CompanyUser: properties: permissions: description: 'The company user permissions' type: string example: '[create_invoice]' settings: description: 'Settings that are used for the frontend applications to store user preferences / metadata' type: object example: 'json object' react_settings: description: 'Dedicated settings object for the react web application' type: object' example: 'json object' is_owner: description: 'Determines whether the user owns this company' type: boolean example: true is_admin: description: 'Determines whether the user is the admin of this company' type: boolean example: true is_locked: description: 'Determines whether the users access to this company has been locked' type: boolean example: true updated_at: description: 'The last time the record was modified, format Unix Timestamp' type: integer example: '1231232312321' deleted_at: description: 'Timestamp when the user was archived, format Unix Timestamp' type: integer example: '12312312321' account: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account' company: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Company' user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyToken' type: object