invoice = $invoice; $this->client = $invoice->client; } public function run() { /* Is the invoice payable? */ if (! $this->invoice->isPayable()) { return $this->invoice; } /* Mark the invoice as sent */ $this->invoice = $this->invoice->service()->markSent()->save(); /* Mark the invoice as paid if there is no balance */ if ((int)$this->invoice->balance == 0) { return $this->invoice->service()->markPaid()->save(); } //if the credits cover the payments, we stop here, build the payment with credits and exit early if ($this->client->getSetting('use_credits_payment') != 'off') { $this->applyCreditPayment(); } // info("partial = {$this->invoice->partial}"); // info("balance = {$this->invoice->balance}"); /* Determine $amount */ if ($this->invoice->partial > 0) { $amount = $this->invoice->partial; } elseif ($this->invoice->balance > 0) { $amount = $this->invoice->balance; } else { return $this->invoice; } info("balance remains to be paid!!"); $gateway_token = $this->getGateway($amount); /* Bail out if no payment methods available */ if (! $gateway_token || ! $gateway_token->gateway->driver($this->client)->token_billing) { return $this->invoice; } /* $gateway fee */ $fee = $gateway_token->gateway->calcGatewayFee($amount, $this->invoice->uses_inclusive_taxes); //todo determine exact fee as per PaymentController /* Build payment hash */ $payment_hash = PaymentHash::create([ 'hash' => Str::random(128), 'data' => [['invoice_id' => $this->invoice->hashed_id, 'amount' => $amount]], 'fee_total' => $fee, 'fee_invoice_id' => $this->invoice->id, ]); $payment = $gateway_token->gateway ->driver($this->client) ->tokenBilling($gateway_token, $payment_hash); return $this->invoice; } /** * If the credits on file cover the invoice amount * the we create a matching payment using credits only * * @return Invoice $invoice */ private function finalizePaymentUsingCredits() { $amount = array_sum(array_column($this->used_credit, 'amount')); $payment = PaymentFactory::create($this->invoice->company_id, $this->invoice->user_id); $payment->amount = $amount; $payment->applied = $amount; $payment->client_id = $this->invoice->client_id; $payment->currency_id = $this->invoice->client->getSetting('currency_id'); $payment->date = now(); $payment->status_id = Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED; $payment->type_id = PaymentType::CREDIT; $payment->service()->applyNumber()->save(); $payment->invoices()->attach($this->invoice->id, ['amount' => $amount]); $this->invoice->service()->setStatus(Invoice::STATUS_PAID)->save(); foreach ($this->used_credit as $credit) { $current_credit = Credit::find($credit['credit_id']); $payment->credits()->attach($current_credit->id, ['amount' => $credit['amount']]); info("adjusting credit balance {$current_credit->balance} by this amount ". $credit['amount']); $current_credit->balance -= $credit['amount']; $current_credit->service()->setCalculatedStatus()->save(); // $this->applyPaymentToCredit($current_credit, $credit['amount']); } $payment->ledger() ->updatePaymentBalance($amount * -1) ->save(); $this->invoice->client->service() ->updateBalance($amount * -1) ->updatePaidToDate($amount) ->adjustCreditBalance($amount * -1) ->save(); $this->invoice->ledger() ->updateInvoiceBalance($amount * -1, 'Invoice payment using Credit') ->updateCreditBalance($amount * -1, 'Credits used to pay down Invoice ' . $this->invoice->number) ->save(); event(new PaymentWasCreated($payment, $payment->company, Ninja::eventVars())); return $this->invoice->service()->setCalculatedStatus()->save(); } /** * Applies credits to a payment prior to push * to the payment gateway * * @return $this */ private function applyCreditPayment() { $available_credits = $this->client ->credits ->where('is_deleted', false) ->where('balance', '>', 0) ->sortBy('created_at'); $available_credit_balance = $available_credits->sum('balance'); info("available credit balance = {$available_credit_balance}"); if ((int)$available_credit_balance == 0) { return; } $is_partial_amount = false; if ($this->invoice->partial > 0) { $is_partial_amount = true; } $this->used_credit = []; foreach ($available_credits as $key => $credit) { if ($is_partial_amount) { //more credit than needed if ($credit->balance >= $this->invoice->partial) { $this->used_credit[$key]['credit_id'] = $credit->id; $this->used_credit[$key]['amount'] = $this->invoice->partial; $this->invoice->balance -= $this->invoice->partial; $this->invoice->partial = 