's hashed ID"
+ type: string
+ example: 'a1b2c3d4'
+ client_id:
+ description: "The client's hashed ID"
+ type: string
+ example: 'x1y2z3a4'
+ number:
+ description: "The unique alphanumeric invoice number for each invoice per company"
+ type: string
+ example: INV_101
+ po_number:
+ description: "The purchase order number associated with the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'PO12345'
+ terms:
+ description: "The terms and conditions for the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Net 30'
+ public_notes:
+ description: "Public notes visible to the client on the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Thank you for your business.'
+ private_notes:
+ description: "Private notes for internal use only"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Client is a slow payer.'
+ footer:
+ description: "The footer text displayed on the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Authorized Signature'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: "First custom value for additional information"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Project ABC'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: "Second custom value for additional information"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Department XYZ'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: "Third custom value for additional information"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Location 123'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: "Fourth custom value for additional information"
+ type: string
+ example: 'Currency USD'
+ tax_name1:
+ description: "Name of the first tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'VAT'
+ tax_name2:
+ description: "Name of the second tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'GST'
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: "Rate of the first tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 10.00
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: "Rate of the second tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 5.00
+ tax_name3:
+ description: "Name of the third tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: 'PST'
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: "Rate of the third tax applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 8.00
+ line_items:
+ type: array
+ description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the invoice'
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem'
+ discount:
+ description: "The discount applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 10.00
+ partial:
+ description: "The partial amount applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 20.00
+ is_amount_discount:
+ description: "Indicates whether the discount applied is a fixed amount or a percentage"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ uses_inclusive_taxes:
+ description: "Indicates whether the tax rates applied to the invoice are inclusive or exclusive"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ date:
+ description: "The date the invoice was issued"
+ type: string
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ partial_due_date:
+ description: "The due date for the partial payment"
+ type: string
+ example: '1994-08-15'
+ due_date:
+ description: "The due date for the invoice"
+ type: string
+ example: '1994-08-30'
+ custom_surcharge1:
+ description: "First custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_surcharge2:
+ description: "Second custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 15.00
+ custom_surcharge3:
+ description: "Third custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 5.00
+ custom_surcharge4:
+ description: "Fourth custom surcharge applied to the invoice"
+ type: number
+ example: 20.00
+ type: object
+ CompanyGateway:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the company gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ gateway_key:
+ description: 'The gateway key (hash)'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ accepted_credit_cards:
+ description: 'Bitmask representation of cards'
+ type: integer
+ example: '32'
+ require_billing_address:
+ description: 'Determines if the the billing address is required prior to payment.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ require_shipping_address:
+ description: 'Determines if the the billing address is required prior to payment.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ config:
+ description: 'The configuration map for the gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: dfadsfdsafsafd
+ update_details:
+ description: 'Determines if the client details should be updated.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ fees_and_limits:
+ description: 'A mapped collection of the fees and limits for the configured gateway'
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeesAndLimits'
+ type: object
+ Activity:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The id field of the activity'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ activity_type_id:
+ description: 'The activity type id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ company_id:
+ description: 'The company hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ invoice_id:
+ description: 'The invoice hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ payment_id:
+ description: 'The payment hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ credit_id:
+ description: 'The credit hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'Unixtimestamp the last time the record was updated'
+ type: integer
+ example: '343421434'
+ expense_id:
+ description: 'The expense hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ is_system:
+ description: 'Defines is the activity was performed by the system'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ contact_id:
+ description: 'The contact hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ task_id:
+ description: 'The task hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ notes:
+ description: 'Activity Notes'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ token_id:
+ description: 'The hashed ID of the token who performed the action'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ ip:
+ description: 'The IP Address of the user who performed the action'
+ type: string
+ example:
+ user:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
+ client:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Client'
+ contact:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContact'
+ recurring_invoice:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecurringInvoice'
+ invoice:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Invoice'
+ credit:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Credit'
+ quote:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Quote'
+ payment:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment'
+ expense:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expense'
+ task:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
+ purchase_order:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/PurchaseOrder'
+ vendor:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor'
+ vendor_contact:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorContact'
+ type: object
+ User:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ first_name:
+ description: 'The first name of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Brad
+ last_name:
+ description: 'The last name of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Pitt
+ email:
+ description: 'The users email address'
+ type: string
+ example: brad@pitt.com
+ phone:
+ description: 'The users phone number'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-1233-23232
+ signature:
+ description: 'The users sign off signature'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Have a nice day!'
