* Refactor company properties to be presented from settings object instead of company properties
* Working on Email Tests
* Working on emails
* Working on email templats
* Include text version of email
* Refactor Email template builder into trait'
* Fix for custom_value4
* Refactor payment_date -> date && payment_type_id -> type_id
* expose paymentables to API
* expose paymentables to API
* Implement a next_send_date field in invoice/quote tables to allow control over reminder scheduling
* Add custom_values to users,documents and company_gateways tables
* Minor fixes for OpenAPI docs for clients
* Add fields to company transformer
* Padding email templates, system level and custom
* Minor fixes for email template subject
* Working on Email Templates
* Clean up User model, remove redundant permissions methods
* Implement Locale for API
* Implement Locale middleware for client routes
* Remove global constants
* Fixes for removing the global constants file
* Working on TDD for emails
* TDD for emails
* implement additional template variables
* Add support for Multi-Master replication with MySQL
* Set default templates in Company Settings
* Working on Company User creation
* Working on company_user relationship
* Fixes for company_user relation
* Clean up
* working on email throttling
* Fixes for invitaiton links
* pass custom fields as object
* Add user agent to company token
* Update company token transformer
* Remove prefix setting from CompanySettings
* Implement user agent on company token & provide better error handling for undefined relationships includes
* Fix bulk actions
* Working on updating/creating a company user
* Fixes for tests
* Update client paid to date job:
* Backup Invoice HTML when invoice is marked as sent and paid
* Store HTML of invoice when invoice was paid
* Fix foreign keys in db schema
* V2 Endpoints for Company Migrations
* Fixes for tests
* Add amount to paymentable tables to enable reversing payments gracefully
* Create Test Data artisan comannd
* Delete Payments + Fixes for company settings persistence
* Provide failsafe creation of invoice invitations
* URL Links for invitations
* open up route for invitations
* Set DB by Invite
* Set DB By invitation Key
* Tests for setting DB based on user email address
* Middleware for setting db by email address
* fixes for tets
* fixes for tests
* Tests for bulk actions
* Payments API
* Fixes for tests
* Add ability to remove group settings level company logo
* Company Gateway Fees and Limits
* Validation tests for FeesAndLimits
* Working on company gateways
* Working on transforming fees_and_limits in transformer
* Implement fees and limits map for company gateways
* Implement client/group/company level counters clientCounter, groupCounter and counter
* Implement functionalityfor customising the timing of invoice_number creation
* Add Jobs
* adjustments
* clean line items at the request layer
* Clean line items at the request layer
* minor formatting for notification
* Schema Fixes
* schema changes, cast country_id to stirng
* Fixes for tests
* force line item ids to string
* Map company gateway fees and limits
* Schema changes
* Remove id from invoice item stdClass
* Remove settings object from invoice table
* Implement client/group/company level counters clientCounter, groupCounter and counter
* Implement functionalityfor customising the timing of invoice_number creation
* Add Jobs
* adjustments
* clean line items at the request layer
* Clean line items at the request layer
* Implement transformer for ClientGatewayTokens
* Add company_gateway_id to client gateway token transformer
* Fixes for client model
* Fixes for Number class
* Insert generic for client country if not set
* Add Includes
* Clean up company settings + tests
* Update Company Settings Schema
* Fixes for tests
* fixes for tests
* fixes for settings
* Enforce settype(string) for _ids
* working on js localizations
* remove dependencies
* Pad Hashes to at least 10 characters in length
* Inject JS translations into front end dynamically
* Implement VueJS for Client Edit Page with reactivity
* Conditionally hide rows if not enabled (custom_value)
* Split client template into smaller components
* implementing ui buttons
* CRUD cycles of a client
* Working on Client CRUD - Integrity constraint issues
* Fixes for datatables
* Implement a BaseModel
* Working on reusable header data model
* Working on adding session variables
* Clean up header data
* Random Data Seeder
* working on searching datatables across relationships.
* Working on transforming primary keys between client and server facinglogic
* Updated assets