1, ENTITY_CREDIT => 2, ENTITY_QUOTE => 4, ENTITY_TASK => 8, ENTITY_EXPENSE => 16, ENTITY_VENDOR => 32, ]; public static $dashboardSections = [ 'total_revenue' => 1, 'average_invoice' => 2, 'outstanding' => 4, ]; /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function account_tokens() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AccountToken'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function users() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\User'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function clients() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Client'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function contacts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Contact'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function invoices() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Invoice'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function account_gateways() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AccountGateway'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function bank_accounts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\BankAccount'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function tax_rates() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\TaxRate'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function products() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function country() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function timezone() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Timezone'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function language() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Language'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function date_format() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DateFormat'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function datetime_format() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DatetimeFormat'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function size() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Size'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function currency() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Currency'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function industry() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Industry'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function default_tax_rate() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\TaxRate'); } /** * @return mixed */ public function expenses() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Expense','account_id','id')->withTrashed(); } /** * @return mixed */ public function payments() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Payment','account_id','id')->withTrashed(); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function company() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Company'); } /** * @return mixed */ public function expense_categories() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ExpenseCategory','account_id','id')->withTrashed(); } /** * @return mixed */ public function projects() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Project','account_id','id')->withTrashed(); } /** * @param $value */ public function setIndustryIdAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['industry_id'] = $value ?: null; } /** * @param $value */ public function setCountryIdAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['country_id'] = $value ?: null; } /** * @param $value */ public function setSizeIdAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['size_id'] = $value ?: null; } /** * @param int $gatewayId * @return bool */ public function isGatewayConfigured($gatewayId = 0) { if ( ! $this->relationLoaded('account_gateways')) { $this->load('account_gateways'); } if ($gatewayId) { return $this->getGatewayConfig($gatewayId) != false; } else { return count($this->account_gateways) > 0; } } /** * @return bool */ public function isEnglish() { return !