subscription = $subscription; } public function completePurchase(PaymentHash $payment_hash) { if (!property_exists($payment_hash->data, 'billing_context')) { throw new \Exception("Illegal entrypoint into method, payload must contain billing context"); } // At this point we have some state carried from the billing page // to this, available as $payment_hash->data->billing_context. Make something awesome ⭐ // create client subscription record // // create recurring invoice if is_recurring // } /** 'email' => $this->email ?? $this->contact->email, 'quantity' => $this->quantity, 'contact_id' => $this->contact->id, */ public function startTrial(array $data) { // Redirects from here work just fine. Livewire will respect it. if(!$this->subscription->trial_enabled) return new \Exception("Trials are disabled for this product"); $contact = ClientContact::with('client')->find($data['contact_id']); $cs = new ClientSubscription(); $cs->subscription_id = $this->subscription->id; $cs->company_id = $this->subscription->company_id; $cs->trial_started = time(); $cs->trial_ends = time() + $this->subscription->trial_duration; $cs->quantity = $data['quantity']; $cs->client_id = $contact->client->id; $cs->save(); $this->client_subscription = $cs; //execute any webhooks $this->triggerWebhook(); if(strlen($this->subscription->webhook_configuration->post_purchase_url) >=1) return redirect($this->subscription->webhook_configuration->post_purchase_url); return redirect('/client/subscription/'.$cs->hashed_id); } public function createInvoice($data): ?\App\Models\Invoice { $invoice_repo = new InvoiceRepository(); $data['line_items'] = $this->cleanItems($this->createLineItems($data)); return $invoice_repo->save($data, InvoiceFactory::create($this->subscription->company_id, $this->subscription->user_id)); } /** * Creates the required line items for the invoice * for the billing subscription. */ private function createLineItems($data): array { $line_items = []; $product = $this->subscription->product; $item = new InvoiceItem; $item->quantity = $data['quantity']; $item->product_key = $product->product_key; $item->notes = $product->notes; $item->cost = $product->price; $item->tax_rate1 = $product->tax_rate1 ?: 0; $item->tax_name1 = $product->tax_name1 ?: ''; $item->tax_rate2 = $product->tax_rate2 ?: 0; $item->tax_name2 = $product->tax_name2 ?: ''; $item->tax_rate3 = $product->tax_rate3 ?: 0; $item->tax_name3 = $product->tax_name3 ?: ''; $item->custom_value1 = $product->custom_value1 ?: ''; $item->custom_value2 = $product->custom_value2 ?: ''; $item->custom_value3 = $product->custom_value3 ?: ''; $item->custom_value4 = $product->custom_value4 ?: ''; //$item->type_id need to switch whether the subscription is a service or product $line_items[] = $item; //do we have a promocode? enter this as a line item. if(strlen($data['coupon']) >=1 && ($data['coupon'] == $this->subscription->promo_code) && $this->subscription->promo_discount > 0) $line_items[] = $this->createPromoLine($data); return $line_items; } /** * If a coupon is entered (and is valid) * then we apply the coupon discount with a line item. */ private function createPromoLine($data) { $product = $this->subscription->product; $discounted_amount = 0; $discount = 0; $amount = $data['quantity'] * $product->cost; if ($this->subscription->is_amount_discount == true) { $discount = $this->subscription->promo_discount; } else { $discount = round($amount * ($this->subscription->promo_discount / 100), 2); } $discounted_amount = $amount - $discount; $item = new InvoiceItem; $item->quantity = 1; $item->product_key = ctrans('texts.promo_code'); $item->notes = ctrans('texts.promo_code'); $item->cost = $discounted_amount; $item->tax_rate1 = $product->tax_rate1 ?: 0; $item->tax_name1 = $product->tax_name1 ?: ''; $item->tax_rate2 = $product->tax_rate2 ?: 0; $item->tax_name2 = $product->tax_name2 ?: ''; $item->tax_rate3 = $product->tax_rate3 ?: 0; $item->tax_name3 = $product->tax_name3 ?: ''; return $item; } private function convertInvoiceToRecurring($payment_hash) { //The first invoice is a plain invoice - the second is fired on the recurring schedule. $invoice = Invoice::find($payment_hash->billing_context->invoice_id); if(!$invoice) throw new \Exception("Could not match an invoice for payment of billing subscription"); //todo - need to remove the promo code - if it exists return InvoiceToRecurringInvoiceFactory::create($invoice); } public function createClientSubscription($payment_hash) { //is this a recurring or one off subscription. $cs = new ClientSubscription(); $cs->subscription_id = $this->subscription->id; $cs->company_id = $this->subscription->company_id; $cs->invoice_id = $payment_hash->billing_context->invoice_id; $cs->client_id = $payment_hash->billing_context->client_id; $cs->quantity = $payment_hash->billing_context->quantity; //if is_recurring //create recurring invoice from invoice if($this->subscription->is_recurring) { $recurring_invoice = $this->convertInvoiceToRecurring($payment_hash); $recurring_invoice->frequency_id = $this->subscription->frequency_id; $recurring_invoice->next_send_date = $recurring_invoice->nextDateByFrequency(now()->format('Y-m-d')); $recurring_invoice->save(); $cs->recurring_invoice_id = $recurring_invoice->id; //?set the recurring invoice as active - set the date here also based on the frequency? $recurring_invoice->service()->start(); } $cs->save(); $this->client_subscription = $cs; } public function triggerWebhook() { //hit the webhook to after a successful onboarding $body = [ 'subscription' => $this->subscription, 'client_subscription' => $this->client_subscription, 'client' => $this->client_subscription->client->toArray(), ]; $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['headers' => $this->subscription->webhook_configuration->post_purchase_headers]); $response = $client->{$this->subscription->webhook_configuration->post_purchase_rest_method}($this->subscription->post_purchase_url,[ RequestOptions::JSON => ['body' => $body] ]); SystemLogger::dispatch( $body, SystemLog::CATEGORY_WEBHOOK, SystemLog::EVENT_WEBHOOK_RESPONSE, SystemLog::TYPE_WEBHOOK_RESPONSE, $this->client_subscription->client, ); } public function fireNotifications() { //scan for any notification we are required to send } }