ClientSettings: required: - currency_id properties: currency_id: description: 'The default currency id' type: string example: true timezone_id: description: 'The timezone id' type: string example: '15' date_format_id: description: 'The date format id' type: string example: '15' military_time: description: 'Toggles 12/24 hour time' type: boolean example: true language_id: description: 'The language id' type: string example: '1' show_currency_code: description: 'Toggles whether the currency symbol or code is shown' type: boolean example: true payment_terms: description: '-1 sets no payment term, 0 sets payment due immediately, positive integers indicates payment terms in days' type: integer example: '1' company_gateway_ids: description: 'A commad separate list of available gateways' type: string example: '1,2,3,4' custom_value1: description: 'A Custom Label' type: string example: 'Custom Label' custom_value2: description: 'A Custom Label' type: string example: 'Custom Label' custom_value3: description: 'A Custom Label' type: string example: 'Custom Label' custom_value4: description: 'A Custom Label' type: string example: 'Custom Label' default_task_rate: description: 'The default task rate' type: number format: float example: '10.00' send_reminders: description: 'Toggles whether reminders are sent' type: boolean example: true enable_client_portal_tasks: description: 'Show/hide the tasks panel in the client portal' type: boolean example: true email_style: description: 'options include plain,light,dark,custom' type: string example: light reply_to_email: description: 'The reply to email address' type: string example: bcc_email: description: 'A comma separate list of BCC emails' type: string example: ',' pdf_email_attachment: description: 'Toggles whether to attach PDF as attachment' type: boolean example: true ubl_email_attachment: description: 'Toggles whether to attach UBL as attachment' type: boolean example: true email_style_custom: description: 'The custom template' type: string example: '' counter_number_applied: description: 'enum when the invoice number counter is set, ie when_saved, when_sent, when_paid' type: string example: when_sent quote_number_applied: description: 'enum when the quote number counter is set, ie when_saved, when_sent' type: string example: when_sent custom_message_dashboard: description: 'A custom message which is displayed on the dashboard' type: string example: 'Please pay invoices immediately' custom_message_unpaid_invoice: description: 'A custom message which is displayed in the client portal when a client is viewing a unpaid invoice.' type: string example: 'Please pay invoices immediately' custom_message_paid_invoice: description: 'A custom message which is displayed in the client portal when a client is viewing a paid invoice.' type: string example: 'Thanks for paying this invoice!' custom_message_unapproved_quote: description: 'A custom message which is displayed in the client portal when a client is viewing a unapproved quote.' type: string example: 'Please approve quote' lock_invoices: description: 'Toggles whether invoices are locked once sent and cannot be modified further' type: boolean example: true auto_archive_invoice: description: 'Toggles whether a invoice is archived immediately following payment' type: boolean example: true auto_archive_quote: description: 'Toggles whether a quote is archived after being converted to a invoice' type: boolean example: true auto_convert_quote: description: 'Toggles whether a quote is converted to a invoice when approved' type: boolean example: true inclusive_taxes: description: 'Boolean flag determining whether inclusive or exclusive taxes are used' type: boolean example: true task_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the task number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' task_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for tasks' type: integer example: '1' reminder_send_time: description: 'Time from UTC +0 when the email will be sent to the client' type: integer example: '32400' expense_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the expense number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' expense_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for expenses' type: integer example: '1' vendor_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the vendor number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' vendor_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for vendors' type: integer example: '1' ticket_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the ticket number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' ticket_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for tickets' type: integer example: '1' payment_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the payment number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' payment_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for payments' type: integer example: '1' invoice_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the invoice number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' invoice_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for invoices' type: integer example: '1' quote_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the quote number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' quote_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for quotes' type: integer example: '1' client_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the client number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' client_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for clients' type: integer example: '1' credit_number_pattern: description: 'Allows customisation of the credit number pattern' type: string