user()->can('edit', $this->company); } public function rules() { $input = $this->all(); $rules = []; $rules['company_logo'] = 'mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif|max:10000'; // max 10000kb $rules['settings'] = new ValidSettingsRule(); $rules['industry_id'] = 'integer|nullable'; $rules['size_id'] = 'integer|nullable'; $rules['country_id'] = 'integer|nullable'; $rules['work_email'] = 'email|nullable'; $rules['matomo_id'] = 'nullable|integer'; // $rules['client_registration_fields'] = 'array'; if (isset($input['portal_mode']) && ($input['portal_mode'] == 'domain' || $input['portal_mode'] == 'iframe')) { $rules['portal_domain'] = 'sometimes|url'; } else { if (Ninja::isHosted()) { $rules['subdomain'] = ['nullable', 'regex:/^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$/', new ValidSubdomain($this->all())]; } else { $rules['subdomain'] = 'nullable|alpha_num'; } } return $rules; } public function prepareForValidation() { $input = $this->all(); if (array_key_exists('portal_domain', $input) && strlen($input['portal_domain']) > 1) { $input['portal_domain'] = $this->addScheme($input['portal_domain']); $input['portal_domain'] = rtrim(strtolower($input['portal_domain']), "/"); } if (array_key_exists('settings', $input)) { $input['settings'] = (array)$this->filterSaveableSettings($input['settings']); } $this->replace($input); } /** * For the hosted platform, we restrict the feature settings. * * This method will trim the company settings object * down to the free plan setting properties which * are saveable * * @param object $settings * @return stdClass $settings */ private function filterSaveableSettings($settings) { $account = $this->company->account; if(Ninja::isHosted()) { foreach($this->protected_input as $protected_var) { $settings[$protected_var] = str_replace("script", "", $settings[$protected_var]); } } if(isset($settings['email_style_custom'])) $settings['email_style_custom'] = str_replace(['{{','}}'], ['',''], $settings['email_style_custom']); if (! $account->isFreeHostedClient()) { return $settings; } $saveable_casts = CompanySettings::$free_plan_casts; foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { if (! array_key_exists($key, $saveable_casts)) { unset($settings->{$key}); } } return $settings; } private function addScheme($url, $scheme = 'https://') { if(Ninja::isHosted()) { $url = str_replace('http://', '', $url); $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === null ? $scheme.$url : $url; } return rtrim($url, '/'); } }