$this->language_id || $this->language_id == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasInvoicePrefix() { if ( ! $this->invoice_number_prefix && ! $this->quote_number_prefix) { return false; } return $this->invoice_number_prefix != $this->quote_number_prefix; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getDisplayName() { if ($this->name) { return $this->name; } //$this->load('users'); $user = $this->users()->first(); return $user->getDisplayName(); } /** * @return string */ public function getCityState() { $swap = $this->country && $this->country->swap_postal_code; return Utils::cityStateZip($this->city, $this->state, $this->postal_code, $swap); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMomentDateTimeFormat() { $format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format_moment : DEFAULT_DATETIME_MOMENT_FORMAT; if ($this->military_time) { $format = str_replace('h:mm:ss a', 'H:mm:ss', $format); } return $format; } /** * @return string */ public function getMomentDateFormat() { $format = $this->getMomentDateTimeFormat(); $format = str_replace('h:mm:ss a', '', $format); $format = str_replace('H:mm:ss', '', $format); return trim($format); } /** * @return string */ public function getTimezone() { if ($this->timezone) { return $this->timezone->name; } else { return 'US/Eastern'; } } public function getDate($date = 'now') { if ( ! $date) { return null; } elseif ( ! $date instanceof \DateTime) { $date = new \DateTime($date); } return $date; } /** * @param string $date * @return DateTime|null|string */ public function getDateTime($date = 'now') { $date = $this->getDate($date); $date->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($this->getTimezone())); return $date; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getCustomDateFormat() { return $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT; } public function getSampleLink() { $invitation = new Invitation(); $invitation->account = $this; $invitation->invitation_key = '...'; return $invitation->getLink(); } /** * @param $amount * @param null $client * @param bool $hideSymbol * @return string */ public function formatMoney($amount, $client = null, $decorator = false) { if ($client && $client->currency_id) { $currencyId = $client->currency_id; } elseif ($this->currency_id) { $currencyId = $this->currency_id; } else { $currencyId = DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } if ($client && $client->country_id) { $countryId = $client->country_id; } elseif ($this->country_id) { $countryId = $this->country_id; } else { $countryId = false; } if ( ! $decorator) { $decorator = $this->show_currency_code ? CURRENCY_DECORATOR_CODE : CURRENCY_DECORATOR_SYMBOL; } return Utils::formatMoney($amount, $currencyId, $countryId, $decorator); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getCurrencyId() { return $this->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } /** * @param $date * @return null|string */ public function formatDate($date) { $date = $this->getDate($date); if ( ! $date) { return null; } return $date->format($this->getCustomDateFormat()); } /** * @param $date * @return null|string */ public function formatDateTime($date) { $date = $this->getDateTime($date); if ( ! $date) { return null; } return $date->format($this->getCustomDateTimeFormat()); } /** * @param $date * @return null|string */ public function formatTime($date) { $date = $this->getDateTime($date); if ( ! $date) { return null; } return $date->format($this->getCustomTimeFormat()); } /** * @return string */ public function getCustomTimeFormat() { return $this->military_time ? 'H:i' : 'g:i a'; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getCustomDateTimeFormat() { $format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format : DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT; if ($this->military_time) { $format = str_replace('g:i a', 'H:i', $format); } return $format; } /* public function defaultGatewayType() { $accountGateway = $this->account_gateways[0]; $paymentDriver = $accountGateway->paymentDriver(); return $paymentDriver->gatewayTypes()[0]; } */ /** * @param bool $type * @return AccountGateway|bool */ public function getGatewayByType($type = false) { if ( ! $this->relationLoaded('account_gateways')) { $this->load('account_gateways'); } /** @var AccountGateway $accountGateway */ foreach ($this->account_gateways as $accountGateway) { if ( ! $type) { return $accountGateway; } $paymentDriver = $accountGateway->paymentDriver(); if ($paymentDriver->handles($type)) { return $accountGateway; } } return false; } /** * @return array */ public function availableGatewaysIds() { if ( ! $this->relationLoaded('account_gateways')) { $this->load('account_gateways'); } $gatewayTypes = []; $gatewayIds = []; foreach ($this->account_gateways as $accountGateway) { $paymentDriver = $accountGateway->paymentDriver(); $gatewayTypes = array_unique(array_merge($gatewayTypes, $paymentDriver->gatewayTypes())); } foreach (Cache::get('gateways') as $gateway) { $paymentDriverClass = AccountGateway::paymentDriverClass($gateway->provider); $paymentDriver = new $paymentDriverClass(); $available = true; foreach ($gatewayTypes as $type) { if ($paymentDriver->handles($type)) { $available = false; break; } } if ($available) { $gatewayIds[] = $gateway->id; } } return $gatewayIds; } /** * @param bool $invitation * @param mixed $gatewayTypeId * @return bool */ public function paymentDriver($invitation = false, $gatewayTypeId = false) { /** @var AccountGateway $accountGateway */ if ($accountGateway = $this->getGatewayByType($gatewayTypeId)) { return $accountGateway->paymentDriver($invitation, $gatewayTypeId); } return false; } /** * @return mixed */ public function gatewayIds() { return $this->account_gateways()->pluck('gateway_id')->toArray(); } /** * @param $gatewayId * @return bool */ public function hasGatewayId($gatewayId) { return in_array($gatewayId, $this->gatewayIds()); } /** * @param $gatewayId * @return bool */ public function getGatewayConfig($gatewayId) { foreach ($this->account_gateways as $gateway) { if ($gateway->gateway_id == $gatewayId) { return $gateway; } } return false; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasLogo() { if($this->logo == ''){ $this->calculateLogoDetails(); } return !empty($this->logo); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getLogoDisk(){ return Storage::disk(env('LOGO_FILESYSTEM', 'logos')); } protected function calculateLogoDetails(){ $disk = $this->getLogoDisk(); if($disk->exists($this->account_key.'.png')){ $this->logo = $this->account_key.'.png'; } else if($disk->exists($this->account_key.'.jpg')) { $this->logo = $this->account_key.'.jpg'; } if(!empty($this->logo)){ $image = imagecreatefromstring($disk->get($this->logo)); $this->logo_width = imagesx($image); $this->logo_height = imagesy($image); $this->logo_size = $disk->size($this->logo); } else { $this->logo = null; } $this->save(); } /** * @return null */ public function getLogoRaw(){ if(!$this->hasLogo()){ return null; } $disk = $this->getLogoDisk(); return $disk->get($this->logo); } /** * @param bool $cachebuster * @return null|string */ public function getLogoURL($cachebuster = false) { if(!$this->hasLogo()){ return null; } $disk = $this->getLogoDisk(); $adapter = $disk->getAdapter(); if($adapter instanceof \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local) { // Stored locally $logoUrl = url('/logo/' . $this->logo); if ($cachebuster) { $logoUrl .= '?no_cache='.time(); } return $logoUrl; } return Document::getDirectFileUrl($this->logo, $this->getLogoDisk()); } public function getLogoPath() { if ( ! $this->hasLogo()){ return null; } $disk = $this->getLogoDisk(); $adapter = $disk->getAdapter(); if ($adapter instanceof \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local) { return $adapter->applyPathPrefix($this->logo); } else { return Document::getDirectFileUrl($this->logo, $this->getLogoDisk()); } } /** * @return mixed */ public function getPrimaryUser() { return $this->users() ->orderBy('id') ->first(); } /** * @param $userId * @param $name * @return null */ public function getToken($userId, $name) { foreach ($this->account_tokens as $token) { if ($token->user_id == $userId && $token->name === $name) { return $token->token; } } return null; } /** * @return mixed|null */ public function getLogoWidth() { if(!$this->hasLogo()){ return null; } return $this->logo_width; } /** * @return mixed|null */ public function getLogoHeight() { if(!$this->hasLogo()){ return null; } return $this->logo_height; } /** * @param $entityType * @param null $clientId * @return mixed */ public function createInvoice($entityType = ENTITY_INVOICE, $clientId = null) { $invoice = Invoice::createNew(); $invoice->is_recurring = false; $invoice->invoice_type_id = INVOICE_TYPE_STANDARD; $invoice->invoice_date = Utils::today(); $invoice->start_date = Utils::today(); $invoice->invoice_design_id = $this->invoice_design_id; $invoice->client_id = $clientId; if ($entityType === ENTITY_RECURRING_INVOICE) { $invoice->invoice_number = microtime(true); $invoice->is_recurring = true; } else { if ($entityType == ENTITY_QUOTE) { $invoice->invoice_type_id = INVOICE_TYPE_QUOTE; } if ($this->hasClientNumberPattern($invoice) && !$clientId) { // do nothing, we don't yet know the value } elseif ( ! $invoice->invoice_number) { $invoice->invoice_number = $this->getNextNumber($invoice); } } if (!