'Empresa', 'name' => 'Nombre', 'website' => 'Sitio Web', 'work_phone' => 'Teléfono', 'address' => 'Dirección', 'address1' => 'Calle', 'address2' => 'Bloq/Pta', 'city' => 'Ciudad', 'state' => 'Región/Provincia', 'postal_code' => 'Código Postal', 'country_id' => 'País', 'contacts' => 'Contactos', 'first_name' => 'Nombres', 'last_name' => 'Apellidos', 'phone' => 'Teléfono', 'email' => 'Correo Electrónico', 'additional_info' => 'Información Adicional', 'payment_terms' => 'Términos de Pago', 'currency_id' => 'Divisa', 'size_id' => 'Tamaño de la Empresa', 'industry_id' => 'Industria', 'private_notes' => 'Notas Privadas', 'invoice' => 'Factura', 'client' => 'Cliente', 'invoice_date' => 'Fecha de Factura', 'due_date' => 'Fecha de Pago', 'invoice_number' => 'Número de Factura', 'invoice_number_short' => 'Factura #', 'po_number' => 'Número de Orden', 'po_number_short' => 'Orden #', 'frequency_id' => 'Frecuencia', 'discount' => 'Descuento', 'taxes' => 'Impuestos', 'tax' => 'Impuesto', 'item' => 'Concepto', 'description' => 'Descripción', 'unit_cost' => 'Coste unitario', 'quantity' => 'Cantidad', 'line_total' => 'Total', 'subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'paid_to_date' => 'Pagado', 'balance_due' => 'Pendiente', 'invoice_design_id' => 'Diseño', 'terms' => 'Términos', 'your_invoice' => 'Tu factura', 'remove_contact' => 'Eliminar contacto', 'add_contact' => 'Añadir contacto', 'create_new_client' => 'Crear nuevo cliente', 'edit_client_details' => 'Editar detalles del cliente', 'enable' => 'Activar', 'learn_more' => 'Saber más', 'manage_rates' => 'Gestionar tarifas', 'note_to_client' => 'Nota para el cliente', 'invoice_terms' => 'Términos de Facturación', 'save_as_default_terms' => 'Guardar como términos por defecto', 'download_pdf' => 'Descargar PDF', 'pay_now' => 'Pagar ahora', 'save_invoice' => 'Guardar factura', 'clone_invoice' => 'Clonar como Factura', 'archive_invoice' => 'Archivar Factura', 'delete_invoice' => 'Eliminar Factura', 'email_invoice' => 'Enviar factura por correo', 'enter_payment' => 'Agregar Pago', 'tax_rates' => 'Tasas de Impuesto', 'rate' => 'Tasas', 'settings' => 'Configuración', 'enable_invoice_tax' => 'Activar impuesto para la factura', 'enable_line_item_tax' => 'Activar impuesto por concepto', 'dashboard' => 'Inicio', 'dashboard_totals_in_all_currencies_help' => 'Nota: Agregue un nombre para el :link ":name" para mostrar los totales usando una moneda base única.', 'clients' => 'Clientes', 'invoices' => 'Facturas', 'payments' => 'Pagos', 'credits' => 'Créditos', 'history' => 'Historial', 'search' => 'Búsqueda', 'sign_up' => 'Registrarse', 'guest' => 'Invitado', 'company_details' => 'Detalles de la Empresa', 'online_payments' => 'Pagos Online', 'notifications' => 'Notificaciones', 'import_export' => 'Importar/Exportar', 'done' => 'Hecho', 'save' => 'Guardar', 'create' => 'Crear', 'upload' => 'Subir', 'import' => 'Importar', 'download' => 'Descargar', 'cancel' => 'Cancelar', 'close' => 'Cerrar', 'provide_email' => 'Por favor facilita una dirección de correo electrónico válida.', 'powered_by' => 'Plataforma por', 'no_items' => 'No hay ítems', 'recurring_invoices' => 'Facturas Recurrentes', 'recurring_help' => '
Envía automáticamente a los clientes las mismas facturas semanal, bi-mensual, mensual, trimestral o anualmente
Usa :MONTH, :QUARTER o :YEAR para las fechas dinámicas. Matemática básica también funciona, por ejemplo :MONTH-1.
Ejemplos de variables de factura dinámica:
Nosotros usamos :pdfmake_link para definir los diseños de factura de manera declarativa. El :playground_link provides de pdfmake es una excelente manera de ver a la librería en acción.
Si necesitas ayuda con cómo hacer algo,haz una pregunta en nuestro :forum_link incluyendo el diseño que estás usando.
', 'playground' => 'playground', 'support_forum' => 'foro de soporte', 'invoice_due_date' => 'Fecha de Vencimiento', 'quote_due_date' => 'Válida Hasta', 'valid_until' => 'Válida Hasta', 'reset_terms' => 'Reiniciar términos', 'reset_footer' => 'Reiniciar pie de página', 'invoice_sent' => ':count factura enviada', 'invoices_sent' => ':count facturas enviadas', 'status_draft' => 'Borrador', 'status_sent' => 'Enviado', 'status_viewed' => 'Visto', 'status_partial' => 'Parcial', 'status_paid' => 'Pagado', 'status_unpaid' => 'Sin pagar', 'status_all' => 'Todas', 'show_line_item_tax' => ' Mostrar impuestos por cada item en línea.', 'iframe_url' => 'Sitio Web', 'iframe_url_help1' => 'Copia el siguiente código en una página de tu sitio web.', 'iframe_url_help2' => 'Puedes probar esta funcionalidad haciendo clic en \'Ver como el destinitario\' de una factura.', 'auto_bill' => 'Cobro Automático', 'military_time' => 'Tiempo 24 Horas', 'last_sent' => 'Último Enviado', 'reminder_emails' => 'Correos de Recordatorio', 'quote_reminder_emails' => 'Correos de Recordatorio de Cotizaciones', 'templates_and_reminders' => 'Plantillas & Recordatorios', 'subject' => 'Asunto', 'body' => 'Mensaje', 'first_reminder' => 'Primer Recordatorio', 'second_reminder' => 'Segundo Recordatorio', 'third_reminder' => 'Tercer Recordatorio', 'num_days_reminder' => 'Días después de la fecha de vencimiento', 'reminder_subject' => 'Recordatorio: Factura :invoice de :account', 'reset' => 'Reiniciar', 'invoice_not_found' => 'La factura solicitada no está disponible', 'referral_program' => 'Programa de Referidos', 'referral_code' => 'Código de Referidos', 'last_sent_on' => 'último enviado en :date', 'page_expire' => 'Esta página expirará pronto, :click_here para que siga funcionando', 'upcoming_quotes' => 'Próximas Cotizaciones', 'expired_quotes' => 'Cotizaciones Vencidas', 'sign_up_using' => 'Ingrese usando', 'invalid_credentials' => 'Estas credenciales no concuerdan con nuestros registros', 'show_all_options' => 'Mostrar todas las opciones', 'user_details' => 'Detalles de Usuario', 'oneclick_login' => 'Cuenta conectada', 'disable' => 'Deshabilitado', 'invoice_quote_number' => 'Números de Cotización y Factura', 'invoice_charges' => 'Cargos de Factura', 'notification_invoice_bounced' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Factura :invoice a :contact.', 'notification_invoice_bounced_subject' => 'No fue posible entregar la Factura :invoice', 'notification_quote_bounced' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización :invoice a :contact.', 'notification_quote_bounced_subject' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización :invoice', 'custom_invoice_link' => 'Link Personalizado de Factura', 'total_invoiced' => 'Total Facturado', 'open_balance' => 'Saldo Abierto', 'verify_email' => 'Para verificar su cuenta de correo por favor visite el link en el correo de confirmación de tu cuenta.', 'basic_settings' => 'Configuración Básica', 'pro' => 'Pro', 'gateways' => 'Pasarelas de Pago', 'next_send_on' => 'Enviar Siguiente: :date', 'no_longer_running' => 'La ejecución de esta factura no está programada', 'general_settings' => 'Configuración General', 'customize' => 'Personalizar', 'oneclick_login_help' => 'Conecta una cuenta para ingresar sin contraseña', 'referral_code_help' => 'Gana dinero compartiendo nuestra app online', 'enable_with_stripe' => 'Habilitado | Requiere Stripe', 'tax_settings' => 'Configuración de Impuestos', 'create_tax_rate' => 'Agregar Tasa de Impuesto', 'updated_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto actualizada con éxito', 'created_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto creada con éxito', 'edit_tax_rate' => 'Editar tasa de impuesto', 'archive_tax_rate' => 'Archivar tasa de impuesto', 'archived_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto archivada con éxito', 'default_tax_rate_id' => 'Tasa de Impuesto por Defecto', 'tax_rate' => 'Tasa de Impuesto', 'recurring_hour' => 'Hora Recurrente', 'pattern' => 'Patrón', 'pattern_help_title' => 'Ayuda de Patrón', 'pattern_help_1' => 'Crear números personalizados, especificando un patrón', 'pattern_help_2' => 'Variables disponibles:', 'pattern_help_3' => 'Por ejemplo, :example sería convertido a :value', 'see_options' => 'Ver Opciones', 'invoice_counter' => 'Contador de Facturas', 'quote_counter' => 'Contador de Cotizaciones', 'type' => 'Tipo', 'activity_1' => ':user creó el cliente :client', 'activity_2' => ':user archivó el cliente :client', 'activity_3' => ':user eliminó el cliente :client', 'activity_4' => ':user creó la factura :invoice', 'activity_5' => ':user actualizó la factura :invoice', 'activity_6' => ':user envió por correo electrónico la factura :invoice para el cliente :client a :contact ', 'activity_7' => ':contact vió la factura :invoice del cliente :client', 'activity_8' => ':user archivó la factura :invoice', 'activity_9' => ':user eliminó la factura :invoice', 'activity_10' => ':contact ingresó el pago :payment por el valor :payment_amount en la factura :invoice del cliente :client', 'activity_11' => ':user actualizó el pago :payment', 'activity_12' => ':user archivó el pago :payment', 'activity_13' => ':user eliminó el pago :payment', 'activity_14' => ':user ingresó :credit créditos', 'activity_15' => ':user actualizó :credit créditos', 'activity_16' => ':user archivó :credit créditos', 'activity_17' => ':user eliminó :credit créditos', 'activity_18' => ':user creó la cotización :quote', 'activity_19' => ':user actualizó la cotización :quote', 'activity_20' => ':user envió por correo electrónico la cotización :quote a :contact', 'activity_21' => ':contact vió la cotización :quote', 'activity_22' => ':user archivó la cotización :quote', 'activity_23' => ':user eliminó