withoutMiddleware(ThrottleRequests::class); config(['database.default' => config('ninja.db.default')]); $this->makeTestData(); $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); } // public function testExpenseImport() // { // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/wave_expenses.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 0 => 'Transaction ID', // 1 => 'Transaction Date', // 2 => 'Account Name', // 3 => 'Transaction Description', // 4 => 'Transaction Line Description', // 5 => 'Amount (One column)', // 6 => ' ', // 7 => 'Debit Amount (Two Column Approach)', // 8 => 'Credit Amount (Two Column Approach)', // 9 => 'Other Accounts for this Transaction', // 10 => 'Customer', // 11 => 'Vendor', // 12 => 'Invoice Number', // 13 => 'Bill Number', // 14 => 'Notes / Memo', // 15 => 'Amount Before Sales Tax', // 16 => 'Sales Tax Amount', // 17 => 'Sales Tax Name', // 18 => 'Transaction Date Added', // 19 => 'Transaction Date Last Modified', // 20 => 'Account Group', // 21 => 'Account Type', // 22 => 'Account ID', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['expense' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', // ]; // Cache::put($hash . '-expense', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); // $count = $csv_importer->import('expense'); // } public function testVendorAndExpenseWaveImport() { $csv = file_get_contents( base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/wave_vendors.csv' ); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 0 => 'vendor_name', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'contact_first_name', 3 => 'contact_last_name', 4 => 'vendor_currency', 5 => 'account_number', 6 => 'phone', 7 => 'fax', 8 => 'mobile', 9 => 'toll_free', 10 => 'website', 11 => 'country', 12 => 'province/state', 13 => 'address_line_1', 14 => 'address_line_2', 15 => 'city', 16 => 'postal_code/zip_code', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => ['vendor' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', ]; Cache::put($hash.'-vendor', base64_encode($csv), 360); $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); $count = $csv_importer->import('vendor'); $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasVendor('Vendor Name')); $vendor_id = $base_transformer->getVendorId('Vendor Name'); $vendor = Vendor::find($vendor_id); $this->assertInstanceOf(Vendor::class, $vendor); $this->assertEquals(12, $vendor->currency_id); $this->assertEquals('Australian Capital Territory', $vendor->state); $this->assertEquals('city', $vendor->city); $this->assertEquals('postal_cod', $vendor->postal_code); $this->assertEquals('firstname', $vendor->contacts->first()->first_name); $this->assertEquals('lastname', $vendor->contacts->first()->last_name); $this->assertEquals('vendor@gmail.com', $vendor->contacts->first()->email); $this->assertEquals('phone', $vendor->contacts->first()->phone); // now lets try importing expenses / bills $csv = file_get_contents( base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/wave_expenses.csv' ); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 0 => 'Transaction ID', 1 => 'Transaction Date', 2 => 'Account Name', 3 => 'Transaction Description', 4 => 'Transaction Line Description', 5 => 'Amount (One column)', 6 => ' ', 7 => 'Debit Amount (Two Column Approach)', 8 => 'Credit Amount (Two Column Approach)', 9 => 'Other Accounts for this Transaction', 10 => 'Customer', 11 => 'Vendor', 12 => 'Invoice Number', 13 => 'Bill Number', 14 => 'Notes / Memo', 15 => 'Amount Before Sales Tax', 16 => 'Sales Tax Amount', 17 => 'Sales Tax Name', 18 => 'Transaction Date Added', 19 => 'Transaction Date Last Modified', 20 => 'Account Group', 21 => 'Account Type', 22 => 'Account ID', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => ['expense' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', ]; Cache::put($hash.'-expense', base64_encode($csv), 360); $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); $count = $csv_importer->import('expense'); $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasExpense('66')); } public function testClientWaveImport() { $csv = file_get_contents( base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/wave_clients.csv' ); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 0 => 'customer_name', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'contact_first_name', 3 => 'contact_last_name', 4 => 'customer_currency', 5 => 'account_number', 6 => 'phone', 7 => 'fax', 8 => 'mobile', 9 => 'toll_free', 10 => 'website', 11 => 'country', 12 => 'province/state', 13 => 'address_line_1', 14 => 'address_line_2', 15 => 'city', 16 => 'postal_code/zip_code', 17 => 'shipping_address', 18 => 'ship-to_contact', 19 => 'ship-to_country', 20 => 'ship-to_province/state', 21 => 'ship-to_address_line_1', 22 => 'ship-to_address_line_2', 23 => 'ship-to_city', 24 => 'ship-to_postal_code/zip_code', 25 => 'ship-to_phone', 26 => 'delivery_instructions', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => ['client' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', ]; Cache::put($hash.'