$clientId) { $invoice->client = Client::createNew(); $invoice->client->public_id = 0; } return $invoice; } /** * @param bool $client */ public function loadLocalizationSettings($client = false) { $this->load('timezone', 'date_format', 'datetime_format', 'language'); $timezone = $this->timezone ? $this->timezone->name : DEFAULT_TIMEZONE; Session::put(SESSION_TIMEZONE, $timezone); Session::put(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); Session::put(SESSION_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->picker_format : DEFAULT_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT); $currencyId = ($client && $client->currency_id) ? $client->currency_id : $this->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY; $locale = ($client && $client->language_id) ? $client->language->locale : ($this->language_id ? $this->Language->locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE); Session::put(SESSION_CURRENCY, $currencyId); Session::put(SESSION_CURRENCY_DECORATOR, $this->show_currency_code ? CURRENCY_DECORATOR_CODE : CURRENCY_DECORATOR_SYMBOL); Session::put(SESSION_LOCALE, $locale); App::setLocale($locale); $format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format : DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT; if ($this->military_time) { $format = str_replace('g:i a', 'H:i', $format); } Session::put(SESSION_DATETIME_FORMAT, $format); Session::put('start_of_week', $this->start_of_week); } /** * @return bool */ public function isNinjaAccount() { return $this->account_key === NINJA_ACCOUNT_KEY; } /** * @param $plan */ public function startTrial($plan) { if ( ! Utils::isNinja()) { return; } if ($this->company->trial_started && $this->company->trial_started != '0000-00-00') { return; } $this->company->trial_plan = $plan; $this->company->trial_started = date_create()->format('Y-m-d'); $this->company->save(); } /** * @param $feature * @return bool */ public function hasFeature($feature) { if (Utils::isNinjaDev()) { return true; } $planDetails = $this->getPlanDetails(); $selfHost = !Utils::isNinjaProd(); if (!$selfHost && function_exists('ninja_account_features')) { $result = ninja_account_features($this, $feature); if ($result != null) { return $result; } } switch ($feature) { // Pro case FEATURE_TASKS: case FEATURE_EXPENSES: if (Utils::isNinja() && $this->company_id < EXTRAS_GRANDFATHER_COMPANY_ID) { return true; } case FEATURE_CUSTOMIZE_INVOICE_DESIGN: case FEATURE_DIFFERENT_DESIGNS: case FEATURE_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_REMINDERS: case FEATURE_INVOICE_SETTINGS: case FEATURE_CUSTOM_EMAILS: case FEATURE_PDF_ATTACHMENT: case FEATURE_MORE_INVOICE_DESIGNS: case FEATURE_QUOTES: case FEATURE_REPORTS: case FEATURE_BUY_NOW_BUTTONS: case FEATURE_API: case FEATURE_CLIENT_PORTAL_PASSWORD: case FEATURE_CUSTOM_URL: return $selfHost || !empty($planDetails); // Pro; No trial allowed, unless they're trialing enterprise with an active pro plan case FEATURE_MORE_CLIENTS: return $selfHost || !empty($planDetails) && (!$planDetails['trial'] || !empty($this->getPlanDetails(false, false))); // White Label case FEATURE_WHITE_LABEL: if ($this->isNinjaAccount() || (!$selfHost && $planDetails && !$planDetails['expires'])) { return false; } // Fallthrough case FEATURE_REMOVE_CREATED_BY: return !empty($planDetails);// A plan is required even for self-hosted users // Enterprise; No Trial allowed; grandfathered for old pro users case FEATURE_USERS:// Grandfathered for old Pro users if($planDetails && $planDetails['trial']) { // Do they have a non-trial plan? $planDetails = $this->getPlanDetails(false, false); } return $selfHost || !empty($planDetails) && ($planDetails['plan'] == PLAN_ENTERPRISE || $planDetails['started'] <= date_create(PRO_USERS_GRANDFATHER_DEADLINE)); // Enterprise; No Trial allowed case FEATURE_DOCUMENTS: case FEATURE_USER_PERMISSIONS: return $selfHost || !empty($planDetails) && $planDetails['plan'] == PLAN_ENTERPRISE && !$planDetails['trial']; default: return false; } } /** * @param null $plan_details * @return bool */ public function isPro(&$plan_details = null) { if (!Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return true; } if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) { return true; } $plan_details = $this->getPlanDetails(); return !empty($plan_details); } /** * @param null $plan_details * @return bool */ public function isEnterprise(&$plan_details = null) { if (!Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return true; } if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) { return true; } $plan_details = $this->getPlanDetails(); return $plan_details && $plan_details['plan'] == PLAN_ENTERPRISE; } /** * @param bool $include_inactive * @param bool $include_trial * @return array|null */ public function getPlanDetails($include_inactive = false, $include_trial = true) { if (!