vendor_public_id) { if (! Auth::user()->can('viewByOwner', [ENTITY_VENDOR, $model->vendor_user_id])) { return $model->vendor_name; } return link_to("vendors/{$model->vendor_public_id}", $model->vendor_name)->toHtml(); } else { return ''; } }, ! $this->hideClient, ], [ 'client_name', function ($model) { if ($model->client_public_id) { if (! Auth::user()->can('viewByOwner', [ENTITY_CLIENT, $model->client_user_id])) { return Utils::getClientDisplayName($model); } return link_to("clients/{$model->client_public_id}", Utils::getClientDisplayName($model))->toHtml(); } else { return ''; } }, ! $this->hideClient, ], [ 'expense_date', function ($model) { if (! Auth::user()->can('viewByOwner', [ENTITY_EXPENSE, $model->user_id])) { return Utils::fromSqlDate($model->expense_date_sql); } return link_to("expenses/{$model->public_id}/edit", Utils::fromSqlDate($model->expense_date_sql))->toHtml(); }, ], [ 'amount', function ($model) { $amount = Utils::calculateTaxes($model->amount, $model->tax_rate1, $model->tax_rate2); $str = Utils::formatMoney($amount, $model->expense_currency_id); // show both the amount and the converted amount if ($model->exchange_rate != 1) { $converted = round($amount * $model->exchange_rate, 2); $str .= ' | ' . Utils::formatMoney($converted, $model->invoice_currency_id); } return $str; }, ], [ 'category', function ($model) { $category = $model->category != null ? substr($model->category, 0, 100) : ''; if (! Auth::user()->can('editByOwner', [ENTITY_EXPENSE_CATEGORY, $model->category_user_id])) { return $category; } return $model->category_public_id ? link_to("expense_categories/{$model->category_public_id}/edit", $category)->toHtml() : ''; }, ], [ 'public_notes', function ($model) { return $model->public_notes != null ? substr($model->public_notes, 0, 100) : ''; }, ], [ 'status', function ($model) { return self::getStatusLabel($model->invoice_id, $model->should_be_invoiced, $model->balance, $model->payment_date); }, ], ]; } public function actions() { return [ [ trans('texts.edit_expense'), function ($model) { return URL::to("expenses/{$model->public_id}/edit"); }, function ($model) { return Auth::user()->can('editByOwner', [ENTITY_EXPENSE, $model->user_id]); }, ], [ trans('texts.view_invoice'), function ($model) { return URL::to("/invoices/{$model->invoice_public_id}/edit"); }, function ($model) { return $model->invoice_public_id && Auth::user()->can('editByOwner', [ENTITY_INVOICE, $model->invoice_user_id]); }, ], [ trans('texts.invoice_expense'), function ($model) { return "javascript:submitForm_expense('invoice', {$model->public_id})"; }, function ($model) { return ! $model->invoice_id && (! $model->deleted_at || $model->deleted_at == '0000-00-00') && Auth::user()->can('create', ENTITY_INVOICE); }, ], ]; } private function getStatusLabel($invoiceId, $shouldBeInvoiced, $balance, $paymentDate) { $label = Expense::calcStatusLabel($shouldBeInvoiced, $invoiceId, $balance, $paymentDate); $class = Expense::calcStatusClass($shouldBeInvoiced, $invoiceId, $balance); return "