example: '{$year}-{$counter}' credit_number_counter: description: 'The incrementing counter for credits' type: integer example: '1' recurring_invoice_number_prefix: description: 'This string is prepended to the recurring invoice number' type: string example: R reset_counter_frequency_id: description: 'CONSTANT which is used to apply the frequency which the counters are reset' type: integer example: '1' reset_counter_date: description: 'The explicit date which is used to reset counters' type: string example: '2019-01-01' counter_padding: description: 'Pads the counter with leading zeros' type: integer example: '1' shared_invoice_quote_counter: description: 'Flags whether to share the counter for invoices and quotes' type: boolean example: true update_products: description: 'Determines if client fields are updated from third party APIs' type: boolean example: true convert_products: description: '' type: boolean example: true fill_products: description: 'Automatically fill products based on product_key' type: boolean example: true invoice_terms: description: 'The default invoice terms' type: string example: 'Invoice Terms are...' quote_terms: description: 'The default quote terms' type: string example: 'Quote Terms are...' invoice_taxes: description: 'Taxes can be applied to the invoice' type: number example: '1' invoice_design_id: description: 'The default design id (invoice, quote etc)' type: string example: '1' quote_design_id: description: 'The default design id (invoice, quote etc)' type: string example: '1' invoice_footer: description: 'The default invoice footer' type: string example: '1' invoice_labels: description: 'JSON string of invoice labels' type: string example: '1' tax_rate1: description: 'The tax rate (float)' type: number example: '10' tax_name1: description: 'The tax name' type: string example: GST tax_rate2: description: 'The tax rate (float)' type: number example: '10' tax_name2: description: 'The tax name' type: string example: GST tax_rate3: description: 'The tax rate (float)' type: number example: '10' tax_name3: description: 'The tax name' type: string example: GST payment_type_id: description: 'The default payment type id' type: string example: '1' custom_fields: description: 'JSON string of custom fields' type: string example: '{}' email_footer: description: 'The default email footer' type: string example: 'A default email footer' email_sending_method: description: 'The email driver to use to send email, options include default, gmail' type: string example: default gmail_sending_user_id: description: 'The hashed_id of the user account to send email from' type: string example: F76sd34D email_subject_invoice: description: '' type: string example: 'Your Invoice Subject' email_subject_quote: description: '' type: string example: 'Your Quote Subject' email_subject_payment: description: '' type: string example: 'Your Payment Subject' email_template_invoice: description: 'The full template for invoice emails' type: string example: '' email_template_quote: description: 'The full template for quote emails' type: string example: '' email_template_payment: description: 'The full template for payment emails' type: string example: '' email_subject_reminder1: description: 'Email subject for Reminder' type: string example: '' email_subject_reminder2: description: 'Email subject for Reminder' type: string example: '' email_subject_reminder3: description: 'Email subject for Reminder' type: string example: '' email_subject_reminder_endless: description: 'Email subject for endless reminders' type: string example: '' email_template_reminder1: description: 'The full template for Reminder 1' type: string example: '' email_template_reminder2: description: 'The full template for Reminder 2' type: string example: '' email_template_reminder3: description: 'The full template for Reminder 3' type: string example: '' email_template_reminder_endless: description: 'The full template for enless reminders' type: string example: '' enable_portal_password: description: 'Toggles whether a password is required to log into the client portal' type: boolean example: true show_accept_invoice_terms: description: 'Toggles whether the terms dialogue is shown to the client' type: boolean example: true show_accept_quote_terms: description: 'Toggles whether the terms dialogue is shown to the client' type: boolean example: true require_invoice_signature: description: 'Toggles whether a invoice signature is required' type: boolean example: true require_quote_signature: description: 'Toggles whether a quote signature is required' type: boolean example: true name: description: 'The company name' type: string example: 'Acme Co' company_logo: description: 'The company logo file' type: object example: logo.png website: description: 'The company website URL' type: string example: address1: description: 'The company address line 1' type: string example: 'Suite 888' address2: description: 'The company address line 2' type: string example: '5 Jimbo Way' city: description: 'The company city' type: string example: Sydney state: description: 'The company state' type: string example: Florisa postal_code: description: 'The company zip/postal code' type: string example: '90210' phone: description: 'The company phone' type: string example: 555-213-3948 email: description: 'The company email' type: string example: country_id: description: 'The country ID' type: string example: '1' vat_number: description: 'The company VAT/TAX ID number' type: string example: '32 120 377 720' page_size: description: 'The default page size' type: string example: A4 font_size: description: 'The font size' type: number example: '9' primary_font: description: 'The primary font' type: string example: roboto secondary_font: description: 'The secondary font' type: string example: roboto hide_paid_to_date: description: 'Flags whether to hide the paid to date field' type: boolean example: false embed_documents: description: 'Toggled whether to embed documents in the PDF' type: boolean example: false all_pages_header: description: 'The header for the PDF' type: boolean example: false all_pages_footer: description: 'The footer for the PDF' type: boolean example: false document_email_attachment: description: 'Toggles whether to attach documents in the email' type: boolean example: false enable_client_portal_password: description: 'Toggles password protection of the client portal' type: boolean example: false enable_email_markup: description: 'Toggles the use of markdown in emails' type: boolean example: false enable_client_portal_dashboard: description: 'Toggles whether the client dashboard is shown in the client portal' type: boolean example: false enable_client_portal: description: 'Toggles whether the entire client portal is displayed to the client, or only the context' type: boolean example: false email_template_statement: description: 'The body of the email for statements' type: string example: 'template matter' email_subject_statement: description: 'The subject of the email for statements' type: string example: 'subject matter' signature_on_pdf: description: 'Toggles whether the signature (if available) is displayed on the PDF' type: boolean example: false quote_footer: description: 'The default quote footer' type: string example: 'the quote footer' email_subject_custom1: description: 'Custom reminder template subject' type: string example: 'Custom Subject 1' email_subject_custom2: description: 'Custom reminder template subject' type: string example: 'Custom Subject 2' email_subject_custom3: description: 'Custom reminder template subject' type: string example: 'Custom Subject 3' email_template_custom1: description: 'Custom reminder template body' type: string example: '' email_template_custom2: description: 'Custom reminder template body' type: string example: '' email_template_custom3: description: 'Custom reminder template body' type: string example: '' enable_reminder1: description: 'Toggles whether this reminder is enabled' type: boolean example: false enable_reminder2: description: 'Toggles whether this reminder is enabled' type: boolean example: false enable_reminder3: description: 'Toggles whether this reminder is enabled' type: boolean example: false num_days_reminder1: description: 'The Reminder interval' type: number example: '9' num_days_reminder2: description: 'The Reminder interval' type: number example: '9' num_days_reminder3: description: 'The Reminder interval' type: number example: '9' schedule_reminder1: description: '(enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)' type: string example: after_invoice_date schedule_reminder2: description: '(enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)' type: string example: after_invoice_date schedule_reminder3: description: '(enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)' type: string example: after_invoice_date late_fee_amount1: description: 'The late fee amount for reminder 1' type: number example: 10 late_fee_amount2: description: 'The late fee amount for reminder 2' type: number example: 20 late_fee_amount3: description: 'The late fee amount for reminder 2' type: number example: 100 endless_reminder_frequency_id: description: 'The frequency id of the endless reminder' type: string example: '1' client_online_payment_notification: description: 'Determines if a client should receive the notification for a online payment' type: boolean example: false client_manual_payment_notification: description: 'Determines if a client should receive the notification for a manually entered payment' type: boolean example: false enable_e_invoice: description: 'Determines if e-invoicing is enabled' type: boolean example: false default_expense_payment_type_id: description: 'The default payment type for expenses' type: string example: '0' e_invoice_type: description: 'The e-invoice type' type: string example: 'EN16931' mailgun_endpoint: description: 'The mailgun endpoint - used to determine whether US or EU endpoints are used' type: string example: ' or' client_initiated_payments: description: 'Determines if clients can initiate payments directly from the client portal' type: boolean example: false client_initiated_payments_minimum: description: 'The minimum amount a client can pay' type: number example: 10 sync_invoice_quote_columns: description: 'Determines if invoice and quote columns are synced for the PDF rendering, or if they use their own columns' type: boolean example: false show_task_item_description: description: 'Determines if the task item description is shown on the invoice' type: boolean example: false allow_billable_task_items: description: 'Determines if task items can be marked as billable' type: boolean example: false accept_client_input_quote_approval: description: 'Determines if clients can approve quotes and also pass through a PO Number reference' type: boolean example: false custom_sending_email: description: 'When using Mailgun or Postmark, the FROM email address can be customized using this setting.' type: string example: '' show_paid_stamp: description: 'Determines if the PAID stamp is shown on the invoice' type: boolean example: false show_shipping_address: description: 'Determines if the shipping address is shown on the invoice' type: boolean example: false company_logo_size: description: 'The size of the company logo on the PDF - percentage value between 0 and 100' type: number example: 100 show_email_footer: description: 'Determines if the email footer is shown on emails' type: boolean example: false email_alignment: description: 'The alignment of the email body