accountGateway = $accountGateway; $this->invitation = $invitation; $this->gatewayType = $gatewayType ?: $this->gatewayTypes()[0]; } public function isGateway($gatewayId) { return $this->accountGateway->gateway_id == $gatewayId; } public function isValid() { return true; } // optionally pass a paymentMethod to determine the type from the token protected function isGatewayType($gatewayType, $paymentMethod = false) { if ($paymentMethod) { return $paymentMethod->gatewayType() == $gatewayType; } else { return $this->gatewayType === $gatewayType; } } public function gatewayTypes() { return [ GATEWAY_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD, ]; } public function handles($type) { return in_array($type, $this->gatewayTypes()); } // when set to true we won't pass the card details with the form public function tokenize() { return false; } // set payment method as pending until confirmed public function isTwoStep() { return false; } public function providerName() { return strtolower($this->accountGateway->gateway->provider); } protected function invoice() { return $this->invitation->invoice; } protected function contact() { return $this->invitation->contact; } protected function client() { return $this->invoice()->client; } protected function account() { return $this->client()->account; } public function startPurchase($input = false, $sourceId = false) { $this->input = $input; $this->sourceId = $sourceId; Session::put('invitation_key', $this->invitation->invitation_key); Session::put($this->invitation->id . 'gateway_type', $this->gatewayType); Session::put($this->invitation->id . 'payment_ref', $this->invoice()->id . '_' . uniqid()); $gateway = $this->accountGateway->gateway; if (! $this->meetsGatewayTypeLimits($this->gatewayType)) { // The customer must have hacked the URL Session::flash('error', trans('texts.limits_not_met')); return redirect()->to('view/' . $this->invitation->invitation_key); } if (! $this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN)) { // apply gateway fees $invoicRepo = app('App\Ninja\Repositories\InvoiceRepository'); $invoicRepo->setGatewayFee($this->invoice(), $this->gatewayType); } // For these gateway types we use the API directrly rather than Omnipay if ($this->shouldUseSource()) { return $this->createSource(); } if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN) || $gateway->is_offsite) { if (Session::has('error')) { Session::reflash(); } else { $this->completeOnsitePurchase(); if ($redirectUrl = session('redirect_url:' . $this->invitation->invitation_key)) { $separator = strpos($redirectUrl, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; return redirect()->to($redirectUrl . $separator . 'invoice_id=' . $this->invoice()->public_id); } else { Session::flash('message', trans('texts.applied_payment')); } } return redirect()->to('view/' . $this->invitation->invitation_key); } $url = 'payment/' . $this->invitation->invitation_key; if (request()->update) { $url .= '?update=true'; } $data = [ 'details' => ! empty($input['details']) ? json_decode($input['details']) : false, 'accountGateway' => $this->accountGateway, 'acceptedCreditCardTypes' => $this->accountGateway->getCreditcardTypes(), 'gateway' => $gateway, 'showAddress' => $this->accountGateway->show_address, 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'url' => $url, 'amount' => $this->invoice()->getRequestedAmount(), 'invoiceNumber' => $this->invoice()->invoice_number, 'client' => $this->client(), 'contact' => $this->invitation->contact, 'invitation' => $this->invitation, 'gatewayType' => $this->gatewayType, 'currencyId' => $this->client()->getCurrencyId(), 'currencyCode' => $this->client()->getCurrencyCode(), 'account' => $this->account(), 'sourceId' => $sourceId, 'tokenize' => $this->tokenize(), 'transactionToken' => $this->createTransactionToken(), ]; return view($this->paymentView(), $data); } // check if a custom view exists for this provider protected function paymentView() { $gatewayTypeAlias = GatewayType::getAliasFromId($this->gatewayType); $file = sprintf('%s/views/payments/%s/%s.blade.php', resource_path(), $this->providerName(), $gatewayTypeAlias); if (file_exists($file)) { return sprintf('payments.%s/%s', $this->providerName(), $gatewayTypeAlias); } else { return sprintf('payments.