'object', ]; */ public function users() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\User'); } public function clients() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Client'); } public function invoices() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Invoice'); } public function account_gateways() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AccountGateway'); } public function tax_rates() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\TaxRate'); } public function country() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country'); } public function timezone() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Timezone'); } public function language() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Language'); } public function date_format() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DateFormat'); } public function datetime_format() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DatetimeFormat'); } public function size() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Size'); } public function currency() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Currency'); } public function industry() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Industry'); } public function isGatewayConfigured($gatewayId = 0) { $this->load('account_gateways'); if ($gatewayId) { return $this->getGatewayConfig($gatewayId) != false; } else { return count($this->account_gateways) > 0; } } public function isEnglish() { return !$this->language_id || $this->language_id == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } public function getDisplayName() { if ($this->name) { return $this->name; } $this->load('users'); $user = $this->users()->first(); return $user->getDisplayName(); } public function getCityState() { $swap = $this->country && $this->country->swap_postal_code; return Utils::cityStateZip($this->city, $this->state, $this->postal_code, $swap); } public function getMomentDateTimeFormat() { $format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format_moment : DEFAULT_DATETIME_MOMENT_FORMAT; if ($this->military_time) { $format = str_replace('h:mm:ss a', 'H:mm:ss', $format); } return $format; } public function getTimezone() { if ($this->timezone) { return $this->timezone->name; } else { return 'US/Eastern'; } } public function getDateTime($date = 'now') { return new \DateTime($date, new \DateTimeZone($this->getTimezone())); } public function getCustomDateFormat() { return $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT; } public function formatDate($date) { if (!$date) { return null; } return $date->format($this->getCustomDateFormat()); } public function getGatewayByType($type = PAYMENT_TYPE_ANY) { foreach ($this->account_gateways as $gateway) { if (!$type || $type == PAYMENT_TYPE_ANY) { return $gateway; } elseif ($gateway->isPaymentType($type)) { return $gateway; } } return false; } public function getGatewayConfig($gatewayId) { foreach ($this->account_gateways as $gateway) { if ($gateway->gateway_id == $gatewayId) { return $gateway; } } return false; } public function hasLogo() { return file_exists($this->getLogoPath()); } public function getLogoPath() { $fileName = 'logo/' . $this->account_key; return file_exists($fileName.'.png') ? $fileName.'.png' : $fileName.'.jpg'; } public function getLogoWidth() { $path = $this->getLogoPath(); if (!file_exists($path)) { return 0; } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path); return $width; } public function getLogoHeight() { $path = $this->getLogoPath(); if (!file_exists($path)) { return 0; } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path); return $height; } public function getNextInvoiceNumber($isQuote = false, $prefix = '') { $counter = $isQuote && !$this->share_counter ? $this->quote_number_counter : $this->invoice_number_counter; $prefix .= $isQuote ? $this->quote_number_prefix : $this->invoice_number_prefix; $counterOffset = 0; // confirm the invoice number isn't already taken do { $number = $prefix.str_pad($counter, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $check = Invoice::scope(false, $this->id)->whereInvoiceNumber($number)->withTrashed()->first(); $counter++; $counterOffset++; } while ($check); // update the invoice counter to be caught up if ($counterOffset > 1) { if ($isQuote && !$this->share_counter) { $this->quote_number_counter += $counterOffset - 1; } else { $this->invoice_number_counter += $counterOffset - 1; } $this->save(); } return $number; } public function incrementCounter($isQuote = false) { if ($isQuote && !