invitation = $invitation; if ($invitation instanceof InvoiceInvitation) { $this->entity = $invitation->invoice; $this->entity_string = 'invoice'; } elseif ($invitation instanceof QuoteInvitation) { $this->entity = $invitation->quote; $this->entity_string = 'quote'; } elseif ($invitation instanceof CreditInvitation) { $this->entity = $invitation->credit; $this->entity_string = 'credit'; } elseif ($invitation instanceof RecurringInvoiceInvitation) { $this->entity = $invitation->recurring_invoice; $this->entity_string = 'recurring_invoice'; } $this->company = $invitation->company; $this->contact = $invitation->contact; } public function handle() { /* Forget the singleton*/ App::forgetInstance('translator'); /* Init a new copy of the translator*/ $t = app('translator'); /* Set the locale*/ App::setLocale($this->contact->preferredLocale()); /* Set customized translations _NOW_ */ $t->replace(Ninja::transformTranslations($this->entity->client->getMergedSettings())); if (config('ninja.phantomjs_pdf_generation') || config('ninja.pdf_generator') == 'phantom') { return (new Phantom)->generate($this->invitation, true); } $entity_design_id = ''; $path = ''; if ($this->entity instanceof Invoice) { $path = $this->entity->client->invoice_filepath($this->invitation); $entity_design_id = 'invoice_design_id'; } elseif ($this->entity instanceof Quote) { $path = $this->entity->client->quote_filepath($this->invitation); $entity_design_id = 'quote_design_id'; } elseif ($this->entity instanceof Credit) { $path = $this->entity->client->credit_filepath($this->invitation); $entity_design_id = 'credit_design_id'; } elseif ($this->entity instanceof RecurringInvoice) { $path = $this->entity->client->recurring_invoice_filepath($this->invitation); $entity_design_id = 'invoice_design_id'; } $file_path = $path.$this->entity->numberFormatter().'.pdf'; $entity_design_id = $this->entity->design_id ? $this->entity->design_id : $this->decodePrimaryKey($this->entity->client->getSetting($entity_design_id)); $design = Design::query()->withTrashed()->find($entity_design_id); /* Catch all in case migration doesn't pass back a valid design */ if (! $design) { $design = Design::query()->find(2); } $html = new HtmlEngine($this->invitation); if ($design->is_custom) { $options = [ 'custom_partials' => json_decode(json_encode($design->design), true), ]; $template = new PdfMakerDesign(PdfDesignModel::CUSTOM, $options); } else { $template = new PdfMakerDesign(strtolower($design->name)); } $variables = $html->generateLabelsAndValues(); $state = [ 'template' => $template->elements([ 'client' => $this->entity->client, 'entity' => $this->entity, 'pdf_variables' => (array) $this->entity->company->settings->pdf_variables, '$product' => $design->design->product, 'variables' => $variables, ]), 'variables' => $variables, 'options' => [ 'all_pages_header' => $this->entity->client->getSetting('all_pages_header'), 'all_pages_footer' => $this->entity->client->getSetting('all_pages_footer'), ], 'process_markdown' => $this->entity->client->company->markdown_enabled, ]; $maker = new PdfMakerService($state); $maker ->design($template) ->build(); $pdf = null; try { if (config('ninja.invoiceninja_hosted_pdf_generation') || config('ninja.pdf_generator') == 'hosted_ninja') { $pdf = (new NinjaPdf())->build($maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME); //fallback in case hosted PDF fails. if ($finfo->buffer($pdf) != 'application/pdf; charset=binary') { $pdf = $this->makePdf(null, null, $maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); $numbered_pdf = $this->pageNumbering($pdf, $this->company); if ($numbered_pdf) { $pdf = $numbered_pdf; } } } else { $pdf = $this->makePdf(null, null, $maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); $numbered_pdf = $this->pageNumbering($pdf, $this->company); if ($numbered_pdf) { $pdf = $numbered_pdf; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { nlog(print_r($e->getMessage(), 1)); } if (config('ninja.log_pdf_html')) { info($maker->getCompiledHTML()); } if ($pdf) { $maker =null; $state = null; return $this->checkEInvoice($pdf); } throw new FilePermissionsFailure('Unable to generate the raw PDF'); } /** * Switch to determine if we need to embed the xml into the PDF itself * * @param string $pdf * @return string */ private function checkEInvoice(string $pdf): string { if(!$this->entity instanceof Invoice) return $pdf; $e_invoice_type = $this->entity->client->getSetting('e_invoice_type'); switch ($e_invoice_type) { case "EN16931": case "XInvoice_2_2": case "XInvoice_2_1": case "XInvoice_2_0": case "XInvoice_1_0": case "XInvoice-Extended": case "XInvoice-BasicWL": case "XInvoice-Basic": return $this->embedEInvoiceZuGFerD($pdf) ?? $pdf; //case "Facturae_3.2": //case "Facturae_3.2.1": //case "Facturae_3.2.2": // default: return $pdf; } } /** * Embed the .xml file into the PDF * * @param string $pdf * @return string */ private function embedEInvoiceZuGFerD(string $pdf): string { try { $e_rechnung = (new CreateEInvoice($this->entity, true))->handle(); $pdfBuilder = new ZugferdDocumentPdfBuilder($e_rechnung, $pdf); $pdfBuilder->generateDocument(); return $pdfBuilder->downloadString(basename($this->entity->getFileName())); } catch (\Exception $e) { nlog("E_Invoice Merge failed - " . $e->getMessage()); } return $pdf; } public function failed($e) { } }