updated_client; } /** * updateCompanyTaxData * * @return self */ public function updateCompanyTaxData(): self { $this->configureProvider($this->provider, $this->company->country()->iso_3166_2); //hard coded for now to one provider, but we'll be able to swap these out later $company_details = [ 'address2' => $this->company->settings->address2, 'address1' => $this->company->settings->address1, 'city' => $this->company->settings->city, 'state' => $this->company->settings->state, 'postal_code' => $this->company->settings->postal_code, 'country' => $this->company->country()->name, ]; try { $tax_provider = new $this->provider($company_details); $tax_provider->setApiCredentials($this->api_credentials); $tax_data = $tax_provider->run(); if($tax_data) { $this->company->origin_tax_data = $tax_data; $this->company->saveQuietly(); $this->updated_client = true; } } catch(\Exception $e){ nlog("Could not updated company tax data: " . $e->getMessage()); } return $this; } /** * updateClientTaxData * * @return self */ public function updateClientTaxData(): self { $this->configureProvider($this->provider, $this->client->country->iso_3166_2); //hard coded for now to one provider, but we'll be able to swap these out later $billing_details =[ 'address2' => $this->client->address2, 'address1' => $this->client->address1, 'city' => $this->client->city, 'state' => $this->client->state, 'postal_code' => $this->client->postal_code, 'country' => $this->client->country->name, ]; $shipping_details =[ 'address2' => $this->client->shipping_address2, 'address1' => $this->client->shipping_address1, 'city' => $this->client->shipping_city, 'state' => $this->client->shipping_state, 'postal_code' => $this->client->shipping_postal_code, 'country' => $this->client->shipping_country()->exists() ? $this->client->shipping_country->name : $this->client->country->name, ]; $taxable_address = $this->taxShippingAddress() ? $shipping_details : $billing_details; $tax_provider = new $this->provider($taxable_address); $tax_provider->setApiCredentials($this->api_credentials); $tax_data = $tax_provider->run(); nlog($tax_data); if($tax_data) { $this->client->tax_data = $tax_data; $this->client->saveQuietly(); $this->updated_client = true; } return $this; } /** * taxShippingAddress * * @return bool */ private function taxShippingAddress(): bool { if($this->client->shipping_country_id == "840" && strlen($this->client->shipping_postal_code) > 3) return true; return false; } /** * configureProvider * * @param string $provider * @param string $country_code * @return self */ private function configureProvider(?string $provider, string $country_code): self { match($country_code){ 'US' => $this->configureZipTax(), "AT" => $this->configureEuTax(), "BE" => $this->configureEuTax(), "BG" => $this->configureEuTax(), "HR" => $this->configureEuTax(), "CY" => $this->configureEuTax(), "CZ" => $this->configureEuTax(), "DK" => $this->configureEuTax(), "EE" => $this->configureEuTax(), "FI" => $this->configureEuTax(), "FR" => $this->configureEuTax(), "DE" => $this->configureEuTax(), "GR" => $this->configureEuTax(), "HU" => $this->configureEuTax(), "IE" => $this->configureEuTax(), "IT" => $this->configureEuTax(), "LV" => $this->configureEuTax(), "LT" => $this->configureEuTax(), "LU" => $this->configureEuTax(), "MT" => $this->configureEuTax(), "NL" => $this->configureEuTax(), "PL" => $this->configureEuTax(), "PT" => $this->configureEuTax(), "RO" => $this->configureEuTax(), "SK" => $this->configureEuTax(), "SI" => $this->configureEuTax(), "ES" => $this->configureEuTax(), "SE" => $this->configureEuTax(), default => $this->noTaxRegionDefined(), }; return $this; } /** * configureEuTax * * @return self */ private function configureEuTax(): self { $this->provider = EuTax::class; return $this; } /** * noTaxRegionDefined * * @return void */ private function noTaxRegionDefined() { throw new \Exception("No tax region defined for this country"); // return $this; } /** * configureZipTax * * @return self */ private function configureZipTax(): self { if(!config('services.tax.zip_tax.key')) throw new \Exception("ZipTax API key not set in .env file"); $this->api_credentials = config('services.tax.zip_tax.key'); $this->provider = ZipTax::class; return $this; } }