$this->company) { return null; } $plan = $this->company->plan; $price = $this->company->plan_price; $trial_plan = $this->company->trial_plan; if((!$plan || $plan == PLAN_FREE) && (!$trial_plan || !$include_trial)) { return null; } $trial_active = false; if ($trial_plan && $include_trial) { $trial_started = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $this->company->trial_started); $trial_expires = clone $trial_started; $trial_expires->modify('+2 weeks'); if ($trial_expires >= date_create()) { $trial_active = true; } } $plan_active = false; if ($plan) { if ($this->company->plan_expires == null) { $plan_active = true; $plan_expires = false; } else { $plan_expires = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $this->company->plan_expires); if ($plan_expires >= date_create()) { $plan_active = true; } } } if (!$include_inactive && !$plan_active && !$trial_active) { return null; } // Should we show plan details or trial details? if (($plan && !$trial_plan) || !$include_trial) { $use_plan = true; } elseif (!$plan && $trial_plan) { $use_plan = false; } else { // There is both a plan and a trial if (!empty($plan_active) && empty($trial_active)) { $use_plan = true; } elseif (empty($plan_active) && !empty($trial_active)) { $use_plan = false; } elseif (!empty($plan_active) && !empty($trial_active)) { // Both are active; use whichever is a better plan if ($plan == PLAN_ENTERPRISE) { $use_plan = true; } elseif ($trial_plan == PLAN_ENTERPRISE) { $use_plan = false; } else { // They're both the same; show the plan $use_plan = true; } } else { // Neither are active; use whichever expired most recently $use_plan = $plan_expires >= $trial_expires; } } if ($use_plan) { return [ 'company_id' => $this->company->id, 'num_users' => $this->company->num_users, 'plan_price' => $price, 'trial' => false, 'plan' => $plan, 'started' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $this->company->plan_started), 'expires' => $plan_expires, 'paid' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $this->company->plan_paid), 'term' => $this->company->plan_term, 'active' => $plan_active, ]; } else { return [ 'company_id' => $this->company->id, 'num_users' => 1, 'plan_price' => 0, 'trial' => true, 'plan' => $trial_plan, 'started' => $trial_started, 'expires' => $trial_expires, 'active' => $trial_active, ]; } } /** * @return bool */ public function isTrial() { if (!Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return false; } $plan_details = $this->getPlanDetails(); return $plan_details && $plan_details['trial']; } /** * @return int */ public function getCountTrialDaysLeft() { $planDetails = $this->getPlanDetails(true); if(!$planDetails || !$planDetails['trial']) { return 0; } $today = new DateTime('now'); $interval = $today->diff($planDetails['expires']); return $interval ? $interval->d : 0; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getRenewalDate() { $planDetails = $this->getPlanDetails(); if ($planDetails) { $date = $planDetails['expires']; $date = max($date, date_create()); } else { $date = date_create(); } return Carbon::instance($date); } /** * @return float|null */ public function getLogoSize() { if(!$this->hasLogo()){ return null; } return round($this->logo_size / 1000); } /** * @return bool */ public function isLogoTooLarge() { return $this->getLogoSize() > MAX_LOGO_FILE_SIZE; } /** * @param $eventId * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null|static */ public function getSubscription($eventId) { return Subscription::where('account_id', '=', $this->id)->where('event_id', '=', $eventId)->first(); } /** * @return $this */ public function hideFieldsForViz() { foreach ($this->clients as $client) { $client->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'name', 'balance', 'paid_to_date', 'invoices', 'contacts', ]); foreach ($client->invoices as $invoice) { $invoice->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'invoice_number', 'amount', 'balance', 'invoice_status_id', 'invoice_items', 'created_at', 'is_recurring', 'invoice_type_id', ]); foreach ($invoice->invoice_items as $invoiceItem) { $invoiceItem->setVisible([ 'product_key', 'cost', 'qty', ]); } } foreach ($client->contacts as $contact) { $contact->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', ]); } } return $this; } /** * @param $entityType * @return mixed */ public function getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType) { if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') !== false) { $entityType = 'reminder'; } return trans("texts.{$entityType}_subject", ['invoice' => '$invoice', 'account' => '$account']); } /** * @param $entityType * @return mixed */ public function getEmailSubject($entityType) { if ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOM_EMAILS)) { $field = "email_subject_{$entityType}"; $value = $this->$field; if ($value) { return $value; } } return $this->getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType); } /** * @param $entityType * @param bool $message * @return string */ public function getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false) { if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') !== false) { $entityType = ENTITY_INVOICE; } $template = '

