$this->account->referral_code ?: '', 'account_id' => $this->account->id, 'google_analytics_key' => $this->account->analytics_key ?: '', 'industry_id' => $this->account->industry_id, 'ip' => $this->account->ip, 'company_key' => $this->account->account_key, 'logo' => $this->account->logo, 'convert_products' => $this->account->convert_products, 'fill_products' => $this->account->fill_products, 'update_products' => $this->account->update_products, 'show_product_details' => $this->account->show_product_notes, 'custom_surcharge_taxes1' => $this->account->custom_invoice_taxes1, 'custom_surcharge_taxes2' => $this->account->custom_invoice_taxes2, 'subdomain' => $this->account->subdomain, 'size_id' => $this->account->size_id, 'enable_modules' => $this->account->enabled_modules, 'custom_fields' => $this->account->custom_fields, 'created_at' => $this->account->created_at ? $this->account->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $this->account->updated_at ? $this->account->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'settings' => $this->getCompanySettings(), ]; } public function getCompanySettings() { return [ 'timezone_id' => $this->account->timezone_id ? (string) $this->account->timezone_id : '15', 'date_format_id' => $this->account->date_format_id ? (string) $this->account->date_format_id : '1', 'currency_id' => $this->account->currency_id ? (string) $this->account->currency_id : '1', 'name' => $this->account->name ?: trans('texts.untitled'), 'address1' => $this->account->address1 ?: '', 'address2' => $this->account->address2 ?: '', 'city' => $this->account->city ?: '', 'state' => $this->account->state ?: '', 'postal_code' => $this->account->postal_code ?: '', 'country_id' => $this->account->country_id ? (string) $this->account->country_id : '840', 'invoice_terms' => $this->account->invoice_terms ?: '', 'enabled_item_tax_rates' => $this->account->invoice_item_taxes ? 2 : 0, 'invoice_design_id' => $this->account->invoice_design_id ?: (string) $this->account->invoice_design_id ?: '1', 'phone' => $this->account->work_phone ?: '', 'email' => $this->account->work_email ?: '', 'language_id' => $this->account->language_id ? (string) $this->account->language_id : '1', 'custom_value1' => $this->account->custom_value1 ? (string) $this->account->custom_value1 : '', 'custom_value2' => $this->account->custom_value2 ? (string) $this->account->custom_value2 : '', 'custom_value3' => '', 'custom_value4' => '', 'hide_paid_to_date' => $this->account->hide_paid_to_date ? (bool) $this->account->hide_paid_to_date : false, 'vat_number' => $this->account->vat_number ?: '', 'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => $this->account->share_counter ? (bool) $this->account->share_counter : true, 'id_number' => $this->account->id_number ?: '', 'invoice_footer' => $this->account->invoice_footer ?: '', 'pdf_email_attachment' => $this->account->pdf_email_attachment ? (bool) $this->account->pdf_email_attachment : false, 'font_size' => $this->account->font_size ?: 9, 'invoice_labels' => $this->account->invoice_labels ?: '', 'military_time' => $this->account->military_time ? (bool) $this->account->military_time : false, 'invoice_number_pattern' => $this->account->invoice_number_pattern ?: '', 'quote_number_pattern' => $this->account->quote_number_pattern ?: '', 'quote_terms' => $this->account->quote_terms ?: '', 'website' => $this->account->website ?: '', 'auto_convert_quote' => $this->account->auto_convert_quote ? (bool) $this->account->auto_convert_quote : false, 'all_pages_footer' => $this->account->all_pages_footer ? (bool) $this->account->all_pages_footer : true, 'all_pages_header' => $this->account->all_pages_header ? (bool) $this->account->all_pages_header : true, 'show_currency_code' => $this->account->show_currency_code ? (bool) $this->account->show_currency_code : false, 'enable_client_portal_password' => $this->account->enable_portal_password ? (bool) $this->account->enable_portal_password : true, 'send_portal_password' => $this->account->send_portal_password ? (bool) $this->account->send_portal_password : false, 'recurring_number_prefix' => $this->account->recurring_invoice_number_prefix ? $this->account->recurring_invoice_number_prefix : 'R', 'enable_client_portal' => $this->account->enable_client_portal ? (bool) $this->account->enable_client_portal : false, 'invoice_fields' => $this->account->invoice_fields ?: '', 'company_logo' => $this->account->logo ?: '', 'embed_documents' => $this->account->invoice_embed_documents ? (bool) $this->account->invoice_embed_documents : false, 'document_email_attachment' => $this->account->document_email_attachment ? (bool) $this->account->document_email_attachment : false, 'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => $this->account->enable_client_portal_dashboard ? (bool) $this->account->enable_client_portal_dashboard : true, 'page_size' => $this->account->page_size ?: 'A4', 'show_accept_invoice_terms' => $this->account->show_accept_invoice_terms ? (bool) $this->account->show_accept_invoice_terms : false, 'show_accept_quote_terms' => $this->account->show_accept_quote_terms ? (bool) $this->account->show_accept_quote_terms : false, 'require_invoice_signature' => $this->account->require_invoice_signature ? (bool) $this->account->require_invoice_signature : false, 'require_quote_signature' => $this->account->require_quote_signature ? (bool) $this->account->require_quote_signature : false, 'client_number_counter' => $this->account->client_number_counter ?: 0, 'client_number_pattern' => $this->account->client_number_pattern ?: '', 'payment_number_pattern' => '', 'payment_number_counter' => 0, 'payment_terms' => $this->account->payment_terms ?: '', 'reset_counter_frequency_id' => $this->account->reset_counter_frequency_id ? (string) $this->account->reset_counter_frequency_id : '0', 'payment_type_id' => $this->account->payment_type_id ? (string) $this->account->payment_type_id : '1', 'reset_counter_date' => $this->account->reset_counter_date ?: '', 'tax_name1' => $this->account->tax_name1 ?: '', 'tax_rate1' => $this->account->tax_rate1 ?: 0, 'tax_name2' => $this->account->tax_name2 ?: '', 'tax_rate2' => $this->account->tax_rate2 ?: 0, 'tax_name3' => '', 'tax_rate3' => 0, 'quote_design_id' => $this->account->quote_design_id ? (string) $this->account->quote_design_id : '1', 'credit_number_counter' => $this->account->credit_number_counter ?: 0, 'credit_number_pattern' => $this->account->credit_number_pattern ?: '', 'default_task_rate' => $this->account->task_rate ?: 0, 'inclusive_taxes' => $this->account->inclusive_taxes ? (bool) $this->account->inclusive_taxes : false, 'signature_on_pdf' => $this->account->signature_on_pdf ? (bool) $this->account->signature_on_pdf : false, 'ubl_email_attachment' => $this->account->ubl_email_attachment ? (bool) $this->account->ubl_email_attachment : false, 'auto_archive_invoice' => $this->account->auto_archive_invoice ? (bool) $this->account->auto_archive_invoice : false, 'auto_archive_quote' => $this->account->auto_archive_quote ? (bool) $this->account->auto_archive_quote : false, 'auto_email_invoice' => $this->account->auto_email_invoice ? (bool) $this->account->auto_email_invoice : false, 'counter_padding' => $this->account->invoice_number_padding ?: 4, ]; } public function getTaxRates() { $rates = TaxRate::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($rates as $rate) { $transformed[] = [ 'name' => $rate->name, 'rate' => $rate->rate, 'company_id' => $rate->account_id, 'user_id' => $rate->user_id, 'created_at' => $rate->created_at ? $rate->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $rate->updated_at ? $rate->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $rate->deleted_at ? $rate->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } protected function getClients() { $clients = []; foreach ($this->account->clients()->withTrashed()->get() as $client) { $clients[] = [ 'id' => $client->id, 'company_id' => $client->account_id, 'user_id' => $client->user_id, 'name' => $client->name, 'balance' => $client->balance ?: 0, 'paid_to_date' => $client->paid_to_date ?: 0, 'address1' => $client->address1, 'address2' => $client->address2, 'city' => $client->city, 'state' => $client->state, 'postal_code' => $client->postal_code, 'country_id' => $client->country_id, 'phone' => $client->work_phone, 'private_notes' => $client->private_notes, 'website' => $client->website, 'industry_id' => $client->industry_id, 'size_id' => $client->size_id, 'is_deleted' => $client->is_deleted, 'vat_number' => $client->vat_number, 'id_number' => $client->id_number, 'custom_value1' => $client->custom_value1, 'custom_value2' => $client->custom_value2, 'shipping_address1' => $client->shipping_address1, 'shipping_address2' => $client->shipping_address2, 'shipping_city' => $client->shipping_city, 'shipping_state' => $client->shipping_state, 'shipping_postal_code' => $client->shipping_postal_code, 'shipping_country_id' => $client->shipping_country_id, 'contacts' => $this->getClientContacts($client->contacts), 'settings' => $this->getClientSettings($client), ]; } return $clients; } private function getClientSettings($client) { $settings = new \stdClass(); $settings->currency_id = $client->currency_id ? (string) $client->currency_id : (string) $client->account->currency_id; if ($client->language_id) { $settings->language_id = (string)$client->language_id; } return $settings; } protected function getClientContacts($contacts) { $transformed = []; foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $contact->id, 'company_id' => $contact->account_id, 'user_id' => $contact->user_id, 'client_id' => $contact->client_id, 'first_name' => $contact->first_name ?: '', 'last_name' => $contact->last_name ?: '', 'phone' => $contact->phone ?: '', 'custom_value1' => $contact->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $contact->custom_value2 ?: '', 'email' => $contact->email, 'is_primary' => (bool)$contact->is_primary, 'send_email' => (bool)$contact->send_invoice, 'confirmed' => $contact->confirmation_token ? true : false, 'email_verified_at' => $contact->created_at->toDateTimeString(), 'last_login' => $contact->last_login, 'password' => $contact->password, 'remember_token' => $contact->remember_token, 'contact_key' => $contact->contact_key, ]; } return $transformed; } protected function getProducts() { $products = Product::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($products as $product) { $transformed[] = [ 'company_id' => $product->account_id, 'user_id' => $product->user_id, 'custom_value1' => $product->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $product->custom_value2 ?: '', 'product_key' => $product->product_key ?: '', 'notes' => $product->notes ?: '', 'cost' => $product->cost ?: 0, 'quantity' => $product->qty ?: 0, 'tax_name1' => $product->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $product->tax_name2, 'tax_rate1' => $product->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $product->tax_rate2, 'created_at' => $product->created_at ? $product->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $product->updated_at ? $product->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $product->deleted_at ? $product->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } public function getUsers() { $users = User::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $user->id, 'first_name' => $user->first_name ?: '', 'last_name' => $user->last_name ?: '', 'phone' => $user->phone ?: '', 'email' => $user->email, 'confirmation_code' => $user->confirmation_code, 'failed_logins' => $user->failed_logins, 'referral_code' => $user->referral_code, 'oauth_user_id' => $user->oauth_user_id, 'oauth_provider_id' => $user->oauth_provider_id, 'google_2fa_secret' => $user->google_2fa_secret, 'accepted_terms_version' => $user->accepted_terms_version, 'password' => $user->password, 'remember_token' => $user->remember_token, 'created_at' => $user->created_at ? $user->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $user->updated_at ? $user->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $user->deleted_at ? $user->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, 'company_user' => [], ]; } return $transformed; } private function getCreditsNotes() { $credits = []; $export_credits = Invoice::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->where('amount', '<', '0') ->where('invoice_type_id', '=', INVOICE_TYPE_STANDARD) ->withTrashed() ->get(); foreach ($export_credits as $credit) { $credits[] = [ 'id' => $credit->id, 'client_id' => $credit->client_id, 'user_id' => $credit->user_id, 'company_id' => $credit->account_id, 'status_id' => $credit->invoice_status_id, 'design_id' => $this->getDesignId($credit->invoice_design_id), 'number' => $credit->invoice_number, 'discount' => $credit->discount ?: 0, 'is_amount_discount' => $credit->is_amount_discount ?: false, 'po_number' => $credit->po_number ?: '', 'date' => $credit->invoice_date, 'last_sent_date' => $credit->last_sent_date, 'due_date' => $credit->due_date, 'uses_inclusive_taxes' => $this->account->inclusive_taxes, 'is_deleted' => $credit->is_deleted, 'footer' => $credit->invoice_footer ?: '', 'public_notes' => $credit->public_notes ?: '', 'private_notes' => $credit->private_notes ?: '', 'terms' => $credit->terms ?: '', 'tax_name1' => $credit->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $credit->tax_name2, 'tax_rate1' => $credit->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $credit->tax_rate2, 'tax_name3' => '', 'tax_rate3' => 0, 'custom_value1' => $credit->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $credit->custom_value2 ?: '', 'next_send_date' => null, 'amount' => $credit->amount ?: 0, 'balance' => $credit->balance ?: 0, 'partial' => $credit->partial ?: 0, 'partial_due_date' => $credit->partial_due_date, 'line_items' => $this->getInvoiceItems($credit->invoice_items), 'created_at' => $credit->created_at ? $credit->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $credit->updated_at ? $credit->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $credit->deleted_at ? $credit->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $credits; } protected function getInvoices() { $invoices = []; $export_invoices = Invoice::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->where('amount', '>=', '0') ->where('invoice_type_id', '=', INVOICE_TYPE_STANDARD) ->where('is_recurring', false) ->withTrashed() ->get(); foreach ($export_invoices as $invoice) { $invoices[] = [ 'id' => $invoice->id, 'client_id' => $invoice->client_id, 'user_id' => $invoice->user_id, 'company_id' => $invoice->account_id, 'status_id' => $this->transformStatusId($invoice->invoice_status_id), 'design_id' => $this->getDesignId($invoice->invoice_design_id), 'number' => $invoice->invoice_number, 'discount' => $invoice->discount, 'is_amount_discount' => $invoice->is_amount_discount ?: false, 'po_number' => $invoice->po_number ?: '', 'date' => $invoice->invoice_date, 'last_sent_date' => $invoice->last_sent_date, 'due_date' => $invoice->due_date, 'uses_inclusive_taxes' => $this->account->inclusive_taxes, 'is_deleted' => $invoice->is_deleted, 'footer' => $invoice->invoice_footer ?: '', 'public_notes' => $invoice->public_notes ?: '', 'private_notes' => $invoice->private_notes ?: '', 'terms' => $invoice->terms ?: '', 'tax_name1' => $invoice->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $invoice->tax_name2, 'tax_rate1' => $invoice->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $invoice->tax_rate2, 'custom_value1' => $invoice->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $invoice->custom_value2 ?: '', 'next_send_date' => null, 'amount' => $invoice->amount ?: 0, 'balance' => $invoice->balance ?: 0, 'partial' => $invoice->partial ?: 0, 'partial_due_date' => $invoice->partial_due_date, 'line_items' => $this->getInvoiceItems($invoice->invoice_items), 'created_at' => $invoice->created_at ? $invoice->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $invoice->updated_at ? $invoice->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $invoice->deleted_at ? $invoice->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, //'invitations' => $this->getResourceInvitations($invoice->invitations, 