user = $user; $this->format = strtolower($format); $this->reportType = $reportType; $this->params = $params; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { if (! $this->user->hasPermission('view_all')) { return false; } $format = $this->format; $reportType = $this->reportType; $params = $this->params; $data = $params['displayData']; $columns = $params['columns']; $totals = $params['reportTotals']; $report = $params['report']; $filename = "{$params['startDate']}-{$params['endDate']}_invoiceninja-".strtolower(Utils::normalizeChars(trans("texts.$reportType")))."-report"; $formats = ['csv', 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'zip']; if (! in_array($format, $formats)) { throw new \Exception("Invalid format request to export report"); } //Get labeled header $data = array_merge( [ array_map(function($col) { return $col['label']; }, $report->tableHeaderArray()) ], $data ); $summary = []; if (count(array_values($totals))) { $summary[] = array_merge([ trans("texts.totals") ], array_map(function ($key) { return trans("texts.{$key}"); }, array_keys(array_values(array_values($totals)[0])[0]))); } foreach ($totals as $currencyId => $each) { foreach ($each as $dimension => $val) { $tmp = []; $tmp[] = Utils::getFromCache($currencyId, 'currencies')->name . (($dimension) ? ' - ' . $dimension : ''); foreach ($val as $id => $field) { $tmp[] = Utils::formatMoney($field, $currencyId); } $summary[] = $tmp; } } return Excel::create($filename, function($excel) use($report, $data, $reportType, $format, $summary) { $excel->sheet(trans("texts.$reportType"), function($sheet) use($report, $data, $format, $summary) { $sheet->setOrientation('landscape'); $sheet->freezeFirstRow(); if ($format == 'pdf') { $sheet->setAllBorders('thin'); } if ($format == 'csv') { $sheet->rows(array_merge($data, [[]], $summary)); } else { $sheet->rows($data); } // Styling header $sheet->cells('A1:'.Utils::num2alpha(count($data[0])-1).'1', function($cells) { $cells->setBackground('#777777'); $cells->setFontColor('#FFFFFF'); $cells->setFontSize(13); $cells->setFontFamily('Calibri'); $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); }); $sheet->setAutoSize(true); }); if (count($summary)) { $excel->sheet(trans("texts.totals"), function($sheet) use($report, $summary, $format) { $sheet->setOrientation('landscape'); $sheet->freezeFirstRow(); if ($format == 'pdf') { $sheet->setAllBorders('thin'); } $sheet->rows($summary); // Styling header $sheet->cells('A1:'.Utils::num2alpha(count($summary[0])-1).'1', function($cells) { $cells->setBackground('#777777'); $cells->setFontColor('#FFFFFF'); $cells->setFontSize(13); $cells->setFontFamily('Calibri'); $cells->setFontWeight('bold'); }); $sheet->setAutoSize(true); }); } }); } }