%s', $gatewayTypeAlias); } } // check if a custom partial exists for this provider public function partialView() { $file = sprintf('%s/views/payments/%s/partial.blade.php', resource_path(), $this->providerName()); if (file_exists($file)) { return sprintf('payments.%s.partial', $this->providerName()); } else { return false; } } public function rules() { $rules = []; if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD)) { $rules = array_merge($rules, [ 'first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', ]); // TODO check this is always true if (! $this->tokenize()) { $rules = array_merge($rules, [ 'card_number' => 'required', 'expiration_month' => 'required', 'expiration_year' => 'required', 'cvv' => 'required', ]); } if ($this->accountGateway->show_address) { $rules = array_merge($rules, [ 'address1' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'state' => 'required', 'postal_code' => 'required', 'country_id' => 'required', ]); } } return $rules; } protected function gateway() { if ($this->gateway) { return $this->gateway; } $this->gateway = Omnipay::create($this->accountGateway->gateway->provider); $this->gateway->initialize((array) $this->accountGateway->getConfig()); return $this->gateway; } public function completeOnsitePurchase($input = false, $paymentMethod = false) { $this->input = count($input) ? $input : false; $gateway = $this->gateway(); if ($input) { $this->updateClient(); } // load or create token if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN)) { if (! $paymentMethod) { $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::clientId($this->client()->id) ->wherePublicId($this->sourceId) ->firstOrFail(); } $invoicRepo = app('App\Ninja\Repositories\InvoiceRepository'); $invoicRepo->setGatewayFee($this->invoice(), $paymentMethod->payment_type->gateway_type_id); if (! $this->meetsGatewayTypeLimits($paymentMethod->payment_type->gateway_type_id)) { // The customer must have hacked the URL Session::flash('error', trans('texts.limits_not_met')); return redirect()->to('view/' . $this->invitation->invitation_key); } } else { if ($this->shouldCreateToken()) { $paymentMethod = $this->createToken(); } if (! $this->meetsGatewayTypeLimits($this->gatewayType)) { // The customer must have hacked the URL Session::flash('error', trans('texts.limits_not_met')); return redirect()->to('view/' . $this->invitation->invitation_key); } } if ($this->isTwoStep() || request()->update) { return; } // prepare and process payment $data = $this->paymentDetails($paymentMethod); $items = $this->paymentItems(); $response = $gateway->purchase($data) ->setItems($items) ->send(); $this->purchaseResponse = (array) $response->getData(); // parse the transaction reference if ($this->transactionReferenceParam) { if (! empty($this->purchaseResponse[$this->transactionReferenceParam])) { $ref = $this->purchaseResponse[$this->transactionReferenceParam]; } else { throw new Exception($response->getMessage() ?: trans('texts.payment_error')); } } else { $ref = $response->getTransactionReference(); } // wrap up if ($response->isSuccessful() && $ref) { $payment = $this->createPayment($ref, $paymentMethod); // TODO move this to stripe driver if ($this->invitation->invoice->account->isNinjaAccount()) { Session::flash('trackEventCategory', '/account'); Session::flash('trackEventAction', '/buy_pro_plan'); Session::flash('trackEventAmount', $payment->amount); } return $payment; } elseif ($response->isRedirect()) { $this->invitation->transaction_reference = $ref; $this->invitation->save(); //Session::put('transaction_reference', $ref); Session::save(); $response->redirect(); } else { throw new Exception($response->getMessage() ?: trans('texts.payment_error')); } } private function paymentItems() { $invoice = $this->invoice(); $items = []; $total = 0; foreach ($invoice->invoice_items as $invoiceItem) { // Some gateways require quantity is an integer if (floatval($invoiceItem->qty) != intval($invoiceItem->qty)) { return null; } $item = new Item([ 'name' => $invoiceItem->product_key, 'description' => $invoiceItem->notes, 'price' => $invoiceItem->cost, 'quantity' => $invoiceItem->qty, ]); $items[] = $item; $total += $invoiceItem->cost * $invoiceItem->qty; } if ($total != $invoice->getRequestedAmount()) { $item = new Item([ 