'invoice_id'), ]; } return $invoices; } /*We cant migrate custom designs*/ private function getDesignId($design_id) { if($design_id >= 11) return 1; return $design_id; } protected function getRecurringInvoices() { $invoices = []; $export_invoices = Invoice::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->where('amount', '>=', '0') ->where('is_recurring', true) ->withTrashed() ->get(); foreach ($export_invoices as $invoice) { $invoices[] = [ 'id' => $invoice->id, 'client_id' => $invoice->client_id, 'user_id' => $invoice->user_id, 'company_id' => $invoice->account_id, 'status_id' => $this->transformRecurringStatusId($invoice), 'design_id' => $this->getDesignId($invoice->invoice_design_id), 'number' => '', 'discount' => $invoice->discount, 'is_amount_discount' => $invoice->is_amount_discount ?: false, 'po_number' => $invoice->po_number ?: '', 'date' => $invoice->invoice_date, 'last_sent_date' => $invoice->last_sent_date, 'due_date' => $invoice->due_date, 'uses_inclusive_taxes' => $this->account->inclusive_taxes, 'is_deleted' => (bool)$invoice->is_deleted, 'footer' => $invoice->invoice_footer, 'public_notes' => $invoice->public_notes ?: '', 'private_notes' => $invoice->private_notes ?: '', 'terms' => $invoice->terms ?: '', 'tax_name1' => $invoice->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $invoice->tax_name2, 'tax_rate1' => $invoice->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $invoice->tax_rate2, 'tax_name3' => '', 'tax_rate3' => 0, 'custom_value1' => $invoice->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $invoice->custom_value2 ?: '', 'custom_value3' => '', 'custom_value4' => '', 'amount' => $invoice->amount ?: 0, 'balance' => $invoice->balance ?: 0, 'partial' => $invoice->partial ?: 0, 'partial_due_date' => $invoice->partial_due_date, 'line_items' => $this->getInvoiceItems($invoice->invoice_items), 'created_at' => $invoice->created_at ? $invoice->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $invoice->updated_at ? $invoice->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $invoice->deleted_at ? $invoice->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, 'next_send_date' => $this->getNextSendDateForMigration($invoice), 'frequency_id' => $this->transformFrequencyId($invoice), 'due_date_days' => $this->transformDueDate($invoice), 'remaining_cycles' => $this->getRemainingCycles($invoice), //'invitations' => $this->getResourceInvitations($invoice->invitations, 'invoice_id'), ]; } return $invoices; } private function getNextSendDateForMigration($invoice) { if($next_send_date = $invoice->getNextSendDate()) return $next_send_date->format('Y-m-d'); return null; } /* Determine the number of remaining cycles */ private function getRemainingCycles($invoice) { if(empty($invoice->end_date) || !$invoice->end_date) return -1; $start_date = $invoice->getNextSendDate(); $end_date = Carbon::parse($invoice->end_date); //v4 // define('FREQUENCY_WEEKLY', 1); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_WEEKS', 2); // define('FREQUENCY_FOUR_WEEKS', 3); // define('FREQUENCY_MONTHLY', 4); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_MONTHS', 5); // define('FREQUENCY_THREE_MONTHS', 6); // define('FREQUENCY_FOUR_MONTHS', 7); // define('FREQUENCY_SIX_MONTHS', 8); // define('FREQUENCY_ANNUALLY', 9); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_YEARS', 10); switch ($invoice->frequency_id) { case 1: return (int)$end_date->diffInWeeks($start_date); break; case 2: return (int)$end_date->diffInWeeks($start_date)/2; break; case 3: return (int)$end_date->diffInWeeks($start_date)/4; break; case 4: return (int)$end_date->diffInMonths($start_date); break; case 5: return (int)$end_date->diffInMonths($start_date)/2; break; case 6: return (int)$end_date->diffInMonths($start_date)/3; break; case 7: return (int)$end_date->diffInMonths($start_date)/4; break; case 8: return (int)$end_date->diffInMonths($start_date)/5; break; case 9: return (int)$end_date->diffInYears($start_date); break; case 10: return (int)$end_date->diffInYears($start_date)/2; break; default: return -1; break; } } private function transformDueDate($invoice) { //weekly recurring invoice get the payment terms if($invoice->frequency_id == 1) return 'terms'; $due_date_parts = explode("-", $invoice->due_date); return (string)$due_date_parts[2]; } //v4 // define('FREQUENCY_WEEKLY', 1); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_WEEKS', 2); // define('FREQUENCY_FOUR_WEEKS', 3); // define('FREQUENCY_MONTHLY', 4); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_MONTHS', 5); // define('FREQUENCY_THREE_MONTHS', 6); // define('FREQUENCY_FOUR_MONTHS', 7); // define('FREQUENCY_SIX_MONTHS', 8); // define('FREQUENCY_ANNUALLY', 9); // define('FREQUENCY_TWO_YEARS', 10); //v5 // const FREQUENCY_DAILY = 1; // const FREQUENCY_WEEKLY = 2; // const FREQUENCY_TWO_WEEKS = 3; // const FREQUENCY_FOUR_WEEKS = 4; // const FREQUENCY_MONTHLY = 5; // const FREQUENCY_TWO_MONTHS = 6; // const FREQUENCY_THREE_MONTHS = 7; // const FREQUENCY_FOUR_MONTHS = 8; // const FREQUENCY_SIX_MONTHS = 9; // const FREQUENCY_ANNUALLY = 10; // const FREQUENCY_TWO_YEARS = 11; // const FREQUENCY_THREE_YEARS = 12; private function transformFrequencyId($invoice) { switch ($invoice->frequency_id) { case 1: return 2; break; case 2: return 3; break; case 3: return 4; break; case 4: return 5; break; case 5: return 6; break; case 6: return 7; break; case 7: return 8; break; case 8: return 9; break; case 9: return 10; break; case 10: return 11; break; default: # code... break; } } /* V5 const STATUS_DRAFT = 1; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 2; const STATUS_PAUSED = 3; const STATUS_COMPLETED = 4; const STATUS_PENDING = -1; */ private function transformRecurringStatusId($invoice) { if($invoice->is_deleted == FALSE && $invoice->deleted_at == NULL && $invoice->is_recurring == TRUE && $invoice->is_public == TRUE && $invoice->frequency_id > 0 && $invoice->start_date <= now() && ($invoice->end_date == NULL || $invoice->end_date >= now())) { return 2; } if($invoice->is_public == 0) return 1; if($invoice->end_date < now()) return 4; } /* define('INVOICE_STATUS_DRAFT', 1); define('INVOICE_STATUS_SENT', 2); define('INVOICE_STATUS_VIEWED', 3); define('INVOICE_STATUS_APPROVED', 4); define('INVOICE_STATUS_PARTIAL', 5); define('INVOICE_STATUS_PAID', 6); define('INVOICE_STATUS_OVERDUE', -1); define('INVOICE_STATUS_UNPAID', -2); const STATUS_DRAFT = 1; const STATUS_SENT = 2; const STATUS_PARTIAL = 3; const STATUS_PAID = 4; const STATUS_CANCELLED = 5; const STATUS_REVERSED = 6; */ private function transformStatusId($status) { switch ($status) { case 1: return 1; break; case 2: return 2; break; case 3: return 2; break; case 4: return 2; break; case 5: return 3; break; case 6: return 4; break; default: return 2; break; } } public function getResourceInvitations($items, $resourceKeyId) { $transformed = []; foreach ($items as $invitation) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $invitation->id, 'company_id' => $invitation->account_id, 'user_id' => $invitation->user_id, 'client_contact_id' => $invitation->contact_id, $resourceKeyId => $invitation->invoice_id, 'key' => $invitation->invitation_key, 'transaction_reference' => $invitation->transaction_reference, 'message_id' => $invitation->message_id, 'email_error' => $invitation->email_error, 'signature_base64' => $invitation->signature_base64, 'signature_date' => $invitation->signature_date, 'sent_date' => $invitation->sent_date, 'viewed_date' => $invitation->viewed_date, 'opened_date' => $invitation->opened_date, 'created_at' => $invitation->created_at ? $invitation->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $invitation->updated_at ? $invitation->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $invitation->deleted_at ? $invitation->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } public function getInvoiceItems($items) { $transformed = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $item->id, 'quantity' => (float) $item->qty, 'cost' => (float) $item->cost, 'product_key' => $item->product_key, 'notes' => $item->notes, 'discount' => (float) $item->discount, 'tax_name1' => (string)$item->tax_name1, 'tax_rate1' => (float) $item->tax_rate1, 'tax_name2' => (string) $item->tax_name2, 'tax_rate2' => (float) $item->tax_rate2, 'tax_name3' => (string) '', 'tax_rate3' => (float) 0, 'date' => $item->created_at, 'custom_value1' => $item->custom_value1, 'custom_value2' => $item->custom_value2, 'line_item_type_id' => $item->invoice_item_type_id, ]; } return $transformed; } public function getQuotes() { $transformed = []; $quotes = Invoice::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->where('invoice_type_id', '=', INVOICE_TYPE_QUOTE) ->withTrashed() ->get(); foreach ($quotes as $quote) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $quote->id, 'client_id' => $quote->client_id, 'user_id' => $quote->user_id, 'company_id' => $quote->account_id, 'status_id' => $quote->invoice_status_id, 'design_id' => $this->getDesignId($quote->invoice_design_id), 'number' => $quote->invoice_number, 'discount' => $quote->discount, 'is_amount_discount' => $quote->is_amount_discount ?: false, 'po_number' => $quote->po_number ?: '', 'date' => $quote->invoice_date, 'last_sent_date' => $quote->last_sent_date, 'due_date' => $quote->due_date, 'uses_inclusive_taxes' => $this->account->inclusive_taxes, 'is_deleted' => (bool)$quote->is_deleted, 'footer' => $quote->invoice_footer ?: '', 'public_notes' => $quote->public_notes ?: '', 'private_notes' => $quote->private_notes ?: '', 'terms' => $quote->terms ?: '', 'tax_name1' => $quote->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $quote->tax_name2, 'tax_rate1' => $quote->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $quote->tax_rate2, 'custom_value1' => $quote->custom_value1 ?: '', 'custom_value2' => $quote->custom_value2 ?: '', 'next_send_date' => null, 'amount' => $quote->amount ?: 0, 'balance' => $quote->balance ?: 0, 'partial' => $quote->partial ?: 0, 'partial_due_date' => $quote->partial_due_date, 'line_items' => $this->getInvoiceItems($quote->invoice_items), 'created_at' => $quote->created_at ? $quote->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $quote->updated_at ? $quote->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $quote->deleted_at ? $quote->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, //'invitations' => $this->getResourceInvitations($quote->invitations, 'quote_id'), ]; } return $transformed; } /* const STATUS_DRAFT = 1; const STATUS_SENT = 2; const STATUS_APPROVED = 3; const STATUS_EXPIRED = -1; */ private function transformQuoteStatus($status) { switch ($status) { case 1: return 1; break; case 2: return 2; break; case 4: return 3; break; default: return 2; break; } } public function getPayments() { $transformed = []; $payments = Payment::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); foreach ($payments as $payment) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $payment->id, 'invoices' => [ ['invoice_id' => $payment->invoice_id, 'amount' => $payment->amount, 'refunded' => $payment->refunded], ], 'invoice_id' => $payment->invoice_id, 'company_id' => $payment->account_id, 'client_id' => $payment->client_id, 'user_id' => $payment->user_id, 'client_contact_id' => $payment->contact_id, 'invitation_id' => $payment->invitation_id, 'company_gateway_id' => $payment->account_gateway_id, 'type_id' => $payment->payment_type_id, 'status_id' => $payment->payment_status_id, 'amount' => $payment->amount ?: 0, 'applied' => $payment->amount ?: 0, 'refunded' => $payment->refunded ?: 0, 'date' => $payment->payment_date, 'transaction_reference' => $payment->transaction_reference ?: '', 'payer_id' => $payment->payer_id, 'is_deleted' => (bool)$payment->is_deleted, 'exchange_rate' => $payment->exchange_rate ? number_format((float) $payment->exchange_rate, 6) : null, 'exchange_currency_id' => $payment->exchange_currency_id, 'currency_id' => isset($payment->client->currency->id) ? $payment->client->currency->id : $this->account->currency_id, 'updated_at' => $payment->updated_at ? $payment->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'created_at' => $payment->created_at ? $payment->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $payment->deleted_at ? $payment->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getCredits() { $credits = Credit::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->where('balance', '>', '0')->whereIsDeleted(false) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($credits as $credit) { $transformed[] = [ 'client_id' => $credit->client_id, 'user_id' => $credit->user_id, 'company_id' => $credit->account_id, 'is_deleted' => $credit->is_deleted, 'amount' => $credit->balance ?: 0, 'applied' => 0, 'refunded' => 0, 'date' => $credit->date, 'created_at' => $credit->created_at ? $credit->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $credit->updated_at ? $credit->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $credit->deleted_at ? $credit->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getDocuments() { $documents = Document::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($documents as $document) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $document->id, 'user_id' => $document->user_id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'invoice_id' => $document->invoice_id, 'expense_id' => $document->expense_id, 'path' => $document->path, 'preview' => $document->preview, 'name' => $document->name, 'type' => $document->type, 'disk' => $document->disk, 'hash' => $document->hash, 'size' => $document->size, 'width' => $document->width, 'height' => $document->height, 'created_at' => $document->created_at ? $document->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $document->updated_at ? $document->updated_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getCompanyGateways() { $account_gateways = AccountGateway::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($account_gateways as $account_gateway) { $gateway_types = $account_gateway->paymentDriver()->gatewayTypes(); foreach ($gateway_types as $gateway_type_id) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $account_gateway->id, 'user_id' => $account_gateway->user_id, 'gateway_key' => $this->getGatewayKeyById($account_gateway->gateway_id), 'accepted_credit_cards' => $account_gateway->accepted_credit_cards, 'require_cvv' => $account_gateway->require_cvv, 'show_billing_address' => $account_gateway->show_billing_address, 'show_shipping_address' => $account_gateway->show_shipping_address, 'update_details' => $account_gateway->update_details, 'config' => Crypt::decrypt($account_gateway->config), 'fees_and_limits' => $this->transformFeesAndLimits($gateway_type_id), 'custom_value1' => '', 'custom_value2' => '', 'custom_value3' => '', 'custom_value4' => '', ]; } } return $transformed; } private function getClientGatewayTokens() { $payment_methods = PaymentMethod::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; $is_default = true; foreach ($payment_methods as $payment_method) { $contact = Contact::find($payment_method->contact_id)->first(); $agt = AccountGatewayToken::find($payment_method->account_gateway_token_id)->first(); $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $payment_method->id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'client_id' => $contact->client_id, 'token' => $payment_method->source_reference, 'company_gateway_id' => $agt->account_gateway_id, 'gateway_customer_reference' => $agt->token, 'gateway_type_id' => $payment_method->payment_type->gateway_type_id, 'is_default' => $is_default, 'meta' => $this->convertMeta($payment_method), ]; $is_default = false; } return $transformed; } private function getPaymentTerms() { $payment_terms = PaymentTerm::where('account_id', 0)->orWhere('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; foreach($payment_terms as $payment_term) { if($payment_term->num_days == -1) $payment_term->num_days = 0; $transformed[] = [ 'user_id' => 0, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'num_days' => $payment_term->num_days, 