client = $client; $this->options = $options; } public function run(): ?string { $this->setupEntity()->setupOptions(); $html = new HtmlEngine($this->getInvitation()); if ($this->getDesign()->is_custom) { $this->options['custom_partials'] = \json_decode(\json_encode($this->getDesign()->design), true); $template = new PdfMakerDesign(\App\Services\PdfMaker\Design::CUSTOM, $this->options); } else { $template = new PdfMakerDesign(strtolower($this->getDesign()->name), $this->options); } $variables = $html->generateLabelsAndValues(); $state = [ 'template' => $template->elements([ 'client' => $this->entity->client, 'entity' => $this->entity, 'pdf_variables' => (array)$this->entity->company->settings->pdf_variables, '$product' => $this->getDesign()->design->product, 'variables' => $variables, 'invoices' => $this->getInvoices(), 'payments' => $this->getPayments(), 'aging' => $this->getAging(), ], \App\Services\PdfMaker\Design::STATEMENT), 'variables' => $variables, 'options' => [], 'process_markdown' => $this->entity->client->company->markdown_enabled, ]; $maker = new PdfMaker($state); $maker ->design($template) ->build(); $pdf = null; try { if (config('ninja.phantomjs_pdf_generation') || config('ninja.pdf_generator') == 'phantom') { $pdf = (new Phantom)->convertHtmlToPdf($maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); } elseif (config('ninja.invoiceninja_hosted_pdf_generation') || config('ninja.pdf_generator') == 'hosted_ninja') { $pdf = (new NinjaPdf())->build($maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); } else { $pdf = $this->makePdf(null, null, $maker->getCompiledHTML(true)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { nlog(print_r($e->getMessage(), 1)); } return $pdf; } /** * Setup correct entity instance. * * @return Statement */ protected function setupEntity(): self { if (count($this->getInvoices()) >= 1) { $this->entity = $this->getInvoices()->first(); } if (count($this->getPayments()) >= 1) { $this->entity = $this->getPayments()->first(); } return $this; } /** * Setup & prepare options. * * @return Statement */ protected function setupOptions(): self { if (\array_key_exists('start_date', $this->options)) { $this->options['start_date'] = now()->startOfYear()->format('Y-m-d'); } if (\array_key_exists('end_date', $this->options)) { $this->options['end_date'] = now()->format('Y-m-d'); } if (\array_key_exists('show_payments_table', $this->options)) { $this->options['show_payments_table'] = false; } if (\array_key_exists('show_aging_table', $this->options)) { $this->options['show_aging_table'] = false; } return $this; } /** * The collection of invoices for the statement. * * @return Invoice[]|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ protected function getInvoices(): Collection { return Invoice::where('company_id', $this->client->company->id) ->where('client_id', $this->client->id) ->whereIn('status_id', [Invoice::STATUS_SENT, Invoice::STATUS_PARTIAL, Invoice::STATUS_PAID]) ->whereBetween('date', [$this->options['start_date'], $this->options['end_date']]) ->get(); } /** * The collection of payments for the statement. * * @return Payment[]|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ protected function getPayments(): Collection { return Payment::where('company_id', $this->client->company->id) ->where('client_id', $this->client->id) ->whereIn('status_id', [Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED, Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED, Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED]) ->whereBetween('date', [$this->options['start_date'], $this->options['end_date']]) ->get(); } /** * Get correct invitation ID. * * @return int|bool */ protected function getInvitation() { if ($this->entity instanceof Invoice || $this->entity instanceof Payment) { return $this->entity->invitations->first(); } return false; } /** * Get the array of aging data. * * @return array */ protected function getAging(): array { return [ '0-30' => $this->getAgingAmount('30'), '30-60' => $this->getAgingAmount('60'), '60-90' => $this->getAgingAmount('90'), '90-120' => $this->getAgingAmount('120'), '120+' => $this->getAgingAmount('120+'), ]; } /** * Generate aging amount. * * @param mixed $range * @return string */ private function getAgingAmount($range) { $ranges = $this->calculateDateRanges($range); $from = $ranges[0]; $to = $ranges[1]; $client = Client::where('id', $this->client->id)->first(); $amount = Invoice::where('company_id', $this->client->company->id) ->where('client_id', $client->id) ->whereIn('status_id', [Invoice::STATUS_SENT, Invoice::STATUS_PARTIAL]) ->where('balance', '>', 0) ->whereBetween('date', [$from, $to]) ->sum('balance'); return Number::formatMoney($amount, $client); } /** * Calculate date ranges for aging. * * @param mixed $range * @return array */ private function calculateDateRanges($range) { $ranges = []; switch ($range) { case '30': $ranges[0] = now(); $ranges[1] = now()->subDays(30); return $ranges; break; case '60': $ranges[0] = now()->subDays(30); $ranges[1] = now()->subDays(60); return $ranges; break; case '90': $ranges[0] = now()->subDays(60); $ranges[1] = now()->subDays(90); return $ranges; break; case '120': $ranges[0] = now()->subDays(90); $ranges[1] = now()->subDays(120); return $ranges; break; case '120+': $ranges[0] = now()->subDays(120); $ranges[1] = now()->subYears(40); return $ranges; break; default: $ranges[0] = now()->subDays(0); $ranges[1] = now()->subDays(30); return $ranges; break; } } /** * Get correct design for statement. * * @return \App\Models\Design */ protected function getDesign(): Design { $id = 1; if (!empty($this->client->getSetting('entity_design_id'))) { $id = (int) $this->client->getSetting('entity_design_id'); } return Design::find($id); } }