payfast = $payfast; } // Attributes // merchant-id // integer, 8 char | REQUIRED // Header, the Merchant ID as given by the PayFast system. // version // string | REQUIRED // Header, the PayFast API version (i.e. v1). // timestamp // ISO-8601 date and time | REQUIRED // Header, the current timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[+HH:MM]). // signature // string | REQUIRED // Header, MD5 hash of the alphabetised submitted header and body variables, as well as the passphrase. Characters must be in lower case. // amount // integer | REQUIRED // Body, the amount which the buyer must pay, in cents (ZAR), no decimals. // item_name // string, 100 char | REQUIRED // Body, the name of the item being charged for. // item_description // string, 255 char | OPTIONAL // Body, the description of the item being charged for. // itn // boolean | OPTIONAL // Body, specify whether an ITN must be sent for the tokenization payment (true by default). // m_payment_id // string, 100 char | OPTIONAL // Body, unique payment ID on the merchant’s system. // cc_cvv // numeric | OPTIONAL public function tokenBilling(ClientGatewayToken $cgt, PaymentHash $payment_hash) { $amount = array_sum(array_column($payment_hash->invoices(), 'amount')) + $payment_hash->fee_total; $amount = round(($amount * pow(10, $this->payfast->client->currency()->precision)),0); // $header =[ // 'merchant-id' => $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('merchantId'), // 'timestamp' => now()->format('c'), // 'version' => 'v1', // ]; // $body = [ // 'amount' => $amount, // 'item_name' => 'purchase', // 'item_description' => ctrans('texts.invoices') . ': ' . collect($payment_hash->invoices())->pluck('invoice_number'), // // 'm_payment_id' => $payment_hash->hash, // ]; // $header['signature'] = md5( $this->generate_parameter_string(array_merge($header, $body), false) ); // $result = $this->send($header, $body, $cgt->token); $api = new \PayFast\PayFastApi( [ 'merchantId' => $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('merchantId'), 'passPhrase' => $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('passPhrase'), 'testMode' => $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('testMode') ] ); $adhocArray = $api ->subscriptions ->adhoc($cgt->token, ['amount' => $amount, 'item_name' => 'purchase']); nlog($adhocArray); // /*Refactor and push to BaseDriver*/ // if ($data['response'] != null && $data['response']->getMessages()->getResultCode() == 'Ok') { // $response = $data['response']; // $this->storePayment($payment_hash, $data); // $vars = [ // 'invoices' => $payment_hash->invoices(), // 'amount' => $amount, // ]; // $logger_message = [ // 'server_response' => $response->getTransactionResponse()->getTransId(), // 'data' => $this->formatGatewayResponse($data, $vars), // ]; // SystemLogger::dispatch($logger_message, SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_SUCCESS, SystemLog::TYPE_AUTHORIZE, $this->authorize->client, $this->authorize->client->company); // return true; // } else { // $vars = [ // 'invoices' => $payment_hash->invoices(), // 'amount' => $amount, // ]; // $logger_message = [ // 'server_response' => $response->getTransactionResponse()->getTransId(), // 'data' => $this->formatGatewayResponse($data, $vars), // ]; // PaymentFailureMailer::dispatch($this->authorize->client, $response->getTransactionResponse()->getTransId(), $this->authorize->client->company, $amount); // SystemLogger::dispatch($logger_message, SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_FAILURE, SystemLog::TYPE_AUTHORIZE, $this->authorize->client, $this->authorize->client->company); // return false; // } } protected function generate_parameter_string( $api_data, $sort_data_before_merge = true, $skip_empty_values = true ) { // if sorting is required the passphrase should be added in before sort. if ( ! empty( $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('passPhrase') ) && $sort_data_before_merge ) $api_data['passphrase'] = $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('passPhrase'); if ( $sort_data_before_merge ) { ksort( $api_data ); } // concatenate the array key value pairs. $parameter_string = ''; foreach ( $api_data as $key => $val ) { if ( $skip_empty_values && empty( $val ) ) { continue; } if ( 'signature' !== $key ) { $val = urlencode( $val ); $parameter_string .= "$key=$val&"; } } // when not sorting passphrase should be added to the end before md5 if ( $sort_data_before_merge ) { $parameter_string = rtrim( $parameter_string, '&' ); } elseif ( ! empty( $this->pass_phrase ) ) { $parameter_string .= 'passphrase=' . urlencode( $this->payfast->company_gateway->getConfigField('passPhrase') ); } else { $parameter_string = rtrim( $parameter_string, '&' ); } nlog($parameter_string); return $parameter_string; } private function genSig($data) { $fields = []; ksort($data); foreach($data as $key => $value) { if (!empty($data[$key])) { $fields[$key] = $data[$key]; } } return md5(http_build_query($fields)); } private function send($headers, $body, $token) { $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client( [ 'headers' => $headers, ]); try { $response = $client->post("{$token}/adhoc?testing=true",[ RequestOptions::JSON => ['body' => $body], RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => false ]); return json_decode($response->getBody(),true); } catch(\Exception $e) { nlog($e->getMessage()); } } }