invoice = $invoice; $this->alterpdf = $alterPDF; $this->custompdfpath = $custompdfpath; } /** * Execute the job. * * * @return string */ public function handle(): string { $invoice = $this->invoice; $company = $invoice->company; $client = $invoice->client; $profile = ""; switch ($company->xinvoice_type){ case "EN16931": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EN16931; break; case "XInvoice_2_2": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2_2; break; case "XInvoice_2_1": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2_1; break; case "XInvoice_2_0": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2; break; case "XInvoice_1_0": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG; break; case "XInvoice-Extended": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EXTENDED; break; case "XInvoice-BasicWL": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_BASICWL; break; case "XInvoice-Basic": $profile = ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_BASIC; break; } $xrechnung = ZugferdDocumentBuilder::CreateNew($profile); $xrechnung ->setDocumentInformation($invoice->number, "380", date_create($invoice->date), $invoice->client->getCurrencyCode()) ->addDocumentNote($invoice->public_notes) ->setDocumentSupplyChainEvent(date_create($invoice->date)) ->setDocumentSeller($company->getSetting('name')) ->setDocumentSellerAddress($company->getSetting("address1"), "", "", $company->getSetting("postal_code"), $company->getSetting("city"), "Germany") //Country::query()->where('id', $company->getSetting("country_id"))->first() ->setDocumentBuyer($client->name, $client->number) ->setDocumentBuyerAddress($client->address1, "", "", $client->postal_code, $client->city, "Germany") // $client->country->country->iso_3166_2 ->setDocumentBuyerReference($client->leitweg_id) //->setDocumentBuyerContact($client->primary_contact()->first_name." ".$client->primary_contact->last_name, "", $client->primary_contact->phone, "", $client->primary_contact->email) ->setDocumentBuyerOrderReferencedDocument($invoice->po_number) ->addDocumentPaymentTerm(ctrans("texts.xinvoice_payable", ['payeddue' => date_create($invoice->date)->diff(date_create($invoice->due_date))->format("%d"), 'paydate' => $invoice->due_date])); if (str_contains($company->getSetting('vat_number'), "/")){ $xrechnung->addDocumentSellerTaxRegistration("FC", $company->getSetting('vat_number')); } else { $xrechnung->addDocumentSellerTaxRegistration("VA", $company->getSetting('vat_number')); } // Create line items and calculate taxes $taxtype1 = ""; switch ($company->tax_type1){ case "ZeroRate": $taxtype1 = "Z"; break; case "Tax Exempt": $taxtype1 = "E"; break; case "Reversal of tax liabilty": $taxtype1 = "AE"; break; case "intra-community delivery": $taxtype1 = "K"; break; case "Out of EU": $taxtype1 = "G"; break; case "Outside the tax scope": $taxtype1 = "O"; break; case "Canary Islands": $taxtype1 = "L"; break; case "Ceuta / Melila": $taxtype1 = "M"; break; default: $taxtype1 = "S"; break; } $taxtype2 = ""; switch ($company->tax_type2){ case "ZeroRate": $taxtype2 = "Z"; break; case "Tax Exempt": $taxtype2 = "E"; break; case "Reversal of tax liabilty": $taxtype2 = "AE"; break; case "intra-community delivery": $taxtype2 = "K"; break; case "Out of EU": $taxtype2 = "G"; break; case "Outside the tax scope": $taxtype2 = "O"; break; case "Canary Islands": $taxtype2 = "L"; break; case "Ceuta / Melila": $taxtype2 = "M"; break; default: $taxtype2 = "S"; break; } $taxtype3 = ""; switch ($company->tax_type3){ case "ZeroRate": $taxtype3 = "Z"; break; case "Tax Exempt": $taxtype3 = "E"; break; case "Reversal of tax liabilty": $taxtype3 = "AE"; break; case "intra-community delivery": $taxtype3 = "K"; break; case "Out of EU": $taxtype3 = "G"; break; case "Outside the tax scope": $taxtype3 = "O"; break; case "Canary Islands": $taxtype3 = "L"; break; case "Ceuta / Melila": $taxtype3 = "M"; break; default: $taxtype3 = "S"; break; } $taxamount_1 = $taxamount_2 = $taxamount_3 = $taxnet_1 = $taxnet_2 = $taxnet_3 = 0.0; $netprice = 0.0; $chargetotalamount = $discount = 0.0; $taxable = $this->getTaxable(); foreach ($invoice->line_items as $index => $item){ $xrechnung->addNewPosition($index) ->setDocumentPositionProductDetails($item->notes) ->setDocumentPositionGrossPrice($item->gross_line_total) ->setDocumentPositionNetPrice($item->line_total); if (isset($item->task_id)){ $xrechnung->setDocumentPositionQuantity($item->quantity, "HUR"); } else{ $xrechnung->setDocumentPositionQuantity($item->quantity, "H87"); } $netprice += $this->getItemTaxable($item, $taxable); $discountamount = 0.0; if ($item->discount > 0){ if ($invoice->is_amount_discount){ $discountamount = $item->discount; $discount += $item->discount; } else { $discountamount = $item->line_total * ($item->discount / 100); $discount += $item->line_total * ($item->discount / 100); } } // According to european law, each artical can only have one tax percentage if ($item->tax_name1 == "" && $item->tax_name2 == "" && $item->tax_name3 == ""){ if ($invoice->tax_name1 != null && $invoice->tax_name2 == null && $invoice->tax_name3 == null){ $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype1, 'VAT', $invoice->tax_rate1); $taxnet_1 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_1 += $item->tax_amount; } elseif ($invoice->tax_name1 == null && $invoice->tax_name2 != null && $invoice->tax_name3 == null){ $taxnet_2 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_2 += $item->tax_amount; $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype2, 'VAT', $invoice->tax_rate2); } elseif ($invoice->tax_name1 == null && $invoice->tax_name2 == null && $invoice->tax_name3 != null){ $taxnet_3 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_3 += $item->tax_amount; $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype3, 'VAT', $invoice->tax_rate3); } else{ nlog("Can't add correct tax position"); } } else { if ($item->tax_name1 != "" && $item->tax_name2 == "" && $item->tax_name3 == ""){ $taxnet_1 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_1 += $item->tax_amount; $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype1, 'VAT', $item->tax_rate1); } elseif ($item->tax_name1 == "" && $item->tax_name2 != "" && $item->tax_name3 == ""){ $taxnet_2 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_2 += $item->tax_amount; $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype2, 'VAT', $item->tax_rate2); } elseif ($item->tax_name1 == "" && $item->tax_name2 == "" && $item->tax_name3 != ""){ $taxnet_3 += $item->line_total - $discountamount; $taxamount_3 += $item->tax_amount; $xrechnung->addDocumentPositionTax($taxtype3, 'VAT', $item->tax_rate3); } } } // Calculate global surcharges if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge1 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax1) { $chargetotalamount += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge1; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge2 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax2) { $chargetotalamount += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge2; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge3 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax3) { $chargetotalamount += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge3; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge4 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax4) { $chargetotalamount += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge4; } // Calculate global discounts if ($invoice->disount > 0){ if ($invoice->is_amount_discount){ $discount += $invoice->discount; } else { $discount += $invoice->amount * ($invoice->discount / 100); } } if ($invoice->isPartial()){ $xrechnung->setDocumentSummation($invoice->amount, $invoice->balance, $netprice, $chargetotalamount, $discount, $taxable, $invoice->total_taxes, null, $invoice->partial);} else { $xrechnung->setDocumentSummation($invoice->amount, $invoice->balance, $netprice, $chargetotalamount, $discount, $taxable, $invoice->total_taxes, null, 0.0); } if ($taxnet_1 > 0){ $xrechnung->addDocumentTax($taxtype1, "VAT", $taxnet_1, $taxamount_1, $invoice->tax_rate1); } if ($taxnet_2 > 0) { $xrechnung->addDocumentTax($taxtype2, "VAT", $taxnet_2, $taxamount_2, $invoice->tax_rate2); } if ($taxnet_3 > 0) { $xrechnung->addDocumentTax($taxtype3, "VAT", $taxnet_3, $taxamount_3, $invoice->tax_rate3); } $disk = config('filesystems.default'); if(!Storage::exists($client->xinvoice_filepath($invoice->invitations->first()))){ Storage::makeDirectory($client->xinvoice_filepath($invoice->invitations->first())); } $xrechnung->writeFile(Storage::disk($disk)->path($client->xinvoice_filepath($invoice->invitations->first()) . $invoice->getFileName("xml"))); if ($this->alterpdf){ if ($this->custompdfpath != ""){ $pdfBuilder = new ZugferdDocumentPdfBuilder($xrechnung, $this->custompdfpath); $pdfBuilder->generateDocument(); $pdfBuilder->saveDocument($this->custompdfpath); } else { $filepath_pdf = $client->invoice_filepath($invoice->invitations->first()).$invoice->getFileName(); $file = Storage::disk($disk)->exists($filepath_pdf); if ($file) { $pdfBuilder = new ZugferdDocumentPdfBuilder($xrechnung, Storage::disk($disk)->path($filepath_pdf)); $pdfBuilder->generateDocument(); $pdfBuilder->saveDocument(Storage::disk($disk)->path($filepath_pdf)); } } } return $client->invoice_filepath($invoice->invitations->first()).$invoice->getFileName("xml"); } private function getItemTaxable($item, $invoice_total): float { $total = $item->quantity * $item->cost; if ($this->invoice->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { if ($invoice_total + $this->invoice->discount != 0) { $total -= $invoice_total ? ($total / ($invoice_total + $this->invoice->discount) * $this->invoice->discount) : 0; } } else { $total *= (100 - $this->invoice->discount) / 100; } } if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $total -= $item->discount; } else { $total -= $total * $item->discount / 100; } } return round($total, 2); } /** * @return float */ private function getTaxable(): float { $total = 0.0; foreach ($this->invoice->line_items as $item) { $line_total = $item->quantity * $item->cost; if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $line_total -= $item->discount; } else { $line_total -= $line_total * $item->discount / 100; } } $total += $line_total; } if ($this->invoice->discount > 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $total -= $this->invoice->discount; } else { $total *= (100 - $this->invoice->discount) / 100; $total = round($total, 2); } } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge1 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax1) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge1; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge2 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax2) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge2; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge3 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax3) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge3; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge4 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax4) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge4; } return $total; } public function taxAmount($taxable, $rate): float { if ($this->invoice->uses_inclusive_taxes) { return round($taxable - ($taxable / (1 + ($rate / 100))), 2); } else { return round($taxable * ($rate / 100), 2); } } }