user(); return $user->can('create', Client::class); } public function rules() { /** @var \App\Models\User $user */ $user = auth()->user(); if ($this->file('documents') && is_array($this->file('documents'))) { $rules['documents.*'] = $this->file_validation; } elseif ($this->file('documents')) { $rules['documents'] = $this->file_validation; } if ($this->file('file') && is_array($this->file('file'))) { $rules['file.*'] = $this->file_validation; } elseif ($this->file('file')) { $rules['file'] = $this->file_validation; } if (isset($this->number)) { $rules['number'] = Rule::unique('clients')->where('company_id', $user->company()->id); } $rules['country_id'] = 'integer|nullable'; if (isset($this->currency_code)) { $rules['currency_code'] = 'sometimes|exists:currencies,code'; } if (isset($this->country_code)) { $rules['country_code'] = new CountryCodeExistsRule(); } /* Ensure we have a client name, and that all emails are unique*/ //$rules['name'] = 'required|min:1'; $rules['settings'] = new ValidClientGroupSettingsRule(); $rules['contacts'] = 'bail|array'; $rules['contacts.*.email'] = 'bail|nullable|distinct|sometimes|email'; $rules['contacts.*.password'] = [ 'bail', 'nullable', 'sometimes', 'string', 'min:7', // must be at least 10 characters in length 'regex:/[a-z]/', // must contain at least one lowercase letter 'regex:/[A-Z]/', // must contain at least one uppercase letter 'regex:/[0-9]/', // must contain at least one digit //'regex:/[@$!%*#?&.]/', // must contain a special character ]; if ($user->company()->account->isFreeHostedClient()) { $rules['id'] = new CanStoreClientsRule($user->company()->id); } $rules['number'] = ['bail', 'nullable', Rule::unique('clients')->where('company_id', $user->company()->id)]; $rules['id_number'] = ['bail', 'nullable', Rule::unique('clients')->where('company_id', $user->company()->id)]; return $rules; } public function prepareForValidation() { $input = $this->all(); /** @var \App\Models\User $user */ $user = auth()->user(); /* Default settings */ $settings = (array)ClientSettings::defaults(); /* Stub settings if they don't exist */ if (!array_key_exists('settings', $input)) { $input['settings'] = []; } elseif (is_object($input['settings'])) { $input['settings'] = (array)$input['settings']; } /* Merge default into base settings */ $input['settings'] = array_merge($input['settings'], $settings); /* Type and property enforcement */ foreach ($input['settings'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'default_task_rate') { $value = floatval($value); $input['settings'][$key] = $value; } if ($key == 'translations') { unset($input['settings']['translations']); } } /* Convert hashed IDs to IDs*/ $input = $this->decodePrimaryKeys($input); //is no settings->currency_id is set then lets dive in and find either a group or company currency all the below may be redundant!! if (! array_key_exists('currency_id', $input['settings']) && isset($input['group_settings_id'])) { $group_settings = GroupSetting::find($input['group_settings_id']); if ($group_settings && property_exists($group_settings->settings, 'currency_id') && isset($group_settings->settings->currency_id)) { $input['settings']['currency_id'] = (string) $group_settings->settings->currency_id; } else { $input['settings']['currency_id'] = (string) $user->company()->settings->currency_id; } } elseif (! array_key_exists('currency_id', $input['settings'])) { $input['settings']['currency_id'] = (string) $user->company()->settings->currency_id; } if (isset($input['currency_code'])) { $input['settings']['currency_id'] = $this->getCurrencyCode($input['currency_code']); } if (isset($input['language_code'])) { $input['settings']['language_id'] = $this->getLanguageId($input['language_code']); if (strlen($input['settings']['language_id']) == 0) { unset($input['settings']['language_id']); } } if (isset($input['country_code'])) { $input['country_id'] = $this->getCountryCode($input['country_code']); } if (isset($input['shipping_country_code'])) { $input['shipping_country_id'] = $this->getCountryCode($input['shipping_country_code']); } /* If there is a client number, just unset it here. */ if (array_key_exists('number', $input) && (is_null($input['number']) || empty($input['number']))) { unset($input['number']); } if (array_key_exists('name', $input)) { $input['name'] = strip_tags($input['name']); } $this->replace($input); } public function messages() { return [ // 'unique' => ctrans('validation.unique', ['attribute' => ['email','number']), //'required' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'email']), 'contacts.*.email.required' => ctrans('', ['attribute' => 'email']), 'currency_code' => 'Currency code does not exist', ]; } private function getLanguageId($language_code) { $languages = Cache::get('languages'); $language = $languages->filter(function ($item) use ($language_code) { return $item->locale == $language_code; })->first(); if ($language) { return (string) $language->id; } return ''; } private function getCountryCode($country_code) { $countries = Cache::get('countries'); $country = $countries->filter(function ($item) use ($country_code) { return $item->iso_3166_2 == $country_code || $item->iso_3166_3 == $country_code; })->first(); if ($country) { return (string) $country->id; } return ''; } private function getCurrencyCode($code) { $currencies = Cache::get('currencies'); $currency = $currencies->filter(function ($item) use ($code) { return $item->code == $code; })->first(); if ($currency) { return (string) $currency->id; } return ''; } }