company->settings->custom_value1 * Bank Name => company->settings->custom_value2 * Sector Code => company->settings->state * Sub Entity Code => company->settings->city * Payment Means => invoice.custom_value1 */ class RoEInvoice extends AbstractService { private array $countrySubEntity = [ 'RO-AB' => 'Alba', 'RO-AG' => 'Argeș', 'RO-AR' => 'Arad', 'RO-B' => 'Bucharest', 'RO-BC' => 'Bacău', 'RO-BH' => 'Bihor', 'RO-BN' => 'Bistrița-Năsăud', 'RO-BR' => 'Brăila', 'RO-BT' => 'Botoșani', 'RO-BV' => 'Brașov', 'RO-BZ' => 'Buzău', 'RO-CJ' => 'Cluj', 'RO-CL' => 'Călărași', 'RO-CS' => 'Caraș-Severin', 'RO-CT' => 'Constanța', 'RO-CV' => 'Covasna', 'RO-DB' => 'Dâmbovița', 'RO-DJ' => 'Dolj', 'RO-GJ' => 'Gorj', 'RO-GL' => 'Galați', 'RO-GR' => 'Giurgiu', 'RO-HD' => 'Hunedoara', 'RO-HR' => 'Harghita', 'RO-IF' => 'Ilfov', 'RO-IL' => 'Ialomița', 'RO-IS' => 'Iași', 'RO-MH' => 'Mehedinți', 'RO-MM' => 'Maramureș', 'RO-MS' => 'Mureș', 'RO-NT' => 'Neamț', 'RO-OT' => 'Olt', 'RO-PH' => 'Prahova', 'RO-SB' => 'Sibiu', 'RO-SJ' => 'Sălaj', 'RO-SM' => 'Satu Mare', 'RO-SV' => 'Suceava', 'RO-TL' => 'Tulcea', 'RO-TM' => 'Timiș', 'RO-TR' => 'Teleorman', 'RO-VL' => 'Vâlcea', 'RO-VN' => 'Vaslui', 'RO-VS' => 'Vrancea', ]; private array $sectorList = [ 'SECTOR1' => 'Agriculture', 'SECTOR2' => 'Manufacturing', 'SECTOR3' => 'Tourism', 'SECTOR4' => 'Information Technology (IT):', 'SECTOR5' => 'Energy', 'SECTOR6' => 'Healthcare', 'SECTOR7' => 'Education', ]; private array $sectorCodes = [ 'RO-AB' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-AG' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-AR' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-B' => 'Information Technology (IT), Education, Tourism', 'RO-BC' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-BH' => 'Agriculture, Manufacturing', 'RO-BN' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-BR' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-BT' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-BV' => 'Tourism, Agriculture', 'RO-BZ' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-CJ' => 'Information Technology (IT), Education, Tourism', 'RO-CL' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-CS' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-CT' => 'Tourism, Agriculture', 'RO-CV' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-DB' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-DJ' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-GJ' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-GL' => 'Energy, Manufacturing', 'RO-GR' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-HD' => 'Energy, Manufacturing', 'RO-HR' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-IF' => 'Information Technology (IT), Education', 'RO-IL' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-IS' => 'Information Technology (IT), Education, Agriculture', 'RO-MH' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-MM' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-MS' => 'Energy, Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-NT' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-OT' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-PH' => 'Energy, Manufacturing', 'RO-SB' => 'Manufacturing, Agriculture', 'RO-SJ' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-SM' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-SV' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-TL' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-TM' => 'Agriculture, Manufacturing', 'RO-TR' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-VL' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-VN' => 'Agriculture', 'RO-VS' => 'Agriculture', ]; public function __construct(public Invoice $invoice) { } private function resolveSubEntityCode(string $city) { $city_references = &$this->countrySubEntity[$city]; return $city_references ?? 'RO-B'; } private function resolveSectorCode(string $state) { return in_array($state, $this->sectorList) ? $state : 'SECTOR1'; } /** * Execute the job * @return UBLInvoice */ public function run(): UBLInvoice { $invoice = $this->invoice; $company = $invoice->company; $client = $invoice->client; $companyVatNr = $company->settings->vat_number; $clientVatNr = $client->vat_number; $companyIdn = $company->settings->id_number; $clientIdn = $client->id_number; $coUserFirstName = $company->owner()->present()->firstName(); $coUserLastName = $company->owner()->present()->lastName(); $coFullName = $coUserFirstName . ' ' . $coUserLastName; $clUserFirstName = $client->present()->first_name(); $clUserLastName = $client->present()->last_name(); $clFullName = $clUserFirstName . ' ' . $clUserLastName; $coEmail = $company->settings->email; $coPhone = $company->settings->phone; $clPhone = $client->present()->phone(); $clEmail = $client->present()->email(); $ubl_invoice = new UBLInvoice(); $ubl_invoice->setCustomizationID(""); // invoice $ubl_invoice->setId($invoice->number); $ubl_invoice->setIssueDate(date_create($invoice->date)); $ubl_invoice->setDueDate(date_create($invoice->due_date)); $ubl_invoice->setInvoiceTypeCode("380"); $ubl_invoice->setDocumentCurrencyCode($invoice->client->getCurrencyCode()); $ubl_invoice->setTaxCurrencyCode($invoice->client->getCurrencyCode()); foreach ($invoice->line_items as $index => $item) { if (!empty($item->tax_name1)) { $taxName = $item->tax_name1; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_name2)) { $taxName = $item->tax_name2; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_name3)) { $taxName = $item->tax_name3; } } $supplier_party = $this->createParty($company, $companyVatNr, $coEmail, $coPhone, $companyIdn, $coFullName, 'company', $taxName); $ubl_invoice->setAccountingSupplierParty($supplier_party); $customer_party = $this->createParty($client, $clientVatNr, $clEmail, $clPhone, $clientIdn, $clFullName, 'client', $taxName); $ubl_invoice->setAccountingCustomerParty($customer_party); $payeeFinancialAccount = (new PayeeFinancialAccount()) ->setBankId($company->settings->custom_value1) ->setBankName($company->settings->custom_value2); $paymentMeans = (new PaymentMeans()) ->setPaymentMeansCode($invoice->custom_value1) ->setPayeeFinancialAccount($payeeFinancialAccount); $ubl_invoice->setPaymentMeans($paymentMeans); // line items $invoice_lines = []; $taxable = $this->getTaxable(); foreach ($invoice->line_items as $index => $item) { $invoice_lines[] = $this->createInvoiceLine($index, $item); } $ubl_invoice->setInvoiceLines($invoice_lines); if (!empty($item->tax_rate1)) { $taxRatePercent = $item->tax_rate1; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_rate2)) { $taxRatePercent = $item->tax_rate2; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_rate3)) { $taxRatePercent = $item->tax_rate3; } if (!empty($item->tax_name1)) { $taxNameScheme = $item->tax_name1; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_name2)) { $taxNameScheme = $item->tax_name2; } elseif (!empty($item->tax_name3)) { $taxNameScheme = $item->tax_name3; } $invoicing_data = $this->invoice->calc(); $taxtotal = new TaxTotal(); $taxtotal->setTaxAmount($invoicing_data->getItemTotalTaxes()); $taxtotal->addTaxSubTotal((new TaxSubTotal()) ->setTaxAmount($invoicing_data->getItemTotalTaxes()) ->setTaxableAmount($taxable) ->setTaxCategory((new TaxCategory()) ->setId("S") ->setPercent($taxRatePercent) ->setTaxScheme(((new TaxScheme())->setId(($taxNameScheme === 'TVA') ? 'VAT' : $taxNameScheme))))); $ubl_invoice->setTaxTotal($taxtotal); $ubl_invoice->setLegalMonetaryTotal((new LegalMonetaryTotal()) ->setLineExtensionAmount($taxable) ->setTaxExclusiveAmount($taxable) ->setTaxInclusiveAmount($invoice->amount) ->setPayableAmount($invoice->amount)); return $ubl_invoice; } private function createParty($company, $vatNr, $eMail, $phone, $idNr, $fullName, $compType, $taxNameScheme) { $party = new Party(); $party->setPartyIdentification(preg_replace('/^RO/', '', $vatNr)); $address = new Address(); if ($compType === 'company') { $address->setCityName($this->resolveSectorCode($company->settings->state)); $address->setStreetName($company->settings->address1); $address->setCountrySubentity($this->resolveSubEntityCode($company->settings->city)); } elseif ($compType === 'client') { $address->setCityName($this->resolveSectorCode($company->state)); $address->setStreetName($company->address1); $address->setCountrySubentity($this->resolveSubEntityCode($company->city)); } if ($compType === 'company') { if ($company->settings->country_id) { $country = new Country(); $country->setIdentificationCode($company->country()->iso_3166_2); $address->setCountry($country); } } elseif ($compType === 'client') { if ($company->country_id) { $country = new Country(); $country->setIdentificationCode($company->country->iso_3166_2); $address->setCountry($country); } } $party->setPostalAddress($address); $taxScheme = null; if (preg_match('/^RO/', $vatNr)) { $taxScheme = (new TaxScheme()) ->setCompanyId($vatNr) ->setId(($taxNameScheme === 'TVA') ? 'VAT' : $taxNameScheme); } $party->setTaxScheme($taxScheme); $legalEntity = new LegalEntity(); if ($compType === 'company') { $legalEntity->setRegistrationName($company->settings->name); } elseif ($compType === 'client') { $legalEntity->setRegistrationName($company->name); } if (preg_match('/^RO/', $vatNr)) { $legalEntity->setCompanyId($idNr); } else { $legalEntity->setCompanyId($vatNr); } $party->setLegalEntity($legalEntity); $contact = (new Contact()) ->setName($fullName) ->setElectronicMail($eMail) ->setTelephone($phone); $party->setContact($contact); return $party; } private function createInvoiceLine($index, $item) { if (strlen($item->tax_name1) > 1) { $classifiedTaxCategory = (new ClassifiedTaxCategory()) ->setId($this->resolveTaxCode($item->tax_id ?? 1)) ->setPercent($item->tax_rate1) ->setTaxScheme(((new TaxScheme())->setId(($item->tax_name1 === 'TVA') ? 'VAT' : $item->tax_name1))); } elseif (strlen($item->tax_name2) > 1) { $classifiedTaxCategory = (new ClassifiedTaxCategory()) ->setId($this->resolveTaxCode($item->tax_id ?? 