+ avatar:
+ description: 'The users avatar'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://url.to.your/avatar.png'
+ accepted_terms_version:
+ description: 'The version of the invoice ninja terms that has been accepted by the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 1.0.1
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_user_id:
+ description: 'The provider id of the oauth entity'
+ type: string
+ example: jkhasdf789as6f675sdf768sdfs
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_provider_id:
+ description: 'The oauth entity id'
+ type: string
+ example: google
+ readOnly: true
+ language_id:
+ description: 'The language id of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 1
+ verified_phone_number:
+ description: 'Boolean flag if the user has their phone verified. Required to settings up 2FA'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ sms_verification_code:
+ description: 'The sms verification code for the user. Required to settings up 2FA'
+ type: string
+ example: '123456'
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_user_token_expiry:
+ description: 'The expiry date of the oauth token'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ readOnly: true
+ has_password:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has a password'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ last_confirmed_email_address:
+ description: 'The last confirmed email address of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 'bob@gmail.com'
+ readOnly: true
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 1'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: '$1000'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 3'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 4'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ google_2fa_secret:
+ description: 'The google 2fa secret for the user'
+ type: string
+ example: '123456'
+ readOnly: true
+ company_user:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyUserRef'
+ type: object
+ UserRef:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ first_name:
+ description: 'The first name of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Brad
+ last_name:
+ description: 'The last name of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: Pitt
+ email:
+ description: 'The users email address'
+ type: string
+ example: brad@pitt.com
+ phone:
+ description: 'The users phone number'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-1233-23232
+ signature:
+ description: 'The users sign off signature'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Have a nice day!'
+ avatar:
+ description: 'The users avatar'
+ type: string
+ example: 'https://url.to.your/avatar.png'
+ accepted_terms_version:
+ description: 'The version of the invoice ninja terms that has been accepted by the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 1.0.1
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_user_id:
+ description: 'The provider id of the oauth entity'
+ type: string
+ example: jkhasdf789as6f675sdf768sdfs
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_provider_id:
+ description: 'The oauth entity id'
+ type: string
+ example: google
+ readOnly: true
+ language_id:
+ description: 'The language id of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 1
+ verified_phone_number:
+ description: 'Boolean flag if the user has their phone verified. Required to settings up 2FA'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ sms_verification_code:
+ description: 'The sms verification code for the user. Required to settings up 2FA'
+ type: string
+ example: '123456'
+ readOnly: true
+ oauth_user_token_expiry:
+ description: 'The expiry date of the oauth token'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ readOnly: true
+ has_password:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has a password'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ last_confirmed_email_address:
+ description: 'The last confirmed email address of the user'
+ type: string
+ example: 'bob@gmail.com'
+ readOnly: true
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 1'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: '$1000'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 3'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Custom value 4'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ google_2fa_secret:
+ description: 'The google 2fa secret for the user'
+ type: string
+ example: '123456'
+ readOnly: true
+ type: object
+ CompanyUser:
+ properties:
+ permissions:
+ description: 'The user permissionsfor this company in a comma separated list'
+ type: string
+ example: 'create_invoice,create_client,view_client'
+ settings:
+ description: 'Settings that are used for the flutter applications to store user preferences / metadata'
+ type: object
+ readOnly: true
+ react_settings:
+ description: 'Dedicated settings object for the react web application'
+ type: object
+ readOnly: true
+ is_owner:
+ description: 'Determines whether the user owns this company'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ is_admin:
+ description: 'Determines whether the user is the admin of this company'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ is_locked:
+ description: 'Determines whether the users access to this company has been locked'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'The last time the record was modified, format Unix Timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1231232312321'
+ deleted_at:
+ description: 'Timestamp when the user was archived, format Unix Timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '12312312321'
+ account:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account'
+ company:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Company'
+ user:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRef'
+ token:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyToken'
+ type: object
+ CompanyUserRef:
+ properties:
+ permissions:
+ description: 'The user permissionsfor this company in a comma separated list'
+ type: string
