company = $company; $this->hash = $hash; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $this->is_valid = true; $this->checkInvoiceBalances(); $this->checkInvoicePayments(); $this->checkPaidToDates(); $this->checkClientBalances(); $this->checkContacts(); $this->checkCompanyData(); if (Cache::has($this->hash)) { $cache_instance = Cache::get($this->hash); } else { $cache_instance = Cache::add($this->hash, ''); } $this->company_data['company_hash'] = $this->company->company_hash; Cache::put($this->hash, $cache_instance, now()->addMinutes(30)); nlog(Cache::get($this->hash)); nlog($this->company_data); if (! $this->is_valid) { $this->company_data['status'] = 'errors'; } else { $this->company_data['status'] = 'success'; } return $this->company_data; } public function middleware() { return [new RateLimited('checkdata')]; } private function checkInvoiceBalances() { $wrong_balances = 0; $wrong_paid_to_dates = 0; foreach ($this->company->clients->where('is_deleted', 0) as $client) { $invoice_balance = $client->invoices->where('is_deleted', false)->where('status_id', '>', 1)->sum('balance'); //$credit_balance = $client->credits->where('is_deleted', false)->sum('balance'); // if($client->balance != $invoice_balance) // $invoice_balance -= $credit_balance;//doesn't make sense to remove the credit amount $ledger = CompanyLedger::where('client_id', $client->id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first(); if ($ledger && number_format($invoice_balance, 4) != number_format($client->balance, 4)) { $wrong_balances++; $this->company_data[] = "# {$client->id} ".$client->present()->name.' - '.$client->number." - Balance Failure - Invoice Balances = {$invoice_balance} Client Balance = {$client->balance} Ledger Balance = {$ledger->balance} "; $this->is_valid = false; } } $this->company_data[] = "{$wrong_balances} clients with incorrect balances"; } private function checkInvoicePayments() { $wrong_balances = 0; $wrong_paid_to_dates = 0; $this->company->clients->where('is_deleted', 0)->each(function ($client) use ($wrong_balances) { $client->invoices->where('is_deleted', false)->whereIn('status_id', '!=', Invoice::STATUS_DRAFT)->each(function ($invoice) use ($wrong_balances, $client) { $total_amount = $invoice->payments->whereIn('status_id', [Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED, Payment:: STATUS_PENDING, Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED])->sum('pivot.amount'); $total_refund = $invoice->payments->whereIn('status_id', [Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED, Payment:: STATUS_PENDING, Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED])->sum('pivot.refunded'); $total_credit = $invoice->credits->sum('amount'); $total_paid = $total_amount - $total_refund; $calculated_paid_amount = $invoice->amount - $invoice->balance - $total_credit; if ((string) $total_paid != (string) ($invoice->amount - $invoice->balance - $total_credit)) { $wrong_balances++; $this->company_data[] = $client->present()->name.' - '.$client->id." - Total Amount = {$total_amount} != Calculated Total = {$calculated_paid_amount} - Total Refund = {$total_refund} Total credit = {$total_credit}"; $this->is_valid = false; } }); }); $this->company_data[] = "{$wrong_balances} clients with incorrect invoice balances"; } private function checkPaidToDates() { $wrong_paid_to_dates = 0; $credit_total_applied = 0; $this->company->clients->where('is_deleted', 0)->each(function ($client) use ($wrong_paid_to_dates, $credit_total_applied) { $total_invoice_payments = 0; foreach ($client->invoices->where('is_deleted', false)->where('status_id', '>', 1) as $invoice) { $total_amount = $invoice->payments->where('is_deleted', false)->whereIn('status_id', [Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED, Payment:: STATUS_PENDING, Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED, Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED])->sum('pivot.amount'); $total_refund = $invoice->payments->where('is_deleted', false)->whereIn('status_id', [Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED, Payment:: STATUS_PENDING, Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED, Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED])->sum('pivot.refunded'); $total_invoice_payments += ($total_amount - $total_refund); } //10/02/21 // foreach ($client->payments as $payment) { // $credit_total_applied += $payment->paymentables->where('paymentable_type', App\Models\Credit::class)->sum(DB::raw('amount')); // } // if ($credit_total_applied < 0) { // $total_invoice_payments += $credit_total_applied; // } //todo this is contentious // nlog("total invoice payments = {$total_invoice_payments} with client paid to date of of {$client->paid_to_date}"); if (round($total_invoice_payments, 2) != round($client->paid_to_date, 2)) { $wrong_paid_to_dates++; $this->company_data[] = $client->present()->name.'id = # '.