'; if ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOM_EMAILS) && $this->email_design_id != EMAIL_DESIGN_PLAIN) { $template .= '
' . trans("texts.{$entityType}_message_button", ['amount' => '$amount']) . '

' . '

'; } else { $template .= '
' . trans("texts.{$entityType}_message", ['amount' => '$amount']) . '

' . '

'; } if ($message) { $template .= "$message

\r\n\r\n"; } return $template . '$footer'; } /** * @param $entityType * @param bool $message * @return mixed */ public function getEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false) { $template = false; if ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOM_EMAILS)) { $field = "email_template_{$entityType}"; $template = $this->$field; } if (!$template) { $template = $this->getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message); } //
is causing page breaks with the email designs return str_replace('/>', ' />', $template); } /** * @param string $view * @return string */ public function getTemplateView($view = '') { return $this->getEmailDesignId() == EMAIL_DESIGN_PLAIN ? $view : 'design' . $this->getEmailDesignId(); } /** * @return mixed|string */ public function getEmailFooter() { if ($this->email_footer) { // Add line breaks if HTML isn't already being used return strip_tags($this->email_footer) == $this->email_footer ? nl2br($this->email_footer) : $this->email_footer; } else { return '

' . trans('texts.email_signature') . "\n

"; } } /** * @param $reminder * @return bool */ public function getReminderDate($reminder) { if ( ! $this->{"enable_reminder{$reminder}"}) { return false; } $numDays = $this->{"num_days_reminder{$reminder}"}; $plusMinus = $this->{"direction_reminder{$reminder}"} == REMINDER_DIRECTION_AFTER ? '-' : '+'; return date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$plusMinus $numDays days")); } /** * @param Invoice $invoice * @return bool|string */ public function getInvoiceReminder(Invoice $invoice) { for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { if ($date = $this->getReminderDate($i)) { $field = $this->{"field_reminder{$i}"} == REMINDER_FIELD_DUE_DATE ? 'due_date' : 'invoice_date'; if ($invoice->$field == $date) { return "reminder{$i}"; } } } return false; } /** * @param null $storage_gateway * @return bool */ public function showTokenCheckbox(&$storage_gateway = null) { if (!($storage_gateway = $this->getTokenGatewayId())) { return false; } return $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_IN || $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_OUT; } /** * @return bool */ public function getTokenGatewayId() { if ($this->isGatewayConfigured(GATEWAY_STRIPE)) { return GATEWAY_STRIPE; } elseif ($this->isGatewayConfigured(GATEWAY_BRAINTREE)) { return GATEWAY_BRAINTREE; } elseif ($this->isGatewayConfigured(GATEWAY_WEPAY)) { return GATEWAY_WEPAY; } else { return false; } } /** * @return bool|void */ public function getTokenGateway() { $gatewayId = $this->getTokenGatewayId(); if (!$gatewayId) { return; } return $this->getGatewayConfig($gatewayId); } /** * @return bool */ public function selectTokenCheckbox() { return $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_OUT; } /** * @return string */ public function getSiteUrl() { $url = SITE_URL; $iframe_url = $this->iframe_url; if ($iframe_url) { return "{$iframe_url}/?"; } else if ($this->subdomain) { $url = Utils::replaceSubdomain($url, $this->subdomain); } return $url; } /** * @param $host * @return bool */ public function checkSubdomain($host) { if (!$this->subdomain) { return true; } $server = explode('.', $host); $subdomain = $server[0]; if (!in_array($subdomain, ['app', 'www']) && $subdomain != $this->subdomain) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param $field * @param bool $entity * @return bool */ public function showCustomField($field, $entity = false) { if ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_INVOICE_SETTINGS) && $this->$field) { return true; } if (!