'name' => trans('texts.taxes_and_fees'), 'description' => '', 'price' => $invoice->getRequestedAmount() - $total, 'quantity' => 1, ]); $items[] = $item; } return $items; } private function updateClient() { if (! $this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD)) { return; } // update the contact info if (! $this->contact()->getFullName()) { $this->contact()->first_name = $this->input['first_name']; $this->contact()->last_name = $this->input['last_name']; } if (! $this->contact()->email) { $this->contact()->email = $this->input['email']; } if ($this->contact()->isDirty()) { $this->contact()->save(); } if (! $this->accountGateway->show_address || ! $this->accountGateway->update_address) { return; } // update the address info $client = $this->client(); $client->address1 = trim($this->input['address1']); $client->address2 = trim($this->input['address2']); $client->city = trim($this->input['city']); $client->state = trim($this->input['state']); $client->postal_code = trim($this->input['postal_code']); $client->country_id = trim($this->input['country_id']); $client->save(); } protected function paymentDetails($paymentMethod = false) { $invoice = $this->invoice(); $gatewayTypeAlias = $this->gatewayType == GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN ? $this->gatewayType : GatewayType::getAliasFromId($this->gatewayType); $completeUrl = $this->invitation->getLink('complete', true) . '/' . $gatewayTypeAlias; $data = [ 'amount' => $invoice->getRequestedAmount(), 'currency' => $invoice->getCurrencyCode(), 'returnUrl' => $completeUrl, 'cancelUrl' => $this->invitation->getLink(), 'description' => trans('texts.' . $invoice->getEntityType()) . " {$invoice->invoice_number}", 'transactionId' => $invoice->invoice_number, 'transactionType' => 'Purchase', 'clientIp' => Request::getClientIp(), ]; if ($paymentMethod) { if ($this->customerReferenceParam) { $data[$this->customerReferenceParam] = $paymentMethod->account_gateway_token->token; } $data[$this->sourceReferenceParam] = $paymentMethod->source_reference; } elseif ($this->input) { $data['card'] = new CreditCard($this->paymentDetailsFromInput($this->input)); } else { $data['card'] = new CreditCard($this->paymentDetailsFromClient()); } return $data; } private function paymentDetailsFromInput($input) { $invoice = $this->invoice(); $client = $this->client(); $data = [ 'company' => $client->getDisplayName(), 'firstName' => isset($input['first_name']) ? $input['first_name'] : null, 'lastName' => isset($input['last_name']) ? $input['last_name'] : null, 'email' => isset($input['email']) ? $input['email'] : null, 'number' => isset($input['card_number']) ? $input['card_number'] : null, 'expiryMonth' => isset($input['expiration_month']) ? $input['expiration_month'] : null, 'expiryYear' => isset($input['expiration_year']) ? $input['expiration_year'] : null, ]; // allow space until there's a setting to disable if (isset($input['cvv']) && $input['cvv'] != ' ') { $data['cvv'] = $input['cvv']; } if (isset($input['address1'])) { // TODO use cache instead $country = Country::find($input['country_id']); $data = array_merge($data, [ 'billingAddress1' => $input['address1'], 'billingAddress2' => $input['address2'], 'billingCity' => $input['city'], 'billingState' => $input['state'], 'billingPostcode' => $input['postal_code'], 'billingCountry' => $country->iso_3166_2, 'shippingAddress1' => $input['address1'], 'shippingAddress2' => $input['address2'], 'shippingCity' => $input['city'], 'shippingState' => $input['state'], 'shippingPostcode' => $input['postal_code'], 'shippingCountry' => $country->iso_3166_2, ]); } return $data; } public function paymentDetailsFromClient() { $invoice = $this->invoice(); $client = $this->client(); $contact = $this->invitation->contact ?: $client->contacts()->first(); return [ 'email' => $contact->email, 'company' => $client->getDisplayName(), 'firstName' => $contact->first_name, 'lastName' => $contact->last_name, 'billingAddress1' => $client->address1, 'billingAddress2' => $client->address2, 'billingCity' => $client->city, 'billingPostcode' => $client->postal_code, 'billingState' => $client->state, 'billingCountry' => $client->country ? $client->country->iso_3166_2 : '', 'billingPhone' => $contact->phone, 'shippingAddress1' => $client->address1, 