la cotización :quote', 'activity_24' => ':user restauró la cotización :quote', 'activity_25' => ':user restauró factura :invoice', 'activity_26' => ':user restauró el cliente :client', 'activity_27' => ':user restauró el pago :payment', 'activity_28' => ':user restauró :credit créditos', 'activity_29' => ':contact aprovó la cotización :quote para el cliente :client', 'activity_30' => ':user creó al vendedor :vendor', 'activity_31' => ':user archivó al vendedor :vendor', 'activity_32' => ':user eliminó al vendedor :vendor', 'activity_33' => ':user restauró al vendedor :vendor', 'activity_34' => ':user creó expense :expense', 'activity_35' => ':user archivó el gasto :expense', 'activity_36' => ':user eliminó el gasto :expense', 'activity_37' => ':user restauró el gasto :expense', 'activity_42' => ':user creó la tarea :task', 'activity_43' => ':user actualizó la tarea :task', 'activity_44' => ':user archivó la tarea :task', 'activity_45' => ':user eliminó la tarea :task', 'activity_46' => ':user restauró la tarea :task', 'activity_47' => ':user actrulizó el gasto :expense', 'activity_48' => ':user actualizó el ticket :ticket', 'activity_49' => ':user cerró el ticket :ticket', 'activity_50' => ':user fusionó el ticket :ticket', 'activity_51' => ':user dividió el ticket :ticket', 'activity_52' => ':contact abrió el ticket :ticket', 'activity_53' => ':contact volvió a abrir el ticket :ticket', 'activity_54' => ':user volvió a abrir el ticket :ticket', 'activity_55' => ':contact respondió el ticket :ticket', 'activity_56' => ':user vió el ticket :ticket', 'payment' => 'pago', 'system' => 'Sistema', 'signature' => 'Firma del correo', 'default_messages' => 'Mensajes por defecto', 'quote_terms' => 'Terminos de Cotización', 'default_quote_terms' => 'Terminos de Cotización por defecto', 'default_invoice_terms' => 'Configurar términos de factura por defecto', 'default_invoice_footer' => 'Asignar pie de página por defecto para la factura', 'quote_footer' => 'Pie de la Cotización', 'free' => 'Gratis', 'quote_is_approved' => 'Aprobado exitosamente ', 'apply_credit' => 'Aplicar Crédito', 'system_settings' => 'Configuración del Sistema', 'archive_token' => 'Archivar Token', 'archived_token' => 'Token archivado', 'archive_user' => 'Archivar Usuario', 'archived_user' => 'Usuario archivado', 'archive_account_gateway' => 'Eliminar Pasarela de Pago', 'archived_account_gateway' => 'Pasarela archivada', 'archive_recurring_invoice' => 'Archivar Factura periódica', 'archived_recurring_invoice' => 'Factura periódica archivada', 'delete_recurring_invoice' => 'Borrar Factura periódica', 'deleted_recurring_invoice' => 'Factura periódica borrada', 'restore_recurring_invoice' => 'Restaurar Factura periódica ', 'restored_recurring_invoice' => 'Factura periódica restaurada', 'archive_recurring_quote' => 'Archivar Cotización Recurrente', 'archived_recurring_quote' => 'Cotización recurrente archivada con éxito', 'delete_recurring_quote' => 'Eliminar Cotización Recurrente', 'deleted_recurring_quote' => 'Cotización recurrente eliminada con éxito', 'restore_recurring_quote' => 'Restaurar Cotización Recurrente', 'restored_recurring_quote' => 'Cotización recurrente restaurada con éxito', 'archived' => 'Archivado', 'untitled_account' => 'Empresa sin Nombre', 'before' => 'Antes', 'after' => 'Después', 'reset_terms_help' => 'Reestablecer los términos de cuenta predeterminados', 'reset_footer_help' => 'Reestablecer el pie predeterminado', 'export_data' => 'Exportar', 'user' => 'Usuario', 'country' => 'País', 'include' => 'Incluir', 'logo_too_large' => 'El logo es :size, para un buen rendimiento del PDF, sugerimos cargar una imagen de menos de 200KB', 'import_freshbooks' => 'Importar desde FreshBooks', 'import_data' => 'Importar datos', 'source' => 'Origen', 'csv' => 'CSV', 'client_file' => 'Archivo de Clientes', 'invoice_file' => 'Archivo de Facturas', 'task_file' => 'Archivo de Tareas', 'no_mapper' => 'Mapeo no válido para el Archivo', 'invalid_csv_header' => 'Cabecera CSV no Válida', 'client_portal' => 'Portal de Cliente', 'admin' => 'Admin.', 'disabled' => 'Deshabilitado', 'show_archived_users' => 'Mostrar usuarios archivados', 'notes' => 'Notas', 'invoice_will_create' => 'la factura será creada', 'invoices_will_create' => 'facturas seran creadas', 'failed_to_import' => 'Los siguientes registros fallaron al importar', 'publishable_key' => 'Clave pública', 'secret_key' => 'Clave Privada', 'missing_publishable_key' => 'Establece tu clave pública de Stripe para mejorar el proceso de checkout', 'email_design' => 'Diseño de Correo', 'due_by' => 'Pagado en :date', 'enable_email_markup' => 'Habilitar Markup', 'enable_email_markup_help' => 'Haga que sea fácil para sus clientes que paguen mediante la adición de marcas "schema.org" a sus correos electrónicos.', 'template_help_title' => 'Ayuda', 'template_help_1' => 'Variables disponibles:', 'email_design_id' => 'Estilo de Correo', 'email_design_help' => 'Haga que sus mensajes de correo electrónico tengan un aspecto más profesional con diseños HTML', 'plain' => 'Plano', 'light' => 'Claro', 'dark' => 'Oscuro', 'industry_help' => 'Usado para proporcionar comparaciones de las medias de las empresas de tamaño y industria similar.', 'subdomain_help' => 'Asigne el suubdominio o mostrar la factura en su propio sitio web.', 'website_help' => 'Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website', 'invoice_number_help' => 'Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de factura.', 'quote_number_help' => 'Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de presupuesto.', 'custom_client_fields_helps' => 'Agregue un campo al crear un cliente y, opcionalmente, muestre la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.', 'custom_account_fields_helps' => 'Añadir una etiqueta y valor a la sección de detalles de la empresa del PDF.', 'custom_invoice_fields_helps' => 'Agregue un campo al crear una factura y, opcionalmente, muestre la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.', 'custom_invoice_charges_helps' => 'gregar una entrada de texto a la pagina de crear/editar factura y mostrar la carga en los subtotales de la factura.', 'token_expired' => 'Token de validación ha caducado. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo.', 'invoice_link' => 'Enlace a Factura', 'button_confirmation_message' => 'Pulse aqui para confirmar su dirección de correo.', 'confirm' => 'Confirmar', 'email_preferences' => 'Preferencias de Correo', 'created_invoices' => ':count factura(s) creada(s) correctamente', 'next_invoice_number' => 'El próximo número de factura es :number.', 'next_quote_number' => 'El próximo número de presupuesto es :number.', 'days_before' => 'días antes de', 'days_after' => 'días después de', 'field_due_date' => 'fecha de pago', 'field_invoice_date' => 'fecha de factura', 'schedule' => 'Programar', 'email_designs' => 'Diseños de correo', 'assigned_when_sent' => 'Asignado al enviar', 'white_label_purchase_link' => 'Comprar licencia de marca blanca', 'expense' => 'Gasto', 'expenses' => 'Gastos', 'new_expense' => 'Ingrese el Gasto', 'enter_expense' => 'Introducir Gasto', 'vendors' => 'Proveedores', 'new_vendor' => 'Nuevo Proveedor', 'payment_terms_net' => 'Net', 'vendor' => 'Proveedor', 'edit_vendor' => 'Editar Proveedor', 'archive_vendor' => 'Archivar Proveedor', 'delete_vendor' => 'Borrar Proveedor', 'view_vendor' => 'Ver Proveedor', 'deleted_expense' => 'Gasto borrado correctamente', 'archived_expense' => 'Gasto archivado correctamente', 'deleted_expenses' => 'Gastos borrados correctamente', 'archived_expenses' => 'Gastos archivados correctamente', 'expense_amount' => 'Importe del Gasto', 'expense_balance' => 'Saldo del Gasto', 'expense_date' => 'Fecha del Gasto', 'expense_should_be_invoiced' => '¿Este gasto debe ser facturado?', 'public_notes' => 'Notas', 'invoice_amount' => 'Importe de Factura', 'exchange_rate' => 'Tipo de Cambio', 'yes' => 'Si', 'no' => 'No', 'should_be_invoiced' => 'Debe ser Facturado', 'view_expense' => 'Ver gasto # :expense', 'edit_expense' => 'Editar Gasto', 'archive_expense' => 'Archivar Gasto', 'delete_expense' => 'Borrar Gasto', 'view_expense_num' => 'Gasto # :expense', 'updated_expense' => 'Gasto actualizado correctamente', 'created_expense' => 'Gasto creado correctamente', 'enter_expense' => 'Introducir Gasto', 'view' => 'Ver', 'restore_expense' => 'Restaurar Gasto', 'invoice_expense' => 'Facturar Gasto', 'expense_error_multiple_clients' => 'Los gastos no pertenecen a diferentes clientes', 'expense_error_invoiced' => 'El gasto ya ha sido Facturado', 'convert_currency' => 'Convertir moneda', 'num_days' => 'Número de Días', 'create_payment_term' => 'Crear Términos de Pago', 'edit_payment_terms' => 'Editar los Términos de Pago', 'edit_payment_term' => 'Editar el Términos de Pago', 'archive_payment_term' => 'Archivar Términos de Pago', 'recurring_due_dates' => 'Fecha de Vencimiento de Factura Recurrente', 'recurring_due_date_help' => 'Define automáticamente una fecha de vencimiento de la factura.
Facturas en un ciclo mensual o anual preparadas para vencer el día que se crearon o antes, vencerán al siguiente mes. Facturas preparadas para vencer el 29 o el 30, en los meses que no tienen ese día, vencerán el último día del mes
(Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don\'t have that day will be due the last day of the month.)
Facturas en un ciclo semanal preparadas para vencer el día de la semana que se crearon, vencerán a la siguiente semana.
(Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.)
