withoutMiddleware( ThrottleRequests::class ); // $this->faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $this->makeTestData(); $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); } public function testCsvRead() { $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/invoice.csv'); $this->assertTrue(is_array($this->getCsvData($csv))); } public function testClientCsvImport() { $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/clients.csv'); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 1 => 'client.balance', 2 => 'client.paid_to_date', 0 => 'client.name', 19 => 'client.currency_id', 20 => 'client.public_notes', 21 => 'client.private_notes', 22 => 'contact.first_name', 23 => 'contact.last_name', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'client' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Client::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-client', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Client::count() ); } public function testInvoiceCsvImport() { /*Need to import clients first*/ $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/clients.csv'); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 1 => 'client.balance', 2 => 'client.paid_to_date', 0 => 'client.name', 19 => 'client.currency_id', 20 => 'client.public_notes', 21 => 'client.private_notes', 22 => 'contact.first_name', 23 => 'contact.last_name', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'client' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; Cache::put( $hash . '-client', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); /*Now import invoices*/ $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/invoice.csv'); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 1 => 'client.email', 3 => 'payment.amount', 5 => 'invoice.po_number', 8 => 'invoice.due_date', 9 => 'item.discount', 11 => 'invoice.partial_due_date', 12 => 'invoice.public_notes', 13 => 'invoice.private_notes', 0 => 'client.name', 2 => 'invoice.number', 7 => 'invoice.date', 14 => 'item.product_key', 15 => 'item.notes', 16 => 'item.cost', 17 => 'item.quantity', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'invoice' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Invoice::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-invoice', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Invoice::count() ); } public function testVendorCsvImport() { $csv = file_get_contents( base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/vendors.csv' ); $hash = Str::random( 32 ); $column_map = [ 0 => 'vendor.name', 19 => 'vendor.currency_id', 20 => 'vendor.public_notes', 21 => 'vendor.private_notes', 22 => 'vendor.first_name', 23 => 'vendor.last_name', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'vendor' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Vendor::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-vendor', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Vendor::count() ); } public function testProductCsvImport() { $csv = file_get_contents( base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/products.csv' ); $hash = Str::random( 32 ); $column_map = [ 2 => 'product.notes', 3 => 'product.cost', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'product' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Product::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-product', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Product::count() ); } public function testExpenseCsvImport() { $csv = file_get_contents( base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/expenses.csv' ); $hash = Str::random( 32 ); $column_map = [ 2 => 'expense.public_notes', 3 => 'expense.amount', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'expense' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Expense::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-expense', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Expense::count() ); } public function testPaymentCsvImport() { /*Need to import clients first*/ $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/clients.csv'); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 1 => 'client.balance', 2 => 'client.paid_to_date', 0 => 'client.name', 19 => 'client.currency_id', 20 => 'client.public_notes', 21 => 'client.private_notes', 22 => 'contact.first_name', 23 => 'contact.last_name', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'client' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; Cache::put( $hash . '-client', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); /*Now import invoices*/ $csv = file_get_contents(base_path().'/tests/Feature/Import/invoice.csv'); $hash = Str::random(32); $column_map = [ 1 => 'client.email', 3 => 'payment.amount', 5 => 'invoice.po_number', 8 => 'invoice.due_date', 9 => 'item.discount', 11 => 'invoice.partial_due_date', 12 => 'invoice.public_notes', 13 => 'invoice.private_notes', 0 => 'client.name', 2 => 'invoice.number', 7 => 'invoice.date', 14 => 'item.product_key', 15 => 'item.notes', 16 => 'item.cost', 17 => 'item.quantity', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'invoice' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Invoice::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-invoice', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); /* Test Now import payments*/ $csv = file_get_contents( base_path() . '/tests/Feature/Import/payments.csv' ); $hash = Str::random( 32 ); $column_map = [ 0 => 'payment.client_id', 1 => 'payment.invoice_number', 2 => 'payment.amount', 3 => 'payment.date', ]; $data = [ 'hash' => $hash, 'column_map' => [ 'payment' => [ 'mapping' => $column_map ] ], 'skip_header' => true, 'import_type' => 'csv', ]; $pre_import = Payment::count(); Cache::put( $hash . '-payment', base64_encode( $csv ), 360 ); CSVImport::dispatchNow( $data, $this->company ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $pre_import, Payment::count() ); } private function getCsvData($csvfile) { if (! ini_get('auto_detect_line_endings')) { ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1'); } $csv = Reader::createFromString($csvfile); $stmt = new Statement(); $data = iterator_to_array($stmt->process($csv)); if (count($data) > 0) { $headers = $data[0]; // Remove Invoice Ninja headers if (count($headers) && count($data) > 4) { $firstCell = $headers[0]; if (strstr($firstCell, config('ninja.app_name'))) { array_shift($data); // Invoice Ninja... array_shift($data); // array_shift($data); // Enitty Type Header } } } return $data; } }