language: php sudo: true # Prevent tests from taking more than 50 minutes group: deprecated-2017Q4 php: - 7.2 addons: chrome: stable hosts: - cache: directories: - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache env: global: - COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES=true - COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION=1 - COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN=1 before_install: # set GitHub token and update composer - if [ -n "$GH_TOKEN" ]; then composer config ${GH_TOKEN}; fi; - composer self-update && composer -V # - export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 - rvm use 1.9.3 --install --fuzzy - cp .env.travis .env install: # install Composer dependencies # - rm composer.lock # these providers require referencing git commit's which cause Travis to fail # - sed -i '/mollie/d' composer.json # - sed -i '/2checkout/d' composer.json - travis_retry composer install --no-interaction before_script: # copy configuration files - php artisan key:generate --no-interaction - sed -i '$a NINJA_DEV=true' .env # create the database and user - mysql -u root -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS ninja01;" - mysql -u root -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS ninja02;" - mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ninja01.* To 'ninja'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ninja'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" - mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ninja02.* To 'ninja'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ninja'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" # migrate and seed the database - php artisan migrate --database=db-ninja-01 --seed --no-interaction - php artisan migrate --database=db-ninja-02 --seed --no-interaction - php artisan optimize - npm install - npm install @types/bluebird @types/core-js@0.9.36 - npm run production # migrate and seed the database # Start webserver on ninja.test:8000 - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - ./vendor/laravel/dusk/bin/chromedriver-linux & - php artisan serve & script: - php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --debug --verbose --coverage-clover=coverage.xml - php artisan dusk - npm test after_success: - bash <(curl -s notifications: email: on_success: never on_failure: change slack: invoiceninja: SLraaKBDvjeRuRtY9o3Yvp1b