module('Mapping'); test('ko.mapping.toJS should unwrap observable values', function () { var atomicValues = ["hello", 123, true, null, undefined, { a: 1 }]; for (var i = 0; i < atomicValues.length; i++) { var data = ko.observable(atomicValues[i]); var result = ko.mapping.toJS(data); equal(ko.isObservable(result), false); deepEqual(result, atomicValues[i]); } }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should unwrap observable properties, including nested ones', function () { var data = { a: ko.observable(123), b: { b1: ko.observable(456), b2: 789 } }; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(data); equal(result.a, 123); equal(result.b.b1, 456); equal(result.b.b2, 789); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should unwrap observable arrays and things inside them', function () { var data = ko.observableArray(['a', 1, { someProp: ko.observable('Hey') }]); var result = ko.mapping.toJS(data); equal(result.length, 3); equal(result[0], 'a'); equal(result[1], 1); equal(result[2].someProp, 'Hey'); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore specified single property', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(data, { ignore: "b" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore specified single property on update', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b(), "b"); equal(result.c(), "c"); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "a2", b: "b2", c: "c2" }, { ignore: ["b", "c"] }, result); equal(result.a(), "a2"); equal(result.b(), "b"); equal(result.c(), "c"); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore specified multiple properties', function() { var data = { a: { a1: "a1", a2: "a2" }, b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { ignore: ["a.a1", "b"] }); equal(result.a.a1, undefined); equal(result.a.a2(), "a2"); equal(result.b, undefined); data.a.a1 = "a11"; data.a.a2 = "a22"; ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, result); equal(result.a.a1, undefined); equal(result.a.a2(), "a22"); equal(result.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should ignore specified single property', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { ignore: "b" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should ignore specified array item', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: [{ b1: "v1" }, { b2: "v2" }] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { ignore: "b[1].b2" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b()[0].b1(), "v1"); equal(result.b()[1].b2, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should ignore specified single property, also when going back .toJS', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { ignore: "b" }); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(js.a, "a"); equal(js.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified single property', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { copy: "b" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b, "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified array', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: ["b1", "b2"] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { copy: "b" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); deepEqual(result.b, ["b1", "b2"]); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified array item', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: [{ b1: "v1" }, { b2: "v2" }] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { copy: "b[0].b1" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b()[0].b1, "v1"); equal(result.b()[1].b2(), "v2"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified single property, also when going back .toJS', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { copy: "b" }); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(js.a, "a"); equal(js.b, "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified single property, also when going back .toJS, except when overridden', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { copy: "b" }); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result, { ignore: "b" }); equal(js.a, "a"); equal(js.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should include specified single property', function() { var data = { a: "a" }; var mapped = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); mapped.c = 1; mapped.d = 2; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(mapped, { include: "c" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.c, 1); equal(result.d, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should by default ignore the mapping property', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var fromJS = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); var result = ko.mapping.toJS(fromJS); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b, "b"); equal(result.__ko_mapping__, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should by default include the _destroy property', function() { var data = { a: "a" }; var fromJS = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); fromJS._destroy = true; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(fromJS); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result._destroy, true); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should merge the default includes', function() { var data = { a: "a" }; var fromJS = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); fromJS.b = "b"; fromJS._destroy = true; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(fromJS, { include: "b" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b, "b"); equal(result._destroy, true); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should merge the default ignores', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; ko.mapping.defaultOptions().ignore = ["a"]; var fromJS = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); var result = ko.mapping.toJS(fromJS, { ignore: "b" }); equal(result.a, undefined); equal(result.b, undefined); equal(result.c, "c"); }); test('ko.mapping.defaultOptions should by default include the _destroy property', function() { notEqual(ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(ko.mapping.defaultOptions().include, "_destroy"), -1); }); test('ko.mapping.defaultOptions.include should be an array', function() { var didThrow = false; try { ko.mapping.defaultOptions().include = {}; ko.mapping.toJS({}); } catch (ex) { didThrow = true } equal(didThrow, true); }); test('ko.mapping.defaultOptions.ignore should be an array', function() { var didThrow = false; try { ko.mapping.defaultOptions().ignore = {}; ko.mapping.toJS({}); } catch (ex) { didThrow = true } equal(didThrow, true); }); test('ko.mapping.defaultOptions can be set', function() { var oldOptions = ko.mapping.defaultOptions(); ko.mapping.defaultOptions({ a: "a" }); var newOptions = ko.mapping.defaultOptions(); ko.mapping.defaultOptions(oldOptions); equal(newOptions.a, "a"); }); test('recognized root-level options should be moved into a root namespace, leaving other options in place', function() { var recognizedRootProperties = ['create', 'update', 'key', 'arrayChanged']; // Zero out the default options so they don't interfere with this test ko.mapping.defaultOptions({}); // Set up a mapping with root and child mappings var mapping = { ignore: ['a'], copy: ['b'], include: ['c'], create: function(opts) { return; }, update: function(opts) { return; }, key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, arrayChanged: function(event, item) { }, children: { ignore: ['a1'], copy: ['b1'], include: ['c1'], create: function(opts) { return; }, update: function(opts) { return; }, key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, arrayChanged: function(event, item) { } } }; // Run the mapping through ko.mapping.fromJS var resultantMapping = ko.mapping.fromJS({}, mapping).__ko_mapping__; // Test that the recognized root-level mappings were moved into a root-level namespace for(var i=recognizedRootProperties.length-1; i>=0; i--) { notDeepEqual(resultantMapping[recognizedRootProperties[i]], mapping[[recognizedRootProperties[i]]]); deepEqual(resultantMapping[''][recognizedRootProperties[i]], mapping[[recognizedRootProperties[i]]]); }; // Test that the non-recognized root-level and descendant mappings were left in place for(property in mapping) { window[recognizedRootProperties.indexOf(property) == -1 ? 'deepEqual' : 'notDeepEqual'](resultantMapping[property], mapping[property]); }; }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore properties that were not part of the original model', function () { var data = { a: 123, b: { b1: 456, b2: [ "b21", "b22" ], } }; var mapped = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); mapped.extraProperty = ko.observable(333); mapped.extraFunction = function() {}; var unmapped = ko.mapping.toJS(mapped); equal(unmapped.a, 123); equal(unmapped.b.b1, 456); equal(unmapped.b.b2[0], "b21"); equal(unmapped.b.b2[1], "b22"); equal(unmapped.extraProperty, undefined); equal(unmapped.extraFunction, undefined); equal(unmapped.__ko_mapping__, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore properties that were not part of the original model when there are no nested create callbacks', function () { var data = [ { a: [{ id: "a1.1" }, { id: "a1.2" }] } ]; var mapped = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { create: function(options) { return ko.mapping.fromJS(; } }); mapped.extraProperty = ko.observable(333); mapped.extraFunction = function() {}; var unmapped = ko.mapping.toJS(mapped); equal(unmapped[0].a[0].id, "a1.1"); equal(unmapped[0].a[1].id, "a1.2"); equal(unmapped.extraProperty, undefined); equal(unmapped.extraFunction, undefined); equal(unmapped.__ko_mapping__, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore properties that were not part of the original model when there are nested create callbacks', function () { var data = [ { a: [{ id: "a1.1" }, { id: "a1.2" }] } ]; var nestedMappingOptions = { a: { create: function(options) { return ko.mapping.fromJS(; } } }; var mapped = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { create: function(options) { return ko.mapping.fromJS(, nestedMappingOptions); } }); mapped.extraProperty = ko.observable(333); mapped.extraFunction = function() {}; var unmapped = ko.mapping.toJS(mapped); equal(unmapped[0].a[0].id, "a1.1"); equal(unmapped[0].a[1].id, "a1.2"); equal(unmapped.extraProperty, undefined); equal(unmapped.extraFunction, undefined); equal(unmapped.__ko_mapping__, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should ignore specified properties', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; var result = ko.mapping.toJS(data, { ignore: ["b", "c"] }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b, undefined); equal(result.c, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJSON should ignore specified properties', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; var result = ko.mapping.toJSON(data, { ignore: ["b", "c"] }); equal(result, "{\"a\":\"a\"}"); }); test('ko.mapping.toJSON should unwrap everything and then stringify', function () { var data = ko.observableArray(['a', 1, { someProp: ko.observable('Hey') }]); var result = ko.mapping.toJSON(data); // Check via parsing so the specs are independent of browser-specific JSON string formatting equal(typeof result, 'string'); var parsedResult = ko.utils.parseJson(result); equal(parsedResult.length, 3); equal(parsedResult[0], 'a'); equal(parsedResult[1], 1); equal(parsedResult[2].someProp, 'Hey'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should require a parameter', function () { var didThrow = false; try { ko.mapping.fromJS() } catch (ex) { didThrow = true } equal(didThrow, true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should return an observable if you supply an atomic value', function () { var atomicValues = ["hello", 123, true, null, undefined]; for (var i = 0; i < atomicValues.length; i++) { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(atomicValues[i]); equal(ko.isObservable(result), true); equal(result(), atomicValues[i]); } }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should be able to map into an existing object', function () { var existingObj = { a: "a" }; var obj = { b: "b" }; ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, {}, existingObj); equal(ko.isObservable(existingObj.