Por ejemplo:
php artisan ninja:update-key
'charge_late_fee' => 'Cobrar Tarifa por Tardanza',
'late_fee_amount' => 'Valor Tarifa por Tardanza',
'late_fee_percent' => 'Porcentaje Tarifa por Tardanza',
'late_fee_added' => 'Tarifa por Tardanza agregada el :date',
'download_invoice' => 'Descargar factura',
'download_quote' => 'Descargar Cotización',
'invoices_are_attached' => 'Los archivos PDF de tu factura están adjuntos.',
'downloaded_invoice' => 'Un correo electrónico será enviado con el archivo PDF de la factura',
'downloaded_quote' => 'Un correo electrónico será enviado con el archivo PDF de la cotización',
'downloaded_invoices' => 'Un correo electrónico será enviado con los archivos PDF de la factura',
'downloaded_quotes' => 'Un correo electrónico será enviado con los archivos PDF de la cotización',
'clone_expense' => 'Clonar Gasto',
'default_documents' => 'Documentos por defecto',
'send_email_to_client' => 'Enviar correo electrónico al cliente',
'refund_subject' => 'Reembolso Procesado',
'refund_body' => 'Se te ha procesado un reembolso de: monto de la factura: invoice_number.',
'currency_us_dollar' => 'Dólar Americano',
'currency_british_pound' => 'Libra Británica',
'currency_euro' => 'Euro',
'currency_south_african_rand' => 'Rand Sudafricano',
'currency_danish_krone' => 'Corona Danesa',
'currency_israeli_shekel' => 'Shekel israelí',
'currency_swedish_krona' => 'Corona Sueca',
'currency_kenyan_shilling' => 'Chelín de Kenia',
'currency_canadian_dollar' => 'Dólar Canadiense',
'currency_philippine_peso' => 'Peso Filipino',
'currency_indian_rupee' => 'Rupia India',
'currency_australian_dollar' => 'Dólar Australiano',
'currency_singapore_dollar' => 'Dólar de Singapur',
'currency_norske_kroner' => 'Corona Noruega',
'currency_new_zealand_dollar' => 'Dólar Neozelandés',
'currency_vietnamese_dong' => 'dong Vietnamita',
'currency_swiss_franc' => 'Franco Suizo',
'currency_guatemalan_quetzal' => 'Quetzal Guatemalteco',
'currency_malaysian_ringgit' => 'Ringgit de Malasia',
'currency_brazilian_real' => 'Real Brasileño',
'currency_thai_baht' => 'Baht Tailandés',
'currency_nigerian_naira' => 'Naira Nigeriano',
'currency_argentine_peso' => 'Peso Argentino',
'currency_bangladeshi_taka' => 'Taka de Bangladesh',
'currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham' => 'Dirham de Emiratos Arabes Unidos',
'currency_hong_kong_dollar' => 'Dólar de Hong Kong',
'currency_indonesian_rupiah' => 'Rupia de Indonesia',
'currency_mexican_peso' => 'Peso Mexicano',
'currency_egyptian_pound' => 'Libra Egipcia',
'currency_colombian_peso' => 'Peso Colombiano',
'currency_west_african_franc' => 'Franco de África del Oeste',
'currency_chinese_renminbi' => 'Renminbi Chino',
'currency_rwandan_franc' => 'Franco Ruandés',
'currency_tanzanian_shilling' => 'Chelín Tanzano',
'currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder' => 'Florín de las Antillas Holandesas',
'currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar' => 'Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago',
'currency_east_caribbean_dollar' => 'Dólar del Caribe del Este',
'currency_ghanaian_cedi' => 'Cedi Ghanés',
'currency_bulgarian_lev' => 'Lev búlgaro',
'currency_aruban_florin' => 'Florín de Aruba',
'currency_turkish_lira' => 'Lira Tturca',
'currency_romanian_new_leu' => 'Romanian New Leu',
'currency_croatian_kuna' => 'Kuna Croata',
'currency_saudi_riyal' => 'Riyal Saudita',
'currency_japanese_yen' => 'Riyal Saudita',
'currency_maldivian_rufiyaa' => 'Rufiyaa Maldiva',
'currency_costa_rican_colon' => 'Colón Costarricense',
'currency_pakistani_rupee' => 'Rupia Pakistaní',
'currency_polish_zloty' => 'Zloty Polaco',
'currency_sri_lankan_rupee' => 'Rupia de Sri Lanka',
'currency_czech_koruna' => 'Corona Checa',
'currency_uruguayan_peso' => 'Peso Uruguayo',
'currency_namibian_dollar' => 'Dólar de Namibia',
'currency_tunisian_dinar' => 'Dinar Tunecino',
'currency_russian_ruble' => 'Rublo Ruso',
'currency_mozambican_metical' => 'Metical Mozambiqueño',
'currency_omani_rial' => 'Rial Omaní',
'currency_ukrainian_hryvnia' => 'Ucrania Grivna',
'currency_macanese_pataca' => 'Macanese Pataca',
'currency_taiwan_new_dollar' => 'Nuevo Dólar Taiwanés',
'currency_dominican_peso' => 'Peso Dominicano',
'currency_chilean_peso' => 'Peso Chileno',
'currency_icelandic_krona' => 'Icelandic Króna',
'currency_papua_new_guinean_kina' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina',
'currency_jordanian_dinar' => 'Jordanian Dinar',
'currency_myanmar_kyat' => 'Myanmar Kyat',
'currency_peruvian_sol' => 'Sol Peruano',
'currency_botswana_pula' => 'Botswana Pula',
'currency_hungarian_forint' => 'Hungarian Forint',
'currency_ugandan_shilling' => 'Ugandan Shilling',
'currency_barbadian_dollar' => 'Dólar de Barbados',
'currency_brunei_dollar' => 'Dólar de Brunei',
'currency_georgian_lari' => 'Georgian Lari',
'currency_qatari_riyal' => 'Qatari Riyal',
'currency_honduran_lempira' => 'Lempira Hondureño',
'currency_surinamese_dollar' => 'Dólar Surinamés',
'currency_bahraini_dinar' => 'Bahraini Dinar',
'currency_venezuelan_bolivars' => 'Bolívar Venezolano',
'currency_south_korean_won' => 'South Korean Won',
'currency_moroccan_dirham' => 'Moroccan Dirham',
'currency_jamaican_dollar' => 'Dólar Jamaiquino',
'currency_angolan_kwanza' => 'Angolan Kwanza',
'currency_haitian_gourde' => 'Haitian Gourde',
'currency_zambian_kwacha' => 'Zambian Kwacha',
'currency_nepalese_rupee' => 'Nepalese Rupee',
'currency_cfp_franc' => 'CFP Franc',
'currency_mauritian_rupee' => 'Mauritian Rupee',
'currency_cape_verdean_escudo' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo',
'currency_kuwaiti_dinar' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar',
'currency_algerian_dinar' => 'Algerian Dinar',
'currency_macedonian_denar' => 'Macedonian Denar',
'currency_fijian_dollar' => 'Fijian Dollar',
'currency_bolivian_boliviano' => 'Bolivian Boliviano',
'currency_albanian_lek' => 'Albanian Lek',
'currency_serbian_dinar' => 'Serbian Dinar',
'currency_lebanese_pound' => 'Lebanese Pound',
'currency_armenian_dram' => 'Armenian Dram',
'currency_azerbaijan_manat' => 'Azerbaijan Manat',
'currency_bosnia_and_herzegovina_convertible_mark' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark',
'currency_belarusian_ruble' => 'Belarusian Ruble',
'currency_moldovan_leu' => 'Moldovan Leu',
'currency_kazakhstani_tenge' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge',
'currency_gibraltar_pound' => 'Gibraltar Pound',
'review_app_help' => 'Esperamos que estés disfrutando de usar la aplicación.:domain
como dominio en :link.',
'apple_pay_not_supported' => 'Disculpe, su navegador no soporta Apple/Google Pay',
'optional_payment_methods' => 'Métodos de Pago Opcionales',
'add_subscription' => 'Agregar suscripción',
'target_url' => 'Objetivo',
'target_url_help' => 'Cuando ocurra el evento seleccionado, la aplicación publicará la entidad en la URL objetivo.',
'event' => 'Evento',
'subscription_event_1' => 'Cliente Creado',
'subscription_event_2' => 'Factura Creada',
'subscription_event_3' => 'Cotización Creada',
'subscription_event_4' => 'Pago Creado',
'subscription_event_5' => 'Proveedor Creado',
'subscription_event_6' => 'Presupuesto actualizado',
'subscription_event_7' => 'Presupuesto eliminado',
'subscription_event_8' => 'Factura actualizada',
'subscription_event_9' => 'Factura eliminada',
'subscription_event_10' => 'Cliente actualizado',
'subscription_event_11' => 'Cliente eliminado',
'subscription_event_12' => 'Pago eliminado',
'subscription_event_13' => 'Proveedor Actualizado',
'subscription_event_14' => 'Proveedor Borrado',
'subscription_event_15' => 'Gasto creado',
'subscription_event_16' => 'Gasto actualizado',
'subscription_event_17' => 'Gasto eliminado',
'subscription_event_18' => 'Tarea creada',
'subscription_event_19' => 'Tarea actualizada',
'subscription_event_20' => 'Tarea eliminada',
'subscription_event_21' => 'Presupuesto aprobado',
'subscriptions' => 'Suscripciones',
'updated_subscription' => 'Suscripción actualizada correctamente',
'created_subscription' => 'Suscripción creada correctamente',
'edit_subscription' => 'Editar suscripción',
'archive_subscription' => 'Archivar suscripción',
'archived_subscription' => 'Suscripción correctamente archivada',
'project_error_multiple_clients' => 'Los proyectos no pueden pertenecer a otro cliente',
'invoice_project' => 'Facturar proyecto',
'module_recurring_invoice' => 'Facturas recurrentes',
'module_credit' => 'Créditos',
'module_quote' => 'Presupuestos & Propuestas',
'module_task' => 'Tareas & Proyectos',
'module_expense' => 'Gastos y Proveedores',
'module_ticket' => 'Tickets',
'reminders' => 'Recordatorios',
'send_client_reminders' => 'Enviar recordatorios por email',
'can_view_tasks' => 'Las tareas son visibles en el portal',
'is_not_sent_reminders' => 'Los recordatorios no son enviados',
'promotion_footer' => 'Tu promoción caducará pronto, :link para actualizar ahora.',
'unable_to_delete_primary' => 'Nota: para eliminar esta empresa primero elimine todas las empresas enlazadas.',
'please_register' => 'Por favor registre su cuenta',
'processing_request' => 'Procesando solicitud',
'mcrypt_warning' => 'Aviso: Mcrypt está obsoleto, ejecuta :command para actualizar tu cifrado.',
'edit_times' => 'Editar tiempos',
'inclusive_taxes_help' => 'Incluir impuestos en el coste',
'inclusive_taxes_notice' => 'Esta opción no puede ser cambiada una vez se ha creado una factura.',
'inclusive_taxes_warning' => 'Aviso: hay que volver a guardar facturas existentes',
'copy_shipping' => 'Copiar envío',
'copy_billing' => 'Copiar facturación',
'quote_has_expired' => 'El presupuesto ha expirado, por favor contacta con el comercio.',
'empty_table_footer' => 'Mostrando 0 a 0 de 0 entradas',
'do_not_trust' => 'No recordar este dispositivo',
'trust_for_30_days' => 'Recordar por 30 días',
'trust_forever' => 'Recordar para siempre',
'kanban' => 'Kanban',
'backlog' => 'Backlog',
'ready_to_do' => 'Listo para hacer',
'in_progress' => 'En progreso',
'add_status' => 'Añadir estado',
'archive_status' => 'Estado Archivado',
'new_status' => 'Estado Nuevo',
'convert_products' => 'Convertir productos',
'convert_products_help' => 'Convertir automáticamente precios de los productos a la moneda del cliente',
'improve_client_portal_link' => 'Configura un subdominio para acortar el enlace al portal de cliente.',
'budgeted_hours' => 'Budgeted Hours',
'progress' => 'Progreso',
'view_project' => 'Ver proyecto',
'summary' => 'Sumario',
'endless_reminder' => 'Recordatorio sin fin',
'signature_on_invoice_help' => 'Añade el siguiente código para mostrar la firma del cliente en el PDF.',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'Ver en PDF',
'signature_on_pdf_help' => 'Mostrar la firma del cliente en los PDF de facturas/presupuestos.',
'expired_white_label' => 'Ha expirado la licencia de marca blanca',
'return_to_login' => 'Volver al Acceso',
'convert_products_tip' => 'Nota: añade un :link con nombre ":name" para ver la tasa de conversión.',
'amount_greater_than_balance' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.',
'custom_fields_tip' => 'Usa Etiqueta|Opción1,Opción2
para mostrar una caja de selección.',
'client_information' => 'Información del cliente',
'updated_client_details' => 'Detalles del cliente actualizados correctamente',
'auto' => 'Auto',
'tax_amount' => 'Suma de Impuestos',
'tax_paid' => 'Impuestos pagados',
'none' => 'Ninguno',
'proposal_message_button' => 'Para ver tu propuesta de :amount, haz clic en el enlace de abajo.',
'proposal' => 'Propuesta',
'proposals' => 'Propuestas',
'list_proposals' => 'Listar propuestas',
'new_proposal' => 'Nueva propuesta',
'edit_proposal' => 'Editar propuesta',
'archive_proposal' => 'Archivar propuesta',
'delete_proposal' => 'Borrar propuesta',
'created_proposal' => 'Propuesta creada correctamente',
'updated_proposal' => 'Propuesta actualizada correctamente',
'archived_proposal' => 'Propuesta archivada correctamente',
'deleted_proposal' => 'Propuesta archivada correctamente',
'archived_proposals' => ':count propuestas archivadas correctamente',
'deleted_proposals' => ':count propuestas archivadas correctamente',
'restored_proposal' => 'Propuesta restaurada correctamente',
'restore_proposal' => 'Restaurar propuesta',
'snippet' => 'Snippet',
'snippets' => 'Snippets',
'proposal_snippet' => 'Snippet',
'proposal_snippets' => 'Snippets',
'new_proposal_snippet' => 'Nuevo Snippet',
'edit_proposal_snippet' => 'Editar Snippet',
'archive_proposal_snippet' => 'Archivar Snippet',
'delete_proposal_snippet' => 'Borrar Snippet',
'created_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully created snippet',
'updated_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully updated snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'deleted_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippets' => 'Successfully archived :count snippets',
'deleted_proposal_snippets' => 'Successfully archived :count snippets',
'restored_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully restored snippet',
'restore_proposal_snippet' => 'Restore Snippet',
'template' => 'Plantilla',
'templates' => 'Plantillas',
'proposal_template' => 'Plantilla',
'proposal_templates' => 'Plantillas',
'new_proposal_template' => 'Nueva plantilla',
'edit_proposal_template' => 'Editar plantilla',
'archive_proposal_template' => 'Archivar plantilla',
'delete_proposal_template' => 'Borrar plantilla',
'created_proposal_template' => 'Plantilla creada correctamente',
'updated_proposal_template' => 'Plantilla actualizada correctamente',
'archived_proposal_template' => 'Plantilla archivada correctamente',
'deleted_proposal_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'archived_proposal_templates' => 'Successfully archived :count templates',
'deleted_proposal_templates' => 'Successfully archived :count templates',
'restored_proposal_template' => 'Plantilla restaurada correctamente',
'restore_proposal_template' => 'Restaurar Plantilla',
'proposal_category' => 'Categoría',
'proposal_categories' => 'Categorías',
'new_proposal_category' => 'Nueva categoría',
'edit_proposal_category' => 'Editar categoría',
'archive_proposal_category' => 'Archive Category',
'delete_proposal_category' => 'Delete Category',
'created_proposal_category' => 'Successfully created category',
'updated_proposal_category' => 'Successfully updated category',
'archived_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'deleted_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'archived_proposal_categories' => 'Successfully archived :count categories',
'deleted_proposal_categories' => 'Successfully archived :count categories',
'restored_proposal_category' => 'Successfully restored category',
'restore_proposal_category' => 'Restore Category',
'delete_status' => 'Delete Status',