'shippingAddress2' => $client->address2, 'shippingCity' => $client->city, 'shippingPostcode' => $client->postal_code, 'shippingState' => $client->state, 'shippingCountry' => $client->country ? $client->country->iso_3166_2 : '', 'shippingPhone' => $contact->phone, ]; } public function shouldUseSource() { // Use Omnipay by default return false; } protected function shouldCreateToken() { if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER)) { return true; } if (! $this->handles(GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN)) { return false; } if ($this->account()->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_ALWAYS) { return true; } return boolval(array_get($this->input, 'token_billing')); } /* protected function tokenDetails() { $details = []; if ($customer = $this->customer()) { $details['customerReference'] = $customer->token; } return $details; } */ public function customer($clientId = false) { if ($this->customer) { return $this->customer; } if (! $clientId) { $clientId = $this->client()->id; } $this->customer = AccountGatewayToken::clientAndGateway($clientId, $this->accountGateway->id) ->with('payment_methods') ->first(); if ($this->customer && $this->invitation) { $this->customer = $this->checkCustomerExists($this->customer) ? $this->customer : null; } return $this->customer; } protected function checkCustomerExists($customer) { return true; } public function verifyBankAccount($client, $publicId, $amount1, $amount2) { throw new Exception('verifyBankAccount not implemented'); } public function removePaymentMethod($paymentMethod) { $paymentMethod->delete(); } // Some gateways (ie, and Braintree) require generating a token before paying for the invoice public function createTransactionToken() { return null; } public function createToken() { $account = $this->account(); if (! $customer = $this->customer()) { $customer = new AccountGatewayToken(); $customer->account_id = $account->id; $customer->contact_id = $this->invitation->contact_id; $customer->account_gateway_id = $this->accountGateway->id; $customer->client_id = $this->client()->id; $customer = $this->creatingCustomer($customer); $customer->save(); } // archive the old payment method $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::clientId($this->client()->id) ->isBankAccount($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER)) ->first(); if ($paymentMethod) { $paymentMethod->delete(); } $paymentMethod = $this->createPaymentMethod($customer); if ($paymentMethod) { $customer->default_payment_method_id = $paymentMethod->id; $customer->save(); } return $paymentMethod; } protected function creatingCustomer($customer) { return $customer; } public function createPaymentMethod($customer) { $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::createNew($this->invitation); $paymentMethod->contact_id = $this->contact()->id; $paymentMethod->ip = Request::ip(); $paymentMethod->account_gateway_token_id = $customer->id; $paymentMethod->setRelation('account_gateway_token', $customer); $paymentMethod = $this->creatingPaymentMethod($paymentMethod); if ($paymentMethod) { // archive the old payment method $oldPaymentMethod = PaymentMethod::clientId($this->client()->id) ->wherePaymentTypeId($paymentMethod->payment_type_id) ->first(); if ($oldPaymentMethod) { $oldPaymentMethod->delete(); } $paymentMethod->save(); } return $paymentMethod; } protected function creatingPaymentMethod($paymentMethod) { return $paymentMethod; } public function deleteToken() { } public function createPayment($ref = false, $paymentMethod = null) { $account = $this->account(); $invitation = $this->invitation; $invoice = $this->invoice(); if (! $invoice->canBePaid()) { return false; } $invoice->markSentIfUnsent(); $payment = Payment::createNew($invitation); $payment->invitation_id = $invitation->id; $payment->account_gateway_id = $this->accountGateway->id; $payment->invoice_id = $invoice->id; $payment->amount = $invoice->getRequestedAmount(); $payment->client_id = $invoice->client_id; $payment->contact_id = $invitation->contact_id; $payment->transaction_reference = $ref; $payment->payment_date = $account->getDateTime()->format('Y-m-d'); $payment->ip = Request::ip(); $payment = $this->creatingPayment($payment, $paymentMethod); if ($paymentMethod) { $payment->last4 = $paymentMethod->last4; $payment->expiration = $paymentMethod->expiration; $payment->routing_number = $paymentMethod->routing_number; $payment->payment_type_id = $paymentMethod->payment_type_id; $payment->email = $paymentMethod->email; $payment->bank_name = $paymentMethod->bank_name; $payment->payment_method_id = $paymentMethod->id; } $payment->save(); $accountKey = $invoice->account->account_key; if ($accountKey == env('NINJA_LICENSE_ACCOUNT_KEY')) { $this->createLicense($payment); // TODO move this code // enable pro plan for hosted users } elseif ($invoice->account->isNinjaAccount()) { foreach ($invoice->invoice_items as $invoice_item) { // Hacky, but invoices don't have meta fields to allow us to store this easily if (1 == preg_match('/^Plan - (.+) \((.+)\)$/', $invoice_item->product_key, $matches)) { $plan = strtolower($matches[1]); $term = strtolower($matches[2]); $price = $invoice_item->cost; if ($plan == PLAN_ENTERPRISE) { preg_match('/###[\d]* [\w]* (\d*)/', $invoice_item->notes, $numUserMatches); if (count($numUserMatches)) { $numUsers = $numUserMatches[1]; } else { $numUsers = 5; } } else { $numUsers = 1; } } } if (! empty($plan)) { $account = Account::with('users')->find($invoice->client->public_id); $company = $account->company; if ( $company->plan != $plan || DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $account->company->plan_expires) <= date_create('-7 days') ) { // Either this is a different plan, or the subscription expired more than a week ago // Reset any grandfathering $company->plan_started = date_create()->format('Y-m-d'); } if ( $company->plan == $plan && $company->plan_term == $term && DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $company->plan_expires) >= date_create() ) { // This is a renewal; mark it paid as of when this term expires $company->plan_paid = $company->plan_expires; } else { $company->plan_paid = date_create()->format('Y-m-d'); } $company->payment_id = $payment->id; $company->plan = $plan; $company->plan_term = $term; $company->plan_price = $price; $company->num_users = $numUsers; $company->plan_expires = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $account->company->plan_paid) ->modify($term == PLAN_TERM_MONTHLY ? '+1 month' : '+1 year')->format('Y-m-d'); if ($company->hasActivePromo()) { $company->discount_expires = date_create()->modify('1 year')->format('Y-m-d'); $company->promo_expires = null; } $company->save(); } } return $payment; } protected function createLicense($payment) { // TODO parse invoice to determine license if ($payment->amount == 20) { $affiliateId = 4; $productId = PRODUCT_WHITE_LABEL; } else { $affiliateId = 1; $productId = PRODUCT_ONE_CLICK_INSTALL; } $license = new License(); $license->first_name = $this->contact()->first_name; $license->last_name = $this->contact()->last_name; $license->email = $this->contact()->email; $license->transaction_reference = $payment->transaction_reference; $license->license_key = Utils::generateLicense(); $license->affiliate_id = $affiliateId; $license->product_id = $productId; $license->save(); // Add the license key to the invoice content $invoiceItem = $payment->invoice->invoice_items->first(); $invoiceItem->notes .= "\n\n##{$license->license_key}"; $invoiceItem->save(); // Add the license key to the redirect URL $key = 'redirect_url:' . $payment->invitation->invitation_key; $redirectUrl = session($key); session([$key => "{$redirectUrl}?license_key={$license->license_key}&product_id={$productId}"]); } protected function creatingPayment($payment, $paymentMethod) { return $payment; } public function refundPayment($payment, $amount = 0) { if ($amount) { $amount = min($amount, $payment->getCompletedAmount()); } else { $amount = $payment->getCompletedAmount(); } if (! $amount) { return false; } if ($payment->payment_type_id == PAYMENT_TYPE_CREDIT) { return $payment->recordRefund($amount); } $details = $this->refundDetails($payment, $amount); $response = $this->gateway()->refund($details)->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { return $payment->recordRefund($amount); } elseif ($this->attemptVoidPayment($response, $payment, $amount)) { $details = ['transactionReference' => $payment->transaction_reference]; $response = $this->gateway->void($details)->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { return $payment->markVoided(); } } return false; } protected function refundDetails($payment, $amount) { return [ 'amount' => $amount, 'transactionReference' => $payment->transaction_reference, ]; } protected function attemptVoidPayment($response, $payment, $amount) { // Partial refund not allowed for unsettled transactions return $amount == $payment->amount; } protected function createLocalPayment($payment) { return $payment; } public function completeOffsitePurchase($input) { $this->input = $input; $ref = array_get($this->input, 'token') ?: $this->invitation->transaction_reference; if (method_exists($this->gateway(), 'completePurchase')) { $details = $this->paymentDetails(); $response = $this->gateway()->completePurchase($details)->send(); $ref = $response->getTransactionReference() ?: $ref; if ($response->isCancelled()) { return false; } elseif (! $response->isSuccessful()) { throw new Exception($response->getMessage()); } } // check invoice still has balance if (! floatval($this->invoice()->balance)) { throw new Exception(trans('texts.payment_error_code', ['code' => 'NB'])); } // check this isn't a duplicate transaction reference if (Payment::whereAccountId($this->invitation->account_id) ->whereTransactionReference($ref) ->first()) { throw new Exception(trans('texts.payment_error_code', ['code' => 'DT'])); } return $this->createPayment($ref); } public function tokenLinks() { if (! $this->customer()) { return []; } $paymentMethods = $this->customer()->payment_methods; $links = []; foreach ($paymentMethods as $paymentMethod) { if ($paymentMethod->payment_type_id == PAYMENT_TYPE_ACH && $paymentMethod->status != PAYMENT_METHOD_STATUS_VERIFIED) { continue; } if (! $this->meetsGatewayTypeLimits($paymentMethod->payment_type->gateway_type_id)) { continue; } $url = URL::to("/payment/{$this->invitation->invitation_key}/token/".$paymentMethod->public_id); if ($paymentMethod->payment_type_id == PAYMENT_TYPE_ACH) { if ($paymentMethod->bank_name) { $label = $paymentMethod->bank_name; } else { $label = trans('texts.use_bank_on_file'); } } elseif ($paymentMethod->payment_type_id == PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL) { $label = 'PayPal: ' . $paymentMethod->email; } else { $label = trans('texts.payment_type_on_file', ['type' => $paymentMethod->payment_type->name]); } $label .= $this->invoice()->present()->gatewayFee($paymentMethod->payment_type->gateway_type_id); $links[] = [ 'url' => $url, 'label' => $label, ]; } return $links; } public function paymentLinks() { $links = []; foreach ($this->gatewayTypes() as $gatewayTypeId) { if ($gatewayTypeId === GATEWAY_TYPE_TOKEN) { continue; } if (! $this->meetsGatewayTypeLimits($gatewayTypeId)) { continue; } $gatewayTypeAlias = GatewayType::getAliasFromId($gatewayTypeId); if ($gatewayTypeId == GATEWAY_TYPE_CUSTOM) { $url = 'javascript:showCustomModal();'; $label = e($this->accountGateway->getConfigField('name')); } else { $url = $this->paymentUrl($gatewayTypeAlias); if ($custom = $this->account()->getLabel($gatewayTypeAlias)) { $label = $custom; } else { $label = trans("texts.{$gatewayTypeAlias}"); } } $label .= $this->invoice()->present()->gatewayFee($gatewayTypeId); $links[] = [ 'gatewayTypeId' => $gatewayTypeId, 'url' => $url, 'label' => $label, ]; } return $links; } public function supportsGatewayType($gatewayTypeId) { return in_array($gatewayTypeId, $this->gatewayTypes()); } protected function meetsGatewayTypeLimits($gatewayTypeId) { if (! $gatewayTypeId) { return true; } $accountGatewaySettings = AccountGatewaySettings::scope(false, $this->invitation->account_id) ->where('account_gateway_settings.gateway_type_id', '=', $gatewayTypeId)->first(); if ($accountGatewaySettings) { $invoice = $this->invoice(); if ($accountGatewaySettings->min_limit !== null && $invoice->balance < $accountGatewaySettings->min_limit) { return false; } if ($accountGatewaySettings->max_limit !== null && $invoice->balance > $accountGatewaySettings->max_limit) { return false; } } return true; } protected function paymentUrl($gatewayTypeAlias) { $account = $this->account(); $url = URL::to("/payment/{$this->invitation->invitation_key}/{$gatewayTypeAlias}"); return $url; } public function handleWebHook($input) { throw new Exception('Unsupported gateway'); } }