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(existingObj.b), true); equal(existingObj.a, "a"); equal(existingObj.b(), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should return an observableArray if you supply an array, but should not wrap its entries in further observables', function () { var sampleArray = ["a", "b"]; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(sampleArray); equal(typeof result.destroyAll, 'function'); // Just an example of a function on ko.observableArray but not on Array equal(result().length, 2); equal(result()[0], "a"); equal(result()[1], "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should return an observableArray if you supply an array, and leave entries as observables if there is a create mapping that does that', function () { var sampleArray = {array: ["a", "b"]}; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(sampleArray, { array: { create: function(options) { return new ko.observable(; } } }); equal(result.array().length, 2); equal(ko.isObservable(result.array()[0]),true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.array()[1]),true); equal(result.array()[0](), "a"); equal(result.array()[1](), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not return an observable if you supply an object that could have properties', function () { equal(ko.isObservable(ko.mapping.fromJS({})), false); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not wrap functions in an observable', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}, { create: function(model) { return { myFunc: function() { return 123; } } } }); equal(result.myFunc(), 123); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS update callbacks should pass in a non-observable', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ obj: { a: "a" } }, { obj: { update: function(options) { equal(options.observable, undefined); return { b: "b" }; } } }); equal(result.obj.b, "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS update callbacks should pass in an observable, when original is also observable', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ obj: ko.observable("a") }, { obj: { update: function(options) { return options.observable() + "ab"; } } }); equal(result.obj(), "aab"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS update callbacks should pass in an observable, when original is not observable', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ obj: "a" }, { obj: { update: function(options) { return options.observable() + "ab"; } } }); equal(result.obj(), "aab"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should map the top-level atomic properties on the supplied object as observables', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: 123, b: 'Hello', c: true }); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.c), true); equal(result.a(), 123); equal(result.b(), 'Hello'); equal(result.c(), true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not map the top-level non-atomic properties on the supplied object as observables', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: { a1: "Hello" } }); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a.a1), true); equal(result.a.a1(), 'Hello'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not map the top-level non-atomic properties on the supplied overriden model as observables', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: { a2: "a2" } }, { create: function(model) { return { a: { a1: "a1" } }; } }); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a.a1), false); equal(result.a.a2, undefined); equal(result.a.a1, 'a1'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not map top-level objects on the supplied overriden model as observables', function () { var dummyObject = function (options) { this.a1 = options.a1; return this; } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}, { create: function(model) { return { a: new dummyObject({ a1: "Hello" }) }; } }); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a.a1), false); equal(result.a.a1, 'Hello'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should allow non-unique atomic properties', function () { var vm = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2, 1] }); deepEqual(vm.a(), [1, 2, 1]); }); /* speed optimizations don't allow this anymore... test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not allow non-unique non-atomic properties', function () { var options = { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }; var didThrow = false; try { ko.mapping.fromJS([ { id: "a1" }, { id: "a2" }, { id: "a1" } ], options); } catch (ex) { didThrow = true } equal(didThrow, true); }); */ test('ko.mapping.fromJS should map descendant properties on the supplied object as observables', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: { a1: 'a1value', a2: { a21: 'a21value', a22: 'a22value' } }, b: { b1: null, b2: undefined } }); equal(result.a.a1(), 'a1value'); equal(result.a.a2.a21(), 'a21value'); equal(result.a.a2.a22(), 'a22value'); equal(result.b.b1(), null); equal(result.b.b2(), undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should map observable properties, but without adding a further observable wrapper', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: ko.observable('Hey') }); equal(result.a(), 'Hey'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should escape from reference cycles', function () { var obj = {}; obj.someProp = { owner: obj }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); equal(result.someProp.owner === result, true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send relevant create callbacks', function () { var items = []; var index = 0; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "hello" }, { create: function (model) { index++; return model; } }); equal(index, 1); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send relevant create callbacks when mapping arrays', function () { var items = []; var index = 0; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS([ "hello" ], { create: function (model) { index++; return model; } }); equal(index, 1); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send parent along to create callback when creating an object', function() { var obj = { a: "a", b: { b1: "b1" } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { "b": { create: function(options) { equal(ko.isObservable(options.parent.a), true); equal(options.parent.a(), "a"); } } }); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send parent along to create callback when creating an array item inside an object', function() { var obj = { a: "a", b: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ] }; var target = {}; var numCreated = 0; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { "b": { create: function(options) { equal(ko.isObservable(options.parent), false); equal(options.parent, target); numCreated++; } } }, target); equal(numCreated, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send parent along to create callback when creating an array item inside an array', function() { // parent is the array var obj = [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ]; var target = []; var numCreated = 0; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { create: function(options) { equal(ko.isObservable(options.parent), true); numCreated++; } }, target); equal(numCreated, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update objects in arrays that were specified in the overriden model in the create callback', function () { var options = { create: function(options) { return ko.mapping.fromJS(; } } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS([], options); ko.mapping.fromJS([{ a: "a", b: "b" }], {}, result); equal(ko.isObservable(result), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result()[0].a), true); equal(result()[0].a(), "a"); equal(ko.isObservable(result()[0].b), true); equal(result()[0].b(), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should use the create callback to update objects in arrays', function () { var created = []; var arrayEvents = 0; var options = { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, create: function(options) { created.push(; return ko.mapping.fromJS(; }, arrayChanged: function(event, item) { arrayEvents++; } } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS([ { id: "a" } ], options); ko.mapping.fromJS([ { id: "a" }, { id: "b" } ], {}, result); equal(created[0], "a"); equal(created[1], "b"); equal(result()[0].id(), "a"); equal(result()[1].id(), "b"); equal(arrayEvents, 3); // added, retained, added }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not call the create callback for existing objects', function () { var numCreate = 0; var options = { create: function (model) { numCreate++; var overridenModel = {}; return overridenModel; } }; var items = []; var index = 0; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "hello" }, options); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "bye" }, {}, result); equal(numCreate, 1); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not overwrite the existing observable array', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1] }); var resultA = result.a; ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1] }, result); equal(resultA, result.a); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send an added callback for every array item that is added to a previously non-existent array', function () { var added = []; var options = { "a" : { arrayChanged: function (event, newValue) { if (event === "added") added.push(newValue); } } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}, options); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2] }, {}, result); equal(added.length, 2); equal(added[0], 1); equal(added[1], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send an added callback for every array item that is added to a previously empty array', function () { var added = []; var options = { "a": { arrayChanged: function (event, newValue) { if (event === "added") added.push(newValue); } } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [] }, options); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2] }, {}, result); equal(added.length, 2); equal(added[0], 1); equal(added[1], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not make observable anything that is not in the js object', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}); result.a = "a"; equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); ko.mapping.fromJS({ b: "b" }, {}, result); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b(), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not make observable anything that is not in the js object when overriding the model', function () { var options = { create: function(model) { return { a: "a" } } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}, options); ko.mapping.fromJS({ b: "b" }, {}, result); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b(), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send an added callback for every array item that is added', function () { var added = []; var options = { "a": { arrayChanged: function (event, newValue) { if (event === "added") added.push(newValue); } } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [] }, options); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2] }, {}, result); equal(added.length, 2); equal(added[0], 1); equal(added[1], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send