= 5.5.9'); } $handle = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($handle, NINJA_VERSION); fclose($handle); return Redirect::to('/update'); } } // Check the application is up to date and for any news feed messages if (Auth::check()) { $count = Session::get(SESSION_COUNTER, 0); Session::put(SESSION_COUNTER, ++$count); if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && !Utils::startsWith($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/news_feed') && !Session::has('news_feed_id')) { $data = false; if (Utils::isNinja()) { $data = Utils::getNewsFeedResponse(); } else { $file = @file_get_contents(NINJA_APP_URL.'/news_feed/'.Utils::getUserType().'/'.NINJA_VERSION); $data = @json_decode($file); } if ($data) { if (version_compare(NINJA_VERSION, $data->version, '<')) { $params = [ 'user_version' => NINJA_VERSION, 'latest_version' => $data->version, 'releases_link' => link_to(RELEASES_URL, 'Invoice Ninja', ['target' => '_blank']), ]; Session::put('news_feed_id', NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE); Session::flash('news_feed_message', trans('texts.new_version_available', $params)); } else { Session::put('news_feed_id', $data->id); if ($data->message && $data->id > Auth::user()->news_feed_id) { Session::flash('news_feed_message', $data->message); } } } else { Session::put('news_feed_id', true); } } } // Check if we're requesting to change the account's language if (Input::has('lang')) { $locale = Input::get('lang'); App::setLocale($locale); Session::set(SESSION_LOCALE, $locale); if (Auth::check()) { if ($language = Language::whereLocale($locale)->first()) { $account = Auth::user()->account; $account->language_id = $language->id; $account->save(); } } } elseif (Auth::check()) { $locale = Auth::user()->account->language ? Auth::user()->account->language->locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE; App::setLocale($locale); } elseif (session(SESSION_LOCALE)) { App::setLocale(session(SESSION_LOCALE)); } // Make sure the account/user localization settings are in the session if (Auth::check() && !Session::has(SESSION_TIMEZONE)) { Event::fire(new UserSettingsChanged()); } // Check if the user is claiming a license (ie, additional invoices, white label, etc.) if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $claimingLicense = Utils::startsWith($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/claim_license'); if (!$claimingLicense && Input::has('license_key') && Input::has('product_id')) { $licenseKey = Input::get('license_key'); $productId = Input::get('product_id'); $url = (Utils::isNinjaDev() ? SITE_URL : NINJA_APP_URL) . "/claim_license?license_key={$licenseKey}&product_id={$productId}&get_date=true"; $data = trim(file_get_contents($url)); if ($productId == PRODUCT_INVOICE_DESIGNS) { if ($data = json_decode($data)) { foreach ($data as $item) { $design = new InvoiceDesign(); $design->id = $item->id; $design->name = $item->name; $design->pdfmake = $item->pdfmake; $design->save(); } Cache::forget('invoiceDesigns'); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.bought_designs')); } } elseif ($productId == PRODUCT_WHITE_LABEL) { if ($data && $data != RESULT_FAILURE) { $company = Auth::user()->account->company; $company->plan_term = PLAN_TERM_YEARLY; $company->plan_paid = $data; $company->plan_expires = date_create($data)->modify('+1 year')->format('Y-m-d'); $company->plan = PLAN_WHITE_LABEL; $company->save(); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.bought_white_label')); } } } } // Check data has been cached $cachedTables = unserialize(CACHED_TABLES); if (Input::has('clear_cache')) { Session::flash('message', 'Cache cleared'); } foreach ($cachedTables as $name => $class) { if (Input::has('clear_cache') || !Cache::has($name)) { // check that the table exists in case the migration is pending if ( ! Schema::hasTable((new $class)->getTable())) { continue; } if ($name == 'paymentTerms') { $orderBy = 'num_days'; } elseif ($name == 'fonts') { $orderBy = 'sort_order'; } elseif (in_array($name, ['currencies', 'industries', 'languages', 'countries', 'banks'])) { $orderBy = 'name'; } else { $orderBy = 'id'; } $tableData = $class::orderBy($orderBy)->get(); if (count($tableData)) { Cache::forever($name, $tableData); } } } // Show message to IE 8 and before users if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/(?i)msie [2-8]/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.old_browser', ['link' => OUTDATE_BROWSER_URL])); } $response = $next($request); //$response->headers->set('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY'); return $response; } }