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synced 2024-11-13 14:42:42 +01:00
Update texts.php
Add and correct some german translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ return array(
'activity_15' => ':user aktualisierte :credit Guthaben',
'activity_16' => ':user archivierte :credit Guthaben',
'activity_17' => ':user löschte :credit Guthaben',
'activity_18' => ':user löschte Angebot :quote',
'activity_18' => ':user erstellte Angebot :quote',
'activity_19' => ':user aktualisierte Angebot :quote',
'activity_20' => ':user mailte Angebot :quote an :contact',
'activity_21' => ':contact schaute Angebot :quote an',
@ -916,50 +916,50 @@ return array(
'country' => 'Land',
'include' => 'Hinzufügen',
'logo_too_large' => 'Your logo is :size, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB',
'import_freshbooks' => 'Import From FreshBooks',
'import_data' => 'Import Data',
'source' => 'Source',
'logo_too_large' => 'Ihr Logo ist nur :size. Um eine bessere Darstellung im PDF Dokument zu erhalten, empfehlen wir ein Bild größer als 200KB',
'import_freshbooks' => 'Importiere von FreshBooks',
'import_data' => 'Importiere Daten',
'source' => 'Quelle',
'csv' => 'CSV',
'client_file' => 'Client File',
'invoice_file' => 'Invoice File',
'client_file' => 'Kunden Datei',
'invoice_file' => 'Rechnungs Datei',
'task_file' => 'Task File',
'no_mapper' => 'No valid mapping for file',
'invalid_csv_header' => 'Invalid CSV Header',
'no_mapper' => 'Kein gültiges Mapping für die Datei',
'invalid_csv_header' => 'Ungültiger CSV Header',
'email_errors' => [
'inactive_client' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive clients',
'inactive_contact' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts',
'inactive_invoice' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices',
'user_unregistered' => 'Please register your account to send emails',
'user_unconfirmed' => 'Please confirm your account to send emails',
'invalid_contact_email' => 'Invalid contact email',
'inactive_client' => 'Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Kunden gesendet werden',
'inactive_contact' => 'Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Kontakten gesendet werden',
'inactive_invoice' => 'Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Rechnungen gesendet werden',
'user_unregistered' => 'Bitte registrieren Sie sich um Emails zu versenden',
'user_unconfirmed' => 'Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Konto um Emails zu senden',
'invalid_contact_email' => 'Ungültige Kontakt Email Adresse',
'client_portal' => 'Client Portal',
'client_portal' => 'Kunden-Portal',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'show_archived_users' => 'Show archived users',
'show_archived_users' => 'Zeige archivierte Benutzer',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'invoice_will_create' => 'client will be created',
'invoices_will_create' => 'invoices will be created',
'failed_to_import' => 'The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.',
'invoice_will_create' => 'Kunde wird erstellt',
'invoices_will_create' => 'Rechnung wird erstellt',
'failed_to_import' => 'Die folgenden Daten konnten nicht importiert werden. Entweder sind diese bereits vorhanden oder es fehlen benötigte Felder.',
'publishable_key' => 'Publishable Key',
'secret_key' => 'Secret Key',
'publishable_key' => 'Öffentlicher Schlüssel',
'secret_key' => 'Geheimer Schlüssel',
'missing_publishable_key' => 'Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process',
'email_design' => 'Email Design',
'due_by' => 'Due by :date',
'enable_email_markup' => 'Enable Markup',
'enable_email_markup_help' => 'Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.',
'template_help_title' => 'Templates Help',
'template_help_1' => 'Available variables:',
'template_help_title' => 'Templates Hilfe',
'template_help_1' => 'Verfügbare Variablen:',
'email_design_id' => 'Email Style',
'email_design_help' => 'Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts',
'plain' => 'Plain',
'light' => 'Light',
'dark' => 'Dark',
'email_design_help' => 'Lassen Sie Ihre Email professioneller mit HTML Layouts aussehen',
'plain' => 'Einfach',
'light' => 'Hell',
'dark' => 'Dunkel',
'industry_help' => 'Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.',