an added callback for every array item that is added', function () { var added = []; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2] }, { "a": { arrayChanged: function (event, newValue) { if (event === "added") added.push(newValue); } } }); equal(added.length, 2); equal(added[0], 1); equal(added[1], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJSON should parse and then map in the same way', function () { var jsonString = ko.utils.stringifyJson({ // Note that "undefined" property values are omitted by the stringifier, so not testing those a: { a1: 'a1value', a2: { a21: 'a21value', a22: 'a22value' } }, b: { b1: null } }); var result = ko.mapping.fromJSON(jsonString); equal(result.a.a1(), 'a1value'); equal(result.a.a2.a21(), 'a21value'); equal(result.a.a2.a22(), 'a22value'); equal(result.b.b1(), null); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should be able to map empty object structures', function () { var obj = { someProp: undefined, a: [] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); equal(ko.isObservable(result.someProp), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.unknownProperty), false); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send create callbacks when atomic items are constructed', function () { var atomicValues = ["hello", 123, true, null, undefined]; var callbacksReceived = 0; for (var i = 0; i < atomicValues.length; i++) { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(atomicValues[i], { create: function (item) { callbacksReceived++; return item; } }); } equal(callbacksReceived, 5); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send callbacks when atomic array elements are constructed', function () { var oldItems = { array: [] }; var newItems = { array: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }] }; var items = []; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(oldItems, { "array": { arrayChanged: function (event, item) { if (event == "added") items.push(item); } } }); ko.mapping.fromJS(newItems, {}, result); equal(items.length, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should not send callbacks containing parent names when descendant objects are constructed', function () { var obj = { a: { a1: "hello", a2: 234, a3: { a31: null } } }; var parents = []; var pushParent = function (item, parent) { parents.push(parent); return item; }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { create: pushParent }); equal(parents.length, 1); equal(parents[0], undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should create instead of update, on empty objects', function () { var obj = { a: ["a1", "a2"] }; var result; result = ko.mapping.fromJS({}); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, {}, result); equal(result.a().length, 2); equal(result.a()[0], "a1"); equal(result.a()[1], "a2"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update atomic observables', function () { var atomicValues = ["hello", 123, true, null, undefined]; var atomicValues2 = ["hello2", 124, false, "not null", "defined"]; for (var i = 0; i < atomicValues.length; i++) { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(atomicValues[i]); ko.mapping.fromJS(atomicValues2[i], {}, result); equal(ko.isObservable(result), true); equal(result(), atomicValues2[i]); } }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update objects', function () { var obj = { a: "prop", b: { b1: null, b2: "b2" } } var obj2 = { a: "prop2", b: { b1: 124, b2: "b22" } } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(result.a(), "prop2"); equal(result.b.b1(), 124); equal(result.b.b2(), "b22"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update initially empty objects', function () { var obj = { a: undefined, b: [] } var obj2 = { a: "prop2", b: ["b1", "b2"] } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(result.a(), "prop2"); equal(result.b()[0], "b1"); equal(result.b()[1], "b2"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update arrays containing atomic types', function () { var obj = ["a1", "a2", 6]; var obj2 = ["a3", "a4", 7]; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(result().length, 3); equal(result()[0], "a3"); equal(result()[1], "a4"); equal(result()[2], 7); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update arrays containing objects', function () { var obj = { a: [{ id: 1, value: "a1" }, { id: 2, value: "a2" }] } var obj2 = { a: [{ id: 1, value: "a1" }, { id: 3, value: "a3" }] } var options = { "a": { key: function (item) { return; } } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, options); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(result.a().length, 2); equal(result.a()[0].value(), "a1"); equal(result.a()[1].value(), "a3"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send a callback when adding new objects to an array', function () { var obj = [{ id: 1 }]; var obj2 = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]; var mappedItems = []; var options = { key: function(item) { return; }, arrayChanged: function (event, item) { if (event == "added") mappedItems.push(item); } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, options); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(mappedItems.length, 2); equal(mappedItems[0].id(), 1); equal(mappedItems[1].id(), 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should be able to update from an observable source', function () { var obj = [{ id: 1 }]; var obj2 = ko.mapping.fromJS([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]); var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(result().length, 2); equal(result()[0].id(), 1); equal(result()[1].id(), 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should send a deleted callback when an item was deleted from an array', function () { var obj = [1, 2]; var obj2 = [1]; var items = []; var options = { arrayChanged: function (event, item) { if (event == "deleted") items.push(item); } }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, options); ko.mapping.fromJS(obj2, {}, result); equal(items.length, 1); equal(items[0], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should reuse options that were added in ko.mapping.fromJS', function() { var viewModelMapping = { key: function(data) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, create: function(options) { return new viewModel(options); } }; var viewModel = function(options) { var mapping = { entries: viewModelMapping }; ko.mapping.fromJS(, mapping, this); this.func = function() { return true; }; }; var model = ko.mapping.fromJS([], viewModelMapping); var data = [{ "id": 1, "entries": [{ "id": 2, "entries": [{ "id": 3, "entries": [] }] }] }]; ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, model); ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, model); equal(model()[0].func(), true); equal(model()[0].entries()[0].func(), true); equal(model()[0].entries()[0].entries()[0].func(), true); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should not change the mapped object', function() { var obj = { a: "a" } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); result.b = ko.observable(123); var toJS = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); equal(result.b(), 123); equal(toJS.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should not change the mapped array', function() { var obj = [{ a: 50 }] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); result()[0].b = ko.observable(123); var toJS = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(ko.isObservable(result()[0].b), true); equal(result()[0].b(), 123); }); test('observableArray.mappedRemove should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedRemove({ id : 2 }); equal(result().length, 1); }); test('observableArray.mappedRemove with predicate should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedRemove(function(key) { return key == 2; }); equal(result().length, 1); }); test('observableArray.mappedRemoveAll should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedRemoveAll([{ id : 2 }]); equal(result().length, 1); }); test('observableArray.mappedDestroy should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedDestroy({ id : 2 }); equal(result()[0]._destroy, undefined); equal(result()[1]._destroy, true); }); test('observableArray.mappedDestroy with predicate should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedDestroy(function(key) { return key == 2; }); equal(result()[0]._destroy, undefined); equal(result()[1]._destroy, true); }); test('observableArray.mappedDestroyAll should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); result.mappedDestroyAll([{ id : 2 }]); equal(result()[0]._destroy, undefined); equal(result()[1]._destroy, true); }); test('observableArray.mappedIndexOf should use key callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); equal(result.mappedIndexOf({ id : 1 }), 0); equal(result.mappedIndexOf({ id : 2 }), 1); equal(result.mappedIndexOf({ id : 3 }), -1); }); test('observableArray.mappedCreate should use key callback if available and not allow duplicates', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; } }); var caught = false; try { result.mappedCreate({ id : 1 }); } catch(e) { caught = true; } equal(caught, true); equal(result().length, 2); }); test('observableArray.mappedCreate should use create callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var childModel = function(data){ ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, this); this.Hello = ko.observable("hello"); } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, create: function(options){ return new childModel(; } }); result.mappedCreate({ id: 3 }); var index = result.mappedIndexOf({ id : 3 }); equal(index, 2); equal(result()[index].Hello(), "hello"); }); test('observableArray.mappedCreate should use update callback if available', function() { var obj = [ { id : 1 }, { id : 2 } ] var childModel = function(data){ ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, this); } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, create: function(options){ return new childModel(; }, update: function(options){ return { bla: * 10 }; } }); result.mappedCreate({ id: 3 }); equal(result()[0].bla, 10); equal(result()[2].bla, 30); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should merge options from subsequent calls', function() { var obj = ['a']; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { dummyOption1: 1 }); ko.mapping.fromJS({}, { dummyOption2: 2 }, result); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption1, 1); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption2, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should correctly handle falsey values', function () { var obj = [false, ""]; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj); equal(result()[0] === false, true); equal(result()[1] === "", true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should correctly handle falsey values in keys', function () { var created = []; var gotDeletedEvent = false; var options = { key: function(item) { return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(; }, arrayChanged: function(event, item) { if (event === "deleted") gotDeletedEvent = true; } } var result = ko.mapping.fromJS([ { id: 0 } ], options); ko.mapping.fromJS([ { id: 0 }, { id: 1 } ], {}, result); equal(gotDeletedEvent, false); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should allow duplicate atomic items in arrays', function () { var result = ko.mapping.fromJS([ "1", "1", "2" ]); equal(result().length, 3); equal(result()[0], "1"); equal(result()[1], "1"); equal(result()[2], "2"); ko.mapping.fromJS([ "1", "1", "1", "2" ], {}, result); equal(result().length, 4); equal(result()[0], "1"); equal(result()[1], "1"); equal(result()[2], "1"); equal(result()[3], "2"); }); test('when doing ko.mapping.fromJS on an already mapped object, the new options should combine with the old', function() { var dataA = { a: "a" }; var dataB = { b: "b" }; var mapped = {}; ko.mapping.fromJS(dataA, {}, mapped); ko.mapping.fromJS(dataB, {}, mapped); equal(mapped.