includes: - ./vendor/larastan/larastan/extension.neon - ./vendor/spaze/phpstan-stripe/extension.neon - phpstan-baseline.neon parameters: level: 5 paths: - app - Modules excludePaths: analyseAndScan: - 'vendor' - 'resources' - 'app/Jobs/Ninja/*' - 'app/Models/Presenters/*' - 'app/Console/Commands/*' - 'app/DataMapper/Analytics/*' - 'app/PaymentDrivers/Authorize/*' - 'app/PaymentDrivers/AuthorizePaymentDriver.php' - 'app/Http/Middleware/ThrottleRequestsWithPredis.php' - 'app/Utils/Traits/*' universalObjectCratesClasses: - App\DataMapper\Tax\RuleInterface - App\DataMapper\FeesAndLimits - \Postmark\Models\DynamicResponseModel - \Stripe\Collection reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false ignoreErrors: - '#Array has 2 duplicate keys with value#' - '#Call to an undefined method#' - '#makeHidden#' - '#Socialite#' - '#Access to protected property#' - '#Call to undefined method .*#' - '#Argument of an invalid type stdClass supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported.#' - '#Comparison operation ">=" between int<1, max> and 1 is always true#' - '#Negated boolean expression is always#' - '#Ternary operator condition#' - '#Expression on left side of ?? is not nullable.#' - '#Left side of && is always true.#' - '#Right side of && is always true.#' - '#is never read, only written.#' - '#is never written#'