body = $body; $this->subject = $subject; $this->entity = $entity; $this->entity_id = $entity_id; $this->template = $template; $this->entity_obj = null; $this->settings_entity = null; } public function build() { return $this->setEntity() ->setSettingsObject() ->setTemplates() ->replaceValues() ->renderTemplate(); } private function setEntity() { if (strlen($this->entity) > 1 && strlen($this->entity_id) > 1) { $class = 'App\Models\\'.ucfirst($this->entity); $this->entity_obj = $class::whereId($this->decodePrimaryKey($this->entity_id))->company()->first(); } return $this; } private function setSettingsObject() { if ($this->entity_obj) { $this->settings_entity = $this->entity_obj->client; } else { $this->settings_entity = auth()->user()->company(); } return $this; } /* If the body / subject are not populated we need to get the defaults */ private function setTemplates() { if (strlen($this->subject) == 0 && strlen($this->template) > 1) { $subject_template = str_replace('template', 'subject', $this->template); $this->subject = EmailTemplateDefaults::getDefaultTemplate($subject_template, $this->settings_entity->locale()); } if (strlen($this->body) == 0 && strlen($this->template) > 1) { $this->body = EmailTemplateDefaults::getDefaultTemplate($this->template, $this->settings_entity->locale()); } return $this; } private function replaceValues() { if ($this->entity_obj) { $this->entityValues($this->entity_obj->client->primary_contact()->first()); } else { $this->fakerValues(); } return $this; } private function fakerValues() { $labels = $this->makeFakerLabels(); $values = $this->makeFakerValues(); $this->body = strtr($this->body, $labels); $this->body = strtr($this->body, $values); $this->subject = strtr($this->subject, $labels); $this->subject = strtr($this->subject, $values); $converter = new CommonMarkConverter([ 'allow_unsafe_links' => false, ]); $this->body = $converter->convertToHtml($this->body); } private function entityValues($contact) { $data = $this->entity_obj->buildLabelsAndValues($contact); $this->body = strtr($this->body, $data['labels']); $this->body = strtr($this->body, $data['values']); $this->subject = strtr($this->subject, $data['labels']); $this->subject = strtr($this->subject, $data['values']); $converter = new CommonMarkConverter([ 'allow_unsafe_links' => false, ]); $this->body = $converter->convertToHtml($this->body); } private function renderTemplate() { /* wrapper */ $email_style = $this->settings_entity->getSetting('email_style'); $data['title'] = ''; $data['body'] = '$body'; $data['footer'] = ''; $data['signature'] = $this->settings_entity->getSetting('email_signature'); if ($email_style == 'custom') { $wrapper = $this->settings_entity->getSetting('email_style_custom'); /*If no custom design exists, send back a blank!*/ if (strlen($wrapper) > 1) { $wrapper = $this->renderView($wrapper, $data); } else { $wrapper = ''; } } else { $wrapper = view($this->getTemplatePath($email_style), $data)->render(); $injection = ''; $wrapper = str_replace('', $injection, $wrapper); } $data = [ 'subject' => $this->subject, 'body' => $this->body, 'wrapper' => $wrapper, ]; return $data; } }