credit = $credit; } public function getCreditPdf($invitation) { return (new GetCreditPdf($invitation))->run(); } /** * Applies the invoice number. * @return $this InvoiceService object */ public function applyNumber() { $this->credit = (new ApplyNumber($this->credit->client, $this->credit))->run(); return $this; } public function createInvitations() { $this->credit = (new CreateInvitations($this->credit))->run(); return $this; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->credit->status_id = $status; return $this; } public function sendEmail($contact = null) { $send_email = new SendEmail($this->credit, null, $contact); return $send_email->run(); } public function setCalculatedStatus() { if ((int) $this->credit->balance == 0) { $this->credit->status_id = Credit::STATUS_APPLIED; } elseif ((string) $this->credit->amount == (string) $this->credit->balance) { $this->credit->status_id = Credit::STATUS_SENT; } elseif ($this->credit->balance > 0) { $this->credit->status_id = Credit::STATUS_PARTIAL; } return $this; } /* For euro users - we mark a credit as paid when we need to document a refund of sorts. Criteria: Credit must be a negative value A negative payment for the balance will be generated This amount will be reduced from the clients paid to date. */ public function markPaid() { if ($this->credit->balance > 0) { return $this; } $this->markSent(); $payment_repo = new PaymentRepository(new CreditRepository()); //set credit balance to zero $adjustment = $this->credit->balance; $this->updateBalance($adjustment) ->updatePaidToDate($adjustment) ->setStatus(Credit::STATUS_APPLIED) ->save(); //create a negative payment of total $this->credit->balance $payment = PaymentFactory::create($this->credit->company_id, $this->credit->user_id); $payment->client_id = $this->credit->client_id; $payment->amount = $adjustment; $payment->applied = $adjustment; $payment->refunded = 0; $payment->status_id = Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED; $payment->type_id = PaymentType::CREDIT; $payment->is_manual = true; $payment->currency_id = $this->credit->client->getSetting('currency_id'); $payment->date = now(); $payment->saveQuietly(); $payment->number = $payment->client->getNextPaymentNumber($payment->client, $payment); $payment = $payment_repo->processExchangeRates(['client_id' => $this->credit->client_id], $payment); $payment->saveQuietly(); $payment ->credits() ->attach($this->credit->id, ['amount' => $adjustment]); //reduce client paid_to_date by $this->credit->balance amount // $this->credit // ->client // ->service() // ->updatePaidToDate($adjustment) // ->save(); $client = $this->credit->client->fresh(); $client->service() ->updatePaidToDate($adjustment) ->adjustCreditBalance($adjustment * -1) ->save(); event('eloquent.created: App\Models\Payment', $payment); return $this; } public function markSent() { $this->credit = (new MarkSent($this->credit->client, $this->credit))->run(); return $this; } public function applyPayment($invoice, $amount, $payment) { $this->credit = (new ApplyPayment($this->credit, $invoice, $amount, $payment))->run(); $this->deletePdf(); return $this; } public function adjustBalance($adjustment) { $this->credit->balance += $adjustment; return $this; } public function updatePaidToDate($adjustment) { $this->credit->paid_to_date += $adjustment; return $this; } public function updateBalance($adjustment) { $this->credit->balance -= $adjustment; return $this; } /** * Sometimes we need to refresh the * PDF when it is updated etc. * @return InvoiceService */ public function touchPdf($force = false) { try { if ($force) { $this->credit->invitations->each(function ($invitation) { (new CreateEntityPdf($invitation))->handle(); }); return $this; } $this->credit->invitations->each(function ($invitation) { CreateEntityPdf::dispatch($invitation); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { nlog('failed creating invoices in Touch PDF'); } return $this; } public function fillDefaults() { $settings = $this->credit->client->getMergedSettings(); if (! $this->credit->design_id) { $this->credit->design_id = $this->decodePrimaryKey($settings->credit_design_id); } if (! isset($this->credit->footer)) { $this->credit->footer = $settings->credit_footer; } if (! isset($this->credit->terms)) { $this->credit->terms = $settings->credit_terms; } /* If client currency differs from the company default currency, then insert the client exchange rate on the model.*/ if (! isset($this->credit->exchange_rate) && $this->credit->client->currency()->id != (int) $this->credit->company->settings->currency_id) { $this->credit->exchange_rate = $this->credit->client->currency()->exchange_rate; } if (! isset($this->credit->public_notes)) { $this->credit->public_notes = $this->credit->client->public_notes; } return $this; } public function deletePdf() { $this->credit->invitations->each(function ($invitation) { (new UnlinkFile(config('filesystems.default'), $this->credit->client->credit_filepath($invitation).$this->credit->numberFormatter().'.pdf'))->handle(); }); return $this; } public function triggeredActions($request) { $this->invoice = (new TriggeredActions($this->credit, $request))->run(); return $this; } /** * Saves the credit. * @return Credit object */ public function save() : ?Credit { $this->credit->saveQuietly(); return $this->credit; } }