'standard' => 'Standard',
'icon' => 'Icon',
'proposal_not_found' => 'The requested proposal is not available',
'create_proposal_category' => 'Create category',
'clone_proposal_template' => 'Clone Template',
'proposal_email' => 'Proposal Email',
'proposal_subject' => 'New proposal :number from :account',
'proposal_message' => 'To view your proposal for :amount, click the link below.',
'emailed_proposal' => 'Successfully emailed proposal',
'load_template' => 'Load Template',
'no_assets' => 'No images, drag to upload',
'add_image' => 'Add Image',
'select_image' => 'Select Image',
'upgrade_to_upload_images' => 'Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images',
'delete_image' => 'Delete Image',
'delete_image_help' => 'Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.',
'amount_variable_help' => 'Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.',
'taxes_are_included_help' => 'Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.',
'taxes_are_not_included_help' => 'Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.',
'change_requires_purge' => 'Changing this setting requires :link the account data.',
'purging' => 'purging',
'warning_local_refund' => 'The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.',
'email_address_changed' => 'Email address has been changed',
'email_address_changed_message' => 'The email address for your account has been changed from :old_email to :new_email.',
'test' => 'Test',
'beta' => 'Beta',
'gmp_required' => 'Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension',
'email_history' => 'Email History',
'loading' => 'Cargando',
'no_messages_found' => 'No se ha encontrado ningún mensaje',
'processing' => 'Procesando',
'reactivate' => 'Reactivar',
'reactivated_email' => 'The email address has been reactivated',
'emails' => 'Emails',
'opened' => 'Abierto',
'bounced' => 'Bounced',
'total_sent' => 'Total Sent',
'total_opened' => 'Total Opened',
'total_bounced' => 'Total Bounced',
'total_spam' => 'Total Spam',
'platforms' => 'Platforms',
'email_clients' => 'Email Clients',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'desktop' => 'Desktop',
'webmail' => 'Webmail',
'group' => 'Group',
'subgroup' => 'Subgroup',
'unset' => 'Unset',
'received_new_payment' => 'Has recibido un nuevo pago!',
'slack_webhook_help' => 'Receive payment notifications using :link.',
'slack_incoming_webhooks' => 'Slack incoming webhooks',
'accept' => 'Accept',
'accepted_terms' => 'Successfully accepted the latest terms of service',
'invalid_url' => 'Invalid URL',
'workflow_settings' => 'Workflow Settings',
'auto_email_invoice' => 'Auto Email',
'auto_email_invoice_help' => 'Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_invoice_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_quote_help' => 'Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.',
'require_approve_quote' => 'Require approve quote',
'require_approve_quote_help' => 'Require clients to approve quotes.',
'allow_approve_expired_quote' => 'Allow approve expired quote',
'allow_approve_expired_quote_help' => 'Allow clients to approve expired quotes.',
'invoice_workflow' => 'Invoice Workflow',
'quote_workflow' => 'Quote Workflow',
'client_must_be_active' => 'Error: the client must be active',
'purge_client' => 'Purge Client',
'purged_client' => 'Successfully purged client',
'purge_client_warning' => 'All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.',
'clone_product' => 'Clone Product',
'item_details' => 'Item Details',
'send_item_details_help' => 'Send line item details to the payment gateway.',
'view_proposal' => 'View Proposal',
'view_in_portal' => 'View in Portal',
'cookie_message' => 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.',
'got_it' => 'Got it!',
'vendor_will_create' => 'El proveedor será creado',
'vendors_will_create' => 'proveedores serán creados',
'created_vendors' => ':count proveedor(es) creado(s) con éxito',
'import_vendors' => 'Importar Proveedores',
'company' => 'Empresa',
'client_field' => 'Client Field',
'contact_field' => 'Contact Field',
'product_field' => 'Product Field',
'task_field' => 'Task Field',
'project_field' => 'Project Field',
'expense_field' => 'Expense Field',
'vendor_field' => 'Campo Proveedor',
'company_field' => 'Campo de Empresa',
'invoice_field' => 'Invoice Field',
'invoice_surcharge' => 'Invoice Surcharge',
'custom_task_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a task.',
'custom_project_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a project.',
'custom_expense_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an expense.',
'custom_vendor_fields_help' => 'Agregue un campo al crear un proveedor',
'messages' => 'Messages',
'unpaid_invoice' => 'Unpaid Invoice',
'paid_invoice' => 'Paid Invoice',
'unapproved_quote' => 'Unapproved Quote',
'unapproved_proposal' => 'Unapproved Proposal',
'autofills_city_state' => 'Auto-fills city/state',
'no_match_found' => 'No match found',
'password_strength' => 'Password Strength',
'strength_weak' => 'Weak',
'strength_good' => 'Good',
'strength_strong' => 'Strong',
'mark' => 'Mark',
'updated_task_status' => 'Successfully update task status',
'background_image' => 'Background Image',
'background_image_help' => 'Use the :link to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.',
'proposal_editor' => 'proposal editor',
'background' => 'Background',
'guide' => 'Guide',
'gateway_fee_item' => 'Gateway Fee Item',
'gateway_fee_description' => 'Gateway Fee Surcharge',
'gateway_fee_discount_description' => 'Gateway Fee Discount',
'show_payments' => 'Show Payments',
'show_aging' => 'Show Aging',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'amount_paid' => 'Amount Paid',
'send_notifications_for' => 'Send Notifications For',
'all_invoices' => 'All Invoices',
'my_invoices' => 'My Invoices',
'payment_reference' => 'Payment Reference',
'maximum' => 'Maximum',
'sort' => 'Sort',
'refresh_complete' => 'Refresh Complete',
'please_enter_your_email' => 'Please enter your email',
'please_enter_your_password' => 'Please enter your password',
'please_enter_your_url' => 'Please enter your URL',
'please_enter_a_product_key' => 'Please enter a product key',
'an_error_occurred' => 'An error occurred',
'overview' => 'Overview',
'copied_to_clipboard' => 'Copied :value to the clipboard',
'error' => 'Error',
'could_not_launch' => 'Could not launch',
'additional' => 'Additional',
'ok' => 'Ok',
'email_is_invalid' => 'Email is invalid',
'items' => 'Items',
'partial_deposit' => 'Partial/Deposit',
'add_item' => 'Add Item',
'total_amount' => 'Total Amount',
'pdf' => 'PDF',
'invoice_status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'click_plus_to_add_item' => 'Click + to add an item',
'count_selected' => ':count selected',
'dismiss' => 'Dismiss',
'please_select_a_date' => 'Please select a date',
'please_select_a_client' => 'Please select a client',
'language' => 'Language',
'updated_at' => 'Updated',
'please_enter_an_invoice_number' => 'Please enter an invoice number',
'please_enter_a_quote_number' => 'Please enter a quote number',
'clients_invoices' => ':client\'s invoices',
'viewed' => 'Viewed',
'approved' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_1' => 'Draft',
'invoice_status_2' => 'Sent',
'invoice_status_3' => 'Viewed',
'invoice_status_4' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_5' => 'Partial',
'invoice_status_6' => 'Paid',
'marked_invoice_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'please_enter_a_client_or_contact_name' => 'Please enter a client or contact name',
'restart_app_to_apply_change' => 'Restart the app to apply the change',
'refresh_data' => 'Refresh Data',
'blank_contact' => 'Blank Contact',
'no_records_found' => 'No records found',
'industry' => 'Industry',
'size' => 'Size',
'net' => 'Net',
'show_tasks' => 'Show tasks',
'email_reminders' => 'Email Reminders',
'reminder1' => 'First Reminder',
'reminder2' => 'Second Reminder',
'reminder3' => 'Third Reminder',
'send' => 'Send',
'auto_billing' => 'Auto billing',
'button' => 'Button',
'more' => 'More',
'edit_recurring_invoice' => 'Edit Recurring Invoice',
'edit_recurring_quote' => 'Edit Recurring Quote',
'quote_status' => 'Quote Status',
'please_select_an_invoice' => 'Please select an invoice',
'filtered_by' => 'Filtered by',
'payment_status' => 'Payment Status',
'payment_status_1' => 'Pending',
'payment_status_2' => 'Voided',
'payment_status_3' => 'Failed',
'payment_status_4' => 'Completed',
'payment_status_5' => 'Partially Refunded',
'payment_status_6' => 'Refunded',
'send_receipt_to_client' => 'Send receipt to the client',
'refunded' => 'Refunded',
'marked_quote_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked quote as sent',
'custom_module_settings' => 'Custom Module Settings',
'ticket' => 'Ticket',
'tickets' => 'Tickets',
'ticket_number' => 'Ticket #',
'new_ticket' => 'New Ticket',
'edit_ticket' => 'Edit Ticket',
'view_ticket' => 'View Ticket',
'archive_ticket' => 'Archive Ticket',
'restore_ticket' => 'Restore Ticket',
'delete_ticket' => 'Delete Ticket',
'archived_ticket' => 'Successfully archived ticket',
'archived_tickets' => 'Successfully archived tickets',
'restored_ticket' => 'Successfully restored ticket',
'deleted_ticket' => 'Successfully deleted ticket',
'open' => 'Open',
'new' => 'New',
'closed' => 'Closed',
'reopened' => 'Reopened',
'priority' => 'Priority',
'last_updated' => 'Last Updated',
'comment' => 'Comments',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'linked_objects' => 'Linked Objects',
'low' => 'Low',
'medium' => 'Medium',
'high' => 'High',
'no_due_date' => 'No due date set',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned to',
'reply' => 'Reply',
'awaiting_reply' => 'Awaiting reply',
'ticket_close' => 'Close Ticket',
'ticket_reopen' => 'Reopen Ticket',
'ticket_open' => 'Open Ticket',
'ticket_split' => 'Split Ticket',
'ticket_merge' => 'Merge Ticket',
'ticket_update' => 'Update Ticket',
'ticket_settings' => 'Ticket Settings',
'updated_ticket' => 'Ticket Updated',
'mark_spam' => 'Mark as Spam',
'local_part' => 'Local Part',
'local_part_unavailable' => 'Name taken',
'local_part_available' => 'Name available',
'local_part_invalid' => 'Invalid name (alpha numeric only, no spaces',
'local_part_help' => 'Customize the local part of your inbound support email, ie. YOUR_NAME@support.invoiceninja.com',
'from_name_help' => 'From name is the recognizable sender which is displayed instead of the email address, ie Support Center',
'local_part_placeholder' => 'YOUR_NAME',
'from_name_placeholder' => 'Support Center',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'client_upload' => 'Client uploads',
'enable_client_upload_help' => 'Allow clients to upload documents/attachments',
'max_file_size_help' => 'Maximum file size (KB) is limited by your post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables as set in your PHP.INI',
'max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size',
'mime_types' => 'Mime types',
'mime_types_placeholder' => '.pdf , .docx, .jpg',
'mime_types_help' => 'Comma separated list of allowed mime types, leave blank for all',
'ticket_number_start_help' => 'Ticket number must be greater than the current ticket number',
'new_ticket_template_id' => 'New ticket',
'new_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a new ticket is created',
'update_ticket_template_id' => 'Updated ticket',
'update_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is updated',
'close_ticket_template_id' => 'Closed ticket',
'close_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is closed',
'default_priority' => 'Default priority',
'alert_new_comment_id' => 'New comment',
'alert_comment_ticket_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a comment is made.',
'alert_comment_ticket_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on new comment.',
'new_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new ticket notifications',
'update_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new comment notifications',
'comma_separated_values' => 'admin@example.com, supervisor@example.com',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id' => 'Ticket assignment',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_hel' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket is assigned.',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_notifications' => 'Additional ticket assigned notifications',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket assignment.',
'alert_ticket_transfer_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket transfer.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id' => 'Ticket overdue',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email' => 'Additional overdue ticket notifications',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket overdue.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket becomes overdue.',
'ticket_master' => 'Ticket Master',
'ticket_master_help' => 'Has the ability to assign and transfer tickets. Assigned as the default agent for all tickets.',
'default_agent' => 'Default Agent',
'default_agent_help' => 'If selected will automatically be assigned to all inbound tickets',
'show_agent_details' => 'Show agent details on responses',
'avatar' => 'Avatar',
'remove_avatar' => 'Remove avatar',
'ticket_not_found' => 'Ticket not found',
'add_template' => 'Add Template',
'ticket_template' => 'Ticket Template',
'ticket_templates' => 'Ticket Templates',
'updated_ticket_template' => 'Updated Ticket Template',
'created_ticket_template' => 'Created Ticket Template',
'archive_ticket_template' => 'Archive Template',
'restore_ticket_template' => 'Restore Template',
'archived_ticket_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'restored_ticket_template' => 'Successfully restored template',
'close_reason' => 'Let us know why you are closing this ticket',
'reopen_reason' => 'Let us know why you are reopening this ticket',
'enter_ticket_message' => 'Please enter a message to update the ticket',
'show_hide_all' => 'Show / Hide all',
'subject_required' => 'Subject required',
'mobile_refresh_warning' => 'If you\'re using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.',
'enable_proposals_for_background' => 'To upload a background image :link to enable the proposals module.',
'ticket_assignment' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been assigned to :agent',
'ticket_contact_reply' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been updated by client :contact',
'ticket_new_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been created.',
'ticket_updated_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been updated.',
'ticket_closed_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been closed.',