+ example: 'create_invoice,create_client,view_client'
+ settings:
+ description: 'Settings that are used for the flutter applications to store user preferences / metadata'
+ type: object
+ readOnly: true
+ react_settings:
+ description: 'Dedicated settings object for the react web application'
+ type: object
+ readOnly: true
+ is_owner:
+ description: 'Determines whether the user owns this company'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ is_admin:
+ description: 'Determines whether the user is the admin of this company'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ is_locked:
+ description: 'Determines whether the users access to this company has been locked'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'The last time the record was modified, format Unix Timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '1231232312321'
+ deleted_at:
+ description: 'Timestamp when the user was archived, format Unix Timestamp'
+ type: integer
+ example: '12312312321'
+ account:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account'
+ company:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Company'
+ user:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRef'
+ token:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyToken'
+ type: object
+ RecurringExpense:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user assigned to this recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ invoice_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ bank_id:
+ description: 'The id of the bank associated with this recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: '22'
+ invoice_currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency id of the invoice associated with this recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ expense_currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency id of the expense associated with this recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ invoice_category_id:
+ description: 'The category id of the invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ payment_type_id:
+ description: 'The payment type id'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The recurring expense private notes'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Private and confidential'
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'The recurring expense public notes'
+ type: string
+ example: 'This is the best client in the world'
+ transaction_reference:
+ description: 'The recurring expense transaction reference'
+ type: string
+ example: EXP-1223-2333
+ transcation_id:
+ description: 'The transaction id of the recurring expense'
+ type: string
+ example: '1233312312'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'Custom value field'
+ type: string
+ example: $1000
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'Custom value field'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'Custom value field'
+ type: string
+ example: 'short text'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'Custom value field'
+ type: string
+ example: 'very long text'
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: GST
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: VAT
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'The tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ amount:
+ description: 'The total amount of the recurring expense'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ frequency_id:
+ description: 'The frequency this recurring expense fires'
+ type: number
+ format: int
+ example: '1'
+ remaining_cycles:
+ description: 'The number of remaining cycles for this recurring expense'
+ type: number
+ format: int
+ example: '1'
+ foreign_amount:
+ description: 'The foreign currency amount of the recurring expense'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ exchange_rate:
+ description: 'The exchange rate for the expernse'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '0.80'
+ date:
+ description: 'The date of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ payment_date:
+ description: 'The date the expense was paid'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ should_be_invoiced:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the expense should be invoiced'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the recurring expense is deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ last_sent_date:
+ description: 'The Date it was sent last'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ next_send_date:
+ description: 'The next send date'
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ example: '1994-07-30'
+ invoice_documents:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the documents associated with this expense should be passed onto the invoice if it is converted to an invoice'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ type: object
+ ClientContact:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed if of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ first_name:
+ description: 'The first name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: John
+ last_name:
+ description: 'The last name of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: Doe
+ phone:
+ description: 'The phone number of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-152-4524
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A Custom field value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ email:
+ description: 'The email of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ accepted_terms_version:
+ description: 'The terms of service which the contact has accpeted'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A long set of ToS'
+ readOnly: true
+ password:
+ description: 'The hashed password of the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: '*****'
+ confirmation_code:
+ description: 'The confirmation code used to authenticate the contacts email address'
+ type: string
+ example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
+ readOnly: true
+ token:
+ description: 'A uuid based token.'
