client = $client; $this->amount = $amount; } public function run() { $this->getGateways() ->getMethods() ->buildUrls(); return $this->getPaymentUrls(); } public function getPaymentUrls() { return $this->payment_urls; } public function getPaymentMethods() { return $this->payment_methods; } private function getGateways() { $company_gateways = $this->client->getSetting('company_gateway_ids'); //we need to check for "0" here as we disable a payment gateway for a client with the number "0" if ($company_gateways || $company_gateways == '0') { $transformed_ids = $this->transformKeys(explode(',', $company_gateways)); $this->gateways = $this->client ->company ->company_gateways ->whereIn('id', $transformed_ids) ->where('gateway_key', '!=', '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa') ->sortby(function ($model) use ($transformed_ids) { //company gateways are sorted in order of priority return array_search($model->id, $transformed_ids);// this closure sorts for us }); } else { $this->gateways = $this->client ->company ->company_gateways ->where('gateway_key', '!=', '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa') ->where('is_deleted', false); } return $this; } private function getCustomGateways() { $company_gateways = $this->client->getSetting('company_gateway_ids'); //we need to check for "0" here as we disable a payment gateway for a client with the number "0" if ($company_gateways || $company_gateways == '0') { $transformed_ids = $this->transformKeys(explode(',', $company_gateways)); $this->gateways = $this->client ->company ->company_gateways ->whereIn('id', $transformed_ids) ->where('gateway_key', '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa') ->sortby(function ($model) use ($transformed_ids) { //company gateways are sorted in order of priority return array_search($model->id, $transformed_ids);// this closure sorts for us }); } else { $this->gateways = $this->client ->company ->company_gateways ->where('gateway_key', '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa') ->where('is_deleted', false); } return $this; } private function getMethods() { // we should prefilter $gateway->driver($this)->gatewayTypes() // and only include the enabled payment methods on the gateway $this->payment_methods = []; foreach ($this->gateways as $gateway) { foreach ($gateway->driver($this->client)->gatewayTypes() as $type) { if (isset($gateway->fees_and_limits) && property_exists($gateway->fees_and_limits, $type)) { if ($this->validGatewayForAmount($gateway->fees_and_limits->{$type}, $this->amount) && $gateway->fees_and_limits->{$type}->is_enabled) { // if($type == GatewayType::BANK_TRANSFER); $this->payment_methods[] = [$gateway->id => $type]; } } else { //$this->payment_methods[] = [$gateway->id => $type]; } } } //transform from Array to Collection $payment_methods_collections = collect($this->payment_methods); //** Plucks the remaining keys into its own collection $this->payment_methods = $payment_methods_collections->intersectByKeys($payment_methods_collections->flatten(1)->unique()); /* Loop through custom gateways if any exist and append them to the methods collection*/ $this->getCustomGateways(); //note we have to use GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD as alias for CUSTOM foreach ($this->gateways as $gateway) { foreach ($gateway->driver($this->client)->gatewayTypes() as $type) { if (isset($gateway->fees_and_limits) && property_exists($gateway->fees_and_limits, $type)) { if ($this->validGatewayForAmount($gateway->fees_and_limits->{GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD}, $this->amount)) $this->payment_methods[] = [$gateway->id => $type]; } else { $this->payment_methods[] = [$gateway->id => NULL]; } } } return $this; } private function buildUrls() { foreach ($this->payment_methods as $key => $child_array) { foreach ($child_array as $gateway_id => $gateway_type_id) { $gateway = CompanyGateway::find($gateway_id); $fee_label = $gateway->calcGatewayFeeLabel($this->amount, $this->client, $gateway_type_id); if(!$gateway_type_id){ $this->payment_urls[] = [ 'label' => $gateway->getConfigField('name') . $fee_label, 'company_gateway_id' => $gateway_id, 'gateway_type_id' => GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD, ]; } else { $this->payment_urls[] = [ 'label' => $gateway->getTypeAlias($gateway_type_id) . $fee_label, 'company_gateway_id' => $gateway_id, 'gateway_type_id' => $gateway_type_id, ]; } } } if (($this->client->getSetting('use_credits_payment') == 'option' || $this->client->getSetting('use_credits_payment') == 'always') && $this->client->service()->getCreditBalance() > 0) { // Show credits as only payment option if both statements are true. if ( $this->client->service()->getCreditBalance() > $this->amount && $this->client->getSetting('use_credits_payment') == 'always') { $payment_urls = []; } $this->payment_urls[] = [ 'label' => ctrans('texts.apply_credit'), 'company_gateway_id' => CompanyGateway::GATEWAY_CREDIT, 'gateway_type_id' => GatewayType::CREDIT, ]; } return $this; } private function validGatewayForAmount($fees_and_limits_for_payment_type, $amount) :bool { if (isset($fees_and_limits_for_payment_type)) { $fees_and_limits = $fees_and_limits_for_payment_type; } else { return true; } if ((property_exists($fees_and_limits, 'min_limit')) && $fees_and_limits->min_limit !== null && $fees_and_limits->min_limit != -1 && $this->amount < $fees_and_limits->min_limit) { return false; } if ((property_exists($fees_and_limits, 'max_limit')) && $fees_and_limits->max_limit !== null && $fees_and_limits->max_limit != -1 && $this->amount > $fees_and_limits->max_limit) { return false; } return true; } }