'subdomain_help' => 'Customize the invoice link subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.',
@ -972,19 +972,19 @@ return array(
'color_help' => 'Note: the primary color is also used in the client portal and custom email designs.',
'token_expired' => 'Validation token was expired. Please try again.',
'invoice_link' => 'Invoice Link',
'button_confirmation_message' => 'Click to confirm your email address.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'email_preferences' => 'Email Preferences',
'created_invoices' => 'Successfully created :count invoice(s)',
'next_invoice_number' => 'The next invoice number is :number.',
'next_quote_number' => 'The next quote number is :number.',
'invoice_link' => 'Link zur Rechnung',
'button_confirmation_message' => 'Bitte klicken um Ihre Email-Adresse zu bestätigen.',
'confirm' => 'Bestätigen',
'email_preferences' => 'Email Einstellungen',
'created_invoices' => ':count Rechnung(en) erfolgreich erstellt',
'next_invoice_number' => 'Die nächste Rechnungsnummer ist :number.',
'next_quote_number' => 'Die nächste Angebotsnummer ist :number.',
'days_before' => 'days before',
'days_after' => 'days after',
'field_due_date' => 'due date',
'field_invoice_date' => 'invoice date',
'schedule' => 'Schedule',
'days_before' => 'Tage vorher',
'days_after' => 'Tage danach',
'field_due_date' => 'Fälligkeitsdatum',
'field_invoice_date' => 'Rechnungsdatum',
'schedule' => 'Zeitgesteuert',
'email_designs' => 'Email Designs',
'assigned_when_sent' => 'Assigned when sent',
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ return array(
'convert_currency' => 'Währung umrechnen',
// Payment terms
'num_days' => 'Number of days',
'num_days' => 'Anzahl Tage',
'create_payment_term' => 'Create Payment Term',
'edit_payment_terms' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'edit_payment_term' => 'Edit Payment Term',
@ -1118,8 +1118,8 @@ return array(
'first_page' => 'Erste Seite',
'all_pages' => 'Alle Seiten',
'last_page' => 'Letzte Seite',
'all_pages_header' => 'Show header on',
'all_pages_footer' => 'Show footer on',
'all_pages_header' => 'Zeige Header auf',
'all_pages_footer' => 'Zeige Footer auf',
'invoice_currency' => 'Rechnungs-Währung',
'enable_https' => 'Wir empfehlen dringend HTTPS zu verwenden, um Kreditkarten online zu akzeptieren.',
'quote_issued_to' => 'Quote issued to',
@ -1128,77 +1128,77 @@ return array(
'trial_footer' => 'Your free trial lasts :count more days, :link to upgrade now.',
'trial_footer_last_day' => 'Heute ist der letzte Tag Ihrer kostenlosen Probezeit, :link um upzugraden.',
'trial_call_to_action' => 'Kostenlose Probezeit starten',
'trial_success' => 'Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial',
'overdue' => 'Overdue',
'white_label_text' => 'Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for $'.WHITE_LABEL_PRICE.' to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the client portal and help support our project.',
'trial_success' => 'Erfolgreich eine 2-Wochen Testversion aktiviert',
'overdue' => 'Überfällig',
'white_label_text' => 'Kaufen Sie eine 1 Jahres Whitelabel Lizenz zum Preis von $'.WHITE_LABEL_PRICE.' um das Invoice Ninja Branding vom Kundenportal zu entfernen und unser Projekt zu unterstützen.',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'list_invoices' => 'List Invoices',
'list_clients' => 'List Clients',
'list_quotes' => 'List Quotes',
'list_tasks' => 'List Tasks',
'list_expenses' => 'List Expenses',
'list_recurring_invoices' => 'List Recurring Invoices',
'list_payments' => 'List Payments',
'list_credits' => 'List Credits',
'tax_name' => 'Tax Name',
'report_settings' => 'Report Settings',
'search_hotkey' => 'shortcut is /',
'list_invoices' => 'Liste Rechnungen',
'list_clients' => 'Liste Kunden',
'list_quotes' => 'Liste Angebote',
'list_tasks' => 'Liste Aufgaben',
'list_expenses' => 'Liste Ausgaben',
'list_recurring_invoices' => 'Liste wiederkehrende Rechnungen',
'list_payments' => 'Liste Zahlungen',
'list_credits' => 'Liste Guthaben',
'tax_name' => 'Steuersatz Name',
'report_settings' => 'Report Einstellungen',
'search_hotkey' => 'Kürzel ist /',
'new_user' => 'New User',
'new_product' => 'New Product',
'new_tax_rate' => 'New Tax Rate',
'invoiced_amount' => 'Invoiced Amount',