'is_deleted' => $payment_term->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $payment_term->created_at ? $payment_term->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $payment_term->updated_at ? $payment_term->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $payment_term->deleted_at ? $payment_term->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getTaskStatuses() { $task_statuses = TaskStatus::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); if($task_statuses->count() == 0) { $defaults = [ 'backlog', 'ready_to_do', 'in_progress', 'done', ]; for ($i=0; $iname = trans('texts.' . $defaults[$i]); $status->sort_order = $i; $status->save(); } $task_statuses = TaskStatus::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); } $transformed = []; foreach($task_statuses as $task_status) { $transformed[] = [ 'name' => $task_status->name ?: '', 'id' => $task_status->id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'user_id' => $task_status->user_id, 'status_sort_order' => $task_status->sort_order, 'is_deleted' => $task_status->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $task_status->created_at ? $task_status->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $task_status->updated_at ? $task_status->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $task_status->deleted_at ? $task_status->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getExpenseCategories() { $expense_categories = ExpenseCategory::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($expense_categories as $category) { $transformed[] = [ 'name' => $category->name ?: '', 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'id' => $category->id, 'user_id' => $category->user_id, 'is_deleted' => $category->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $category->created_at ? $category->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $category->updated_at ? $category->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $category->deleted_at ? $category->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getExpenses() { $expenses = Expense::where('account_id', $this->account->id)->withTrashed()->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($expenses as $expense) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $expense->id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'user_id' => $expense->user_id, 'amount' => $expense->amount, 'bank_id' => $expense->bank_id, 'client_id' => $expense->client_id, 'custom_value1' => $expense->custom_value1, 'custom_value2' => $expense->custom_value2, 'custom_value3' => '', 'custom_value4' => '', 'exchange_rate' => $expense->exchange_rate, 'category_id' => $expense->expense_category_id, 'currency_id' => $expense->expense_currency_id, 'date' => $expense->expense_date, 'foreign_amount' => 0, 'invoice_currency_id' => $expense->invoice_currency_id, 'invoice_documents' => $expense->invoice_documents, 'invoice_id' => $expense->invoice_id, 'payment_date' => $expense->payment_date, 'payment_type_id' => $expense->payment_type_id, 'private_notes' => $expense->private_notes, 'public_notes' => $expense->public_notes, 'recurring_expense_id' => $expense->recurring_expense_id, 'should_be_invoiced' => $expense->should_be_invoiced, 'tax_name1' => $expense->tax_name1, 'tax_name2' => $expense->tax_name2, 'tax_name3' => '', 'tax_rate1' => $expense->tax_rate1, 'tax_rate2' => $expense->tax_rate2, 'tax_rate3' => 0, 'transaction_id' => $expense->transaction_id, 'transaction_reference' => $expense->transaction_reference, 'vendor_id' => $expense->vendor_id, 'is_deleted' => $expense->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $expense->created_at ? $expense->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $expense->updated_at ? $expense->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $expense->deleted_at ? $expense->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getTasks() { $tasks = Task::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($tasks as $task) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $task->id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'client_id' => $task->client_id, 'custom_value1' => $task->custom_value1, 'custom_value2' => $task->custom_value2, 'custom_value3' => $task->custom_value3, 'custom_value4' => $task->custom_value4, 'description' => $task->description, 'invoice_id' => $task->invoice_id, 'is_running' => $task->is_running, 'project_id' => $task->project_id, 'status_id' => $task->task_status_id, 'status_sort_order' => $task->task_status_sort_order, 'time_log' => $task->time_log, 'user_id' => $task->user_id, 'is_deleted' => $task->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $task->created_at ? $task->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $task->updated_at ? $task->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $task->deleted_at ? $task->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function getProjects() { $projects = Project::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); $transformed = []; foreach ($projects as $project) { $transformed[] = [ 'id' => $project->id, 'company_id' => $this->account->id, 'client_id' => $project->client_id, 'custom_value1' => $project->custom_value1, 'custom_value2' => $project->custom_value2, 'custom_value3' => $project->custom_value3, 'custom_value4' => $project->custom_value4, 