text, options include left / center / right' type: string example: 'left' auto_bill_standard_invoices: description: 'Determines if standard invoices are automatically billed when they are created or due' type: boolean example: false postmark_secret: description: 'The Postmark secret API key' type: string example: '123456' mailgun_secret: description: 'The Mailgun secret API key' type: string example: '123456' mailgun_domain: description: 'The Mailgun domain' type: string example: '' send_email_on_mark_paid: description: 'Determines if an email is sent when an invoice is marked as paid' type: boolean example: false vendor_portal_enable_uploads: description: 'Determines if vendors can upload files to the portal' type: boolean example: false besr_id: description: 'The BESR ID' type: string example: '123456' qr_iban: description: 'The IBAN for the QR code' type: string example: 'CH123456' email_subject_purchase_order: description: 'The email subject for purchase orders' type: string example: 'Purchase Order' email_template_purchase_order: description: 'The email template for purchase orders' type: string example: 'Please see attached your purchase order.' require_purchase_order_signature: description: 'Determines if a signature is required on purchase orders' type: boolean example: false purchase_order_public_notes: description: 'The public notes for purchase orders' type: string example: 'Please see attached your purchase order.' purchase_order_terms: description: 'The terms for purchase orders' type: string example: 'Please see attached your purchase order.' purchase_order_footer: description: 'The footer for purchase orders' type: string example: 'Please see attached your purchase order.' purchase_order_design_id: description: 'The design id for purchase orders' type: string example: 'hd677df' purchase_order_number_pattern: description: 'The pattern for purchase order numbers' type: string example: 'PO-000000' purchase_order_number_counter: description: 'The counter for purchase order numbers' type: number example: 1 page_numbering_alignment: description: 'The alignment for page numbering: options include left / center / right' type: string example: 'left' page_numbering: description: 'Determines if page numbering is enabled on Document PDFs' type: boolean example: false auto_archive_invoice_cancelled: description: 'Determines if invoices are automatically archived when they are cancelled' type: boolean example: false email_from_name: description: 'The FROM name for emails when using Custom emailers' type: string example: 'Bob Smith' show_all_tasks_client_portal: description: 'Determines if all tasks are shown on the client portal' type: boolean example: false entity_send_time: description: 'The time that emails are sent. The time is localized to the clients locale, integer values from 1 - 24' type: integer example: 9 shared_invoice_credit_counter: description: 'Determines if the invoice and credit counter are shared' type: boolean example: false reply_to_name: description: 'The reply to name for emails' type: string example: 'Bob Smith' hide_empty_columns_on_pdf: description: 'Determines if empty columns are hidden on PDFs' type: boolean example: false enable_reminder_endless: description: 'Determines if endless reminders are enabled' type: boolean example: false use_credits_payment: description: 'Determines if credits can be used as a payment method' type: boolean example: false recurring_invoice_number_pattern: description: 'The pattern for recurring invoice numbers' type: string example: 'R-000000' recurring_invoice_number_counter: description: 'The counter for recurring invoice numbers' type: number example: 1 client_portal_under_payment_minimum: description: 'The minimum payment payment' type: number example: 10 auto_bill_date: description: 'Determines when the invoices are auto billed, options are on_send_date (when the invoice is sent) or on_due_date (when the invoice is due))' type: string example: 'on_send_date' primary_color: description: 'The primary color for the client portal / document highlights' type: string example: '#ffffff' secondary_color: description: 'The secondary color for the client portal / document highlights' type: string example: '#ffffff' client_portal_allow_under_payment: description: 'Determines if clients can pay invoices under the invoice amount due' type: boolean example: false client_portal_allow_over_payment: description: 'Determines if clients can pay invoices over the invoice amount' type: boolean example: false auto_bill: description: 'Determines how autobilling is applied for recurring invoices. off (no auto billed), always (always auto bill), optin (The user must opt in to auto billing), optout (The user must opt out of auto billing' type: string example: 'off' client_portal_terms: description: 'The terms which are displayed on the client portal' type: string example: 'Please see attached your invoice.' client_portal_privacy_policy: description: 'The privacy policy which is displayed on the client portal' type: string example: 'These are the terms of use for using the client portal.' client_can_register: description: 'Determines if clients can register on the client portal' type: boolean example: false portal_design_id: description: 'The design id for the client portal' type: string example: 'hd677df' late_fee_endless_percent: description: 'The late fee percentage for endless late fees' type: number example: 10 late_fee_endless_amount: description: 'The late fee amount for endless late fees' type: number example: 10 auto_email_invoice: description: 'Determines if invoices are automatically emailed when they are created' type: boolean example: false email_signature: description: 'The email signature for emails' type: string example: 'Bob Smith' type: object