fill($data); $task->save(); $task->number = empty($task->number) || !array_key_exists('number', $data) ? $this->getNextTaskNumber($task) : $data['number']; if (isset($data['description'])) { $task->description = trim($data['description']); } //todo i can't set it - i need to calculate it. if (isset($data['status_order'])) { $task->status_order = $data['status_order']; } if (isset($data['time_log'])) { $time_log = json_decode($data['time_log']); } elseif ($task->time_log) { $time_log = json_decode($task->time_log); } else { $time_log = []; } array_multisort($time_log); if (isset($data['action'])) { if ($data['action'] == 'start') { $task->is_running = true; $time_log[] = [strtotime('now'), false]; } elseif ($data['action'] == 'resume') { $task->is_running = true; $time_log[] = [strtotime('now'), false]; } elseif ($data['action'] == 'stop' && $task->is_running) { $time_log[count($time_log) - 1][1] = time(); $task->is_running = false; } elseif ($data['action'] == 'offline') { $task->is_running = $data['is_running'] ? 1 : 0; } } elseif (isset($data['is_running'])) { $task->is_running = $data['is_running'] ? 1 : 0; } $task->time_log = json_encode($time_log); // $task->start_time = $task->start_time ?: $task->calcStartTime(); // $task->duration = $task->calcDuration(); $task->save(); if (array_key_exists('documents', $data)) { $this->saveDocuments($data['documents'], $task); } return $task; } /** * Store tasks in bulk. * * @param array $task * @return task|null */ public function create($task): ?Task { return $this->save( $task, TaskFactory::create(auth()->user()->company()->id, auth()->user()->id) ); } /** * Sorts the task status order IF the old status has changed between requests * * @param stdCLass $old_task The old task object * @param Task $new_task The new Task model * @return void */ public function sortStatuses($old_task, $new_task) { if(!$new_task->project()->exists()) return; $index = $new_task->status_order; $tasks = $new_task->project->tasks->reject(function ($task)use($new_task){ return $task->id == $new_task->id; }); $sorted_tasks = $tasks->filter(function($task, $key)use($index){ return $key < $index; })->push($new_task)->merge($tasks->filter(function($task, $key)use($index){ return $key >= $index; }))->each(function ($item,$key){ $item->status_order = $key; $item->save(); }); } }