'ticket_overdue_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number is now overdue',
'merge' => 'Merge',
'merged' => 'Merged',
'agent' => 'Agent',
'parent_ticket' => 'Parent Ticket',
'linked_tickets' => 'Linked Tickets',
'merge_prompt' => 'Enter ticket number to merge into',
'merge_from_to' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket merged into Ticket #:new_ticket',
'merge_closed_ticket_text' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket was closed and merged into Ticket#:new_ticket - :subject',
'merge_updated_ticket_text' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket was closed and merged into this ticket',
'merge_placeholder' => 'Merge ticket #:ticket into the following ticket',
'select_ticket' => 'Select Ticket',
'new_internal_ticket' => 'New internal ticket',
'internal_ticket' => 'Internal ticket',
'create_ticket' => 'Create ticket',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external' => 'New Tickets by email (Client)',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external_help' => 'Allow clients to create new tickets by email',
'include_in_filter' => 'Include in filter',
'custom_client1' => ':VALUE',
'custom_client2' => ':VALUE',
'compare' => 'Comparar',
'hosted_login' => 'Hosted Login',
'selfhost_login' => 'Selfhost Login',
'google_login' => 'Google Login',
'thanks_for_patience' => 'Thank for your patience while we work to implement these features.\n\nWe hope to have them completed in the next few months.\n\nUntil then we\'ll continue to support the',
'legacy_mobile_app' => 'legacy mobile app',
'today' => 'Today',
'current' => 'Current',
'previous' => 'Previous',
'current_period' => 'Current Period',
'comparison_period' => 'Periodo de Comparación',
'previous_period' => 'Previous Period',
'previous_year' => 'Previous Year',
'compare_to' => 'Comparar con',
'last_week' => 'Last Week',
'clone_to_invoice' => 'Clone to Invoice',
'clone_to_quote' => 'Clone to Quote',
'convert' => 'Convert',
'last7_days' => 'Last 7 Days',
'last30_days' => 'Last 30 Days',
'custom_js' => 'Custom JS',
'adjust_fee_percent_help' => 'Adjust percent to account for fee',
'show_product_notes' => 'Show product details',
'show_product_notes_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown',
'important' => 'Important',
'thank_you_for_using_our_app' => 'Thank you for using our app!',
'if_you_like_it' => 'If you like it please',
'to_rate_it' => 'to rate it.',
'average' => 'Average',
'unapproved' => 'Unapproved',
'authenticate_to_change_setting' => 'Please authenticate to change this setting',
'locked' => 'Locked',
'authenticate' => 'Authenticate',
'please_authenticate' => 'Please authenticate',
'biometric_authentication' => 'Biometric Authentication',
'auto_start_tasks' => 'Auto Start Tasks',
'budgeted' => 'Budgeted',
'please_enter_a_name' => 'Please enter a name',
'click_plus_to_add_time' => 'Click + to add time',
'design' => 'Design',
'password_is_too_short' => 'Password is too short',
'failed_to_find_record' => 'Failed to find record',
'valid_until_days' => 'Valid Until',
'valid_until_days_help' => 'Automatically sets the Valid Until value on quotes to this many days in the future. Leave blank to disable.',
'usually_pays_in_days' => 'Days',
'requires_an_enterprise_plan' => 'Requires an enterprise plan',
'take_picture' => 'Take Picture',
'upload_file' => 'Upload File',
'new_document' => 'New Document',
'edit_document' => 'Edit Document',
'uploaded_document' => 'Successfully uploaded document',
'updated_document' => 'Successfully updated document',
'archived_document' => 'Successfully archived document',
'deleted_document' => 'Successfully deleted document',
'restored_document' => 'Successfully restored document',
'no_history' => 'No History',
'expense_status_1' => 'Logged',
'expense_status_2' => 'Pending',
'expense_status_3' => 'Invoiced',
'no_record_selected' => 'No record selected',
'error_unsaved_changes' => 'Please save or cancel your changes',
'thank_you_for_your_purchase' => 'Thank you for your purchase!',
'redeem' => 'Redeem',
'back' => 'Back',
'past_purchases' => 'Past Purchases',
'annual_subscription' => 'Annual Subscription',
'pro_plan' => 'Pro Plan',
'enterprise_plan' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'count_users' => ':count users',
'upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'please_enter_a_first_name' => 'Please enter a first name',
'please_enter_a_last_name' => 'Please enter a last name',
'please_agree_to_terms_and_privacy' => 'Please agree to the terms of service and privacy policy to create an account.',
'i_agree_to_the' => 'I agree to the',
'terms_of_service_link' => 'terms of service',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'privacy policy',
'view_website' => 'View Website',
'create_account' => 'Create Account',
'email_login' => 'Email Login',
'late_fees' => 'Late Fees',
'payment_number' => 'Payment Number',
'before_due_date' => 'Before the due date',
'after_due_date' => 'After the due date',
'after_invoice_date' => 'After the invoice date',
'filtered_by_user' => 'Filtered by User',
'created_user' => 'Successfully created user',
'primary_font' => 'Primary Font',
'secondary_font' => 'Secondary Font',
'number_padding' => 'Number Padding',
'general' => 'General',
'surcharge_field' => 'Surcharge Field',
'company_value' => 'Valor de Empresa',
'credit_field' => 'Credit Field',
'payment_field' => 'Payment Field',
'group_field' => 'Group Field',
'number_counter' => 'Number Counter',
'number_pattern' => 'Number Pattern',
'custom_javascript' => 'Custom JavaScript',
'portal_mode' => 'Portal Mode',
'attach_pdf' => 'Attach PDF',
'attach_documents' => 'Attach Documents',
'attach_ubl' => 'Attach UBL',
'email_style' => 'Email Style',
'processed' => 'Processed',
'fee_amount' => 'Fee Amount',
'fee_percent' => 'Fee Percent',
'fee_cap' => 'Fee Cap',
'limits_and_fees' => 'Limits/Fees',
'credentials' => 'Credentials',
'require_billing_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their billing address',
'require_shipping_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their shipping address',
'deleted_tax_rate' => 'Successfully deleted tax rate',
'restored_tax_rate' => 'Successfully restored tax rate',
'provider' => 'Provider',
'company_gateway' => 'Payment Gateway',
'company_gateways' => 'Payment Gateways',
'new_company_gateway' => 'New Gateway',
'edit_company_gateway' => 'Edit Gateway',
'created_company_gateway' => 'Successfully created gateway',
'updated_company_gateway' => 'Successfully updated gateway',
'archived_company_gateway' => 'Successfully archived gateway',
'deleted_company_gateway' => 'Successfully deleted gateway',
'restored_company_gateway' => 'Successfully restored gateway',
'continue_editing' => 'Continue Editing',
'default_value' => 'Default value',
'currency_format' => 'Currency Format',
'first_day_of_the_week' => 'First Day of the Week',
'first_month_of_the_year' => 'First Month of the Year',
'symbol' => 'Symbol',
'ocde' => 'Code',
'date_format' => 'Date Format',
'datetime_format' => 'Datetime Format',
'send_reminders' => 'Send Reminders',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'filtered_by_group' => 'Filtered by Group',
'filtered_by_invoice' => 'Filtered by Invoice',
'filtered_by_client' => 'Filtered by Client',
'filtered_by_vendor' => 'Filtro por Proveedor',
'group_settings' => 'Group Settings',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'new_group' => 'New Group',
'edit_group' => 'Edit Group',
'created_group' => 'Successfully created group',
'updated_group' => 'Successfully updated group',
'archived_group' => 'Successfully archived group',
'deleted_group' => 'Successfully deleted group',
'restored_group' => 'Successfully restored group',
'upload_logo' => 'Upload Logo',
'uploaded_logo' => 'Successfully uploaded logo',
'saved_settings' => 'Successfully saved settings',
'device_settings' => 'Device Settings',
'credit_cards_and_banks' => 'Credit Cards & Banks',
'price' => 'Price',
'email_sign_up' => 'Email Sign Up',
'google_sign_up' => 'Google Sign Up',
'sign_up_with_google' => 'Sign Up With Google',
'long_press_multiselect' => 'Long-press Multiselect',
'migrate_to_next_version' => 'Migrate to the next version of Invoice Ninja',
'migrate_intro_text' => 'We\'ve been working on next version of Invoice Ninja. Click the button bellow to start the migration.',
'start_the_migration' => 'Start the migration',
'migration' => 'Migration',
'welcome_to_the_new_version' => 'Welcome to the new version of Invoice Ninja',
'next_step_data_download' => 'At the next step, we\'ll let you download your data for the migration.',
'download_data' => 'Press button below to download the data.',
'migration_import' => 'Awesome! Now you are ready to import your migration. Go to your new installation to import your data',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'company1' => 'Empresa Personalizada 1',
'company2' => 'Empresa Personalizada 2',
'company3' => 'Empresa Personalizada 3',
'company4' => 'Empresa Personalizada 4',
'product1' => 'Custom Product 1',
'product2' => 'Custom Product 2',
'product3' => 'Custom Product 3',
'product4' => 'Custom Product 4',
'client1' => 'Custom Client 1',
'client2' => 'Custom Client 2',
'client3' => 'Custom Client 3',
'client4' => 'Custom Client 4',
'contact1' => 'Custom Contact 1',
'contact2' => 'Custom Contact 2',
'contact3' => 'Custom Contact 3',
'contact4' => 'Custom Contact 4',
'task1' => 'Custom Task 1',
'task2' => 'Custom Task 2',
'task3' => 'Custom Task 3',
'task4' => 'Custom Task 4',
'project1' => 'Custom Project 1',
'project2' => 'Custom Project 2',
'project3' => 'Custom Project 3',
'project4' => 'Custom Project 4',
'expense1' => 'Custom Expense 1',
'expense2' => 'Custom Expense 2',
'expense3' => 'Custom Expense 3',
'expense4' => 'Custom Expense 4',
'vendor1' => 'Custom Vendor 1',
'vendor2' => 'Custom Vendor 2',
'vendor3' => 'Custom Vendor 3',
'vendor4' => 'Custom Vendor 4',
'invoice1' => 'Custom Invoice 1',
'invoice2' => 'Custom Invoice 2',
'invoice3' => 'Custom Invoice 3',
'invoice4' => 'Custom Invoice 4',
'payment1' => 'Custom Payment 1',
'payment2' => 'Custom Payment 2',
'payment3' => 'Custom Payment 3',
'payment4' => 'Custom Payment 4',
'surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'group1' => 'Custom Group 1',
'group2' => 'Custom Group 2',
'group3' => 'Custom Group 3',
'group4' => 'Custom Group 4',
'number' => 'Number',
'count' => 'Count',
'is_active' => 'Is Active',
'contact_last_login' => 'Contact Last Login',
'contact_full_name' => 'Contact Full Name',
'contact_custom_value1' => 'Contact Custom Value 1',
'contact_custom_value2' => 'Contact Custom Value 2',
'contact_custom_value3' => 'Contact Custom Value 3',
'contact_custom_value4' => 'Contact Custom Value 4',
'assigned_to_id' => 'Assigned To Id',
'created_by_id' => 'Created By Id',
'add_column' => 'Add Column',
'edit_columns' => 'Edit Columns',
'to_learn_about_gogle_fonts' => 'to learn about Google Fonts',
'refund_date' => 'Refund Date',
'multiselect' => 'Multiselect',
'verify_password' => 'Verify Password',
'applied' => 'Applied',
'include_recent_errors' => 'Include recent errors from the logs',
'your_message_has_been_received' => 'We have received your message and will try to respond promptly.',
'show_product_details' => 'Show Product Details',
'show_product_details_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown',
'pdf_min_requirements' => 'The PDF renderer requires :version',
'adjust_fee_percent' => 'Adjust Fee Percent',
'configure_settings' => 'Configure Settings',
'about' => 'About',
'credit_email' => 'Credit Email',
'domain_url' => 'Domain URL',
'password_is_too_easy' => 'Password must contain an upper case character and a number',
'client_portal_tasks' => 'Client Portal Tasks',
'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Client Portal Dashboard',
'please_enter_a_value' => 'Please enter a value',
'deleted_logo' => 'Successfully deleted logo',
'generate_number' => 'Generate Number',
'when_saved' => 'When Saved',
'when_sent' => 'When Sent',
'select_company' => 'Seleccionar Empresa',
'float' => 'Float',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'show_or_hide' => 'Show/hide',
'menu_sidebar' => 'Menu Sidebar',
'history_sidebar' => 'History Sidebar',
'tablet' => 'Tablet',
'layout' => 'Layout',
'module' => 'Module',
'first_custom' => 'First Custom',
'second_custom' => 'Second Custom',
'third_custom' => 'Third Custom',
'show_cost' => 'Show Cost',
'show_cost_help' => 'Display a product cost field to track the markup/profit',
'show_product_quantity' => 'Show Product Quantity',
'show_product_quantity_help' => 'Display a product quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'show_invoice_quantity' => 'Show Invoice Quantity',
'show_invoice_quantity_help' => 'Display a line item quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'default_quantity' => 'Default Quantity',
'default_quantity_help' => 'Automatically set the line item quantity to one',
'one_tax_rate' => 'One Tax Rate',
'two_tax_rates' => 'Two Tax Rates',
'three_tax_rates' => 'Three Tax Rates',
'default_tax_rate' => 'Default Tax Rate',
'invoice_tax' => 'Invoice Tax',
'line_item_tax' => 'Line Item Tax',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'Inclusive Taxes',
'invoice_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Tax Rates',
'item_tax_rates' => 'Item Tax Rates',
'configure_rates' => 'Configure rates',
'tax_settings_rates' => 'Tax Rates',
'accent_color' => 'Accent Color',
'comma_sparated_list' => 'Comma separated list',
'single_line_text' => 'Single-line text',
'multi_line_text' => 'Multi-line text',
'dropdown' => 'Dropdown',
'field_type' => 'Field Type',
'recover_password_email_sent' => 'A password recovery email has been sent',
'removed_user' => 'Successfully removed user',
'freq_three_years' => 'Three Years',
'military_time_help' => '24 Hour Display',
'click_here_capital' => 'Click here',
'marked_invoice_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'activity_57' => 'System failed to email invoice :invoice',
'custom_value3' => 'Custom Value 3',
'custom_value4' => 'Custom Value 4',
'email_style_custom' => 'Custom Email Style',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'Custom Dashboard Message',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'Custom Unpaid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'Custom Paid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'Custom Unapproved Quote Message',
'lock_sent_invoices' => 'Lock Sent Invoices',
'translations' => 'Translations',
'task_number_pattern' => 'Task Number Pattern',
'task_number_counter' => 'Task Number Counter',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'Expense Number Pattern',