1)) ->setPercent($item->tax_rate2) ->setTaxScheme(((new TaxScheme())->setId(($item->tax_name2 === 'TVA') ? 'VAT' : $item->tax_name2))); } elseif (strlen($item->tax_name3) > 1) { $classifiedTaxCategory = (new ClassifiedTaxCategory()) ->setId($this->resolveTaxCode($item->tax_id ?? 1)) ->setPercent($item->tax_rate3) ->setTaxScheme(((new TaxScheme())->setId(($item->tax_name3 === 'TVA') ? 'VAT' : $item->tax_name3))); } $invoiceLine = (new InvoiceLine()) ->setId($index + 1) ->setInvoicedQuantity($item->quantity) ->setUnitCode($item->unit_code ?? 'C62') ->setLineExtensionAmount($item->line_total) ->setItem((new Item()) ->setName($item->product_key) ->setDescription($item->notes) ->setClassifiedTaxCategory([$classifiedTaxCategory])) ->setPrice((new Price()) ->setPriceAmount($this->costWithDiscount($item))); //->setSellersItemIdentification("1ABCD")); return $invoiceLine; } private function createTaxRate(&$taxtotal, $taxable, $taxRate, $taxName) { $invoice = $this->invoice; $taxAmount = $this->taxAmount($taxable, $taxRate); $taxScheme = ((new TaxScheme()))->setId($taxName); $taxtotal->addTaxSubTotal((new TaxSubTotal()) ->setTaxAmount($taxAmount) ->setTaxableAmount($taxable) ->setTaxCategory((new TaxCategory()) ->setId($taxName) ->setName($taxName) ->setTaxScheme($taxScheme) ->setPercent($taxRate))); return $taxAmount; } /** * @param $item * @param $invoice_total * @return float|int */ private function getItemTaxable($item, $invoice_total) { $total = $item->quantity * $item->cost; if ($this->invoice->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { /** @var float $invoice_total */ if ($invoice_total + $this->invoice->discount != 0) { $total -= $invoice_total ? ($total / ($invoice_total + $this->invoice->discount) * $this->invoice->discount) : 0; } } else { $total *= (100 - $this->invoice->discount) / 100; } } if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $total -= $item->discount; } else { $total -= $total * $item->discount / 100; } } return round($total, 2); } /** * @return float|int|mixed */ private function getTaxable() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->invoice->line_items as $item) { $line_total = $item->quantity * $item->cost; if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $line_total -= $item->discount; } else { $line_total -= $line_total * $item->discount / 100; } } $total += $line_total; } if ($this->invoice->discount > 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $total -= $this->invoice->discount; } else { $total *= (100 - $this->invoice->discount) / 100; $total = round($total, 2); } } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge1 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax1) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge1; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge2 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax2) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge2; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge3 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax3) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge3; } if ($this->invoice->custom_surcharge4 && $this->invoice->custom_surcharge_tax4) { $total += $this->invoice->custom_surcharge4; } return $total; } public function costWithDiscount($item) { $cost = $item->cost; if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($this->invoice->is_amount_discount) { $cost -= $item->discount / $item->quantity; } else { $cost -= $cost * $item->discount / 100; } } return $cost; } public function taxAmount($taxable, $rate) { if ($this->invoice->uses_inclusive_taxes) { return round($taxable - ($taxable / (1 + ($rate / 100))), 2); } else { return round($taxable * ($rate / 100), 2); } } private function resolveTaxCode($tax_id) { $code = $tax_id; match($tax_id){ Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_REVERSE_TAX => $code = 'AE', // VAT_REVERSE_CHARGE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_EXEMPT => $code = 'E', // EXEMPT_FROM_TAX = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_PHYSICAL => $code = 'S', // STANDARD_RATE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_ZERO_RATED => $code = 'Z', // ZERO_RATED_GOODS = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_REDUCED_TAX => $code = 'AA', // LOWER_RATE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_SERVICE => $code = 'S', // STANDARD_RATE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_DIGITAL => $code = 'S', // STANDARD_RATE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_SHIPPING => $code = 'S', // STANDARD_RATE = Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_OVERRIDE_TAX => $code = 'S', // STANDARD_RATE = default => $code = 'S', }; return $code; } public function generateXml(): string { $ubl_invoice = $this->run(); // Call the existing handle method to get the UBLInvoice $generator = new Generator(); return $generator->invoice($ubl_invoice, $this->invoice->client->getCurrencyCode()); } }