$client->id." - Paid to date does not match Client Paid To Date = {$client->paid_to_date} - Invoice Payments = {$total_invoice_payments}"; $this->is_valid = false; } }); $this->company_data[] = "{$wrong_paid_to_dates} clients with incorrect paid to dates"; } private function checkClientBalances() { $wrong_balances = 0; $wrong_paid_to_dates = 0; foreach ($this->company->clients->where('is_deleted', 0) as $client) { //$invoice_balance = $client->invoices->where('is_deleted', false)->where('status_id', '>', 1)->sum('balance'); $invoice_balance = Invoice::where('client_id', $client->id)->where('is_deleted', false)->where('status_id', '>', 1)->withTrashed()->sum('balance'); $credit_balance = Credit::where('client_id', $client->id)->where('is_deleted', false)->withTrashed()->sum('balance'); //10/02/21 // Legacy - V4 will add credits to the balance - we may need to reverse engineer this and remove the credits from the client balance otherwise we need this hack here and in the invoice balance check. // if($client->balance != $invoice_balance) // $invoice_balance -= $credit_balance; $ledger = CompanyLedger::where('client_id', $client->id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first(); if ($ledger && (string) $invoice_balance != (string) $client->balance) { $wrong_paid_to_dates++; $this->company_data[] = $client->present()->name.' - '.$client->id." - calculated client balances do not match {$invoice_balance} - ".rtrim($client->balance, '0').''; $this->is_valid = false; } } $this->company_data[] = "{$wrong_paid_to_dates} clients with incorrect client balances"; } private function checkContacts() { // check for contacts with the contact_key value set $contacts = DB::table('client_contacts') ->where('company_id', $this->company->id) ->whereNull('contact_key') ->orderBy('id') ->get(['id']); $this->company_data[] = $contacts->count().' contacts without a contact_key'; if ($contacts->count() > 0) { $this->is_valid = false; } // if ($this->option('fix') == 'true') { // foreach ($contacts as $contact) { // DB::table('client_contacts') // ->where('company_id', $this->company->id) // ->where('id', '=', $contact->id) // ->whereNull('contact_key') // ->update([ // 'contact_key' => str_random(config('ninja.key_length')), // ]); // } // } // check for missing contacts $clients = DB::table('clients') ->where('clients.company_id', $this->company->id) ->leftJoin('client_contacts', function ($join) { $join->on('client_contacts.client_id', '=', '') ->whereNull('client_contacts.deleted_at'); }) ->groupBy('', 'clients.user_id', 'clients.company_id') ->havingRaw('count( = 0'); // if ($this->option('client_id')) { // $clients->where('', '=', $this->option('client_id')); // } $clients = $clients->get(['', 'clients.user_id', 'clients.company_id']); $this->company_data[] = $clients->count().' clients without any contacts'; if ($clients->count() > 0) { $this->is_valid = false; } // if ($this->option('fix') == 'true') { // foreach ($clients as $client) { // $contact = new ClientContact(); // $contact->company_id = $client->company_id; // $contact->user_id = $client->user_id; // $contact->client_id = $client->id; // $contact->is_primary = true; // $contact->send_invoice = true; // $contact->contact_key = str_random(config('ninja.key_length')); // $contact->save(); // } // } // check for more than one primary contact $clients = DB::table('clients') ->where('clients.company_id', $this->company->id) ->leftJoin('client_contacts', function ($join) { $join->on('client_contacts.client_id', '=', '') ->where('client_contacts.is_primary', '=', true) ->whereNull('client_contacts.deleted_at'); }) ->groupBy('') ->havingRaw('count( != 1'); // if ($this->option('client_id')) { // $clients->where('', '=', $this->option('client_id')); // } $clients = $clients->get(['', DB::raw('count(')]); $this->company_data[] = $clients->count().' clients without a single primary contact'; if ($clients->count() > 0) { $this->is_valid = false; } } private function checkCompanyData() { $tables = [ 'activities' => [ 'invoice', 'client', 'client_contact', 'payment', ], 'invoices' => [ 'client', ], 'payments' => [ 'client', ], 'products' => [ ], ]; foreach ($tables as $table => $entityTypes) { foreach ($entityTypes as $entityType) { $tableName = $this->pluralizeEntityType($entityType); $field = $entityType; if ($table == 'companies') { $company_id = 'id'; } else { $company_id = 'company_id'; } $records = DB::table($table) ->join($tableName, "{$tableName}.id", '=', "{$table}.{$field}_id") ->where("{$table}.{$company_id}", '!=', DB::raw("{$tableName}.company_id")) ->get(["{$table}.id"]); if ($records->count()) { $this->is_valid = false; $this->company_data[] = $records->count()." {$table} records with incorrect {$entityType} company id"; } } } } public function pluralizeEntityType($type) { if ($type === 'company') { return 'companies'; } return $type.'s'; } }