clientRepo = $clientRepo; } public function ping() { $headers = Utils::getApiHeaders(); return Response::make('', 200, $headers); } /** * @SWG\Get( * path="/clients", * summary="List of clients", * tags={"client"}, * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="A list with clients", * @SWG\Schema(type="array", @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/Client")) * ), * @SWG\Response( * response="default", * description="an ""unexpected"" error" * ) * ) */ public function index() { $clients = Client::scope() ->with($this->getIncluded()) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->paginate(); $transformer = new ClientTransformer(Auth::user()->account, Input::get('serializer')); $paginator = Client::scope()->paginate(); $data = $this->createCollection($clients, $transformer, ENTITY_CLIENT, $paginator); return $this->response($data); } /** * @SWG\Post( * path="/clients", * tags={"client"}, * summary="Create a client", * @SWG\Parameter( * in="body", * name="body", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Client") * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="New client", * @SWG\Schema(type="object", @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/Client")) * ), * @SWG\Response( * response="default", * description="an ""unexpected"" error" * ) * ) */ public function store(CreateClientRequest $request) { $client = $this->clientRepo->save($request->input()); $client = Client::scope($client->public_id) ->with('country', 'contacts', 'industry', 'size', 'currency') ->first(); $transformer = new ClientTransformer(Auth::user()->account, Input::get('serializer')); $data = $this->createItem($client, $transformer, ENTITY_CLIENT); return $this->response($data); } }