0; break; } else { $this->used_credit[$key]['credit_id'] = $credit->id; $this->used_credit[$key]['amount'] = $credit->balance; $this->invoice->partial -= $credit->balance; $this->invoice->balance -= $credit->balance; } } else { //more credit than needed if ($credit->balance >= $this->invoice->balance) { $this->used_credit[$key]['credit_id'] = $credit->id; $this->used_credit[$key]['amount'] = $this->invoice->balance; $this->invoice->balance = 0; break; } else { $this->used_credit[$key]['credit_id'] = $credit->id; $this->used_credit[$key]['amount'] = $credit->balance; $this->invoice->balance -= $credit->balance; } } } $this->finalizePaymentUsingCredits(); return $this; } private function applyPaymentToCredit($credit, $amount) :Credit { $credit_item = new InvoiceItem; $credit_item->type_id = '1'; $credit_item->product_key = ctrans(''); $credit_item->notes = ctrans('texts.credit_payment', ['invoice_number' => $this->invoice->number]); $credit_item->quantity = 1; $credit_item->cost = $amount * -1; $credit_items = $credit->line_items; $credit_items[] = $credit_item; $credit->line_items = $credit_items; $credit = $credit->calc()->getCredit(); $credit->save(); return $credit; } /** * Harvests a client gateway token which passes the * necessary filters for an $amount. * * @param float $amount The amount to charge * @return ClientGatewayToken The client gateway token */ private function getGateway($amount) { $gateway_tokens = $this->client->gateway_tokens()->orderBy('is_default', 'DESC')->get(); foreach ($gateway_tokens as $gateway_token) { if ($this->validGatewayLimits($gateway_token, $amount)) { return $gateway_token; } } } /** * Adds a gateway fee to the invoice. * * @param float $fee The fee amount. * @return AutoBillInvoice */ private function addFeeToInvoice(float $fee) { //todo if we increase the invoice balance here, we will also need to adjust UP the client balance and ledger? $starting_amount = $this->invoice->amount; $item = new InvoiceItem; $item->quantity = 1; $item->cost = $fee; $item->notes = ctrans('texts.online_payment_surcharge'); $item->type_id = 3; $items = (array) $this->invoice->line_items; $items[] = $item; $this->invoice->line_items = $items; $this->invoice->save(); $this->invoice = $this->invoice->calc()->getInvoice()->save(); if ($starting_amount != $this->invoice->amount && $this->invoice->status_id != Invoice::STATUS_DRAFT) { $this->invoice->client->service()->updateBalance($this->invoice->amount - $starting_amount)->save(); $this->invoice->ledger()->updateInvoiceBalance($this->invoice->amount - $starting_amount, 'Invoice balance updated after stale gateway fee removed')->save(); } return $this; } /** * Removes any existing unpaid gateway fees * due to previous payment failure. * * @return $this */ // private function purgeStaleGatewayFees() // { // $starting_amount = $this->invoice->amount; // $line_items = $this->invoice->line_items; // $new_items = []; // foreach($line_items as $item) // { // if($item->type_id != 3) // $new_items[] = $item; // } // $this->invoice->line_items = $new_items; // $this->invoice->save(); // $this->invoice = $this->invoice->calc()->getInvoice(); // if($starting_amount != $this->invoice->amount && $this->invoice->status_id != Invoice::STATUS_DRAFT){ // $this->invoice->client->service()->updateBalance($this->invoice->amount - $starting_amount)->save(); // $this->invoice->ledger()->updateInvoiceBalance($this->invoice->amount - $starting_amount, 'Invoice balance updated after stale gateway fee removed')->save(); // } // return $this; // } /** * Checks whether a given gateway token is able * to process the payment after passing through the * fees and limits check. * * @param CompanyGateway $cg The CompanyGateway instance * @param float $amount The amount to be paid * @return bool */ public function validGatewayLimits($cg, $amount) : bool { if (isset($cg->fees_and_limits)) { $fees_and_limits = $cg->fees_and_limits->{'1'}; } else { return true; } if ((property_exists($fees_and_limits, 'min_limit')) && $fees_and_limits->min_limit !== null && $amount < $fees_and_limits->min_limit) { info("amount {$amount} less than ".$fees_and_limits->min_limit); $passes = false; } elseif ((property_exists($fees_and_limits, 'max_limit')) && $fees_and_limits->max_limit !== null && $amount > $fees_and_limits->max_limit) { info("amount {$amount} greater than ".$fees_and_limits->max_limit); $passes = false; } else { $passes = true; } return $passes; } }