* Performance improvements moving from str_replace to strtr
* Remove legacy docs
* Clean up credit transformer
* Working on invoice emails
* Clean up for invoice designs
* Tests for light and dark theme emails
* Working on reminder scheduling
* Reminder Job Class
* Fixes for github actions
* Test for reminders
* Test for reminders
* Refactor company properties to be presented from settings object instead of company properties
* Working on Email Tests
* Working on emails
* Working on email templats
* Include text version of email
* Refactor Email template builder into trait'
* Fix for custom_value4
* Refactor payment_date -> date && payment_type_id -> type_id
* expose paymentables to API
* expose paymentables to API
* Implement a next_send_date field in invoice/quote tables to allow control over reminder scheduling
* Add custom_values to users,documents and company_gateways tables
* Minor fixes for OpenAPI docs for clients
* Add fields to company transformer
* Padding email templates, system level and custom
* Minor fixes for email template subject
* Working on Email Templates
* Clean up User model, remove redundant permissions methods
* Implement Locale for API
* Implement Locale middleware for client routes