'expense_number_counter' => 'Expense Number Counter',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'Vendor Number Pattern',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'Vendor Number Counter',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'Ticket Number Pattern',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'Ticket Number Counter',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'Payment Number Pattern',
'payment_number_counter' => 'Payment Number Counter',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'Invoice Number Pattern',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'Quote Number Pattern',
'client_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'client_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'credit_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'reset_counter_date' => 'Reset Counter Date',
'counter_padding' => 'Counter Padding',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Shared Invoice Quote Counter',
'default_tax_name_1' => 'Default Tax Name 1',
'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Default Tax Rate 1',
'default_tax_name_2' => 'Default Tax Name 2',
'default_tax_rate_2' => 'Default Tax Rate 2',
'default_tax_name_3' => 'Default Tax Name 3',
'default_tax_rate_3' => 'Default Tax Rate 3',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'Email Invoice Subject',
'email_subject_quote' => 'Email Quote Subject',
'email_subject_payment' => 'Email Payment Subject',
'switch_list_table' => 'Switch List Table',
'client_city' => 'Client City',
'client_state' => 'Client State',
'client_country' => 'Client Country',
'client_is_active' => 'Client is Active',
'client_balance' => 'Client Balance',
'client_address1' => 'Client Street',
'client_address2' => 'Client Apt/Suite',
'client_shipping_address1' => 'Client Shipping Street',
'client_shipping_address2' => 'Client Shipping Apt/Suite',
'tax_rate1' => 'Tax Rate 1',
'tax_rate2' => 'Tax Rate 2',
'tax_rate3' => 'Tax Rate 3',
'archived_at' => 'Archived At',
'has_expenses' => 'Has Expenses',
'custom_taxes1' => 'Custom Taxes 1',
'custom_taxes2' => 'Custom Taxes 2',
'custom_taxes3' => 'Custom Taxes 3',
'custom_taxes4' => 'Custom Taxes 4',
'custom_surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'custom_surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'custom_surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'custom_surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'is_deleted' => 'Está Eliminado',
'vendor_city' => 'Ciudad del Proveedor',
'vendor_state' => 'Estado del Proveedor',
'vendor_country' => 'País del Proveedor',
'credit_footer' => 'Pie de Página del Crédito',
'credit_terms' => 'Términos del Crédito',
'untitled_company' => 'Empresa sin Nombre',
'added_company' => 'Empresa agregada con éxito',
'supported_events' => 'Eventos Soportados',
'custom3' => 'Tercero Personalizado',
'custom4' => 'Cuarto Personalizado',
'optional' => 'Opcional',
'license' => 'Licencia',
'invoice_balance' => 'Balance de la Factura',
'saved_design' => 'Diseño guardado con éxito',
'client_details' => 'Detalles del Cliente',
'company_address' => 'Dirección de la Empresa',
'quote_details' => 'Detalles de la Cotización',
'credit_details' => 'Detalles del Crédito',
'product_columns' => 'Columna de Productos',
'task_columns' => 'Columna de Tareas',
'add_field' => 'Agregar Campos',
'all_events' => 'Todos los Eventos',
'owned' => 'Propiedad',
'payment_success' => 'Pago Exitóso',
'payment_failure' => 'Fallos con el Pago',
'quote_sent' => 'Cotización Enviada',
'credit_sent' => 'Crédito Enviado',
'invoice_viewed' => 'Factura Vista',
'quote_viewed' => 'Crédito Visto',
'credit_viewed' => 'Crédito Visto',
'quote_approved' => 'Cotización Aprobada',
'receive_all_notifications' => 'Recibir Todas Las Notificaciones',
'purchase_license' => 'Comprar Licencia',
'enable_modules' => 'Habilitar Módulos',
'converted_quote' => 'Cotización convertida con éxito',
'credit_design' => 'Diseño de Créditos',
'includes' => 'Incluir',
'css_framework' => 'Framework de CSS',
'custom_designs' => 'Diseños Personalizados',
'designs' => 'Diseños',
'new_design' => 'Nuevo Diseño',
'edit_design' => 'Editar Diseño',
'created_design' => 'Diseño creado con éxito',
'updated_design' => 'Diseño actualizado con éxito',
'archived_design' => 'Diseño archivado con éxito',
'deleted_design' => 'Diseño eliminado con éxito',
'removed_design' => 'Diseño removido con éxito',
'restored_design' => 'Diseño restaurado con éxito',
'recurring_tasks' => 'Tareas Recurrentes',
'removed_credit' => 'Crédito removido con éxito',
'latest_version' => 'Últiima Versión',
'update_now' => 'Actualizarse Ahora',
'a_new_version_is_available' => 'Una nueva versión de la aplicación está disponible',
'update_available' => 'Actualización Disponible',
'app_updated' => 'Actualización completada con éxito',
'integrations' => 'Integraciones',
'tracking_id' => 'Id de Rastreo',
'slack_webhook_url' => 'URL del Webhook de Slack',
'partial_payment' => 'Pago Parcial',
'partial_payment_email' => 'Correo Electrónico de Pago Parcial',
'clone_to_credit' => 'Clonar como Crédito',
'emailed_credit' => 'Crédito enviado por correo electrónico con éxito',
'marked_credit_as_sent' => 'Crédito marcado como enviado con éxito',
'email_subject_payment_partial' => 'Asunto del correo electrónico de pago parcial',
'is_approved' => 'Está Aprobado',
'migration_went_wrong' => 'Oops, something went wrong! Please make sure you have setup an Invoice Ninja v5 instance before starting the migration.',
'cross_migration_message' => 'Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting',
'email_credit' => 'Email Credit',
'client_email_not_set' => 'Client does not have an email address set',
'ledger' => 'Ledger',
'view_pdf' => 'View PDF',
'all_records' => 'All records',
'owned_by_user' => 'Owned by user',
'credit_remaining' => 'Credit Remaining',
'use_default' => 'Use default',
'reminder_endless' => 'Endless Reminders',
'number_of_days' => 'Number of days',
'configure_payment_terms' => 'Configure Payment Terms',
'payment_term' => 'Payment Term',
'new_payment_term' => 'New Payment Term',
'deleted_payment_term' => 'Successfully deleted payment term',
'removed_payment_term' => 'Successfully removed payment term',
'restored_payment_term' => 'Successfully restored payment term',
'full_width_editor' => 'Full Width Editor',
'full_height_filter' => 'Full Height Filter',
'email_sign_in' => 'Sign in with email',
'change' => 'Change',
'change_to_mobile_layout' => 'Change to the mobile layout?',
'change_to_desktop_layout' => 'Change to the desktop layout?',
'send_from_gmail' => 'Send from Gmail',
'reversed' => 'Reversed',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'quote_amount' => 'Quote Amount',
'hosted' => 'Hosted',
'selfhosted' => 'Self-Hosted',
'hide_menu' => 'Hide Menu',
'show_menu' => 'Show Menu',
'partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'search_documents' => 'Search Documents',
'search_designs' => 'Search Designs',
'search_invoices' => 'Search Invoices',
'search_clients' => 'Search Clients',
'search_products' => 'Search Products',
'search_quotes' => 'Search Quotes',
'search_credits' => 'Search Credits',
'search_vendors' => 'Buscar Proveedor',
'search_users' => 'Search Users',
'search_tax_rates' => 'Search Tax Rates',
'search_tasks' => 'Search Tasks',
'search_settings' => 'Search Settings',
'search_projects' => 'Search Projects',
'search_expenses' => 'Search Expenses',
'search_payments' => 'Search Payments',
'search_groups' => 'Search Groups',
'search_company' => 'Search Company',
'cancelled_invoice' => 'Successfully cancelled invoice',
'cancelled_invoices' => 'Successfully cancelled invoices',
'reversed_invoice' => 'Successfully reversed invoice',
'reversed_invoices' => 'Successfully reversed invoices',
'reverse' => 'Reverse',
'filtered_by_project' => 'Filtered by Project',
'google_sign_in' => 'Sign in with Google',
'activity_58' => ':user reversed invoice :invoice',
'activity_59' => ':user cancelled invoice :invoice',
'payment_reconciliation_failure' => 'Reconciliation Failure',
'payment_reconciliation_success' => 'Reconciliation Success',
'gateway_success' => 'Gateway Success',
'gateway_failure' => 'Gateway Failure',
'gateway_error' => 'Gateway Error',
'email_send' => 'Email Send',
'email_retry_queue' => 'Email Retry Queue',
'failure' => 'Failure',
'quota_exceeded' => 'Quota Exceeded',
'upstream_failure' => 'Upstream Failure',
'system_logs' => 'System Logs',
'copy_link' => 'Copy Link',
'welcome_to_invoice_ninja' => 'Welcome to Invoice Ninja',
'optin' => 'Opt-In',
'optout' => 'Opt-Out',
'auto_convert' => 'Auto Convert',
'reminder1_sent' => 'Reminder 1 Sent',
'reminder2_sent' => 'Reminder 2 Sent',
'reminder3_sent' => 'Reminder 3 Sent',
'reminder_last_sent' => 'Reminder Last Sent',
'pdf_page_info' => 'Page :current of :total',
'emailed_credits' => 'Successfully emailed credits',
'view_in_stripe' => 'View in Stripe',
'rows_per_page' => 'Rows Per Page',
'apply_payment' => 'Apply Payment',
'unapplied' => 'Unapplied',
'custom_labels' => 'Custom Labels',
'record_type' => 'Record Type',
'record_name' => 'Record Name',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'height' => 'Height',
'width' => 'Width',
'health_check' => 'Health Check',
'last_login_at' => 'Last Login At',
'company_key' => 'Company Key',
'storefront' => 'Storefront',
'storefront_help' => 'Enable third-party apps to create invoices',
'count_records_selected' => ':count records selected',
'count_record_selected' => ':count record selected',
'client_created' => 'Client Created',
'online_payment_email' => 'Online Payment Email',
'manual_payment_email' => 'Manual Payment Email',
'completed' => 'Completed',
'gross' => 'Gross',
'net_amount' => 'Net Amount',
'net_balance' => 'Net Balance',
'client_settings' => 'Client Settings',
'selected_invoices' => 'Selected Invoices',
'selected_payments' => 'Selected Payments',
'selected_quotes' => 'Selected Quotes',
'selected_tasks' => 'Selected Tasks',
'selected_expenses' => 'Selected Expenses',
'past_due_invoices' => 'Past Due Invoices',
'create_payment' => 'Create Payment',
'update_quote' => 'Update Quote',
'update_invoice' => 'Update Invoice',
'update_client' => 'Update Client',
'update_vendor' => 'Actualizar Proveedor',
'create_expense' => 'Create Expense',
'update_expense' => 'Update Expense',
'update_task' => 'Update Task',
'approve_quote' => 'Approve Quote',
'when_paid' => 'When Paid',
'expires_on' => 'Expires On',
'show_sidebar' => 'Show Sidebar',
'hide_sidebar' => 'Hide Sidebar',
'event_type' => 'Event Type',
'copy' => 'Copy',
'must_be_online' => 'Please restart the app once connected to the internet',
'crons_not_enabled' => 'The crons need to be enabled',
'api_webhooks' => 'API Webhooks',
'search_webhooks' => 'Search :count Webhooks',
'search_webhook' => 'Search 1 Webhook',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'new_webhook' => 'New Webhook',
'edit_webhook' => 'Edit Webhook',
'created_webhook' => 'Successfully created webhook',
'updated_webhook' => 'Successfully updated webhook',
'archived_webhook' => 'Successfully archived webhook',
'deleted_webhook' => 'Successfully deleted webhook',
'removed_webhook' => 'Successfully removed webhook',
'restored_webhook' => 'Successfully restored webhook',
'search_tokens' => 'Search :count Tokens',
'search_token' => 'Search 1 Token',
'new_token' => 'New Token',
'removed_token' => 'Successfully removed token',
'restored_token' => 'Successfully restored token',
'client_registration' => 'Registro de Cliente',
'client_registration_help' => 'Enable clients to self register in the portal',
'customize_and_preview' => 'Customize & Preview',
'search_document' => 'Search 1 Document',
'search_design' => 'Search 1 Design',
'search_invoice' => 'Search 1 Invoice',
'search_client' => 'Search 1 Client',
'search_product' => 'Search 1 Product',
'search_quote' => 'Search 1 Quote',
'search_credit' => 'Search 1 Credit',
'search_vendor' => 'Buscar 1 Proveedor',
'search_user' => 'Search 1 User',
'search_tax_rate' => 'Search 1 Tax Rate',
'search_task' => 'Search 1 Tasks',
'search_project' => 'Search 1 Project',
'search_expense' => 'Search 1 Expense',
'search_payment' => 'Search 1 Payment',
'search_group' => 'Search 1 Group',
'created_on' => 'Created On',
'payment_status_-1' => 'Unapplied',
'lock_invoices' => 'Lock Invoices',
'show_table' => 'Show Table',
'show_list' => 'Show List',
'view_changes' => 'View Changes',
'force_update' => 'Force Update',
'force_update_help' => 'You are running the latest version but there may be pending fixes available.',
'mark_paid_help' => 'Track the expense has been paid',
'mark_invoiceable_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'add_documents_to_invoice_help' => 'Make the documents visible',
'convert_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate',
'expense_settings' => 'Expense Settings',
'clone_to_recurring' => 'Clone to Recurring',
'crypto' => 'Crypto',
'user_field' => 'User Field',
'variables' => 'Variables',
'show_password' => 'Show Password',
'hide_password' => 'Hide Password',
'copy_error' => 'Copy Error',
'capture_card' => 'Capture Card',
'auto_bill_enabled' => 'Auto Bill Enabled',
'total_taxes' => 'Total Taxes',
'line_taxes' => 'Line Taxes',
'total_fields' => 'Total Fields',
'stopped_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully stopped recurring invoice',
'started_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully started recurring invoice',
'resumed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully resumed recurring invoice',
'gateway_refund' => 'Gateway Refund',
'gateway_refund_help' => 'Process the refund with the payment gateway',
'due_date_days' => 'Due Date',
'paused' => 'Paused',
'day_count' => 'Day :count',
'first_day_of_the_month' => 'First Day of the Month',
'last_day_of_the_month' => 'Last Day of the Month',
'use_payment_terms' => 'Use Payment Terms',
'endless' => 'Endless',
'next_send_date' => 'Next Send Date',
'remaining_cycles' => 'Remaining Cycles',
'created_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully created recurring invoice',
'updated_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully updated recurring invoice',
'removed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully removed recurring invoice',
'search_recurring_invoice' => 'Search 1 Recurring Invoice',
'search_recurring_invoices' => 'Search :count Recurring Invoices',
'send_date' => 'Send Date',
'auto_bill_on' => 'Auto Bill On',
'minimum_under_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Under Payment Amount',
'allow_over_payment' => 'Allow Over Payment',
'allow_over_payment_help' => 'Support paying extra to accept tips',
'allow_under_payment' => 'Allow Under Payment',
'allow_under_payment_help' => 'Support paying at minimum the partial/deposit amount',
