* Fixes for missing company object in events
* Cleanup client balancing code
* Fixes for client balance
* Fixes for missing company variable
* Fix activity transformer to prevent multiple DB calls
* Implement first_load query parameter which checks client size and returns an truncated response if client count is greater than 1000
* Fixes for listeners
* Fixes for OpenAPI Documentation + fix support for docs for PHP 7.4
* User update tests
* Add total_taxes to invoice table, implement addition create-test-data fields for item and invoice level taxes
* Allow payment amounts to be partial per invoice paid
* edge case tests for payments
* Allow per invoice payment amounts and allow direct payments which simply credit a clients credit_balance
* Fixes
* Update client paid to date job:
* Backup Invoice HTML when invoice is marked as sent and paid
* Store HTML of invoice when invoice was paid
* Fix foreign keys in db schema
* V2 Endpoints for Company Migrations
* Fixes for tests
* Add amount to paymentable tables to enable reversing payments gracefully
* Create Test Data artisan comannd
* Delete Payments + Fixes for company settings persistence
* Fixes for Store Payment Validation
* Tests for Payments
* Use custom validator to ensure payments are made ONLY to payable invoices
* Working on custom payment validators
* Update Client balance
* fixes for client balance
* Fixes for activity API
* Provide failsafe creation of invoice invitations
* URL Links for invitations
* open up route for invitations
* Set DB by Invite
* Set DB By invitation Key
* Tests for setting DB based on user email address
* Middleware for setting db by email address
* fixes for tets
* fixes for tests
* Tests for bulk actions
* Payments API
* Fixes for tests
* Implement client/group/company level counters clientCounter, groupCounter and counter
* Implement functionalityfor customising the timing of invoice_number creation
* Add Jobs
* adjustments
* clean line items at the request layer
* Clean line items at the request layer
* minor formatting for notification
* Schema Fixes
* schema changes, cast country_id to stirng
* Fixes for tests
* force line item ids to string
* Map company gateway fees and limits
* Schema changes
* Remove id from invoice item stdClass
* Remove settings object from invoice table
* Implement client/group/company level counters clientCounter, groupCounter and counter
* Implement functionalityfor customising the timing of invoice_number creation
* Add Jobs
* adjustments
* clean line items at the request layer
* Clean line items at the request layer
* Update OpenAPI for TemplateController
* Add bulk invoice download functionality
* Working on Client portal
* Move selective queries to cache instead of DB
* Fix formatting in Payments table, implement cache for languages, resolve route model for clientcontacts and users
* Insert generic for client country if not set
* Invoice fixes
* fixes
* Schema changes
* Refactor Schema and implement fixes for testS
* Use Dispatcher for system logs
* Add TaxRateController
* Update OpenAPI definitions for Tax Rates