__ko_mapping__.mappedProperties.a, true); equal(mapped.__ko_mapping__.mappedProperties.b, true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should merge options from subsequent calls', function() { var obj = ['a']; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { dummyOption1: 1 }); ko.mapping.fromJS(['b'], { dummyOption2: 2 }, result); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption1, 1); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption2, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should work on unmapped objects', function() { var obj = ko.observableArray(['a']); ko.mapping.fromJS(['b'], {}, obj); equal(obj()[0], 'b'); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should update an array only once', function() { var obj = { a: ko.observableArray() }; var updateCount = 0; obj.a.subscribe(function() { updateCount++; }); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: [1, 2, 3] }, {}, obj); equal(updateCount, 1); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJSON should merge options from subsequent calls', function() { var obj = ['a']; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(obj, { dummyOption1: 1 }); ko.mapping.fromJSON('["b"]', { dummyOption2: 2 }, result); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption1, 1); equal(result.__ko_mapping__.dummyOption2, 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should be able to update observables not created by fromJS', function() { var existing = { a: ko.observable(), d: ko.observableArray() }; ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: { b: "b!" }, d: [2] }, {}, existing); equal(existing.a().b(), "b!"); equal(existing.d().length, 1); equal(existing.d()[0], 2); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should accept an already mapped object as the second parameter', function() { var mapped = ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "a" }); ko.mapping.fromJS({ a: "b" }, mapped); equal(mapped.a(), "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should properly map objects that appear in multiple places', function() { var obj = { title: "Lorem ipsum" }, obj2 = { title: "Lorem ipsum 2" }; var x = [obj,obj2]; var y = { o: obj, x: x }; var z = ko.mapping.fromJS(y); equal(y.x[0].title, "Lorem ipsum"); equal(z.x()[0].title(), "Lorem ipsum"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should properly update arrays containing a NULL key', function() { var data = [1,2,3,null]; var model=ko.mapping.fromJS(data); deepEqual(model(), [1,2,3,null]); data = [null,1,2,3]; ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, model); deepEqual(model(), [null,1,2,3]); }); test('ko.mapping.visitModel will pass in correct parent names', function() { var data = { a: { a2: "a2value" } }; var parents = []; ko.mapping.visitModel(data, function(obj, parent) { parents.push(parent); }); equal(parents.length, 3); equal(parents[0], undefined); equal(parents[1], "a"); equal(parents[2], "a.a2"); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS should merge the default observe', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; ko.mapping.defaultOptions().observe = ["a"]; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b" }); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.c), false); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should observe specified single property', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "a" }); equal(result.a(), "a"); equal(result.b, "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should observe specified array', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: ["b1", "b2"] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), true); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should observe specified array item', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: [{ b1: "v1" }, { b2: "v2" }] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b[0].b1" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b[0].b1(), "v1"); equal(result.b[1].b2, "v2"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should observe specified array but not the children', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: [{ b1: "v1" }, { b2: "v2" }] }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b" }); equal(result.a, "a"); equal(result.b()[0].b1, "v1"); equal(result.b()[1].b2, "v2"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should observe specified single property, also when going back .toJS', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b" }); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(js.a, "a"); equal(js.b, "b"); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS should copy specified single property, also when going back .toJS, except when overridden', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b" }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, { observe: "b" }); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result, { ignore: "b" }); equal(js.a, "a"); equal(js.b, undefined); }); test('ko.mapping.fromJS explicit declared none observable members should not be mapped to an observable', function() { var data = { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }; var ViewModel = function() { this.a = ko.observable(); this.b = null; }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, new ViewModel()); equal(ko.isObservable(result.a), true); equal(ko.isObservable(result.b), false); equal(ko.isObservable(result.c), true); equal(result.b, data.b); }); test('ko.mapping.toJS explicit declared none observable members should be mapped toJS correctly', function() { var data = { a: "a", }; var ViewModel = function() { this.a = null; }; var result = ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, new ViewModel()); var js = ko.mapping.toJS(result); equal(js.b, data.b); });