checkUserAbleToSend(); } /** * Get the validation rules that apply to the request. * * @return array */ public function rules() { return [ 'template' => 'bail|required', 'entity' => 'bail|required', 'entity_id' => 'bail|required', ]; } protected function prepareForValidation() { $input = $this->all(); $settings = auth()->user()->company()->settings; if (empty($input['template'])) { $input['template'] = ''; } if (! property_exists($settings, $input['template'])) { unset($input['template']); } if(array_key_exists('entity_id', $input)) $input['entity_id'] = $this->decodePrimaryKey($input['entity_id']); if(array_key_exists('entity', $input)) $input['entity'] = "App\Models\\".ucfirst($input['entity']); $this->replace($input); } public function message() { return [ 'template' => 'Invalid template.', ]; } private function checkUserAbleToSend() { $input = $this->all(); /*Make sure we have all the require ingredients to send a template*/ if (array_key_exists('entity', $input) && array_key_exists('entity_id', $input) && is_string($input['entity']) && $input['entity_id']) { $company = auth()->user()->company(); $entity = $input['entity']; /* Harvest the entity*/ $entity_obj = $entity::whereId($input['entity_id'])->withTrashed()->company()->first(); /* Check object, check user and company id is same as users, and check user can edit the object */ if ($entity_obj && ($company->id == $entity_obj->company_id) && auth()->user()->can('edit', $entity_obj)) { return true; } } return false; } }