quote = $quote; } public function createInvitations() { $create_invitation = new CreateInvitations(); $this->quote = $create_invitation->run($this->quote); return $this; } public function markApproved() { $mark_approved = new MarkApproved($this->quote->client); $this->quote = $mark_approved->run($this->quote); if ($this->quote->client->getSetting('auto_convert_quote') === true) { $this->convert(); } return $this; } public function convert() :QuoteService { if($this->quote->invoice_id) return $this; $convert_quote = new ConvertQuote($this->quote->client); $this->invoice = $convert_quote->run($this->quote); $this->quote->fresh(); return $this; } public function getQuotePdf($contact = null) { $get_invoice_pdf = new GetQuotePdf(); return $get_invoice_pdf($this->quote, $contact); } public function sendEmail($contact = null) :QuoteService { $send_email = new SendEmail($this->quote, null, $contact); $send_email->run(); return $this; } /** * Applies the invoice number * @return $this InvoiceService object */ public function applyNumber() :QuoteService { $apply_number = new ApplyNumber($this->quote->client); $this->quote = $apply_number->run($this->quote); return $this; } public function markSent() :QuoteService { $mark_sent = new MarkSent($this->quote->client, $this->quote); $this->quote = $mark_sent->run(); return $this; } public function setStatus($status) :QuoteService { $this->quote->status_id = $status; return $this; } public function approve() :QuoteService { $this->setStatus(Quote::STATUS_APPROVED)->save(); $invoice = null; if ($this->quote->client->getSetting('auto_convert_quote')) { $this->convert(); } if ($this->quote->client->getSetting('auto_archive_quote')) { $quote_repo = new QuoteRepository(); $quote_repo->archive($this->quote); } return $this; } public function convertToInvoice() { //to prevent circular references we need to explicit call this here. $mark_approved = new MarkApproved($this->quote->client); $this->quote = $mark_approved->run($this->quote); $this->convert(); return $this->invoice; } public function isConvertable() :bool { if($this->quote->invoice_id) return false; if($this->quote->status_id == Quote::STATUS_EXPIRED) return false; return true; } /** * Saves the quote * @return Quote|null */ public function save() : ?Quote { $this->quote->save(); return $this->quote; } }