company_gateway = $company_gateway; $this->invitation = $invitation; $this->client = $client; } /** * Authorize a payment method. * * Returns a reusable token for storage for future payments * * @param array $data * @return mixed Return a view for collecting payment method information */ public function authorizeView(array $data) { } /** * The payment authorization response * * @param Request $request * @return mixed Return a response for collecting payment method information */ public function authorizeResponse(Request $request) { } /** * Process a payment * * @param array $data * @return mixed Return a view for the payment */ public function processPaymentView(array $data) { } /** * Process payment response * * @param Request $request * @return mixed Return a response for the payment */ public function processPaymentResponse(Request $request) { } /** * Executes a refund attempt for a given amount with a transaction_reference. * * @param Payment $payment The Payment Object * @param float $amount The amount to be refunded * @param bool $return_client_response Whether the method needs to return a response (otherwise we assume an unattended payment) * @return mixed */ public function refund(Payment $payment, $amount, $return_client_response = false) { } /** * Process an unattended payment. * * @param ClientGatewayToken $cgt The client gateway token object * @param PaymentHash $payment_hash The Payment hash containing the payment meta data * @return void The payment response */ public function tokenBilling(ClientGatewayToken $cgt, PaymentHash $payment_hash) { } /** * Set the inbound request payment method type for access. * * @param int $payment_method_id The Payment Method ID */ public function setPaymentMethod($payment_method_id) { } /************************** Helper methods *************************************/ public function setPaymentHash(PaymentHash $payment_hash) { $this->payment_hash = $payment_hash; return $this; } /** * Helper method to attach invoices to a payment. * * @param Payment $payment The payment * @param PaymentHash $payment_hash * @return Payment The payment object */ public function attachInvoices(Payment $payment, PaymentHash $payment_hash): Payment { $paid_invoices = $payment_hash->invoices(); $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $this->transformKeys(array_column($paid_invoices, 'invoice_id')))->get(); $payment->invoices()->sync($invoices); $invoices->each(function ($invoice) use ($payment) { event(new InvoiceWasPaid($invoice, $payment->company, Ninja::eventVars())); }); return $payment->service()->applyNumber()->save(); } /** * Create a payment from an online payment. * * @param array $data Payment data * @param int $status The payment status_id * @return Payment The payment object */ public function createPayment($data, $status = Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED): Payment { $payment = PaymentFactory::create($this->client->company->id, $this->client->user->id); $payment->client_id = $this->client->id; $payment->company_gateway_id = $this->company_gateway->id; $payment->status_id = $status; $payment->currency_id = $this->client->getSetting('currency_id'); $payment->date = Carbon::now(); $client_contact = $this->getContact(); $client_contact_id = $client_contact ? $client_contact->id : null; $payment->amount = $data['amount']; $payment->type_id = $data['payment_type']; $payment->transaction_reference = $data['transaction_reference']; $payment->client_contact_id = $client_contact_id; $payment->save(); $this->payment_hash->payment_id = $payment->id; $this->payment_hash->save(); $this->attachInvoices($payment, $this->payment_hash); $payment->service()->updateInvoicePayment($this->payment_hash); event(new PaymentWasCreated($payment, $payment->company, Ninja::eventVars())); return $payment->service()->applyNumber()->save(); } /** * When a successful payment is made, we need to append the gateway fee * to an invoice. * * @param PaymentResponseRequest $request The incoming payment request * @return void Success/Failure */ public function confirmGatewayFee(PaymentResponseRequest $request) :void { /*Payment meta data*/ $payment_hash = $request->getPaymentHash(); /*Payment invoices*/ $payment_invoices = $payment_hash->invoices(); /*Fee charged at gateway*/ $fee_total = $payment_hash->fee_total; // Sum of invoice amounts // $invoice_totals = array_sum(array_column($payment_invoices,'amount')); /*Hydrate invoices*/ $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $this->transformKeys(array_column($payment_invoices, 'invoice_id')))->get(); $invoices->each(function ($invoice) use ($fee_total) { if (collect($invoice->line_items)->contains('type_id', '3')) { $invoice->service()->toggleFeesPaid()->save(); $invoice->client->service()->updateBalance($fee_total)->save(); $invoice->ledger()->updateInvoiceBalance($fee_total, $notes = 'Gateway fee adjustment'); } }); } /** * In case of a payment failure we should always * return the invoice to its original state * * @param PaymentHash $payment_hash The payment hash containing the list of invoices * @return void */ public function unWindGatewayFees(PaymentHash $payment_hash) { $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $this->transformKeys(array_column($payment_hash->invoices(), 'invoice_id')))->get(); $invoices->each(function ($invoice) { $invoice->service()->removeUnpaidGatewayFees(); }); } /** * Return the contact if possible. * * @return ClientContact The ClientContact object */ public function getContact() { if ($this->invitation) { return ClientContact::find($this->invitation->client_contact_id); } elseif (auth()->guard('contact')->user()) { return auth()->user(); } else { return false; } } /** * Store payment method as company gateway token. * * @param array $data * @return null|ClientGatewayToken */ public function storeGatewayToken(array $data, array $additional = []): ?ClientGatewayToken { $company_gateway_token = new ClientGatewayToken(); $company_gateway_token->company_id = $this->client->company->id; $company_gateway_token->client_id = $this->client->id; $company_gateway_token->token = $data['token']; $company_gateway_token->company_gateway_id = $this->company_gateway->id; $company_gateway_token->gateway_type_id = $data['payment_method_id']; $company_gateway_token->meta = $data['payment_meta']; foreach ($additional as $key => $value) { $company_gateway_token->{$key} = $value; } $company_gateway_token->save(); if ($this->client->gateway_tokens->count() == 1) { $this->client->gateway_tokens()->update(['is_default' => 0]); $company_gateway_token->is_default = 1; $company_gateway_token->save(); } return $company_gateway_token; } public function processInternallyFailedPayment($gateway, $e) { if ($e instanceof Exception) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } if ($e instanceof CheckoutHttpException) { $error = $e->getBody(); } $amount = optional($this->payment_hash->data)->value ?? optional($this->payment_hash->data)->amount; PaymentFailureMailer::dispatch( $gateway->client, $error, $gateway->client->company, $amount ); SystemLogger::dispatch( $gateway->payment_hash, SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_ERROR, $gateway::SYSTEM_LOG_TYPE, $gateway->client, ); throw new PaymentFailed($error, $e->getCode()); } /** * Wrapper method for checking if resource is good. * * @param mixed $resource * @return bool */ public function checkRequiredResource($resource): bool { if (is_null($resource) || empty($resource)) { return true; } return false; } public function checkRequirements() { if ($this->company_gateway->require_billing_address) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->address1)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_address1'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->address2)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_address2'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->city)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_city'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->state)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_state'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->postal_code)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_postal_code'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->country_id)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'billing_country'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_shipping_address) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_address1)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_address1'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_address2)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_address2'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_city)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_city'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_state)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_state'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_postal_code)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_postal_code'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->shipping_country_id)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'shipping_country'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_client_name) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->name)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'name'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_client_phone) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->phone)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'phone'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_contact_email) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->email)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'contact_email'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_contact_name) { if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->first_name)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'contact_first_name'; } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->last_name)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'contact_last_name'; } } if ($this->company_gateway->require_postal_code) { // In case "require_postal_code" is true, we don't need billing address. foreach ($this->required_fields as $position => $field) { if (Str::startsWith($field, 'billing')) { unset($this->required_fields[$position]); } } if ($this->checkRequiredResource(auth()->user('contact')->client->postal_code)) { $this->required_fields[] = 'postal_code'; } } return $this; } }