$entity) { return false; } // convert (for example) 'custom_invoice_label1' to 'invoice.custom_value1' $field = str_replace(['invoice_', 'label'], ['', 'value'], $field); return Utils::isEmpty($entity->$field) ? false : true; } /** * @return bool */ public function attachPDF() { return $this->hasFeature(FEATURE_PDF_ATTACHMENT) && $this->pdf_email_attachment; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getEmailDesignId() { return $this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOM_EMAILS) ? $this->email_design_id : EMAIL_DESIGN_PLAIN; } /** * @return string */ public function clientViewCSS(){ $css = ''; if ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOMIZE_INVOICE_DESIGN)) { $bodyFont = $this->getBodyFontCss(); $headerFont = $this->getHeaderFontCss(); $css = 'body{'.$bodyFont.'}'; if ($headerFont != $bodyFont) { $css .= 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6{'.$headerFont.'}'; } $css .= $this->client_view_css; } return $css; } /** * @param string $protocol * @return string */ public function getFontsUrl($protocol = ''){ $bodyFont = $this->getHeaderFontId(); $headerFont = $this->getBodyFontId(); $bodyFontSettings = Utils::getFromCache($bodyFont, 'fonts'); $google_fonts = [$bodyFontSettings['google_font']]; if($headerFont != $bodyFont){ $headerFontSettings = Utils::getFromCache($headerFont, 'fonts'); $google_fonts[] = $headerFontSettings['google_font']; } return ($protocol?$protocol.':':'').'//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.implode('|',$google_fonts); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getHeaderFontId() { return ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOMIZE_INVOICE_DESIGN) && $this->header_font_id) ? $this->header_font_id : DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getBodyFontId() { return ($this->hasFeature(FEATURE_CUSTOMIZE_INVOICE_DESIGN) && $this->body_font_id) ? $this->body_font_id : DEFAULT_BODY_FONT; } /** * @return null */ public function getHeaderFontName(){ return Utils::getFromCache($this->getHeaderFontId(), 'fonts')['name']; } /** * @return null */ public function getBodyFontName(){ return Utils::getFromCache($this->getBodyFontId(), 'fonts')['name']; } /** * @param bool $include_weight * @return string */ public function getHeaderFontCss($include_weight = true){ $font_data = Utils::getFromCache($this->getHeaderFontId(), 'fonts'); $css = 'font-family:'.$font_data['css_stack'].';'; if($include_weight){ $css .= 'font-weight:'.$font_data['css_weight'].';'; } return $css; } /** * @param bool $include_weight * @return string */ public function getBodyFontCss($include_weight = true){ $font_data = Utils::getFromCache($this->getBodyFontId(), 'fonts'); $css = 'font-family:'.$font_data['css_stack'].';'; if($include_weight){ $css .= 'font-weight:'.$font_data['css_weight'].';'; } return $css; } /** * @return array */ public function getFonts(){ return array_unique([$this->getHeaderFontId(), $this->getBodyFontId()]); } /** * @return array */ public function getFontsData(){ $data = []; foreach($this->getFonts() as $font){ $data[] = Utils::getFromCache($font, 'fonts'); } return $data; } /** * @return array */ public function getFontFolders(){ return array_map(function($item){return $item['folder'];}, $this->getFontsData()); } public function isModuleEnabled($entityType) { if ( ! in_array($entityType, [ ENTITY_RECURRING_INVOICE, ENTITY_CREDIT, ENTITY_QUOTE, ENTITY_TASK, ENTITY_EXPENSE, ENTITY_VENDOR, ])) { return true; } return $this->enabled_modules & static::$modules[$entityType]; } public function requiresAuthorization($invoice) { return $this->showAcceptTerms($invoice) || $this->showSignature($invoice); } public function showAcceptTerms($invoice) { if ( ! $this->isPro() || ! $invoice->terms) { return false; } return $invoice->isQuote() ? $this->show_accept_quote_terms : $this->show_accept_invoice_terms; } public function showSignature($invoice) { if ( ! $this->isPro()) { return false; } return $invoice->isQuote() ? $this->require_quote_signature : $this->require_invoice_signature; } public function emailMarkupEnabled() { if ( ! Utils::isNinja()) { return false; } return $this->enable_email_markup; } public function defaultDueDate() { $numDays = $this->payment_terms == -1 ? 0 : $this->payment_terms; return Carbon::now($this->getTimezone())->addDays($numDays)->format('Y-m-d'); } } Account::updated(function ($account) { // prevent firing event if the invoice/quote counter was changed // TODO: remove once counters are moved to separate table $dirty = $account->getDirty(); if (isset($dirty['invoice_number_counter']) || isset($dirty['quote_number_counter'])) { return; } Event::fire(new UserSettingsChanged()); });