-client', base64_encode($csv), 360); $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); $count = $csv_importer->import('client'); $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Homer Simpson')); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Jessica Jones')); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Lucas Cage')); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Mark Walberg')); $client_id = $base_transformer->getClient('Jessica Jones', 'jessica@jones.com'); $client = Client::find($client_id); $this->assertInstanceOf(Client::class, $client); $this->assertEquals('12', $client->settings->currency_id); $this->assertEquals('Queensland', $client->state); $this->assertEquals('NYC', $client->city); $this->assertEquals('11213', $client->postal_code); $this->assertEquals('Jessica Jones', $client->contacts->first()->first_name); $this->assertEquals('', $client->contacts->first()->last_name); $this->assertEquals('jessica@jones.com', $client->contacts->first()->email); $this->assertEquals('555-867-5309', $client->contacts->first()->phone); } public function testInvoiceWaveImport() { //first import all the clients $csv = file_get_contents( base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/wave_clients.csv' ); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 0 => 'customer_name', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'contact_first_name', 3 => 'contact_last_name', 4 => 'customer_currency', 5 => 'account_number', 6 => 'phone', 7 => 'fax', 8 => 'mobile', 9 => 'toll_free', 10 => 'website', 11 => 'country', 12 => 'province/state', 13 => 'address_line_1', 14 => 'address_line_2', 15 => 'city', 16 => 'postal_code/zip_code', 17 => 'shipping_address', 18 => 'ship-to_contact', 19 => 'ship-to_country', 20 => 'ship-to_province/state', 21 => 'ship-to_address_line_1', 22 => 'ship-to_address_line_2', 23 => 'ship-to_city', 24 => 'ship-to_postal_code/zip_code', 25 => 'ship-to_phone', 26 => 'delivery_instructions', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => ['client' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', ]; Cache::put($hash.'-client', base64_encode($csv), 360); $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); $count = $csv_importer->import('client'); //now import the invoices $csv = file_get_contents( base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/wave_invoices.csv' ); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 0 => 'Transaction ID', 1 => 'Transaction Date', 2 => 'Account Name', 3 => 'Transaction Description', 4 => 'Transaction Line Description', 5 => 'Amount (One column)', 6 => ' ', 7 => 'Debit Amount (Two Column Approach)', 8 => 'Credit Amount (Two Column Approach)', 9 => 'Other Accounts for this Transaction', 10 => 'Customer', 11 => 'Vendor', 12 => 'Invoice Number', 13 => 'Bill Number', 14 => 'Notes / Memo', 15 => 'Amount Before Sales Tax', 16 => 'Sales Tax Amount', 17 => 'Sales Tax Name', 18 => 'Transaction Date Added', 19 => 'Transaction Date Last Modified', 20 => 'Account Group', 21 => 'Account Type', 22 => 'Account ID', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => ['invoice' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'waveaccounting', ]; Cache::put($hash.'-invoice', base64_encode($csv), 360); $csv_importer = new Wave($data, $this->company); $count = $csv_importer->import('invoice'); $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasInvoice('2')); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasInvoice('3')); $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasInvoice('4')); $invoice_id = $base_transformer->getInvoiceId('4'); $invoice = Invoice::find($invoice_id); $this->assertEquals(3500.41, $invoice->amount); $this->assertEquals(0, $invoice->balance); $this->assertEquals(2, count($invoice->line_items)); $this->assertTrue($invoice->payments()->exists()); $this->assertEquals(3500.41, $invoice->payments->first()->amount); } // public function testVendorCsvImport() // { // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/vendors.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 0 => 'vendor.name', // 19 => 'vendor.currency_id', // 20 => 'vendor.public_notes', // 21 => 'vendor.private_notes', // 22 => 'vendor.first_name', // 23 => 'vendor.last_name', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['vendor' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // $pre_import = Vendor::count(); // Cache::put($hash . '-vendor', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $csv_importer->import('vendor'); // $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasVendor('Ludwig Krajcik DVM')); // } // public function testProductImport() // { // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/products.