paymentService = $paymentService; $this->invoiceRepo = $invoiceRepo; $this->accountRepo = $accountRepo; $this->userMailer = $userMailer; } public function handle() { $this->info(date('r') . ' Running SendReminders...'); if ($database = $this->option('database')) { config(['database.default' => $database]); } $this->billInvoices(); $this->chargeLateFees(); $this->sendReminderEmails(); $this->sendScheduledReports(); $this->loadExchangeRates(); $this->info(date('r') . ' Done'); if ($errorEmail = env('ERROR_EMAIL')) { \Mail::raw('EOM', function ($message) use ($errorEmail, $database) { $message->to($errorEmail) ->from(CONTACT_EMAIL) ->subject("SendReminders [{$database}]: Finished successfully"); }); } } private function billInvoices() { $today = new DateTime(); $delayedAutoBillInvoices = Invoice::with('account.timezone', 'recurring_invoice', 'invoice_items', 'client', 'user') ->whereRaw('is_deleted IS FALSE AND deleted_at IS NULL AND is_recurring IS FALSE AND is_public IS TRUE AND balance > 0 AND due_date = ? AND recurring_invoice_id IS NOT NULL', [$today->format('Y-m-d')]) ->orderBy('', 'asc') ->get(); $this->info(date('r ') . $delayedAutoBillInvoices->count() . ' due recurring invoice instance(s) found'); /** @var Invoice $invoice */ foreach ($delayedAutoBillInvoices as $invoice) { if ($invoice->isPaid() || $invoice->account->is_deleted) { continue; } if ($invoice->getAutoBillEnabled() && $invoice->client->autoBillLater()) { $this->info(date('r') . ' Processing Autobill-delayed Invoice: ' . $invoice->id); Auth::loginUsingId($invoice->activeUser()->id); $this->paymentService->autoBillInvoice($invoice); Auth::logout(); } } } private function chargeLateFees() { $accounts = $this->accountRepo->findWithFees(); $this->info(date('r ') . $accounts->count() . ' accounts found with fees enabled'); foreach ($accounts as $account) { if (! $account->hasFeature(FEATURE_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_REMINDERS) || $account->account_email_settings->is_disabled) { continue; } $invoices = $this->invoiceRepo->findNeedingReminding($account, false); $this->info(date('r ') . $account->name . ': ' . $invoices->count() . ' invoices found'); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if ($reminder = $account->getInvoiceReminder($invoice, false)) { $this->info(date('r') . ' Charge fee: ' . $invoice->id); $account->loadLocalizationSettings($invoice->client); // support trans to add fee line item $number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $reminder); $amount = $account->account_email_settings->{"late_fee{$number}_amount"}; $percent = $account->account_email_settings->{"late_fee{$number}_percent"}; $this->invoiceRepo->setLateFee($invoice, $amount, $percent); } } } } private function sendReminderEmails() { $accounts = $this->accountRepo->findWithReminders(); $this->info(date('r ') . count($accounts) . ' accounts found with reminders enabled'); foreach ($accounts as $account) { if (! $account->hasFeature(FEATURE_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_REMINDERS) || $account->account_email_settings->is_disabled) { continue; } // standard reminders $invoices = $this->invoiceRepo->findNeedingReminding($account); $this->info(date('r ') . $account->name . ': ' . $invoices->count() . ' invoices found'); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if ($reminder = $account->getInvoiceReminder($invoice)) { if ($invoice->last_sent_date == date('Y-m-d')) { continue; } $this->info(date('r') . ' Send email: ' . $invoice->id); dispatch(new SendInvoiceEmail($invoice, $invoice->user_id, $reminder)); } } // endless reminders $invoices = $this->invoiceRepo->findNeedingEndlessReminding($account); $this->info(date('r ') . $account->name . ': ' . $invoices->count() . ' endless invoices found'); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if ($invoice->last_sent_date == date('Y-m-d')) { continue; } $this->info(date('r') . ' Send email: ' . $invoice->id); dispatch(new SendInvoiceEmail($invoice, $invoice->user_id, 'reminder4')); } } } private function sendScheduledReports() { $scheduledReports = ScheduledReport::where('send_date', '<=', date('Y-m-d')) ->with('user', '') ->get(); $this->info(date('r ') . $scheduledReports->count() . ' scheduled reports'); foreach ($scheduledReports as $scheduledReport) { $this->info(date('r') . ' Processing report: ' . $scheduledReport->id); $user = $scheduledReport->user; $account = $scheduledReport->account; $account->loadLocalizationSettings(); if (! $account->hasFeature(FEATURE_REPORTS) || $account->account_email_settings->is_disabled) { continue; } $config = (array) json_decode($scheduledReport->config); $reportType = $config['report_type']; // send email as user auth()->onceUsingId($user->id); $report = dispatch_now(new RunReport($scheduledReport->user, $reportType, $config, true)); $file = dispatch_now(new ExportReportResults($scheduledReport->user, $config['export_format'], $reportType, $report->exportParams)); if ($file) { try { $this->userMailer->sendScheduledReport($scheduledReport, $file); $this->info(date('r') . ' Sent report'); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->info(date('r') . ' ERROR: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } else { $this->info(date('r') . ' ERROR: Failed to run report'); } $scheduledReport->updateSendDate(); auth()->logout(); } } private function loadExchangeRates() { if (Utils::isNinjaDev()) { return; } if (config('ninja.exchange_rates_enabled')) { $this->info(date('r') . ' Loading latest exchange rates...'); $response = CurlUtils::get(config('ninja.exchange_rates_url')); $data = json_decode($response); if ($data && property_exists($data, 'rates')) { Currency::whereCode(config('ninja.exchange_rates_base'))->update(['exchange_rate' => 1]); foreach ($data->rates as $code => $rate) { Currency::whereCode($code)->update(['exchange_rate' => $rate]); } } else { $this->info(date('r') . ' Error: failed to load exchange rates - ' . $response); \DB::table('currencies')->update(['exchange_rate' => 1]); } } else { \DB::table('currencies')->update(['exchange_rate' => 1]); } CurlUtils::get(SITE_URL . '?clear_cache=true'); } /** * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return []; } /** * @return array */ protected function getOptions() { return [ ['database', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Database', null], ]; } }