$this->share_counter) { $this->quote_number_counter += 1; } else { $this->invoice_number_counter += 1; } $this->save(); } public function getLocale() { $language = Language::where('id', '=', $this->account->language_id)->first(); return $language->locale; } public function loadLocalizationSettings($client = false) { $this->load('timezone', 'date_format', 'datetime_format', 'language'); $timezone = $this->timezone ? $this->timezone->name : DEFAULT_TIMEZONE; Session::put(SESSION_TIMEZONE, $timezone); Session::put(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); Session::put(SESSION_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->picker_format : DEFAULT_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT); $currencyId = ($client && $client->currency_id) ? $client->currency_id : $this->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY; $locale = ($client && $client->language_id) ? $client->language->locale : ($this->language_id ? $this->Language->locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE); Session::put(SESSION_CURRENCY, $currencyId); Session::put(SESSION_LOCALE, $locale); App::setLocale($locale); $format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format : DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT; if ($this->military_time) { $format = str_replace('g:i a', 'H:i', $format); } Session::put(SESSION_DATETIME_FORMAT, $format); } public function getInvoiceLabels() { $data = []; $custom = (array) json_decode($this->invoice_labels); $fields = [ 'invoice', 'invoice_date', 'due_date', 'invoice_number', 'po_number', 'discount', 'taxes', 'tax', 'item', 'description', 'unit_cost', 'quantity', 'line_total', 'subtotal', 'paid_to_date', 'balance_due', 'amount_due', 'terms', 'your_invoice', 'quote', 'your_quote', 'quote_date', 'quote_number', 'total', 'invoice_issued_to', 'date', 'rate', 'hours', 'balance', 'from', 'to', 'invoice_to', 'details', 'invoice_no', 'valid_until', ]; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($custom[$field]) && $custom[$field]) { $data[$field] = $custom[$field]; } else { $data[$field] = $this->isEnglish() ? uctrans("texts.$field") : trans("texts.$field"); } } foreach (['item', 'quantity', 'unit_cost'] as $field) { $data["{$field}_orig"] = $data[$field]; } return $data; } public function isNinjaAccount() { return $this->account_key === NINJA_ACCOUNT_KEY; } public function isPro() { if (!Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return true; } if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) { return true; } $datePaid = $this->pro_plan_paid; if (!$datePaid || $datePaid == '0000-00-00') { return false; } elseif ($datePaid == NINJA_DATE) { return true; } $today = new DateTime('now'); $datePaid = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $datePaid); $interval = $today->diff($datePaid); return $interval->y == 0; } public function isWhiteLabel() { if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) { return false; } if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return self::isPro() && $this->pro_plan_paid != NINJA_DATE; } else { return $this->pro_plan_paid == NINJA_DATE; } } public function getSubscription($eventId) { return Subscription::where('account_id', '=', $this->id)->where('event_id', '=', $eventId)->first(); } public function hideFieldsForViz() { foreach ($this->clients as $client) { $client->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'name', 'balance', 'paid_to_date', 'invoices', 'contacts', ]); foreach ($client->invoices as $invoice) { $invoice->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'invoice_number', 'amount', 'balance', 'invoice_status_id', 'invoice_items', 'created_at', 'is_recurring', 'is_quote', ]); foreach ($invoice->invoice_items as $invoiceItem) { $invoiceItem->setVisible([ 'product_key', 'cost', 'qty', ]); } } foreach ($client->contacts as $contact) { $contact->setVisible([ 'public_id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', ]); } } return $this; } public function getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType) { if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') !== false) { $entityType = 'reminder'; } return trans("texts.{$entityType}_subject", ['invoice' => '$invoice', 'account' => '$account']); } public function getEmailSubject($entityType) { if ($this->isPro()) { $field = "email_subject_{$entityType}"; $value = $this->$field; if ($value) { return $value; } } return $this->getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType); } public function getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false) { if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') >= 0) { $entityType = ENTITY_INVOICE; } $template = "\$client,
\r\n\r\n" . trans("texts.{$entityType}_message", ['amount' => '$amount']) . "\r\n\r\n" . "\$link\r\n\r\n"; if ($message) { $template .= "$message\r\n\r\n"; } return $template . "\$footer"; } public function getEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false) { if ($this->isPro()) { $field = "email_template_{$entityType}"; $template = $this->$field; if ($template) { return $template; } } return $this->getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message); } public function getEmailFooter() { if ($this->email_footer) { // Add line breaks if HTML isn't already being used return strip_tags($this->email_footer) == $this->email_footer ? nl2br($this->email_footer) : $this->email_footer; } else { return "" . trans('texts.email_signature') . "\n