+ type: string
+ example: 333-sdjkh34gbasd
+ readOnly: true
+ contact_key:
+ description: 'A unique identifier for the contact'
+ type: string
+ example: JD0X52bkfZlJRiroCJ0tcSiAjsJTntZ5uqKdiZ0a
+ readOnly: true
+ is_primary:
+ description: 'Defines is this contact is the primary contact for the client'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ confirmed:
+ description: 'Boolean value confirms the user has confirmed their account.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_locked:
+ description: 'Boolean value defines if the contact has been locked out.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ send_email:
+ description: 'Boolean value determines is this contact should receive emails'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ failed_logins:
+ description: 'The number of failed logins the contact has had'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '3'
+ readOnly: true
+ email_verified_at:
+ description: 'The date which the contact confirmed their email'
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ last_login:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ deleted_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ type: object
+ Expense:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The expense hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ project_id:
+ description: 'The associated project_id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The client hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ invoice_id:
+ description: 'The related invoice hashed id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ bank_id:
+ description: 'The bank id related to this expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ invoice_currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency id of the related invoice'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency id of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ invoice_category_id:
+ description: 'The invoice category id'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ payment_type_id:
+ description: 'The payment type id'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ recurring_expense_id:
+ description: 'The related recurring expense this expense was created from'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Opnel5aKBz'
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ public_notes:
+ description: 'The public notes of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ transaction_reference:
+ description: 'The transaction references of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ transcation_id:
+ description: 'The transaction id of the expense'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ tax_amount:
+ description: 'The tax amount'
+ type: number
+ example: 10.00
+ tax_name1:
+ description: 'Tax Name 1'
+ type: string
+ example: 'GST'
+ tax_name2:
+ description: 'Tax Name 2'
+ type: string
+ example: 'VAT'
+ tax_name3:
+ description: 'Tax Name 3'
+ type: string
+ example: 'IVA'
+ tax_rate1:
+ description: 'Tax rate 1'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate2:
+ description: 'Tax rate 2'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ tax_rate3:
+ description: 'Tax rate 3'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ amount:
+ description: 'The total expense amont'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ foreign_amount:
+ description: 'The total foreign amount of the expense'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.00'
+ exchange_rate:
+ description: 'The exchange rate at the time of the expense'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '0.80'
+ date:
+ description: 'The expense date format Y-m-d'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-12-01'
+ payment_date:
+ description: 'The date of payment for the expense, format Y-m-d'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-12-01'
+ should_be_invoiced:
+ description: 'Flag whether the expense should be invoiced'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean determining whether the expense has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ invoice_documents:
+ description: 'Passing the expense documents over to the invoice'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ type: object
+ Task:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the task'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the task'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The assigned user of the task'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ client_id:
+ description: 'The hashed if of the client'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ invoice_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the invoice associated with the task'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ project_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the project associated with the task'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ number:
+ description: 'The number of the task'
+ type: string
+ example: TASK-123
+ time_log:
+ description: 'An array of unix time stamps defining the start and end times of the task'
+ type: string
+ example: '[[1,2],[3,4]]'
+ is_running:
+ description: 'Determines if the task is still running'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the task has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ task_status_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the task status'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ description:
+ description: 'The task description'
+ type: string
+ example: 'A wonder task to work on'
+ duration:
+ description: 'The task duration in seconds'
+ type: integer
+ example: '3600'
+ task_status_order:
+ description: 'The order of the task'
+ type: integer
+ example: '4'
+ rate:
+ description: 'The task rate'
+ type: number
+ example: 10.00
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: $1100
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: 'I need help'
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'A custom value'
+ type: string
+ example: INV-3343
+ is_date_based:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the task is date based'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ calculated_start_date:
+ description: 'The calculated start date of the task'
+ type: string
+ example: '2022-10-10'
+ readOnly: true
+ invoice_documents:
+ description: "Boolean flags which determines whether to include the task documents on the invoice"
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ archived_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '1434342123'
+ readOnly: true
+ type: object
+ FeesAndLimits:
+ properties:
+ min_limit:
+ description: 'The minimum amount accepted for this gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ max_limit:
+ description: 'The maximum amount accepted for this gateway'
+ type: string
+ example: '2'
+ fee_amount:
+ description: 'The gateway fee amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '2.0'
+ fee_percent:
+ description: 'The gateway fee percentage'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '2.0'
+ fee_tax_name1:
+ description: 'Fee tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: GST
+ fee_tax_name2:
+ description: 'Fee tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: VAT
+ fee_tax_name3:
+ description: 'Fee tax name'
+ type: string
+ example: 'CA Sales Tax'
+ fee_tax_rate1:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '10.0'
+ fee_tax_rate2:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '17.5'
+ fee_tax_rate3:
+ description: 'The tax rate'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '25.0'
+ fee_cap:
+ description: 'If set the fee amount will be no higher than this amount'
+ type: number
+ format: float
+ example: '2.0'
+ adjust_fee_percent:
+ description: 'Adjusts the fee to match the exact gateway fee.'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ type: object
+ Vendor:
+ properties:
+ id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ readOnly: true
+ user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the user who created the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the user.'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ assigned_user_id:
+ description: 'The hashed id of the assigned user to this vendor. This is a unique identifier for the user.'
+ type: string
+ example: Opnel5aKBz
+ contacts:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorContact'
+ description: 'An array of contacts associated with the vendor.'
+ name:
+ description: 'The name of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Harry cafe de wheels'
+ classification:
+ description: 'The classification of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'individual'
+ website:
+ description: 'The website of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: www.harry.com
+ private_notes:
+ description: 'The private notes of the vendor. These notes are only visible to users with appropriate permissions.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Shhh, do not tell the vendor'
+ industry_id:
+ description: 'The industry id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the industry.'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ size_id:
+ description: 'The size id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the size of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ address1:
+ description: 'The first line of the vendor''s address.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ address2:
+ description: 'The second line of the vendor''s address.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ city:
+ description: 'The city of the vendor''s address.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ state:
+ description: 'The state of the vendor''s address.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ postal_code:
+ description: 'The postal code of the vendor''s address.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ phone:
+ description: 'The phone number of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 555-3434-3434
+ country_id:
+ description: 'The country id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the country.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ currency_id:
+ description: 'The currency id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the currency.'
+ type: string
+ example: '4'
+ custom_value1:
+ description: 'The value of the first custom field for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value2:
+ description: 'The value of the second custom field for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value3:
+ description: 'The value of the third custom field for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ custom_value4:
+ description: 'The value of the fourth custom field for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ vat_number:
+ description: 'The VAT number of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ id_number:
+ description: 'The ID number of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ number:
+ description: 'The number of the vendor'
+ type: string
+ example: '11234'
+ is_deleted:
+ description: 'Boolean flag determining if the vendor has been deleted'
+ type: boolean
+ example: true
+ language_id:
+ description: 'The language id of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the language.'
+ type: string
+ example: '1'
+ vendor_hash:
+ description: 'The vendor hash of the vendor. This is a unique identifier for the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'aaa-sss-www'
+ readOnly: true
+ transaction_name:
+ description: 'The transaction name of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'aaa-sss-www'
+ last_login:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ created_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ updated_at:
+ description: Timestamp
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ example: '134341234234'
+ readOnly: true
+ display_name:
+ description: 'The display name of the vendor.'
+ type: string
+ example: 'Bob the vendor'
+ readOnly: true
+ type: object
- name: login
description: |
diff --git a/openapi/paths.yaml b/openapi/paths.yaml
index e8a45b8fd7..64e5e2e549 100644
--- a/openapi/paths.yaml
+++ b/openapi/paths.yaml
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ paths:
- bank_transactions
- summary: "Performs bulk actions on an array of bank_transations"
+ summary: "Bulk actions"
description: ""
operationId: bulkBankTransactions
@@ -1042,8 +1042,30 @@ paths:
- bank_transactions
- summary: "Performs match actions on an array of bank_transactions"
- description: ""
+ summary: "Match transactions"
+ description: |
+ Matching invoices or a payment to a bank transactions.
+ The API expects the id of the transaction along with either a comma separated list of invoice ids OR the payment id to associate the transaction to.
+ Example for matching a transaction to two invoices:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"olejRl5ejN","invoice_ids":"JxboYBLegw,JxboYBLeXX"}]}
+ Example for matching a transaction and a paymente:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"olejRl5ejN","payment_id":"JxboYBLeXf"}]}
+ Matching expenses.
+ You can match an existing expense within Invoice Ninja - or - create a new expense using the following:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"open5pld7A","vendor_id":"gl9avJnaG1","ninja_category_id":""}]}
+ To match to an existing expense:
+ {"transactions":[{"id":"Jxbo2qKagw","expense_id":"7N1aMM1aWm"}]}
operationId: matchBankTransactions
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/X-API-TOKEN"
diff --git a/resources/views/email/template/client.blade.php b/resources/views/email/template/client.blade.php
index e73dfa3630..112f5b71c5 100644
--- a/resources/views/email/template/client.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/email/template/client.blade.php
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
color-scheme: light dark;
supported-color-schemes: light dark;
@if(isset($settings) && $settings->email_style === 'dark')
body {
background-color: #1a1a1a !important;
@@ -48,6 +49,13 @@
hr {
border-color: #474849 !important;
+ .file_icon {
+ filter: invert(1);
+ }
+ @else
+ .file_icon {
+ filter: invert(1);
+ }
/** Content-specific styles. **/
#content .button {
@@ -171,9 +179,12 @@
+ @if(count($links) > 0)
+ - {{ ctrans('texts.download_files')}}
+ @endif
@foreach($links as $link)
- - {!! $link ?? '' !!}
+ - {!! $link ?? '' !!}