'test_mode' => 'Test Mode',
'calculated_rate' => 'Calculated Rate',
'default_task_rate' => 'Default Task Rate',
'clear_cache' => 'Clear Cache',
'sort_order' => 'Sort Order',
'task_status' => 'Status',
'task_statuses' => 'Task Statuses',
'new_task_status' => 'New Task Status',
'edit_task_status' => 'Edit Task Status',
'created_task_status' => 'Successfully created task status',
'archived_task_status' => 'Successfully archived task status',
'deleted_task_status' => 'Successfully deleted task status',
'removed_task_status' => 'Successfully removed task status',
'restored_task_status' => 'Successfully restored task status',
'search_task_status' => 'Search 1 Task Status',
'search_task_statuses' => 'Search :count Task Statuses',
'show_tasks_table' => 'Show Tasks Table',
'show_tasks_table_help' => 'Always show the tasks section when creating invoices',
'invoice_task_timelog' => 'Invoice Task Timelog',
'invoice_task_timelog_help' => 'Add time details to the invoice line items',
'auto_start_tasks_help' => 'Start tasks before saving',
'configure_statuses' => 'Configure Statuses',
'task_settings' => 'Task Settings',
'configure_categories' => 'Configure Categories',
'edit_expense_category' => 'Edit Expense Category',
'removed_expense_category' => 'Successfully removed expense category',
'search_expense_category' => 'Search 1 Expense Category',
'search_expense_categories' => 'Search :count Expense Categories',
'use_available_credits' => 'Use Available Credits',
'show_option' => 'Show Option',
'negative_payment_error' => 'The credit amount cannot exceed the payment amount',
'should_be_invoiced_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'configure_gateways' => 'Configure Gateways',
'payment_partial' => 'Partial Payment',
'is_running' => 'Is Running',
'invoice_currency_id' => 'Invoice Currency ID',
'tax_name1' => 'Tax Name 1',
'tax_name2' => 'Tax Name 2',
'transaction_id' => 'Transaction ID',
'invoice_late' => 'Invoice Late',
'quote_expired' => 'Quote Expired',
'recurring_invoice_total' => 'Invoice Total',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'expense_number' => 'Expense Number',
'task_number' => 'Task Number',
'project_number' => 'Project Number',
'view_settings' => 'View Settings',
'company_disabled_warning' => 'Warning: this company has not yet been activated',
'late_invoice' => 'Late Invoice',
'expired_quote' => 'Expired Quote',
'remind_invoice' => 'Remind Invoice',
'client_phone' => 'Client Phone',
'required_fields' => 'Required Fields',
'enabled_modules' => 'Enabled Modules',
'activity_60' => ':contact viewed quote :quote',
'activity_61' => ':user updated client :client',
'activity_62' => ':user updated vendor :vendor',
'activity_63' => ':user emailed first reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_64' => ':user emailed second reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_65' => ':user emailed third reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_66' => ':user emailed endless reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'expense_category_id' => 'Expense Category ID',
'view_licenses' => 'View Licenses',
'fullscreen_editor' => 'Fullscreen Editor',
'sidebar_editor' => 'Sidebar Editor',
'please_type_to_confirm' => 'Please type ":value" to confirm',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'clone_to' => 'Clone To',
'clone_to_other' => 'Clone to Other',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'add_custom' => 'Add Custom',
'payment_tax' => 'Payment Tax',
'white_label' => 'White Label',
'sent_invoices_are_locked' => 'Sent invoices are locked',
'paid_invoices_are_locked' => 'Paid invoices are locked',
'source_code' => 'Source Code',
'app_platforms' => 'App Platforms',
'archived_task_statuses' => 'Successfully archived :value task statuses',
'deleted_task_statuses' => 'Successfully deleted :value task statuses',
'restored_task_statuses' => 'Successfully restored :value task statuses',
'deleted_expense_categories' => 'Successfully deleted expense :value categories',
'restored_expense_categories' => 'Successfully restored expense :value categories',
'archived_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully archived recurring :value invoices',
'deleted_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully deleted recurring :value invoices',
'restored_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully restored recurring :value invoices',
'archived_webhooks' => 'Successfully archived :value webhooks',
'deleted_webhooks' => 'Successfully deleted :value webhooks',
'removed_webhooks' => 'Successfully removed :value webhooks',
'restored_webhooks' => 'Successfully restored :value webhooks',
'api_docs' => 'API Docs',
'archived_tokens' => 'Successfully archived :value tokens',
'deleted_tokens' => 'Successfully deleted :value tokens',
'restored_tokens' => 'Successfully restored :value tokens',
'archived_payment_terms' => 'Successfully archived :value payment terms',
'deleted_payment_terms' => 'Successfully deleted :value payment terms',
'restored_payment_terms' => 'Successfully restored :value payment terms',
'archived_designs' => 'Successfully archived :value designs',
'deleted_designs' => 'Successfully deleted :value designs',
'restored_designs' => 'Successfully restored :value designs',
'restored_credits' => 'Successfully restored :value credits',
'archived_users' => 'Successfully archived :value users',
'deleted_users' => 'Successfully deleted :value users',
'removed_users' => 'Successfully removed :value users',
'restored_users' => 'Successfully restored :value users',
'archived_tax_rates' => 'Successfully archived :value tax rates',
'deleted_tax_rates' => 'Successfully deleted :value tax rates',
'restored_tax_rates' => 'Successfully restored :value tax rates',
'archived_company_gateways' => 'Successfully archived :value gateways',
'deleted_company_gateways' => 'Successfully deleted :value gateways',
'restored_company_gateways' => 'Successfully restored :value gateways',
'archived_groups' => 'Successfully archived :value groups',
'deleted_groups' => 'Successfully deleted :value groups',
'restored_groups' => 'Successfully restored :value groups',
'archived_documents' => 'Successfully archived :value documents',
'deleted_documents' => 'Successfully deleted :value documents',
'restored_documents' => 'Successfully restored :value documents',
'restored_vendors' => 'Successfully restored :value vendors',
'restored_expenses' => 'Successfully restored :value expenses',
'restored_tasks' => 'Successfully restored :value tasks',
'restored_projects' => 'Successfully restored :value projects',
'restored_products' => 'Successfully restored :value products',
'restored_clients' => 'Successfully restored :value clients',
'restored_invoices' => 'Successfully restored :value invoices',
'restored_payments' => 'Successfully restored :value payments',
'restored_quotes' => 'Successfully restored :value quotes',
'update_app' => 'Update App',
'started_import' => 'Successfully started import',
'duplicate_column_mapping' => 'Duplicate column mapping',
'uses_inclusive_taxes' => 'Uses Inclusive Taxes',
'is_amount_discount' => 'Is Amount Discount',
'map_to' => 'Map To',
'first_row_as_column_names' => 'Use first row as column names',
'no_file_selected' => 'No File Selected',
'import_type' => 'Import Type',
'draft_mode' => 'Draft Mode',
'draft_mode_help' => 'Preview updates faster but is less accurate',
'show_product_discount' => 'Show Product Discount',
'show_product_discount_help' => 'Display a line item discount field',
'tax_name3' => 'Tax Name 3',
'debug_mode_is_enabled' => 'Debug mode is enabled',
'debug_mode_is_enabled_help' => 'Warning: it is intended for use on local machines, it can leak credentials. Click to learn more.',
'running_tasks' => 'Running Tasks',
'recent_tasks' => 'Recent Tasks',
'recent_expenses' => 'Recent Expenses',
'upcoming_expenses' => 'Upcoming Expenses',
'search_payment_term' => 'Search 1 Payment Term',
'search_payment_terms' => 'Search :count Payment Terms',
'save_and_preview' => 'Save and Preview',
'save_and_email' => 'Save and Email',
'converted_balance' => 'Converted Balance',
'is_sent' => 'Is Sent',
'document_upload' => 'Document Upload',
'document_upload_help' => 'Enable clients to upload documents',
'expense_total' => 'Expense Total',
'enter_taxes' => 'Enter Taxes',
'by_rate' => 'By Rate',
'by_amount' => 'By Amount',
'enter_amount' => 'Enter Amount',
'before_taxes' => 'Before Taxes',
'after_taxes' => 'After Taxes',
'color' => 'Color',
'show' => 'Show',
'empty_columns' => 'Empty Columns',
'project_name' => 'Project Name',
'counter_pattern_error' => 'To use :client_counter please add either :client_number or :client_id_number to prevent conflicts',
'this_quarter' => 'This Quarter',
'to_update_run' => 'To update run',
'registration_url' => 'URL de Registro',
'show_product_cost' => 'Show Product Cost',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Credit :credit for :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Enter your email to reset your password.',
'password_reset' => 'Password reset',
'account_login_text' => 'Welcome back! Glad to see you.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Request cancellation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Delete Payment Method',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'You are about to delete the payment method.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Action can\'t be reversed',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'The profile has been updated successfully.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopian Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.',
'status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitely',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles remaining',
'i_understand_delete' => 'I understand, delete',
'download_files' => 'Download Files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'New Signup',
'new_signup_text' => 'A new account has been created by :user - :email - from IP address: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Payment was made by :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Partial payment was made by :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notification Bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Invoice # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'Display Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Report errors in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Quick overview & statistics',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update your personal information',
'name_website_logo' => 'Name, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'Personal address',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Enter your personal address',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Enter your shipping address',
'list_of_invoices' => 'List of invoices',
'with_selected' => 'With selected',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'This invoice is still not paid. Click the button to complete the payment',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'List of recurring invoices',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Here are some details about recurring invoice',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellation',
'about_cancellation' => 'In case you want to stop the recurring invoice, please click the request the cancellation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Warning! You are requesting a cancellation of this service.\n Your service may be cancelled with no further notification to you.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellation pending, we\'ll be in touch!',
'list_of_payments' => 'List of payments',
'payment_details' => 'Details of the payment',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'List of invoices affected by the payment',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'List of payment methods',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details of payment method',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Permanently remove this payment method.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Warning! This action can not be reversed!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Quotes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Waiting for approval',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approved',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Required extensions',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Writable .env file',
'env_not_writable' => '.env file is not writable by the current user.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Make sure all requirements are satisfied.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oops, something does not look right!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in new tab',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Complete payment',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Authorize payment method for future use',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Per page',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'View Credit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to enter password.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Showing :first to :last out of :total results',
'no_results' => 'No results found.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A payment made by client :client failed with message :message',
'register' => 'Register',
'register_label' => 'Create your account in seconds',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm your password',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Provided credit card number is not valid.',
'month_invalid' => 'Provided month is not valid.',
'year_invalid' => 'Provided year is not valid.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS is required, form will fail',
'if_you_need_help' => 'If you need help you can post to our',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'After updating password, your account will be confirmed.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'To pay with a bank account, first you have to add it as payment method.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Highly recommended in production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enable only for development',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bank account (SOFORT) can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store payment details" during payment process.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'I could not find Node anywhere. Is it installed?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'I could not find NPM anywhere. Is it installed?',