'budgeted_hours' => $project->budgeted_hours, 'due_date' => $project->due_date, 'name' => $project->name, 'private_notes' => $project->private_notes, 'public_notes' => '', 'task_rate' => $project->task_rate, 'user_id' => $project->user_id, 'is_deleted' => $project->is_deleted, 'created_at' => $project->created_at ? $project->created_at->toDateString() : null, 'updated_at' => $project->updated_at ? $project->updated_at->toDateString() : null, 'deleted_at' => $project->deleted_at ? $project->deleted_at->toDateString() : null, ]; } return $transformed; } private function convertMeta($payment_method) { $expiry = explode('-', $payment_method->expiration); if (is_array($expiry)) { $exp_month = $expiry[1]; $exp_year = $expiry[0]; } else { $exp_month = ''; $exp_year = ''; } $meta = new \stdClass(); $meta->exp_month = (string)$exp_month; $meta->exp_year = (string)$exp_year; $meta->brand = (string)$payment_method->payment_type->name; $meta->last4 = (string)str_replace(',', '', ($payment_method->expiration)); $meta->type = $payment_method->payment_type->gateway_type_id; return $meta; } private function transformFeesAndLimits($gateway_type_id) { $ags = AccountGatewaySettings::where('account_id', $this->account->id) ->where('gateway_type_id', $gateway_type_id) ->first(); if (! $ags) { return new \stdClass(); } $fees_and_limits = new \stdClass(); $fees_and_limits->min_limit = $ags->min_limit; $fees_and_limits->max_limit = $ags->max_limit; $fees_and_limits->fee_amount = $ags->fee_amount; $fees_and_limits->fee_percent = $ags->fee_percent; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_name1 = $ags->tax_name1; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate1 = $ags->tax_rate1; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_name2 = $ags->tax_name2; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate2 = $ags->tax_rate2; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_name3 = ''; $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate3 = 0; $data = []; $data[1] = $fees_and_limits; return $data; } private function getGatewayKeyById($gateway_id) { $gateways = [ ['id' => 1, 'key' => '3b6621f970ab18887c4f6dca78d3f8bb'], ['id' => 2, 'key' => '46c5c1fed2c43acf4f379bae9c8b9f76'], ['id' => 3, 'key' => '944c20175bbe6b9972c05bcfe294c2c7'], ['id' => 4, 'key' => '4e0ed0d34552e6cb433506d1ac03a418'], ['id' => 5, 'key' => '513cdc81444c87c4b07258bc2858d3fa'], ['id' => 6, 'key' => '99c2a271b5088951334d1302e038c01a'], ['id' => 7, 'key' => '1bd651fb213ca0c9d66ae3c336dc77e8'], ['id' => 8, 'key' => 'c3dec814e14cbd7d86abd92ce6789f8c'], ['id' => 9, 'key' => '070dffc5ca94f4e66216e44028ebd52d'], ['id' => 10, 'key' => '334d419939c06bd99b4dfd8a49243f0f'], ['id' => 11, 'key' => 'd6814fc83f45d2935e7777071e629ef9'], ['id' => 12, 'key' => '0d97c97d227f91c5d0cb86d01e4a52c9'], ['id' => 13, 'key' => 'a66b7062f4c8212d2c428209a34aa6bf'], ['id' => 14, 'key' => '7e6fc08b89467518a5953a4839f8baba'], ['id' => 15, 'key' => '38f2c48af60c7dd69e04248cbb24c36e'], ['id' => 16, 'key' => '80af24a6a69f5c0bbec33e930ab40665'], ['id' => 17, 'key' => '0749cb92a6b36c88bd9ff8aabd2efcab'], ['id' => 18, 'key' => '4c8f4e5d0f353a122045eb9a60cc0f2d'], ['id' => 19, 'key' => '8036a5aadb2bdaafb23502da8790b6a2'], ['id' => 20, 'key' => 'd14dd26a37cecc30fdd65700bfb55b23'], ['id' => 21, 'key' => 'd14dd26a37cdcc30fdd65700bfb55b23'], ['id' => 22, 'key' => 'ea3b328bd72d381387281c3bd83bd97c'], ['id' => 23, 'key' => 'a0035fc0d87c4950fb82c73e2fcb825a'], ['id' => 24, 'key' => '16dc1d3c8a865425421f64463faaf768'], ['id' => 25, 'key' => '43e639234f660d581ddac725ba7bcd29'], ['id' => 26, 'key' => '2f71dc17b0158ac30a7ae0839799e888'], ['id' => 27, 'key' => '733998ee4760b10f11fb48652571e02c'], ['id' => 28, 'key' => '6312879223e49c5cf92e194646bdee8f'], ['id' => 29, 'key' => '106ef7e7da9062b0df363903b455711c'], ['id' => 30, 'key' => 'e9a38f0896b5b82d196be3b7020c8664'], ['id' => 31, 'key' => '0da4e18ed44a5bd5c8ec354d0ab7b301'], ['id' => 32, 'key' => 'd3979e62eb603fbdf1c78fe3a8ba7009'], ['id' => 33, 'key' => '557d98977e7ec02dfa53de4b69b335be'], ['id' => 34, 'key' => '54dc60c869a7322d87efbec5c0c25805'], ['id' => 35, 'key' => 'e4a02f0a4b235eb5e9e294730703bb74'], ['id' => 36, 'key' => '1b3c6f3ccfea4f5e7eadeae188cccd7f'], ['id' => 37, 'key' => '7cba6ce5c125f9cb47ea8443ae671b68'], ['id' => 38, 'key' => 'b98cfa5f750e16cee3524b7b7e78fbf6'], ['id' => 39, 'key' => '3758e7f7c6f4cecf0f4f348b9a00f456'], ['id' => 40, 'key' => 'cbc7ef7c99d31ec05492fbcb37208263'], ['id' => 41, 'key' => 'e186a98d3b079028a73390bdc11bdb82'], ['id' => 42, 'key' => '761040aca40f685d1ab55e2084b30670'], ['id' => 43, 'key' => '1b2cef0e8c800204a29f33953aaf3360'], ['id' => 44, 'key' => '7ea2d40ecb1eb69ef8c3d03e5019028a'], ['id' => 45, 'key' => '70ab90cd6c5c1ab13208b3cef51c0894'], ['id' => 46, 'key' => 'bbd736b3254b0aabed6ad7fda1298c88'], ['id' => 47, 'key' => '231cb401487b9f15babe04b1ac4f7a27'], ['id' => 48, 'key' => 'bad8699d581d9fa040e59c0bb721a76c'], ['id' => 49, 'key' => '8fdeed552015b3c7b44ed6c8ebd9e992'], ['id' => 50, 'key' => 'f7ec488676d310683fb51802d076d713'], ['id' => 51, 'key' => '30334a52fb698046572c627ca10412e8'], ['id' => 52, 'key' => 'b9886f9257f0c6ee7c302f1c74475f6c'], ['id' => 53, 'key' => 'ef498756b54db63c143af0ec433da803'], ['id' => 54, 'key' => 'ca52f618a39367a4c944098ebf977e1c'], ['id' => 55, 'key' => '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa'], ]; return $gateways[$gateway_id]['key']; } }