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // Cache::put($hash . '-product', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $column_map = [ // 1 => 'product.product_key', // 2 => 'product.notes', // 3 => 'product.cost', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['product' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $this->assertInstanceOf(Csv::class, $csv_importer); // $csv_importer->import('product'); // $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasProduct('officiis')); // // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasProduct('maxime')); // } // public function testClientImport() // { // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/clients.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 1 => 'client.balance', // 2 => 'client.paid_to_date', // 0 => 'client.name', // 19 => 'client.currency_id', // 20 => 'client.public_notes', // 21 => 'client.private_notes', // 22 => 'contact.first_name', // 23 => 'contact.last_name', // 24 => 'contact.email', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['client' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // Cache::put($hash . '-client', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $this->assertInstanceOf(Csv::class, $csv_importer); // $csv_importer->import('client'); // $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Ludwig Krajcik DVM')); // $client_id = $base_transformer->getClient('Ludwig Krajcik DVM', null); // $c = Client::find($client_id); // $this->assertEquals($client_id, $c->id); // $client_id = $base_transformer->getClient( // 'a non existent clent', // 'brook59@example.org' // ); // $this->assertEquals($client_id, $c->id); // } // public function testInvoiceImport() // { // /*Need to import clients first*/ // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/clients.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 1 => 'client.balance', // 2 => 'client.paid_to_date', // 0 => 'client.name', // 19 => 'client.currency_id', // 20 => 'client.public_notes', // 21 => 'client.private_notes', // 22 => 'contact.first_name', // 23 => 'contact.last_name', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['client' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // Cache::put($hash . '-client', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $this->assertInstanceOf(Csv::class, $csv_importer); // $csv_importer->import('client'); // $base_transformer = new BaseTransformer($this->company); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasClient('Ludwig Krajcik DVM')); // /* client import verified*/ // /*Now import invoices*/ // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/invoice.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 1 => 'client.email', // 3 => 'payment.amount', // 5 => 'invoice.po_number', // 8 => 'invoice.due_date', // 9 => 'item.discount', // 11 => 'invoice.partial_due_date', // 12 => 'invoice.public_notes', // 13 => 'invoice.private_notes', // 0 => 'client.name', // 2 => 'invoice.number', // 7 => 'invoice.date', // 14 => 'item.product_key', // 15 => 'item.notes', // 16 => 'item.cost', // 17 => 'item.quantity', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['invoice' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // Cache::put($hash . '-invoice', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $csv_importer->import('invoice'); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasInvoice('801')); // /* Lets piggy back payments tests here to save rebuilding the test multiple times*/ // $csv = file_get_contents( // base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/payments.csv' // ); // $hash = Str::random(32); // $column_map = [ // 0 => 'payment.client_id', // 1 => 'payment.invoice_number', // 2 => 'payment.amount', // 3 => 'payment.date', // ]; // $data = [ // 'hash' => $hash, // 'column_map' => ['payment' => ['mapping' => $column_map]], // 'skip_header' => true, // 'import_type' => 'csv', // ]; // Cache::put($hash . '-payment', base64_encode($csv), 360); // $csv_importer = new Csv($data, $this->company); // $csv_importer->import('payment'); // $this->assertTrue($base_transformer->hasInvoice('801')); // $invoice_id = $base_transformer->getInvoiceId('801'); // $invoice = Invoice::find($invoice_id); // $this->assertTrue($invoice->payments()->exists()); // $this->assertEquals(1, $invoice->payments()->count()); // $this->assertEquals(400, $invoice->payments()->sum('payments.amount')); // } }