user_id = $recurring_expense->user_id; $expense->assigned_user_id = $recurring_expense->assigned_user_id; $expense->client_id = $recurring_expense->client_id; $expense->vendor_id = $recurring_expense->vendor_id; $expense->invoice_id = $recurring_expense->invoice_id; $expense->currency_id = $recurring_expense->currency_id; $expense->company_id = $recurring_expense->company_id; $expense->bank_id = $recurring_expense->bank_id; $expense->exchange_rate = $recurring_expense->exchange_rate; $expense->is_deleted = false; $expense->should_be_invoiced = $recurring_expense->should_be_invoiced; $expense->tax_name1 = $recurring_expense->tax_name1; $expense->tax_rate1 = $recurring_expense->tax_rate1; $expense->tax_name2 = $recurring_expense->tax_name2; $expense->tax_rate2 = $recurring_expense->tax_rate2; $expense->tax_name3 = $recurring_expense->tax_name3; $expense->tax_rate3 = $recurring_expense->tax_rate3; $expense->date = now()->format('Y-m-d'); // $expense->payment_date = $recurring_expense->payment_date ?: now()->format('Y-m-d'); $expense->amount = $recurring_expense->amount; $expense->foreign_amount = $recurring_expense->foreign_amount ?: 0; //11-09-2022 - we should be tracking the recurring expense!! $expense->recurring_expense_id = $recurring_expense->id; $expense->public_notes = self::transformObject($recurring_expense->public_notes, $recurring_expense); $expense->private_notes = self::transformObject($recurring_expense->private_notes, $recurring_expense); $expense->transaction_reference = $recurring_expense->transaction_reference; $expense->custom_value1 = $recurring_expense->custom_value1; $expense->custom_value2 = $recurring_expense->custom_value2; $expense->custom_value3 = $recurring_expense->custom_value3; $expense->custom_value4 = $recurring_expense->custom_value4; $expense->transaction_id = null; $expense->category_id = $recurring_expense->category_id; $expense->payment_type_id = $recurring_expense->payment_type_id; $expense->project_id = $recurring_expense->project_id; $expense->invoice_documents = $recurring_expense->invoice_documents; $expense->tax_amount1 = $recurring_expense->tax_amount1 ?: 0; $expense->tax_amount2 = $recurring_expense->tax_amount2 ?: 0; $expense->tax_amount3 = $recurring_expense->tax_amount3 ?: 0; $expense->uses_inclusive_taxes = $recurring_expense->uses_inclusive_taxes; $expense->calculate_tax_by_amount = $recurring_expense->calculate_tax_by_amount; $expense->invoice_currency_id = $recurring_expense->invoice_currency_id; return $expense; } public static function transformObject(?string $value, $recurring_expense): ?string { if (! $value) { return ''; } if ($recurring_expense->client) { $locale = $recurring_expense->client->locale(); $date_format = $recurring_expense->client->date_format(); } else { $locale = $recurring_expense->company->locale(); $date_formats = Cache::get('date_formats'); $date_format = $date_formats->filter(function ($item) use ($recurring_expense) { return $item->id == $recurring_expense->company->settings->date_format_id; })->first()->format; } Carbon::setLocale($locale); $replacements = [ 'literal' => [ ':MONTHYEAR' => \sprintf( '%s %s', Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month)->translatedFormat('F'), now()->year, ), ':MONTH' => Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month)->translatedFormat('F'), ':YEAR' => now()->year, ':QUARTER' => 'Q'.now()->quarter, ':WEEK_BEFORE' => \sprintf( '%s %s %s', Carbon::now()->subDays(7)->translatedFormat($date_format), ctrans(''), Carbon::now()->translatedFormat($date_format) ), ':WEEK_AHEAD' => \sprintf( '%s %s %s', Carbon::now()->addDays(7)->translatedFormat($date_format), ctrans(''), Carbon::now()->addDays(14)->translatedFormat($date_format) ), ':WEEK' => \sprintf( '%s %s %s', Carbon::now()->translatedFormat($date_format), ctrans(''), Carbon::now()->addDays(7)->translatedFormat($date_format) ), ], 'raw' => [ ':MONTH' => now()->month, ':YEAR' => now()->year, ':QUARTER' => now()->quarter, ], 'ranges' => [ 'MONTHYEAR' => Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month), ], 'ranges_raw' => [ 'MONTH' => now()->month, 'YEAR' => now()->year, ], ]; // First case, with ranges. preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)]/', $value, $ranges); $matches = array_shift($ranges); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (! Str::contains($match, '|')) { continue; } if (Str::contains($match, '|')) { $parts = explode('|', $match); // [ '[MONTH', 'MONTH+2]' ] $left = substr($parts[0], 1); // 'MONTH' $right = substr($parts[1], 0, -1); // MONTH+2 // If left side is not part of replacements, skip. if (! array_key_exists($left, $replacements['ranges'])) { continue; } $_left = Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month)->translatedFormat('F Y'); $_right = ''; // If right side doesn't have any calculations, replace with raw ranges keyword. if (! Str::contains($right, ['-', '+', '/', '*'])) { $_right = Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month)->translatedFormat('F Y'); } // If right side contains one of math operations, calculate. if (Str::contains($right, ['+'])) { $operation = preg_match_all('/(?!^-)[+*\/-](\s?-)?/', $right, $_matches); $_operation = array_shift($_matches)[0]; // + - $_value = explode($_operation, $right); // [MONTHYEAR, 4] $_right = Carbon::createFromDate(now()->year, now()->month)->addMonths($_value[1])->translatedFormat('F Y'); } $replacement = sprintf('%s to %s', $_left, $_right); $value = preg_replace( sprintf('/%s/', preg_quote($match)), $replacement, $value, 1 ); } } // Second case with more common calculations. preg_match_all('/:([^:\s]+)/', $value, $common); $matches = array_shift($common); foreach ($matches as $match) { $matches = collect($replacements['literal'])->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($match) { return Str::startsWith($match, $key); }); if ($matches->count() === 0) { continue; } if (! Str::contains($match, ['-', '+', '/', '*'])) { $value = preg_replace( sprintf('/%s/', $matches->keys()->first()), $replacements['literal'][$matches->keys()->first()], $value, 1 ); } if (Str::contains($match, ['-', '+', '/', '*'])) { $operation = preg_match_all('/(?!^-)[+*\/-](\s?-)?/', $match, $_matches); $_operation = array_shift($_matches)[0]; $_value = explode($_operation, $match); // [:MONTH, 4] $raw = strtr($matches->keys()->first(), $replacements['raw']); // :MONTH => 1 $number = $res = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $_value[1]); // :MONTH+1. || :MONTH+2! => 1 || 2 $target = "/{$matches->keys()->first()}\\{$_operation}{$number}/"; // /:$KEYWORD\\$OPERATION$VALUE => /:MONTH\\+1 $output = (int) $raw + (int) $_value[1]; if ($operation == '+') { $output = (int) $raw + (int) $_value[1]; // 1 (:MONTH) + 4 } if ($_operation == '-') { $output = (int) $raw - (int) $_value[1]; // 1 (:MONTH) - 4 } if ($_operation == '/' && (int) $_value[1] != 0) { $output = (int) $raw / (int) $_value[1]; // 1 (:MONTH) / 4 } if ($_operation == '*') { $output = (int) $raw * (int) $_value[1]; // 1 (:MONTH) * 4 } if ($matches->keys()->first() == ':MONTH') { $output = \Carbon\Carbon::create()->month($output)->translatedFormat('F'); } if ($matches->keys()->first() == ':MONTHYEAR') { $final_date = now()->addMonths($output-now()->month); $output = \sprintf( '%s %s', $final_date->translatedFormat('F'), $final_date->year, ); } $value = preg_replace( $target, $output, $value, 1 ); } } return $value; } }