decodePrimaryKey(request()->input('id')))->first(); if(!$payment) { $this->error_msg = "Unable to retrieve specified payment"; return false; } $request_invoices = request()->has('invoices') ? request()->input('invoices') : []; $request_credits = request()->has('credits') ? request()->input('credits') : []; foreach($request_invoices as $key => $value) $request_invoices[$key]['invoice_id'] = $this->decodePrimaryKey($value['invoice_id']); foreach($request_credits as $key => $value) $request_credits[$key]['credit_id'] = $this->decodePrimaryKey($value['credit_id']); if($payment->invoices()->exists()) { foreach($payment->invoices as $paymentable_invoice) $this->checkInvoice($paymentable_invoice, $request_invoices); } // if($payment->credits()->exists()) // { // foreach($payment->credits as $paymentable_credit) // $this->checkCredit($paymentable_credit, $request_credits); // } foreach($request_invoices as $request_invoice) $this->checkInvoiceIsPaymentable($request_invoice, $payment); // foreach($request_credits as $request_credit) // $this->checkCreditIsPaymentable($request_credit, $payment); if(strlen($this->error_msg) > 0 ) return false; return true; } private function checkInvoiceIsPaymentable($invoice, $payment) { $invoice = Invoice::find($invoice['invoice_id']); if($payment->invoices()->exists()) { $paymentable_invoice = $payment->invoices->where('id', $invoice->id)->first(); if(!$paymentable_invoice){ $this->error_msg = "Invoice id ".$invoice->hashed_id." is not related to this payment"; return false; } } else { $this->error_msg = "Invoice id ".$invoice->hashed_id." is not related to this payment"; return false; } } private function checkCreditIsPaymentable($credit, $payment) { $credit = Credit::find($credit['credit_id']); if($payment->credits()->exists()) { $paymentable_credit = $payment->credits->where('id', $credit->id)->first(); if(!$paymentable_invoice){ $this->error_msg = "Credit id ".$credit->hashed_id." is not related to this payment"; return false; } } else { $this->error_msg = "Credit id ".$credit->hashed_id." is not related to this payment"; return false; } } private function checkInvoice($paymentable, $request_invoices) { $record_found = false; foreach($request_invoices as $request_invoice) { if($request_invoice['invoice_id'] == $paymentable->pivot->paymentable_id) { $record_found = true; $refundable_amount = ($paymentable->pivot->amount - $paymentable->pivot->refunded); if($request_invoice['amount'] > $refundable_amount){ $invoice = $paymentable; $this->error_msg = "Attempting to refund more than allowed for invoice id ".$invoice->hashed_id.", maximum refundable amount is ". $refundable_amount; return false; } } } if(!$record_found) { $this->error_msg = "Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded."; return false; } } private function checkCredit($paymentable, $request_credits) { $record_found = null; foreach($request_credits as $request_credit) { if($request_credit['credit_id'] == $paymentable->pivot->paymentable_id) { $record_found = true; $refundable_amount = ($paymentable->pivot->amount - $paymentable->pivot->refunded); if($request_credit['amount'] > $refundable_amount){ $credit = $paymentable; $this->error_msg = "Attempting to refund more than allowed for credit ".$credit->number.", maximum refundable amount is ". $refundable_amount; return false; } } } if(!$record_found) { $this->error_msg = "Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credit/s to be refunded."; return false; } } /** * @return string */ public function message() { return $this->error_msg; } }