'locked_invoice' => 'This invoice is locked and unable to be modified',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Resource',
'document_details' => 'Details about the document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Resources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Allowed file types:',
'common_codes' => 'Common codes and their meanings',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (invalid CVV and/or expiry date)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selected',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'To pay invoices, you have to',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'add payment method',
'no_items_selected' => 'No items selected.',
'payment_due' => 'Payment due',
'account_balance' => 'Account balance',
'thanks' => 'Thanks',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum required payment is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support under payments.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support over payments.',
'saved_at' => 'Saved at :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credit applied to Invoice :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'New credit :number from :account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptocurrency',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Store for future use',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pay with credit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Payment method can\'t be saved for future use.',
'pay_with' => 'Pay with',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'By clicking "Next step" you accept terms.',
'not_specified' => 'Not specified',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Before proceeding with payment, you have to fill following fields',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'After completing, go back to previous page.',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 1 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 2 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 3 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Endless reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Assigned User',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'To proceed to next step, make sure you test each section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Note about Phantom JS.
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Payment',
'no_action_provided' => 'No action provided. If you believe this is wrong, please contact the support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No payable invoices selected. Make sure you are not trying to pay draft invoice or invoice with zero balance due.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Required payment details',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'To complete a payment we need more details about you.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'We will save this, so you don\'t have to enter it next time.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Save payment method details',
'new_card' => 'New card',
'new_bank_account' => 'New bank account',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit of 10 companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total credits applied cannot be MORE than total of invoices',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Credit number already taken',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credit not found',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Selected invoices are not from a single client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicate credits submitted.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicate invoices submitted.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'You must have an invoice set when using a credit in a payment',
'client_id_required' => 'Client id is required',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Expense number already taken',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Invoice number already taken',
'payment_id_required' => 'Payment `id` required.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Unable to retrieve specified payment',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Invoice id :invoice is not related to this payment',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit is not related to this payment',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for invoice id :invoice, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credits/s to be refunded.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for credit :credit, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project client does not match entity client',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Quote number already taken',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Recurring Invoice number :number already taken',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'User not associated with this account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Amounts do not balance correctly.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Insufficient applied amount remaining to cover payment.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Insufficient balance on credit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'One or more of these invoices have been paid',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Invoice id :number cannot be refunded',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Attempting to refund :amount only :refundable_amount available for refund',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'This user is unable to be attached to this company. Perhaps they have already registered a user on another account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration completed',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Your migration has completed, please review your data after logging in.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nothing to see here!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Cannot load a large account without a updated_at parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No backup exists for this activity',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Company User record not found',
'no_credits_found' => 'No credits found.',
'action_unavailable' => 'The requested action :action is not available.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No Documents Found',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No group settings found',
'access_denied' => 'Insufficient privileges to access/modify this resource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Invoice cannot be marked as paid',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Invalid license, or invalid environment :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Route not available',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Invalid custom design object',
'quote_not_found' => 'Quote/s not found',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Unable to approve this quote as it has expired.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler has run',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler has never run',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Self update not available on this system.',
'user_detached' => 'User detached from company',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Failed to create Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Online payments are supported only if amount is bigger than $1 or currency equivalent.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Payment token not found, please try again. If an issue still persist, try with another payment method',
'vendor_address1' => 'Vendor Street',
'vendor_address2' => 'Vendor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Please select a user authenticated with Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'List Long Press',
'show_actions' => 'Show Actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'An email has been sent to confirm the email address',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converted Paid to Date',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Converted Credit Balance',
'converted_total' => 'Converted Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Reply-To Name',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'color_theme' => 'Color Theme',
'start_migration' => 'Start Migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Request for recurring invoice cancellation from :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'group_documents' => 'Group documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Are you sure you want to approve this quote?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Select companies to migrate',
'force_migration' => 'Force migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Require Password with Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Stay Logged In',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Warning: Your session is about to expire',
'count_hours' => ':count Hours',
'count_day' => '1 Day',
'count_days' => ':count Days',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Security Settings',
'resend_email' => 'Resend Email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Please confirm your email address',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'required_files_missing' => 'Please provide all CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Let\'s continue by authenticating.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Your discount will be applied on the checkout.',
'use_last_email' => 'Use last email',
'activate_company' => 'Activate Company',
'activate_company_help' => 'Enable emails, recurring invoices and notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'An error occurred, please try again',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Please first set a password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Warning: Changing your phone number will disable 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Help Translate',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Please select a country',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully disabled 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Successfully connected account',
'disconnected_google' => 'Successfully disconnected account',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'View Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Please provide a mobile phone number to enable two factor authentication',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS Code',
'connect_google' => 'Connect Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnect Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disable Two Factor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Invoice Task Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Add date details to the invoice line items',
'promo_code' => 'Promo code',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Recurring invoice issued to',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'new_subscription' => 'New Subscription',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Successfully deleted subscription',
'removed_subscription' => 'Successfully removed subscription',
'restored_subscription' => 'Successfully restored subscription',
'search_subscription' => 'Search 1 Subscription',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Search :count Subscriptions',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomain is not available',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connect Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnect Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Successfully connected Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Successfully disconnected Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Changes to the codebase may be blocking the update, you can run this command to discard the changes:',
'client_id_number' => 'Client ID Number',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Password Timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Shared Invoice/Credit Counter',
'activity_80' => ':user created subscription :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user updated subscription :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archived subscription :subscription',
'activity_83' => ':user deleted subscription :subscription',
'activity_84' => ':user restored subscription :subscription',
'amount_greater_than_balance_v5' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance. You cannot overpay an invoice.',
'click_to_continue' => 'Click to continue',
'notification_invoice_created_body' => 'The following invoice :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_invoice_created_subject' => 'Invoice :invoice was created for :client',
'notification_quote_created_body' => 'The following quote :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_quote_created_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was created for :client',
'notification_credit_created_body' => 'The following credit :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_credit_created_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was created for :client',
'max_companies' => 'Maximum companies migrated',
'max_companies_desc' => 'You have reached your maximum number of companies. Delete existing companies to migrate new ones.',
'migration_already_completed' => 'Company already migrated',
'migration_already_completed_desc' => 'Looks like you already migrated :company_name to the V5 version of the Invoice Ninja. In case you want to start over, you can force migrate to wipe existing data.',
'payment_method_cannot_be_authorized_first' => 'This payment method can be can saved for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'new_account' => 'New account',
'activity_100' => ':user created recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_101' => ':user updated recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_102' => ':user archived recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_103' => ':user deleted recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_104' => ':user restored recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'new_login_detected' => 'New login detected for your account.',
'new_login_description' => 'You recently logged in to your Invoice Ninja account from a new location or device: