checkout = $checkout; $this->checkout->init(); } /* 'id' => 'pay_qw7rslcvacvubcvn6o5v7jp3ie', 'requested_on' => '2023-07-21T05:49:29.0799437Z', 'source' => array ( 'id' => 'src_epivptv65yxungkhyqt6nayiai', 'type' => 'card', 'phone' => array ( ), 'expiry_month' => 10, 'expiry_year' => 2025, 'scheme' => 'Visa', 'last4' => '4242', 'fingerprint' => 'BD864B08D0B098DD83052A038FD2BA967DF2D48E375AAEEF54E37BC36B385E9A', 'bin' => '424242', 'card_type' => 'CREDIT', 'card_category' => 'CONSUMER', 'issuer_country' => 'GB', 'product_id' => 'F', 'product_type' => 'Visa Classic', 'avs_check' => 'G', 'cvv_check' => 'Y', 'payment_account_reference' => 'V001726431013874807', ), 'expires_on' => '2023-08-20T05:50:08.7570835Z', 'items' => array ( ), 'amount' => 44520, 'currency' => 'USD', 'payment_type' => 'Regular', 'reference' => '0024', 'status' => 'Captured', 'approved' => true, '3ds' => array ( 'downgraded' => false, 'enrolled' => 'Y', 'authentication_response' => 'Y', 'cryptogram' => 'AAABAVIREQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=', 'xid' => 'e1331818-b517-439e-b186-e22bf4efbf4b', 'version' => '2.2.0', 'exemption' => 'none', 'challenged' => true, 'exemption_applied' => 'none', ), 'balances' => array ( 'total_authorized' => 44520, 'total_voided' => 0, 'available_to_void' => 0, 'total_captured' => 44520, 'available_to_capture' => 0, 'total_refunded' => 0, 'available_to_refund' => 44520, ), 'risk' => array ( 'flagged' => false, 'score' => 0.0, ), 'customer' => array ( 'id' => 'cus_aarus35jqd5uddkcxqfd5gwiii', 'email' => '', 'name' => 'GBP', ), 'metadata' => array ( 'udf1' => 'Invoice Ninja', 'udf2' => 'JUdUiwMNTV1qfSstvC0ZvUJSQVJ65DDC', ), 'processing' => array ( 'acquirer_transaction_id' => '767665093700479870728', 'retrieval_reference_number' => '787770870837', 'merchant_category_code' => '5815', 'scheme_merchant_id' => '55500', 'aft' => false, 'cko_network_token_available' => false, ), 'eci' => '05', 'scheme_id' => '420920321590206', 'actions' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => 'act_c3suhqtbmpjejltr6krvuknikm', 'type' => 'Capture', 'response_code' => '10000', 'response_summary' => 'Approved', ), 1 => array ( 'id' => 'act_q4tjzvgsr2yu3cfzgrfn342wei', 'type' => 'Authorization', 'response_code' => '10000', 'response_summary' => 'Approved', ), ), '_links' => array ( 'self' => array ( 'href' => '', ), 'actions' => array ( 'href' => '', ), 'refund' => array ( 'href' => '', ), ), ) */ /** * Creates an authentication workflow for 3DS * and also a registration mechanism for payments that have been approved. * * @return void */ public function createAuthenticationWorkflow() { $signature = new WebhookSignature(); $signature->key = $this->checkout->company_gateway->company->company_key; $signature->method = "HMACSHA256"; $actionRequest = new WebhookWorkflowActionRequest(); $actionRequest->url = $this->checkout->company_gateway->webhookUrl(); $actionRequest->signature = $signature; $eventWorkflowConditionRequest = new EventWorkflowConditionRequest(); $eventWorkflowConditionRequest->events = [ "gateway" => ["payment_approved"], "issuing" => ["authorization_approved","authorization_declined"], ]; $request = new CreateWorkflowRequest(); $request->actions = [$actionRequest]; $request->conditions = [$eventWorkflowConditionRequest]; $request->name = $this->authentication_webhook_name; $request->active = true; try { $response = $this->checkout->gateway->getWorkflowsClient()->createWorkflow($request); nlog($response); } catch (CheckoutApiException $e) { // API error $error_details = $e->error_details; $http_status_code = isset($e->http_metadata) ? $e->http_metadata->getStatusCode() : null; nlog($error_details); } catch (CheckoutAuthorizationException $e) { // Bad Invalid authorization } } /** * Lists all possible events in checkout and a brief description * * @return void */ public function getEventTypes() { try { $response = $this->checkout->gateway->getWorkflowsClient()->getEventTypes(); nlog($response); } catch (CheckoutApiException $e) { // API error $error_details = $e->error_details; nlog($error_details); $http_status_code = isset($e->http_metadata) ? $e->http_metadata->getStatusCode() : null; } catch (CheckoutAuthorizationException $e) { // Bad Invalid authorization } } /** * Lists the workflows in Checkout * * @return void */ public function getWorkFlows() { try { $response = $this->checkout->gateway->getWorkflowsClient()->getWorkflows(); nlog($response); } catch (CheckoutApiException $e) { // API error $error_details = $e->error_details; $http_status_code = isset($e->http_metadata) ? $e->http_metadata->getStatusCode() : null; } catch (CheckoutAuthorizationException $e) { // Bad Invalid authorization } } }