'invoice_item_fields' => 'Invoice Item Fields',
'new_user' => 'Neuer Benutzer',
'new_product' => 'Neues Produkt',
'new_tax_rate' => 'Neuer Steuersatz',
'invoiced_amount' => 'Rechnungsbetrag',
'invoice_item_fields' => 'Rechnungspositions Feld',
'custom_invoice_item_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'recurring_invoice_number' => 'Recurring Invoice Number',
'recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help' => 'Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices. The default value is \'R\'.',
'recurring_invoice_number' => 'Wiederkehrende Rechnungsnummer',
'recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help' => 'Geben Sie einen Präfix für wiederkehrende Rechnungen an. Standard ist \'R\'.',
'enable_client_portal' => 'Dashboard',
'enable_client_portal_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
'enable_client_portal_help' => 'Zeige das Dashboard im Kundenportal.',
// Client Passwords
'enable_portal_password'=>'Password protect invoices',
'enable_portal_password_help'=>'Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.',
'send_portal_password'=>'Generate password automatically',
'send_portal_password_help'=>'If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.',
'enable_portal_password'=>'Passwortgeschützte Rechnungen',
'enable_portal_password_help'=>'Erlaubt Ihnen ein Passwort für jeden Kontakt zu erstellen. Wenn ein Passwort erstellt wurde, muss der Kunde dieses eingeben, bevor er eine Rechnung ansehen darf.',
'send_portal_password'=>'Erstelle das Passwort automatisch',
'send_portal_password_help'=>'Wenn kein Passwort gesetzt wurde, wird eins generiert und mit der ersten Rechnung verschickt.',
'expired' => 'Expired',
'invalid_card_number' => 'The credit card number is not valid.',
'invalid_expiry' => 'The expiration date is not valid.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'The CVV is not valid.',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.',
'expired' => 'Abgelaufen',
'invalid_card_number' => 'Die Kreditkartennummer ist nicht gültig.',
'invalid_expiry' => 'Das Ablaufdatum ist nicht gültig.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'Der CVV Code ist nicht gültig.',
'cost' => 'Kosten',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Hinweis: Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Rechnung um hier eine Vorschau zu sehen.',
// User Permissions
'owner' => 'Owner',
'owner' => 'Eigentümer',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator_help' => 'Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records',
'user_create_all' => 'Create clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_view_all' => 'View all clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_edit_all' => 'Edit all clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_create_all' => 'Erstelle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw.',
'user_view_all' => 'Alle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw. ansehen',
'user_edit_all' => 'Alle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw. bearbeiten',
'gateway_help_20' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'gateway_help_21' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'partial_due' => 'Partial Due',
'restore_vendor' => 'Restore Vendor',
'restored_vendor' => 'Successfully restored vendor',
'restored_expense' => 'Successfully restored expense',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'permissions' => 'Berechtigungen',
'create_all_help' => 'Allow user to create and modify records',
'view_all_help' => 'Allow user to view records they didn\'t create',
'edit_all_help' => 'Allow user to modify records they didn\'t create',
'view_payment' => 'View Payment',
'view_payment' => 'Zahlung zeigen',
'january' => 'January',
'february' => 'February',
'march' => 'March',
'january' => 'Januar',
'february' => 'Februar',
'march' => 'März',
'april' => 'April',
'may' => 'May',
'june' => 'June',
'july' => 'July',
'may' => 'Mai',
'june' => 'Juni',
'july' => 'Juli',
'august' => 'August',
'september' => 'September',
'october' => 'October',
'october' => 'Oktober',
'november' => 'November',
'december' => 'December',
'december' => 'Dezember',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user